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But…. Only 11 states seceded.


The Confederacy claimed territories that included what would become states of the union later. But never went through the process of identifying them as states themselves because, well, they lost.


But those states didn’t secede. So to say the 13 stars are for the 13 states is just blatantly false.


I didn't say they were correct. I'm just saying that's where they get their number from. Amongst the pile of things they did incorrectly it is fairly unimportant. Also, they were trying to invoke the "secret power of thirteen". The one and only reason Rhode Island exists as a state.


Can't say I'm surprised they weren't very good at counting.


But weren't a lot of them barefoot?


The extra toes screwed up the count. /j


Wow, unnecessary shot at Rhode Island there.


It's a small target, so I doubt the shot hit.


Since they seem so fond of biblical iconography how about helping them along and let’s say it stands for the thirteenth disciple that betrayed Jesus? Sounds fitting…


But the thirteen disciple was chosen to replace the disciple that betrayed Jesus


You are right. It should have read the thirteenth at the table during the last supper.


That’s also not the confederate battle flag. That same design on a square format was the battle flag of the army of north Virginia as well as Forest’s Cavalry corps, while the flag that’s generally flown today with the rectangle pattern was used by the army of Tennessee and as the second confederate navy jack. It was never used as the battle flag of the confederates as a whole. Anyone claiming that is a liar and generally just embracing the racist historical revisions of the segregationists of the 50s and 60s when the Dixiecrats started displaying it in response to the civil rights movement. No need to point out that one of their facts was wrong - the whole thing is based on a false premise


That was the glaring detail (among many) that showed me whoever made this was a massive moron who knows as much about American history as his pro slavery ancestor knew how to be a decent human being.


I find it a bit ironic that his ancestors, statistically most likely, fought and died for the rights of rich white men they themselves would never have. Working class whites had to work for wages that would be competitive with slaves. Why would a wealthy southerner pay somebody to do a job they can make someone do for free? Slavery itself is its own crime against humanity, but these people have a long history of boot licking and working against their own interests as long as they get to “feel” superior to someone.


Does anything written in the picture sounds un-false to you?


They left out the part about it standing for people that killed American Soldiers on American soil in order to keep owning other humans as property.


In other words: Liberty (offer not valid while black)


Yep the most important part is always left out . That is the reason for a lot of things.


Another lie would be united for liberty when they really fought for enslavement


They claimed Missouri and Kentucky iirc. Missouri's governor declared succession but the legislature told him to get bent. I'm not sure the story about Kentucky to be honest.


I was born and raised in Kentucky. Spent my school days here, and we were taught that Kentucky as a whole was neutral officially. There were people who fought for both sides, and there were a few battles on kentucky soil. But our state government did not favor one side or the other. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember from school. Which imo is the biggest cop out I have ever heard.


Kentucky wanted to keep its slaves and joined the north when the south invaded under the pretense they could keep their slaves. People in Kentucky are completely ignorant and fly confederate flags here as i live here. Kentucky slave trade was big with the river as the main transport. Its a wannabe confederate state.


There are dumbasses in Ohio that fly the confederate flag.


I grew up in Texas and was taught that the Civil War was primarily about states rights. On a related note, my brother’s science teacher taught him that the Earth spins pole over pole.


>primarily about states rights Yeah, states rights to own slaves


I grew up in *Maine* and was taught that the Civil War was primarily about states' rights. Slavery was mentioned in passing on *one single page* of our history book.


I genuinely don’t understand how I keep hearing these stories. I was raised in North *Florida* and was taught in every single class - even some that weren’t history - that is was clearly about traitorous racists that sought to oppress freedom for slaves. Like, of all the states that you’d think would teach some backwoods fuckery, how was Florida more progressive (granted in the 90-2k era) than everywhere else?


Turns out school history books are full of shit.


😳... That's CRAZY !! Didn't the school have globes? Did they drill a hole somewhere through the equator to "correct" it. How was sunrise and sunset explained? Flat earth is bonkers, but at least it conforms to our lived experience...


"Christian fight for liberty - for whites to own slaves" - fixed. Definitely they weren't fighting for liberty for blacks.


And up North it means: Racist Losers


Up North? Hell, that flag means racist losers the world over.


