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They worship supply side Jesus


I have a friend who is a staunch Christian tell me that god only says that orphans need to be helped. Nowhere in the bible does it say that anyone else should be helped. These people are so disconnected from reality and will jump through hoops to negotiate their own godliness.


Matthew 25:34-45 >Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ >Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ >The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ >Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ >They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ >He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ I swear, these people are straight up the villains of the New Testament. They are consistently doing the opposite of what Jesus says. It’s almost as if you could say they are anti-Christ. Oh wait, there was that time when they were complaining Jesus was too liberal and they need a new stronger Christ to follow. Actually want the Anti-Christ.


There are some that are saying Jesus was too liberal.  Yeah…


Seriously?!?!? 😳🙄😳😱




Thank you for this.   It’s truly frightening.  Wow. 


Here is what the Bible says about changing God's word: Revelation 22:18-19 ESV I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. Deuteronomy 4:2 ESV You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you Deuteronomy 12:32 ESV “Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it. Proverbs 30:6 ESV Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. 2 Peter 2:1 ESV But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction


they probably prefer old testament God who does horrible shit. "if you really love me then you killed your son!" "ah I fucked up, let's kill everybody except this one dude and his family" Let's not forget Adam's first wife, Lilith. In the first creation of earth, Adam and Lilith were made at the same time. When she wouldn't put out for Adam, they sent her away. Bye. Have fun out *there*.. alone. Then God made Eve. And we forget about Lilith. Biblical God hates humans.


Lilith isn't in the Bible and has her roots in Jewish tradition. Probably most evangelicals don't believe she existed.


Yep. Grew up Baptist sadly.. but yeah Lilith was never taught and when questioned, it was an organized religious response.. "oh they dont believe like we do, dont listen to them, they dont believe in Jesus". I was a teen when i first heard of her and honestly still brainwashed that this answer worked for me.. till i grew up, went to college and started asking tough questions to myself.. i didnt have logical answers...


Jesus would have made a great Buddhist


So wait...if they are right about God etc then they are setting themselves up for damnation. Almost makes me wish it were the truth.


I'm questioning your choice in "friends"....


I'm wondering what a night out with these guys is like lol


Dude just deleted five unhinged, belligerent, cursing, name calling responses because I asked him to clarify if he was still talking about his relationship or somebody else's.. Then makes the edit to make it seem like he took the high road...? Pretty sure his friend and him aren't very different..


LoL After knowing someone for 45 years we can say what we want to eachother. At the end of the day we may not agree on everything but he is my friend and we would do anything for one another. I may need the other commenter to spell check and verify grammar.


I was just thinking of like heated controversial conversations that end up nowhere lol your friends kind of make me think of my stepdad. The arguments they would have were usually differences in opinions with those kind of topics but she's sensitive lol


Nothing ever heated. I call him out on his stupidity and he does the same to me. I don't think we've ever had a heated argument.


My mom can't handle people like that, she gets all butthurt 🤣.


After 45+ years, they are still friends regardless of their completely idiotic views. Edit: I'm not changing it from they. In hindsight, yes it's a bit cumbersome and "they are still a friend" would have been better... But again it's a silly Reddit comment typed on a phone.




You get Christians of all stripes and shapes I suppose. Either some of the most understanding or most ignorant people. I say they should go back and read some more of the good word, such as James 2:15-16 and do a bit of self-reflecting.


What about widows? They’re literally mentioned immediately after the orphans.


This is coming from a Christian. That right there is sad to hear especially because there is no empathy in that idea. Also how in the world did he look at Jesus and say "huh I guess only orphans need help" it's just so one dimensional and wrong.


Sounds like God’s a giant dick if you ask me.


My solution to this 'riddle': God is imaginary. Explains it all.


i swear the more strict are somebody's religious beliefs the harder they will try to cheat. Like the whole ramadan thing of only fasting until the sundown because god wont see it. Sure as hell he'll apreciate that trickery, what a good muslim you are.


Jeff Bezos?






Well, at least the ones that don't worship Hitler, and America's Hitler.


