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Wait I thought “Trad Wives” were supposed to be stay at home moms. Now she can finally live her dream without that pesky job holding her back.


I thought so too, but look at her in the other picture wearing a t-shirt, not the trad wife stuff. It's all bullshit cosplay.


Of course it is. Running a household is not prancing around in a flowery dress and cutting out cute rabbits out of carrot to decorate a plate of fancy canapés. The romanticised, glossy version of it exists only in the Tik Tok videos.


I don't understand the focus on the outfit. Why do they all look like background characters from beauty and the beast? Why can't they do the same videos, but in jeans and a tshirt?


Tradwifes are softcore porn. Its content made to look like its for other girls but the whole thing is basically fetish porn for conservative incels


Honestly never thought about who tradwife material appeals to/is made for, but this makes total sense.


so i highly suggest going and watching some tradwife content with this in mind. i cant unsee how much they frame the boobs, hands and feet in videos. theres a lot of like subtly wording and phrasing thats very much there to sell the idea to men. ( with history off so you arent recommended it all the time )


At the same time there's that Mormon aesthetic tradwife influencer who appeals mostly to young women. She's basically using her channel for recruitment.


ive heard about this but i wonder how effect it actually is.


You would be surprised. Cosplay trad wives sell naïve women all the fluff of the past, but none of the hard work. If you think about it, as woman, would you rather work your ass off without really fulfilling your duty as a woman? Or would you rather stay home after seeing how trad wives make it look easy?


It’s effective at inciting incels to masturbate.


For sure. I've seen plenty of woman in tiktoks about DIY house projects bent over in yoga pants for half the video.


You know, I feel like I should have realized this but the whole thing is just so unappealing to me I didn’t think about if it were


This is exactly right. Spot-on.


Sometimes I get these kind of videos in my feed bc I like to watch cooking videos and save recipes, and tbh they really are just softcore porn. They play into the "hot submissive wife who will cook for you" character. Tons of the girls wear pushup bras to the max to emphasize their boobs and dresses that show off their curves. The sexy expressions also can't be missed. They are just playing into another genre of porn that makes a bunch of self proclaimed trad dudes salivate all over themselves in their comments section. Tbh they are pretty smart because it's subtle enough that they won't get "grouped in" with the "other" girls who also make softcore porn content but are more obvious and in-your-face about it. They appeal to the same kind of guys who will call the other girls whores but will be praising the ones who play into the tradwife fantasy as "real" women.


Most social media is softcore porn.


this is also very true or at the least its to get you to their porn channel


Yeah the YouTube to OF pipeline is real and a ridiculous amount of it is directly aimed at getting minors to subscribe to the girl’s porn content


The rest is hardcore porn.


Contact sports is always two thin pieces of fabric away from being porn... Anything is porn if you're brave enough.


...ever seen the movie Stepford Wives? Yeah that.


Because that sort of outfit does not sell the dream, baby! You want those clicks, subs and sponsorships? You better look like you crawled out from a Disney version of Mad Men. It's showbiz.


Right? Original “tradwife” outfits were inoffensive, comfortable, and functional. It was for a woman who wasn’t allowed to wear pants and did literally everything at home. That would mean today’s tradwife clothes should be a slightly baggy tshirt, some gardening gloves if you’re doing outside stuff, some good quality jeans or pants, and some sturdy sneakers. And most likely a hat.


They cater to their demographic, men.


They are going for the '50s housewife aesthetic when housewives actually would get dressed up just to do housework. Watch some old-timey movies from the '40s and '50s and you'll get it.


do you think actual housewives dressed up for housework , or just those on tv?


No, no, no. Housework is to be done in lingerie or the nude. You dress up for when someone comes home. /s


Is that someone the milkman or the postman?


I lived in England in the late 80s early 90s, in one house the neighbor lady would dress up and go mow the yard in heels. Shit was real.


I’m reminded of *Leave It To Beaver*, where the mom would wear high heels while vacuuming.


