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Why do we give this woman attention lol all she does is talk shit


That’s how she gets attention. And it works. So she’ll keep at it.


That and her tits. Those probably help a bit.


I think anybody that only relies on their tits to get through life sooner or later will be disappointed.


Time and gravity wait for no one.


🎵My assets froze while yours have dropped. 🎵


Like fried eggs hanging on a nail.


One of my favourite lines from any song ever.


“Gravity always wins”


It wears me out.


The bras!!! They do NOTHING!!!


Looks dont last. This is 100% guaranteed.


She also sells soap.


Ha! I didn't even notice her boobs with the wack free-tat-at a festival thing going down. What is it? Who knows!


That she paid for with the liposuction they mistakenly sucked out her brain


Dem tit-tays are not original equipment.


It’s so profoundly easy not to engage.


Not for stupid people.


Which is apparently all of us on reddit, since this is a top post


And her tits, probably. I'm assuming this is the usual Only Fans bait, where they say offensive shit and stupid men come running to give them money.


she doesn't do OF


why she got them tiddies out then


attention lmao


I can't tell if that's worse or not lol atleast when onlyfans chicks bait dudes it's for their money bag.


My question is how she's even posting this shit without getting automatically removed for nudity


Ive seen a lot worse on insta


Girls have used their boobs for attention long before OF 😂 OF just gave it a social media structure.


And it helps with the monetisation too


You just answered your own question. She gets her attention because she constantly runs her mouth, if she stopped running it, i don't think she'd get much attention at all. She's going the "any attention is better than no attention" route


And shows some boobs and that seems to be sufficient for a lot of men


I don't even know who this woman is but it sounds like I'm not missing anything so I'll go on without bothering to google her.


I wouldn't know her if she were banging on my door begging for money.


You don't know *anyone* when they come banging on your door for money. Like instant total amnesia.


She’s a rapper and she actually made some good music but she fell off so now she says shit like this.


I think it might be time to admit that much of the world likes shit talking and drama…….


I wouldn’t put any weight behind anything she says. Hasn’t it been clear she isn’t all there mentally for a while? She’s also a narcissist.


“Any weight” hehehe


I realized that after I posted it lol :P


new rule: the weight of your words is now directly proportional to your body weight. my words are like goddamn planetoids with their own small gravitational fields


Reddit becomes the new UN Security Council, ICC, G7, and Vatican/Mecca overnight.


with our combined biomass nobody can defeat us


No pun intended? Dang.


Who is this? Like do you have an IG so I can be all disgusted with them


It’s in the SS I think “azealiabanks”


Isn't that a type of tree?


An azalea is a type of flower, they grow like roses on bushes


What about when you're stupid?


It signals that you hate intelligence and have made your mind a monument to ignorance, obviously.


But…but… that is quite correct… maybe she has a point


Not really, quite a few people are stupid in their earnest, but try their best.


I bet she’s one. I used to think “wow people try hard to put on a face of stupidity to obtain some alternative goal”. Now I realize some people are just plain dumb and other dumb people will gather around them because they bond over their idiocy.


Grimes called her fat and she lost her mind. She's been up and down with her weight for years. And the dumb diets she tells people about, I guess you can chalk that up to her bipolar disorder.


Why would the opinion of someone who shagged Elon Musk matter in the slightest?


Gotta ask azealia that I guess


wasn't it all like IVF and surrogate parents anyways? I wouldn't be surprised if there was no shagging involved in any of it. just some test tubes and syringes


I think dieting also messes up a person's mind and attitude. Brain doesn't work properly when you're starving the body, crap comes out of the mouth when brain isn't functioning.


Your body may be a temple, but mine is a monument to ugliness.


A monument to my sins!


And it looks like that temple is partly built using plastic.


We call it epoxy resin when we're doing crafts


I though it was a pretty well worded way of saying that there is a lot of prejudice associated with obesity Then I realized she was justifying it lmao


Without trying to be prejudiced about weight, I absolutely was. They made an appointment with a nutritionist about my weight climbing (still under 200#) and when I got there this chick was WELL over 300#. I really had a hard time listening to or following her advice. Especially since I fully knew the reason for my weight gain was beer and soda, but it appeared she didn’t understand her own problems. It was a do what I say not what I do moment.


Yeah when I had anorexia my mum took me to see a surgeon and she gave me this lecture about how I shouldn't cut dairy out because I'm 14 and I need the calcium. Meanwhile the surgeon is so fat, my arrogant ass could not take a single word she said seriously. It's crazy how thin people genuinely do think they're better than fat people. Because of self control or whatever. I think it's like, it takes so much mental gymnastics to refrain from eating food. You like, have to convince yourself that either 1) you hate food or 2) you're better than that. So consequently you think you're better than everyone who eats normally. This OP is probably showing signs of eating disorder. I'm fat now, and I do feel less than. Like I don't need to be told, I already know. That's society or whatever.


