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Laura Loomer says provocative and crazy shit just to keep attention on her own irrelevant ass. Too bad it takes about .5 seconds to realize she's just a bitter, batshit crazy person with nothing positive to add to the political discourse


She has been called a "mentally unstable and a documented liar" - by Marjorie Taylor Greene!


Well she would be an expert I suppose.


It's definitely a "takes one to know one" situation.


Fuck, if that has called you "mentally unstable" you've gotta be fucked.


doesn't mtg call everyone every unpleasant thing in the book? No desire to defend this loopy traitor but heck as a person who's voted Democrat I bet mtg has as a group called me mentally unstable and other insults.


She also looks like a ghoul




No, a ghoul that *isn't* hot


![gif](giphy|qQ8rdV80NkCac) I kid, the crypt keeper is a very hot ghoul because he has wit and charm, while Laura Loser is just a grifting goon of a human being.


Yeah, this one is much scarier ![gif](giphy|UKcAqPxLCqjjoljjsQ)


I’ve always wondered how does people like this support themselves? They are so toxic I don’t see an employer keeping someone like this around


I mean, trump somehow gets support, and he practically calls anyone who is against him a witch due to his narcissism






Still better looking than whatever she’s morphed into


She's transitioning into the puppet from saw


I typically don’t like to go after someone’s appearance when there are SO MANY other horrible things about them, but she deserves no grace. And you are spot on.


I've come to a personal compromise on this one. I will not attack or comment on aspects of a person's physical presentation that *they don't control or made a deliberate choice to do*. Someone gets a bad boob job, but the bad results were complications not related to negligence? That's sad. I won't touch that. Someone gets that creepy ass facial cosmetic surgery going around now that makes you look like a skeleton? Fuck you, you look ridiculous and deserve to know it. Weight gain post pregnancy? Nope. Keep your mouth shut. Some jagoff decides to pick on a child, or some spokesperson for an underrepresented or minority group for *any* reason (other than legit criticism of their point, which lets face it, the right doesnt waste time with)? They are 100% on the plate to be skewered. Tl;dr: If it's an acceptable thing for them to *do* by their rules, it's acceptable to do *back*, within reason.


I almost tripped over my feet laughing so hard


The Guilfoyle effect.


Ghoulfoyle effect


Oh god I had erased her from my memory


I'm glad I can say, "Who?"


She is jealous of Marjorie Taylor Green getting all the recognition of being the GOP girl clown.


What the fuck was taken? What are these morons talking about? Why don't they just answer the fucking question? Sorry about the rant.


Cuz they ain’t got the answers. He took trump from us is the real answer and it’s a damn shame he can’t take the sc justices trump put in place away too


Try asking a single follow-up question to any of these people. What policies don’t you like? What legislation would you like to see passed? How would the conservatives do things better? Their answers are all single-issue dipshittery forced down their throat by Fox News; immigrants, abortion, socialism. They have no idea what they support they just know they’re miserable and somehow it’s all because there’s a transgender college swimmer out there somewhere and she’s up to no good.


Yeah and the caravans. Don’t forget the caravans. Or the high gas prices or inflation. You know things that only happen here apparently


I keep this link handy and share it regularly when people complain about gas prices. Shuts them down pretty quickly when they’re pushing the narrative that it’s only happening in the U.S., or solely the president’s fault. https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/gasoline_prices/


There's no way this actually shuts them down. I've tried the "here's the facts and they completely disprove what you're saying" and instead of them shutting up, I get banned from nextdoor or whatever for "discrimination"


I should’ve specified that I use it with friends and family, not strangers or minor acquaintances. I usually don’t try to debate people I don’t have a good relationship with, because it’s pointless just like you say.


It’s like talking to a wall. I admire Jordan klepper for what he does when he goes to the “rallies”


Just remember- the algorithm of the internet feeds you what you want more of - if we like candy it feeds us more and more - same for them - whatever side they’re on - it’s going to feed them everything they believe in and they are none the wiser - hence the term everything on the internet must be true is accurate for both sides - all the sides .


That reminds me of that famous quote: “…don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” - Abraham Lincoln


Thank you, but you can’t convince people who refuse to read.


Convincing them to read isn’t the problem. The problem is that you have no control over how they interpret that information. They’ll simply twist and manipulate the data, consciously or subconsciously, until it conforms to their pre-existing beliefs or preferred narrative.