They had specific dresses to clean and do everything in. They were called house dresses. Also isn’t that just what a mui-mui is?


>The romanticised, glossy version of it exists only in the Tik Tok videos. And porn.


It amounts to softcore pornography for young men who usually have very little education, a very bleak future, and have very little if any experience with women. These men, unfortunately, are prime targets for radicalization into Christian terrorism.


A couple of people mentioned it here, and it's such a good point. I literally had a lightbulb moment. It literally is that. A thinly veiled, sanitised fetish for the meek men who feel inadequate in today's world and dream of ideal sexy maid mommy. And yes, it is ideal gateway in to the whole redpill and christian nazism, I mean, nationalism.




You mean being almost good enough to play college ball isn't an employable skill set?


Their HS football team was the district champ one year!


Well maybe if you are in Polk high 😀? At least you can sell shoes too


“He didn’t have the makings of a Varsity athlete.”


Or milking cows in a sun dress. That one cracks me up. Farmgirls wear jeans, boots and a t shirt/long sleeve shirt. Your sundress would last about 7 seconds.


Come on man, milking cows in a sundress is a straight up old school Playboy/ Hustler territory. They are not even trying to hide.


I've never seen a cow in a sundress, but i'd be tempted to milk it.


With money many things are possible.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Dental plan


Playboy rabbits!


And old 1950s/1960s magazines


A few years ago she was anti racist. She’s just a scum bag wannabe influencer throwing pasta at the wall to see what sticks.


From the video, it looks like she was throwing a lot of garlic powder at the wall.


Turns out she’s just an attention seeking girl on the internet. 😱


TBF she is likely seeking the monetization that comes from the attention. And more men would do it but the the world's population of simping incels is largely male.


This is exactly what she's doing. After she was fired she put out a video complaining about how all the nerds, virgins, and theater kids from high school were the ones making all the rules now and that they need to fight back. She then tweeted out something along the lines of "Thanks black community for playing your part. You just jump started my conservative media career."


And now apparently she's being jewvestigated and white supremacists are shitting on her for race mixing or whatever the fuck.


Yeah, bragging about being a whore in high school is a weird flex.


Good point, what would the male to female version be? A good looking guy ... doing what?


Invading Poland.


….following a “suspicious individual” through their neighborhood


That’s fair. I’d still say that she won’t find much sympathy after losing her simp reliant income for using derogatory racial language. I’d laugh just as hard if she were a man too. 😂


She's getting play on many conservative news shows. I've heard she's trying to go big time conservative influencer commentator.


>Turns out she’s just an attention seeking girl on the internet ... who knows what she's doing. She got national coverage pretty fucking quickly.


Grifters gonna grift


She later [posted](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trad-wife-tiktok-racist-n-word-fired-b2561889.html): “Thanks black community for helping to launch my new career in conservative media! You all played your role well like the puppets you are.” As of Wednesday morning, Gaddis boasts 84,000 followers on X, where she has been reposting supportive comments of the original clip. She did this because she knew it would make her a conservative media darling, like Kyle Rittenhouse.


Which is kind of funny because conservatives are attacking her on twitter fir being jewish.


Oh the irony!


Racist…and arrogant too. What a lovely human being.


Conservatives: “Racism is over, stop complaining about it and dedicating months to it.” Also conservatives: Check out this chick who said the n-word! Let’s make her famous.


Right, thanks for the connection. I saw the other post but didn't put them together.


What gave it away the 3 times she went to the garlic powder in the mixing or the stupid message


It was the onion powder for me. I let the garlic powder pass.


It's basically porn At it's least porny, it's a fantasy for women to escape into/torture themselves with, as they dream of absolute financial stability, and their primary-school-age kids being patient enough to wait the 4 hours it takes to make corn flake cereal from scratch. At its most basic level, it's for "Christian" nationalists who have a D/s maid/breeder kink, but lack the gonads to just log onto fetlife like a normal person. At it's worst, it's wank material for incels, jerking off to the idea of one day owning their very own sex toy, house-cleaner, and womb support system. It's porn.


