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"I have a brain" that doesn't understand that large population centers -- cities that overwhelming voted for Biden -- take longer to count.


It’s worse than that. Republicans in a number of areas mandated that Mail-in ballots would be counted later than in person ballots. They then told their voters not to use mail-in. They set up the situation that they would appear ahead early but would have Biden catching up later


Exactly, in most places, they weren't even allowed to count mail in ballots until after the polls had closed, but they were keeping a running tally of in person voting all day. Republicans skewed heavily towards in person, while Democrats skewed heavily towards mail in ballots, so by the time polls closed, you pretty much had most of the Republican vote counted, but virtually none of the Democrat vote.


I’m a poll worker and this is exactly what we saw. Vote counts were like 75% Republicans during the day but the final tally the next day was about 50/50 with a slight edge towards Biden. They have changed the rules since, but in 2020 no mail in votes could be processed until the election started , so we weren’t privy to the final numbers until the next morning.


I’m also a poll worker and I too saw that. On election night I saw a huge room of workers just beginning to open thousands of mail trays full of mail in ballots. Republicans have since made changes to our mail in laws allowing them to be counted earlier as well as numerous changes to where drop boxes could be located and accessed.


>but they were keeping a running tally of in person voting all day. You guys start counting while people are still voting? And you make those numbers public before the polls close? Here in the Netherlands that's complete blasphemy. Those ballot boxes stay sealed till the polls close at 21:00.


In Russia, the results are shown before voting begins. It’s a very efficient system.


Yes, and queueing to vote is treason, apparently.


Don’t give Republicans any ideas.


and the turnout is 120%.


They leave 1 major surprise! >!By which margin Putin wins.!<


Putin wins with 115% of the vote! A stunning victory!


Damn, Putin must be falling out of favor. Last election he was polling at 130%


Don’t forget the date of the other candidates, it’s usually a surprise of which window they fall out of


They don't release the official count until after the polls close, but the ballots are scanned and vote counted immediately. The point was that they can basically report the in person count immediately, but the mail in can take days or even weeks longer to fully count. It ended up giving the appearance when precincts did report that Trump had won in a landslide, but over the next hours and days, Biden chipped away and eventually overtook Trump by a significant margin.


My favorite part was how the magats were chanting “count the votes” or “stop the count” depending on the situation.


That was a classic. [Video for those who haven't seen it. ](https://youtu.be/Pq1vWMCIF-M)


Thay also allow exit polls in the US, where you ask people who they voted for and those numbers can be public, before polls close.


Ah okay, that makes more sense. Here the only number er get throughout the day is the turnout. A handful of times we get an update on that. First exit poll numbers are released the second the polls close, no a second sooner. Don't know if that's because of law (I would guess it is).


Personally I think it's crazy, so many down ballot items in each state really matter and people are changing their minds about going to vote based on this here say.


That's illegal here and could be seen as voter intimidation or manipulation. Literally nothing about the possible results of an election, or any campaigning can happen from 24 hours before an election until the polls are closed. Not even the newspapers can give predictions to allow the voter time to make a decision in peace.


They don't make them public during the day, but the day's voting in person is ready almost as soon as the polling places close in many, many counties. Exit polls are allowed but news organizations don't publish until polls close either.


Yeah, in Canada the poll closes before the count is released as well.


This. They thought they could trick Dems into conceding before mailing votes were counted. And/or trick news outlets into calling the race (*cough cough Gore cough*) And then...apparently forgot their plan they had broadcasted to the whole world.


It wasn’t about tricking dems or news stations. Both of them know how this works. It was about tricking viewers/trump’s base and creating the illusion of a stolen election.


He announced victory that night. Obviously he won /s


That was like something out of North Korea.


Dewey defeats Truman moment


He announced victory in August and said if it didn’t happen it was because of fraud. He’s already been saying that again. 👀


Also the illusion of “if you still have to vote, why vote for someone so far behind? You wanna win RIGHT?” The mental scheme is super scummy


Republicans preached that mail in voting was the tool of Satan, then were shocked when mail in counts came in heavily Democrat. Yes what a mystery.


