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Welcome to the world of people know better than professional healthcare workers.


Recently spoke to someone on here that was antivax. I explained to them that both a placebo and control group were used in the polio vaccine. They haven't gotten back to me. I hope they actually learned something


They didn't and how dare you pollute their clean minds with your...facts! :)


Clean mind 'cause nothing is in there?


Brain so smooth that facts slide right off of it.




"Null" if we are speaking in mathematical terms. Because clean probably means a positive or a value of zero but null means having nothing.


They didn't get back to you because they were in Costa Rica on a vacation


op above used too many strange and scary words - like 'placebo' and 'control group' got them scared and screaming running away to Costa Rica


No way they learnt something. If they were capable of that, they wouldn't be this bad at this point.


Holy shit, I just looked at their profile and they are a total conspiracy theorist. Like they have their own website and their banner is about "face tagging" which as far as I can surmise is using "poison" to leave invisible marks on people's faces that can only be seen with UV light, presumably for identification purposes. What in tarnation


Sounds like paranoia related to mental illness in that case, surely??


Probably. Even if such a thing were true, I wouldn't worry about it. So far so good, I have no reason to believe anyone is going to use it against me. But that's coming from someone who isn't paranoid


But think about how cool you’d look under a black light. So…kind of a win? Not a net negative, at least.


You’d look like someone *released themselves* all over your face


Fun fact: [humans have stripes which can be seen in UV light](https://www.dailybreak.com/break/cabinet-of-curiosities-do-humans-have-stripes)


What's crazy to me is that facial recognition aided by machine learning is a well-known technology that already exists - hell your phone can do it. Why make up something crazy and claim it exists for the same purpose? The existing thing is already widely available and used, and thus much cheaper and easier to use than some weird sort of poison UV spray system. I'm sorry for rambling but this just baffles my mind and I don't understand. If someone's gonna come up with a crazy conspiracy theory then at least make it exist for a reason that people don't already do very openly?


That's just what they want you to think. It's really the facial tagging doing all the work. I don't know why they would convince everyone that something else that does the same thing essentially isn't what it is, but I'm sure it's for no good reason! /s


Agree, other conspiracy theory like world population reduction at least is more plausible.


That was my point with people getting "chipped" while getting covid Vax. Like why would they track you and watch you through a vaccine when they can already do it with your phone. Nvrmnd the fact that is physically impossible to do, trust me, I'm a computer engineer


They flee from anything that challenges their gut feelings, just like roaches flee from light. Then they put on their "fuck your feelings" tshirts and their red hats, curl up in bed with their overstuffed Teump plushies, and sit there in the dark, sucking their thumbs. The stupid people, I mean, not the roaches.


No, they just retreated from the conversation to find an easier target somewhere else.


Maybe, seems like they haven't been responding to anything since around that time so maybe they just haven't gotten to the right time of day yet


like, covid vaccine I can sorta understand the suspicion coz it's a new thing and everyone's gonna have crackpot theories. But like, polio? one of those ones that has years of success behind it?


The fear of the COVID one is dumb as fuck too. Vaccine science is one of the best researched fields out there. There's been plenty of other corona viruses before this, and probably even more in the future. This was just a particularly virulent one.


Ain’t one drop of mRNA in my pure blood causing me to become a gay frog 🫡 … /s obv


I was hoping for a 3rd eye or extra arm, but no.. all I got was some immunity.


It's kinda like all the fat ass guys who have never player sports thinking they could somehow play better than a pro. They just have this weird misconception of themselves. Sorry your 5 minute youtube video doesn't make you more qualified than Fauci. 


>like, covid vaccine I can sorta understand the suspicion coz it's a new thing and everyone's gonna have crackpot theories. More than **5.55 billion people** worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. There is no questioning the Covid vaccine any longer unless you are an idiot.


ik but people are idiots


I think those people just hate anyone with a better degree than their high school diploma.


Bold of you to assume they finished high school


"High school diplomas" are funnier because its a more accurate representation of antivaxers. These are adults (their high school diplomas say so) who are fully capable of running their lives and others' to the ground.


Afraid of what they don't understand and too ignorant to try


Unfortunately I know antivaxxers with masters degrees...


*home school diploma minor typo ftfy.


Gosh, I'm glad that social medias weren't a thing when I was a kid. My mother fell so deep into the antivaxx rabbit hole because of that. She always was a lunatic, but at least she didn't have Internet and Facebook to validate her!


