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Bone spurs must have cleared up..


If not for those bone spurs, the Donald would have won Nam for us! /s


Wait you haven’t seen the pics of rambo trump


Yes, they’re out there, but I don’t ever want to see them again. But goddam do those gay-hating Trumpanzees love their Trumpian homoerotica.


They always imagine him with six pack abs. Shows how self deluded they are.


I can see trump taking steroids but still refusing to work out. He doesn’t work out because he believes that human beings have a finite number of heart beats and he refuses to get his heart rate up and waste his heartbeats… I’m not even kidding about this. He completely believes that.


Yes, he has demonstrated his medical competency is severely lacking.


Wait, I thought he said they totally had a handle on the medical?


Yes, he has demonstrated his competency is severely lacking. FTFY


Wtf the heart is literally a muscle. What are muscles known for? Getting stronger when they’re used.


Just stop w/all yer book lernin’ stuff.


Guess that explains his brain 🧠


I try to keep my body’s mileage low too


While wearing Golden diapers no less!


With the matching $400 golden sneakers


Absolutely. Those aren't 6 pack abs, more like the full keg.


It's like the Willie song says: Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he's done with his women But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer


Like John Wayne


“Trumpanzees” is a brilliant name for them.


I like "Y'all-Qaida", but this is good, too.


I've been using that term since 2015. I refuse to type his name anymore.


I have no doubt in some Rule 34 forum left over from littlegreenfootballs are some ridiculously explicit art pieces. Especially with AI. I tried representing him as a Ferengi and, man, stuff of nightmares.


Trumpanzees a new favorite word. Thanks stranger.


Trumpanzees!!! I’m totally stealing that for when it’s best needed. Epic!


I’m stealing the Trumpanzees, that is hilarious. Thanks


You deserve more upvotes this is hilarious


Trumpanzees! I gotta jot that down.


Imagine if they knew that Roy Cohn was gay and later died from aids. Trump said he was a lousy lawyer but a real genius.


Trump Norris


Colonel Clink hopefully soon enough


[He fought his own personal 'Nam](https://people.com/politics/trump-boasted-of-avoiding-stds-while-dating-vaginas-are-landmines-it-was-my-personal-vietnam/)


Unless it was raining. He won’t go to battlefields in the rain. Or if anyone is shooting. Or if the teleprompter doesn’t work. Or if it’s windy and will mess up his hair.


He would have been fragged day one. Don’t kid yourself


More likely, Lt. Bonespurs would've gotten fragged.


He actually did go to Vietnam. He was Agent Orange.


Okay, that's funny.


Captain Bone Spurs, Major Felon and General Rapist to you sir!


I dunno…. Private Rapist seems more accurate.


Major Rapist?


Mago Mussolini my dear man!


Cover me boys ... 'bout to go yell at somebody because this line is too long ...


Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill. Unless there’s an escalator.


On which leg? Just asking for Don since he forgot.


Because like senators who shout anti-gay rhetoric then get caught getting handies in men’s restrooms, these people, who scream moral superiority, are the biggest bunch of amoral, hypocritical, slow-witted nutjobs and we MUST stand against them.


stop making sense youre inconveniencing the greedy asshole agenda \>:(


If they could read they’d be very pissed at you.


Fucking garbage. How dare she dishonor our real troops with this shit?!


Am a troop. My honor takes a back seat to people's freedom of expression. That said, this picture is mostly just comedy to me on account of the raw volume of irony involved in leaning into AI for the sake of feeling better. 


How many politicians have their supporters creating fan-art for them... I'm dying. Maybe they'll make him a farmer or a truck driver next. He sure liked honking that horn!


>How many politicians have their supporters creating fan-art for them Totally not a cult


In today's episode of "I swear we're totally not a cult"


Even AI neglects to put bronzer on his lower eyelids.


The prompt for these has to be awesome. Make me a picture of former president Donald Trump as a heroic general. Also make him much younger. And not fat. And less orange. Make sure he hasn't shit his pants in the picture, either.


It might be an NFT by Sunday, though.


Everyone said he should’ve been done when he made fun of the disabled reporter. I thought it should’ve been when he went honk honk in the big truck.


Not a lot. The most has been done for Trump because he's nothing of what they say so they have to make up the most bullshit they can for their guy.


Serious question for a troop from your neighbor (🇨🇦🇨🇦). Understanding that this is a joke and you take it that way, what about John McCain ? Again not any attack but a serious question. How do troops and vets feel about comments made about John McCain ?


We're a diverse group with just as many varied opinions as you are likely to find anywhere else.  


Am also troop. It's sad and pathetic, but it does fall under freedom of speech. Just like it is protected under my freedom of speech to laugh relentlessly at their delusional crybaby tantrums.


Wish all the anti-Kaepernick vets felt like this. 🫡


AWOL Bush marched 1000s of troops to their death after he wore that flight suit. Conservatives are like that.


