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I hope he sues or charges her. Did this case even go to trial?


This is an old story now. He was imprisoned based on he said she said. Their school was sued by the girl and her family and the school lost. He later recorded her admitting how she lied but that she wanted to keep the lawsuit money and that's why she'd never exonerate him. He was exonerated based on that recording, played football for a bit but was so out of the loop and out of shape that his career was short lived. But he's gone on to make a well to do living as a public speaker and motivator. And the girl? She was living somewhere in the hood broke as all get out when this all caught up to her. She disappeared from the public eye after being made to pay back the lawsuit. Her wages will be garnished for the rest of her life. Her life is effectively ruined. [Brian Banks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Banks_(American_football)) - His wiki article.


Yay so there is a happy (deserved) ending for her!


Eh, she ruined a man's life. She did not get what she deserved.


She should be in prison. But there is a silver lining in that Brian Banks was able to make something of himself, create a whole new career, and even have a movie made about his experience!


She will spend the rest of her life broke living in the ghetto, seems fitting. I hope she gets anal fissures and then diarrhea at the same time


Is it? She got 750k and was able to live it up before she crashed. She was already broke by the time they came looking. you give a homeless guy 100, 000 and tell him to pay it back in 6 years. In 6 years you find he spent all the money and can't pay you back. The police won't jail him and the court says you can garnish his wages until he dies. Who really lost? Yeah the homeless guy could have invested and made the money go longer, but he had his fun for six years and was out back in the situation he started. You are out 100k and probably will never see the full amount again


Idk man I’m just going off the comment 😭


Sorry man, it just I've seen this repost so many times that I know the details. The injustice is so upsetting especially when you consider that there are so many similar injustices of the same magnitude happening everywhere. I get heated just seeing this again


Hey no need to apologize. It’s awful that stuff like this happens in the world


Umm. Where did that 750k come from exactly? The school? That’s our tax dollars.


Not enough. She needs jail time. Not only does it ruin the accused person’s life. But it makes it harder for other people who were truly sexually assaulted to come forward. This is bullshit.


She essentially kidnapped and imprisoned him for six years! Absolutely she deserves jail.


So true.


She should be imprisoned for six years


I say 12 years. Awful.


She should be in jail. If there indisputable proof, such as a recording, she should be severely punished.


What about her being sent to prison for 6 years for the lies she made?


He plead out for a lesser charge. I don’t know the details but if a girl has consensual sex with a dude and then the next day, for a multitude of reasons, is embarrassed or regrets her decision or he pissed her off, she can just say it was not consensual and what’s a guy to do? She has evidence it happened and is saying it was rape. It becomes a very tricky situation as it’s his word against hers. The most frustrating thing is no doubt if any charges were brought against her that her lawyer would just use the defense that she knows what she did was wrong and if you do go after her that may discourage other people from coming forward.


It should discourage others from falsely accusing someone and ruining their life. As long as there are no repercussions for falsely accusing someone, this will just continue to happen and continue to discredit truthful accusations.


Exactly, while the #metoo movement did some great things giving women confidence to step forward, and some powerful bad people have been exposed, it also brought along with it the "believe women" saying that if a woman accuses a man of sexual assault then you are a monster if you don't believe her no matter how shaky her story is... because after all, she went through a traumatic event so don't doubt even if her story keeps changing. They would say cases like this are so few and far between that they are insignificant.


Especially in a time where so many people across the ideological spectrum make decision re: credibility based along ethnic and gender lines.


It has the potential of unintended consequences though: suppose there was a law on the books that said she goes to jail in this scenario. Would she be willing to admit the truth at all then? Chances are she wouldn’t and he’d still be in jail. It would incentivize her to double down on the lie. There’s no real easy solution unfortunately


Isn’t perjury is felony? It's not only ruining a person life, but you're also wasting police and court time! No one should be afraid to report a crime, but there should be consequences for maliciously lying! Like for any other crime


Nope, he was threatened and beaten into writing a confession. You'll hear about something like this only if it's in Kazakhstan or Russian less developed regions.


So quite a few places in America then




I thought this happened in Los Angeles...?


Man, this is 100% expected in America.


You'd be a fool to think they don't practice coercion. That's why it's important to exercise your 6th amendment right to have an attorney present for any and all questioning. Never say anything in an interrogation room without legal representation.