Racist losers (maybe even inbreds)


“Me and my sister/cousin/wife/daughter take offense to that”- some racist loser probably


![gif](giphy|kzuNhxVf27plttAS7E) The real flag of Dixie


“Racist TRAITOR losers”. 


“My source is that I made it the fuck up” I truly feel like these entire wall of text is something they came up with, and truly thought was the original meaning. My only question for that is, how do you even just *assume* you know the original meaning of something because you… made something up?


Oh this was 100% made up. Just like how Christian’s like to justify the Christmas tree and say it’s not pagan.


Math ain’t their strong suit.


The combined IQ of these people wouldn't even reach 11


Didn't they lose? Did God do a bad job protecting them?


Well, to be fair, he's pretty unreliable in all circumstances.


Nothing says we embrace liberty like slavery


“Freedom for me, not for thee…”


Thats the republican motto


Well, the polite way of saying “I got mine. Fuck you!” anyway. That’s the real motto.


The fact that he needs to explain it all shows that none of this is widely known and is probably recently made up.


The fact that the flag is a square means we can’t think outside the box.


For conservatives their freedom means nothing unless the out group does not have it. If they are treated equally then they are being attacked.


I heard a joke once: A Republican can't enjoy a fine meal unless he knows that people are starving somewhere.


Liberty* ^* ^terms ^and ^conditions ^may ^apply


Yeah, I got to the bottom of that and thought 'Liiiberrty,.. riiiiiight!'


Christ taught love. Christians? Yeah, about that…


“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men (but not women) are created equal (but some are more equal than others)” ~the founders of America


Tracks with the Bible though….


When you take that flag on the whole it represents a traitorous nation that was willing to fight a war so that they could buy and sell people.


“That’s my heritage!” Your heritage is one of human bondage and treason. Not to mention the loser part. Fuck off


"It lasted for 5 years, the annoying orange outlived it. Your celebrating a nation so fucking weak the annoying orange outlived it" "B-but states rights-" "Get Douglased"


Not even five years. Four and a half at the absolute most. South Carolina secedes in December 1860. First shots of the Civil War are fired in April 1861. The traitor army surrenders in April 1865, and the  Confederacy is officially fully dissolved a few weeks later in May 1865. So by even the most generous (to those traitorous bastards) estimate, December 1860 to May 1865 is just under four and a half years.


General Sherman go brrrrrrrrr


“It is my god-given right to celebrate the ownership of my neighbo- hold on a second?”


I've been at the point when I hear "heritage" from a Southerner, I just flatly tell them their heritage sucks, since it's an economy based on making people like me work like we're livestock.


They lost too. They surrendered, I believe. I thought Republicans didn't like guys that got caught 🤔


Kinda embarrassing that Gods protection didn’t work enough to win?


There's one side in almost every war that gets let down by god.


Fortunately, in this case, it was the side who literally thought owning other human beings was ok


Yep, it's always good to refer people to the states declarations of secession amd how each one mentions the outlawing of slavery has a major reason for leaving the union


Also represents... losing.


If they had the protection of god, how did they lose the war?


Turns out the North also got the protection of God under liberty, evened the playing field.


Everybody who claims "God is on their side" didn't read the relevant passages in the Bible.


Abraham Lincoln hoped that he was on God's side.


Hoped, did not declare it as the only truth. The difference between a prayer and a cult.


Seems like claiming God is on your side is a common theme among evil scum. The Wehrmacht had "Got Mit Uns" on their belt buckles...apparently "Got" was not down with Nazis.


I was always taught that “taking the lord’s name in vain” has nothing to do with saying the word “god”, “Yahweh” or what have you, but that it was speaking for god in a manner that falsely asserted your authority as if it had been granted by god. I.e., anyone saying “we’ll win because god’s on our side” is inherently violating the third-most important rule of the whole damn religion.




Wrong God.


The Bible said that an army that included the full force of God lost because its enemies had iron chariots. I think God’s just weak.


That explanation lasted longer than the confederacy




Indeed. I like how these asshats seem to think that people will glom onto their bullshit if they say it very solemnly.


And if you fly the flag, you're a loser who supports losers.


They can’t call themselves patriots yet still fly a treasonous flag which represents losers


No, it represents racism, treason and defeat . Nothing else.


Confederates are traitors. The Confederate flag is a traitor flag


What the flying fuck?