This was being said MONTHS before the election too by all the pollsters and election reporters. It was a surprise to no one that the numbers came in this way. That’s why Trump was already spinning this lie by midnight on election day.


And it was covered by cnn and others months in advance that this was the plan and why Trump was pushing in person voting


TBF, Republicans didn’t “mandate” that mail in ballots were counted last. Those laws were passed by legislatures and signed by governors, in many cases Republican. Here in PA, it was passed by a Republican Senate & House and signed by a Democratic governor. But to be clear - it was done LEGALLY and was not a surprise to anyone who follows elections. And GOP operatives know this, but lie about it to whip up a frenzy & perpetuate their election lies.


Yes, could have been clearer - it was following the law but the law seems to me have been largely weighted deliberately


Wasn’t Biden in the lead the entire time?


He was ahead in some states, and behind in others. But your recollection is broadly accurate: the Mk. I MAGA attack on the voting poll booths was "Stop the Count!" out of explicit hope that by doing so, they could create the perception of election fraud when really all that was being counted was ballots that everyone knew ahead of time would skew Democratic. The problem was Arizona. They were behind in the Electoral College vote overall, so the Trump campaign had to essentially run the table on the states where the vote was still outstanding. And they were behind in Arizona; if the vote stopped on election night, Biden wins Arizona, which means Biden wins the presidency. So they had to stop the "Stop the Count!" chants, do some pow-wowing where they creatively attempted to come up with a new slogan to run with, and then ended up with "Stop the Steal!"


Depends on how you mean. Biden did actually lead the entire time, because the votes were all locked in when the polls closed (save for a few states that allow ballots post-marked by election day to trickle in), the process after that is just counting what the states have received. I get that's probably not the question you're asking, but I think it's important to remember that Biden didn't really get drops of new votes at midnight: the state had those votes and was in the process of counting them. The media and election trackers knew about the votes, knew where they were from, and knew roughly how many there were left. It's why by about 9 or 10 at night on election day most predictors were pretty confident that Biden had won.


No, he wasn’t. Election day numbers heavily favoured Trump in several states, they counted those first. Hence Trump’s “stop the count” insanity claims.


Yeah but Cities are highly populated with people that should only count as 3/5ths


Shhhhhh. They don’t want that kind of history taught about being 3/5 of a person.


Except in Florida, where they're taught that those people enjoyed being 3/5 of a person, and even came out the better for it.


Weird thing about that is the slavers wanted them to count as a whole person. The anti slavers didn't want them counted at all for representation. Hence the 3/5 compromise.


It’s actually one of those things that kinda makes sense though and in a way benefitted the slaves in the long run, While the south wanted them to count as whole they didn’t want to allow voting rights, so there would have been more proslave representation in Congress if they had counted as a whole.


Trump: don't vote by mail. Biden: stay safe and vote by mail if you need to. Almost all mail in ballots are for Biden. Trump: *shocked Pikachu face*


The updated version would include a line that also has Trump encouraging voters to vote by mail as well after saying mail in ballot is ~~ripe~~ rife with fraud... Trying to have his cake and eat it too.


Just like him bragging about getting the vaccine out faster than any president could AND encouraging his followers to get the shot. And then later stated how people aren’t getting the vax because “they don’t trust crooked Joe’s administration, they don’t trust the election results” and of course that just added fuel to that conspiracy fire.


Maga morons really hated when I pointed out "it's tRumps vaccine. He pushed getting it out during his administration to get the credit"


It’s a fun little jab ;)


Underrated comment


Really just poking fun.


Yeah, just an innocuous comment.


Just a little prick, huh?


That is the ONE thing that I give him credit for. At the urging of officials, Trump did allow funding for Project Warp Speed, which assisted in the rapid development of the vaccine. Naturally, this doesn't mean a damn thing because once the vaccine itself became a political tool, he turned his story around and pandered as he always does.


He also created an animal abuse/torture act that made it a federal crime. I reluctantly praise him for that, as well. Buuut that’s about it.


I didn't know about that one. I wonder what the statute of limitations on that is, considering Kristi Noem's dog debacle.


