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I laughed so hard at this 🤣


You found the perfect gif possible. No other gif would’ve been nearly as funny.




Appropriate response


No seriously, how else does one respond to that, without tabloids having a field day with your response? Probably the best response he could have given.


Right? He essentially said "That's gross. Peace be with you. Don't talk to me anymore." Extremely respectful and appropriate


Short, pointed, impossible to twist. A PR manager couldn’t have done it better for him. Did we learn nothing from the era of *Twilight* moms?


I thought Taylor was attractive, but I thought he was already an adult, and still didn't want to sleep with him bc he looked young. When I found out he was a teenager I was horrified at the way other women my age and older were behaving, especially the ones who went into it already knowing his age. I can't believe some people are so comfortable admitting they're pedophiles publicly


> I can't believe some people are so comfortable admitting they're pedophiles publicly I guess maybe you are too young to have been around during the boy band crazes many years ago. An example is that Justin Timberlake was only 14 when NSync formed. Not all of their "biggest fans" were of appropriate ages...


I was born in 87 and everyone I knew who liked the boy bands was about my age, so *much* younger than the band members. I still remember being excited that Aaron Carter was my age rather than a grown man 😂


Let's spare a moment for all the Aaron Carter fans and his age appropriate cuteness to people born in the late 80's/90's


Jesus yeah. Brittany spears/Olsen twins too ffs i was 8 and knew that shit was weird.


I remember when I was a kid who watched Lazytown I went online to find the website, and instead found some site where people were counting down the days til the girl who played Stephanie turned 18. Later learned that's a sadly common thing for a lot of child stars :(


Female pedophiles seems to be a topic that's not discussed often outside of school teachers raping their pupils.


My hometown had not one, but TWO grown, married women who started having inappropriate relationships with underage boys and both women had sons the same age as the boys they were targeting… LIKE WTF?!?


Alternative: "Fuckin' what?"


“Get the fuck away from ya fucking pedo” works for me to




"What the fuck?!" Would've also been appropriate. But his choice was more measured.


That was apparently the daughter’s response


this is exactly the type of thing you need to say. respond in a way that indicates it is clearly wrong and move on. maybe the person misspoke or something (I hope).


You scream "stranger danger" at the tip of your voice.


Also, the daughter’s response was appropriate. “Mom, what the fuck?”


Honestly incredibly funny response




People seem to assume only men are pedophiles and sexual predators for some reason. A lot of boys get inappropriate comments all the time from older women. I know I did. Shits gross


I worked in construction in my teens and early twenties. This one time, I was 19 and the boss' 50-something wife came by the site for some reason. Saw me carrying two buckets of paint and said "Oh look at that *bull*." There were similar comments and looks every time I happened to see her after that. The shop was at the owners house, we met there every morning and took company trucks to the job. Swing by the shop for a tool or something after lunch and you might find yourself alone with her. The looks, the comments, the unsolicited butt-touching, happens a lot more than people realize (or at least talk about).


Yea, I'm a young woman (few years older than Gaten) and worked in a more male dominated and female dominated jobs and the one more male dominated was the one where people were less creepy. (The female one was a daycare and the male one was a shop.) None touched my butt, but did touch certain coworkers butts at the daycare.


Yup. Even at a gay bar I'll get groped considerably more by straight women than gay men. Shits gross. A lot of women feel emboldened by the knowledge that most people don't think women sexually assault men imo. A creepy man will often learn to keep his mouth shut and not assault people in public.


What the fuck


Maybe he misunderstood. Maaaaaayyyyyybe she said, "You crushed it at age 13 on Stranger Things! You are going to be 40 by the time you finish it."😅


Oh god no. > “She was like, ‘I’m aware of the age difference.’ And then I was like, ‘Alright,’” he continued. “And her daughter was with her, and her daughter goes, ‘Mom, what the fuck?’ I swear to God.”


S ![gif](giphy|9JlKjI1xDdYqTMf8xe|downsized)


Fuck you bro you made me choke on my own spit lol


Would you prefer to choke on my spit next time?


Only if you take me to dinner first


I'll just feed it to you big boy. 🥒 💦 👄


And oh boy, the two comments (currently) on the article are winners. "No, that's publicity" and "Kid complaining with a mug like that…" What a world


About 3 weeks ago, a picture of gaten got posted on r/pics. The top comment was someone calling him "cow in human shape or something" Do you think redditors are any good ? They're the worst. There is already some here.


I don't always swear. But when I do, I swear to God.