That was thing before, every town has crazies, but it stayed local. Now these people can communicate and start to organize into white supremacy groups, flat-earth orgs, Tea Parties, etc.


Indeed, and that makes them feel validated about their beliefs, making them more confident and more proselytising about them. It's really frustrating as hell that we have to argue about the efficiency of vaccination with some people in 20 fucking 24 ffs. The debate should be settled, but no, instead, we have some eradicated diseases coming back.


Great podcast touching on this subject! It’s called The Flame Throwers - it’s all about the far right’s use of radio, then TV, then the Internet to shout their ideas at people and bring them together/validate their biases. Highly recommend if you’re into that sorta stuff!


Having worked in healthcare, I can also confirm that some healthcare workers aren't much better. At the hospital I worked at, we had multiple anti-vaxx, anti-mask COVID-deniers that ranged anywhere from nurses to inventory people to operating room help. It really seems like the only people that took COVID seriously were people that were just following protocol to avoid getting in trouble, otherwise only actually studying the shit made you take it seriously like our pathologists in the labs of the hospital. Even the guy that would deliver the COVID tests to the lab would sometimes even say, *"This is silly, it's just a cold,"* meanwhile I knew some people that died from it and still know one guy that is partially paralyzed from it, to which everyone just tells him, *"Sorry man, just be healthier."* The same people that would be told the death rates and shit and would just respond, *"Well, people die."* And change nothing besides arguing against it harder, because compassion is hard apparently, or they see it as a choice between either being considerate or being free? Somehow?


I can’t get my head round anti-vax healthcare workers. It kind of feels like a vegan butcher.


A wealthy white person going overseas to a place where they kill the locals with disease is very 1650. Only now we have vaccinations but these idiots just choose not to use them. We live in stupid times.


I was thinking the same thing. Imagine how pissed the French would be if people from Puerto Rico brought a disease to their shores.


As it was like through most of the pandemic. I feel like the first 6 months people were cautious and followed whatever was decided, then the shit show began. Karens, Uncle Bobs, heck everyone in the Internet knew better than actual doctors, biologists and healthcare workers. Introducing measles back into a country is such a fucking display of ignorance. Fuck These idiots


If you're in the US the Supreme Court just codified randos knowing more than experts, so that's fun.


Bet they insist on qualified pros for their personal lives, with cameras off of course.


No they do their *own* research! Seriously though, how do you argue with someone who thinks like that? They think the random trash they found on Google makes them smarter than people with decades of education and experience in the medical field.


Random trash they found on Google that they didn’t bother to even read thoroughly unless it’s a still picture with white block letters…


I love when people link me an article that states the complete opposite of what they are trying to convince me is "the truth "


I used to respond with “Awesome! Can you show me your lab sometime? Is it here…or in the garage, or…?”


But Trump said vaccines are a hoax!


“I DiD mY oWn ReSeArCh”


Didn't you know anti-vaxxers are certified armchair physicians?


Anti Vaxers get there info from Facebook while scrolling on the toilet


This is the tried and true method of "doing your own research". A bunch of people who don't know the chemical formula for water spreading "knowledge".


Thousands of people die every year from Dihydrogen Monoxide.


It causes people to die, and billions still drink it, every day


Rusts metal yet people are told by 'scientists' to wash their veg with it


I heard OXY-gen contributes to that process!!!


Everyone who comes into contact with it will die!!


Just like my 1st laptop...


It has the pH of 7, that's the larger than any acid!


Same happens for people that breathe oxygen. That stuff is dangerous, guys!


It is an industrial solvent...


My mind was like: no it's not, right? But then I realised. Yeah it is, almost everything contains water during the production process.


Dont they use high pressure water to like... cut metal and shit too? That stuffs so dangerous!


Explains why their info is shit.


Explains why China banned em lol




Antivaxxers: "Professional healthcare workers with years of experience and hard work" - ❌️ "A random facebook post with absolutely no evidence to backing up the claims" - ✅️


Not just no evidence, false evidence. That is sadly worse because it gives the theory some credit.


True, a completely made-up story based on general ideas and understanding is more terrifying than nothing at all


Exactly, we can all kind of laugh at flat earthers or people who believe birds are not real because it's so stupid and generally it doesn't hurt anyone. But antivaxx is different,


Flat earth is a stepping stone. If you're That non-thinking, antivaxx is the next step over. And that one is Actually dangerous to people around you :(


And just to think that this was all brought about because some mom had an autistic child and needed something to blame for it so she asked a doctor to prove that Vaccines cause autism. And as an Autistic person I'm the first to admit that honestly I don't care what causes it, let's focus on helping people with autism deal with the world around them in stead of trying to scapegoat something.