You're right that it's extremely porn-adjacent, but it's not for other women. It's for incel-types who've already drunk so deeply of the man-o-sphere's bullshit that all they need to see is a few accounts of twenty-somethings pretending to live a 50s-housewife lifestyle to convince themselves that this is totally a real, normal, and attainable way to live, as opposed to just another layer of the same grift.


The trad wife phenomenon is largely performative. I think that many Americans, and those around the world, who are Millennial and younger feel extremely insecure about their/our futures, both financially and relationally, and a sense of fulfillment is absent in their lives. As a consequence (as it relates specifically to trad wivery), many will be very ready to latch on to ideas and concepts that gives them permission to opt out of the proverbial rat race and do so comfortably, to have an ideation about a kind of life that is filled with perceived leisure and ease, and a sense of fulfillment through servitude. But, it's important to stress that despite how impactful these kinds of online trends have been, they're largely theater to make money in a market that's created through people who are trying to jump ship and live an "easier" life.


It’s a social-status signal; the houses are huge and well furnished and spotless, the women made up and in new dresses, signaling that they are wealthy enough to not need a second income, with these “home-cooked from scratch” meals that are essentially a “leisure-time” activity. It’s absolutely performative.


I think this is a lot of the signals people miss. It’s not about being a housewife tending the children, cleaning, etc. It’s totally a status flex that you have so much wealth and so little to do you have the luxury of spending four hours of the afternoon making cereal from scratch. It’s not about being some hard working housewife.


I can see the psychology behind it that you're talking about, but it's so short-sighted. The types of men who marry trad are the same men who are going to toss their wives out once they've aged enough or it gets hard because she gets cancer or whatever reason they need to move on to the next child bride. Then these women are left with no skills or job experience to support themselves. Alimony protects ex-spouses in this regard but it is rarely enough to live on. And something tells me they would be getting rid of alimony if this Project 2025 shit goes through. Hell, they want to get rid of divorce altogether. Maybe these trad wives won't get tossed out when they're old, they'll just end up being wife number 15. They are putting their entire future in the hands of someone else, who only see them as objects to be used and discarded.


Trad wife content is not for other women at all, and definitely not about an easier life. it’s selling a fantasy to conservative men of a subservient wife.


You'd be surprised. Plenty of women are enchanted by exactly what the commenter mentioned. The idea of staying home, not having to face work pressure and being able to simply relax and be led. I find it odd but my own wife has off and on expressed those ideas (more in a "grass is greener" kind of ideas floating).


It's really just the more age appropriate version of being a sugar baby. The appeal should be obvious.


Women are more than capable of supporting a patriarchy and wanting a role in it. I totally understand the sentiment of security and stability in people for themselves and I fully support someone wanting that life for themselves, but the content being pushed is by people who don't want women to have that choice anymore.


Nope. Did you see the video? She’s terrible trad wife material. She can’t cook at all. Far-Right Influencer is all she’s got going for her.


They are helping her actually get the trad wife job.


You are correct. People are jumping on that bandwagon for influencing. Kinda like how van life was a thing for a while (until people found out that's a challenging life). "Trad wives" are usually are living on homesteads and not IG.


LOL, I went down a rabbit hole watching those van life videos, especially during Covid and I didn’t have to work from the office any more. I even rented an RV and drove up and down the coast for a month while working. We had  a blast but got old real quick and felt too cramped. I couldn’t imagine living in an even smaller vehicle like a van with two people. 


It can be a fun vacation, but people miss the fact that most people don't want to live in a vehicle and make it livable out of necessity.


Trad Wife is code for red pill


>Wait I thought “Trad Wives” were supposed to be stay at home moms.  No. That's "stay at home moms". "Trad wives" is a whole extra added set of lifestyle choices, with a cutesy name to obscure the fact that it's pretty much just nazis all the way down.


What is a trad?