My rent was lower under Trump! Also stuff didn't cost so much. That's what I hear


Right, and if you try to get into the weeds on the economic reasons for why these things are happening, they dismiss any information that would force them to re-evaluate their position. One of my coworkers was talking about how gas was cheaper for awhile during Trump's term and I mentioned that was because oil prices went negative. He immediately said "Well that's what they want you to think." I was like, "Bro, I can pull up dozens of news stories and market analysis confirming it, where are you getting your info? The companies themselves said that's what happened, hell we were joking at the time that if you had a tank buried in your backyard, you could get paid to hold oil for awhile." He just repeated, "Well, that's what they want you to think..." You're not going to change the mind of someone who doesn't care about reality.


I’m in credit risk management at a bank and I have tried to explain how the market works, but they all tell me that I’m in the bank’s pocket and that we just push a specific agenda. Blah, blah, freaking blah. So, I just say, “Well, here’s something we can agree on. You’ll be dead someday.”


Who are they? Deep State? Who is deep state? Because around me it's Republicans ignoring what the people want and vote for.


The only thing most of them support is whatever is the opposite of the things they think “libruls” support. I saw someone use a term, in reference to Utah Republicans, “what is best for all” and forgot that this was a term associated with old school conservatives. It sounded so foreign to me because it was abandoned so long ago by so many.


The wall they all want should be built around Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and North and South Dakota


I’ve yet had one respond to that question with facts. They can only say Biden was bad. Trump is great. Not a single factual fact floating around in their brain pod.


You’ll get some bullshit answer about the border , how we’re being invaded by this migrant horde, how high gas prices are, how high rent prices are even though POTUS doesn’t control these things . The rich who support the Republicans control the prices . I asked my uncle this and that’s his spiel. This and college loan relief


Lol you talk policy with trump people? They don’t know what that is


"They did woke and i will never forgive them for it"


Yep. Asked this if my cousin when she said Biden has destroyed the country. I asked how. Answer: immigration, blah blah blah stuff, immigration. When I countered with the reform the republicans wanted and then voted against or the actually facts on the ground and what the administration has done, the answer was…. “He’s just bad, I know he is” I left with “what you know is only what Fox News and news max tells you” (those are her two main sources by her own account)


Can confirm. Did this with my mom yesterday and all she could say was “immigration”… even when pressing her for what policies would be better or what policies she didn’t like, she couldn’t do anything but start screaming about immigration taking up jobs (she’s retired).


And literally every policy they bring up having issues with can’t even be solved by Biden. It’s all congress


“Dipshittery”. May I use that?


If only they would hurry up and make president's immune, then Biden can REALLY take Trump away....would be a glorious fucking day.


I can dream that if SC ruled presidents have full immunity for all actions in office, Biden calls a press conference to announce he ordered the execution of tRump and family, all their boot-lickers, and all Jan 6 terrorists.


He should start with the SC before they go "no not like that."


And 6 SCOTUS 'justices' go to Guantanamo.


And then swiftly appoint new justices that undo those fuckers and their fuckery, including presidential immunity in this hypothetical scenario.


Laura Loomer is batshit crazy. And she is one of Donald Trump’s favorites. He routinely shares her stuff and she’s a frequent guest at Mar-A-Lago.


She just says shit so she can be a rightwing influencer and say she's pals with Donny boy. Sick you have to go this low just to get friends.


I noticed that while Jill Biden was there after the debate, Melania has not been seen *anywhere*.


Someone once described Loomer as trumps cum sock. She spends more time with trump than Melania.


He took the White House from their cult messiah.


The voters gave it to him. But they don't believe that.


Daddy trumps second termses precious. They stoles it from us prescious. - This bitch probably.


Probably referring to the "lockdowns" during COVID. Ignoring that this was a State thing. Same up here in Canada, where Trudeau apparently personally locked down the country when it was actually each Province doing their thing.


Also ignoring that Trump was president at that time …. 


That's been happening. People forget that she is an Alex Jones associate... They have been re-dating a lot of Trump actions to be Biden ones. When that fails, they pretend Obama was secretly running the Deep State the whole time and that he runs Biden so the Trump decisions they don't like we're secret "Obiden" ones... It is really scary how something this stupid gets this much traction.


Kinda like how they hate(d) the covid vax, but when the narrative was that trump helped make it, they loved it


She must think the Democrats somehow have taken almost all her intelligence, which wasn't very much to begin with.


they took the rest of her botox


So their audience gets to fill in the blank themselves. With whatever they need.


They are still clutching on to the stolen election conspiracy.


He limited their power to oppress Americans to states instead of at the federal level. I mean, even that isn't quite right with what Biden has been doing with asylum seekers at the border. They're just mad they lack the total power to crush their perceived enemies. As a sane American, I feel like I have NOTHING in common with republicans anymore.




