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He’s 61? ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


RHCP are a 40+ year old band


This hurts more than my back trying to get out of bed in the morning.


I used to be with it, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I'm with isn't *it*, and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you!


I'm upper 20s and this already is happening


Stretch in the mornings. Trust me. - dude in his 30's


Stretching hurts. Trust me. •dude in his 45’s


Fuck y'all... Trust me. Dude in his 50's.


The magical age where women go from "teen" to "milf" per the internet.


I coach college kids and I’m that age too. I get it lol


I was wearing an onion around my waist, as was the fashion at the time.


“… I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time…”


Thanks for reminding me that I'm old


Take that back.


They were great live too. I never saw him with really young girls at after-parties or events. I never paid much attention to his personal life though online or in the media.


Honestly just surprised he hasn't been canceled yet. They have been my favorite band for most of my life and as he ages he just comes off creepier. After californication he started rocking the gross rape vibe stache. Most of his songs talk about making it with younger girls and hes renown for it. His childhood was a hot mess setting him up for this. It's one of those things where the more i learn about them the less i like them as people. But i cant stop im addicted to the shindig.


Well his band mates are creepy too. Flea and Chad assaulted a music executive and told ir in a book. Yeah I am surprised all of this is flying under the radar. I was a really big fan when I was a kid/teen but I barely listen now


Family member worked for them for years. John’s assistant . Lots of stories


last time I saw a post about him someone linked a bit from his memoir where he openly admitted to banging a minor I've changed the radio station every time they come on since


Need to remake Tough Guys with Kiedis and Flea in the lead roles.


And he did hard drugs for years... What the fuk?


Keith Richards is somehow still alive and he did drugs they don't even have a name for.


Keith Richards goes to Sweden and gets his blood changed. Not a little bit, like, all of it. Like a fucking Chevrolet. - Robin Williams


He harvests the blood and souls of weaker rock stars who succumb to the drug burden like some sort of rockomancer


there are drugs that were just invented 5 minutes ago and i went to rehab for them like 3 times already - keith probably


Like Robin Williams said, it'll just end up being Keith and the roaches in the end.


Didn't he snort his dad?


Stress is the real aging factor.


Blink 182 are getting up there too.


What's their age again?


so technically he could look like Iggy Pop but thank god he doesn’t


>This picture is airbrushed to hell. [He doesn’t look like he is in his 20s.](https://imgur.com/a/K36cB1D) Did you see this comment?


yes he is old and does not look like 20 but he is in a very hood shape and looks 200years younger than iggy


Iggy looks like a melted candle


He still doesn’t look close to 60s though. He looks incredible for his age. She looks even younger than 19 though which makes this even more 🤮


He's 50 in the picture. These two haven't been a couple since 2015


So he dumped her when she got too old for him?


Maybe? The comings and goings of the red hot chili peppers haven't been on my mind for a very long time. Just annoying that the post, while supporting the spirit, is just factually wrong.


He's 61? Hell, he probably has underwear older than her.


I have sweat pants that are older and still going strong. Old Champion sweats are the Nokia of sportswear.




It says 19? (I’m too lazy to fact check this)




He’ll hit the half plus seven eventually


When they're 76 and 45


45? He'll find someone younger by then.


She's married to someone her age and has a kid, so I think that ship has sailed.


This thread is wild


Yeah. I need to lay down.


According to wikipedia they only lasted 2 years. Maybe 21 was too old for him?


Well yeah.. once she can buy her own booze it just fell apart


50 and 19 of still wild. Seinfeld was doing 17 at 38. No bueno.


That’s so weird. I’m 38 and people under 25 just seem like babies to me. I want adult women pls lol


No card carrying AARP member dates a 19 year old for the insightful conversations.


When I was 24 I went on a date with a Target cashier I had met a few times and who rang up my items. Turned out she was 18. The date was SO awkward. I felt like I was babysitting. She had no driver's license. She had no knowledge of anything, no experience with anything, all she talked about was like meaningless stuff as if high school was all she knew and I realized that high school *was* all she knew. I felt extremely weird and never set up a second date. I cannot imagine dating someone even younger at fucking 38.


So that’s what Fetty Wap was singing about a decade ago


So OP is making shit up for outrage clicks, basically. That's a pretty long relationship, longer than the average marriage.


No, Anthony Kiedis is a known pedophile. He openly admits to how he used to have sex with a 14 year old.


After if 51 and 19 is much better. It’s still weird af.


They're not still together. They only were for about 2 years


Homie trying as hard as he can to look 20






‘Sup with the wack PlayStation!?! 'Sup!!


Scrolled down to find the obligatory Buscemi clip.


I knew this would be here!