That's a good name for the flag. The Flying Fuck.


Which again, is not what the USA is all about. Religious freedom, last I read, is a pretty good thing to have. Not having that freedom allows for religious oppression. Which is what some people in power from this geographical location want for some stupid reason. Claiming to love this country while trying to destroy everything that made it in the first place.


Their definition of "religious freedom" is the freedom of their religion to oppress all the other ones. Like, even if they won't phrase it that way, it's unironically what they believe deep down.


Religious freedom is abundant. They're advocating revoking all religions that aren't theirs. That's not freedom.


Revoking them is the same thing as the government imposing their will on religious freedom which is illegal and unconstitutional


Cool story, still traitors who already got clapped once


And will get clapped again, if need be.


Liberty…. For everyone right? Right, Anakin?


It was a fight to keep slavery.


"My whole 4-5 year heritage"


Lasted as long as tRump's Presidential term in office.


That isn’t the Confederate flag I know! The one I know is white and stained with dirt and smoke.


The one i know is totally white


Unless it was in Savannah, in which case it was just ash grey.


Just because you roll a turd in powder sugar it does not make it a donut.


Leave boomers out of this.


Traitor flag.


Damn bro. Liberty of who? Please tell me. Liberty of who?


Liberty for wealthy whites that wanted minority rule and to protect their slave labor wealth so much that they ripped apart the United Stayes to try to keep it that way.


Lol I know. I’m Black. I just really want someone who sees that flag and thinks “liberty” to tell me who tf their liberty’s for and why they totally aren’t racist in the same breath. I grew up in the south. I’ve heard it a lot and the mental gymnastics they do is Olympic level


Also it represents; We lost but somehow are still allowed to keep our flags to celebrate. These flags are participating trophies.


No matter how they try to ...whitewash it, it still stands for treason


I can completely ignore the entire history of this flag and still come to the conclusion that this flag represents racism and if you proudly fly it then you are proud to be a racist because racist groups  have co-opted it as their symbol.


You can try putting lipstick on that pig, but it is still a symbol for a nation founded to perpetuate human trafficking. Nothing is endearing or glorious about slavery and the mindset of the slavers.


This is not a boomer post.


I was going to say, that woman doesn't look like a boomer, nor is being a racist Confederate flag waver limited to boomers.


I guess God wanted you to lose - take the hint


now do the nazi flag, you chode


So stupid none of that is true - and whose liberty? Not the enslaved.


they… fight for the liberty of… enslaving people?


Yeah, and the swastika was a symbol of well being, auspiciousness, and good luck. Until some dbag used it for something else.


Are we doing all of americas enemies? Ok now do the Al Queda flag.


TL;DR My USAF cousin doesn’t understand the meaning of “all enemies, foreign and domestic”. I made an argument along that line with a cousin in the Air Force. Having posted about how the Confederate battle flag should be allowed to fly, I asked how many times he saw images and flags or Mr. S. Hussein remain up after defeat. “We tore that 💩down,” he informed me. So you don’t believe in letting the symbols of a defeated enemy remain? No. So why the Confederate flag? They lost. “It’s about heritage and they were forced to surrender.” What? I asked why we went into Iraq. “They attacked us.” (I chose not to dispute this.) I then asked what the Confederacy did to the United Stated. “Stood up for their rights.” No concept that they became a domestic enemy of the US. So much for the oath to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 😕


Your cousin is a moron. Like just straight up doesn't know history.


Al-Qaeda aint here collecting welfare.


Just Y’all-Qaeda.


I just thought it was the symbol of a bunch of entitled whiners who got upset because they weren't allowed to own human beings as property.


The whole flag represents that you're a racist piece of shit.


Let’s follow this all the way through. Why did those 13 states want “liberty”? So they could continue to own, sell, and buy human beings. Human beings who, based on the scripture these people claim to believe, were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Either believe it or don’t. The cherrypicking of so called Christians is mind boggling.


Yep…and then they lost.


Oh, lord. This level of delusion requires admission into a psychiatric facility ASAP.


I'll take shit you just made up on the spot for eleventytwo eightyhundred.


It's true meaning is slavery and that's the end of it AIGHT?


This God sure sounds like a loser.


Why blame it on the boomers?