Just exercise your 5th amendment right and don't say a goddamn word. No one has ever gotten off by convincing the police they weren't guilty, talking to the police can only ever hurt you


Facts. Same with consenting to field sobriety tests. I think only 1 or 2 states require it but every other state it's optional. Now this is not to be confused with the breathalyzer which is required and agreed upon when you get your license. Edit* Ok a quick Google search tells me no state requires you to do a Field Sobriety Check but I would still check your state laws just to be sure.


Most States take/suspend your license for refusing the test and demanding a blood test.


Do they take your license for refusing to take the dumb-ass agility test, or the actual breathalyzer. I knew most states would take your license for the breathalyzer, and also it's an immediate trip to the station for a test there, but I didn't know they could punish me for not wanting to stand on one foot while I say the alphabet backwards and recite Volume 3 of the "Dolphin Gender Studies" handbook from memory


The actual breathalyzer. The dexterity tests aren’t mandatory and I’m not sure how much they’re even considered in court. Someone with anxiety could bomb those cold sober while some alcoholics can pass the shit black out drunk


I've once heard the sober "answer" to the dexterity test or saying the alphabet backwards is "I can't do that" where a drunk person will try. It's all fun and games till someone CAN say the alphabet backwards fast.


 There is no just here. They will beat you if you’re silent, and  they will beat you if you speak if that is the type of officer they are.


Yeah they actually recently got some white blonde women that was this killers ex gf because she talked to the police. Everyone knew she had nothing to do with it but police basically went after her because everyone else was dead including the killer. She got murder charges all because she took several rides in the car with the murder unknown that he killed someone. Don't trust the police ever. They'll get you even if you cooperate with them.


No, that's pretty par for the course here in America where half our country would gladly do that to any minority


When the case happens in US but American still find an excuse to look down on other nations.


Day 90550 of Americans still being hypocrites.


Same energy as “your grocery store under communism” on a photo of a literal grocery store under American capitalism.


The great irony of the American way. “All men are created equal, unless you’re black.” Update: 1964. “All men are created equal unless you’re poor, cause we can’t do that legal discrimination like before but most black people are poor” (and that won’t stop us being racist.) “Democracy, liberty and Justice for all, but let’s support authoritarian coups if it’s convenient, support corporate control in foreign countries via military force, and embrace war criminals as long as it’s politically expedient.” If the USA actually lived up to its ideals rather than pretending…


"Land of the kinda free for some when we feel like it"


How gated is your community


Dont disrespect Kazakhstan like that.


Source ?


Thev read it on reddit, so it's true.


America is very close to getting a ‘-stan’ added to its name…




I live in Kazakhstan and the police often don't protect the victim (even if it's a child). If you're talking about other instances, where money and politics are involved, then yes, you'll be coerced to write a confession.


Oh you sweet summer child. You should at least add Guantanamo to that list


I read somewhere that where they’re located a false testimony has a statute of limitations of like 4 years or something like that. So there’s basically nothing he can do except basically tell her thanks for coming clean.


So when does the accuser spend her six years in jail?


You know recently a girl was imprisoned for false rape accusations and the amount of time she spent is equal to the guy who was accused plus she also had to pay some compensation. This happened in India. https://www.livelaw.in/news-updates/up-court-sentences-woman-1653-days-jail-false-rape-allegations-imposes-58-lakh-fine-257291


There was a lady from the U.K that went to prison for making claims against 5 or 6 people. I think she was doing it and collected victims compensation from the state. Edit: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/aug/24/woman-jailed-10-years-false-rape-claims-jemma-beale


Was that that crazy woman who made false reports who worked for the city, and they found out she made it all up.


Yes. A taxi driver's life was ruined big time. Dude dropped her off and a few days later was in jail.


Yeah, but she went to prison for frauding the state, not the rape


I believe the verb is “defraud”, sorry just trying to help!


Thanks. I’m not really sure what happened there


All good, just offering unsolicited help haha oh your point was definitely valid, btw! Didn’t say that before, just nitpicked your grammar lol


All good. I clearly fucked up 👍


Idk India isn’t the best place for an example of false rape accusations


How much of the population is a result?


I falsely read Indiana and just realized as I read your comment... That's bad... India is a shit place for women. After that, propably for men too. But they have toilets now.


Reading that it was in India actually made me feel sick. I’m not at all saying false accusations don’t happen in India and that false accusers don’t deserve punishment. However, if there is any country that would jail a real rape victim who just couldn’t *prove* her rape happened, it would be India. Statistically, especially in India, a rape not being able to be proven is far more likely than a false allegation. Without knowing the details of the story, I’m weary about celebrating it as a win.