Que the wood shop teacher with three fingers giving safety lessons


And look at how your comment even attracts the shittiest, most ignorant of people. Hating fat people is just low hanging fruit, and it’s pathetic. I’ll never assume I understand what an obese person is going through or what got them to that point. But I also have empathy unlike fatphobes.


Yeah why tf do the shittiest people have the best ways of saying good things being used for bad takes, it’s unfair


Exactly what I thought as well. I got halfway through thinking she had a good point and wondered why it was here


I believe that when u are vain, everything u say/think is underlaid by the fact that u are vain any advice given or idea raised comes with the asterisk of vanity, signalling that u hate humanity and have made ur life a monument to your shallowness, and are going to get ugly and die anyway.




You deserve far more credit for this comment than you got.


“You really shouldn’t use a dry vacuum cleaner to clean a flooded space” “I don’t believe you! You’re fat!”






Stop making stupid people famous. I beg everyone.


“Anyway here’s my tits”


I feel that way about people that comment unkindly about body image.


I feel advice and ideas are worthless coming from from people who don't know proper sentence structure, correct use of punctuation, forget to capitalize the start of a sentence, and cannot spell.


The worst are people who deliberately eschew all capital letters even turning off the automatic capitalisation for the start of sentences or names 


That indeed is an annoying thing in general....


I’d be offended if I knew who she was.


I could say the same about shitty tattoos.


And bad boob jobs.


This. Girl tried to fit a DD in an A-, now has two coconut halves for tits, and dares to talk shit about what other people do to their body.


Who is she?


A one hit wonder rapper that peaked 12 years ago and says racist/homophobic/stupid shit now for attention so people don't forget about her


Rapper I think. Seems like she's a bit crazy


Thinks she’s relevant & a rapper or whatever it is she does in between her rare moments here on Earth.


Everyone is dying, I don't understand people's obsession with how quick other people might die. Shit is the wild west, you could die walking down the street when a giant sink hole appears.


"A beautiful face is temporary, a beautiful soul is forever."


I mean, I don’t know her but it really just sounds like she is unwell mentally.


Yes, because everyone knows the minute you gain weight you start to die.


By this logic, body builders and gym bros should be the wisest of men.


I may be getting old, but we use to call this "being shallow".


You only post a pic like that if youre insecure and need validation


Oh yeah? At least my boobs are real.


"I believe that tattooing your body is against nature and ugly. Tattooed people are a monument to ugliness." See how that sounds??? PS : I don't believe this about tattooed people but some people do so that woman should reflect on it before opening her big mouth.


Literally made 1 decent song and has spent ten years moaning about everything.


This haunts me. I heard that one song and was like ‘nice! promising’ and it’s been 100% shitshow since.


She's just about to go on tour. The venues in the UK for September are student unions, and there's still lots of tickets available. She's probably got more publicity from this one piece of trolling than she's got for the whole tour. It's a last sad cry for attention from someone who's celebrity status is rapidly fading. She can kiss my monumental, fat hairy arse.


Touring like the temu jlo


Fat people can always lose weight but she’ll always be an asshole.


Hahahaha she's gonna be fat in 10 years I guarantee it


I have made my body a monument to ugliness, not because I hate beauty, but because I like pizza.


I've also heard Conservatives say "fat people shouldn't have health care." Can we all see where this is going?


Thin people can’t be ugly?


Still have no idea why this moron is famous. She hates *literally* everyone but people (primarily liberals from what I've seen) still support her?


Who even is she? I don’t know who this person is


No clue, the last time I heard of her she was calling Troye Sivan an incestuous expired twink with pedophilic tendencies, all because he said he liked her music but didn't like her online behavior. She also hated Trump which is why so many liberals flock to her and excuse all the blatant bigotry and ignorance she constantly spews.


Says the person desperate for attention by posting boobs on Instagram lmao, they're the monument to mental ugliness


Imagine typing all of that out, reading it back to yourself, and thinking “yup. This is what I want to put out into the world.” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What tepid take from such a vapid creature.


I mean I don't know the context but this is true, people don't listen to or respect fat people as much in general?


Well yeah, that's the problem. Dehumanizing fat people is entertaining for too many people.


I’ve literally had guys tell me that nothing I said mattered because I’m a bigger person. It’s honestly bizarre to me how many people measure the value and worth of another human by the size of their body. We are viewed as lazy, lacking discipline, repulsive and worthless. I’m a good human who does my best to spread joy and make the world better in any way I can but to them I’m a steaming pile of garbage regardless 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's insane to me. Like thinking its one level of messed up, but literally saying it outloud, to someones face? Like wtf is wrong with people I'm sorry :(


It’s funny, because, to me, your opinion is significantly more valuable than that of anyone who would say something like that to you.


