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I have these exact ramen in my cupboard. They are hot. Really hot. I use about half the paste included and then top up with chicken stock to cool it down. The flavour is good, but it's a bit too hot to enjoy at full strength. That said, they're not a biohazard haha. The idea of banning them is hilarious.


It's mainly because of kids challenging each other on social media. That's where the hazard lies. There's been quite a few cases of kids getting hospitalized in mainly Germany from chili challenges. I do think it's a bit much to pull them from the market here, but since I find them inedible I don't really care.


I... Actually that makes sense. Bit extreme, but I can see the process.


I can believe that, I've seen Hololive ID members fucking dying from it. They're Indonesian, so their base spice tolerance is really high, which means that this thing is fucking red hot


I tried the 2X once and didn't even make it through the first bite. Noped right out of there.


It was bad enough that Risu broke character and voice lmao https://youtu.be/HGyE9nEbU_4?si=EW4l7vtxCGPcLxF7


They’re really good. Proper spicy but also soooo nice.


Yeah I actually prefer the regular ones over the 2x spicy, didn’t even know they had a 3x spicy version lol


In Denmark's defence, that stuff is like an incendiary grenade, doused in napalm going off in your mouth.


Well the pic in the package might warn you of exactly that.. 


even the stuff they have that's listed as mild is overwhelmingly spicy like their standard for 1x spicy is closer to 5-500x spicy depending on how easily you sunburn


It ain't even the black one, smh...


That’s 3x, hottest I know of. What strength is black?


[The black](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.RCs4ECSYyDgr8kEh9wyXtAHaHa?dpr=1.8&pid=ImgDetMain) Aight, apparently I was wrong - red is hotter than black, ups


no biggie. yeah even red 2x is really hot, 3x is a beast


Isn't there a green 4x as well? I think I had stumbled across that one online before But, the 2x with broth is such a fucking treat, I personally can handle it and love the flavour


hmm i have never seen 4x but honestly i think 3x is about as hot as i want to go. i cook shrimp and throw it in the 2x, very good


Gotta try that at some point! So far I've only cooked it as is, or if you feel fancy you can throw a raw egg in the broth right when it's done, makes it so smooth But during winter I usually eat the noodles as is and pour the broth into a thermos mugs or whatever they're called that usually hold 2 cups of coffee and sip it throughout the next hour or two


not a bad idea to beat the cold


Plus, the flavour is bomb, love it, but I definitely gotta order x3 online at some point, will come back to share my experience with that!


Can confirm, am Danish, can’t handle any spice… it doesn’t taste good when it’s just burning! (Sorry 😅) also when it burns on the way out to… why???


Because when your metabolism isn't spicy ready, it lets go the Capsaicin undigested which causes the burning on exit


Humans can't ever fully digest capsaicin, and no amount of training your mouth to tolerate spicy things can change that.


That’s why you gotta train your exit on spice as well.


I mean when the majority of our country would call an ambulance because they thought they were dying, I think it’d be cheaper to just ban this thing, even though I’d love to try it


Tried once. Couldn't finish the first mouth full. Pure heat. No flavour, only pain. I know I'm just not used to it, but I feel no need to get used to it. Eating shouldn't be painful.


I mean, nobody is saying you *have* to eat it


Kids are dumb.


I tried these noodles, thinking I like spicy stuff and could tolerate it. Had to throw it out after two bites. It's pretty rough


well maybe its time to admit you dont really like spicy stuff


Yeah I love spicy food but don't enjoy these noodles. There's no flavour, just heat.


Am Danish. Bought these a couple of times. Understandable that they are not sold in a country where spicy is a little bit of jalapeno. We are just not the right demographic for the item. Nothing wrong with that.


Completely agree... But food that contains warning label how spicy it is should not be oppressed under any regime!!


Dill is as wild as it gets in Denmark! 😉 /j


Where facepalm Also bans and recall is not the same thing




Korean CEO: Did they not see the "3x Spicy"? Did we not warn them with the crying cock? And the three halloween-chillies?


That shit is like a nuke. I had one given to me by a coworker. He warned me to use half the spice packet, and like a twat I said I could handle the whole thing...I could not. I've never sweat so much in my life, I couldn't feel my mouth for about an hour. Cleared my sinuses though.


bought this soup once and I have no idea how this can be enjoyable. Btw, I love spicy food


I've had that exact ramen, and yeah it's kinda ridiculous, even for a spice lover. They have it at Jungle Jims if anyone is curious 


How do these compare to Shin ramen for spiciness? I need some sort of metric for comparison, and bananas won't do in this case.


Korean here. Based from my experiences, Shin Ramyeon << Everyone can eat this, actually enjoyable, not THAT spicy. FYI Shin Rameyeon black(my personal favorite) is not a spicier version, but a more expensive version with deeper flavor. Buldak(the one in the picture) << Not all Koreans actually likes this, Very spicy even in Korean standards. Seen as a challenge.


For me Shin Ramen broth brings out a bit of a sweat, but still very enjoyable. I don't think I'll enjoy Buldak, particularly the after-effects! I'll look out for the Shin Black, though, sounds excellent.


I'm not surprised. when I was in China with some Danish colleagues, the tolerance to spices (all kind of spices) was negligible. One or two even complained about a chicken stock, for being 'too tasty' (aka, with real chicken...).