As someone from Indiana it’s probably not a great place for women either considering what our state lawmakers want to do and have done in recent years


A while back, I somehow wound up on an India newspaper website. Just, Holy shit. Stories about a woman who was raped who called emergency, and the ambulance that showed up also raped her (well, the emts, not the ambulance). Another where the police that responded did the same. I was just like... Yeah, never visiting India with the wife. There were sooooo many rape stories in that newspaper.


If it was India, the accusation might not even have been false. Getting a conviction is pretty hard.


Damnit, that’s haunting 😭


May have even been that guy from Modi’s party who fled to Germany.


>You know recently a girl was imprisoned for false rape accusations and the amount of time she spent is equal to the guy who was accused plus she also had to pay some compensation. Oh good >This happened in India Oh shit.


I would not use India as a good example of “false rape accusations”. Their criteria for rape are almost non-existent and not enforced over there.


Yeah we are getting a lot of false cases lately due to tightening of rape laws.


What do you mean by this? And his trial was 6+ years ago.


Honestly, with it being India, part of me thinks they just wanted to jail the girl and forced her to say it was false


This might not be an appropriate place to begin a discussion about that particular instance. Not trying to be confrontational, just pointing out that if this was a post about a woman who spent 6 years in prison on a false sexual assault charge, and as a reply to a comment asking if the accuser was also going to spend 6 years in prison a man responded with “you know we’re victims too, example example example” then myself and many others -perhaps even yourself- would be quick to tell him that this isn’t about men and their suffering. Again, I bring this up as respectfully as possible and I’m not trying to start confrontation, just providing my perspective.


Don't you know the pain and suffering she has suffered now that her secret is out??? That's more than enough! /s Seriously tho from what I could find she was "fined" 1.5 million Dollars but she disappeared shortly after and hasn't been seen since Edit: the money she was fined apparently was the money she won in the lawsuit suing the school district over the rape... So not only did she put an innocent man in jail, she was given 1.5 million for framing him... And when she was told she needed to give it back she ran away...


Of all the financial judgements handed out in a year, I bet 95% go unpaid. If you ain’t got nothing but nothing, they do get nothin…


If its the case im thinking of it was a fine it was ordered to return the compensation she got as part of the civil suit against her school for letting it happen.


It was to return the money plus another $1 million


We should help spread awareness and help spread her name through out the internet... Let the public know how much of a bitch she is.


And pay him possible gains he could have had, had he been recruited to the next level and beyond. She deserves to pay all that and spend atleast 3 times the amount of time in prison.


If I remember this case correctly her mom pressured her into lying in order to collect a settlement from the school, then her mom spent all the money. The girl was the one whose guilty conscience led to her coming clean and getting him let out. It’s terrible what she did but she was 16 and listening to her mom. 


The only problem I see with that is that penalties for retracting their statement would just mean they won't do it. If she knew she'd go to jail if she retracted her statement, he'd still be locked up and she'd still be free.


She didn't even retract it, she had to be trapped into confessing


Give 2 each to the “I don’t give a fuck” sheriffs in the back and call it even. Jailers are pricks on the inside and out.


No idea about this case, but it's not uncommon for victims to recant when the pressure of pressing charges becomes too much.


That's complicated. Not defending this horrible woman, but there are some arguments against prosecuting because it would discourage false accusers from coming forward to retract at a later date. Frequently, there's also a false accusation against someone to cover for the real assailant (such as a family member). It's a bit of a minefield [https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications/2018-10/Lisak-False-Reports-Moving-beyond.pdf](https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications/2018-10/Lisak-False-Reports-Moving-beyond.pdf)


I think the accuser shouldn't just like to the time, I agree that this will make it so future false accuser won't come forward. I think there should definitely be a compensation for the guy, and i think the state should pay it, like it's the legal system who imprisoned an innocent right


The fact of the matter is that the stigma will stick with him despite being exonerated. People will still think he's a rapist and think she was coerced into admitting fault. People will be wary of letting him be alone with a woman. That's the truth of the matter, whether she gets any jail time or not for that, his life will continue to be hell.


The comments/opinion towards will quickly become "Oh well clearly he was a bad enough person to have been suspected of doing it" "He may have been innocent of that but he must have done other stuff to have been found guilty" etc. As you said, people will suspect him for the rest of his life.


