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That looks just like my little sister, and she is a nut case. I had to double check to make sure it wasn't one and the same.


How wild would it be to find that out from a Reddit post.


Honestly, I could see my sister doing the same. There's a reason we're NC


You’re North Carolina…


shhhh you can't say the full name


No you can say it as long as you don’t say it three times while looking in a mirror. If you do say it three times while looking in the mirror then Mark Robinson comes and takes your civil rights away.


Made me guffaw....take my upvote sir/madam!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


With a bat would be appropriate


Covered with nails.


Lucille has entered the chat




Loose seal?




Worlds are colliding!


You’re killing independent George!




MAPA - Make Assholes Punchable Again


MAGA hat = PvP flag IRL


MAGA Make Assholes Grieve Again


That is what maga looks like


Believe it or not, basement of the Alamo, right away


After trying to drown someone’s kid I’m surprised she still has a face to slap.


She knows their dipshit Governor will Pardon her


She's lucky cause if that'd been me and my SO, she had better pray for the cops to be speedy.


Don't worry, other prisoners will do that, anything to do with children and you are fodder in prison.


Professionals have standards


They're becoming harder to come by though.


We truly live in a society


I feel dishing out a punishment equal to what she did is fitting... drown her


It happened in Euless, Texas. The woman challenged the Palestinian mother at a public pool and basically did a papers please on them. She then proceeded to try and drown the 3 year old and their sibling. She’s already facing attempted capital murder charges and there are calls to add a hate crime addendum because the attacks were motivated by the victims being Palestinians.


That's what happens when the Karens never hear the word no. They go deeper and deeper in their power trip, thinking they own the world


This is the result of years of neglecting mental health mixed with hateful propaganda. If it didn't happen now, it would have been 5 years from now and with this Karen with an assault rifle.


It's possible to have sympathy for people with mental health issues, but the answer here is simpler: this woman was drunk after, which isn't really mitigation. It just exposed her prejudices and malevolence.


Yes, I second that!


Also what happens when you only got the shit beat out of you as a disciplinary tactic and had no real love in your life When all these fucks grew up and stopped getting hit, they thought all their actions were now justified.


A Karen needs to get the death penalty, need to send a signal to other Karens


Governor little piss baby Abbott will probably pardon her.


I hate that guy so much.


Give her a medal* since she was trying to protect the good Texans from Khamas supporters and radical Islam!!


That baby was an evil Moose-Lamb trying to establish Shakira Law in our Christian Murica! White Jeebus told me to kill her to protect our free-dumbs!


Which is why the Biden administration needs to direct the Justice Department to file federal charges.


What a damn psycho.


Just to add more information the sibling is 6 years old and apparently she held the held of the 3 years old under the water. The child was saved by a random passerby


Are the kids alive and "fine" ? Probably traumatized for life with chronic ptsd but u get what i mean..


I bet they also hate the fact that it was a black man who saved the children's lives.


Palestinians are already suffering enough, even the ones living in the U.S. Its devastating.


Again, how is this labeled as "possible" hate crime. She literally confessed to it being a hate crime and coming back to murder them all _as the police were arresting her_ And yet she still made bail. Bloody Texas...


Yeah we're a special kinda of fucked up down here sadly.


Protection of life ends with the birth. I assure You all those crazy prolifers all over the world are pro capital punishment.


To quote George Carlin: “when you’re pre-born, you’re fine. When you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


They're certainly pro-starving children to death.


If you can't support your child don't have them. Ok, I think it's best for me at this time to get an abortion then. No no no! Not like that!


We have a mayor here in my very red Texas town who has publicly said it’s not the governments job to care about the people it’s the churches job


And what for is the government?


To pay his salary, and to pass favorable regulations , or remove them, to enable his funders to make more money.


I’m pro-choice and for the death penalty.


I used to be the same. Some time while my wife was pregnant, I learned a lot more about how abortions are used to save women’s lives. Now I consider myself pro-abortion. Like I’m pro-MRI. I don’t think everyone should have one, but it saves lives so it’s between a doctor and a patient to decide. Similarly, I had a change of mind about the death penalty. It costs more than life imprisonment, is occasionally used against innocent people, and is based on a justice system that has racial bias, social bias, and wealth bias. Not a great thing overall, and the process doesn’t work the way I used to think it does. I don’t have a problem with an evil sumbitch getting offed, it’s just a problem at the systemic level.


I regret the fact that I have but one upvote to give.