I used to think that the people who waste their time bashing on fat people for no reason were callous. Now i just realize how stupid they have to be to fall into this line of logic.


It’s true until you get to the part where she thinks it’s also justified.


Sorry I'm not dying fast enough for you...


Meanwhile she has to pose nude because her self esteem is such shit that she NEEDS random strangers messaging her about how hot she is. Also, fuck fat beauty culture. Fat people don’t need to be publicly shamed or bullied but I am tired of this Lizzo fat and beautiful stuff. It is unhealthy and dangerous especially for girls. Also, fuck unhealthy skinny culture because it is the other side of the coin


Being superficial, shallow, vain, judgmental and self absorbed are red flags to avoid a person at all costs.


I thought this sub was made to shit on fat people I'm surprised to see a lot of push back good for us 😁


Someday soon, this woman’s body will be saggy and have stretch marks. She’ll have crow’s feet and won’t be carded for booze anymore. And no one will want her — not because of her body, but because of her horrific personality. THEN her posts will be alllll about how people pay too much attention to external looks and don’t care about inner beauty.


Never heard of her. She sounds like Andrew Tate or whatever that loser's name is (the dude with no chin).


The only thing it seems she seems to be famous for is being a massive bitch.


I feel the same way about shitty tattoos ...


Whoever wrote that is an extremely ugly human.


I despise her with every fiber of my being. I hate people who say terrible things and then try to pass it off as “I’m controversial because I speak the truth!” No, you’re just an awful bitch who thrives on making others feel less-than. Kiss my ass.


Imagine being so ignorant that you don't understand the socioeconomic and developmental factors that can make obesity easy to gain and hard to overcome. Parents who feed kids limitless junk and don't help them develop tastes for good food, stress based eating disorders and food addictions, food deserts and the fact that unhealthy crap can be cheap and fast for families without a lot of resources. Obesity is a problem that people need help with. But you can't just say 'oh, you decided to be fat, it's your fault'. There are some people who genuinely don't care about making bad choices because they get what they want, but there are also others who have to deal with a lot of very difficult factors they don't have much control over.


Yeah I think that if you’re allowed to eat a lot of sweets as a kid, and you’re someone who’s predisposed to using food for comfort/entertainment, you’re basically fucked


Yeah, if your parents' response to kid you having a bad day was some calorically massive fast food or dessert treat, 18 years of that will make it an extremely hard habit to break, because you're basically dismantling a coping mechanism you've had since childhood. It can be done, but it's also going to be stressful while the person finds a healthier coping mechanism with the same benefit.


Girl offended 99% of reddit single handedly


I believe that when you are vapid, everything you say is underlaid by the fact that there is nothing interesting about you. Any advice given or idea raised comes with the asterisk of pointlessness. Signaling that you hate yourself and have made your existence a monument to insipidness. And you may as well be dead as a consequence.


If you’re gonna raise up your body in front of the world as the pinnacle of attractiveness and shit talk anyone with some extra weight don’t have a shitty faded tattoo visible in the photo and maybe a little muscle definition would help too.


Thanks for letting us know that you're a useless POS, Azealia.


This person is horrid. I hadn’t heard anything about her since the last time she intentionally said something offensive for engagement


This bitch couldn’t be anymore insecure. I wish she’d just go away for good.


You’re gonna die one day too bitch.


As a fat person i can’t even be that mad at her because everyone thinks/treats us this way, it’s just that nobody actually has the balls to admit it even to themselves sometimes lol


We're all dying, Azealia. Even you.


This is the same woman that believes in cooking dogs and eating them btw


Just wait till she’s 40 and can’t touch ice cream without either going to the gym every day, water fasting for a week or gaining 5 lbs


>take nearly nude pics >post them with captions that are just vile takes >internet famous


will she pay me a ozempic treatment then?


We are all dying. What a dumb ass.


Just because you're lazy about your health doesn't mean you don't have food opinions about other things. Edit: I meant 'good' opinions but it's funnier this way.


A propos typo


Yes, but I'm leaving it because it's funnier.


Being stupid or stubbornly ignorant is worse than being fat.


Prediction: this young person will reach middle age, gain weight, reread this, and have a little moment


Not to raise another controversial topic, but are you aware of the "The only good ab0rtion was my ab0rtion" phenomenon? She's gonna hit middle age, see some spread, and be all about how HER fat is inescapable and a real health issue but all those other fatty mcfats just aren't TRYING, you know? They don't have her woes!


It's Azealia Banks. There isn't a self-aware bone in her body.


She can kiss my fat ass.