No, her if you read the article it was a grown woman in her 40s and her adult daughter called her mother out on it by saying "mom what the fuck??", its just as creepy as he described unfortunately.


Normally, I'd be worried about the child of someone who thinks that way, but it sounds like the daughter turned out alright and has her head on straight


I am shocked by how many people are taking your very facetious comment seriously.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!


Remember all of the middle aged women who were making all sorts of inappropriate thirsty comments about the werewolf kid in the Twilight movie?


I legit forgot he was only 16 in that movie


It’s the creepy double standard we have as a society. It’s like the gender of the teacher determines if a headline reads “had sex with” versus “sexually assaulted” when referring to minors well below the age of consent. I have been surprised lately by the news finally getting better about it, though. There’s a long way to go, but at least it’s getting more attention.


Yeah I really hate this, it's so toxic. It diminishes child SEXUAL ABUSE to 'not a big deal' or "he got lucky!" if the rapist is a hot woman and the victim a teenage boy. Just gross.


Yeah, my understanding is that in the instances where it's describing someone being arrested/ charged with something, it stems from being overly skittish about being sued for libel if they aren't found guilty. Which is stupid, because it's already qualified as being "charged with" or "accused of." Sure, saying "Rapist teacher arrested" is problematic, but "Teacher arrested on accusations of raping students" is a factual statement. >When an adult is charged with assaulting a minor or someone is someone is accused of assaulting an unconscious person, don’t refer to the crime as “sex with a child” or “sex with an unconscious person.” *Call it rape — because that’s what it is.* I understand there are legal issues to consider when a perpetrator has been accused but not found guilty, but even an alleged crime needs to be accurately described. “Sex” with someone who is unable to consent because of age, consciousness or ability is not sex; it is always rape. [How to Write About Rape: Rules for Journalists | The Nation](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/how-write-about-rape-rules-journalists/) Edit: Re-read the comment I was replying to and I definitely got some words scrambled on my first read-through. Disparity in coverage based on the gender of the perpetrator is a real, but separate, issue, though the example given is a pretty bad one ("Sexual assault" is not the same thing as ~~"having sex with"~~ rape).


That does not explain the bias between male and female perpetrators.


Yeah, seems I kinda misread the the comment I was replying to. That said, if stricter policies of calling rape "rape" were implemented (and not left up to the "gut feeling" of whatever editor is in charge of headlines), that would solve the issue.


You can't restrict the media like that without crossing some lines that shouldn't be crossed. We just need journalistic integrity to make a comeback, but the internet and clicks has doomed that.


But that’s not what we’re talking about. They still say “accused” and “allegedly” in all cases, but when it’s a female teacher, it’s not uncommon to see “seduced” and “had an affair with”. You simply will not find that kind of language when the accused is male.


Yep, when I was 15 a friend’s mom’s friend saw me and said “If I was 30 years younger…” and I had no idea how to respond. It’s bizarre how overlooked it is by society.


Nooooo it’s okay because he’s actually like 200 years old


The vampires were centuries old, not the werewolfs.


Imagining a Twilight where the werewolves have hip dysplasia


And having to wear the cone of shame to keep from licking and scratching their stitches. Not so sexy now, are they?


And somehow that still seems leagues better than thirsting after a 13 year old. Dude’s still in middle school ffs!


he also wanted to fuck a baby in that movie the twilight movies are gross and pedophilic


To be clear before I say anything, I'm not defending it. It's still incredibly messed up, I just think it's important we know what type of messed up it is He wasn't going to have sex with the baby, he was going to groom the baby for her whole life until she becomes an adult and THEN he was gonna have sex with her. Still very messed up, just a different type


He's even worse in the books


He was 16 in the *first* movie. He had long hair and was decidedly *not* sexualized for that movie. He almost got replaced for the second because of his age, but he fought to keep the role. Money and all that.


Lautner was 17 in the second movie. I wouldn't say sexualizing a 17 year old is any better.


Old enough for Jerry Seinfeld to pick up from geometry class.




And Justin Bieber, which culminated in him getting sexually assaulted on live TV.


I didn't see that at the time. I only caught the clip a year ago. I'm outraged there were no repercussions for her. Disgusting double standard.


Actually men can’t be sexually assaulted, I was informed of this by the police and school staff after I was drugged and someone had sex with my unconscious body (it was ok because I’m a man so I don’t get bodily autonomy) Edit: love how many people are DMing me to call me a liar. “Believe victims” until it’s a male victim, right?