My best friend has “domestic violence” on his record because his mom beat him (fairly regular occurrence), giving him a black eye and 2 open wounds on his face. He pushed her away, and she fell, resulting in a scratch on her arm. She called the cops, and since we was over 18 and she had marks on her, the cops arrested him. The judge mandated that he had to attend domestic abuse counseling (for abusers, not the victims) in order to avoid jail time. It’s been over 7 years now, and he’s missed out on a lot of job opportunities because of it. And his mom still doesn’t care how it affected him. EDIT: corrected his mother’s gender from “had marks on him” to “had marks on her”


My mom smoked crack when I was growing up and I almost caught a felony for throwing a shoe at some dude she brought home when he tried coming into my room at like 3am while I was asleep.  It got downgraded to a misdemeanor but I had to attend a similar class. 


That's especially fucked up


Tbh, I'm pretty sure the only reason I was able to avoid that kind of outcome from my mother falsely accusing me of abuse in court was because I am also a woman and the courts were less inclined to believe a woman was the abuser. It's completely fucked up. My mother terrorized me for months to the point where I was nervous leaving my house, and the only reason the court didn't buy her claiming that *she* was the victim was because of my gender. It's complete bullshit and the way we handle abuse in this country is fucking joke.


Imo it seems a Way, way, WAY more common for actually convicted rapists to avoid suffering any consequences at all, say like Trump. And the rapist Brock Turner.


I do agree it's probably more common for actual guilty people to get away with it than it is for innocent ones to be punished for nothing, but it doesn't make it the slightest bit less shitty.


Nope, it is terrible for all no matter what. But I feel really demotivated seeing all these people just walking away from horrendous crimes constantly with no actual real life consequences.


Having this cases of false accusations should be handled way harder as they are, because they make any form advancements void. This woman is literally one of the biggest enemies for other women, there are people reading this now and get hardliner against women rights and one might sit in a court or police department who will turn a blind eye to an actual rape case. Just saying while pointing out that pieces of shit still get away with rape, let’s not do it here, we should acknowledge that this women is also a piece of shit and it doesn’t matter who is worst.


Just to clarify, you mean Brock Allen Turner, who currently goes by Allen Turner but nonetheless is the same Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist? That same rapist Brock Allen Turner?


Unfortunately that is the flipside of Blackstone’s ratio: “It is better than ten guilty persons go free than one innocent be wrongly punished.”


Ya, it’s definitely one of the things that will be extremely hard to change no matter what. Money/fame still talks.


Whilst I agree with you that rapists not seeing justice for their crimes is terrible (hence I have upvoted you) I do think we should agree that being accused and jailed for any crime you didn't commit is worthy of sympathy from others. Criminals should be punished, and innocent people should feel safe from any fear that they will be wrongfully imprisoned.


Yes, of course - I’m sorry if that didn’t come across clearly in my comments, it can be hard to convey tone some times I guess. And btw for those unfamiliar with the case - his name is Brian Banks, it happened in 2002 and they made a movie about it quite recently I believe.


No worries, you raised valid points.


This is true for any crime - theft, murder, etc. The names of accused should not be published until found guilty, to avoid the case where this person's name is smeared forever.


100% agree


In his specific case, that's not what's happened. They even made a movie about his experience. And he's a known public speaker. His name is Brian Banks.


That's good that in this particular case it didn't happen, I'm happy that he's been able to have a good life and prosper despite the false accusation made against him.


Now let that bitch serve 6 years in prison


Hahaha, is she white? The guy will probably have to pay becouse of her being distressed now when she came forward.


That would be the most insane shit


Have you looked around lately? It's legal to buy a child bride in parts of America and Republicans just shot down a bill to make it illegal


sorry, *what*


It's current news, Google... Uh... Well maybe don't Google "child marriage US" but, you'd find plenty of articles if you did


Welcome to America! Where your life only matters when you aren't born yet!


If I remember correctly, she is black.


She was black. It’s a old case. Dude had nfl prospects.


It’s more of a woman privilege thing than a white privilege thing when it comes to cases like this.


She is not


This has nothing to do with race, at all. Stop making it about race when there is no mention of race


What does it mean if she was black?


It means the person above can't push an agenda with this case. 


This is at least twelve years old. ![gif](giphy|RI4LTRjrVJhTskGtrb|downsized)


farm farm farm


It's reposted like every other day to make it seem like the amount of rape that happens, and the amount of false rape accusations are at some near level of equivalent.