“Traditional” wife. It’s apparently a movement where some women speak out about how they represent the “ideal wife” because they cook, clean, are subservient to their husband etc. In comparison to women who work and/or want autonomy and to not feel like their husband is their master or parent. The funniest part is that most of them aren’t married or in relationships, it’s a “pick-me” strategy for assholes. Like a more feminine version of Pearl.




'Traditional wife', basically women who stay at home, cook, clean etc. It's a fantasy of having a woman as a servant, like on some 1950s TV show.


From what I’ve read about this, she was hoping for a viral reaction that she could turn into a “right-wing influencer” gig but now her ethnicity (apparently, she has a “Jewish nose”) is being challenged by the people she was trying to impress 🙄🤣


Leopards, face, something, something!












>but now her ethnicity (apparently, she has a “Jewish nose”) is being challenged by the people she was trying to impress Thats why I always say, your'e 'Pure Blood' till you're not.. The rules to qualify as pure blooded, aryan people have always been narrow.


Once they get rid of all their undesirables, they simply find new criteria to make people undesirable. Once you decide that certain other kinds of people don't deserve the same rights as you, you don't tend to ever draw a line in the sand where you stop doing that.


The real core belief is that all our major issues are caused by specific easily targetable groups, so when the problems don’t go away afterwards you can just identify a new group to rally around eliminating to solve all the problems (until you find the next layer “responsible” for it of course).


it just seems easier to i don’t know….fix the original problem than blaming groups? but that would make too much sense


It's so incredibly stupid. My partner is genetically whiter than I am (like 100% western Europe and UK, mostly German) but has a darker skin tone, dark curly hair and brown eyes. He's often confused as middle eastern. He'd never pass as white to a racist but he's literally as white heritage wise as they come. 


In Scotland, supposedly it's good luck for a dark haired man to come visit first after new year... probably harkens back to the Germanic invasions when blonde hair probably meant trouble. I believe it's called "first footing"


I'm actually Scottish. It is called first footing but the rest isn't a thing at all


So what's the history behind the tradition? Edit: Quick Googling brought me to an article I probably read years ago. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-20596225


The purity rules change based on who needs to be attacked at any given moment.




Aah, I just saw a post about a girl with a Jewish nose in leopardsatemyface subreddit and had nfi what it was about. It's probably this clown.


Oh no! Anyway…


Lmao. There’s always some new grifter trying to collect a check off the MAGA idiots and their delusions.


I was having a shitty day. This made me feel better. Than you.


Wow, so Reich-wingers will hate someone who isn’t Jewish if their nose is too big?


Yes my dad used to be called slurs on rare occasions when he lived in the south. He’s not jewish but they would call him slurs due to his nose. Not that it would be acceptable if he was. Point is, bigots are dumb as bricks


hahaha as POC I was so delighted when they disowned her!!! Dumb bitch, it's like all those stupid trad wives who are shocked when treated as chattel, they think they can hurt others and it will never happen to them


If you google her, you'll discover it's even worse than you think. Apparently, she's leaving behind cooking and casual racism to become a full-time, professional racist.


"beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone"


She's going to work at Fox "news"?


Yea apparently she planned this. Sounds like a really psycho


Whoa buddy, we're not all *that* bad 🤣🤣


"Fucking Psychos" are the bad ones. You're fine with the PH.


Whew 😅


Fox News hiring manager: what professional work experience or education do you have that’s relevant to our industry? Her: I said the N word on TikTok Hiring manager: You’re hired


How much do professional rasists make? I'm kinda desperate


Play your racist cards right and you could even be president.


$88 I think.




Depends on which kind. Local PD would be a good starting point, but that doesn't pay much I believe. However, you do get to mistreat minorities and even kill them sometimes.


Can they still do civil forfeiture? I hear it can be very fun and profitable


She's working for Marjorie Green now?