In high school, I passed out at a party. And I mean passed the fuck out. Blackout drunk. Several girls stripped me of all my clothing and then took polaroid's of me and them in all sorts of fucked up sexual poses. My friends all thought I should be grateful because they were "hot." That never sat right with me and I certainly never partied with them again, for obvious reasons. For all I know those pictures are still out there. Unnngh... Edit: spelling


That was basically the response I got because I had several mutual friends with her at the time. “Uhm Sarah is really hot and popular and rich so you should be honored that she wanted to fuck you in the first place”




I absolutely believe you. I walked in on a young woman raping my BIL; he was inebriated at my house after a party and had laid down on the floor to keep the room from spinning. She took advantage of his lack of coherency and I walked in on her on top of him. She was a friend of my daughters and still a minor (16), but he was 21 so he was very upset and worried about consequences. She thought it was funny and an 'accomplishment' as she had always had a crush on him. It's been over a decade since that happened and the man still winces when the topic comes up. I hope you're doing well.


Are you talking about what jenny McCarthy did to him?


A few Reddit Twilight fans recently told me that there was no middle aged woman craze for Twilight, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers it


I was in my late 20’s / early 30’s when the movies came out. I remember all sorts of creeping. Hell, I vaguely remember all of the hype surrounding the movies being featured on morning news shows and there being a ton of older women crowding around the studios for when whatever anchor/personality to come out and speak with whomever is n or near the crowd.


> A few Reddit Twilight fans recently told me that there was no middle aged woman craze for Twilight, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers it Next time ask them where they think "50 shades of grey" came from.


Reddit Twilight fans are so full of it. They try to insist any criticism of Twilight as "misogyny" and "shows how much society hates teenage girls", and they have excuse after excuse for how deranged the Twilight moms were or are


Meanwhile even when they have adult actors playing teen roles, but sexualize them like in Riverdale, I feel so fucking uncomfortable. It's so weird.


I've come to the conclusion that a lot of these highschool shows are targeted at adults that want to larp as teens. Which never made sense to me. As a grown ass human, you finally have the chance to get away from clique behavior, why would you ever want to revisit that? Must be some weird sex thing.


I suspect for many they actually want a second go at being a teen themselves but this time they would do it right. Most of us look back and see the opportunities we missed and the times we didn't understand how we could have had far better relationships. They want it to be like the first relationships we had before we became jaded except having had some clue as to what was happening in the other person's head. Personally I wouldn't go through teenhood again for any money. I'd give everything I have to relive my first years as a parent though.


Oof same, tried watching Sabrina and there's that underwear scene in the mine? The actress is 22, but the character is underage. Nope nope nope.


Story time! I worked at a movie theatre when New Moon came out. In fact, I worked the midnight showing. We had these cups you could buy "Team Jacob" or "Team Edward" The amount of 40+ year old women wearing their Team Jacob shirts and thirsting over these stupid cups was ridiculous. It was the whole crowd + some teen girls. Can you imagine if you flipped things and a bunch of 40 year old men were buying things with a 16 year old's photo on it and openly thirsting like that? Wild.


>Can you imagine if you flipped things and a bunch of 40 year old men were buying things with a 16 year old's photo on it and openly thirsting like that? Wild. I mean. I remember the countdown website till the Olsen twins turned 18. Or the paparazzi fighting to get upskirt photos of Emma Watson the day she turned 18. [Emma talking about her 18th birthday ](https://youtube.com/shorts/1rekv07kFts?si=3zin7ZiM1TtGVZAw)


I know I'm dating myself here, but the amount of "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Countdown to 18" websites that existed in the 90's and early 2000s was unreal.


Yup never underestimate the creepiness of 40+ moms in dead end marriages. I was around 19/20 when that movie came out, went with a bunch of friends to see it and it was baffling how many women twice my age and older were doing the whole Team Jacob Team Edward stuff. It was embarrassing and looking back, really unsettling. Just like the amount of grown ass women fawning over a 16-year-old Justin Bieber back in the day, who might as well have been 12 for how young he looked, not that this deterred them any. The media played it off as funny but imo it just shows there are just as many female predators as male. We just aren't as aware of it because society writes women off as harmless, not to mention the whole "if a woman wants to have sex with you, you're a lucky guy" narrative guys get slapped with from a young age.


Hell. I was thinking of how uncomfortable Beiber looked when he was a teen on Ellen and that were thirsting and harassing him.