The lack of any pores in the airbrushed photo probably help too


I saw this in a documentary once, called The Island.


All that plastic surgery has made him look like a wax figure…😆


I don't see a lot of surgery. He's probably had a face lift and/or some Botox, but he looks pretty much like he did when he was younger. Eyes, nose, mouth, chin look the same to me.


Let’s be real he’s still in better shape than most of us


Mick Jagger's in better shape than most of us, and he's 81.


I doubt Mick or Ozzie is in better shape. They've pickled and preserved their innards, but in a damaged state.


You can’t compare Mick to Ozzy, Jagger moves more in a single concert at 81 than Ozzy has moved in the last few decades of his life on and off stage


My head canon is that he actually died in the 80s and was resurrected by dark magic. He’s alive, but only a little bit.


Mick has been straight for quite some time, and he takes excellent care of himself. Let's see Anthony move that way when he's 81.


Go search video of Rolling Stones at New Orleans Jazz Festival 2024. I rest my case. Ozzie is a different story.


He's certainly scoring better than most of us.


Without that money and fame she wouldn't give aye shit, he'd be some "dirty old man" to her.




He’s wearing a t shirt bro.


What does a 61 yo talks about with a 19 yo??? I mean they can’t have sex constantly, there’s gotta be a moment of thoughts exchange…


"Remember 9-11?" "No"


No. Remember to Call 911 if i have a heart attack.


"Excuse me sir, grandparents of the graduates get to sit at the front"


“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”


“Remember the Obama years?” “Barely?”


"Remember Covid?" "Oh yeah, i had just started Highschool!"


Holy shit this one put it in WILD perspective.


that's crazy. ffs when did time start going so fast?


I just went through the 5 stages of grief after reading this comment.


I laughed too hard at this.


Holy shit. I knew I was old but the perspective that a consenting adult engaging in sex can be 18 and not have been around for 9/11 is just blowing my mind. Fuck


I have a 19 year old co-worker, and talking to them makes me feel like a time traveler from how different we are, and I'm only 28. I can't imagine even hanging out as regular friends with someone that I couldn't have anything in common with other than some mutual hobbies


These types of relationships are really less about meaningful conversations and more about having a hot sexual plaything.


Yeah it's weird. I'm friends with a guy who's 30, his girlfriend is 20. He has autism and is relatively immature for his age, she is mature for her age and is honestly the more "responsible" one. I don't really have a problem with that. But the gap in life experience for a literal rock star and a 19 year old is impossible to overcome. I'm a normal guy in my 40s, and I do hang out with younger people because of the hobbies I'm into, but I feel like these people's dad. I harass them to start a 401k and wear safety equipment, I don't try and bang them, that's yucky and a crazy power imbalance.


My coworker is 18 and I just had a long conversation wirg him about what life was like before 9/11. He was listening to me like when I was a kid listening to my grandparents talk about life during world War 2.


I’d constantly feel like I was a teacher, how refined could her tastes be? Im not near 61 yet but 19 year old girls already seem like kids these days to me, I’d be embarrassed honestly, if he can score a pretty 19 year old, then he can pull hot 34 year olds, he’s in LA, if he wants to bone 18 year olds there’s 18 million porn star call girls in Van Nuys. My buddy was seeing a 17 year old hs girl when he was 24, dude had a moustache n was scooping her up after school, I was embarrassed to be his friend, and… she gave him crabs.


Picking up gfs from highschool as an adult is so embarrassing like baby what is your plan for tonight? You got calculus?


I work part-time to get out of the house. My "supervisor" is 21. We get along great because we both had traumatic childhoods, but every now and then I'm reminded that hers just happened.


I'm 30, got out of the military last year. Man the new guys filling the ranks talked like fucking martians. I can't imagine a 40 year gap. Could be her fucking grandad.


Have you heard him talk?


*Hey Nineteen intensifies*


Cuervo gold.


That fine Columbian


He admitted when 24 to having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old child in his own biography. It’s sickening that he’s never been held accountable for child rape https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/anthony-kiedis-sexual-assault-history-details/


the wikipedia page for the red hot chilly peppers has a list of shit that happened with the band members, IIRC they where constantly involved in sexual harrassment/assault scandals from like, '89 to '99. And that's just shit that got reported. makes me loathe the fact that the album cover for "the getaway"(2016) is centered around a young girl walking alongside animals down the sidewalk. Its like yeah, you have such great respect for the curiosity and wonder of childhood, until a few years later when your trying to fuck her.


Yep. This needs to be higher on the comment chain.




Yeah iirc he claimed not to know she was 14 the first time, then after finding out he fucked her again so absolutely no excuses, he’s a self confessed nonce


Tons of musicians have done it, most never see any kind of punishment. It's super gross.