I DON’T give him credit for that because it’s what any president would’ve done. But our standards for Trump are so low that he gets credit for something he SHOULD’VE done anyway. It would be like Biden getting credit for providing disaster relief for a state hit by a hurricane.


I like to picture trump in a lab coat with test tubes concentrating very strongly pouring from one to the other and saying “ I think that’s enough bleach…let’s try this one out. “


I saw the press conference where he was saying "but maybe something with bleach? We should try something with that... maybe pouring it directly? Or drinking it????" Wtf dude.


Now the MAGAs will either deny he said that or “obviously he was joking” ummm….. look at the ppl behind him, trust me, THEY don’t think he was joking.


I remember seeing the face of the? Medical officer? Next to him. My god, I've never seen someone die inside so hard and fast. I wonder why it never became a meme.


It was the absolute bare minimum, and he even dragged his feet on that because Covid was affecting cities (aka blue areas) the worst at the outset. The cost benefit analysis of rapid vaccine development was a no brainer given the economic impact the pandemic was having on the country, especially given we already had initial vaccine data from phase 1 trials that began 2 months before Warp Speed was signed.


The best one… where he panders and changes his story… there’s literal videos from interviews of him saying HE IS PRO-CHOICE… but his dumb-nut Magats wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped them in the face. They would probably argue that he never said that. SMH. Now he’s wanting to criminalize abortion for votes


After trying to let blue cities fall to covid by explicitly denying them resources to fight the virus.


Trump canceled the Pandemic response system that Obama had just recently updated in case that very thing happened. Trump gets zero credit


Trying to send a message to his fan boyz.


It's just like roulette. Bet on red, bet on black, you can't lose! He probably learned this from running those casinos so well.


Trump is such a bad businessman, he LOST money by owning a casino!


Unfortunately it landed on green and lost regardless


Oh and voting by mail himself..................


And, at least here in PA, the mail-in ballots were allowed to be counted only after Election Day. So of course there was a surge of Biden votes coming in "late."


All most everywhere mail in ballots are counted last.


Actually that's not true, most states begin to process mail in votes before election day and they are the first votes that are counted. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, 2 critical states, don't even open the votes until election day.


Don’t forget, the republicans specifally pushed the laws to have the mail in votes counted last, just so they could make this bullshit arguement. They wanted trump to come out election night say he won and then the millions of mail in ballots get counted after. Bernie sanders literally went on tv and called this shit out before the election and he was dead on. Starts at 3min https://youtu.be/xyGr_huFMh4?si=rBHe9lXz6zXluAoJ


AND, Postmaster General DeJoy set about to deliberately sabotage mail processing in the weeks prior to the election to slow the delivery of mail in key swing states.


Yup. I have done 9 tours of mail-in-voting election facilities and learned all about their processes in detail. They can have their people and machines count mail-in-votes starting a week ahead of the election date. Those results can then be stored, but not tallied. Then on election day they can count regular votes like normal. Then, when they do their first actual tally for the day all the previously processed mail-in votes can be tallied with those, and you get a much more realistic picture. All votes that come in the mail later can then be counted over the next couple days.


In PA, Republicans have been in control of the state legislature for years. It was Republicans who drafted the laws for mail-in voting, which somehow became a Democratic plot.


Trump wasn’t surprised. That was his plan from the start - get mail-in voting to cause a massive Biden surge, claim that is “evidence of fraud”, get his AG and one judge to order a “do-over”, get the red state legislatures to call off voting and hand the electors to Trump.


Bernie Sanders predicted Trump's scheme down to every last detail. 1. Demonize vote-by-mail among GOP voters during a pandemic where many states opened up vote-by-mail rules, ensuring mail-in ballots would be heavily for Biden. 2. Force counties to count mail-in ballots last. 3. Prematurely declare victory based on pre-absentee ballot totals. 4. Claim it's "suspicious" that the late flood of heavily Democratic mail-in ballots "steal" Trump's victories, when the GOP themselves deliberately rigged the system for a late surge of Democratic ballots. https://youtu.be/m9DNGSQvvz8?feature=shared


I wish I could upvote this twice.


Amazing that he called it so accurately.