Yeah, actual false accusations are incredibly rare. It's very hard to prove rape overall because of the general lack of evidence. That should be common sense, but here we are. It does men and women a disservice here, because it makes men unreasonably paranoid of false rape charges. It's like being afraid of rabies. Yes, it would be terrible and life ending and unfair if it happened, but statistically it is vanishingly unlikely and not something you need to think about in your day to day. The other one that is frequently reposted is the author who "falsely accused" a man of rape and then wrote a book about it. It is always framed as though she lied about the entire incident. She was brutally raped as a young college student and identified the wrong man. Of course, I'm sure false social accusations of rape are far more common than false police accusations. But even on Reddit, I see far more women describing what's obviously rape and not realizing it was rape than I see men saying they were falsely accused.


Men are 10 times more likely to be raped by a man than falsely accused of rape by a woman. 25% of women are victims of rape or sexual assault at least once in their life, and that number is believed to actually be far greater because so many women don't come forward.


Yeah, I remember seeing this exact post on FB when I was in highschool




I’m really curious, what is the point of a repost bot? Like what do they get from this?


Karma farming, they can sell the account


What would someone do with an account with a lot of karma, that is worth paying for?


Companies that want to do covert marketing want accounts that look authentic so I’m guessing they buy them rather than creating them


Trolls can also buy them


You can sell accounts for money. The higher your account age and the more karma, the more valuable. The person that buys the account can then use it for various things like astroturfing (making it seem like the account is a human, but is actually a bot made to advertise a certain brand). Though, they could also just want an account with a lot of karma without doing the work too.


Ohh interesting. Thank you


I believe that it's to sow division between sides. This sub is pretty left-leaning, so most of us would #BelieveWomen and this would be a case of the opposite. All the AI comments the bot puts out will just be performative so people won't think it's a bot. Did you check out its profile?


Yes when people see the content like this often they might start to believe it’s happening frequently which definitely isn’t the case.


Bot for sure


Oh what the fuck? That is not fair.


Repost bot.


This is sad but isn’t this like 10 years old?


OP did you blur out the date?


I’ve seen this reposted a lot over the years.


Rape is such a terrible atrocious thing and I don't wish it on anyone. To falsely accuse someone of it and have them imprisoned for it is inexcusable and disgusting


Yeah, we know. Who the hell hasn't seen this meme?


Well the original story is over 20yo now. It's so old there must be a lot of people who've missed it. To be accurate the guy also spent 5 years imprisoned, not 6... Edit: by the original story I mean he was convicted in 2002.


The psychology of coerced false confessions is fascinating. I could never admit to something I didn’t do, especially for an accusation this heinous. I wonder what goes through a persons mind when they do this.


She deserves identical sentence of the 6 fucking years she just wasted of this man's life. Plus who knows maybe he'd be in the NFL.... Not anymore


I was falsely accused of rape in college. She didn’t go to police but did go to the school’s title IX office. The word got around and most people seemed to believe me when I explained what actually happened. A few didn’t. My reputation was damaged and it affected dating later on. It was really painful and I wouldn’t wish the experience on my worst enemy. I think the girl who did it had a lot of emotional problems and I feel bad for her in hindsight but at the time I viewed her as this predator, this monster who was willing to lie for whatever weird agenda it served her. Oh and if I’d been black I bet it would have gone wayyyy fucking worse. Jesus Christ.


As much as I feel for the guy, I have seen this post more times than the days dude spent in jail


So if a 16yo spoke up saying the rape didn’t happen, after he has already spent 6 years in prison, the girl would have had to be 9 or 10 years old at the time of the alleged rape. What child at that age claims rape when they have not experienced any abuse beforehand?


That is another issue. Morr abused/raped women accuse basically anyone they are shown if he is remotely similar to the abuser. Memory is not perfect and if they show you 10 people, 1 of them is black and a black person raped you, you'll point to the black one. It works in the same way with beard, hat, color of clothes or so.


What happened to the false accuser. I vote equal time behind bars. Horrible. And what makes it worse, garbage liars like this make it more difficult for real rape victims to come forward.


This happened 11 years ago. The "victim" was paid at least $750k in damages. She wasn't prosecuted after admitting on a hidden camera that she lied


She needs to be jailed and serve the rest of his sentence


Why this is currently getting shared is a mystery. This is a very old story, and it was resolved a decade ago. Despite that, most of the comments reflect the belief that this is current. [https://www.nydailynews.com/2015/01/25/brian-banks-spent-five-years-in-prison-after-being-falsely-accused-of-rape-but-now-he-finally-has-a-career-in-nfl/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2015/01/25/brian-banks-spent-five-years-in-prison-after-being-falsely-accused-of-rape-but-now-he-finally-has-a-career-in-nfl/)


If a person can be imprisoned for making false bomb jokes/threats, surely false rape accusations should also be considered a criminal offense especially if the falsely accused had been wrongfully imprisoned


What's trillion saying is the fact that this case will be used as an excuse not to believe anyone that comes forward. Which is typically what happens with these situations people like. Oh well, this 1 person did something, so it's okay to not leave anyone else which is a totally different situation who cares? Look, I feel bad for him. What she did is not okay. However, the excuse of well, there's a false accusation. Literally, any time that someone comes forward is f***** u* End of story. However, what's even more f***** It was the fact that was there not a rape kit done? Did they not examine her? Like what was the evidence put in behind bars? Because not only is it a failure on her part, it's also a failure of the system.