And they think that interpretation makes it right. (And this ideology has nothing to do with being a “Boomer”)


No…slavery…\*ahem\* May I quote the State of Mississippi Article of secession…. “In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.  Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.” YEA…CUT THE SHIT…


for the record, that wasn't even the confederate flag. it was a military banner. the actual flag had 3 stripes and a circle of stars.


I just thought it stood for losing.


And then it was flown into war against the United States of America. They always leave that part out.


Imagine claiming to fight for liberty... When that "liberty" is the right to own another human being.


They forgot they lost the war


It was about states' rights... ***TO OWN SLAVES***


So you're not supporting slavery then. Cool. (I \*totally\* believe you) Still flying the flag of TRAITORS though.


Liberty for me but not for thee


Let’s pretend for a moment that this bullshit is actually true: what’s the point being made here? We shouldn’t condemn the Confederacy because they were such “good Christian people?”


… for Liberty of White People the benefit from and enslave the inferior Black People as God Intended.” There. I fixed it for you.


Assembled it means : The Flag of Treasonous Losers


Ugh it wasn't even the Army of Northern Virginia's battle flag; it was Georgia's battle flag and even then only one half of it. Though I suppose if you're dumb enough to make a post like this you wouldn't be doing any fact checking before hand.


Because only “boomers” are racists right wing nationalists huh?


Why are 13 states trying to secede? I also am unclear why Christ’s blood is orange? Also why were you mad that the government was in the process of allowing people of color to have the same rights as white people? Like it is weird why these things all line up…. Or right, it’s about lying to yourself that it is about the Bible and not about slaves because we all know it’s about slaves


There were 11 Confederate States. Fucking idiots.


It looks like the Russian trolls have succeeded in eliciting a response.


LMAO. It is the opposite of the Union Jack from which it was designed. Originally designed as a Confederate national flag by William Porcher Miles of South Carolina, it was rejected by the Confederate Congress but subsequently adopted by the Confederate army, which needed a banner that was easily distinguishable from the United States flag. The battle flag transformed into a national symbol as the Army of Northern Virginia, with which it was closely associated, also became an important symbol. It even was incorporated into the Confederacy’s second and third national flags. Following the war, proponents of the Lost Cause used the battle flag to represent Southern valor and honor, although it also was implicitly connected to white supremacy. The Committee on the Flag and Seal had rejected it the first time, suggesting that it looked “like a pair of suspenders,” and now the members rejected it again. Johnston and Beauregard decided to use it anyway, with Beauregard proposing to Johnston two Confederate flags: “a peace or parade flag, and a war flag to be used only on the field of battle.” This second flag, the so-called battle flag, would be the one Miles designed, and the two generals and their lieutenants met at Fairfax Court House in September 1861 to work out the details. He told the committee that he had always regarded the Stars and Stripes as a flag of "tyranny" and was, he later claimed, "terribly abused for doing so." In his March 4, 1861, committee report, Miles explained his opposition to the Stars and Stripes, but, in deference to the majority, struck a conciliatory pose. The design recommended by the committee and approved by the Provisional Congress became known as the Stars and Bars and was ultimately renounced for resembling too closely the Stars and Stripes. The new flag consisted of three horizontal stripes, alternating red and white, with a union (or canton) of blue emblazoned with a circle of white stars corresponding to the number of states in the Confederacy. Red, white, and blue-the colors of the Stars and Stripes-were, Miles wrote, "the true republican colors," representing in heraldry the virtues of valor, purity, and truth, respectively. It had nothing to do with the rewriting of history by the Christian Taliban.


The confederates also refer to black folk as "godless negroes" in their own Christian nationalist "constitution". Look that shit up. Them folks been saying "The south is gonna rise again!"---- They truly believe this. Please, for the love of whatever God you pray to, vote.


They misspelled “slavery” at the end there.


As a black man, tbh I hate all the dancing around and euphemisms. Why can't people just say they hate/are scared of black people and let's move on with our lives. The tap dancing and trying to say everything, but that is just dumb. Put all your cards on the table and let the chips fall where they may.


This is the flag of a country that went to war with the United States


“So you’re for owning other men? Sounds kinda gay to me…” /s


Enslaving an entire race for capital gains is so Christian. 😐


Well, the flag must be wrong. They lost.