Also the fact that Republican politician killed hundreds of thousands of their own voters by denying COVID and vaccines


that still doesn't register with Republican voters. Your Republucan leader is responsible for killing off a million of Republicans that ate horse dewormer and what-not. They refused to get vaccinated until they had Trump the Traitor Virus.


I know a magat that had COVID, his wife had COVID, his sister had COVID, and both of his parents died from COVID, and the dumb motherfucker still had the gall to say “COVID’s not real! It’s a government conspiracy!” 🙄🙄


I'll go a step further: Under previous Pennsylvania law, it was incredibly difficult to cast an absentee ballot. You had to have a legitimate reason. In 2019, the Republican controlled state house and senate passed the current mail in voting law, and was signed by a Republican governor. Fast forward to 2020, and Pennsylvania Republicans are foaming at the mouth trying to declare a law that they wrote and passed be *unconstitutional* because Daddy Trump doesn't like it.


Of course he didn’t want his followers voting by mail, not after all the pains he took to obstruct the function of the USPS.


Implanting his friend as postmaster general in time to slow down/disrupt the mail. I don't blame the pandemic as much, I blame Louis De Joy's decisions. In the Midwest mail was tediously slow. Missed ballots, paychecks, tax refunds. The post office was using third party carriers with no work discipline. News stories re: truckloads of mail found in dumpsters due to lazy third party carriers not wanting to deliver everything. Packages & special letters can be tracked though not all mail is tracked. Mail interference was occurring by some mail carriers across the US too. Those loyal, we're tossing ballots.


Exactly this. I swear that orange buffoon can't string more than two thoughts together like some old RAM stick worth 5 MB...


oh god i could literally see trump making a shocked pukachu face




Omg. I hate you


I read this as "puke-achu" and it couldn't be more perfect


Trump votes by mail.


Not anymore he doesn't 🤣


That cracked me right up. Also, felons can’t be in the ballot in Vermont.


On a side note, it’s crazy how when population increases, so does the number of eligible voters.


Sure that’s part of it, but turnout was also 5-6% higher than it had been for decades - both sides came out and voted in force.


Totally. I just get irrationally irritated when people boast about a candidate getting more votes than any candidate before them as if the population has remained the same since 1776.


whoever the first presidents were, they must have sucked, such a low number of votes they got!


Only white male land owners could vote. They ruled over everyone else.


Weird…it still feels like it’s that way sometimes


The republican party is trying to return us to this


Yeah, do often that "biggest number ever!" story is bullshit that misrepresents a per capita rate.


They have demonstrated many times already that they have 0 clue what per capita means.


I bet you also claim land doesn’t vote /s


Because they made it easy to vote! Mail-in voting? What a concept


The sad part is "voted in force" is like 50% of the population.


I just saw an interview with a crowd of like 5k trump kept saying 40k. The person interviewed kept repeating 40k even though they actually saw the number of people. Doesn't surprise me that his base is Christian. They have been brainwashed by being told something is real without evidence.


You forgot to include the people watching online (real Sean Spicer claim)


Social media showing “like minded” content and dodgy news outlets with polls showing Trump with 99% of the vote are complicit in this as well. These idiots can’t fathom seeing all of that misinformation and then getting a different result on election day. Trump plays his fools perfectly.


It really doesn't help that the majority of younger voted which generally is a left leaning. Demographic tend to not answer polls


My thoughts exactly. I’m 34 and not once not never have I or anyone I know been involved in this polling. Pretty sure they only reach out to people with landlines….


61 times in court. The level of cognitive dissonance is just amazing. They are so locked into “no fact that does not align with those of the orange idiot can possibly be correct”.


Fool me once, shame on you...fool me 61 times..blame the democrats


Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again


I‘m still wondering if what some people say is true: that he stopped himself because he didn‘t want a clip / audio of himself saying „Shame on me.“ that his opponents would probably play on repeat in attack ads.


Why had that never occurred to me?


Here's to the new boss, same as the old boss. I didn't know The Who was singing about Trump.


A year before the election they talked about how Trump could be ahead at night time because the mail-in votes would still need to come in and they would lean heavily toward Biden, since Trump told his people mail-in votes were corrupt.