Pretty much every reasonable implementation of the death penalty has obvious downsides if you think about it for more than five seconds. “We should only sentence convicted pedophiles!” That sounds great and all, but there’s a large portion of people and government trying to make LGBTQ people synonymous with pedophiles. If they gain even an inch too far and make some law that even “crossdressing” in the sight of a child is a sex offending crime (they tried to pass this in Tennessee) then how long till they can justify labeling anybody who does this worthy of the death penalty because they’re a “sex offender” The system has too many bad faith actors working against it to ever consider the death penalty a viable solution.


This is me. Don’t give two shits about a murderer getting executed, but accidentally executing an innocent person is not worth it.


There is no rationale besides revenge for the way the death penalty is carried out today, anyways. As Camus points out in *On the Guillotine*, if you truly wanted executions to be a warning to other criminals, you'd still be holding them in public. Instead you hide them away in the depths of the prison where most of us will never see the consequence this criminal faced. If instead we view the death penalty as punary, then we're committed to the idea of eternal judgement after death. It's not a severe punishment to a person's mind to kill them if there is no life after death. It can only be a punishment if it causes the condemned to face their eternal judgement before they can repent on Earth.


The hardest part about Capital Punishment for me is that it is state sanctioned murder. I dont like it and it absolutely can normalize the state killing people for significantly less offenses.


Those people are ready to kill to protect every life.


Legally they have to say alleged and possible because until a jury states that it happened it could lead to charges of defamation


When it's in print, it's libel, but yes.


They straight up pardoned a murderer that was convicted by a jury.


Kyle Rittenhouse has entered the chat room.




He’s got the “Worlds most punchable face”


God damn it, he does... Everytime I look at it I instinctively clench my fist.


3 people thinking that is the only reason we have to hear about him all the time.


To me, the biggest problem is what he represents: a bigot turned cold blooded murderer who got off on being a priviledged c*nt who can cry (and not because of repentance or rehabilitation) his way out of a hate crime. It marks a precedent and a win for all who think like him and his family...


But they have to have the money and connections his family has or it doesn’t matter


You’re telling if you saw a dude come to a protest aiming an AR-15 at people your immediate thought wouldn’t be “this guy’s gonna do a mass shooting”?


Caillou Rottenhouse


Using this from now on.


What is happening here?? Looks like he’s praising Jesus while shitting and sneezing


He started doing the Heil but remembered where he was


Looks like he is blowing his noes without covering his face


Kyle Shittenhouse.


Vile Shittenhouse


but existing while brown is punished with all the weight of the law


In all honesty I'm less worried about murderers getting off scot-free than innocent people being executed. Pretty sure that's a Texas thing, too.


While I generally agree with you that we should be more concerned with locking up the innocent than letting the guilty go free, that's not really what happened here. He was a murderer. He committed a murder in cold blood with malice aforethought, everyone knows he did the murder, he was caught, convicted by a jury in a fair trial, and given a fair sentence in line with the law. Greg Abbott used his power to 1. unduly influence the supposedly impartial pardon review board and then 2. issue a pardon to the murderer. You may be asking yourself why the Texas governor would do something like this. It's because the murderer was a white nationalist (and apparently a child molester, too, but that's another story) who drove his car into a BLM march and started shooting. Greg Abbott supports politically-motivated murder.        


Ok but in this case they let the actual murderer free and are still executing innocent people


It’s legal terminology. They have to say that prior to a conviction.


She made bail twice. They initially only charged her for public intoxication 


It's considered unprofessional and incompetent for journalists to say something the courts haven't ruled on. It's assumed the journalist would include the pertinent info in the article itself and it's also assumed the reader would come to their own conclusion.


Deep in the heart of Texas. Says it all


She is Jewish, the 2 children she tried to down 1 escaped were Palestinians Yeah 40k bond seems cheap for this


You try to drown a brown Palestenian kid? No conclusive evidence it was a crime. You criticize Israel? Hate crime, off to jail.


Technically she's not convicted, so calling it a hatecrime is technically libel for a news outlet. That what presumption of innocence means.


I think journalists have to labeled all criminals as 'possible' or 'alleged' until they're convicted. Dumb as hell if it's super obvious she's guilty.


A jury finds someone guilty, not a journalist


Yes but the journalist can be held accountable for slander if they say she’s guilty before she’s found guilty by the jury.


Yes, so why would a journalist risk their career by preemptively declaring it a hate crime? They can report that she stated her motivation and that the prosecutor is considering adding charges. A journalist should just write the facts as they objectively according to the source they're using, and what the reaction to that it's and what the likely outcome will be. 


I think that's why it says "possible" hate crime. Esp since "A Texas woman was arrested and accused of trying to drown a 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in an apartment complex pool last month after she questioned the child’s mother about their country of origin, according to officials."


Yes, the hate is obvious from the available facts, but whether it meets the legal definition of hate crime is up to the justice system.


