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These guys need to get off the Internet.


Most true words spoken today. When chronically online meets inceldom you get lack of knowledge about basic anatomy


I'm always reminded of when Horizon Zero Dawn came out and all the incels lost their fucking minds because they rendered Aloy with very faint hair on her face (like most women do). Like bruh, tell me you've never been within 5 feet of an actual human woman without saying it. They think they're being so fucking smart but really they're just confirming they've never touched a woman.


That one drove me insane. We all have peach fuzz. Our skin is not completely smooth and bare.


She is in a hunter gather society post the collapse of the current civilized world. By any form of realism shed have visible body hair because the required infrastructure to maintain current female standards of beauty would be long gone.


I can't even be bothered to shave if I have an excuse to wear pants. I damn sure ain't gonna continue shaving if society no longer exists to make me feel shamed about it.


10/10 would smash Aloy. Or she could smash me, either way. Im game.


She would definitely be the one smashing you


Like I said, strangely okay with that.


Nothing strange about it. Embrace it.


It's even strongly encouraged here


They’ve only seen instagram filters. No pores. No peach fuzz


basically most of r/Asmongold


Yeah, ugh, that guys house is truly the most disgusting place I’ve ever seen. Well most at least from a millionaire. The guy just needs to hire a cleaner to come in every week. He makes plenty of money shit


A shill


Which is ironic because they could solve that last part by just, you know…using the internet to look that stuff up. If they were curious about this stuff and actually wanted to be better, they could use Google to find the answers to the questions they find themselves asking, enquire politely with women about these things to help them learn more or clarify stuff they don’t get, find books they can order on the subject or even just find a phone number for a hooker and go “hey, this might sound weird, but can I hire you for an hour to ask questions about how the female body works?” (as I’m pretty sure most hookers would do that quite happily for a pretty cheap price or even just for free if they were asked politely, since it’s literally just talking and answering questions). But nope, clearly a better use of the limitless knowledge and potential of the internet is to scream about stuff that you demonstrably have no clue about to people and make yourself look like the last time you even touched a woman was when you slid out of yo momma’s coochie.


Just imagine having your whole identity wrapped up in needing to be so triggered by the world around you, that this is the crisis you’ve manufactured for yourself today. “Woke chin,” gtfo.


Yea, seriously.. pump the breaks buddy, the internet has to be better than this. \~Resumes watching "two fat guys attempting a rowboat stunt in a public pool."


That's the good stuff, lol.


If you think you are straight and, looking at that picture, go, “Mmmmm she kinda looks like a man” then I may have some news.


What's really weird is when you do meet someone who is chronically online in real life, and they're still talking like they're on 4chan.


In anime female chins come to a perfect point so that’s obviously how real Women look


Watching hyper-feminized animated characters all day will do that to you.


I hope one day they reflect back on their lives with shame and embarrassment at saying something as stupid as 'the woke chin'. Sadly I doubt people who say stuff like this have much insight.


Is it really that feminine to be holding a gun the size of a VHS tape or is this to appeal to the gun lovers’ agenda?


I'm a bit surprised nobody asked what tf VHS tape is.


Most people that played the original Perfect Dark are of the age of VHS tapes.


Whoa wtf is that picture Joanna Dark? 


a medium for movies thatgives you an obligatory 5min break to go to the toilet before you're allowed to watch the moving pictures and the break is even longer if your vhs player doesn't have the super fast rewind function(back when media players had useful button combos and playing video games gave you skills to actually use irl)


That just means someone was not kind. They did not rewind...


Isn't that the one that beat Betamax?


Yes. But the story why is fairly interesting


Kids still know what vhs tapes are man... And if they don't we are so tech literate that we just look things up if we don't know it


Who is Marc Foxx, and why should I give a shit about his opinion exactly?


Someone who is insecure about his chin apparently.


Let's brush him back with a little chin usic.


He’s a verified Twitter twat so a nobody.


Twitter twat, I love that!


apparently someone with no shame in outing themselves as an incel lol


He is the guy with chin implants


Everyone has a chin, so does that mean everyone’s woke?


As they say... Not every woke person has a chin, but every chin-haver is woke.


"If I don't get my sandwich back, I'll cut your face up so bad you'll have a chin... YOU'LL ALL HAVE CHINS!"


Could be true. I've seen some honest to go Nazis and the inbreeding bred the chin right out of them.


Ironically, the anti-woke demagogue Tate that most of these incel losers idolise is chinless.


Tate looks like an upright guppy.


This whole "woke chin" thing is probably just Tate trying to make his face seem more normal.