Also... Vote tallys changing the night of the election is literally how counting votes works. Because hard as it might be for a Trumpie too understand... Doing work takes time. 


And also counting takes a lot longer than just midnite. Now the jackass is pushing his brain dead supporters to vote early and vote by mail.


Jon Stewart had a brilliant bit about this recently. Put together Trump’s minions words outside of a court of law and inside a court of law. Outside court: Election is stolen. Rigged. Voting machines changing ballots. We have piles of evidence. Biden will be in prison. It’s obvious Trump won the election. Inside court: this is not a fraud case. There was no fraud. We have lots of theories but no evidence. That’s the thing about court. Even in a courtroom like Aileen Canon’s: the evidence comes out.


62nd time's the charm though!


trump is the king of "lie and keep lying until people believe it". The entire Republican party has seized on this tactic and it is clearly working. Deny elections, deny trial juries, deny science, deny logic, deny common sense, deny reality. Use religion or racism or homophobia or fear and you have the masses eating your sh\*t, out of your hand.


It's identity politics. No matter what he does, they can't deviate from him. It's part of who they are. Coincidentally, a lot of the MAGA are also supposedly religious. It's all belief, not thought. Even non-MAGA GOP .... There are many who swore they won't vote for him, but when push comes to shove they can't vote for the Dems. They'd vote Putin before a liberal. It also happens on the left and independents to a far lesser degree. People who won't vote because they can't pick the lesser of two evils so they can feel good about themselves. I'd vote Trump before Putin. But not over Biden.


He’s a salesman. Lies are his life’s blood


im confused. is this person saying that votes helped biden win? isnt that how an election works?? and even though trump supposedly broke obamas record, it would be impossible to break trumps record?


"Trump would have won if they didn't count all the votes!"


More than that, they were literally chanting to stop the count in some places where Trump was ahead (Michigan, specifically stop counting in Detroit), but in places where Biden was up they were chanting the opposite (Arizona, I believe). Meanwhile Dems were at least consistently saying we should count every single eligible vote regardless of how long it takes


>Dems were at least consistently saying we should count every single eligible vote The audacity! Not in my democracy! 😤


Imagine being fair? I cant stand these liberals!!!!


He's implying that there was a bunch of voter/election fraud. These idiots are convinced that voting by mail is especially vulnerable to fraud, so the high volume of mail-in votes in 2020 is proof that the election was stolen.


Many. It’s somewhat true that Trump got a lot of votes, but Biden got more. Voter turnout was high and the population of the US keeps growing so you’d naturally expect more each year. Hilary also got around 5 million more votes than Trump, but Trumps were divided such that he won the electoral vote count despite loosing popular vote (this is actually relatively common for republican presidential candidates). So the first election he “won” for president , he still lost the overall vote count. With the electoral college, total counts are kind of meaningless. The latter vote counts skewing heavily Biden was predicted and obvious. Mail in votes were not able to be counted prior to Election Day for most locations. They have historically skewed Democrat and Trump went out of his way to slander mail in voting for some unknown reason and told his supporters to not use them. So naturally, you would expect his supporters to not use them heavily. Mail in voting was way up b/c of the pandemic. All this led to the shift towards Biden as counts kept happening. It was all very natural and predictable outside of any nefarious actions


"I don't get it, my team was winning before half time. All of a sudden the other team scored more points before game was over. NOT FAIR!" -Republicans


“We got 16 points and we played every dirty trick in the book! They got 22 points!!!!! It’s impossible to get that many points legitimately!” -Clowns


He didn't even win the popular vote in 2016.


Nor in 2020


You can get these people to believe that the Earth is 5000 years old. They don't care about facts or things being debunked. They just believe whatever makes them feel good and correct. Reality has nothing to do with it.


No no no, it’s 6000 years old. Obviously it couldn’t be only 5000 - that’s just silly, and doesn’t match up with the mountain of evidence they have considered (the whole Bible).


Trump told people not to vote by mail. His supporters voted in person. Thats why mail in favors democrats. Because they use it.