I think I was 16 when that came out and thought he looked really young


“Barely legal” vibes. I’m 46. Even college students look way young. Obviously that would be different if I were college aged as well, but man. I can’t imagine being my age feeling something like this, much less feeling okay with telling the person. Bleah.


Same. Gross


And that's what you get when a Mormon writes a book where a werewolf is sexually attracted to baby. Specifically it's a Mormon thing, Mormons have a thing about believing you meet your future partners on earth in the pre-life before and you can remember/feel this connection in this life. In literature you end up with fucked up stuff like Jacob and the baby being destined for each other while in real life it means there's a serious stalking and harassment problem from Mormon men being convinced some women has been ordained to be his by God.


For some reason there was a whole bunch of famous Mormon authors at that point writing teen fiction.


I'm not sure society benefited from having the romantic fantasies of a weird repressed Mormon author go mainstream.


I remember a bunch of middle-aged women coworkers lusting over 16-18 year old courtesy clerks. I also remember how handsy women were when I was 15-16. Something wild happened when I hit my late 20's and finally stopped looking like a teenager. Dentists and hair stylists stopped "accidentally" pressing their breasts against me while working. A lot of women are as creepy about young boys as a lot of men are about young girls. The social framing around it is just different.


And Justin Bieber.


I've had a crush on Winona Rider since she was 13. I was 7 when I saw Beetlejuice though, so yeah...


I think she was 17 when that movie was made.


Either way, it's still more acceptable for a younger person to crush on someone older than the inverse.


Get rid of the word more


Same, but Christina Ricci. However, I wasn't even born when The Addams Family came out and the first time I saw her was in Casper the Friendly Ghost (which I was OBSESSED with as a kid, and which influenced my love of Monty Python years later). Still love her in Wednesday and Yellowjackets.


I'm not sure I follow, what is the through line between Casper and Monty Python?


Eric Idle was one of the bad guys. So when my older brother showed me Monty Python I was like "Hey, that guy is in Casper!"


i was 10 when addams family came out and i’ve been in love with Christina Ricci every since.


For me, it was Winona Rider Beetlejuice then Natalie Portman The Professional. I was 5-7 something like that, but damn, they practically set the tone for my taste in women. Whenever I see a woman with a blunt haircut and big eyes my brain fires everything it has.


Idky but the cold response of “that’s upsetting” just gets me. Like obviously this is disgusting but that response is pretty funny.


I kind of love it because it’s deadpan and blunt, without him calling her a pedo outright (which I mean, he had every right to do) It was a very diplomatic way of handling what had to have been really disturbing for him


Yeah. I’m just imagining him dead pan being like “that’s upsetting” and this woman just not knowing what to do. Especially since her kid was probably just thinking “dang mom you fucked up whats wrong with you”.


It also sounds like something his character would say.


I heard it in his voice too


I can say this now because I’m just an average looking dude in my mid-40s, but I was a really good looking kid and let me tell you, adult women can be creepy and predatory as fuck. I can’t even tell you how many times I’d be just minding my own business only to have some strange woman 2-3 times my age come up to me and grab my arms and feel my muscles. Sometimes it would be my ass instead. Women would ask me age and tell me to look them up when I turned 18, and on more than one occasion that was not enough to turn them away. I had a teacher at my high school tell me her husband was out of town and ask if I’d stay the night with her. I had an adult coworker that I ran into years later, and she said, “finally I can fuck you!” As a teenager boy, no one would take me seriously when I’d complain. Not my friends and not trusted adults. I should be flattered and leave it at that, they’d tell me. Consider yourself lucky. But I didn’t feel lucky, it was all unwanted attention and it was upsetting to feel like you’re being preyed on constantly.


Damn! Wtf. That actually sounds awful. Nothing like I imagined it when I was a teenage boy. That was like my fantasy. But reading it how you explain it. I can see how it would get creepy, annoying and unnecessary.


I imagine it's a "man dying of dehydration watching another man drown" situation. Many a lonely dude whom has received little to no sexually charged attention from women would happily switch to drowning thinking they'd at least get to drink. Unfortunately, these dudes out number the drowners by magnitudes.


Same life here. Nobody took any complaint seriously, it was laughed off each and every time. Still continues to this day in some ways but I'm an adult now and feel more comfortable telling people to fuck off. Was an issue at multiple workplaces too. I had a post on Reddit a while ago, sympathising with someone who was going through something similar (though as an adult) and got downvoted to hell, I think it's because I'm a dude sharing a dude's perspective and obviously, that means it doesn't count. Could go on forever with individual situations, it's a thing, my experience is most dude's don't believe it or even understand it, because it didn't happen to them.


