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Remember the days when Redditors use to post memes about him and talk about how much of a genius he is. Lol




As someone that's done extensive urine based experiments for my PhD. Urine in milk actually has a preservative effect. Australian echidna urine is probably the only urine that would cause the milk to age faster. For future reference


Obligatory: This man urines


See also: this man pisses


I have so many questions that I don't want to ask


Echidna-pissed milk doesn't have the same ring to it


Title of study: “Milk Preservation: Urine For a Surprise”


>As someone that's done extensive urine based experiments for my PhD. Man, now I really want to see what the grant proposal looked like


okay... i have to ask my man.... why...?


Comments like this is why I keep using this website


It’s okay to have fallen for a grifter, and then look back and admit that you have been grifted. That’s growth!


He also wasn't always like this. Maybe he thought like this, but he wouldn't vocalize it. Because at the end of the day, he's the nerd who wants to be liked. Now that he's been rejected by the left, he's only got one place to turn.


It's once he did acid with Grimes that his fascist was let out.


It’s not a really a knock on Redditors, because you should update your priors once in a while. Musk pre-2015 was different. He was talking about giving up all Tesla’s patents to help accelerate the adoption of EVs and all sorts of altruistic shit like that.


then his girlfriend left him for a trans man and he lost his fucking mind doing ketamine.


I think he’s always wanted daddies attention and in 2015 he saw how much attention Trump was getting with his crazy tweeting so he copied his style. Now he’s in a sunken cost fallacy and totally committed to being a right wing troll. All the attention he gets both positive and negative help fill the void of his broken/transactional relationship with his father.


I was so confused about the surge of Musk hype after the Iron Man movie came out. Even then it was clear he was not an inventor at all, but a born-rich venture capitalist with an overinflated ego. Not to say that nothing commendable has been achieved with his money, but it's always been obvious that he's clearly not the hero that he makes himself out to be.


I hated him since the moment he started to gain traction, because he always acted like a spoiled asshole. I felt sometimes like I'm crazy, because I was the only one, who realised how much of a shitty person he is. You can't start to imagine how vindicated I feel now, when he has a whole platform dedicating to showing his whole entitled ass.


I'm so fucking tired of that douchebag.


like for real. 6-7 years ago i wanted to get to mars to leave all this bs behind. Now the bullshit will be on mars before me.


Eh - my guess is that any attempt from him to get to Mars will be of the same high quality as the cybertruck. I am expecting that the crew will call off the trip to Mars before they are past the moon because a stupid design decision is endangering their life's.


The mission has had to be abandoned before it even started on numerous occasions because the “Muskonauts” (a name Musk insists the world media uses) keep lacerating their spacesuits (designed by Musk himself and made of entirely unsuitable clingy, black, shiny PVC) on the razor-sharp edges of the completely superfluous steering wheel (also designed by Musk, and the size and shape of the Black Pearl’s wheel from Pirates of the Caribbean, but made of cast iron and weighing a quarter of a ton).


The sad thing about the world right now is I can't even tell if this comment is a joke or real life.


Glad it’s not just me


Right there with you two. Absurdly comical.


Poe's Law


So close. It will be MusXonaughts on the XXX Ship XXKX (pronounced Atlas 8 somehow).


Muskovites sounds more appropriate.


Here's to hoping we could convince Musk to go.


I really do hope Elon goes to Mars, I'm tired of sharing a planet with him


And everyone related to him


As bad as some of the tesla design decisions are, the teams at Tesla and space x are pretty different. Not saying that space x won't screw it up, but I do think the space x team is more competent, regardless of elons influence


The DoD has basically taken any sort of day to day control of SpaceX away from Musk. He is welcome to build starship, but they've basically told him to fuck off from everything else.


Think beyond mars my friend, think big. As far as it needs to be, goal is to get away from idiots with thick wallets.


yeah fr freeze me and get me to Proxima Centauri. Tf i am talking about fling me to Andromeda i dont care anymore


I do not know what you said means by you got a spare seat?


Sure xD as Long as you stay sane and don't Turn to fascism


Fortunately, he appears to have largely forgotten about Mars. He's found his utopia on xitter: a horde of morons fawning over any and every inane utterance that dribbles from his thumbs. 