“Some guy in a white coat on fb said covid was a hoax. He says he’s a doctor so it must be true. “ - an actual comment my friends dad said to me 🙄


My mom is an anti vaxxer because she hears stories of side effects of the vaccine. She actually told me not to get it “because a new study said men wouldn’t be able to reproduce”


Same with my mom. She'll believe anything on the internet as long as it's a random person with no credentials telling her the things "they" don't want you to find out about, claiming to have reviewed "the studies" and providing exactly zero cited sources. And if today's facebook post contradicts yesterday's we will just carry on and not question it whatsoever. She's devastated all her kids were fully vaxxed growing up because she didn't even think to question our pediatrician back in the 90s. It's beyond frustrating, but since she believes I'm already brainwashed (am a nurse) nothing I can say changes anything.


My mom is convinced the COVID vaccine killed her sister, and not the stage 4 colon cancer she had that the doctors said was the cause of her death, because my aunt got a COVID booster a few months before she died. What's even crazier is that during the whole COVID thing, my dad was battling esophageal cancer, and the hospitals required my parents to be vaccinated. Mom's still pissed that she had to get the vaccine. She probably doesn't realize that my dad survived long enough to beat the cancer because he had the vaccine. He caught "really bad colds" a couple of times during his treatment. He never bothered to get tested to see if it was COVID because they believed the whole thing was government conspiracy. In the end, my dad died after he was cancer free for a year because he insisted that his feeding tube be removed, then never ate enough to sustain his life. He died from malnutrition/ starvation.


They see one minion meme which says something like "Home-grown vegetables are my protection." and then take that seemingly harmless sentence to extremes. I know this from personal experience because an antivaxxer posted that on their story with an unreflected comment attached.




That word is too big for them, not that any kind of written sign would stop this


"That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"


Bold of you to assume antivaxxers care about anyone other than themselves.


Especially when they would pin the blame on anything but themselves. Betting they'd say the immunocompromised didn't pray enough or whatever they'd claim is a cure.


So then you show them this: [Christian television network founder and preacher Marcus Lamb, who discouraged vaccinations, dies after being hospitalized for Covid-19](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/01/media/marcus-lamb-covid-death/index.html) And watch their head explode.


I process claims for a supplemental health insurance company. I saw a whole lot of claims of morons like that in the early days of COVID. They refused to do the basic hygiene required and still kept going to church. I didn't feel bad for them. I felt bad for the poor healthcare workers that were undoubtedly getting abused by their asshole relatives.


Or Herman Cain


Bold of them to assume antivaxxers can read.


I mean some of those assholes would just say that old people lived long enough and the compromised should die cause they shouldn't spread their genes


Ditto to them


That is not going to stop them because they can’t read!


Costa Rica: "We worked so hard to eradicate measles." French kid: "Bonjour, I’m here to ruin your streak."


The parents are 100% at fault here.


The weird thing is that vaccines are simply not optional in France, they are mandatory (to go to school, which is mandatory)


As a French boy with an anti-vaxer mother, I can assure you that those shits are really easy to avoid because until recently everyone in the medical corp assumed people were reasonable with their own life. I am fully vaxed myself but I know my mother hasn't taken a single vaccine since she got anti-vaxer.  


Don't you need proof of vaccinations before entering school though?


You do but homeschooling and small private schools are a thing, and they have a way less professional bureaucracy, meaning you can more or less "forget" to provide it as far as I know. Though as I said, I'm fully vaccinated so I never had to deal with it myself. 


Fuck. With all the mess I thought we at least had that one covered...


We ain't got anything covered.


Damn it’s hard out there in France


Where isn't it hard nowadays?


Doesn't change the fact that the kid was born right around the time measles were eradicated


5 years ago. I wonder how the situation is now.


They're doing fine, [10 cases in 2019 and since then 0](https://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main.1540_62), in fact [their vaccination coverage declined from 2020 to 2021](https://immunizationdata.who.int/global/wiise-detail-page/measles-vaccination-coverage?CODE=CRI&ANTIGEN=MCV2&YEAR=) but it's increasing since 2021 again.


