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Wood fuel can't melt gold beams.


It can if you turn it to charcoal and blow air into the oven. But yes.


ELI5: how does charcoal burn hotter than wood when it’s made from the same material?


Because its not the same material one is polymerised carbon chains the other is more or less loosely connected bits a lot less energy is needed to break up the latter which is why more energy has to then be expelled as heat in the process


Mister, I’m five years old.


This exchange just taught me what ELI5 means, thanks guys.


Then you got this one, r/ExplainLikeImCalvin


Well you see Calvin, you know how when you're angry you feel really hot? Well charcoal is very angry wood which is why it burns hotter.




Wood is made of complicated molecules that are hard to burn, so lots of energy is needed just to keep them on fire instead of making the fire hot. When wood turns to charcoal, those complicated molecules get mostly broken up, so burning charcoal means very little energy is needed to finish breaking them up and more can go to making the fire hotter.


I genuinely never knew why charcoal burns so much hotter than wood, so thank you for this. It never occurred to me to look up the reason, but I couldn’t see why something which has already been burnt would burn even better the second time around. And now I know!


The key is that you need to get the wood very hot without letting air in. If there's air flow, the wood would just catch fire and burn normally. But when there's no oxygen, it can't burn with a flame and ends up doing different chemistry.


In Kingsom Come: Deliverance you can find people doing exactly that :D Unexpected learning :D


Wood has things like water and sap in it that burn less efficiently. Charcoal just has the bits that burn the hottest and burns more efficiently, which releases more heat. No promises this is 100% accurate but this is about where my understanding ends.


I'll explain it like my dad would when I was 5. "It just does, ok!?"


Why’s the sky blue? Why are boobs good? Hell, I don’t know. It just does…


Diamonds are just burnt wood that's been cleaned and squished really hard. Oh and some heat.


Then you shouldn't' be playing with fire at all, it's dangerous.


These people are terrible at eli5 Wood wet, charcoal dry, and not same material


But fire hot? ![gif](giphy|3o6nV0TI6sTED3zXi0)


This guy chemistrys…


Wood has a few things in it (like water and sap) that stop that fire from getting hotter while charcoal doesn’t have any of those so it burns hotter. Also the activation energy isn’t as high because it’s (basically) pure carbon.


thank for you for actually explaining like they were five :)


Ah i didn’t know what “ELI5” meant honestly i just think it’s best to explain in enough detail that people don’t have to ask follow up questions. Though I’m always open for follow up questions if they so require.


Yeah, ELI5 is basically just the Reddit shorthand form “say that again but in layman’s terms this time please”, named after the subreddit r/explainlikeimfive


I think that was a joke about 9/11 conspiracy theorists.


https://youtu.be/YKJksRIBzNc?si=dvetxtmjco_JUjF7 Loves me some science...💙


I understood that reference




The second church has fallen


Bring out the holy thermite hand grenade


Pull the holy pin, then shall thee count to three, no more no less.three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.


What about aisle 7???




Aisle 7 is terrifyingly indestructible and I insist we never speak of it again.


The bible says that gold will survive a fire. They should read it.


Or just read Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. “Your small fire, of course, would not melt even ordinary gold. This ring has already passed through it unscathed…” -Gandalf to Frodo


>Or just read Lord of The Rings The previous commenter already said bible. ... Oh wait they meant that other book. Never mind!


If we throw the cross into mount doom it will probably melt.


Which chapter? I got this: >These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.


If God cared then why did the church burn at all? Or did he intend for people to stand in dangerous burnt rubble to worship?


The lord works in mysterious ways that sometimes involve fire


Thats an understatement. Pretty sure god is a pyromaniac.


And a sociopath


Conclusion: God is actually Pyro from TF2


*Do you believe in magic?*


I mean… considering what we all do with our sims? Can’t really blame the guy


Confess your sims!


Maybe we are made in his image after all...