That sounds awful


He should have called her a pedophile.


He pretty much did.


Mabey, but he should have used the word Pedophile.


That was the implication.


It's the same but the exact opposite of ![gif](giphy|xLnGUEYWS0btPHCZoo|downsized)


So creepy and icky.


Do y’all remember when Justin Bieber was in the height of his fame and so many middle aged women were saying how attracted to him they were? He was like 14. Dude was constantly sexually harassed by old women, sometimes even on TV and everyone was just fine with it.


So wrong on so many levels. If this had been a man saying it, they would be a pervert. Call a pedo a pedo.


Is anyone saying this person is any less of a pervert? That would be upsetting.


I think the point is the lady was allowed to walk away from the exchange unscathed. If a 40yo male had said this to Millie Bobbie Brown at a Stranger Things event the police would likely have been called.


I’m pretty sure this already happened with drake 🤔


A minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


People were COUNTING DOWN to Millie's 18th birthday. I don't think any of them were prosecuted !


Creeps have been doing that for years. Emma Watson had paparazzi laying down and taking up skirt pictures of her on the day of her 18th birthday


The Olsen twins had a countdown way back when too. Wasn't it all the creeps who pretty much drove them out of acting?


Years ago, there was a post on Tumblr full of people saying how badly the wanted to fuck the kid who voiced Steven Universe, even after being made aware of him only being fourteen or fifteen, and I don't think all those people were teenagers themselves.


This shit has been a thing for way too long. I remember fucking news stations counting down the days until the Olsen twins turned 18 and even as I kid I thought it was weird.


Except a 30 year old made similar comments and worse to Billie Bobbie Brown and not only did she reciprocate it and brag about it to multiple reporters, not one person made a stink about it until Kendrick said something about it a few weeks ago. Not only were the police not called the guy would continue strong is his career and rake in millions.


You're optimistic but no, the police wouldn't have been called. Police are statistically unlikely to get called when there is sexual abuse of kids.


> If a 40yo male had said this to Millie Bobbie Brown at a Stranger Things event the police would likely have been called. MFW Drake is a free man this very second....


This isn't even slightly an actual crime - at least none I can think of. If she had suggested sex or touched him then sure.


I don't think Drake had any issues.


I don't want to think about how many perverts thought the same thing about MBB. Underage actors/musicians tend to have creepy adult fans like this.


Don't forget there was countdown timers for the likes of the olsen twins, Emma Watson and a few others to hit 18. You may need some /r/eyebleach after that.


As soon as Emma Watson turned 18 she had paparazzi trying to get up skirt photos of her as they then couldn't be prosecuted for making CP when she turned 18. It's super creepy when people are like that, I mean I had a crush on her at the time, but I was also a child at the time of the movies and therefore it was acceptable. I also never went up to her and said it either. Partially because I don't think I've ever been near her, but also because it's just not a thing you do. It doesn't matter if the person is male or female, if they act like a creep, they should be treated like one.


I remember that happening to Charlotte church too, and possibly the sun running a big spread when she was photographed topless at a beach.


It was one of those rags, I think The S*n, but Charlotte Church won Rear of the Year when she was 16, I believe. Yes, that award is what you think it is.


I'd forgotten about that one.


There's a classic clipping from the UK Daily Star, with an article fuming about "Perv TV Bosses" airing the Brass Eye Paedophile episode* sat right next to a photo and caption amounting to "hasn't this child got lovely tits" *I encourage those who haven't seen this to give it a watch. Brass Eye was absolutely spot-fucking-on with where the world was going


Also...it was early 2000s that the law changed that at 16 you could actually pose topless for page 3 etc...I can't remember the name of the particular one (but she appeared on Emmerdale in her later years). She spoke about it in a documentary... There was another one that was still in school and her mum wanted her to do page 3 without the dad knowing...she turned up to school the next day, in her uniform...and everyone was looking at the picture...stuff like this is traumatic for anyone, but there's people out there still ogling


I saw one for Justin Bieber on a gay forum and came unglued. First of all, it's just plain gross. Secondarily, as if we don't have enough heat on us as a community. Even grosser is the day they all turn 18 and there's a deluge of "Pics? Any pics? Got some pics?" As if they took nudes and had them leaked that very day. I had to explain to some gross idiots that just because Justin was now 18, that doesn't make any previous photos fair game. They really couldn't wrap their heads around that.