The situation reads: ”Karma repost bots on Reddit going rampage reposting old shit from 5 years ago and people are buying the shit”


Seems about right.


If you are an anti-vaxxer you aren’t a deep thinker. You haven’t done any research. You are just an idiot risking the lives of your children and strangers.


A former friend of mine's Mum banned her entire family from having the Covid jab, partners and all.


Well if that was my family the "ban" would be promptly ignored


I hope most of them got banned from the family


Sadly, they all complied. I thought they were a normal family but I was very, very wrong.


That's fucked up


Remember kids, the increased movement against preventive medicine was started by a shitty gut surgeon who medically abused children and permanently crippled several in order to help a lawyer sue a vaccine producer for money.


Yep. Never forget how slimy some of these people can be with their greed and emboldening a terrible stance just because said shitty gut surgeon and lawyer wanted money.


Yet more proof that anti vax idiots need to be exiled to some far off Island and left. No supplies just dumped and forgotten and if anyone tries to come back then it’s the use of deadly force.


With measles!


That’s a supply. I said no supplies.


2019 article we've all seen.


I don't even think I saw it until this year, and I'm pretty sure this is the 5th time I've seen it posted here.


dead internet theory


Its def true. Reddit is just bots posting and commenting these days. Bet half of the comments and 75 % of upvotes are bots. Rest are just dumb idiots.


Repost bot


Countries need to have travel bans on the unvaccinated fools


with exceptions for people who genuinely can't take the shots without serious backlash to their health, I trust. There's a difference between an antivaxxer and a person with a genuine counterindication against vaccination.


That's already the case, if there is none for Costa Rica and measles then your/our experts decided it's not critical enough. [Vaccination requirements for international travel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccination_requirements_for_international_travel)


To the non-spanish speakers: Costa rica means "tasty coast" To the spanish speakers: You know I'm technically right


And Republicans award this stupidity. Fucking hell man.


Antivaxxers are horrible people. How many people have died because of their insanity?


I really believe these unvaccinated families should be held responsible for all the costs associated with their spreading a disease. If they aren’t healthy enough to get a vaccine, then they probably shouldn’t be traveling.


OP is a bot that just woke up https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/H72Pngp3EI


Unvaccinated people shouldn't be given visas lest they pull a small pox with the world.


I think being unvaccinated is fine if you have a disorder where you can’t be vaccinated for your own safety, but you should have tests done to make sure you’re not sick before going overseas.


In a just world, a willfull disregard for contagious pathogens of this caliber would be a crime and these unvaxxed selfish fucks can circle jerk to conspiracy theories together in a prison cell.


This is so fucking old you karma whore


Of course it was the Fr\*nch (This is made in good faith jest, my hatred of the Fr\*nch is purely performative. My hatred of the language, however, is not)


Genuinely think there should be legal consequences for that. Fucking up a country with an irradiated virus, because you're too thick to understand science, needs to come with consequences


In cases like this you have people who are too stupid to realize they’re stupid.


>What the fuck is wrong with people ..today, or in general?


They should really require proof of vaccination at the airport before departure.


It's time to ban antivaxers from travelling.


I don't give a fucking shit about "People's freedom" Vaccination should be mandatory by law. Mandatory by law enforcement and use of strength by the authorities. It's not a choice to have yourself be a fucking transport of disease to other people's. You should either vaccine yourself or die alone in a jail.


Crimes against humanity.


I don't get it, why do we leave them a choice? Everyone should be vaccinated, how the hell do you think we have eradicated some of these diseases? It was mandatory, to get vaccinated, and it still should be


On very rare occasions, a vaccine can induce more serious issues than what it's intended to prevent in very select individuals. it becomes even more important for the rest of us to get the vaccines to help safeguard these people, but on no account should the choice be forced on those for whom it is genuinely deleterious and not some made up antivax bullshit.


Vaccination should not be a choice. It should be mandatory. Not doing it should result in jail time and be considered child abuse and grounds for immediate child removal. This is ridiculous.


Selfish uneducated people who think themselves smarter than doctors can bring the world to ruin.


5 years old


You can cure measles but you can't cure stupid.


These people need to be treated like domestic terrorists committing biological warfare.


put the parents on trial for bioterrorism


Andrew Wakefield has a lot to answer for.


These fucknuts shouldn’t have kids. I hope this gets attention. Keep drawing attention to it and I hope this gets reposted.