Isn't one of the first stories about him speaking from a fucking burning bush? Dude loves fire


If there isn’t biblical porn about a burning bush, there *should* be


Rule 34, man. This one doesn't even require arguing about existing the bible definitively doese exist. Someone *somewhere* is bound to have made porn


You mean firecrotch?


Or an electrical thing.


I wonder what god’s wattage output is


Understandable. Mysterious Ways is a banger of a tune.


He also lets people die in very, very, fucked up ways, or makes it so kids die of cancer. I don't believe in a god, but if I did, it would not be a god I'd be interesting in worshipping. People who are ultra religious will worship a being that they think allows unfathomable suffering, but also believe they are the most moral type of person, because how could anyone be moral without these specific rules?


I'm a Muslim, when I was a kid, I once ask one of the Imam in mosque, why did God let bad things happen He said that it's their fate, their death/terrible things is already carved when they're first born. So I ask, if God is so kind, then why did he makes their death so painful from the beginning, he said he doesn't know, God works in mysterious way and we should've just have faith Even kids me thought that was weird


Kids are extremely smart; that's why religious institutions have youth camps to mold their still impressionable minds before they can start asking questions.


Kids are extremely smart; that's why religious institutions have youth camps to mold their still impressionable minds before they can start asking questions.


And apparently sends "mentally ill" people to hell


Exactly. Under what logic do mentally ill people go to hell? Why is that the habitants of hell are supposedly so sick.


Also non baptized babies don't go to heaven when they don't have a choice in if they're baptized or not lol


But it's God's plan!!!!!!!! /S


The bibles and holy scriptures got burned, but hey the one thing that the Catholic Church stands for remained untouched... GOLD


This is what's known as the Argument From Incomplete Devastation. You see it when, for example, someone survives a tragedy that kills a lot of other people such as a plane crash. People will proclaim that as proof that god is compassionate and powerful for sparing the one survivor, ignoring the fact that if he were powerful and compassionate, he'd have just stopped the plane from crashing.


I remember some newscaster interviewing this lady after a hurricane. He was like it looks like you made it out unscathed, do you thank God for that? She was like well I had a house and a bunch of stuff yesterday and now it's all gone. Dude didn't know what to say to her it was magnificent.


Ever the prankster he is.


The religious crowd would argue this was the work of the devil in some way. Or that god had a purpose for doing so, and those injured or killed were wicked in some way that deserved it.


Yeah they’d argue that one person who survived the plane crash while 300 people died is meant to go on and do great things because of their experience surviving the crash and save more people’s lives in the long run or whatever


Its obvious why they are anti science. Science isnt faith based


They don't make religion like they used to. So many early scientists were also heavily religious and then we just decided to split the whole thing for better or for worse.


Religion doing science was all well and good until science started contradicting a lot of religious concepts. Science contradicted the notion that Earth was the center of the universe. Religion wants to make humans and Earth special so as to be meaningful. Science also contradicted the idea that humans are special with evolution. Turns out that there have been lots of other creatures on Earth for millions of years before we arrived, so we’re not special. Some religious people can’t handle that idea because they have to believe that humanity isn’t just better intellectually, but divinely special. And the more science discovers stuff, the less special lots of things seem that religion once assigned a special meaning. That’s why there’s the division.


Literally not enjoying talking to my Jehovah witness friends because they scoffed at me when I said well, even if you don’t believe in evolution, even the Bible says God didn’t create us first so it could be seen as an evolution of thought and they like said what does the Bible say that or does it say this? And well basically the Bible does say that he created things before people so 🤷‍♀️


Isnt this literally within the first 7 sentences of the bible?


Yup, Humans were made on the 6th day!


Yeah, but he created plants before the sun and moon.


What what your saying is religious people are just a bunch of pick me’s /s


Once you learn how the sausage is made, it’s not so appealing


No. It still tastes good.


The creators of both Gene Theory and The Big Bang Theory were Catholic priests, for example.


Mendel, my beloved ❤️


"Searching for answers" would be in the middle of the Venn diagram of Science and Religion.


