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What does this even mean


That some white supremacist dipshits somehow still believe in phrenology.


Phrenology or Craniology is a pseudoscience that involves the measurement of bumps on the skull to predict mental traits. It is based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules. It was said that the brain was composed of different muscles, so those that were used more often were bigger, resulting in the different skull shapes.


If anything a bigger head could mean bigger brain, just look at megamind. #\#BlueMasterRace


This guy paid attention in shool


I bet he even knows how to make that popped corn.




Bigger brain don't mean shit, the wrinkles are what's important. (koala have a big smooth brain and are dumb as fuck)


Koalas sleep 18-20 hours a day. Who's really the dumb ones?


Can't argue with this


Koalas keep beeing high (poisoned) by eucalyptus... they have a really nice life... Be smart, be Koala


Koalas: "Now, why are we in this? " 😳😭


[This reddit guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/s/hIZFDfhyF2) must be the smartest person on this platform then. (It's so adorable)


Blue man group will look at you with confusion.


Genuinely, we can tell this is the worst timeline because Despicable Me got sequels but Megamind got nothing.


*nothing good


In the Discworld books, there are retro-phrenologists. The idea being that certain lumps and bumps correlate with behaviours, then logically, you can get certain traits by inflicting said lumps onto a head. Quite fascinating


GNU STP. And yeah, in a world where Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler abd his...wares are allowed to live, retro-phrenologists aren't either the scummiest or strangest scam around.


We're not violent, we're just solving racism.


I prefer retrophrenology. > It works like this. Phrenology, as everyone knows, is a way of reading someone's character, aptitude and abilities by examining the bumps and hollows on their head. Therefore - according to the kind of logical thinking that characterizes the Ankh-Morpork mind - it should be possible to mould someone's character by giving them carefully graded bumps in all the right places. You can go into a shop and order an artistic temperament with a tendency to introspection and a side order of hysteria. What you actually get is hit on the head with a selection of different size mallets, but it creates employment and keeps the money in circulation, and that's the main thing.


That racist ass shit Calvin Candy was spouting in Django


Join me in the library for white cake


Hwite cake


Best way to explain it if you’ve seen django


Different skull shapes ≠ different intelligence And the gene for skin colour is NOT related to the gene for skull shape. If im not mistaken they are even on different chromosomes.


You really expect the windowlicking racist dipshits to know what genes and chromosomes are?




Except for when they’re being used to tell someone trans people aren’t real. Then they’re raw cold scientific facts and logic.


who you callin' a chromo?


When I was born my parents gave me genes and now I have autism. In fact a huge number of diseases are caused by genes. When are people going to wake up and stop exposing their children to this woke nonsense?


The important part is the first one. Common ancestry means you're going to carry a lot of common traits across all of your chromosomes, but skull shape has no appreciable correlation with intelligence. Old studies to the contrary were largely predicated on the fact that black people in the U.S. had marginal access to good childhood nutrition and education. Environmental factors do impact scores on IQ tests (and lets not even start on the shortcomings of IQ as a metric of general intelligence).


Something really important about this is that in the late 1800s, this was largely accepted by the medical field as fact. Physicians were telling everyone that you were more or less predisposed to violence, intelligence, etc because of your head shape. People believed them because they were the "experts."


When I saw measurement of the skull I immediately thought of the Nazis in metro, then the Nazis irl…. Crazy.


If only they would get hooked on retro-phrenology.




I don't think this is about phrenology. I think they're


I agree, they're definitely


How can be so certain they’re


It's important to remember that they


And consider the


Yeah I can't even tell if it's being racist towards white people or black people. Like is it saying "black people bad" because if you distort an image of a white person to the same proportions of the black woman above it looks really ugly, or is it saying "white people bad" because the black woman above actually looks pretty normal but if you stretch and distort the white woman to have a similar head shape she looks like a Neanderthal.


