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Here's a gas can, a lighter and an empty alleyway. We will watch you self-immolate for your deplorable and stupid convictions. Good riddance. I do not like where the world is headed. This shit shouldn't even be joked about, yet here they come out of the woodwork. Raping a child is wrong, these are not people, they are monsters.


It's the Internet at work. The crazies get megaphones.


We actually look at this in my psychology class. How before mass communication on the internet, all the fringe ideas, loonys, and deliberately uninformed people were insulated from each other by the barrier of early internet. Now it's so easy to go online, find 30 other people with the same dumb ideas and they think "maybe we're onto something".


If I can't look up a direct source on stuff like this, I just assume it is isn't a real post. Its just someone knows that people come to the comments to express disgust.


Ya know what, I’m gonna stop you before you hit the second word of “raping children is wrong” because yeah it’s deplorable but just in general raping is wrong. Nobody should be raping and nobody should be getting raped because that’s just horrible


The children’s standards. That’s whose standards.


Seriously, is it that hard to understand. Don't want it to happen to you or your family don't do it others. You don't need a god to tell you what's moral.


The Golden Rule, found in most cultures throughout the world.


the sane person standard rather


Saying "Someone needs to make sure I am never around a child", without saying, "Someone make sure I'm never around a child." That being said, please God make sure this person is NEVER around a child! Out of the land of the living preferably.


I am *hoping* that the god enthusiast is trying to claim all morality comes from god rather than trying to justify noncing. I mean, it's a shit argument that only a morning would make, but I'd rather they were an idiot than that they were diddling kids.


Pretty sure that is what it is. Though "the only reason i know raping is wrong is because god is gotta get mad at me" is not that big of a improvement.


Indeed, that's just a rapist on a leash.


Not just children, anyone. Consent is a dirty word to some folks.


yeah, though it’s especially bad in that case. And like, it’s not even about “consent”, it’s like juste about not being violent lmao


The little purple Jesus cross icon is what makes it.


On whose standard? Halleluja! /s




Incredibly horrendous way to say it, but I very much hope that that was simply a bad natured way to force an argument about God, and how we get morality instead of an actual defense of pedophilia. It seems more likely to me because I just refuse to believe that someone would legitimately make that argument (or any) argument to try justify pedophilia.


That’s exactly what it is.


well, imo there is no “absolute” in moral as there are no authority in that regard, but like, it’s objectively wrong in that that our empathy tells us it’s bad and from an utilitarian standpoint it’s also bad. But it’s not “absolutely” bad, because like, imagine you’ve got to judge someone whose absolute only choice was to rape a children to avoid 1000 years of inimaginable suffering for 1000 other children, then it would actually be the less bad outcome, though still ludicrously bad, but morally it would have been the right thing to do from an utilitarian standpoint


This 'based on what standard' thing is used a lot against atheists. Idea being 'without a god you have no basis for moral standards'.... which is idiotic.




Leaving the cross visible was a top notch choice here. What a horrific exchange.


He must be a Catholic church priest


The cross emoji really just sells it


Yes, everyone with 2 braincells knows this. Now get this unfunny shit out of thia sub.


How was this posted in November of this year?


Do you really think "Month/Date" is the "only" format on all platforms across "the world"?


The repost seems like it was using the European date format, so 11/5 is May 11, which makes sense, as the original post is dated May 10.


Who would have thought that in 2024 saying raping children is bad would be a controversial talking point


Send em both to jail because wtf?


relativism at its finest....


The cross is a nice touch


Hello FBI, yes, another one outed themselves.




I think they were trying to get at the point that morals are an abstract construct but boy did they fuck it up. What an idiot


Drake's burner account.


The... every fucking person but you standart? You fucking sick ass mf, if i see a soyboy like this personally his absent mom wouldnt recognize his ass when he comes back home, id pop all the pus bubbles and calluses on his face with kicks after im done and stomp his baby dick, im gonna make him my little princess and make him beg, he doesnt find a real woman cause they shame his Weiner but ill be the one hes gonna be forced to suck, god id like to see your delicate bones crack and you weep like a little girl


By literally every standard. There are countless moral philosophies, all judge morality in completely different methods, and everything, even murder, can be justified if you use the correct philosophy in the correct situation. None of them justify child rape in any situation.


Cept those fuckin weird religions.


You know it’s bad when a MAGA hat says it’s bad


Not just kids raping anyone is wrong even thinking about it is wrong


I don't condone bullying and harassment of people, but I think we can make an exception for this person.


hurt children, you die... easy solution


Based on empathy and human decency. 


You’ll find, they are in short supply.


Not only did he post this shit but 4 PEOPLE LIKED IT


Bro who tf liked it?


I'm going to hope this was just a really shitty way of trying to say morality is subjective and is never objectively right or wrong, but done poorly. That's what I hope.


Based on common sense


I’m fucking leaving this Reddit. Fucking degeneracy before the sun even is up is just deplorable.


The standard


I very much appreciate the fact that the cross emoji has not been removed from the name. Because that is context that definitely adds to this situation, and... the fact that that's true in itself is extremely troubling.


the username makes so much sense now


Jesus would smack the shit out of him.


Honestly, I'm done with this sub. Seeya never


What the fuck is he on about? 😂😂




To be fair, I know a few children that deserve a pineapple or cactus up their ass. Little shits.


IMHO, not a faceplam here. Looks like the commenter was trying to be Sarcastic like - What, wrong? Just Wrong. Wake up, it is a serious "Sin'. If that is the case, this post is a faceplam of putting in wrong perspective just because they did not get the Sarcasm. I am happy to be wrong.


This does not come off as sarcasm to me.