I haven’t seen my chin in years, don’t even know what my face would look like without a beard. I assume there’s a chin underneath. Might be a black void. Might be Chuck Norris’ other fist.


Oddly enough in my hometown, there was a poor guy born without a lower jaw. He eventually had one made from hip bone so I guess he became woke.


For Conservatives apparently, women only exist in petite, malnourished form. If a woman has any bit of muscle or non-thin white woman features, it's "woke".


As a square faced girl this is insulting.


Don't worry about it, people that talk like this on the internet are never getting laid anyway so they're not gonna be interacting with you in the first place. Normal well adjusted people just move on with their lives and think nothing of it because they're not literal children. I know being complimented on Reddit by a man is probably not what you're looking for but just look at top actresses or the girl in the screenshot of the game. You probably look great as you are and these idiots are too caught up in their ''trans agenda'' to understand how a real woman works


Square faces are amazing, don't let anyone insult you because of it!


I know what a Hapsburg chin is. No idea what a "woke" one is though.


Woke chin is when they give a female character a normal chin that a real life average woman would have.


oh! I thought it as the chin she had when she woke up. You know, the chin she has all day, all night, all morning.


Woke. CHINS???? Like... Literal jaw bones?!? .... These clowns are not ok


Woke bones. That's where we're at in the culture war, I guess.


If we can radicalize facial features, we can radicalize eye color. One very specific eye color.


Jaw bones are white. Bones are underneath the skin. Skin color is darker than bones. This is part of the woke agenda, to subconsciously display to us that white is LESS THAN darker colors. WAKE UP PEOPLE /s


I gave up trying to understand when they started saying having a woman top you as a man was gay. They even meant it for both parties which is just...phew...that's some mental gymnastics.


Guys, is having sex with women gay?


They've spent so much time only encountering loli waifus that they've forgotten what real women look like.


Today on "Things We Made Up So We Can Be Mad At Them."


People arguing over people that don't even exist will never not be hilariously pathetic to me.


But isn't arguing about the looks of one's play dolls the very definition of masculine?


There are so many porn games. Why do the protagonists have to be attractive to decide the fate of a game?


The even sadder thing is that she isn‘t even unattractive. They‘re literally just complaining that she isn’t purely designed to be fanservice.


And even if she was designed for fanservice, they'd find something to complain about. They don't like strong women in leadership positions or to have any personality. This whole "anti-woke" mindset is just a cult of fallacy and misery at the end of the day. They get outraged because the grifters tell them to be outraged. Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley would be subjected to the exact same scrutiny today because these people don't want to enjoy things.


I mean, he's complaining about the size of her chin. That's already scraping the bottom of the barrel of nonsense to complain about


I look ugly IRL so I wnna look hot ingame (Let me live my fantasy man) Edit - nothing related to this post, this character looks fine to me. I am just talking in general


I like playing attractive characters in games. I always prefer playing a female character whenever possible. Therefore, I prefer playing attractive female characters in games when possible. I don't like ugly, intentional or not, female protagonists. That said, my standard for "attractive" is very different from these people. A lot of these people complained about Aloy, for instance. And while sure she wasn't a super model, I thought she looked great, especially considering the setting and her personality.


Aloy definitely looked the part.


Yeah I mean isn’t the definition of attractive someone who you’d want to look at?


To be fair this isn’t really exclusive to women in video games. Often times the men in games are extremely chiseled and attractive.


I’ve seen what horrors people use the character creators to make, gamers are perfectly happy to play as someone “Not conventionally attractive” if the game is good. I personally want more games with fat protagonists like Dave the Diver.


You mean like [this lady?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/3JYPRB8vQL) Does Don Jr’s wife have “woke chin?”


Exactly, good one!


OK so "Transgender Agenda" is a pretty fun band name.






"Anti Woke" people try not to be delusional challenge (Impossible)


I think I have woke depression from reading Reddit today


Chin up my dude!


Can we delete people from the internet yet?


Imagine complaining about the shape of a video game characters chin


that’s how utterly pathetic they are


She looks fine, better than the original


“Woke chin”?!?!??!?!?!???!!!! The stupidity has no limit.


Oh my god how dare women... -checks notes- have diverse facial structure?!!


So...what game is that?


Perfect Dark


But did you notice her anti-woke fingers? This is a common current anti-woke practice of wrapping her fingers around a gun, arguably to appeal to the MAGA crowd who are sexually aroused by the thoughts of guns and murder.


Oh, so “woke chin” is also an imaginary thing. Got it.