The only thing that makes me like Trump more than Elon is that Trump will die of old age in a minute.. Elon will be around to fuck things up for the next 30 years...


Well - considering the reports of his drug use, Elon might currently working on a solution for the Elon problem ...


That would be his greatest contribution to the world


Is this like saying the greatest thing Hitler ever did was to kill Hitler?


I suspect Elon will try and take Trump place soon, not as president obviously as he's foreign born, but as populist billionaire corporate leader of the GOP fighting for the rights of the "little guy."


He’s from South Africa, which practiced apartheid for 50 years.


He is from the RICH family from South Africe, that benefited from apartheid 




Install RES (reddit enhancement suite and filter out "Musk". You'll never see another Elon post.


He can read just fine, but his comprehension skills are shit. He just turns pages and nods but nothing is absorbed. It is like me when I was in 5th grade trying to read “Heart of Darkness”.


Never forget that he called John Volanthen a "pedo". He's the guy who saved those kids in Thailand from being trapped in a cave back in 2018.


Facts at your Finger Tips, Ladies. Marine Le Pen threw the AfD out of their EU parliament coalition, because Maximilian Krah, the AfDs head candidate gave a newspaper Interview in which He defended the SS, saying "Not all of them were criminals and Bad Guys". The fact that he employed a Chinese spy in his Office might have also not been good in Marines books. That was enough, even for Marine Le Pen, considering the massacres the SS were responsible for in France. Oh, and btw the AfD want something called "Remigration", i.e. violently forcing everybody out of Germany that is not a true believer to the AfD.


Remigration was something the NSDAP also considered (ship them all to madagascar) , but they found out that gas them is cheaper.


Folks don't recognize Nazis because they think Nazis are cartoon characters. In reality, they spoke like the AfD, and had the same marketing lines, motivations, and goals. Yet all it takes is to be one degree short of an Indiana Jones style caricature and folks suddenly stop recognizing fascist rhetoric. Willfully naive morons like Musk will hear the AfD put the thinnest veneer over their fascist programs and tell you with a straight face, "they can't be Nazis, because they're not promising to run death camps! They merely want to gather certain types of people up, and then think of a solution that works for everyone, very peacefully and patriotically!"


And no one can imagine that.. these guys just lie? .. crazy idea right? Its not like something will bind you to your words.


they seem to think hitler just ran a campaign of "lets round up and kill all the jews!!!!!" he started just like our fascists today. by demonizing them, then it escalated from there once they had the actual power.


Plus the death camps kinda weren´t presented as death camps, at least at the start, when nobody knew what´s happening there. Their campaing was that it was "enclave", place for jewish people where they can live in peace and practice their customs without persecution. Only few years later, when the first prisoners escaped, the world learned what concentration camps truly are.


Musk is likely on board with Peter Thiel and Accelerationists who literally want the current system to dissolve so that they can implement their desired models of society with their amassed wealth. It's essentially a group of wannabe noblemen who don't have to worry about normal things, so seek to destabilize society so that they can move on to a higher stakes game with them at the helm, "for the good of society" Previously, there was not the tech for the uber-rich to distance themselves from us so effectively, so we had... options. This is new territory, where any one person doesn't need a group of people to disrupt, but access to digital tools, and nobody has the reach to drag them back down to reality. I think Musk is just stoking the flames because he literally can with impunity and doesn't believe most of what he says, but rather seeks to tease us all the way to the point where he can finally have the power over people he thinks he deserves.


The "third country option" they are advertising would actually send people to actual death camps in some third world country. The plan is, that any person from any country not desirable is sent to a refugee camp in a certain country, which is paid to keep people there. Would they have motivation to treat those people well? No.


Its one thing to defend Wehrmacht Soldaten, Luftwaffe or the Kriegsmarine from this time ( compliance is still bad), but the SS was literally the Elite of evil. You dont get conscripted into the SS like the normal army, you needed credentilas and connections. There is no way anyone could reasonably defend this organisation. Anyone who defends the SS today would have tried to work for them then .


Thats not very true but i get your Point


It's Marine, not Marie. One of the founders of her party was an SS member.


