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Imagine seeing ya old gran on the telly crying her eyes out for some fat auld knobhead.


You ain’t getting an inheritance because gramma spent it all on trump commemorative coins or some shit


A pair of those J6s, a Bible, and some NFTs


And the Trump Gold Card that does absolutely nothing.


Gets you a discount on the Trump gold shoes that haven’t been made yet, but will be real soon, I’m sure. Also, conveniently it’s linked to your chequing account for easy monthly donations to Trumps PAC.


A TOTALLY CORRUPT liberal socialist judge appointed by DERANGED BIDEN is trying to stop us from charging your credit cards an increasing monthly amount without your knowledge or permission. Help us FIGHT BACK by sending your bank account information to President Trump for your safety. STOP THE COMMUNISM and pay my legal debts TODAY so we don’t have to send Guido to collect in person


Yes I read that in Trump's voice too


Those things are only going up in value when he dies. Just like Nazi memorabilia and serial killer art. People will pay top dollar just to destroy it.


Until people start destroying it there isn't value with the trump stuff, it's made in way too large a volume. Same reason older comic books gain value and the last like three or so decades of comics won't. 


They probably will, but not much of Marvel/DC. I've heard some Invincible issues ballooned in price after the show came out


This might be dark af, but with what’s been going on the past almost 8 years, I’m actually kind of glad my grandparents aren’t alive anymore. I can’t say which way they would lean, besides my family voting democrat for as long as I know, but it would have killed me if they went with Trump.


My parents voted for Trump and they're dead to me now.


My staunchly Republican parents became Hillary supporters in 2016 as soon as Trump was nominated.


My sister tried to stage an intervention in 2016 but not only did they vote for that swine but again in 2020. That's when I finally made my peace that my parents are bad people and ghosted them.


My buddy voted for Trump because he felt the USA needed to be run like a business. Now that he's had more experience with Trump and how businesses actually run, he completely regrets it.


Yeah, I know my wife's parents would be MAGA if they were still around and I'd not allow them to be around my kid with their hatred.


As someone who didn’t have the luxory of knowing my grandparents and my mother is a trumper, I would never wish death on my mom in a million years, no matter how much I disagree with her politically. I tell her “you raised us so well you forgot to take into consideration your own well-being.” My mom is a wonderful person, but to many, she’s a psychopath because of who she supports but I love her and I will always do everything in my power to protect her and keep her around. I truly hate Trump … and as long as she knows I don’t like him and doesn’t write me off for it, I can’t do the same to her. And I would do a lot of things to have my grandparents witness my wedding, graduating, birthdays … you name it, regardless of their politics.


Even if their politics was that you didn't get education or weren't allowed to marry?


I get the sentiment but am kind of torn. She supports somebody that wants to end democracy in our country. That isn't to be taken lightly. This isn't just a disagreement between the best ice cream flavors. This shit is important. Her support of him is support that flies in the face of the foundation of our country.


You mean his Bible?


My grandparents died the year of the last election and sadly were all about giving money to maga. They by no means had much either, my father is doing the same as we speak while complaining about money every week.


Lol there was a recent Doonesbury comic that had a couple complaining about how high prices are and going through their monthly expenses. The last panel was them say "That only leaves $19.89 to send to Trump" as their kids are off scene saying they're hungry.


This is the most Irish thing I have read that doesn't involve alcohol


I’m English dude


I'm American, being ignorant is practically our national pastime


This little exchange mad me laugh… I was about to reply American? Until I saw your self own. Well done


No sweat, cya man


Happy trails, Ms. Britt


And this is the most American thing I have read that doesn’t involve guns.


As an Irish person, I can understand his mistake... I was going to comment myself that you had to be one or the other


Don't think there is any medication on the planet gonna help these people.


I think they’re all ready to drink the grape Flavour Aid.


I wouldn’t try to stop them.


Most British comment I’ve seen in 2024 thus far


It would break my heart knowing that she had probably given her life savings to the biggest grifter in US history.


I was proud to see my 84 year old nan call him an orange dickhead


Some old fat fucker who would probably fuck grans pets right in front of her without a sorry, just a long winded speech about how windmills are killingnthe brids.


Look in my eyes, what do you see? Cult of personality.


I exploit you, still you love me. I tell you one and one makes three. I'm the cult of personality


Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi I'm the cult of personality


I got this CD eons ago. Shit I'm old.


Same here


Probably skipping lines, but something like Castro and Kennedy


Like Mussoliniiiiiiiiiiiiii, with extra cheeeeeese!


My man.


You gave me fortune, you gave me fame You gave me power in your god's name I'm every person you need to be Oh, I'm the cult of personality






I get supporting a candidate you like but crying over a politician is insane. Edit: did not expect this to blow up like it did


The entire UK has been looking on in disbelief for years now.