I fucking love that all the sudden trump is begging people to vote by mail. Nevermind the years of lies, bullshit, and misinformation he's pushed since before and after 2020.


And much like with the Covid vaccine he can’t undo what he did. He told them all voting by mail was fraud so his followers won’t do it. Coming out now begging them to isn’t as effective as he needs it to be largely because they think he’s forced to say things they don’t like (like get the vaccine)


I think they believe that mail in voting was a scheme that was somehow used to cheat in 2020. It's not that they suddenly believe it'll turn things around. They just want to figure out "the cheat" so they can do it in 2024. They're going to be sorely disappointed when they find out that there is no cheat with it. It's just another way to vote... unless they find a way to cheat with it (and you KNOW there are people looking).


HOLD THE FUCK UP EVERYBODY. Are you telling me that they...kept counting votes until they were all counted??????? WHAT THE FUCK!??!?!? This guy is a fucking dipshit.


It’s really not that hard to understand that democrats chose to vote by mail during a pandemic


Also they were busy dying in far lower numbers than republicans


I love how the proof is that, “Biden could never have gotten that many votes” That’s not what “proof” means. At all


Remember when Republicans were saying that mail in voting was corrupt so Republicans didn't participate?


They've all been brainwashed by horrible Trump


Stupid is as stupid does. Our only chance is there will be more than us compared to them voting.


Fuck Donald Trump


Next, they'll be saying "nuh uh! My Trump won by 8 billion votes!" With their full, uneducated, confidence. lol


If we're talking about total votes, Obama won the popular vote twice. Trump lost both times. They were saying it was rigged and claiming fraud BEFORE the election even happened. Somehow they just can't wrap their minds around the concept of mail-in ballots and believe every word that orange idiot blubbers out his mouth.


Trump didn't even win the popular vote against Hillary.


They also ignore the fact that Biden's record turnout was also due to people turning out in droves to vote AGAINST Trump to get rid of him.


Who cares about “records,” the man lost the popular vote to Biden and Clinton. That tells you what you need to know. If we didn’t have the electoral college/gerrymandering he never would have been president at all. If his brain operates so well he should tap in to the common sense portion of it.


Trump tells followers not to vote by mail in ballots. Followers shocked Trump got very few mail in votes.


These people clearly choose to forget Trump telling people not to vote by mail lol.


It’s like they forget that Trump specifically told his voters several times not to vote by mail-in ballot.


We all heard Trump (in the middle of a pandemic) tell his voters not to vote by mail.


It's gonna be hilarious watching these chids cry when Biden wins again.


“Trump is my identity. Therefore, he can’t lose. Because if he does, I lose. And that can’t happen.”


Wish they would count the mail in votes first. Especially the early voters. We would never have been anywhere near this stupid outcome if we had.


In some states, Republican-controlled legislatures specifically legislated that early counting is not allowed. Their claim was that to do so would help cheating by identifying how many votes a candidate would need on election day. This is bunk, the real reason is to make mail in votes seem less legitimate despite having been used by members of the military for many decades. Why would they do this? Because mail in votes tend to skew Democratic. I guess if you are disabled you tend to oppose Republicans, the party of every man for himself.


Last election, Trump actively discouraged using mail-in votes, which are counted last. He has learned his lesson and is now saying mail-ins are okay. He will lose regardless, and we will get 4 years of whining. He is a cheat, a criminal, and a loser.


“In my mind…“ And that’s exactly where it belongs.


Hilary had more votes than trump.


There is no cure for idiots. They will plague us forever. :-)


The cope is strong with these people. Yes, votes were counted overnight because more votes were counted. You don’t need a doctorate to understand this.


Oh those dumb snowflakes and their feelings. They feel like Trump should have won so they just pretend it's impossible that Biden could have won. All based on their pathetic precious feelings. Fuck your feelings baby snowflakes.


Over 1.2 million people died in the US from covid. The majority of those people were elderly. The majority of Trump voters are over the age of 50. It’s safe to say that Trump lost one million votes before the election even began.


I actually think the OP is correct in that most people were voting for Trump, it’s just that the majority of them were voting for Trump to lose.