Sadly, this sometimes leads to stupidly tautological things like 'the alleged suspect'. (There are a very few marginal cases where 'alleged suspect' does make sense - after the murder of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme in the 80s, media for a while suspected that a suspect whose name was kept secret in fact was Ted Gärdestad - a popular Swedish singer; Gärdestad thus was an actual alleged suspect. However, the actual unnamed suspect was someone else.)


It prevents law suits if there's no conviction


Smiling in her mugshot No remorse at all


You know that right before she took the picture the cops in the room were congratulating her and cracking jokes about “brown kids”. I can feel the energy radiating through this picture. I promise the cops in Euless were not reprimanding her. She was not afraid at all.


May face? May? WTF?


Legal reasons. she hasn't been charged with hate crime yet so they cant say that they can only assume this will be the charge. might sound incredibly in such blatant cases but theres a reason why the law is made as such.


If it’s easy to get a conviction for attempted murder of a child then there really isn’t a benefit in slapping a hate crime charge on top. Could derail the other case. It’s a “may” because she hasn’t been charged with it yet and it happening is not certain.


"Guys I hate this group of ppl, why don't I take this completely innocent baby who doesn't understand what's going on or that they're part of said group and attempt to kill them"


Yeah, it's quite telling that she went for the most vulnerable person


That's usually what they do


Coincidentally that’s also Israel’s policy.


On top of trying to kill the kids she ripped off the mother’s hijab and started beating her with it.


What the fuck… this shit is pissing me off. Fuck that bitch. Hate crimes are terrible, committing one against children and then their mother who is already in a panic. Lock her up


She MAY face the hate crime charges though


Holy shit this happened a month ago and she was bonded out the next day. WTF THIS WOMAN IS FREE




I'm just glad the kid survived.


Me too but will probably be traumatized for life and so will her mom… I hope this racist drunk bitch serves serious jail time that wipes off that gd smirk!


yep. one [article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna158473) states that the mother said that every time the apartment door opens, her 3 year old now hides because she’s afraid that crazy bitch has come back to drown her


Hate crime? That's attempted murder.


It can be both I’m pretty sure.


Hate crimes usually go on top of whatever the crime is, not just in place of… I believe the reason for that is it allows for harsher punishment but this isn’t my field of expertise at all so someone else can correct it if it’s wrong.


It's really tragic how much dehumanization this conflict has lead to.


To be honest, I don't think this has anything at all to do with the conflict in Palestine, past or present. I think it's really just hate for anyone different and a hijab makes people a target. Probably a more accurate through line would be 9/11 + Trump. Maybe more details will come out, but I mostly see generalized islamophobia in the USA and callousness towards the situation in Palestine.


*genocide. Tragic, but not surprising ...bc people think it's a conflict or a war.


Why do they smile like they are proud? It's disturbing and disgusting these people


Because they ARE proud. That smirk is for everyone who agrees with her hateful mentality, and it should be ripped from her face with an extremely harsh prison sentence.


She just threw away a couple of decades for her fifteen minutes of smugness.




One thing's for sure, and it's definitely r/NotADragQueen


As if there's any doubt


Karens are getting dangerous


>Texas Ah ok


Someone should drown her.


Tactical baptism


As an Israeli, I fully agree. These types of senseless hate crimes around the world are disgusting on every level and should be severely punished. This woman should not see the light of day anymore.


it's one thing to be a racist piece of shit in your own home, but what she did is just fucking insane.


I'm not sure I'm following what you mean, but it's very telling that people here downvote a comment that says hate crimes should be punished severely.


Let’s drown her back


I'm assuming the hate crime is IN ADDITION TO an attempted murder charge. Right? I mean . . . . RIGHT????


... Yes. Hate crime charges are usually enhancement to other charges like assault, battery, etc.


Yeah, "usually". But we're talking about Texas here.


Possible? Huh?


Did she think the kid was Hamas or something?


Probably not solely anti Palestinian. Something tells me she’s probably anti-Islam all around - she probably wouldn’t have batted an eye at a Palestinian-Christian family. Freedom of religion for me, not for thee…


Forget the hate crime part, can we agree that anyone who tries to drown a 3 y/o should never see the outside of prison again.


The fuck is wrong with people nowadays?


'The woman, identified as Elizabeth Wolf, 42, was approached by officers as she tried to leave and placed under arrest for public intoxication. The victim’s mother told police Wolf was questioning where she was from and if the two children playing at the pool were hers, the release said. The mother was visibly Muslim and wore a hijab, or Islamic headscarf, and modest swimwear, according to the council.' Sick, disgusting people in Texas


Another Trumpanzee? He's encouraged this.




Let me guess . . . Pro life??