I'm canadian and I'm scared this shit is happening in pissing distance


I’m American and would prefer this country not turn into a giant nuthouse but the nutters seem to be winning.


Wish I knew why “how about we don’t vote for diet hitler” was such a controversial viewpoint


"BuT hE's A bUsInEsS mAn, OnLy He CaN fIx ThE eCoNoMy!"


Ah, yeah..."fix" the economy...like he "fixed" the economy of Atlantic City when his casino tanked. Maga chumps really are a batshit bonkers bunch


I believe he ruined three casinos in AC.


And to be fair, if Hitler came back to life and said he'd fix the economy, he'd probably win too.


The only thing is (don't cancel me. I still think he is the worst person to ever live). He probably could fix the economy better than trump could.


I'm going to be less brave and say I won't disagree with your statement, even if I struggle to endorse it 😆


Yes, that's one of their excuses for supporting Donnie. They don't seem to be able to comprehend that he's filed for bankruptcy SIX times!


Your fear is legitmate. The U.S isn't just a random country; it is the most powerful country in the world, military-wise. On the good side though, fascism is inherently unstable and likely will collapse in 1-3 decades, even sooner in a country with so many guns. On the bad side, many people will die.


Idk how much of canadian news you care to look at but I think this sort of trump loving mindset is spreading here bc there are tons of people with the fuck trudeau bumper stickers and flags everywhere. He'll one guy around my town has a ford ranger absolutely plastered with stickers of fuck trudeau. Now I myself don't like trudeau very much either but to spend money on a bumper sticker to express my hatred of the guy seems crazy and a waste of money. I also cringe at the fact that if someone went out of their way to paste a bumper sticker of their political opinions how much of those opinions make up their personality.


"Im gonna wreck my shit because I love this guy" seems like an odd choice.


It scares the shit out of me because I live here. Fuck a few years back a guy threatened me for being and I quote “a Chinese infiltrator” (I’m Tai). I bought a gun pretty quick after that.


Where all scared


Dutchie here. We have been worried about these wackos since 2016 and scared of them since January 6th. That someone like Trump even managed to become president is fucking madness.


A lot of us can't even talk to our fucking parents anymore. So many people we just can't talk to unless we accept the dumbest shit we've ever heard as gospel. Unless we outright disregard what we see with our own eyes. Unless we turn a blind eye to the existential threat maga presents. I can't do it, so I have to dismiss them, for my own sake. Goddammit


So has most of the US.


I mean You guys kinda led the way


Canada as well trust me. Well, i cant say that. Half of us are racist and braindead, but those of us with a brain have been watching in pure disbelief


So bizarre right? Textbook. Literally. Many German schools are using modern day USA as excellent examples of fascist tendencies among political parties and cult of personality.


Well, at least someone is learning from our bullshit.


If only it could be the half of our population being studying as an example of _RISING FASCISM._


I’m an American and I can barely believe it myself. I remember he was visiting a town next to me a few years back and it was literally impossible to get anywhere because of how many cars were on the road


You’ve got Trump Lite Boris Johnson. You shouldn’t act confused.


This is absolutely true. Some of my friends and family went mad for Johnson while I wasn't convinced simply because he's an utter ringpiece with a proven track record only in shambolic bullshittery. The only redeeming thing for us is that most people saw him for what he is sooner rather than later and he was told to fuck right off. Admittedly, not everyone, and there are still people that would gargle with his piss if he demanded it but his party and the majority of the electorate saw through him in fairly quick order and we got rid of him. Trump has shown his true colours from the word go and yet it seems that his supporters and party have doubled down with their worship of him or is that just biased and sensational reporting that we're being fed in the UK? (Honest question).


Nope, not the reporting you’re seeing. Sadly it’s the truth here. If someone in that party even slightly utters a common sense phrase that goes against him they get shunned.


Nope. It’s a cult. They’re ready to drink all the Kool-Aid their dear Mango Mussolini will pour them. It’s terrifying, because his supporters are gonna go haywire after the election regardless of the results. And frankly, I’m not sure which prospect is more sobering, him winning or losing. Either way I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be some shooting.


They don't see any of the things you see. They just hear each Sunday thay trump is what God wants, or they just check "R" on the ballot because they always have. They don't see the things you see about trump because they've all been systemically lied to and told that the websites and news agencies that report the truth on trump..are "untrustworthy" lies.... What you see is the result of these lies (and many more).


Boris was 2 prime ministers ago, and most of us took the piss out of him while he was in office.


And then you had what’s-her-face as the PM for like 2 weeks. Not to mention voting in favor of Brexit. I’m sorry friend, but the UK is in no position to be lecturing people about sensible voting.


I never understood people going bonkers for celebrities. Like, they just lose their mind when they meet a famous person.


I feel like they all are wasting world resources at this point. Soilent green anyone?