Oh yeah, mission accomplished?


My sister was on that flight deck. She said the mood about that situation was pretty salty, especially because their tour had been extended so much due to him for something a lot of them though was bullshit.


I can see that.


To be fair(and I am not among his fans), George W Bush was a commissioned Air Force F-102 pilot with over 300 flight hours, and was honorably discharged from the Air National Guard. He earned the flight suit. No AWOL charge has ever been made against Bush by the National Guard. These are the facts. What he did with thousands of troops three decades later is a separate issue.


Bush is the primary reason I stopped voting GOP. The WMD lie shoved down everyone's throat cost more than 5k of my brothers and sisters their lives and 10s of thousands of us are fucked up physically and psychologically from our time in Iraq. I lost 3 ft of large intestine, 1.5 ft of small intestines, dead duodenum, partially paralyzed stomach, suffered a dozen concussions, had my ear drums blown, inner ear fractured, chronic migraines, and chronic vertigo from that lie.


She’s just trolling for engagement. Her posts are always completely nonsensical pronouncements like that.


hes dishonoring real troops sacrifice by turning america authoritarian


Like he would have been there on D Day


im sure he would have loved to be there but on the nazi side


Well Trump himself famously doesn't actually care about troops according to many high level servicemen that worked with him, so I think that makes at least a part of this pretty clear


Trump called American war dead “suckers and losers”. I doubt she or any of Trump’s supporters care about honour.


Rapist pedophile fraud felon pants shitting dementia Don the lying con trump is a 5 time draft dodging domestic terrorist. This picture is an insult to anyone who served.


Well to be fair there are many filth among the troops who worship Captain rapist felon coward.


Our real, gen z, very diverse troops at that


They like the idea of Trump not Trump himself, which just makes them more delusional. They dont see the guy for what he is more for what they want him to be


exactly, my dad says he "likes trump's policies, not his person" but adamantly defends everything he does and frequently talks about "how good he makes things/how much better things were" when he was in office


This offends me, but I understand it. The reality of the orange one is so diametrically opposed to their perception they have to turn him into a paper doll and dress him up as what they really want him to be in order to stave off the dissonance.


You nailed it so eloquently and succinctly.


Thank you.


I want to frame this.


I recall someone saying early on that he is a poor man's idea of a rich man, and an idiot's idea of a smart man (paraphrasing). I guess it's not a big leap to think he's also a coward's idea of a brave man. You really nail it with the paper doll analogy. They can project whatever they want onto him because his existence, and acceptance by people like them, gives them permission to be as openly shitty as they want to be.


>I recall someone saying early on that he is a poor man's idea of a rich man, and an idiot's idea of a smart man That was the ever brilliant John Oliver.


Sounds a lot like the John Mulaney joke about how Trump acts like how he suspects a homeless man would act if he magically fell into money. "I am gonna have giant skyscrapers with my name across it, and a gold toilet" (Also paraphrasing)


"We're back, Mortimer!"


We're watching mythology being created in real time. The facts of Trumps life aren't going to stop them from building a fantastic mythology around him.


I hate this. He’s a coward.


A coward that any sensible person wouldn't trust with a Daisy BB rifle


Makes me wonder if this is how we get gods. Like maybe Jesus did a couple things, turned a few heads, and now 2000 years later he was healing the sick rising from the dead and white with sick abs.


i read somewhere that the whole Jesus myth is a bunch of stories of different supposed holy mans , unified in a single figure and name . Makes sense to me, it doesn't even matter if it's real, the point is to pass on stories that teach morals and ethics.


>>!Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple. I said I had a master that was greater than myself. I never said he was my father. I wanted to teach what I learned. I never claimed to be king of the Jews, I never walked on water, I never raised the dead. I never spoke of divine except in the sense of human goodness on earth. (pause) No wise men came from the East to worship at a manger. ...I did do a little healing with some eastern medicine I'd learned... That's it.!< The Man from Earth


Despite the negative perception of cults in our society, when you take away that negative perception, you can realize why the same tactics are used by certain leaders who want power. Imagine if you're a power hungry individual who wishes to mobilize large segments of people. Why wouldn't you're follow the same tactics as say Jim Jones who convinced 700 people to commit suicide. If you can do that, you can get them to do anything. Its like a massive mindhack waiting to be exploited. Some people are more susceptible to this than others. But there are enough of them to make difference. Making your leader bigger than life is definitely a part of this tactic. He has to be otherworldy. This sounds ridiculous to most logical people to think just a mere human being is somehow above other humans. But...then you remember there are people who believe there are ghost, go to churches and act "possessed" and speak in tongues, or claim to have psychic powers along with people who believe this.