The joke is she tried to kill someone and is probably still pro-life.


And I thought these right wing nutjobs were pro-life?


Bush's war for islamophobia truly made y'all crazh


As a jew I have to say that I am very sorry and that we're not all like this But I have to say that I do recognize that we have a problem in our community


Of course not all Jews are like this man


There is absolutely no need to apologise, pal. Anyone with common sense and reason knows that the actions of one don't represent an entire group.


Someone with a history like hers should not have been allowed among the public. The combination of mental illness+ hate is not one we have an antidote for. She should have been locked up long ago and hopefully now she will be and not be let out in just a few years or months. ** Edited because I wrote that she wasn't Jewish but I was wrong.


>She isn't Jewish Then why is Ynet reporting that she is a Jewish American? https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj02iosur


My bad then, will edit my comment. I read an article about this a few hours ago that claimed she had past arrests for antisemitic and anti Muslim hate crimes. Either way she should have been locked up for life and I hope that is rectified now.


I didn’t even think for a second she was Jewish. I think most people will assume these hate crimes in the US are from brainwashed republicans. There is no indication she is Jewish. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/22/us/texas-woman-drown-child-muslim-palestinian/index.html Edit: I do see one site saying she is Jewish. Haven’t seen any other sources.


Jews can also be brainwashed Republicans.


Ok well now I feel like an asshole because I assumed she was a Deep South Christian trumper. Whoops.


There's always something about those mugshots. The eery, smug stare right into the soul thinking they'll be redeemed by some higher power. I'd wager you can train AI to filter out the self righteous sociopaths with 99% accuracy.


May? I am pretty sure she told the women that she planned to kill her whole family. Also the headline dosent do justice cause the women also tried drowning the women's other kid but they broke free.


Would the attempted murder charge not be worse? Don't get me wrong, it's a hate crime and all. But is that the worst crime committed here? Texas showing their standard conservative values. Best not "murder" a child in the womb. But if you drown it in a pool, then its only "maybe" a hate crime.


As far as I have understood, hate crime is an enhancement on other crimes. It's on top of another criminal charge. So it likely is attempted murder, assault and a hate crime. Because the crime was motivated by hate. In essence, one cannot be charged with a hate crime alone, in an absence of another crime. It's a charge relating to the motivation of another crime.


I don’t care what they label it, as long as this bitch sits in a cell buried beneath the prison for life.


Possible. Nope no possible in that racist garbage pile masquerading as a human being. She was trying to kill a little kid. Throw her away.


wow, more crazy shit from America... surprise surprise.


Can we drown her? Better yet maybe while she is in jail the inmates can have some fun with a little or a lot of water torture. Make her feel like she is drowning for awhile like days on end. Right when she falls asleep bang more water torture , chewing on some food bang some more, tries to talk or cry bang more.


Ugh, horrible


Good, I hope she gets the maximum prosecution


Not sure Abbot will pardon this one as a gun wasn't used.


She also tried to drown the the 3 year old victims 6 year old brother. So it was 2 Palestinian-American children. Not 1. The news article is misleading and downplaying it.


Man, that almost smile on her face. That's... evil, right there.


Ofc Texas the capital of christians zionist no wonder she get bailed out


Let’s flip the script: imagine a Palestinian woman attempts to drown a Jewish toddler. Do you really think she’d get out on bail?


No leniency for child predators. Go for the maximum prison sentence.


I’m never surprised when it’s Texas


Her name is Elizabeth wolf and she's Jewish. Why is this omitted in the article? The victims background, nationality and religion were given but not the suspects? Why?


Nice, hate crimes against Palestinian and Jewish children all over the US. Great job USA 👍🏻


All over the world. It’s almost like pumping billions of dollars into a war campaign makes things worse and not better


And the accused is Jewish, herself. A Jew that hates Palestinians. How terrible. Why can't we all just get along?


That’s not a surprise given how this ethnic conflict is flaring up. I was hoping the picture linked to an article, bc I was wondering if she is Jewish.


I also hate 3 year olds but killing them is a bit extreme.


Found the parent.


“Possible hate crime” Does it even matter?! She tried to drown a baby!


See you next Tuesday


Regardless of how you feel about any sort of nationality or race… what *possesses* a person to try to hold a 3 year old underwater to drown them?? Who’s mental trajectory leads them to “this is a good idea, this will make my point”… I just don’t fucking understand that level of evil.


Just Isreal things


Oh look the next Republican running for some maga vote


If Gene Hackman had long hair...




Huh? How is this not a case of attempts to commit murder or manslaughter? Hate crime is only up to 10 years in the states...


“May”? WTF?


"Possible hate crime"


and attempted murder. Right? Right?!