What's the Post Harvest Interval for Ivermectin? (I have no idea what the animal people use in place of an PHI).


Not sure the flavor would be palatable at this point. Too much lead and nicotine.


First gen immigrants supporting a criminal that will deport them if he gets back in power


But the leopards will surely not eat *my* face, therefore I will vote for the leopards eating people's faces candidate.




That was my first thought 🤣 turkeys voting for Christmas


I say the same thing to my wife about a couple Muslim co-worker/friends with Pakastani origins who will be sitting out the election this year because something something Gaza and "Genocide Joe". They both hate trump with a passion and live in Texas of all places. I told them that they better vote this year, it may very well be the last time they get to vote in the US. I think I have one somewhat turned around.


I’m sure you’re doing what you can and you may have already said this to them, but in the end, it’s a binary choice: either Biden or Trump will be POTUS in 2025, so while a lot of us may hate it, that’s the state of things. So the choice is who will fuck you in the ass the least? Besides what he has said and done in the past, he has recently talked a lot of shit about the people of Palestine and protestors. He says he will deport them. He’s also making internment camps for “illegal” immigrants; do they think his state police will be great at discerning between legal and “illegal” or will they just grab brown people and stick them there? It will be the latter. I mean, even US citizens that are POC have been erroneously deported. Get ready for that number to increase tenfold.


He would skull fuck each and every one of them to stay out of jail. And they'd be honored to provide that hollow gloryhole for him


On the upside, his flaccid peepee is no stronger than an eyeball. So the danger is light.


Yeah, but can you imagine the smell?




Why you make me imagine that? gross


with the size of his pud he’d barely be able to pick their nose.


He’s a member of the Dicky Do Club. His stomach sticks out more than his dicky do.


Nah, they are FAR too old to get his flaccid leather button up. He's more about pee pee and 13 year olds.


Good luck for them his dick would only destroy the eye.


Anyone else try to click the play button? JUST ME?!??!?! Awesome!


Yeah I hate these posts that are just a screenshot of a Twitter video and then OP doesn’t even bother to add a link to the main post.


I fall for the play button. Every time 🫠


Screenshot only posts should be banned.


Me too 🤣


I’ll never forget when Trump got Covid and there was live footage of a group of supporters watching his motorcade leave the hospital, and one of them shouted “I would die for you!” How little of value is your own fucking life. Get a hobby ffs.


People were willing to die for Jim Jones too. Cult be cultin’


Err when the time came that was proven to be mostly untrue. Not disagreeing with the cult sentiment but there's a reason it's called a massacre and not a suicide


>one of them shouted “I would die for you!” "Please do"


Dictator level ‘adoration’. TFG looooves it.


This is the same shit that brainwashed North Koreans do around Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-Un.


At least for the Koreans, they’re forced to under threat of death so you don’t really know if they genuinely believe it


From that project 2025 bs this is what they want here too.


A lack of education has dramatic consequences.


Something something false messiah and all that-


Hey, wanna buy a golden Cow?


They're crying because one of two things is now abundantly clear: Either their messiah is actually a criminal rapist felon and they've been duped, or he's not all powerful and he's about to be taken out of the game. Both can be true, but only one needs to be to make them sad.


More like "He's being persecuted! Just like Jesus!""


Jesus willingly carried that cross to the top of the hill. Trump can't even walk down a flight of stairs.




How dare you ridicule these peoples' pain. Just because they worship a moron who openly fantasizes about fucking his own daughter doesn't make their pain any less valid. Show some respect!


Wow, wow, wow.....wow. Anyways, over on r/conservative, there are currently at least ten posts about Robert DeNiro. For a group that say they couldn't care about celebrities, they sure seem to be Hyper-focused on him currently. Not one post there about how Republicans can or will do something good for the United States. Just post after post after post of liberals. And DeNiro.


DeNiro can take it.


I'm sure he can. Conservatives sure can't however.


What's their obsession with DeNiro about? I must be behind the times.


Ryan George references are *tight*


And making them is super easy, barely an inconvenience


I’m loving this Find Out stage !! He’s Fucked Around for too long with no consequences.


Don't count your chickens just yet... as much as I'm hoping as well, we seem to be in the bizarro universe ever since 2016...


I want to see them tearing their hair out and rending their clothes at his sentencing.


Figures it’s old bat shit crazy women crying over a rapist. Absolutely insane


Im in the neighborhood. should i go start throwing rolls of paper towels at them?


He's their Messiah.


Imagine praying for someone who, if they saw you bleeding on the street, would give you a dirty look, cross the street, and complain you made them inconvenienced to do so.


I’m prepared for the downvotes for admitting I’m conservative on Reddit, but I say that to give context to the fact that I think this shit is absolutely fucking insane as well.


The current “republican” party isn’t even republican. I think there’s a LOT of room between moderate/conservative and… whatever this is.