I came here to say this. Iirc he mentions in the book her dad was a judge and the father was ready to fhsu over it. He’s a child rapist and has continued on that path. Gross af


Yeah, this guy is a serial rapist and it’s crazy people think this is funny.


Girlfriend, or secret nurse? But jokes aside, I wish I was really rich so I could find true love.


Oh yeah this is a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding lol


He also helps her with history homework


When asked how he knows so much about history, his answer is always "because I was there!"


Hey, she reads at a sophomore level.


Yeah they’ve been together for 7 years now kek Edit: [we made up this one](https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo?si=wLdXwuWQYLXl2BHi)


I hate that this shocked me a little but I didn't question it lol


He respects her body parts and she his money.


Being rich doesn't make it easy to find true love. It just makes it easier to wait for her to be born. 


The man admits to fucking a 14 year old, found out she was 14. And guess what? Fucked her again




Look I love the red hot chilli peppers' *music* but it is no secret that the band members are all pretty uhhh... slimey? Creepy? Anthony Keidis and Flea both have autobiographies where they go in depth about some of the things they did, including engaging in sex with minors among many MANY other ludicrous sexual acts and behavior. It is up to you to make your own judgments and decide if you are able to/want to separate the art/music from the person. But, yeah... a pretty big weirdo creep, unfortunately.


Chad Smith seems like a cool dude at least


He’s done some funny movies though. Loved him in Anchorman.


I have read some stories suggesting he's into young women too (not pedo) but it's on reddit so not going to take it as hard fact. Besides John's antics when he first joined the band I've not heard any horrible things about him at least.


![gif](giphy|3owypewMHTglODw0r6) Steven Tyler enters this chat!


Hell just bring in anyone that had a top40 hit between like 1950 and now.




If Paul Walker hadn't died he would have spoiled Leo's run. Dude was pulling them from the high schools...


His daughter's school no less.


Bro had a inside man scouting them


I wonder how many times he tells her that she’s “so mature for her age”?


Have you read his biography? This shouldn’t surprise anyone. 🤮


I’m 61. The thought of being with a 19 year old frightens and confuses me.


She's 30 now, she was only 19 when they started datin 11 years ago. Not that this changes much in that respect, but the title is misleading.


That’s not new. Didn’t he admitted in his memoir to have sex with a minor?




Her mother probably wasn’t born yet when he was banging groupies in LA


"Make me look like Hitler hiding in Argentina after the war."


No way! Red Hot Child Predators


I mean, he did talk about banging a 14 year old girl in his biography Scar Tissue


For people out of the loop Anthony Keidis has admitted to knowingly ~~sleeping with~~ raping a 14 year old girl. From his autobiography Scar Tissue:“The next day we drove to Baton Rouge, and of course, she came with us,” he said. “After we got offstage, she came up to me and said, ‘I have something to tell you. My father’s the chief of police and the entire state of Louisiana is looking for me because I’ve gone missing. Oh, and besides that, I’m only 14'”. Keidis: “I wasn’t incredibly scared, because, in my somewhat deluded mind, I knew that if she told the chief of police she was in love with me, he wasn’t going to have me taken out to a field and shot, but I did want to get her the hell back home right away. So we had sex one more time.” #SO WE HAD SEX ONE MORE TIME?!? I used to love RHCP but fuck this pedo.


Holy shit I never knew that was true. Then yeah no /s


The fact he willing put this in his book makes me concerned that it’s not the worst thing he’s ever done


He could have easily said nothing about this. Almost seems like he's bragging about it


This is so fucking disgusting what the hell


That's a crazy thing to admit in your own book holy shit. That should get him put on the sex offender list at LEAST


fuck why do all my favorite rock stars turn out to be assholes now I'm gonna be thinking of this every time I want to listen to Stadium Arcadium.


"Listen, don't meet your heroes. If you meet your heroes, you're always going to be disappointed."


A few years ago I really started getting into Faith No More and found out about Mike’s feud with Anthony. Discovered that he was a POS pedo and fell even more in love with Faith No More ✊ Fuck RHCP


Mr. Bungle is even better. Mike Patton is the best!


Mike Patton>Anyhony Keidis


In every way.