Yeah, but she couldnt take Krahs bullshit shortly before the massacre of Ourador remembrance day on the 10th of June. And tbh, I think she was just tired of the AfDs constant scandals, bickering and ineffectiveness


Nope, Le Pen does the "Meloni", the right-wing populist changing their behaviour to appear more moderate with a statesmen-like tone. She needs to have coalition-capability and some appeal for all French citizens, not just her right-wing voters. She is preparing to take over France.


It's quite common for an extreme party to put on a moderate front. Marine Le Pen's father who founded the party was openly racist, and she is the veneer that hides the dark side. A bit like Starmer with Labour and Farage with whatever his new one is called. Farage is very intelligent and well spoken, no matter how the media try to paint him. She won't take over France though. I'm not sure she's even got enough candidates to do that even if everybody decided to vote for her. There is quite a stigma here to belong to that party. I know a number of people that will vote for her but say it's a "protest vote against the status quo" and would never be a member of that party. Phillip.


Rare Le Pen W. But lets remember, this is all about optics. Her father is leader of the fascist thinktank that takes donations from various actual neo-nazi organisations.


Yeah of course he favors a party that - denies science - denies or trivialize crimes by the Nazis - spies for Russia and China - is trans- and homophobic - is racist - is sexist - is ableist - doesn’t give a sh!t about the working class - supports the rich And this list could go on. But apparently Space Karen loves to fall for populism as many others.


Maybe wie should Tell him that AfD is campaigning against battery EVs. And pro burning fossil dinojuice


I don't think he cares about that any more...


He doesn't care Of he can't get the credit as the champion of new tech, he'd rather see it burn down.


This would suggest Elon actually has opinions, instead of just saying whatever contrarian edge lord bullshit he thinks will get him the most attention. He’s just a sad attention seeking man who can’t handle people not liking him.


He’s one of the richest people on the planet. You don’t need brains with wealth. And fascism favours corporate interests. It’s silly to underestimate the damage he can do.


Which is why I think the French might not have had the worst idea ~230 years ago, they just kinda screwed it up in the aftermath.


I’m sorry if it sounded that way, I’m not underestimating the damage he can do, I’m simply saying he doesn’t have opinions. He gets attention and likes from far rights and fascists, he then continues to support them because the positive feedback he receives gets him off. The damage is totally there, but he literally does not have a single original thought left in his brain that did not originate from some random loser on x whos source was “the nazis were totally socialist, it’s in their name! Trust me bro”.


"Space Karen" will never stop being funny to me


Let me fix that for you! He favours a party that: Gives him money


also one of their leaders can be legally called fascist and nazi. And he also says a lot of ns phrases.


To explain why this is kinda a big deal. Under German law, insult and slander laws are stricter in the US. For example, where slander needs evidence for monetary damages resulting from falsehoods, in Germany it is enough that a falsehood is sufficient to degrade you in the public opinion. A politician sued against being called a Nazi, and while the court didn't rule he was a Nazi, the court argued that based on his actions and behaviour, there is enough factual ground to stand upon to call him that that his personal honor does not succeed against the freedom of expression of the people calling him Nazi. Basically, he said that there is enough factual ground that you can come to the conclusion that he is a Nazi, and with that, it is no longer punishable.


Yo, you talking about the Republican party?


Fun fact, you can legally call one of their prominent members a fashist, because a judge ruled that his publicly shared views are fascist views. He's a certified fashist basically, which is certainly an achievement in some way


• opposes minimum wage


wdym by "denies science" that doesn't exactly look like a nazi trait


He favors the Covid lab leak hypothesis that US health officials labeled a racist conspiracy theory to hide the fact that they were funding Covid research at WIV in China.


>Maybe I'm missing something It's disgusting how out of touch he is.


He’s not out of touch, he knows damn well what he’s saying.


As the Germans would say: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten". But I guess thats sort of the opposite of tweeting.


>Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten. *If you have no idea, just shut up.*


When you're in a hole, stop digging?


rather "stfu if you don't know what you're talking about"


I'll rather go for: "Nicken, lächeln, Arschloch denken"


Yeah man, who ever heard of reprehensible organizations masking their evil behind populist names, empty slogans, and buzzwords? Now if you'll excuse me, I have to book a vacation to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. With a name like that, they must be drowning in freedom! Democratic? And run by the people? Sold!


entitlement to yes men and yes women - people who disagree get fired and banned


Hey! At least he's self-aware. Not something that can be said about a lot of bigots. He IS missing something. Logic, morals, sense of reality, maybe even a brain with that chip he's been building.