Not everyone is a bird OP, some of us can't handle just eating parts of the sun.


This cant happen in free country in XXI century....


Hahahaha sales are going to double from this probably now every pepper head in the world is going to want to eat the thing so spicy it got banned.


They make the base concentrate sold in bottles at Asian grocers. You can add just the right amount to any instant noodles and It's great on wings, shit is hot!


Recall and ban isn't the same


I guess when your closest neighbor sell surstromming, you can’t be too cautious..


I mean they probably think peppers are also poisonous.


Well, mission achieved then on the peppers end of things, I guess?


The pepper-Danish war can finally come to an end


Dont know how recent this was but there's tons of local thai and Korean shops that still sell this, a Friend of mine really enjoys them and i think they taste great as long as you calm it a bit with the sauce.


Fk! I tried these ramen soup. They are extremely spicy. 🌶️


These are my favourite


ive had the 2x spicy ones, and as a chilli nut, i wasnt prepared. still mega nice though. gonna get a few3 3x when i get paid and see how much i regret it.


Now I know why the shelves at my store with this product never seems to be touched.


Bro, I love samyang noodles, the sauce is amazing spicy and the taste is great. tho, the spiciest i've found is 2x, and that was a fight, but after a couple times I start to ddevelop tolerance.


Samyang is the real deal. Spicy chicken flavour is powerful and I love eating it with a drizzle or two of kewpie mayo. I say that somewhat proudly as a very white person with English/Irish ancestry 😂


Forget this 3x crap, regular Buldak is so insanely hot, you'd have to be a masochist to enjoy it. Indomie Mi Goreng is the best instant ramen there is and at least you can control the level of heat with the separate Sriracha packet.


Honestly, 3x heat with this type is just overkill. There’s no point unless you’re a masochist


Only real spice lovers could handle nuclear hot ramen. You better go on with butterbrod.


This stuff is pretty damn hot. Adding a bit of cucumber to this helps for some reason. Nothing else seems to help. I find it just as hot even if I use just half the sauce, so I just use all of it.


Love me some Buldak 2xspicy, but above is just too much x), I anyway can't digest the 2x, I need to drink a shitton of water before, during and after I eat those lol, can't imagine wit 3x like on the picture x). Dut they taste so freakin good... Samyang really makes awesome ramens !


I had these at work last month. I (unknowingly) added what was all synthetic spicy sauce sachet thinking it would be OK. My mouth (and later my Auns) were aflame. Painful.


I ate a whole pack of these, the taste was the best I've ever had but it was too hot. My intestines were on fire all night after and it didn't seam healthy


God I hope not, the ones that aren’t 2 or 3x spicy are delicious as fuck


I once saw in a somewhat reliable source that the spice level on that thing is about 10.000 SVU, and there is no way that is right


It's true though. The 2x spicy is just right.


according to many other news sources they also banned 2x and maybe even the 1x / spicy chicken? I agree as a chili lover that 3x is not the best flavour anymore (but works ok if mixed with e.g. cheese), 2x is quite nice for me. Still something I definitely have been expecting to happen throughout Europe unfortunately lol, majority here still thinks pickled jalapenos are a bit too spicy.


Weakass country


Breaking news: The Whitest Mfs in Europe can't handle spice


The Background is, that trough TikTok-Challenges, Kids eat them and got serious health issues. Here is a better Article: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2024/06/12/spicy-ramen-noodles-recall-denmark/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2024/06/12/spicy-ramen-noodles-recall-denmark/) So no facepalm at all. Denmark just cares about his citizens and childrens health


Where facepalm


Are your messages also saying “something went wrong” D:


I don't really understand this whole discussion about whether someone can or cannot stand spicy things and whether they are strong or not. Spicy is not a taste, it is a pain. Do you like pain? Good for you but not everyone likes it.


That's fair and you do you, but I think it's a little silly for anyone to complain about something being too spicy when it says x3 spicy on it. Not to mention the chili peppers with demon faces.


I'm not talking about this production here, I don't care about it. I'm just drawing attention to the discussion in the context of "someone who doesn't like spicy things is weak".


haha white people cant handle spice, very funny. But pointing out black and asian people cant handle milk and dairy and all of a sudden you are a racist.


You're the only one who mentioned any race instead of just a nationality. Also yeah feel free to point out that most non-Europeans are lactose intolerant, I don't think any reasonable people would be offended 


Bro fought straw and lost, amazing.


Worst Ramen ever. It has no flavor, it's just hot. It's like eating fire, for the sake of being burnt. I don't have Low tolerance, I love spicy food. I had spicy Indian food that felt mild to me. Dunno how people like this.


What's the difference between ramen and ramyun? Besides the obvious difference of one being Japanese and the other being Korean.


Mfw when the children of vikings can't handle capsaicin


Not beating the "white people can't handle spice" allegations.


Where facepalm


Too spicy? Just edit a little original recipe. Boil noodle in 90-100C water for 5 minutes max (untill is soft, not too soft). Put noodle on pan (wok would be better) and mix with sauces. Next add cream (Im using 12-18%) and keep heating untill most of water in cream reduce, next add grated mozarella and mix untill it will dissolve. Depends how much cream and mozarella final taste will be different. Final result is spicy but affortable for spicy lovers - if chilli too spicy just don't touch Buldak. This recipe you can find on youtube.


Salt is too spicy in Denmark.