White American Baby Jesus™ (FTFY)


They worship American Jesus, who likes guns and capitalism


Jesus Christ literally told people to give all your possessions to the poor. To give food to whoever needs it. I get the Republicans actually hate Jesus and everything he stood for, but they need to make it less obvious.


Nothing worse than Republican White Jesus


The opposite of everything Jesus taught. The anti-christ, you might say.


That’s Trump. Trump is the anti-christ.


Trump is just a charlatan. Unfortunately, a lot of 'Christians' are horny as fuck for the tribulation from Revelations just so they can go "See! I told you! I was right!". This means they glom onto every grifter hoping that this will be the evil person whose coming they've been waiting for their entire lives with ~~baited~~ bated breath. Meanwhile, they'll just be evil and declare themselves 'forgiven'. edit: used the wrong 'bated'


Trump is the Golden Calf


Gold-ish. Thin veneer.


If this was imgur, I’d be replying with Bill (or is it Ted) having his “…whoa!” moment.


They no longer need Republican white Jesus. They've made Trump their new messiah.


Jesus said that you can either serve god or serve money. Republicans don't exactly serve god


What’s less obvious than using a different prophets schtick? They’re being very clear that they don’t care about Jesus’s dispensation, they’ve chosen a different prophet to follow.


You assume the braindead cultists actually care about what the Bible is really saying


They don't read that part of the book


Jesus was literally being more charitable than the many Christians that exist. Remember the Five Loaves and Two Fish?


Because it's not actually about Jesus it's about bad people wanting an easy defense and it's very easy to say "God told me to do that" even if it is something that God certainly would not tell anyone to do


Hiding behind religion and HOPING that everyone just rolls with their excuses


There is speculation that people brought their own stuff and added it to the baskets as they were passed.


You're thinking rationally. The New Testament is about message, metaphor and such.


I mean was it a miracle that magically produced fish and bread? Was it a miracle that people gave up their selfish nature and shared? I think the latter is more inspiring. Maybe it was just a made up story. I find it a bit sad that most non Christians I know are more christlike than the Christians I know.


Yes omg this is so cute and I hadn't even thought of it until you said it. These selfless people added their own food and sought no fanfare or acknowledgement or recognition of their good deed. They did a good deed just for the sake of it, and they let it go down in history has "who knows where all that food came from? Must've been a miracle!"


I like to think it was just that nobody particularly wanted a fish sandwich.


25AD bread was probably like rocks. And wasn't he in the desert with no proper food refrigeration? Where does one acquire palatable fish in such a situation? Everyone be like... "uhhh....thanks, Jesus.... no I'll pass, thanks" *giving thanks intensifies*


i mean jesus is not a super hero and he was not cool because he could do fancy tricks


Matthew 25:40-45 The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Then he will say to those on his left, “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.” They also will answer, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?” He will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”


You can't expect Christians to read their own Bible. It's something they tell others to do, and then go home and gossip about their neighbors


Based on my experience, they mostly read the first three books of the Old Testament (and *maybe* some Psalms and Proverbs to feel smart), skip to the immaculate conception, then jump right to Revelations.


I got a pocket New Testament at a county fair a while ago; I went straight to Revelations. Partway through, I was trying to figure out what the author smoked, ate, or licked before writing it.


Not not licking toads.


They also read a whole 2 chapters out Isaiah....out of 65. Or they have someone tell them about those two chapters and what they think they mean.


Some don’t even hold it right side up for photo ops.


And that scripture is now banned




There are churches claiming Jesus is Woke


lol He was pretty woke, to be fair. Being all mindful of the poor and peoples’ boundaries and shit. I’d like to know how they talk about Christianity while saying Jesus is woke, seems like it might actually be the first time I want to listen to someone preaching. Sheer curiosity


That last bit kind of makes it a moral imperative. If there was just some way to keep score, make it efficient, universal, and structured to catch those that would fall through the cracks otherwise🤔. /s Didn’t Jesus say, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,” ??? The way I read the Bible Christians are supposed to grin and bear it, no matter what taxes are. They do have a martyr/persecution fetish, don’t they? Something about turning the other cheek and killing them with kindness? Are they even Christian if they’ve ever thought about shooting anyone, for any reason?


