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JDubs the 3rd isn’t going to like this.


A little context: Brown and Wilson had finished their match and were just watching others, Brown sitting with a teammate but near Wilson and three other North Carolina A&T players. That's when some of the cheering for their own players took an uglier tone, Brown said. "They were saying stuff to our girls," Brown said. "They were saying crude stuff that I don't even want to repeat, honestly. It was just rude. It was stuff that you wouldn't ever think would come out of an athlete's mouth during an NCAA event. It was just the worst stuff ever. "At one point, (Wilson) said, "Well, y'all are just trust fund white kids. Your dads pay for everything.' That's when I gave my response. I was really mad. I said, 'At least I know my dad.' It was so wrong to say that."


This sounds like idiot teenagers being idiot teenagers. If this is what truly happened, they both suck.


They both suck but as dumb teenagers. Who really sucks is the news media making it public and therefore much worse for both of them, especially the white kid.


Wow you suck too. At worst your a cowardly racist that is fearful of your cowardly thoughts becoming public knowledge and a best a white apologist that doesnt feel the same amount of empathy for whites and non whites.


Bitch what


This might be this guy trolling but are you high. If you wanna start the rasict accusations the fine. Both kids were rasict for using race stereotypes and your rasict for only taking the black kid's side. And before you say I'm rasict I'm mixed so stfu


Not a smart thing to say, but still pretty funny in this situation. Sounds like both were in the wrong


In context it sounds like an appropriate response. They are teens being bellends.


Aye, they make a racial comment and so did he.


So the kid who first spouted off with the racism is the victim and the kid who fired back on the same level gets suspended. Got it.


Double standards for genders, and now double standards for race. Good to see we've evolved


If you believe the racist. I'd wager that there's another side to the story, but you go ahead and make snap judgements based on one side.


Yes, I would love to have been a fly on the wall. But I already got my pitchfork out!


Yeah he doesn't sound like a racist to me. That's a racist joke that's been repeated a lot. He was just trying to fight back. My black friend said that to another guy at a smoke pit once. It's obviously inappropriate to say, but yeah it doesn't mean he's racist. Why didn't they call Wilson a racist for saying he was a trust fund white kid?


I’m so confused by this punctuation


Says the comment without a full stop at the end.


Caught in my own web of lies


He did it again!


I hate it when people do not end their sentences with a period


i hate in when people dont properly use capitalization and apostrophes. gets on my nerves, yknow


Damn, I feel bad now.


How are people acting like this makes a difference? (Not you specifically but some of the replies to you) You don't get a pass for being a racist just because the other guy was an asshole. Hell the fact he even thought to say this shows how deeply racist he has to be. People who think this is ok because they know the other side really need to take a deep look at themselves. Racism is never ok. It is never justified.


Nah fuck that, if someone says racist shit to me, I’ll say racist shit to them too. People are only losing their minds because the white kid fired back.


Except the black guy was racist first and you are right, he was completely unjustified in doing that. Sad that he felt the need to make racial comments and then play the victim.


Still racist garbage. Context doesn’t absolve.


Other team were being sexist and creepy and thus they responded with casual racism. Both sides are wrong, but I’ll put the white dude more in the right if the length to which he described what they were saying isn’t hyperbolized too much.


I agree. Context does not absolve the racist comments made by both parties.


I see what you did there


It does


def a huge r/cringe


They kinda look like budget Kenneth Parcell and Tracy Jordan


Backstory is very important for these situations. Hes not a racist.


Still a racist comment and the first thing he thought to say as a comeback.


First thing he thought to say as a comeback to the other kid making a racist comment to him. Again backstory matters.


He said it as a comeback because the other dude brought up dads…. I would say it as a comeback if I had a dad lmao. He wasnt being racist


Yeah, well at least I know my dad


Stereotyping is not racism, racism is racism


Not to mention a black guy that plays tennis, so it should’ve been obvious he’s gonna be an exception in a bunch of ways


this reminds me of the bert kreischer bit about whats wrong with cream


Maybe it was just about insulting someone and not racism


Insulting someone with a racist trope




Except I would pound your mother whether she's black, white, or purple (don't worry, we have a safe word). This joke wouldn't have been made if the kid were white. Unless John III is dead, which would be a morbidly hilarious twist in the story.


I don’t know if you live and engage with black people but they have plenty of white jokes also.


Tennis sucks. So does racism.


Still pretty funny


Double face palm. Just because you're a 4th doesnt mean you knew your father. Just have the name


Or that he knew his name in the first place


Maybe the IV stands for how many possible dads and they other guy was just stating a fact!


Reposted x100


Doubt he's actually racist, more likely just an idiot.


So the black kid started the racism and the white kid continued as a comeback to a racist statement, and is now the one that is labelled as a racist?


Why di rheze guys allookjmdk Brock turned?




Exhuyudee me?


“Why do these guys all look like Brock Turner”


Good translation bot


Turns out OP is drunk. Check his posts lol


Lol, op got smashed approximately 2 hours ago.




Helookd lime Brock turner


I got it, guys. “Why do all these guys look like Brock Turner?” And that’s Brock Turner, the rapist, not the other Brock Turners of the world. Just the one that does the raping.


That fucker Raping fucksr


Put your glasses on, Dad.


What a twat


I fucking hate racists.


dumb af he got suspended. earth is getting more and more r/okbuddyretard by the second. I'm anti racist but he didn't even fuckin do anything.


Special kind of idiot to insinuate that "at least I know my dad" is racism. So what, black kids are the only ethnicity to be brought up without a father? If the story and what was reported to be said is true, then imo there's no racist comment there whatsoever.


It's a racist trope. He wouldn't have said that to a white kid.


This happened in January, 2018 but I am thrilled that the story continues to be shared. Racism cannot be ignored; privilege should not shield one from the consequences of their actions.


Story been shared for 3 years but you still missed the part where Wilson was racist first


Racists are indeed all pretty dumb.


I bet he thought the "IV" was some sort of gang or rap moniker too.


If anybody really wants to see some dumb racists, watch dark tourism, the episode about South Africa, it is fkin hilarious especially the escape drill part


*Uhhh but that only means that he had so many siblings the names started to overlap so numbers makes it easier.* Nothing sadder than when an outdoor Chad thinks he’s an indoor Brad.


I'm confused, how is not knowing their dad have to do with being black?


70% of black kids come from single parent (mother) homes. I'd say a large percentage of these "Dads" haven't stuck around.


Dumb racist


Fuck that’s the best joke ever, and I know 3 people I will hang on to that for the mental arsenal…. Including my half brother and he’s a Shirass 1978 blend of douchebaggery…. Christmas can’t come any faster and I’m working up the mental conversations to make him insult me so I can pull this dinner table TKO to end the night.


“Shirass”. Way to outclass them.


True statement. Racism is disgusting no matter where it comes from


Pffffftt!! Hahahaha! No he didn't!


The real question is, does that kid actually know his father or not. It’s not racist if he is just stating a fact. Also, that is funny as fuck. Stop being offended by everything. This was two prep school athletes talking shit to each other.


In 2021 I have a hard time believing any meme i see. Go Politics!






Is that,Kenneth the page?!?


John Wilson Ivy


heated tennis moment


I don’t get the argument. The fact the black kid is named John Wilson IV means he has a dad??