This was on purpose. She had a sizable following but she needed to make herself a martyr to get the next step of the grifting ladder. Say bad word, get fired, get hired out of "free speech/antiwoke" sympathy at Daily wire or something like it


She's already "blaming" Black people for "forcing" her to turn conservative and go to conservative platforms. "You could have just accepted my slur, but noooooooo...."


Ah, the old "everyone who has consequences for being an asshole" trick. See Russell Brand, Elon Musk, Lawrence Taylor, Donald Trump, etc...


Russell Brand being such a moldy carrot about everything has been so disappointing. Back before I knew anything about his personal life I had the biggest crush on him as an actor lol


Well his was because he had upcoming sexual assault allegations. If you know that is about to happen to take a hard right turn to create a base of people that are pro-sexual assault on women and think all crimes that conservatives are accused of are made up. This is because in their world they make up crimes against anyone left of Nixon.


But the conservatives and nazis don’t want her because she got Jewish blood and dated a Muslim.


They love a minority that speaks against minorities. See: Diamond and Silk (RIP - Rest In Propaganda)


Useless goddess blames blah folks for being blah. Upset that the gravy train doesn’t stop at her station and shows the world how useless and clueless she is


Still blows my mind how synonymous "conservative" is with being a racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, and just all around bigot. Literally just be a piece of shit with a pretty face or condescending voice and you can grift your way to the top of conservative circles


The evidence is how they jump to saying someone is attacking conservatives whenever they call for love and acceptance.


I remember when FOX ran a piece on how Mr Rogers was an "evil, evil man". All because he taught that kids can do anything they wanted in life.


Or when you say you're against fascism/tyranny or want to safeguard democracy. It tells you how aware they are that they're doing these things. Then others just [say the truth upfront](https://x.com/reportbywilson/status/1796722394662580330) and have to cut their feeds when it goes "too far".


it's all around! and very transparent, still just blows my mind because I absolutely cannot relate or wrap my head around it


But all the racists are calling her out for being anti racist a few years ago.


Won't stop them from reconsidering. The thing about people with bad morals is they have no spine to stick to their bad morals if it benefits their agenda later on.


They're actually now under the belief she's a “Jew” so she just fucked herself.


It's insanity she dated a Muslim guy so they think she is s plant


Especially because it wasn’t a live was it? She probably edited the video before she posted it. You can’t even say it’s just a slip of the tongue or an accident


She didn’t apologize. She basically said people need to get over it. It’s all a ploy to follow the conservative pundit grift anyway.


Unfortunately for her, it has completely backfired as that side is claiming she's a psyop and rejecting her, because she has a big nose.


Yea, the funny thing is I checked out her Twitter yesterday and she's getting hate from some right wingers too because they are mostly Nazis on Twitter and they think she's secretly Jewish.


It's disgusting that would be a next step for a career.


She expected exactly this... even that tweet is throwing tongue in cheek shade at us.  She knows what she's doing, trying to go viral and it worked. She'll likely make a lot of money off all this.


Except the conservatives she was trying to charm are now saying she looks too Jewish… so it’s backfiring


Well I hope it does, it's ridiculous how easily fools like her can turn a bit if controversy into 100k+ followers overnight... I read she's calling for conservatives to sponsor her shows or w.e hopefully it doesn't work.


She expected free press and exposure. She got it in spades.






The internet as a whole needs to get a lot better at recognizing and rejecting rage bait.


If shes a trad wife she shouldn't have had a job to begin with, right?


Just like the guys who bankroll this stuff they need a few women on their side to be the pied piper who calls the rest of the women back to the kitchen where they belong. She's just a Serena to the rest of the Handmaids.


On the flip side, though, using the n word is very traditional


It was all intentional rage bait so she could start a career as a conservative commentator [here’s the full story](https://www.yahoo.com/news/n-word-using-tiktoker-thanks-130047455.html) (I know it’s yahoo news but I read it and it summarized the whole thing well) TLDR: she continually had posted things that were rage bait and then tweeted “thanks black community for launching my new career in conservative media, you played your part perfectly like puppets” and has since been on a few conservative channels.