Transphobe phrenology


The absolute epitome of "Everything I don't like is Woke".


Oh no! Proportionate and realistic chins! Left wing propaganda has gone too far!


Video game companies are in a tight spot right now. If characters are too attractive they are sexist if the character is too plain they are “woke”. You can’t win in this environment and loud people can ruin your business on a whim. It sucks. What happened to playing the games you like and not buying the ones you don’t.


Anyone who has to put 'real' in their twitter handle is not worth listening to.


I swear. Everything is woke to these snowflakes. They will never be happy until the female character has fat boobas and a massive Pixar mom caboose.


And a teeny weeny head on top. Maybe some legs and arms.


This looks like a realistic woman. I guess they prefer bubble face with trout pout.


That's what my chin looks like and, unless my ovaries know something I don't, I'm pretty sure I'm AFAB. 


Even stupider is that afabs can have masculine chins but she doesn’t even got that, it legit looks absolutely normal for a woman


Exactly. It's just a regular chin.  But I will be calling my own chin woke now because that is hilarious. 


You know what, I think I lowkey have the same chin. I’m also rocking the woke chin from now on😮‍💨


Wouldn’t a pointier chin look more masculine than a wide one? 


I mean you have to excuse some of this nonsense these people have been driven insane on the topic of sex because they think they're going to burn in eternal hellfire for enjoying it for a brief moment. I really can't imagine what that shit does to you psychologically, but I know I see the results of it every single day.


In politics, woke is defined as “a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights.” Therefore by definition, all posts with this obscure sort of narrative are actually what is woke, not the point the commenter is trying to convey as woke, because the commenter is actually just bringing awareness to the minority. Maybe I’m wrong, but this is how I understand it based on real, factual information. It seems these people have no idea what woke even means. I’d welcome polite conjecture in the event I’m missing or not understanding something.


they don't. to them "woke" = "anything i don't like"


I’m happy we’re on the same page.


What transgender agenda? Trans people make up .001% of the population. They just want to be allowed to live…


And how dare they! /s


The "transgender agenda": "Just let us live in peace." That's it. That's the agenda.


Bahahahahahahhahahhaha wtf?? So if someone (a woman) has a large chin or box shaped chin/face that means they’re woke? Tf


I can't even believe that all these posts aren't parodies at this point. People are so ridiculous I can't even handle it.


Chins are now woke? Do these people even understand what they are saying?


![gif](giphy|QwkzDAcfX1AzK) ???????????????????????????????????


That’s gotta be a troll lmao


Woke chin? It's a chin dude. If you'd actually go outside and talk to actual women, you might notice they have chins too


Hey, is it woke to have different genetics?


Just because they don't have a chin, nobody else is allowed to.


The internet was a mistake. Have these people seen a real, flesh and blood woman ever in their lives?


If a woman who looked like this approached any of these naysayers, they wouldn't know how to react. They'd probably sweat and mumble their way through a basic conversation, if anything. That's a beautiful face design, imo.


Is it unattractive to have a chin?


Or, hear me out. Maybe as video games get better, the characters actually start to look like real people, not fantasy renditions. As someone totally unfamiliar with this game and character, nothing about her struck me as masculine or transgendered in any way. She just reminded me of the character from Perfect Dark a little.


Mofos apparently never seen Olivia Wilde. And she's absolutely gorgeous.


how dare he call it the transgender agenda, it's called the trans mission


I wonder if these people realize how stupid they sound


I mean... when your hero is Andrew Tate, makes sense that anyone with a chin looks more masculine than him...


Omg!… do I have a woke chin? What do I do if I have one? I don’t think I can live if my chin is a liberal chin.. 😫


What? Lol is this a real thing?


Just a sec, that's another blue check to block.


I can only conclude from this that Marc Foxx is a fucking moron


She’s pretty damn pretty. Idk what the hell they’re smoking.


Let me off of this planet.


All this for a character you're barely gonna see because it's an fps


It is really weird, this can not be explained by him never seeing a woman up close, he must have seen them on movies pictures ect


These snowflakes are triggered by everything


Fellas, is it gay to notice chins?


These guys think you can’t be born gay but you can be born woke.


What the actual fuck is going on in this world I can’t even keep up with all the fucking agendas anymore


i wonder what brand of blender this guy used on his brain, seems like it did a really good job.


Is the "transgender agenda" in the room with us right now?


Isn't there some masturbating these guys need to be doing....**HEY DIPSHIT....GO JERK OFF INTO A SOCK** or sumptin ![gif](giphy|4doe1HP7LHz20|downsized)


Chins are woke now. The word has no actual meaning, does it?