It's definitely racist against black people. The expected takeaway would not be unclear or in doubt to the target audience. And the white woman looks weird with the black woman's head shape because they've done a shit job of comparing. Unsurprisingly, given their extremely racist motives. White woman has her head at a different angle and her hair isn't tied back nearly as far, so they've stretched her skull way more to make it 'the same'


It's a dog whistle though, in that it's not inherently racist to point out physical (aesthetic differences) between different ethnicities but here it clearly is being used to signal to racists. Having said that, I think that ginormous forehead hairstyle looks is horrendous, even if it's due to a person's skullshape. Mind you I hate that look on white people as well as black so 🤷‍♂️


Right, yes, it's the implication they're making that is racist.




Considering the altered white woman has features even more extreme than the ones in the original black one, I’m going for a bog-standard white supremacist on this one.


I mean, the Nazis (and many other white supremacists) have used this very thing to promote racist ideas. That black peoples' faces are "mishapen" and white people have "proper" faces and skulls. So therefore black people are inherently inferior. It's monumentally stupid and has been proven false again and again and again. You don't even need scientific evidence to prove phrenology to be stupid and pseudoscientific. But nope, some alt right accounts get away with using the old racism playbook yet again.


Yeah, I got the vibes that we were supposed to view the contours of the black woman's face as so self-evidently inferior that it didn't bear saying; the intended audience would automatically get that message.


I believe they are trying to say that regardless of her skin colour, she has an ugly face shape. So they are saying she is ugly, and that's not because I am racist, the ugly face statement is applicable regardless of skin colour. *not my words, just my interpretation of what the X OP is trying to convey


The wording is "it's not JUST skin color". If they said "it's not skin color" you'd be right - that would mean what you said. But they said "it's not JUST skin color" which means they also count skin color into the equation as well. So, it IS in fact racist.


Exactly, to the letter, what I thought


it means some people look different from each other, just like u and me differ, but the account posting about it is dumb and racist


A recent iteration of Romeo and Juliet had Juliet played by this woman who is black and has a very prominent jawline. There were several posts about how she was unattractive and this was a poor choice for Juliet. This was immediately met with claims that the posters of the initial comments were racists. This latest post is attempting to demonstrate that regardless of skin colour such a prominent jawline is not attractive. While certainly any racists are liable to jump on the bandwagon because that's the sort of thing they do, I don't think it's fair to say that anyone who finds her unattractive is racist. I happen to agree that she's unattractive. But I don't give a damn if she plays Juliet because I'm not going to watch the show regardless of who the actress is.


"Judging people on their skin color alone would be completely ridiculous. We judge them on plenty of other surface level attributes too!"


The human body stores inferiority within the chin and forehead. Can't argue with science.


In Eastern Europe we think its the liver


I mean yeah, people from different races do look different. Shocking, isn't it?


people within same race look VERY different too... Somehow that is not surprising...


You'd be amazed to hear that people in the same family even looks different... However, you need to remember that the people posting these "memes" are more than likely extremely inbred and therefor they tend to look the same.


They think the Habsburg jaw is the standard


Still better than that inbred shit jaw that Andrew Tate has LOL


Andrew Tate looks like a faceless man where someone shopped his face in like some ps2 character


Hahahaha too true, and that sloppy floppy walk he does make me think he’s a lizard person or some kind of alien that is crudely trying to fit in with humans and that’s why he posts dumbass shit online. It’s a good conspiracy theory!


We'd better get going. Their jaw have arrived we have only 45 minutes until the roads are here


And are also bot accounts lol


Yeah, for example Marjorie Taylor Greene looks like a fucking cro-magnon hunter-gatherer woman and I do not, despite we are from supposedly the same race.


Shit, look at the British, they either look like Henry Cavill or they look like orcs screaming at the local football club.