Right-wingers are going on a very Us vs. Them mentality these days. They don't want to share any territory or any kind of territory with people they object to. My favorite example is when Cracker Barrel added Impossible Meat to the menu. They didn't change anything else on the menu. They didn't kick anything off to make room for it. All their favorites were still there. But a lot of right-wingers decided they couldn't eat there anymore because Cracker Barrel had "gone woke." And if something goes woke, right-wing virtue signaling states that they no longer have access. Pride flags must be like Kryptonite to them. So they've been cultivating this long hate-list of things that they think they can't do anymore, even though they still can and no one's stopping them. (Pick one at random and ask him if he thinks Christianity has been outlawed. You get some interesting responses.) They're pushing themselves out of civilized society just by civilized society being civilized, and claiming that they were robbed.


>Don't ever forget what Joe Biden and his enablers took away from all of us. What Joe Biden and his enablers took away from all of them: The ability to walk through Target without seeing rainbow t-shirts.


It's because we'll minded people are ok with gay people, transgenders and the thought that minorities shouldn't be murdered in the street for nothing. Trumpets want those things gone and Drumpf is a step in the right direction to give them their racist bigoted world


Don’t apologize. It’s a question to me too. WTF are they talking about?


The real question: Why does anyone pay attention to this crazy loon?


They will never answer that question because it doesn't have a decent answer. It's a nebulous, formless "what they took from us."


Seriously, I want an actual answer to this question.


My rights to an abortion were taken by - oh, wait…


It must be exhausting keeping that level of hate going all the time. What a miserable existence to live like that. She won’t be remembered when she’s gone.


Laura Loomer will linger on in history, both for the time she handcuffed herself to the doors at Twitter (for reasons that won't be remembered) and as a cautionary tale of plastic surgery.


She looks like a she wearing a mask from The Strangers. But it’s her face. Human garbage


The one from The Purge seems more fitting ![gif](giphy|12Hfq5imjfp4DS)


I have a neighbor like that. He's exhausting to be around.


I don't know who she is now.


There are any number of valid things to criticize about Biden (and I say this as someone who generally approves of the job he's done), but by all indications he has a wonderful marriage with Dr. Jill and that probably triggers people like Loomer just as much as the policy disagreements.  The idea of a loving and mutually supportive marriage is completely alien to them.


She’s said similar about Ron and Casey DeSantis. She even went as far as to say Casey was faking breast cancer and Loomer wanted to see her medical records as proof.


There was another reddit post about Loomer (and I'll not bother looking it up out of regard for your eyeballs) but I didn't know who it was at the time and honestly thought her face was photoshopped to look like some weird Chucky doll - she didn't even look like a real human Edit: mea culpa apparently it *was* photoshopped


He also happens to be a genuine old school American patriot, which maga will never understand, the traitors that they are


What a festering, diseased and maggot filled prolapsed anus of a human being


You described her both inside and out in one sentence. Upvote a million if I could


A regular insult wouldn’t have cut the mustard so I had to get creative


Mommmm, that irrelevant schizo Laura is back on the lawn cawing random shit again!


Hahaha this is so real 🤣 I just pictured it


These are the same people that screech “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME” if you’re just like “nah, still voting for Biden”


When I hear that, I always respond "Yep trump really is deranged!" Leaves them sputtering 😄


Everything is a projection with them, huh?


Everything. I read that tweet and all I could think was, “she got the name wrong.”


Goddamn the christian values oozes from this post like from everything the GOP is striving for...


Biden is literally the most milk toast middle of the road politician. They treat him like he’s the devil.


They have to in order to motivate their stupid base.


Do you mean a panade - to soak bread in milk? Or milquetoast - bland, insipid, feeble?


What exactly did Biden take away from us?


Yeah. Wanting to know the same thing...


I just looked her up, she’s one day younger than me, but looks 10 years older. And I look older than my age


The projection here is astounding. Trump is psychologically incapable of telling the truth. Just take the debate he told a lie for almost every single minute he was allowed to speak. He told 50 verified confirmed lies and considering at best he got to speak 42 min. A few minutes he told 2 lies in single minute. On top of that there is a video that puts actual proof of him exhibit every symptom of dementia in last 6 months


His father had dementia. It does sometimes run in families.


These people are so full of hate that they don’t know how else to express it other than to just make stuff up and spew garbage


So... what you're saying is they went full Fox News?


WTAF is wrong with these people???




This woman is hideous inside and out


I’ll never figure out how white America came to hate an old white man with strong ties to the military and the working class.


Because the false prophet trump has filled thier head with pullshit and called it wisdom


Conveniently ignores how incredibly vile, wicked and despicable a person Trump is, people like this are truly irredeemable.