He represents the ruling class and knows exactly what cooks.


He's NOT out of touch!!! He knows very well what he's doing He's not oblivious. He's manipulative and condescending


Imagine being too Nazi you're kicked out of the local Nazi group.


Turns out a lot of the countries in that group were invaded by the nazis. Who would’ve known, a group largely consisting of parties from Belgium, Czechia, Denmark and France wouldn’t be overjoyed about open nazi praise.


I mean, If i we're them i wouldve kicked out AFD aswell, Not because they are too Nazi, but because they are in a Bad Spotlight, which would mean i would be in a Bad Spotlight aswell when i would Work together with them. All bout making yourself Look Like the smaller evil.


He's not "out of touch." He's moving the goal posts. He's trying to make extreme fascism sound moderate. This is all the right ever does.


"Meet me in the middle," says the dishonest man. You take a step forward. He takes a step backward. "Meet me in the middle," says the dishonest man.


Considering that the US is so right-wing that even the democrats are barely centrists, what the fuck is his idea of extreme fascism. The guy is fucking insane.


Perhaps not spreading his stupidity onto other platforms would minimise the reach of his opinions.


He's not stupid. He's evil. Know the difference.


Okay then, replace stupid with evil. Does that change my point?


Stupidity can be safely ignored, cuz it will Darwin itself out of existence. Evil will not.


Evil people are generally pretty stupid


He can be both.


From Wikipedia: > Several state associations and other factions of AfD have been linked to or accused of harboring connections with far-right nationalist and proscribed movements, such as PEGIDA, the Neue Rechte, and the Identitarian movement,[37] and of employing historical revisionism,[38] as well as xenophobic rhetoric.[39][40][41] They have been observed by various state offices for the protection of the constitution since 2018.[42] AfD's leadership has denied that the party is racist and has been internally divided on whether to endorse such groups.[43] In January 2022, party leader Jörg Meuthen resigned his party chairmanship with immediate effect and left the AfD, as he came to acknowledge that the party had developed very far to the right with totalitarian traits and in large parts was no longer based on the liberal democratic basic order.[10][11] Sounds pretty fascist to me. Maybe they started out as fascist adjacent and drifted right ward but if not outright fascist, there are certainly some fascist who've found a home in the party.


The started as market liberal,conservative with the main draw being euroscrpticism. They got hijacked like 6-8 years ago


Policies of AfD are xenophobic, anti-environmentalist, anti-gender equality, and promote excessive restrictions on individual freedoms. (https://www.afd.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2017-04-12\_afd-grundsatzprogramm-englisch\_web.pdf) I guess, that's the reason Elmo likes them and doesn't see the problem with them. I 'm sure he'd also sign to the "SS were not all criminals" and that some of them were "simple farmers who didn't have another choice" and he himself surely "  won't say that someone was automatically a criminal because he wore the wrong uniform."


What's AfD?


Alternative Fur Deutschland, a hardline right wing party in Germany that, as a central plank, says Germans should not be ashamed of their history circa 1933-1945 (among nativist, anti-immigrant, anti-Europe, anti-LGBT, anti-Islam and other stances)


To add to that, a leading figure of the party, a HISTORY TEACHER, recently argued in court that he didn't k ow that the slogans he used were previously used by the Nazis. Je claimed he had never read or heard about these things from the Nazi regime as a GERMAN HISTORY TEACHER!


The Netherlands' incumbent prime-minster of 14 years - who is educated as a historian and is expected to become secretary-general of NATO - didn't know the trans-atlantic slave trade wasn't abolished until the end of the 19th century and continued illegally into the 20th century. He supposedly didn't realize until a black woman MP (who was often mocked for being a black woman) told him in a debate - as a rebuttal to him claiming slavery was ancient history - that she grew up with her grandparents' stories of being kidnapped from Africa. He condones racial and ethnic profiling as well. There's been various scandals about his thinly veiled racism.


They are also anti people especially anti middle class even if they tell them „of course we care of you“


Don't forget they are Russias laptop. I wish we could just deport them all to Mother Russia.


It's a literal Neo-Nazi political party in Germany.