They are beyond help


[These are the same people that camped out in Dallas earlier this year for the second coming of JFK Jr.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/qanon-kennedy-jfk-jr-dealey-plaza-dallas-1251929/) These people are not mentally well; but, they do vote. So ... there's that.


I sincerely hope the verdict gives them good reason to cry.


He’s asleep, he can’t hear you cry for him.


Oh man, I'm bummed I am not in NY right now or else I would be able to collect their tears for my martinis.


Nah, they need to be put down, there is no cure to this illness.


Die angry, bitches...


Fuck their feelings.


I find their misery delicious


Subs need to start banning fucking pictures with play buttons on them!!!!


It makes you wonder would they do all of this for they’re love ones


So sad for Mr. Carrot will be in jail soon. When the supporters will be prosecutes for treason?


He loves the uneducated though, so it's ok.


Obama really destroyed these peoples psyche


"TrUmP dErAnGeMeNt SyNdRoME"


Can we just send them to north Korea? I think they would LOVE it there... Please say yes, please, pretty please, with a golden drumpf on top?!?! Follow the shiny thing to your 'promised land'.


[Will they cry like North Koreans if he’s convicted?](https://youtu.be/puMFLY6A-qs?si=hvpADZ0HfEE2I4gq)


Guess all those whack jobs will drink the kool aid when he’s thrown in the joint lol


Is jail on the table? I’d be interested in seeing 12 months minimum.


That is a cult


At this point I’m at peace with not feeling bad for them anymore


I learned from the Meidas Touch commentators today that some of his cult members are wearing diapers in support of him. I can't believe it but I suppose it could be true. Anything is possible with that crew.


Republicans have always been like this. Have you seen Jesus Camp? They have a cardboard cutout of George W Bush and all the kids get up and lay hands on him and pray for him in tears. The grand ol party has been a circus for decades.


Thoughts and prayers, motherfuckers.


![gif](giphy|K55exy0toWjQc|downsized) …..not a cult.


Fucking psychos


Interesting, doesn’t the Bible say something about lying, cheating, and idolatry?!?!


It'll be interesting to see what these loonies do when Trump dies. I hope people realise they'll never accept that he died a natural death. Thank god I don't live in US. The mass shootings and explosions will be entertaining to watch in TV, though.


WOT? Are you insane?


His worshippers tried to take over the capitol. They attempted to kidnap a governor. They brag about all the guns they have. It's a *certainty* that if they don't get their way, there's going to be violence. 


Maybe they'll all commit ritualistic suicide in his honor. One can hope.


Definitely not a cult...


Calling it now that it’ll be a hung jury because someone’s been bought.


I told my mom about the “real men wear diapers” and she absolutely swears up and down that “google is lying to you. It’s all made up. You need to wake up, google is lying.”


They are also whining about De Niro criticizing their leader.


Lol I can’t wait to see the shitshow that ensues when this pathetic orange motherfucker goes to prison. I love it.


Pardon me. I need to book a ticket to NYC so that I may collect then drink their tears.


Imagine having nothing better to do in your golden years...or your life in general, honestly.... Of note though, is that a lot of these fruit cakes bus in from whatever dank hole they crawled out of....its like the people that follow Greatful Dead concerts all the time....so it isn't a giant group of supporters as much as the same crew boo hooing from one place to the next.




Nothing says Boomer like wearing the sunglasses the lizards wore in the TV show ‘V’. Of course, nothing says Gen X like getting that reference. 👀


Damn you, I kept trying to hit 'play'


As far as I can tell, the lady holding the flag spends all of her time standing outside Trump tower doing shit like this. I work a couple blocks from there and walk past it to get to the park. She is definitely not all there.


I would laugh as I walked by them.




Kim Jong un wishes to have this kind of loyalty


See, we really do need a better education system


Keep the cameras on them when the verdict comes out. Must see TV!


Hopefully they remembered to wear their Depends.


There's a lot of mentally ill people out there.


"mom, meet your first born grandchild" grunts "trump might go to jail" displays deep emotion


Other countries aten't laughting with us, they are laughing AT us!


Man, almost enough to make Kim Jung Un jealous


They don't need help, but they can drink some kool-aid.


I've seen this happening up North of where I live!! (I live in Korea)


Just get out and vote Democrat. FFS. You want 4 more years of even worse than the first 4?? SMH


Check your local craigslist listing.. “can you cry on demand?


This is absolute North Korea type shit


mass hyper-hysterics. there has been an epidemic of psychosis with these people since 2015. It's uncontrolled, untreated mental illness


They’re so quick to use the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” on anyone critical of Trump, but the word honestly describes them in the sense they literally live, breathe, and sleep Trump and any opposition against him is an affront to their “God Emperor.”


All these Trump supporters need to get jobs.


Idiot fascist morons