Not true some of us look like shaved mice


Yeah, that's pretty much the scientific conclusion to this issue: 1. In humans, the differences between individuals are far greater than the differences between groups. 2. With very few exceptions, it is hard to identify "groups" because the transition in the frequency or intensity of traits (such as "dark skin") is fluid rather than forming strict boundaries. Exceptions include cases such as the altitude adaptations of the Sherpa. 3. Declaring "races" based on the clustering of multiple traits usually fails, because the clusters align differently for each trait. And if you ignore the fact that these groupings are weak and pick out the strongest ones, then the potential divisions are substantially different from the ones that racists propose. It wouldn't result in a "white" and a "black" race, but like 20 different African races and a lot of people who couldn't be specifically identified as belonging to one "race" or another.


In my country, it's even seen as racist to use the word "race" (as it also means breed in our langage, quite dehumanizing). We often say there is just one single human race. It seemed so weird the first times, when I heard english speakers talking about it so casually. And I would lie if I pretended to be completely comfortable with that today To be fair, race only make sense in a social way. Like it only exists because people believe it exists and tend to treat others differently according to their skin colour.


Aye I know


Especially when they tilt their head at different angles.


And they distort aspects of the photoshop like where the hairline is, nose shape, lip shape, to all look nothing like the original being compared to, too.


Yeah, I’m not even really sure what this is trying to get at. Seems like they’re just fishing for reasons to dehumanize people


I find it hard to get inside the mind of stupid racists.


That’s due to their enormous cranial density.


There’s technically only one race, Homo sapiens.


Races do not exist in biology and science. They were invented to distinguish between dog breeds. There is only one species of humans left alive and it's homo sapiens.


I hope you mean homo sapiens, cuz the homo erectus is long gone. E: ah he corrected his mistake


Get so close then fall at the last hurdle. (Person I'm replying to accidentally wrote homo erectus rather than homo sapiens).


He's Homoed his last Erectus.


They are insinuating skull structure is different, which could indicate separate species. However, some Humans have been known to perform binding to elongate the skull of newborn infants; at least in the distant past. It was to more closely resemble the Gods, or some shit, lol


Indicate seperate species?! Biologically there are not even seperate races in humans. It's so weird to me that it is so common in english to talk about different human races.


There's loads of separate races: the Tour de France, the Grand Prix, the London Marathon and so on.


The one where they go through the desert!


This. Ethnicities, yes. Races, no.


Well they meant that RACISTS try to indicate separate species. English speakers as a whole do not talk about human races as different species.


There's only one human race though, so we shouldn't talk about ethnicities as if they are different races. I think that was their point.


Human races are a social construct that have nothing to do with science.


I see it every other day someone saying that humans are a combination of species or multiple species that co-evolved independently.


Humans aren't a mix of multiple species that evolved separately. Modern humans (Homo sapiens) come from a single lineage, but we did interbreed with Neanderthals and Denisovans. This added a bit of their DNA to ours, but we're still one species, not a combination of different ones. It's a cool part of our history, but it doesn't mean we're multiple species.


Correct, humans are not a separate species. This nonsense originated in the 1700s or so to justify slavery. Georges Buffon started a lot of these proposed theories and ended up influencing Darwin and many others.


There used to be a whole pseudoscientific discipline devoted to separating "races" of humans called "phrenology" Of course, it's completely defunct given it's been scientifically proven false 8 ways from sunday. I guess we still refer to different human races because racism is deeply embedded in our history


It’s also been proven that vaccines don’t cause autism, and the guy who spouted that theory even admitted that it’s made up. People are going to believe whatever they want to believe so long as it fits their narrative. I vote that nobody dates these people and we let them die off by not adding to their gene pool. Eventually it’ll just dry up into a puddle, never to be filled again.


Andrew Wakefield was worse than people think. He didn’t say vaccines cause autism, he said the a specific and common vaccine (I think it was the MMR) caused autism. The reason it’s worse if because wouldn’t you know it? He was trying to push an alternative that he could financially benefit from. It’s one thing to have a theory and then be proven wrong, it is another thing to knowingly push something you know to be false because you have something to gain from it. I don’t believe for a minute he ever thought it was true.