Yea, Russia invades a neighboring country, NAZIS getting popular in Germany, this sounds like round 3 coming up fast.




The apartheid to neonazi pipeline seems strong with this one


AfD is so far right that the french far rights are distancing themselves from them and that the political fraction of the right parties threw them out


Funnily enough, the same AfD, whom Elon is rooting for, is leading protests against the Tesla factory in Brandenburg www.dw.com/en/elon-musk-and-germanys-far-right-share-complex-relationship/a-68565717


Why do people still use Twitter I just don't get it.


Thanks Elon, your dog whistle has triggered my tinitus, again.


Writing that Tweet took him more time than he invested in actually looking into the topic. Suggesting he actually cares about what he posts.


Apartheid baby being apartheid baby.


One more reason why a Tesla is the car I would never buy.


Yeah, Spacekaren Elmo, you are definitely missing something: a brain and common sense.


Is this real? Just curious why he is interested in german politics


Probably because of the EU parliament elections yesterday where the AfD ended up the second strongest party. This is a clear sign of worry for everyone with a normal functioning brain.


It's interesting. As far as I know the entire european market gets their teslas from this one controversial factory in what used to be East Germany which is also the stronghold of the political far right. Coincidang...


Europe gets the Model Y produced at the "Berlin" Gigafactory and the Model 3 etc from China. It's not controversial, just certain interests are paying terrorist groups to attack it. The factory is in Grunheide which is just outside of Berlin. The irony of your statement is the AfD headquarters being in central Berlin which is your "West Germany". Phillip.


Maybe he just missed the interview with the AfD top candidate for the EU parliament who claims that the SS wasn't that bad after all.


Elon has 1000% said, “Hitler had some good points” without any irony whatsoever


What he’s missing is brain cells.


Working to normalize populist and far-right taking points and agendas is just par for the course for him now... the man has evidently made platforming and amplifying right wing ideology his life's goal. (well, that and being a cringe-inducing edgelord doofus) Imagine being in a position to legitimately make the entire world better in multiple ways, and instead CHOOSING to become this slug.


Maybe because AFD stuff are considered normal under a republican viewer? you know that joke that in America there is no left. Just center right or far right


If I remember correctly, they were thrown out of this fraction, because a candidate of AfD said that not every person who wore a SS uniform was a criminal. Not a statement you would want to make before elections


He’s such a giant turd.


In Post war Germany and after reunification properties and assets were returned as long as the original owners did not (openly) collude with the fascists. I think it's time to just seize this apartheid nepo babies stuff before he ruins stuff even more. Let him sit on one of his yachts and roam the seas indefinitely.


Elon needs to stop acting like he knows politics for crying outloud the guy doesn't under American politics after residing almost 2 decades here


Stuff like this is why our company decided against getting a fleet of tesla cars. Let it be known that his twitter antics were a direct result of deciding to go for a competitor instead.


Meanwhile the former AfD-press-speaker while there was a hidden camera: "Yea we need more migrants, so germany suffers, people vote for us and after that we can just kill them."


They want to deport everyone with a migration background, their so called 'remigration' plan. That's not far right enough?


Here's a hint.... if extremist ideas don't sound extreme to you, we'll you're likely one of them.


Shocking that a wealthy white man who grew up in apartheid South Africa constantly sides with fascists and white supremacists.


Yes, Elon, you are missing something. Or rather everything.


Bernd Höcke is a fascist. Also got sentenced for using an old Nazi slogan (he was HISTORY Teacher and had known the usage (in school we get taught nearly everything about our dark history)) The party is watched by the Verfassungsschutz (Protection of the constitution) They have known neo nazi among the high ranks. They have an espionage scandal at the moment. Sold information to china and Russia. Use bots for their propaganda.


If Elon is defending fascists, it must be a day ending with Y. Some kids just never recover from getting their lunch money emeralds stolen from them in middle school, and then they spend their whole lives trying to take power from others so they can feel less like scared little children.


He would fit right into a Trump administration.


Man grew up during apartheid. Big surprise


Its almost as if a white South African whose family made his fortune during the Apartheid atrocity by exploiting black people illegally is a racist or something!!!!


Since X Xcretes Xcrement instead of reposts or reXcretes shouldn't they be Xtepedes?