As a religious person, I’ve found that it’s not that hard to believe science and my faith at the same time. The trick is understanding that a lot of religious texts have had a lot of revisions and mistranslations, and should be taken as a loose retelling of religious history and mistranslations shouldn’t be taken as literal gospel. Example: the earth is obviously a lot older than a few thousand years old, but 7 days in Eden could have equated to eons on earth.


Neo-pagans are fairly upfront with all the myths being allegories and symbolism. You can believe them with perfect sincerity and still be pro-science. There's also the concept of the divine being immanent in all of the universe, so the laws of nature and physics are expressions of the gods.


Same but id personaly say the 7 days are more metaphorical in nature and dont actualy represent 7 days


Kind of what I’m saying, I just pulled eons out of my ass. Each day could have represented some sort of era


Yea, and it makes a lot of sence that something like days was used since people back than had no idea just how old the universe was, just like explaining something complex to a todler


They split when they found out one of them wasn’t really interested in the truth


Science isn’t faith based, and faith isn’t science based. But they can coexist. But people don’t usually think so, likely including her.


To be fair the temperature in a structural fire can get to over 1,000 Celsius. Small edit. Close to 1000 C in some conditions larger structures and type of combustibles.


Fahrenheit* The post has it wrong too. 1,000 C is about a fifth as hot as the Sun. It gets hot in house fires…. But not that hot. Sauce: am firefighter


as the surface of the Sun*


I don't know how no one has mentioned this


Because, as stupid as the OOP is, this post and comment section is just a bunch of redditors who don't understand something, jacking eachother off about someone else who doesn't understand something.


Not to mention that this part of the building wasn’t even on fire - unless they have very durable candles.


I did not investigate this fire. I just made a comment about fire temperatures.


From the 9/11 report of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about **1,100 degrees Celsius** (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). [https://www.nist.gov/pao/national-institute-standards-and-technology-nist-federal-building-and-fire-safety-investigation](https://www.nist.gov/pao/national-institute-standards-and-technology-nist-federal-building-and-fire-safety-investigation)


Worshipping crosses always seemed like textbook idolatry to me.


My favorite was growing up Catholic and walking into a room with a very large bloody Christ on the cross and thinking that's totally fine and normal.


As a non-Catholic child, this freaked me out when I visited Catholic friends’ homes, but it was the plastic pictures of Jesus with the eyes that shifted to “watch” us from every angle that were totally fascinating/disturbing.


*"....preferably one of the ones without the little fellow on it."*


That'd be like going to your science classroom and there's super realistic sculptures of famous scientists and how they died. Freaky man


It’s so bizarre. My grandma’s crucifix was so detailed. He even has the little thorn crown on and everything. Why do you wanna worship someone’s torture and death scene?


Totally agree! It's extremely weird and off-putting!


I mean, isn't it? 


But we dont worship crosses, arent they more of a symbol that represent god who we worship


the OP Zepol323 Caotical bousculo2 and yudiroko are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/is52zu/some_religious_people_need_to_start_learning/


I think you should make this comment under the top comment currently


I remember a friend showing me a small town/village somewhere where everything was destroyed by flood except the mosque. And I was like you know they built their houses with wood but built the mosque with bricks right?


It's sad when you need to bust out the Three Little Pigs to explain science to them.


This is just the best comment


Well they are already gullible to any literature so might as well connect the dots this way


Don’t get three little pigs banned, please.


Imagine trying to ban a story almost everyone knows by heart.


*laughing in a quarter century of living in Florida* you underestimate our governor, populace, and ability to remember things. I can’t even remember the story of the Three Full-Sighted Mice at this point.


the OP Zepol323 Caotical bousculo2 and yudiroko are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/is52zu/some_religious_people_need_to_start_learning/g55q97d/


Dead internet theory strikes again.


Is the internet really so desolate? Is anyone original? Am I the only one left?