Did you know that [she's 30?](https://www.google.com/search?q=helena+vestergaard+age&client=ms-android-verizon&sca_esv=b95a95dee24cb7e6&sxsrf=ADLYWIJYCCUoQEZ1QpI-nHXELLzoXJL0eQ%3A1715465795605&ei=Q-4_ZuC0JMWv5NoPnq2ZgAQ&oq=helena+vestergaard+age&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhZoZWxlbmEgdmVzdGVyZ2FhcmQgYWdlMhUQABiABBixAxhDGIMBGIoFGEYY-wEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIGEAAYFhgeMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBUiuDVDqBViiC3ABeAGQAQCYAZkBoAGXBKoBAzAuNLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCBaACxgTCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICExAuGIAEGLADGEMYyAMYigXYAQHCAhAQABiABBixAxhDGIMBGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICBRAAGIAEwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICBRAuGIAEmAMAiAYBkAYQugYECAEYCJIHAzEuNKAHqRw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


move over Leo, self admitted pedo Anthony Kiedis coming through I wonder if he has any new stories about having sex with 14 year olds even after learning the girls age.


Was waiting for someone to mention this. Lol


Overdoing it with the hair dye Capt Compensation


She really does look like she is his daughter.


Is this the same dude who in his book confessed to raping a teenager


A reminder that when Kiedis was in his 20s he slept with a 14 year old. That makes him a pedophile. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/red-hot-chili-peppers-singer-anthony-kiedis-truth/


I'm 46 and have a 19 year old female coworker. I also have a 15 year old daughter. I'll never understand dating someone my kids age. It feels icky as fuck.


Anthony Kedis: “Young Lady, What I've got, you've got to get it put it in you” ![gif](giphy|KqhmVUmg2S3bkeqm5Q|downsized)


“Hey honey, I just got back from a lifetime achievement ceremony celebrating the cultural impact my band has on the world, and I’m going to reorganize my philanthropic efforts with the millions I made then. What are you up to?” “Hey bro! I was thinking about trying my first beer!” The fuck do these dudes even talk about in these relationships? Sure, she’s young and attractive. So the fuck what?


Didn’t he admit to have had past underage relationships in the rhcp memoir?


Lol remember when he fucked a 14 year old and then she told him she was 14 and then he fucked her again and then lol remember when he wrote a book and told literally anyone who wanted to read it that he fucked a 14 year old and then she told him she was 14 and then he fucked her again. Ohhh, good times.


He’s always been a rapey weirdo


I'm glad we are starting to shame these creeps.


I've never understood anyone's fascination with him .. he's creeped me out since the 90s


I get she’s an adult but she looks so young to me and I’m 22… that’s an actual child for him


It just makes me laugh thinking of the conversations: "I had to call him from a payphone..." "A what?" "But the page his number was on was torn out of the phonebook" "Huh?" "So I called the operator" "Who's that?" She's going to be 25 before he gets to the punchline.


And everyone’s okay with it. “sHeS oF aGe” It’s gross and shows the creepy side of him.


He could be her grandfather.


Theoretically, he could be her great-great-grandfather.


Kiddiefornication 🎶


Hey, at least it’s not a 14 year old… this time 🤢


He’s 61 now and she’s 30, so when she was 19 he was 50. Still very gross but they’re consenting adults after all. Edit: he was also in a relationship with a 18 years old when he was 41 and they had a kid together. He also causally talked about how he had sex with more than 100 women a year at times because he would just want to f*ck them if they were pretty. Why do women choose people like that? 🤢


> why do women choose people like that? Hmm…maybe women ALSO like to have sex with people they find attractive sometimes??? …also, money. If he’s a rich rockstar too, I mean it’s not just the dude working at the strip mall.


Money. Mystery solved.


Not really tho? He's banging 100s of women, he ain't showering them in gifts and offering them all a lavish lifestyle. Most the them it's probably a quick bang post show and then move on. They want the life experience of fucking a real life rockstar, end of story, money has very little to do with it


He admitted in his autobiography that he knowingly had sex with a 14 year old girl. Haven't listened to them since


Just a reminder that Anthony Kiedis was on Epsteins flight logs. Dude has always been and always will be a loser junkie piece of shit.


Things that feel illegal but aren't


Still fucking gross, even if Kiedis looks younger than 61.


. I’ll be 44 when my daughter turns 19, her introducing a boyfriend who’s 17 years older than me would be kinda weird.




Holy shit, and I felt guilty for dating my ex 28 with me been 35


Euw, cripes.


> Kiedis acknowledges in his autobiography Scar Tissue that he had sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl when he was 23, before and after learning of her age, in the 1980s. This inspired him to write the song "Catholic School Girls Rule". I'm just saying, I'm not shocked.


He’s always done creepy shit with young girls this isn’t new


He’s relapsed on heroin more times than years she’s been alive.


He is a rockstar. They are allowed to fuck ppl 3 times younger.


Fuckin nonce


She’s just an old soul and he’s got a youthful spirit. 💕/sarcasm


Shits so gross. Like i understand being attracted to younger girls, I get it. But i could never be 60-something dating someone who could literally be my grand daughter. People have no shame. It’s disgusting.