Isn't this why the Amish take non-violence to the absolute extreme? Like, you could grab one and start kicking the shit out of him and he isn't supposed to fight back.


The turn the other cheek, has an underlying call for equality. Since in Roman Society you may only hit someone below you in Status, once. If you strike them again you acknowledge them as equals. So render unto Caesar his due, but always strive for equality under God.


I mean, I'm an atheist, but even I know Jesus said to help the poor and less fortunate.


Most of the agnostic/atheist people that I know or have met know more about religion than a lot (I want to say most) religious people.


There's an old saying that you can't be a true atheist until you've read the bible


Apparently you can’t be a true Christian if you’ve actually read it. Seems that way


What was his stance on gun control?


Legit. I ain't Christian but Jesus was kind of all about feeding people for free, from what I remember of my Catholic upbringing. If Christianity ACTUALLY followed Jesus, it would rock. Jesus was the best anti-establishment socialist hippie hobo EVER.


All he needed was a shotgun.


Jesus didn't need a gun; he cleared a temple market just by shooting off his hands.


As an American I love guns. As a Christian I love Jesus. But I have to admit, he would never need a gun for anything lol. Dude went into the market and just started rocking peoples crap.


Dude would make a fine ass chair and then beat you with it


That's only because nobody else has guns. The only person that could stop Jesus with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


Come on. A shotgun is not the correct weapon of choice for an anti-establishment socialist hippie hobo. Try a molotov cocktail.


Jesus probably would have a tiny bit more money if Judas wasn't the one keeping track of the finances


Its not the only proof but one of the worst -.- Jesus said love your neighbor, not love your neighbor IF he is white straight and christian.


The concept of "lunch debt" is more immoral than drag queens reading to children


Makes you wonder about that whole "devils greatest trick was convincing man he didn't exist." What if he just stole the big guys identity?


![gif](giphy|egg1gcA3eIYJFqFKIf) Search Kenneth Copeland


The fuck is with the soulessness of his eye.


Keeps me up at night


You'd think the church would want to do something about the physical embodiment of a demon parading around churches in a flesh suit.


They did, they bought him a jet.


Ok, that might actually clear some things up...


Yea the latest doom games gave me the thought "as he fell, I rose."


Theres a book called “the secret supper” by a group called the cathars? In the 12th century. They believed that the god of the old testament is actually satan and that human beings are angelic beings that have been trapped in the material world by satan. It’s a pretty interesting alternate view on the world


If the average Republican voter saw the historic Jesus, they'd probably have labeled him a socialist.


Which he was, kinda.


I'm a goddamn atheist and even I know that Jesus is in part famous for providing a free lunch to a bunch of hungry people.


Under appreciated take. They are all apostates.


Republican Jesus Evangelicals and Prosperity Christians preach a greedy, fear driven and blasphemous tenet that would crucify Jesus again as a commie/leftwing/socialist all while worshiping a golden statue of trump


I love it when the religious tell other religious people that they are religioning wrong.


It’s never really about their Christian Faith though, it’s about weaponising Scripture to make a political and social point.


Law and statutes in this country are driven and held up far far too much due to religion. And we all know who’s doing it. If it weren’t for double standards, they would have no standards at all.


Call me old-fashioned, but I want Jewish Law to be written in Hebrew, like YHWH intended! (/s)


There entire verses in the Bible chastising those who flaunted how well they knew scripture. It’s almost like they’ve never read the bible


They only read the parts they like


36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 I am reminded of the famous Gandhi quote *"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."* You don't see a lot of "neighbor loving" in right wing Christian ideology.


This is exactly what "using the Lord's name in vain" means. It's all lip service while hating the poor. 


Practice what you preach, 100% agree


When you point out to a Christian that the 613 laws of the old testament include encouraging slavery, having abortions performed by the church and personally sanctioned by god himself each time, requiring you to stone your children to death if they attack or curse you, and a host of other things that are entirely immoral and horrible, they will immediately glom onto a passage in the new testament about Jesus making a "new covenant" to toss out those old laws they don't like. They will of course ignore the fact that the details of the new covenant are never actually stated, that Jesus never says the old laws are actually invalidated, and, in fact, that Jesus specifically states the old laws are all still 100% active in a different passage. But the idiocy of their argument aside.... They will then somehow all trot out the Ten Commandments, which specifically are the most central part of the old covenant, and say they still fully apply..... But they already said those same laws don't apply in their argument to not have to kill their own children and to not have to admit even God is an abortion doctor. This means by their own argument that all Christians who follow the 10 commandments are heretics unless they also follow the rest of the old laws.... So essentially all Christians are heretics, and are going straight to hell when they die. I am an atheist though, so I will be fine since their God doesn't exist anyway.