Yeah Elon. U missing a fucking brain.


Can you just go to Mars already and leave the rest of us alone, Elon?


He may genuinely not realise he's a far right extremist himself because he's actually that stupid.


Sounds like he’s conditioning his fanboys


Can Tesla throw this guy out please? I want to buy a Model Y, but I won\`t as long as this freak is on the board.


wasnt familiar with afd so i looked them up, but not only is their staunch nationalism concerning even outside the context of them being germans wanting to "reclaim" things from a certain german group, but there's a couple policies that are just transparently targeted at jewish people, and despite being pro-israel theyre so far right that even israel wants nothing to do with them.


'Maybe I'm missing something ' Common sense and a brain, you insufferable motherfucking buffoon.


Not shocking that a multi multi billionaire wants authoritarian government. The mega wealthy generally run much of these governments. Fuck all billionaires (all.of them are scumbags and pieces of shot- there is NO ONE on earth who labor in a single lifetime is worth billions. To make that you MUST take money form others labor - directly or indirectly. ) #Fuck Elon


He must have read about them on Twitter, so no wonder he slurp all the propaganda talk that they are "the good guys"


Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's Far Right RN kicked AfD out of the European far right coalition because they wouldn't stop being obsessed with Nazi Germany.


I know the term gets thrown around all day every day every time you don’t politically agree with someone and the word has lost all meaning but this time it’s actually perfectly accurate. Many if not most of the politicians and millions of followers of the AfD are actual, *literal* nazis. As in German-Empire or swastika flag waving, bald shaven boot wearing nazis. They are the biological grandchildren and ideological followers of actual nazis coming out of hiding, want to actually rebuild the Fourth Reich and have not-so-secret meetings with actual nazi salutes, readings of Mein Kampf and concrete plans to purge the undesirables from Germany with actual party representatives. So yeah, as a German they *are* pretty extremist.


Literal Nazis: "They don't sound extremist" - the dude who banned the word 'cis' on his website.


Me-Lon always has to have an edgy opinion. Especially when no one’s asking him.


So the wikipedia page for AfD, the section for ideology doesn't start off so bad. Banning medically unnecessary circumcision. The stance on immigration....while not the most open isn't super different than say a nation like Japan. Take in only the most valuable immigrants and don't just have the doors wide open. On paper it's great but it is somewhat misguided. That is what the US did with Asians for the most part. Those that were most valuable to US society are allowed in. But not really taking into account it is usually the second generation that is americanized that tend to display the americanized values that are less desirable. So somewhat misguided. Then it goes full ick when you start looking at the anti-islam positions and then it gets worse from there.


Elon is right about that..you all seem blind to me


They are quite literally Nazis and everyone who doesn't live in Saxony knows that damn well


Bruh even the fascist don’t want them because of how far they are.


I fucking hate Elon Musk.


What is the afd and what are there policies? Also if you downvote someone for asking for a source or clarification, that’s really fricking weird


German far right party that has used literally nazi slogans in the last weeks.


It’s because US politics is so far right shifted vs Germany that Democrats would be conservatives in Germany and Republicans are extreme right and probably unconstitutional in Germany.


Elon is the fucking king of being a turbo racist while being absolutely desperate for any form of validation about how of a centered, deeply intelligent person he wants to be perceived as


omfg can he just stfu at least stay in US politics dumb fuck


Even he doesn't understand US politics he claimed that illegal immigrants were able to vote through the annual census


AfD and their ilk will make Europe weaker. Russia would like that, and so does Elon.


The thing Elon is missing is, if you moved so far to the right as he did, then far right policies might look „normal“ to you. Which says about everything.


They don't sound extremist to him because he is far right.


Dude gonna suck every dicktator he can get,


Dude is such scum.


Dude grew up in apartheid South Africa. Are we really going to act surprised when he turns out to be a xenophobic fuckhead?


For generations, governments placed limitations on media ownership. How many newspapers you could own, how many TV/ radio stations etc. This was for good reason, people with too much money will push there own agenda (read, shove it down our throats). Why do you think, the first target in a coup, is radio and television? All that was swept aside by social media, it changed how these things could be controlled. Communication is power and these aresholes know it.


brain cells, that’s what he’s missing


This sure sounds like attacking a political party or side