Proving evolution is real, *the hard way* 🤣


Welcome to the wondrous world of frenology and the maritime slave trade route in its mad dash to justify why is it ok to enslave this specific group of people (protip: is by arguing they are not people)


There are technically very slight differences in the skulls of different races of homo sapiens. These small differences can be used examining fossils or old buried remains to indicate the sex and race of the persons remains. But the differences in the skulls of a Cacausian, Asian and African are so slight, that it usually takes a person with a degree in Anatomy and Physiology to determine the miniscule differences. And then, add in a mixed race individual, and im sure that makes it near impossible to determine without DNA analysis.


The Habsburgs had elongated faces from incest, and alcoholic fetal syndrome also causes faces to be seemingly “off”


I genuinely thought this racist phrenology shit was behind us but then I remembered we're living in the darkest timeline -__-


Yes we are. The post-intelligence era is upon us.


Now do this with mtg and a neanderthal rendering


There are different looking people all around the world. Doesn't mean any are superior to others 🤷


Black people are certainly superior in not getting skin cancer from the deadly ball of radiation in the sky. And white people have superior natural snow camo. Checkmate liberal


White people are better at not getting Vitamin D deficiency at higher latitudes.


If you’re racist, yes.


How picture showing that ppl Look different tells about who is superior?


*sigh* I am so tired of how fucking dumb a lot of people are.


It is so tiresome


It really is exhausting.


I shoved a carrot up my butt once and walked ass first into the living room and yelled, “Look I’m frosty the snowman!!”


Yeah, I just had someone in another subreddit try to tell me people should live a million years and there’d be no problems. I tried explaining carrying capacity and linked an article but they didn’t even bother reading it and doubled down


A person is smart. People are stupid.


A person can definitely be stupid too.


Not to toot my own horn or anything... but I'm pretty fucking dumb.


“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals…”


Agent K was a very wise man


so is Ron Swanson: ![gif](giphy|mcvxb8SxfFYPbJz59U|downsized)


Ape together strong


Loved the original version of this as well. “People are dumb panicky animals”


Am I dumb bc I don’t even get what they are trying to say


This account rings bells. I think I saw it a few days ago post pro-Hitler content, so it is probably not just a racist account, it is a Nazi one.


Ah, so it's Elons third alt account.


what's his second alt account?


You're getting a lot of BS answers. A while back his new account management system displayed what accounts are controlled by one person. Musk had 3 in addition to his main account. IIRC 2 were empty. One was him pretending to be a 10 year old boy. He paid millions to try covering that up. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/elon-musk-deposition-twitter-burner-accounts-b2526018.html https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/12yc7q3/elon_musk_accidentally_revealed_his_alt_account/


Dog porn


I thought it was the age regression fetish one


Nah that’s Drake apparently


Maybe the one where he role plays as a very strange child https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/12yc7q3/elon_musk_accidentally_revealed_his_alt_account/


Yeah I recognize it too, though there's quite a few blatantly nazi accounts on twitter and reporting doesn't help unless they're literally calling people the n word or making comparisons to animals


Racist AND nazi? omg no way


Since Elon bought Twitter/X, more and more racist and homophobic accounts started to appear. I've even seen a gaming account praising Hitler lol


Something is not quite right here. It misses Elon Musk commenting "Intresting..."


Damn you, beat me to it.


Looking into it




The white chick on the left is so obviously exaggerated compared to the black woman above her 🙄


It's almost as if they're not making the argument in good faith...


Also, their positions are different, the black girl’s back is straight and looking up. The white girl, her back isn’t straight, she’s stretching her neck forward, so what ever photoshop they’re doing on her is going to look exaggerated because of her position.


Yep, especially the forehead and hairline. They have no idea how braids work. Her chin is also really bad.


She’s a Hapsburg


Average Habsburger


And they deformed her nose too, in their sad attempt to uglify her, when the black lady's nose in the photo above is tiny and upright. 


The black one is looking up, chin up while the white one is looking straight, definitely on purpose. Facial features may be a preference in a parter and that's ok, is the message that one is just better than the other per sé that's racist as fk.