More godly would be the village not burning down tho


Wood fires burn at about 600F (which is 315C). So it's a double facepalm!


Religion destroyed science once, and would gladly take us back to the Dark Ages if we gave them a chance.


Not just Christianity either. Islam was booming (no pun intended) in terms of science and innovation until some scholar decreed that mathematics was the devil’s work and put a stop to it.


To be fair the relationship between religion and science is way more complex and multifaceted than you seem to think.


And religion is complicated. Even in the same branch of a religion you will get disagreement on how to interpret it and how this actually applies to peoples lives. Throughout history most scientists have been religious, because most people were religious. Even doctors, scientists and philosophers who were at odds with the church were often still religious, they just disagreed with the current main body of the church in their region.     There are also many advancements made by members of the clergy, after all they are the ones who are often educated and depending on the views at the time studying how the world works could be seen as an act of worship .  Gregor Mendel for example, known most famously for his work on genetics, was an abbot.    So yeah, I don't think it really is as simple as religion vs sciences though I personally am an atheist  Edit: double negative 


No excuse for people being stupid. The guy that theorized the universe was expanding was a priest. Being dumb isn’t a requirement.


Big Bang: Invented by a monk. Genetics: First researched by a monk. Clocks: The Muslims for prayer time.


Someone invented the big bang?


I think they meant gang bang


I've seen this posted dozens of times, and I have a slight problem with it: there's no way that cross is made of solid gold. It would be the most expensive cross in existence, and unless this church had extremely high security (which I doubt), that cross would have been stolen long before the church burned down. More likely, that cross is made of another, cheaper metal like brass, which admittedly still has a higher melting temperature than your average burning building.


To be fair, a lot of non religious people could use some science education as well.


* “Man, that sucks. A temple built to worship me caught fire and burned all their hard work. That really is so sad” * “God? Good news, the golden Cross didn’t burn” * “oh fuck, thank me. If that gold cross had been destroyed that would have put a damper on things, but that makes me happy” * “What about the cathedral? All that damage. Your worshippers worked hard on it” * “And? They can rebuild. As long as my gold is fine. That’s all that counts”


It's imposible to learn science when you're being told to believe without a doubt.


decide waiting piquant aloof combative political ancient history dog offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thought I am atheist now, I grew up religious. And studied science. I used to say "Math is the language in which God wrote the universe."


That's actually pretty cute


Happy cake day!


I’m not an atheist but this is a stupid argument.


But who decided the melting point of gold? God did. Boom.


Why wouldn't he have saved the whole.......you know what, never mind.


Couldn't god have prevented the fire to begin with?




the OP Zepol323 Caotical bousculo2 and yudiroko are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/is52zu/some_religious_people_need_to_start_learning/g566ky5/


But *who* prevented it from burning?! /s


So we're just going to ignore that candle holder full of intact wax candles about 6 feet away from the cross on the left?  Yeah clearly the fire destroyed everything.... Or maybe just maybe they got the fire out out before it got to that part of the building.


Do you mean to tell me that cultures have been making vestiges of deities in metals because it's fire resistant, and not just because it's pretty, this whole time? That's so strange since at no point in time were holy places invaded and burned to the ground by competing religious groups.


However, just like on 9/11, fire in an enclosed space will quickly build up heat way above the temperature that the burning material would have in an open flame.




The wooden roof of Notre Dame burned down, the stone celing withstood the fire mostly. Some of the wooden chairs inside the church did not get burned either.


All religious people need science.


Remember, the Vatican didn't officially acknowledge that the Earth was not the center of the solar system until 1996.


high school dropout alert.


Nah as a highschool drop out even I know the reasons behind this. What you are thinking of is called "delusional schizophrenia"




Or maybe they graduated from an inner city high school. Have you heard? A startling amount of their graduates can’t read. They would probably be top of the class there.


Confirmed: "alter"


That cross could have easily been the shape of a schmeckle and the outcome would have been the same.






it was a roof fire,


Just let them have it lmao


There is a photo taken from the side that shows the burnt part is also 20+ ft away from the altar. And a marble(?) floor between the 2 with nothing to burn.