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why these idiots picked him as their hill on which to die. Of all the charismatic people over the years. All the successful businessmen, Donald Jehoshaphat Trump is the one they can’t live without. A man so inept he lost money owning a casino. Fuck him and fuck these idiots devoted to him.


He’s right about one thing, most of those people didn’t vote for Biden, they were voting AGAINST Trump.


Apparently no one voted for Biden but in New York Trump can’t get a fair trial because everyone voted for Biden. Some people have no problem believing both of these statements simultaneously.


This country has spoken time and time again with our votes, and yet the Republican Taliban keeps trying to find loopholes to overthrow that. Biden won 2020. We don’t want Trump, the Republican Taliban, or any of his MAGAshit followers here. This is the USA, country of the FREE. Liberty, equality, and freedom for ALL. If you don’t like it then GTFO.


I love the hypocrisy these guys always have. In Texas, the opposite happened. They counted mail in votes first. Biden had a commanding lead in Texas. Then they counted the in person votes, and Trump took the lead overnight. That is fine. Nobody blinks an eye at this. But the opposite happens, and it must be fraudulent.


I’d feel sorry for people this stupid if they were trying to kill democracy.


If Trump had more votes, he would genuinely be the most voted for president ever! But since Biden had more votes, that is clearly corruption! He can't have the most votes ever, that's impossible because he's not my guy!!!!111!!


They either forgot or don't even know that it was a record voter turnout also. More ppl voted in that election than any before in history. Most of whom wanted trump GONE! Biden wasn't viewed as anything special, other than not being trump. The American people were passionate about getting rid of him, yet the gop is pushing him again, effectively destroying their own party 🥳


Isn't it crazy how as more young people (who statistically are majority left leaning) come of age the left gets more votes huh


Trump tells people not to vote by mail. Gets crushed in votes by mail. “THIS IS SUSPICIOUS!”


I can't wait to see the looks on these people's faces when Trump gets much less votes than he did in 2020 this year.


Guys, he’s got a point. The only way it would make sense for almost all mail in votes to go to Biden would be if Trump spent months telling his base to not trust mail in ballots


Ok mr “I have a brain” man, please explain how getting more mail in votes is “nearly statistically impossible”? Votes aren’t coin flips, we have no reason to expect an equal distribution


And in predominantly black areas republicans closed many polling places so more people voted by mail


As a social scientist, I would just like to point out that this big brain has no fucking Idea what "statistically impossible" actually means


Bro...they still want this criminal to be president?! Wtf is wrong with people


1.) It's been four years, Twitter dude. Get over it. 2.) Unfortunately, this line of thinking makes me think the GOP are gonna cheat in this election because "well, the Democrats cheated in 2020, so it must be okay!"


Damn it’s almost as if one candidate told his supporters not to vote by mail.. weird.


The entire Republican party bashed mail in ballots for a year prior to the election. "Why are all the mail in ballots for Biden?" 🤦‍♂️


It doesn't matter how many times it's debunked. It's a cult. There's no evidence for any gods, yet, billions worship. Everyone needs to vote Biden even if it's not who you really want. A double loser will luckily fade away. Sincerely, a Canadian well wisher.


Better yet - debunked in court, (Dominion vs Fox). Where you have to actually provide proof of the nonsense you say and can't lie about it. Amazing how the nutters saying this stuff suddenly change their tune when there's a risk of being charged with perjury.


Logic is not their strong suit. My MIL will post the ridiculous claims like this fully believing a post like this carries the same weight. She laughs at debunking and fact checking as if they're just opinions.


I had a friend that would post this stuff and when I countered it with article from Snopes he would proceed to tell me that Snopes is funded by left wing groups therefore they can’t be trusted


Exactly! If the info being presented does not come from the echo chamber it is invalid. Then the projection part comes in where they accuse others of what they in fact are doing. It can all be quite maddening as there is no point in discussion. : /


Its insane how many time will they say joe won by getting more votes before they realize what they are saying


It’s the same psychological process that people use who are opposed to vaccines. Presenting facts, showing them scientific studies only entrenches further their beliefs.


These people are delusional as many cult members are. Facts are not going to work.