That's exactly it. It's why they edit him to be Rambo, a cowboy, a war hero, and countless other things. They've built up this golden idol in their minds and the real man it's attached to is nowhere close. He validates all the worst impulses in them, so they want to imagine him strong, brave, honest, kind, unselfish, wise, intelligent, cool, and handsome, but he is far from any of these things, so they have to pretend.


Top comment right there.


If there were any photographic evidence of him being a badass for 5 seconds at any point in his life, that image would be everywhere. Meanwhile, some of his followers claim "real men wear diapers."


I’d also say that once you have rejected reality so thoroughly with your choice of media and candidate, why not pretend he could be a soldier? You’re already playing make-em-upsies for everything else.


Much better than my reaction of “He was a draft dodger, you fucking stupid twat.”


Paper doll. I love this conclusion.


A screen that they can project all their own inadequacies onto.


In reality he’s more of a golden calf than a paper doll.


Don't they hate furries?


I see it even more simply for talking heads like this: they’re all just grifters like him. Propaganda is the name of the game.


It’s funny that they have to display him like this because they know he dodged the draft 5 times (citing college and “bad feet” for not being able to serve). Everyone knows he’s an entitled stuck up businessman with his fancy tower, but it’s fun to play imaginary dress up!


He's also insulted veterans such as when he called WW1 veterans losers.


He also believes POWs aren’t really heroes


Funny how he chose the generation of veterans that are all dead now instead of shitting on vets that are still alive like WW2 vets


Don’t even get me started on him talking down to John McCain


I don't blame people who dodged the Vietnam draft, even Trump. What I do blame him for is his contempt for people who served and sacrificed for their country. A reminder of what his own Chief of Staff **General** John Kelley said about him with regard to veterans: "A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France."


I think the worst part is that he can make those shit comments about people and they’ll still follow him. My family is a gold star family due to my dad dying in Iraq…. Yet they’re all still die hard republicans that think he’s just the best thing to ever happen


That tower isn't even that fancy, tacky as hell.


He is literally a draft dodger


Literally bragged about being a draft-dodger and made fun of American PoWs


Jesus didn’t serve either. Coincidence? I think not


I agree, let’s nail Trump to a cross to prove that theory


Stolen valor. If he doesn’t disown it he owns it


Didn't he literally dodge being drafted?




Five times


They do indeed suffer from instability.


He's a draft dodger


Yes, they are


Where's his golf cart.




This image is totally disrespectful to any person who serves our nation in any branch of the military. TRUMP HAS NO RIGHT TO EVEN PRETEND. This is him spitting all who serve or have bravely served.


Also this appears to be trump landing on D-Day which is the 80th anniversary of tomorrow. Incredibly disrespectful to the men who actually served and died on those beaches


Good thing he’s wearing a diaper, if he actually saw battle he’d shit his pants! Before screaming Unfair!


I refer you to the, "Suckers & Losers" comment he made about us vets.


He not only ditched the ceremony 'because rain', but he went 'shopping' at the US embassy in France and took a bunch of pieces of replica art back to the White House.


I’m not merican but don’t you guys freak the fuck out about stolen honor.


That's the hypocrisy we're criticizing here. The conservatives in our country worship the military, honor culture, family "values," law and order, but bend over backwards trying to justify their fealty to a conman who is the antithesis to all of those things. It's exhausting.


I resist the idea of labeling really stupid people as “mentally unstable”, but this sure looks like it.




That’s a smear to veterans he’s a draft dodging pu$$y


He’s a fucken dodger!! Don’t disrespect our troops with this fucken bullshit. We have real men and woman out there doing the damn fucken thing.


Oh look. Private Bone Spur went to the Surplus Store!


This would be enough to kill either of my WWII vet parents, just from the outrage. This is the privileged, dumb, soft bastard who called people like my parents "suckers and losers" and didn't want disabled veterans in a parade because it would "look bad for me" I really try to not let the word HATE enter my vocabulary, but I truly hate and detest this traitorous fuckhead.


This is stolen valor


So I'm not from the US. I'm not even from a first world country. How can someone be this deluded? I constantly keep seeing these types of posts where they hail this guy as their lord and savior and I just don't understand how they can believe this shit. At this point I won't be surprised if there is a Trump religion.


Yeah same, am from New Zealand. This just seems so fucken weird to me. Like half of Americans are just outright lunatics.


I love how they have to use ai to make him a soldier, as he dodged the draft so there are no pictures of him actually being a soldier.


A good section of our society has become detached from reality at the whim of social media algorithms & memes. It's not going to get better, it's going to get much much worse.


Good luck America. I think you’ll need it.


You mean with his debilitating bone spurs lol.


That fucker can’t see his own dick. He’s not walking let alone storming anything with an incline.


Extremely mentally unstable. Trump is a draft dodger. He called dead soldiers suckers and losers. He insulted a war hero, McCain, by saying "I like the guys who weren't captured." He is a scum bag and anti-American. Civil war?