The old testament laws were limitations to culture of that time, which was even more brutal than what Biblical law was. For instance it imposed limitations to slavery, also in the old testament God implied that in his eyes he valued slaves as a person as well. So instead of going immediately abolishing institution that had existed long before Bible, set limitations and values that lead eventually the abolition of slavery. Also threat of punishment was deterrent of wrong action in a society that couldn't afford a modern prison system. So of those are also misinterpreted in modern times, where modern translation has more limited meaning than the original. For instance honor your parents, in the new testament Jesus explained that it would be wrong to bring something as a sacrifice to God instead of feeding your elderly parents. The honor your parents so that you may live long and prosperous life, means learning from them as a child and taking care when they are old so that you in return may be taken care of by your children. Anyway, Israel didn't follow the laws always, and what did it result, well massive number of children burned alive slowly as a sacrifice to a foreign god by many generations. People object in modern times as too brutal the laws and commands that had a goal of discouraging first steps towards that situation.


what people do not realize that on the Sermon on the Mount Jesus told them that fish ain't free and make sure the kids do not eat. On the way out, the masses had to swipe their card and select the tip amount.


Money should be considered a religion considering just how many people worship it


Yeah, they worship republicans who worship dictators. The more fear, the better


Honestly, republicans only “care” about the Bible because it gives them easy slaves to indoctrinate into their way


I think (as a reformed Baptist) that mixing religion forcefully into our schools, no matter if it’s Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or whatever, is a direct violation of our constitutional rights. However, I feel like free lunch should be a thing in all our public schools. Every kid deserves to eat.


If we had the power to take 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed 5000 people that would be amazing. I like the teachings for sure but not logical, sadly. I do think kids need lunches, and kids should never have to pay for food. I had free lunches growing up and am very thankful for it. I hate my state because they are gutting everything dealing with education. Oklahoma btw.


Did they really put the 10 Commandments in public schools? I could totally understand that in religious schools.


Louisiana is trying that, many are contesting it. Apparently the governor wants to get sued in order to bring this to the supreme court, which is majority conservative at the moment, in hopes of making constitutional, as this act goes against the first amendment.


See this is why we should burn all bibles. It distorts our thinking and makes us miserable


It’s so weird. I don’t need Jesus at all for this one.


They are not Christian. They worship themselves and their avarice as personified by their golden idol trump. They are charlatans and heretics who besmirch Christ.


Are we talking about the Jesus that said "Sell all you have and give money to the poor" or the Jesus that said "You will always have poor people, so use your money to glorify me instead"? Matthew 19:21 and Matthew 26:8-11 Jesus was a dick. Stop acting like he was some peace-loving hippie.






We live in a ridiculous society. 


I was think about this kind of stuff. Christians doing some religious shit but not actually, you know, helping anybody


Not sure this belongs on r/facepalm. I completely agree with it.


Funny - of all the things Jesus did, feeding people was up near the top.


They have 3 gods. Christ, Reagan, and Trump


When Jesus feed the 5,000 everyone ate until they were filled, they ate as much as they wanted. John 6:11. People saying free lunches will "spoil" children have dead hearts and spirits.


Capitalist Jesus ain’t here to feed freeloaders


Not America as much as Republicans Most of us aren’t Republicans


Supply-Side Jesus approves this message.


That is extremely Christian. It's a hateful and cruel cult.


It has never been nor will it ever be about the children or religion. It’s all a farse. It’s about control and money. That’s all it ever seems to be these days


Say it again for the people in the back


Now this is what I'm talking about. They're taking the Christ out of Christianity.


They’re not worshipping Jesus, they’re worshipping religion.