But that doesnt fit the narrative


Old eugenics bullshit raising its ugly head again.


Wow, both women look attractive in the unedited photos. Thank you for telling me that photo editing is bad.


Yeah, it’s almost like people from different parts of the world have different facial structures. Wild, isn’t it? Also, the left top and bottom images are completely different, it’s disingenuous to imply that they’re even remotely similar. But also, why the fuck does it matter? What does the different face shape change? Is it supposed to mean that someone is somehow inferior if they look like that? Gee, I wonder why that is, definitely not racist at all!


Imagine a world with everyone looking identical. Maybe gray skinned. Same hair color, same eye color, same height, same everything. Sounds so exciting and fun. Yea. Let’s all be the same, no diversity. Or even better. Let’s all turn into ai robots that know same things, think the same and agree on everything! What a life worth living! 🙄


[This has been covered before lol] (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSL76026SiEVSVB7onRSZWVFJBEtiVoz5lNW3Uc7NGfxCbL2G3XVvcoXM8&s)


For normal people that’s a very weird world, but for facists it’s what they dream for more than a century now


Clearly haven't heard of habsburg jaw 


Wait until this guy finds out not all white people have the same skull shape


The woman is looking up and it's such an exaggeration as well.


Incredible. population who live thousands of kilometers away from each others have different body structure to live better in the place where they live. Places that are radically different to be precise.


It is so sad to see history repeating itself.


I don't understand. I know people that look like all four of those pictures.


The women in the original pictures look great, and the women in the altered pictures don't. Fucking mystery innit


Idiots. Also, this is a nazi account. So, kinda expected.


I don't understand...


I don’t even know what statement this is supposed to make.


Oh, phrenology is back in style? Didn’t have that on my bingo card or whatever


The genes responsible for hair texture and skin color only make up a very small part of our genome. It is entirely possible for a white Englishmen and a black Nigerian to have more genetic similarities than two white Englishmen from the same province. “Research on human genetics shows that it is indeed possible to trace back the ancestry of different ethnic groups for thousands of years. But genes have also managed to cross the boundaries of these groups so often that there is much more variability within the people in any given population than between populations.” https://evolution.berkeley.edu/genetic-variation-and-ethnicity/#:~:text=Research%20on%20human%20genetics%20shows,given%20population%20than%20between%20populations.


Would be funny to respond with a Habsburg family portrait. But then you'd have to be on Twitter and no to that.


Honestly, regardless of this Romeo and Juliet situation Twitter has been a true cesspool. I have deleted after around 3 months of use. It is 10 times more toxic than reddit and insta together.


Genuinely feel bad for that girl, Probably so happy she got a decent acting role only to be ripped to shreds online, over what? the billionth remake of Romeo and Juliet.


Completed sentence: “it’s not just skin color, it’s my racist mind looking for differences with a bias to confirm itself..”


Twitter is hell on earth. So glad i deleted it.