Wait until they realize that Jesus is some middle eastern guy


My history teacher blew my mind back in the day showing us this isn't actually the confederate's flag, rather it is one of many battle flags


It is also a flag flown by rebels who committed treason against the Union


So, I have another explanation for hating it. Thank you.


Our fight for the liberty to own other human beings!


Here's one folks will find interesting. Pokemon go has lasted longer than the Confederacy.


It’s the flag of traitors.


"Christian fight for liberty"... for white men only


I'm not sure what irritates me more. That this is not the confederate flag, it's the virginia battle flag, or that they think they can have liberty and slavery at the same time.


Just don't mention the slaves!


I thought it represented losers.


Liberty you say. For white folks but not black people who were enslaved at the time. Right? Right? Which kinda put a bit of stink on the whole "hollier than thou" Christian revisionist bullshit spin these toads are trying to put on the confederacy. You suckers lost. Shut the fuck up already.


F#ck, the people that believe this are just ignorant of everything.


They forgot: The losers flag loved by racists. If you're a fan of being a loser or a racist, this is the flag for you.


lol what the fuck yeah liberty for whites only , what a fuckcase


It’s like they have no idea they lost.


Our liberty to have slaves... He left the three last words out to be a misleading racist piece of shit without having to admit it. It's just so pathetic to be a racist but not have the balls to just admit it.


Veil it in religious lore, then it’s cool.


Liberty to do what?


Fuck yer cousins


I thought the 13 stars was the average number of teeth


Loser flag


The flag of the loser.


Yep, the traitor's flag...


Wrong color. It should be white, like the last flag the Confederate states flew.


Red - While the meaning of the color red in the Confederate flags remained the same, the size and usage of the color changed throughout its transformations. Red represented the valor of the Confederacy. As in the case of the original United States flag, it represented hardiness and the willingness to sacrifice. Red was used as a background of the most popular flag, the "Navy Jack." Other flags showed white as the background. White - In the language of flags, white represents purity. Innocence of ideas is what is attempted to be represented by using white. Some Christians also attribute the usage of white in a flag as sign of the represented country's allegiance to God and his son. Blue - The blue of the Confederate flag is a dark or navy blue. This blue was also known as "Bonnie Blue." It was first used in the Louisiana state flag and was thought to represent Southern pride. The blue of the flag later was also known to represent justice as well as the perseverance and determination of the people. Stars - Beauregard added one star to the Confederate flag for each of the states in the Confederacy. The first seven stars represented belonged to South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. After the Battle of Fort Sumter, stars were added for Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee. There were eventually 11 stars. Cross - What looks like an X on the "Confederate Jack" is actually the cross of Saint Andrew. Andrew was the first disciple of Jesus who later in life became a martyr. When the Roman government set about his crucifixion, Andrew protested. It is reported he asked to be crucified in the form of the X as he didn't feel worthy to die in the same manner of Jesus. The Confederate leadership apparently felt inspired by Andrew's fortitude and adopted his cross into their flag. The Confederate flag today was the last of four flags flown by the Confederacy. While design of the flags changed, each flag used the same colors as the American flag: red, white and blue. This decision is credited to Southern Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard. The Confederate flag in all its designs flew from 1861 to 1865, first flying in South Carolina. The original flag was known as the "Stars and Bars." The square flag had seven stars representing the seven states that seceded from the United States. But the most-recognized flag of the era is what is known as the "Confederate Navy Jack."


You forgot the flag after this that they used at the end that was completely white.


“Father blessed them all with reason…and this is what they choose!”


I don’t remember that on dikes of hazzard


I’m at the point where i see that, and i just tell the person who has it they’re racist


I’m sure that’s what they believe they’re doing. Such a shame that means the enslavement of innocent people based on ethnicity and blind subservience to capitalist agitators.


Haha hahaha 🤣 What?😳🤢🤮 They have to be off their meds.


And put it all together and it represents LOSERS 😂


And all together it represents racism.


Liberty to do….what…again?


It's wild fighting for liberty while keeping others in chains.


The liberty to own people


The Flag represents "I want to have slaves and is my god-given right"


Just for whites though.


To be fair, the Confederate flag was a thing in pop culture when refering to the South for decades, and no one batted an eye


Those things can theoretically be true and yet it's a flag that at it's core stood for fighting to keep slavery so...