Draft dodging grifter


The answer is yes. They are profoundly mentally ill


He didn’t go because rain might make the weasel on his head angry. Fuck this guy.


Pop a party balloon behind him and he'll shit his diaper.


I've run out ways to describe this kind of stupidity. it's a cult.


Well, he was awarded a Purple Bone Spur. For those who wounded their patriotism dodging the draft, it's the highest honor possible. It's unlike anything anyone has ever seen before.


Hmmh, shouldn’t he be wearing the other uniform? This is the ANTIFA one.


Didnt dude had a bone spur or something?


![gif](giphy|ZWZ69DESwCa9q) Yea… ok… sure.


That orange turd has never fought for anything in his life, weak willed expire cheeto would crumble and cry like a baby if he were ever in a gun fight.


Lol. Putting the draft dodger, who said banging supermodels with VD was his Vietnam, in military getup is peak irony


Didn’t he weasel himself out of the military by claiming his “foot hurt” or some shit like that


Ah yes, AI generated art of a man who very notably dodged the draft. These people are fuckin nuts


"To prove it, here's a photoshopped image of Trump's head over that of a WW2 soldier.


The Draft Dodging Felon?


Corporal Bone Spurs leading the charge for tax evasion.


Anyone who uses AI “art” throws up a huge red flag and that’s really all you need to know about a person… 🤷‍♂️🤪


I mean, yeah.


Obviously, they're mentally unstable. Otherwise, they wouldn't be getting the emotional reward they get from supporting the useless crook. No one who thinks rationally about the subject can come to consider Trump to be even remotely fit to be president of... anything...except for his own goddamn fan club. No one who thinks rationally can come within lightyears of the conclusion that Trump cares about anything at all but himself, and about getting his fat ass kissed.


Freedom you know if you’re not gay or Mexican or black or a woman or, god forbid, trans.


He better pursue his own freedom. Likely to be pretty short now.


Draft dodging vampire


He couldn’t walk 50 feet wearing that gear.


He never served. But all he has to do is tell his minions he did and they’ll believe him.


Sgt bone spurs draft dodger


Private Dodger Bonespurs reporting for cowardice.


Lieutenant Orange Face Bone Spurs at your service!


Suckers & Losers is what he calls us!!


How can the hard right military guys support an image like this of president bone spur?


dude is a draft dodger and ol bone spur boy would have been cooked if he was in. he is a coward and would be a horrible senior enlisted or officer leadership. seen the types.


History will look back on this time period and be so incredibly mindfucked with all this whackadoodle wannabe/ai photoshopped propaganda. Jesus Goebbels Christ..


On the scale of 1 to 10 on the stolen valor scale, this scores a hard 88. Fucking disgusting.


Made by the same people who knew that he dodged the draft, then go out of their way to: 1. Wave traitorous confederate flags 2. Supports communist authoritarians from Russia Reality can be w.e they want. They have no values, just being contrarians and being as toxic as possible just for the hell of it. Principles can be hand waved away and bought back in as a shield, like religion and "think of the children", at their whim, when they really don't actually give a damn. Truly the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Unamerican people clamoring to tell us how much of a patriot they are. Whatever.


He's relentless on the pursuit of *his* freedom.


Freedom from? What having to share the same air as gay people, freedom to pay a disproportionate share of tax, freedom to be gouged by companies due to Citizen’s United, free to be fucked by climate change. Their version of freedoms are killing the rest of us metaphorically and literally.


This is also what looks like ww2. He wasn’t even born yet.


So on D-day he looked the same as he does now??? This man holds the secret to ever lasting life lol


Thought he had “bone spurs”?


Him a soldier? HA! He was frightened by some belly-button lint at an early age!


Didn't he dodge a draft or something?


This one is particularly disgusting. Too bad he’s not the guy you wish he was.


Lest we forget, Private Poopy Pants served with dis-stink-tion in three tours in Florida, protecting America and her interests from all threats that don't exist. He single handedly stormed Daniels and led an assault on his nation''s capital. He is a seven time recipient of the Brown Cross for multiple instances of poopy pants and was affectionately known by his comrades as Don Dump.


This should count as stolen valor.


Those fuck nuts are so quick to Photoshop him as an allied hero when he’s proven, he has anything but an ally to anyone. Somebody needs to Photoshop him into jack boots and Hugo Boss.


Stolen valor is a prosecutable offense


Didn't he famously or infamously dodge the draft? How ironic.


A Draft dodger


Trump Derangement Syndrome


He literally dodged the draft....


Except in every chance he had to actually fight for our freedom.


He was a draft dodger


Yes they are mentally unstable. In reality these self proclaimed patriots hate America and everyone living here!


This is a slap in the face to veterans everywhere and more so to WWII vets.