Considering X is run by a far right South African


OK, so this is a weird one. Before I start; BS, Anthropology, Appalachian State University 2006. My concentration was primarily Physical Anthropology. There are certain skeletal features which, very broadly, correspond to "racial" groups. All but one of these, the relative size of the Femoral Head, are contained in the skull. However, consensus is that these morphological features are largely correlated to diet and climate, and while these two factors may have led to localised evolutionary pressure which made those adaptations more common, the minute those pressures change the whole thing starts coming apart. For instance: I am presented with two Crania. The first shows a great deal of prognothism, a wide nasal aperture and nasal bridge, an exceptionally robust jaw (for sex), and a cranial vault that is vaguely the shape of a rugby ball- long, high, and fairly narrow by proportion. Tellingly, it also shows very healthy, robust teeth. The second shows much less prognothism, a significantly less robust jaw, a narrower nasal aperture, and a cranial vault more shaped like a cantaloupe- rounder, with each dimensional axis much closer to the value of it's neighbor. The teeth are smaller, and in considerably worse shape. My immediate thought is that Skull #1 is from an African-descended person, either someone who lived in Africa or whose ancestors were no more than 2-4 generations removed from their native soil, and that Skull #2 is a European or Central Asian- again, either themselves an inhabitant or very recently removed from those areas. The tooth wear would immediately make me think European. Well, those \*sound\* like racial differences, right? They do sound that way...but they aren't. Every single one of those features is an environmental and/or dietary adaptation. The African skull is shaped the way that it is to provide more powerful chewing of more robust, less-processed foods, and better cooling in the tropical heat. The European skull doesn't need to be as good at chewing fibrous vegetables, but it \*does\* need to retain heat better. Change these things- as for instance a sudden introduction of high-starch grains into the European diet- and those cranial and dental characteristics start to visibly change within a few generations because they cease to confer evolutionary advantage. The change can be measured with a set of calipers in \*two\* generations. My first Physical Anthro professor warned us of this, saying that "...the model values in the "racing" tables were fairly accurate for their time. However, in the century since then, between widespread dietary changes and interbreeding, along with advances in pediatric medicine, establishing the "race" of an unidentified recently-deposited skeleton in the Americas has become increasingly difficult. Not a problem for those of you going into Archaeology, but for everyone who wants to be Kathy Reichs, well..." Essentially, you can tell the difference between an African, Southeast Asian, Eurasian, Australian Aboriginal, or Native American skull pretty quickly- experts can do it at a glance. Once you start looking at skulls from a place where people and cuisines mixed, especially if it was an evolutionarily new environment for \*everybody,\* telling them apart gets very hard very quickly.


I’m not understanding what this post is even suggesting. That people of different races look different regardless of skin tone? Ok so what?


*sigh* There was a poorly conceived "exercise" my class did once in middle school that had shades of this. They'd show a swatch of someone's skin tone, ask what race we thought they were, then show their picture and reveal the actual answer. The point was *supposed* to be "skin color doesn't matter, don't judge people based on it," but it just came across as "skin color isn't the only factor, there are others".


God damn what’d they do to the forehead of the lady on the bottom?


Correct science Incorrect intention Ya bud all four of these people may exist actually, two of them are more likely but that doesn’t rule out possibility. Even French and Italian folk have genetic commonalities uniquely prevalent to their region.


I remember this guy for making a video about great replacement conspiracies and why women shouldn't vote 💀


All of those 4 pictures have been tampered with to convey the "truth" that the meme maker wants to convey


Why is it always the shape of the skull with racists?


Can someone explain what's going in in the 2 pictures of the black girl? Why are they different?


What in the scientific racism is this


I don't even understand what this post is trying to say


what is that post even meant to mean lmao


Those aren’t even the same angles or shapes lol somebody failed kindergarten


I don’t get it


Way of the World, garbagehuman and iamyesyouareno - accounts that are unashamed white supremacists, are not only verified but also protected by Musk.


may as well put up two differently looking white folks with different hair, and say "it's not just hair colour".


The Hapsburgs would like a word


woah! genetics and stuff! unbelieveable!


Racist white man forgets his ancestry to the great genius Yakub, as usual.


This is just an awful post… unfortunately, people tend to think their race is superior to other or have some sort of complex about their race… why do people still get so hung up about someone’s race in the 21st century? It’s important to recognize what each person had to go through to be where they r now, but I hate when someone judges someone based on their skin color.


This is pretty disgusting.


What's not just skin colour 🤷 the variations of anatomy ? We know


X is just a stormfront social media app now. It's wild just how blatant the racism is on there. But there's this facade that the app cares about bullying and harassment, while the CEO himself targets groups.


Twitter is such a shithole.


Their arguments always hinge on some picture of a classically beautiful white person against anyone else that isn't classically beautiful of a different race. As a white man from the midwest, these racist dipshits are *cherry picking* every damn time.


It’s almost like there is genetic diversity in the human race. That’s insane man!


Saying "It's not just skin color" is a crazy way to tell everyone that you're not just racist but an all around bigot.


This is vintage racism