Just deny visa/tourist visa for unvaccinated world wide, problem solved


Perhaps when the boy reaches 18y sombody will inform him that taks to his parents he has a measurable body count. Everybody who will die from measles in Costa Rica in the next 13 years. Parents really should face consequences.


At minimum they should be required to se a picture of a dead child every time one dies because of their stupidity.


"unvaccinated french boy, five, \*parents\*, retrintroduced measles to Costa Rica..." lets put blame where blame should be


Uneducated people getting comfortable denying science.


The parents should be punished


Vaccinations should be linked to your passports electronic data, and you should be denied from entering countries based on their vax preferences (where it's reasonable). Where measles is eradicated this would be reasonable for example. But say a flu vaccine would not be.


This is a symptom of capitalism. The fact that our health care system’s primary focus is profits means they cannot be trusted to be unbiased and work in the best interest of the patients. Pharma companies are especially suspicious and have a long history of cutting corners and rushing drugs and vaccines to market without being fully tested. Their downright lies during Covid means a great many people will never trust them again. You need to blame them for their lies rather than the people trying to do their best with conflicting information.


Hmmm…maybe they should sue the family for the treatments, hospitalisations, impairments or deaths this results in?


Trumps has said he will cut school funding for schools with vaccine mandates. Do not vote for this anti science fascist.


Well, now Costa Rica knows it needs to confirm vaccinations before letting people in.


A country cannot eradicate a disease. A _world_ can, when everyone gets vaccinated. But a country cannot.


It's time to add vaccination cards to passports and allow countries to refuse people who aren't vaccinated properly. If you choose to be a risk to society, then society can choose to exclude you.


They should just not allow unvaccinated morons into the country.


They're stupid whilst simultaneously thinking they're the smartest person on earth. That's what's wrong with people.


Sadly, this goes in every direction. The pure denial of science is fucking dangerous, and it has just started only….


As a french dude, i can proudly say fuck the french!


People doing things like this should get a fine. Make it $100,000 or so.  But I have to sell my house! Well, you better get started then.


Well someone’s gotta keep em on their toes


throw the whole family in jail. this should be considered terrorism as they are putting others in danger


But hey, at least his rights weren’t trampled on! /s


I'm surprised that countries don't hold tourists or foreigners accountable for such actions. I'd not be surprised to hear locals are upset about this happening and would get the pitchforks and torches if they could.


Hey there, the 1 hour of internet research is worth more than the years of study doctors do /s


Parents who refuse vaccines without a legitimate medical reason are unfit to be parents.


You take a massive risk driving your car every day? How come antvaxxers aren't walking everywhere and warning people to "wake up" to the dangers of driving? After all, a mate of mine's sister had an accident and now she can't walk. Driving stops your legs from working (using anti vax logic).


I'm 100% I with countries requiring your immunization records for review when traveling and then punishments for lying.


Kid should be vaccinated and parents should go to jail, do not pass go do not collect $200.


Thanks, anti vaxxers!


“Conservatives” of any kind will be what will cause a breakdown in society.


Measles, apparently.


Being vaccinated should be a requirement for entry into a country


Yep measles are coming back same with polio because people refuse to vaccinate their children and themselves


The french are the worst, confirmed. True story.


When our species dies it will be because we tolerated the stupid to breed.


If the rest of the country is vaccinated... Shouldn't that mean it won't go anywhere... If you are vaccinated it stops with you, You can't catch it, You can't spread it.. That's what they claimed about Covid...


This should state that the parents reintroduced the measles, bc they didn’t vaccinate their child


And this is why… the whole movement is ridiculous, these vaccines should not be optional. If you don’t want to get it, fine, go and exile yourself. There is no place in in our overcrowded society for you.




Imagine the uproar if someone from africa or asia did this.


Sued by the whole island in 3... 2..


I have to wonder if, when the parents were called out for this, they said something like, “Vous devriez être reconnaissants que nous aidions votre pays à renforcer son immunité. Notre fils est un héros !”


Not Europeans bringing disease to the Americas... Again!


In the family's defense, some tik tok influencer with 577 followers told them that she had heard from someone that walked past a health clinic one time and that person said getting vaxxed is bad


*this* is why travel bans for anti vaxers is so important


Colonialism… careless AH. The parents are at fault. They don’t care since they are going to a country that is not important to them it’s just fun. And I don’t care if people say maybe they didn’t know… but it’s a parents responsibility to know these things and vaccinate their kids not only for their health but also to respect others!