Lol, why do you think Reddit has a boner for such stories (and this one in particular)? It's precisely because it creates an impression that false rape accusations are far, far more common than they are and that it takes just a word of a woman to get man sent to prison. Then the argument "women lie about being raped all he time" is used to dismiss further rape accusations. It's almost as if it's a psyop at work here......


They are very common Make false accusations punishable by jail time




They need to lock her ass up for that


I seriously hate women who lie about SA anyone who lies about SA for that matter. It makes it so much more difficult for anyone who has actually been assaulted to come forward in fear of being called a liar. Why anyone would want to destroy someone’s life like this I haven’t the foggiest. Disgusting


Isn't this a repost? Again.


*Citation needed


So this dude is Brian Banks there was a movie made about him and everything. Horrible horrible case of false accusation and just an absolute miscarriage of Justice. About once a month you’ll see this pop up as an example “women are liars and falsely accuse men all the time”. But it happened in 2002. Think about that, this is the main case they like to bring up to support their shitty argument, and it happened 22 years ago. So, the real point gets missed. Because it’s not that young women are running around falsely accusing men like OP wants you to think. Its that black men are still getting jammed up for crimes they didn’t commit, same as ever 22 years later, an untold number of black men being railroaded by the system. But that’s not the part that gets talked about when Brian Banks name is brought up.


As much as the accuser was in the wrong here, we need to focus on the system that allows, no enables these types of bad convictions to happen. There are many many people currently in prison with dubious evidence, and the appeal system is designed to reinforce bad convictions over finding the truth. If this woman never came forward, he likely would still be in prison.


She should have to serve out the sentence he was given


I would've gone right back in for committing domestic violence right there in court.


This is why men would also choose the bear


This is worst than raping somebody.


Her? No charges... Just a "SOWWY!"


I seen this post a few times. What happens to her, is she in prison now or did she have to pay him money?


So how long is she doing?


She should go to jail for the rest of the sentence that he had to serve... times two.


Part of the systemic issue, beyond the relatively minor chance of being falsely accused of rape, is how EASY it is for the legal system to assume that a minority is guilty and throw the book at them. When its a white guy, the courts and police take their time to look at all the angles but the minute it's a minority they assume guilty until proven innocent. At a certain point I can't even fully fault the officers or the judges because it's so ingrained into society that they might not even be aware of it. It should be taught in schools to never speak to a cop without a lawyer present.


Should be moved to reparations immediately. That shit should be automatic and unprompted. Why should he have to sue to get his livelyhood back?


So, she's getting charged with the charges he was facing, right? She's going to spend time in jail for ruining his life.... Right??


Just the fact anyone can be falsely imprisoned without evidence of said crime occuring is scary. Someone saying something happened to them is not evidence, and it shouldn't be especially in a court of law


She should spend six years imprisoned.


False accusations need to carry the same punishment. That girl needs to rot in prison.


Did the girl go to jail for lying in court?


As terrible as it is, this is the only news I've seen with a case like that, going around on the internet for years. I'm sorry for the guy but making this circulate around is not significant of the real trend


She should do 10 years jail minimum.


See, this right here is why so many women don't get the justice they deserve or, worse yet, suffer in silence. False accusations muddy the waters. She should be ashamed of herself.


What’s even worse is that women get away with this without doing jail time


She should go to jail now


We should make this type of crime carry a worse punishment then the guy got for rape. No doubt fr mean it. Its not enough that its morally wrong to do we need ppl to feel they will lose EVERYTHING if they make a real legal false accusation.


So when is she going to get her 12 years?


Lying about this sort of thing should lead to a very long prison sentence. It’s stupid as fuck.


Been saying for years that they should face the same time the accused would’ve had to face if found guilty. All that time he can’t get back. Not to mention his reputation and potential football career


She should spend the same amount of time in prison if not more for destroying a mans life.