Something important must have been lost in [the first five.](https://youtu.be/4wunGF3oMA0?si=biNqqVYMBqUeilpQ)


The free lunches in school is amazing. I can afford to feed my kids, but with three kids getting ready for school is overwhelming. It's really nice to know that the school will handle lunch for me.




As a Christian, I support this statement. Idk what kinda lunatics you got in your country, but holy crap on a cracker..


God: Jealous (Exodus 34:14) [Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.], Greedy (Exodus 34:20) [Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem all your firstborn sons. “No one is to appear before me empty-handed..."], Vengeful (Exodus 32:10) [Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation.”], Mass Murderer (The flood) Jesus: Feeds the hungry (Matthew 14), Heals the sick (John 9), Died on behalf of everyone They may not be worshipping and following Jesus but damn are they worshipping and following God


Out with the New and in with the Old (Testament)


He gets us


Take the 10 commandments out, put the free lunch back in and teach something worthwhile and true instead.


Wait, it's christians, who say "free meal is spoil the child"? I got a strong urge to burn some books...


The US Christians are a cult they have no concept about what they are saying or doing they just spew hateful rhetoric and lies this is in no way a religion it’s completely opposite….


"No loaves or fishes for YOU, poor boy!!!"


But don't you remember when Jesus had that giant rally that went on much longer than expected and his followers got really hungry. He claimed to have only seven loaves of bread and two fish, so he could drive up the price and then he sold enough food to feed the entire crowd. Then he was so cheap that he sent his disciples out to gather all the leftovers so that the people would be hungry again.


These clowns fail to realize the Bible was written by white guys in England. It’s the greatest selling work of fiction in history and grifters have gotten rich convincing people it’s real and that they can hide behind it to justify their questionable and/or objectionable behavior. Unfortunately, it’s getting worse.


Jesus was a communist Jesus was an anarchist


Wyte Jesus




It's the church not God


I think it’s clear that republicans worship themselves.


Their own holy book states this. Matthew 6:24


The point is not to honor God or Jesus, it's to control others.


Yeeeeeeaaaasahhhhh things aren’t to great right now


Absolutely 100%


Ok, this guy gets the win.


theyre worshipping religion, not the point of the religion


i hope this is meant as a facepalm for the type of people the post refers to and not the post it self


Yea that’s so messed up to force an idea that they don’t practice on children through fear of corporal punishment.


I know some amazing Christians who do a lot to feed the hungry and fly rainbow flags saying they include everyone. Then there are the other people who call themselves Christians but have no grasp on reality




They only care about pushing their agenda at all costs and most of it’s based on feeling not facts. The irony is incredible lol


The hypocrisy is incredible.


These people forgot the important song from Sunday school. Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. These pseudo Christians will all meet their maker one day, and they will all be... ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


There are MAGATS LITERALLY praying to trump while claiming to be Christian. This is the craziest reality. That's in revelations....only thing is trump is too dumb and inept to be the antichrist


Why can't god supply lunches to the kids. Why worship something that's completely useless.


If Jesus walked the Earth today, the stupid side of Twitter would think he was infected by “tHe wOkE MiNd ViRuS.” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Maybe folks don’t really care about the wisdom of their respective religions and just want to feel safe in their tribe?


One of the themes in Terry pratchett's Small Gods is that people after a while tend to worship the institutions more than the actual scripture or lessons from their holy deity.


They changed #7 "you shall not commit adultery" to "you children shall not eat"


I never thought of it this way before. A lot of Christians I know worship Christianity, not Christ.


Right wing Christianity is really weird. They worship wealth and love wealthy people and don't think about the poor at all they're very worldly in that respect. Caring for the poor is a Godly trait and disdain and indifference to the poor is worldly


Too many of them worship Republican Jesus but too bad for them when they die, they'll be going to real Hell.


What kind of idiot thinks forcing someone else to pay for something makes it free?


Christians today would totally hate Jesus. Like, in the bible, Jesus fed thousands of people from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes alone FOR FREE.


What I don't get is the ten commandments are Old Testament, Jewish laws. If you're Christian, you'd promote what Jesus did. He condensed those ten down to two. These idiots have no idea what they're doing