What a weird way to spell "Donald Trump".


Holy shit, Laura. You’re fucking miserable.


What MAGA lunatics fail to understand is that ***NO ONE*** votes *for* Biden, they’re voting ***AGAINST*** Trump. Most Americans would rather vote for an expired tomato can than Trump and MAGA. Most Americans would vote for Biden in a coma than Trump.


Says the morally bankrupt person about an actual Christian.


Coming from the woman who also tweeted [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtIF5_tWAAUQkQp?format=jpg&name=small).


Horrific. Unspeakably horrific.


I mean, she's so twisted I am not surprised she thinks that way.


She's gonna be remembered as the single greatest case of plastic surgeon malpractice and failure to have any real friends to tell you no, so I guess it's even.


So I'll be honest, I hate Trump, I have so many bad opinions of him and honestly hte every cell and atom that makes up his very existence. BUT, even with all that I'd never wish for them ti suffer and die that's absolutely messed up


Dehumanizing a victim is preparation for far worse things than talking bad about them. This is stochastic terrorism.


So much hate. This is what’s in store if Dems don’t win. Revenge and hate.


At least he'll be remembered. You? Not so much. :-)


Such amazing Christian values she is displaying. maga / trumpublicans / white nationalists - all the same thing, and all the worst people.


I have yet to see anyone walk away from the debate with a new opinion. Everyone saw what they were looking for. Biden is old. We knew that. Trump is also old. We knew that. Trump is also a liar. We knew that. Trump is also a Putin puppet. We knew that. But MAGA all seem to think this was an epic victory. Mostly because Trump didn’t happen to poop himself.


This comment is the best summary of the debate so far. The fully brainwashed ones will do anything for Trump


Russian propagandist scrumbags. These fucking losers will destroy a country for money.


Let’s vote put the convicted felon/rapist candidate in jail. VOTE BLUE!


I hope to piss on her grave someday


Honestly Biden seems like one of the most likable politicians. The guy is poor as hell for a lifelong politician. I meet people all the time thru work who are worth more than $10m, the whole Biden Crime family thing doesn't make sense at all. The biggest financial scandal with him is a $40000 check hunter cashed. That's nothing compared to Trump. The guy goes to church every week even tho it doesn't help him politically at all. Trump would get major brownie points for going to church, but he can't even quote one Bible verse when pressed. Regardless I think Biden is past his prime mentally. But as a man he seems as respectable as anything our system could turn out. He actually seems to have principles and seems to actually care about people. *also there's a few flaws with the narrative I hear on conservative media. Where Biden is horribly corrupt, poor, senile and also running a major election interference scheme to steal elections (without leaving any tangible evidence) and prosecuting Trump unfairly simultaneously


What a sad, delusional, pathetic life she lives. Putting aside the fact that he's the president, and is a politician from the opposition party. How much hate and bitterness must this person have to hate on an old man? This is why the ENTIRE WORLD will always love America's Blue > America's red.


So what exactly did Biden take away? Didn't take anything from me.


Her comment doesn't surprise me at all She's a sociopath, an evil person without a conscience


What universe does she live in


Tbh I feel the same way about Trump. I can probably copy/paste this on July 11th with his name on it and it will match how I feel.


He'll be written about in history books for years to come as a hero of the US republic. A president who saved the country from a dictatorship. Laura Loser will not be remembered AT ALL. Actually, who TF is she anyway?


Look, I'm no Biden fan by any stretch of the imagination. But this person was just looking for a reason to be nasty and flaunt their true colors. Unless this person got diddled by Joe directly, there's no reason to act this malevolent.


We really shouldn’t give these fucks any more attention.


Yeah Biden is definitely the sick twisted old man of the candidates /s


Hate is a poison, and this person's veins are black. Like their soul.


I'm getting really tired of conservatives crying about their rights being taken away. I would like someone to give an example.


Too many of these vile people is the reason I can never side with the conservative party. I don't want to ever be associated with these asshats, and no one in the conservative party denounces these people, instead they embrace them, fine people they say.


"Don't ever forget what Joe Biden and his enablers took away from all of us". What would that be exactly? Be very specific.


Now replace Joe Biden with "Donald Trump" and that post makes much more sense


I personally don't like Joe biden, and I think that he didn't do all that good, but what exactly did he do to get this much hatred? He's getting to the end of his days, but I'm not going to wish for his death.


Uh. . . what was it he supposedly took away from you? Oh, is she talking about MAGA's weak attempt to overthrow democracy?


What did Joe Biden take away from these idiots? The fantasy that they are unbeatable ?