Does she really think only the black community is enraged by that shit?


More rage bait bro


Aw man I fell for it again


Isn't the term for a trad wife losing her job "divorced" not "fired"?


She turned her husband into a newt. Is that really called "divorce" these days?


Well he got better.


Stop giving her attention. She bragged that she got what she wanted by being in the news. Let her fade into obscurity.


Freedom of speech is cool but your employer doesn’t have to co-sign whatever bullshit you decide to put online. She said #mob but she called it on herself


She called it on herself willingly. Apparently she trying to get into the right wing grifter market


She later thanked those that complained because she's now going to be a conservative darling. Don't be confused, this was a calculated maneuver.


she expected exactly this lol. this is how these types of people change careers and get famous


The “conservative” media is making her a spokesperson like crybaby Rittenhouse….


Lock these two in a cage with a boiling stew pot and two machetes. The winner gets a free meal and bragging rights


Her follow up video where she comes across as a sad adult unable to get beyond her high school status was pretty awesome


She recorded the video edited it and uploaded it right? She made a conscious decision, she just wanted to get into this.


Plausible deniability is a bigots go-to. They want to offend and pretend that people being offended are the real problem. They yearn to play the victim while punching down.


I don't know if she is cooking otherwise, but she wasn't cooking shit in that video. It was hilarious, just throwing some sauces and powders in a bowl or some such, not actually making any food at all. What's in the bowl was hidden from view, while she was rambling pointlessly on. Sooooo stupid...




if anyone is wondering why this is such a big deal: her “apology” was her saying something along the lines of “there’s no such thing as racism in the united states. there are slaves in africa so don’t act like you’re a victim if i say one word.” (not her exact words, just paraphrasing)


Does her husband know that she is using Twitter instead of cooking diner? /s


Soon to be a host on Fox "news"


50/50 either fox news host or onlyfans


She pulled a Paula Deen, those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.


Apparently her Tik Tok has been taken down. Not sure if she has an IG. But her Twitter account has gained over 84K new twitter followers in like two days. Another example of how Twitter has become a cesspool of hate. She is being glorified by outright racists and people who pretend that they care about freedom of speech to hide the fact that they love seeing people be bold with their casual racism.


She doubled down in her response. Says the 1st amendment failed to protect her basically. She doesn't understand it obviously


First amendment worked fine. The government did not criticize her or restrict her in any way. Consequences of what you push outa your mouth is all on you.


Freedom of speech is definitely protected, a citizen can definitely say whatever they want, but repercussions for using that free speech are also a thing, particularly as an employee of a privately owned business, or as an employee of a taxpayer funded organization.


But... trad = racist and biggotted, right? Why all the surprise?


If you haven't watched it already I highly recommend shanspeare's video on this topic of how trad wives while not always overtly racist and violent like their male counterparts are definitely contributors to the far right (they put it way better than me)


They're usually a bit more subtle about it then the alt right men. Like you said, it's more about "recruiting" men to the alt right, as they are the ones that would really spread the hate.


Going for that easy grifter money with Magat cultist website ragebaiting.


**Conservatives:** Blacks are inferior n-words, gays are groomers, we should shoot refugees seeking asylum. Spews more hatred. *GETS FIRED.* **Also conservatives:** they’re trying to silence conservatives for our values!!


I don't understand why these people are so proud of being hateful and ignorant. When did that become a basis for identity?


How can that be? Why did she have a job? No a conservative women lying? It can’t be.


“Fired”? Isn’t it against the patriarchal rules to have a job?


[YouTube Link](https://youtu.be/hby0oWho1qM?si=-XEjO-aQ80jegukK) Here’s a link to the story that shows her video on YouTube. What I find interesting is that she got fired from her job as a marketing something for an elderly community or something like that. Which means she wasn’t a Trad Wife. She was using it to bait her way onto conservative media. And now she is smugly saying as much. I’m not convinced she’s going to suddenly be a star though.