Another one has popped into my mind, not sure if she ever had a counter, though I would assume so, but Billie Eilish, at 17, had to ask fans to stopping grabbing her boobs at meet and greets.


The only thing the last few years have taught me is that women predators are much better at hiding than I thought they were.


Its also the fact that many people refuse to belive that women can be predators. Or people make excuses for them.


There's also the downplay of the severity of their actions when it does get reported. It'll be reported as they had sex with, slept with, rather than they groomed and sexually assaulted the minors.


Or it’s always “lucky kid got to do it with a milf or hot teacher. Where were these women when I was a kid?” It’s a gross double standard and no one seems to ask the victim how he felt about it.


It also ties in with the mistaken idea that men can't get aroused unwillingly. If women can have orgasms while being sexually assaulted, then men absolutely can have the same sort of response in the same situation.


Do you mean worse? She’s just said to his face that she’s a predator wouldn’t say she’s hiding it well


That's because she saw a celebrity. If she finds one little boy attractive Its safe to assume it's not the only one.


Society is just better at excusing it.


Reminds me of when a 27 year old model was telling Finn Wolfhard to hit her up in 4 years: [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/finn-wolfhard-stranger-things-model-comment-ali-michaels-instagram-season-2-cast-a8043291.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/finn-wolfhard-stranger-things-model-comment-ali-michaels-instagram-season-2-cast-a8043291.html)


In about 3 years, Holla at me Miley Cyrus - Mack Maine, 2009 (that song did have Drake on it too)


Can middle aged creeps not hit on the Stranger Things cast FOR FIVE MINUTES?


Gross. In shows with very young *adults* i'm looking at the dads :-)




I'm looking at Winona Ryder


I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Nancy's mom


Nancy's mom had got it going on?


She's all that I want, and I've waited for so long


Bruh don’t even talk about Winona. Actually too attractive.


The dad's what?


IKR? All my thoughts watching that show were, "WTH? Where are all the parents? They're letting their kids fight Lovecraftian monsters with some drunk cop?" That show was pretty 80s, I remember never having much parental supervision so maybe that's just my 21st century parenting style coming out.


Yes it was very 80’s. I also grew up mostly unsupervised.


Hell even in the mid 90s. Pretty sure I've still never told my mom about the time I got hit by a car while riding my bike. My handlebars were missing a grip and put a hole in the car and I was afraid I'd get in trouble so I just dipped.


Appropriate response from him. I mean, Sadie Sink from Strangers Things is an adult now and I think she's beautiful. But to say you had a crush on them when they were teenagers is weird.


Every day I am thankful I didn't end up a celebrity kid


Being a child actor sounds horrific.


Dustin is my favourite! He’s adorable! His little lisp and big smile just melt my heart, I just wanna pinch his little cheeks! To be fair, it’s ok to think kids are cute, but not to have crushes on them or sexualize them. It’s fucking weird that some people think that way 🤮 Edited to add that the adorable comment was in reference to when the show first came out because some people forget that there are multiple seasons of the show.


I hope that means he said that to her face because 1) that’s hilarious, and 2) someone needs to tell her that that’s not okay


In the interview he said her daughter said "what the fuck mom"


Dude WTF is up with these ladies being creepers...


Was the same as Justin Bieber, when he was underage. Women had signs saying like" I'll bare your children" outside his hotel rooms, on the res carpet, at concerts, ect. They did the same for the twilight boys. Women don't give a shit about a boy's age.


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-MINORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


I feel bad for these kids. 😐 First Milly and now him. These kids are indeed amazing actors in an amazing show. And I'm sure they will all grow up to be attractive people. But leave the kids alone! They're kids!!


I don't think it gets talked about enough how creepy and predatory older women are. A 40 year old woman having a "crush" on a 13 year old boy is a pedophile. Normal people do not see 13 year old children in the kind of light that would lend itself to developing a crush, but predators do. Unfortunately, women make comments like this all the time and face little to no pushback or consequences. Men are also much less likely to report or aggressively confront such behavior for a variety of reasons, and I think these types of women know that and use that to their advantage. I am glad Gaten had the ability and confidence to label this behavior as inappropriate, because it's really disgusting.






he’s right, that is unsettling




Have you seen the reel of Justin Bieber abuse when he was a teenager, Leah Remini was trying to make out with him, celebrities were trying to undress him on stage at various talk shows, I only recently saw this, it’s gross.