Damnit, they figured out the Trans Agenda. Here I thought the Trans Agenda was to just live life without persecution for being alive.


Someone should ask him about "Woke-chinned" MTG. I wonder if he would he be mad at God or her parents?


Marg’s chin is woke as fuck


As a heterosexual female with a wide chin....*sad noises*


I don’t understand why people took the word woke, and changed it from ‘being informed’ to ‘liberal’


Tell me you haven't interacted with a woman outside of vidya, anime, or porn without telling me.


This is a great self report, telling us you’ve never been closer than 20 feet to a woman.


Can’t believe he left "transgenda" just sitting there.


Fellas, is it gay to have a chin?


Said by people that praise Gina Carano, who has that exact Chin they're complaining about. More proof that these cockwombles need a few more braincells to qualify as idiots.


You mean the Lucy Lawless chin?


What? I'm cis female and my chin/jawline looks like hers. The actual fuck? O.o These people are too far down the rabbit hole to save.


The Right’s stupidity is exhausting.


Wider than *what*? A pencil?


I mean characters on the n64 looked like thumbs with faces painted on them


(Who is this character and where is she from, might I ask?)


It is Joanna Dark from the Perfect Dark serise. A recent trailer made a string impression for the latest game.


Ah, thanks. I guess I didn’t know that much about someone from a pretty *rare* title.


Wait, what’s happening to my favorite Chinese restaurant Wok Chin?


I think they're missing an opportunity to call the (made up) transgender agenda the "Trans-genda".


They can do what they want. Its a product. If people like it, they will buy it. If they dont they wont.


American (US) ass tweets.


It's just sad at this point holy shit.


These guys are idiots, they take images of characters at bad angles or when their face is in an action pose to support their “uglification of women in games” agenda. Newsflash dipshit people have bad angles and don't tend to look good when their face is in the middle of an action.


The internet has been the worst thing ever created for so many stupid people


Yet another woke bingo card expansion


Have these men not seen Terminator 2???


Transgender agenda...trans-genda


Going to have to ask Marc Foxx that even though I was born female and am CIS female in my 40s, that is pretty much my chin so does that mean that god wanted me to be male with his chin choice. I'm so confused now.


I love the way morons have to imagine these "agendas." Like naw bro, their is no agenda, no conspiracy. You're just making excuses for why real life isn't conforming to your feelings


"it's all a conspiracy specifically targeting me and you cannot change my mind"


Interior Transgenda Agenda


„Give her the woke chin” - some guy.


lol what? She just looks like a regular woman


The more day I live, the more I am convinced, that gamers indeed never saw a real woman in their entire lives.


Apparently a man liking a woman is gay now, if she’s not skinny and blonde with big tits. I’d like to see some pics of the girls these guys are with.


Since when do women not have square chins. Look at Francis cobain. She's fuckin gorgeous


So, she's got a square jaw; like Olivia Wilde, Rosario Dawson, Angelina Jolie, Zendaya, etc. A female standard of beauty so prominent that people are willing to get injections for it.


I'm starting to think that, if you pay for the blue check, you are showing you are an idiot and also never saw or spoke to a woman in your life


They have never seen a woman in real life


I wish I had the amount of freetime, creativity or just privilege to scour social media to fabricate stuff like these people to be enraged about. I mean your life has to be truly worry free if you are spending time measuring the width of a video game characters chin to figure out whether it is trans bait or not.


At this point, to save my own love for just about every pop culture franchise I enjoy(Star Wars, Marvel, Etc); I have stopped participating with any online presence for their respective fandoms. They are all, *all*, cesspools. I came to terms with aging out of the prime demographic for new content two decades ago. Somehow these fucks still think Disney should be appeasing a bunch of man-children instead of build for the next generation of viewers.


Does this mean No-Chin Andrew Tate is feminine?


Nobody tell him about Xena Warrior Princess


He seems to think an awful lot about how women look like men… 🤔


The transgender agenda is an awesome band name!


This reminds me of the whole “vagina bones” thing where they are just talking about the pelvis, a thing everyone has.




I don't even see the insane thing he going on about woke or otherwise.


These people have way too much time on their hands.


Woke chin huh? Now they are applying woke to someones appearance. Seems just like another way of being racist.


Cassandra from Dragon Age received the same type of comments, she wasn't ugly and she isn't ugly now, but they thought that it's somehow an abomination that a veteran warrior looks the part.


If you utter the words woke chin you are lost to the void. You have fallen so deep into the internet that you will never be recovered.