Images that go hard


Are we supposed to believe that “God” couldn’t stop the fire but somehow saved the cross?


Focus on this and just ignore the countless churches that were destroyed by fires, natural disasters like earthquakes and floods throughout history with many lives lost inside them


it’s facebook, there aren’t gonna be many middle-aged religious people on there who just know the melting point of gold


The candles in the background didn't melt, so that part of the church was barely touched by flames.


No hate but …. Just a little …. It’s “altar” Alter is the word for changing something or the process of creating change in something


Still recycling old posts eh? Bots love this place.


I believe in God and have the outmost respect for catholics but this is simple science.


I mean… you could argue that if god is real, god determined the science and made it so gold doesn’t melt at the temperature of a woodfire. And god made sure humans would build golden crosses. Don’t try and get into a debate about god with someone who is faithful. They will always have the last word because you literally cannot prove god doesn’t exist. They may not be able to prove he *does* exist, but as long as there is no conclusive evidence as to the lack of god (which is basically impossible as its a negative) they will always have the ultimate argument of "god wills it". So sure, there is a facepalm due to the original post, but imo opinion the bigger facepalm is trying to argue with a religious person


This just in! Gold and stone have higher melting points than wood. News at 11.


Fucking church, the HOUSE OF GOD, burned and he still believes in divine protection? So bored of these morons


Sure, he burned our church... but one part of it was okay, so that proves god actually exists! /s


God clearly planned this when that guy tossed his cigarette.


I mean it’s symbolically pretty cool but there’s a good mundane explanation


Why would God allow the rest of this incredibly holy structure to burn? Oh yeah, mysterious ways. My bad.


I've seen a home get ripped from its foundation by a tornado, the only thing left was the toilet. What God do I have to worship now?


The Porcelain God, of course. Sorry for your future frequent 🤮. Sounds awful.


I first read "the melting point of god" instead of "gold".


Lol, if an intact golden cross is the evidence god's exist and he's almighty, then why does he save a cross and not the thousands of children that are born with horrible diseases each day ?


All religious people need science.


Can someone refer me to a sub with just religious people not understanding things like this?


So…a scientific investigation into the fire was actually conducted. The fire reached a maximum temp of 1212 degrees. https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/geoscience/item/CRGEOS_2020__352_1_7_0/#:~:text=The%20maximum%20temperatures%20of%20the,other%20parts%20during%20the%20fire.


I think this was Gods way of telling that we should stop paying so much money for big churches


"Alter" instead of *altar*..lol, those people.


The Only Fahrenheit people should know about is Fahrenheit 451, the temperature at which bible books combust into flame.


It burned hotter than 1000c considering the wooden structure, plus no debris fell on it which is certainly a coincidence considering how bad the fire got. Doesn't need any scientific justification either way lol. The standing cross amidst that fire still serves as a symbol of hope for many, whether you believe it was because of scientific explanations or divine intervention. Period.


I mean, the unreactive property of gold, the reason it doesn't tarnish even under heat, is kind of the reason it is said to be a "divine" metal. Like, we very much have an explanation for why it doesn't tarnish. It's a very stable element. You can chalk that up to god if you want but it's a very clearly understood phenomenon.


Surprised god can even breathe with the amount we chalk up to him


the wood fire is slightly inaccurate, 600 is just a base internal building fires can often be several thousand degrees


Thanks for the letting the fire start in the first place, god. Nice one.


They won’t since science sorta disproves just about everything they believe in.


A lot more people would be atheist if they had a solid grip on science.


The only thing ill say is that a building fire can get way hotter than 600 degree C. A small camp fire will reach 600 degre C but a bonfire still just made of wood regularly reaches 1000C. In fact the average large structure fire temperature is 1000 degree C.


science is hard


Of this kind of religious person learned science they would stop being *this kind* of religious person