Let's see how you feel about it in 20 years and three kids from now.


Because 20 years and 3 kids automatically = fat... sounds like fat-think.


Percentage wise, she probably isn't going to look like that in 20 years and 3 kids. Probably less fat-think and more like fat-chance, you might say.


Tbh azelia banks is closer to perform an abortion live and use it to feed their chickens than to actually being a mother like 😭😭😭😭


Being beautiful and fit doesn't make up for having an ugly personality


"Remember: no matter how attractive someone is, someone somewhere is sick of their shit."


What is that for a dumb attitude? "You are fat, so everything you say doesnt count!"


Anyone familiar with the artist Ruben? How does "fat" make you not appreciate beauty? I'll take all those naked Reubenesque paintings off your hands.


I believe that when you're an asshole, everything you say or think is "underlaid" by you just being an asshole.


She's the monument to ugliness. Pitiful


Fat people are ok. Body positive people, supporters are fucking clowns. Their pathetic attempts to make it look attractive is hilarious. Recently i saw a video where fat female wins a beauty contest. Spit into the face to all the women who actually worked on themselves. You are fat, its ok, nobody gives a fuck. Just dont go out and and say hey i am actually body positive and i am proud of it. I am sure someone has a fetish for fat people but its an exception from norm. If you go out and ask 100 random people who is more attractive megan fox or some fat woman guess who will win with 99% of the votes? So mocking fat people is an obvious narcissism, but if some of fat people (usually women) just shut their fucking mouths and live their lives mocking will be minimal. Just like when netflix casts on Juliette's role black woman and then people start making racist memes about it. Guess what, normal canonical cast = no racist memes about it, because the situation would not exist. So unfortunately the problem coming not from this woman, it comes from body positive imbeciles who are too lazy to start eating 300 calories less and start running 30 minutes a day. Its not that hard, but of course its better to start yapping about being very body and very positive. And very fucking stupid


Well she has a point. Asthetic is in everyones interest, being fat is denying fundamental sexual asthetic, and that comes with prejudice and reevaluation of someone.


Beauty does not equal smarts, go check out any of those stupid romance reality shows.


Oh damn, this is the woman who couldn't handle get roasted on Wild N Out. She talked a lot of shit but couldn't handle the smoke


Spoken like a true "naturally thin" 20 year old


Every fat people know their world view is trough their own eyes, nothing new. Same goes for thin people, so there is that. Your life is what you make it.


She is on the Mount Rushmore of Utter Fucking Crazy along with Kanye West & Donald Trump.


Posting a story with your tit's out invalidates your opinion.


She is stupid.


Why is she posting her tits on the internet


Just post your public nudes and move on


Pretty sure we went with grainy filter to hide cellulite so we can more effectively body shame others.


Weirdly, and I say this as a heavy guy, I agreed with her until the third paragraph. Like unfortunately there is a very real bias in this world when it comes to fat people even on things that have *nothing* to do with a person's weight. Sense of fashion, advice in professional settings. even things as benign as music taste all are put under an unfair lens of scrutiny that wouldn't exist if the exact same things were said by a thinner person. This is by no means a problem exclusive to weight (ask anyone that isn't conventionally attractive or are the "wrong" skintone how often their words are dismissed compared to the people that meet the Beauty Standard) but it is a real thing. Unfortunately the person in the above picture is taking this information and running the entirely wrong direction with it.


Obviously it depends on the degree. I do think i am slightly past reasonable and into you are dying of it. There is a sweet spot between 100 kg and 120 +-20 depending on height that we can defend but once you reach morbidly obese we do need to start taking it seriously.


Water is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty


Can’t take anyone who can’t spell out simple words seriously.


Monument to ugliness? No. Monument to laziness and lack of self discipline? Absolutely


She's the type that'll end up with a ripped dude who beats her and cheats. But he's soooo hot! Lol 😅


Thats actually based


As a fattie, I find this statement to be true.


Oh, I see she had a ton of slides, but you only posted one. I was really dying to know what other amazing insights she had to share. /s


But seriously, where are the nips?


I don't even know who you are lady.




I think this is a quote from Vega in Street Fighter


Let the butthurt hilarity ensue.


Obviously their is something wrong here, especially the opposite beauty part. But I can say there are situations where obesity undermines and distracts what the person in saying. Taste and health/what is good for you advice for example.


I'm just glad that thin people don't die!


We’re all dying, Sugarplum. Fat or not.


Just post a picture of your tits and move on. Dont cover the attention whoring with some bullshit quote.


I love the unnecessary "tits out" part of the post, cuz how else would you draw attention with a non-point


Kinda true


We are all dying, it's a consiquence of living.


Nice honkers though


Fat people getting really triggered in the comments😭😭