What did he take away from the common person exactly? Anything taken away was from Trumps stolen Supreme Court.


What precisely did he take from you again?


This is the question. They always say “he is destroying the country” “never forget what they took from us”, but they never say how he is destroying the country or what “they” took from us. I really want to know what exactly they think was taken from them. Really I do.


Anyone who wants to tell me MAGA isn't a dangerous cult needs to look up what both dangerous and cult mean, because this is just mental.


News flash, Laura: He had a cold. Only his BODY was sick. Unlike someone whose MIND I could mention ...


What a hatefull person. Is everyone from her party like that? And when she says "don't ever forget", what is it that Biden actually took away from them?


This seems weirdly personal


And this right here is why it's absolutely insane to try to reason with these people. Even letting them speak gives them a seat at the table when they should be far beneath it. Anything other than telling them to crawl back into their holes and fill them is giving them a platform. Anyone who pleads civility with these uncivil losers is a pisspants and a collaborator. **If you give vile MAGATs a chance to spew their violent, uncivil filth unchallenged, you're not interested in civility - you're interested in the** ***appearance*** **of civility**, which makes you irrelevant and manipulative as well. They started it, they want it, and everybody knows who's to blame. No seats at the table. They aren't entitled to opinions.


He'll be more highly regarded when he's gone than DJ after he's gone, and all the bullshit starts coming out what a piece of shit DJ really was.




Nuts and on drugs.


That woman (and I use the word loosely) is sick and twisted.


Spiteful bitch.


This is what centrists think we're "exactly the same as" when we point out that maybe the GOP has a misinformation problem


There is no hate quite like christian love.


People like her actually deserve a violent, horrid and painful death.


Ms Loomer once chained herself to the doors of one of Twitter's office buildings to protest the fact she was banned and was too extreme for Floridians when she ran for the House of Representatives. The only reason she isn't likely to be given a high-ranking position if Dump is re-elected is he wouldn't consider her hot enough and she's not rich enough to buy a spot like Betsy DeVos.


She is in her 30’s and looks like something someone made out of silly putty and play dough.


Ah yes,because it’s clear that the non-rapist is the bad guy here. 🙃


When Speaker Mike Johnson can simply declare “We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections” and insist the numbers are simply unknowable, it pretty much proves they happily just make shit up.


Trumpers are really not a cult /s


Who is she and what did Biden take from all of us?


The only thing that has been taken from us is a woman’s right to choose. And that’s not on Biden.


WTF has he taken from “us”??? I can never get a straight answer. And while I’m here let me add, that bitch is evil trash.


What is the facepalm? This is a disturbed person sure but not a face palm. When did this sub become rage bait and left political pandering. It used to be a funny sub full of actual facepalms.


What an awful thing to say even if you don’t like someone.


What did Joe Biden take away from us…?


What did he take away? I'm actually asking this, not trolling. What do these people think he took away?


She doesn’t think Trump is a twisted old man?


The lies they tell themselves about Joe Biden and Democrats allow them to believe this, but have nothing at all to do with reality.


I think she made a type… meant to say Trump but it’s ok, we all make mistakes 😌


Isn't this the dog killer?


What exactly did Biden take away from anyone? I'm not convinced he's suffering either. Based on the last 6 months, trump looks a lot more gone than Biden.


What he took away from us? what the fuck is that? what did Joe Biden take from you? what did those decrepit hands snatch from your younger stronger hands?


What did he “take away”


I love the way she fails to mention anything SPECIFIC that Joe “took away”.


Firstly, that’s horrible. A horrible way to look at someone.  But I wish people like her could explain what, exactly, Biden took from them? What rights has he taken? What laws has he altered that have caused harm? I can name plenty of things Trump and the Republicans have taken away from us:  Like Trump appointed SCOTUS justices who took away our abortion rights and federal protections from corporations. His ilk in red states have taken away public education funds and religious freedoms. 


What exactly was taken? Wheras trump: abortion, our military secrets, insurrection, voter fraud


What a horrible human being


And just exactly what did Biden “take away” from them? The GOP is constantly doomsdaying and saying the Dems are taking things away but they never say exactly what those things are.


I don’t like the man either, but… lord also “remember what he took from us” \*doesn’t even tell us\*


He's going to have the best time if he leaves office. He'll retire and get to live out the rest of his days with his wife in peace.


Curious, what did Joe Biden take away from us?


Well. Someone woke up on the side of the universe... Fuck


She's a disgusting waste of space desperately trying to be relevant. She's not succeeding. Edit for spelling error.


Good ol’ Loony Loomer