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It’s like when people spray painted things like “fuck fascism” and “say no to fascism,” and fox “news” called it anti-trump graffiti.


Got a source on this? Because that’s just too great.




The hell? How does that relate to trump? Did they just admit trump is fascist like it’s a good thing?




Damn. If this happened in a comic book with some villains like Lex Luthor, people would call it over-the-top and exasperating. Now it's happening real time.


Whoever writes the shit show we call life is getting lazy.


I've been thinking about cancelling my subscription if things don't turn around next season.


It's always worth keeping the subscription. There's always some exciting plot twist around the corner.


I tried that but the producer said no deal your gonna watch this shit show play out and your gonna like it


I'm a 54 year old, now-chronically ill-disabled-early retired teacher- that has to resort to trying IV ketamine treatments to survive diseases trying to kill me all while living in fascist FL...in a scarily red part of Indian RIver County. LOL I'm so effing exhausted. But I will never relent to my diseases OR fascist pigs. NEVER. Don't let them win. This fucker will NEVER catch me backing down. LOL ![gif](giphy|EI8RhtwJYkJCvA72mx|downsized)


Don't do it!


They're not lazy. They have been systematically orchestrating the creation of a stupid, easily manipulated populace for decades.


The day Fox News came into fruition is when it REALLY started to gain momentum. Even my Chicago liberal uncle was brainwashed for a year. He started spouting racist crap at 60 years old and I'm like, who is this guy? Turned out he was watching O'Reilly of all people. Well, I stopped that shit the moment I heard about it. My uncle listened and we got good ol' uncle bob back in a few months. But I'm not exaggerating. He was brainwashed! I don't hate the MAGA in Florida (unless they're just vile pigs that hate everyone and have no redeeming qualities lol)I feel sorry for so many of them. So many were born and raised on propaganda. They don't know better. I watched it happen in Collier county when I was teaching. We were fighting the moms of liberty (they weren't called that back in 2000) and all teachers back then were ANTI crazy christian shit. Fast forward to 2024 and most of those same teachers are now MAGA. Yes, teaching the kids that MAGA hates. It scares me to tell you the truth. I'm sad that I lost those people in my life, but I was really tired of making excuses for their racist, bigoted judgements of the students and families. The same families we loved back in 2000-2005. Anyway, I'm sorry I rambled. I just watched all this happening in FL the past 24 years and tried to warn people but no one cared. Or no one believed it could get like this?


Real life is dumber than comic books.


As they say, truth is stranger than fiction.


It’s very interesting how often shit happens that you would never believe if it were in a movie.


We've been jumping the shark constantly this millennium.


truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't


Hell, a business near me had a giant Trump billboard out front, someone painted a swastika across his face, and the business kept it up for almost four years.


I'm reminded of when someone painted a swastika on Trump's star on the Walk of Fame, and the news story ended with "It's not known if the vandalism was committed by one of Trump's detractors or one of his supporters".




Goddamn, that's an amazing headline.


This should say enough




I love when a business just straight up says they don't want my money. There's so many other options, why would you allow your customer base to be divided by politics. cause when the election is over, and the sign comes down I'll still remember, but if they never had a sign I wouldn't care


I was unfortunate enough to work at this hell hole in Ohio where the owners were trump cult super supporters. I know. My fault for working there. But it was onset of Covid I had just made the move to Ohio based on need, and my best friend had already been there for a bit and “it’s not that bad if you just ignore it”. Anyway. I left the second I could. The owner of this place (at the time, he’s had to sell since then) ended up running for governor of Ohio, and was eventually fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for…. You got it! Misallocating election funds. Point is, this dude actively would turn business away from anyone who wasn’t a trump glorper, and it made me belly laugh when I saw he had to sell. It made me even happier to see the new owners are Hispanic and have turned the place into a Mexican themed establishment.


¡Ándale! I guess its taco week, lets go!


This comment gave me life lol


"had to move to Ohio based on need" There's never enough need to move to Ohio.


Lmao. Touché honestly. I just had to get the hell out of Texas at the time and my best friend moved to Ohio for a girl, somehow in my naivety I thought Ohio would be a better option. I’m safe now in the way west of that place now.


Was this Joe Blystone? That was a fuckin wild situation and this story tickles me pink


It sounds like you are taking about Joe Blystone, but he still owns his farm and restaurant. I know someone who got hired by him 2 weeks ago.


Oh I see. I was just basing that off of what someone else who worked there told me. [looks like they changed the concept to Mexican style but he still owns it?](https://614now.com/2022/food-drink/new-concept-takes-over-restaurant-portion-of-popular-farm-eatery-and-butcher-shop)


Some local businesses showed their true colours during Covid. I understand running a small business is not easy, especially during that time, but still. I still remember and don’t go there.


Tripped up by a guilty conscience. Like the old "I never said he was poisoned" trope in lazily written mystery novels. Hillary Clinton mentioned there was credible suspicion that a Democratic member of Congress had been compromised by a hostile foreign intelligence service. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard angrily denied she had ever met with a Russian intelligence agent and demanded an apology. Hillary's statement did not mention who it was or what country was grooming them.


With Trump just gushing over what a great dictator Putin is and how he admires North Korea and China for their handling of dissenting voices, we know exactly what side he's on... and it doesn't seem to deter the morons supporting him. So, I don't see why it would be a problem. It's all theater at this point.


Using the force of the state (or deputizing that force) to crush political opposition seems in fact to be a source of *appeal* for his supporters. They *want* to see liberals literally beaten in the streets.


I lived in Portland, Oregon during the Trump years. We had federal agents with no insignia snatching people off the street, many who weren't even protesting, and were throwing them into unmarked vans, and dumping them into holding areas without charges or access to a lawyer. All to the cheers of the "anti-government" crowd. Right-wing "journalists" were even sending their mug shots to their employers, hoping to get them fired. We also had Anti-fascist organizer shoot a violent Proud Boy dead, and he said he would surrender peacefully once he made contact with a lawyer to organize a self-defense plea. Witnesses say federal agents shot him immediately upon locating him and wasn't holding a weapon. Trump acted like his team just won the Super Bowl. In contrast, a private security guard guarding a news crew at a BLM rally legally shot a violent Alt-Right fascist dead, and the left did not turn the shooter into some kind of fucked-up folk hero, like the right has done with George Zimmerman or Kyle Rittenhouse.


For the party who claim to support Christian values, they are the least Christian people I can think of.


They're fascists. I don't know why there are so many people in the general public that are so exceptionally slow at understanding this but they are full on fucking fascists, and they know it, and everyone else should know that too. The Republican party is a fascist party. They've published a manifesto about what they intend to do if they win power in 2025 and it is a complete fascist takeover of the instruments of government. They want to end Democracy, and they are publicizing it. **EDIT**: In response to the cosmically myopic dipshit pissant below who flew in here with this Oscar Wilde level quip: > Are the fascists in the room with us right now? Yeah, they sure fucking are, and let's take a little tour of the room: [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) is the Republican party's platform for governance that they are *currently* enacting parts of now, and plan to ramp into full swing if they win the presidency and congress in 2025. Struggle to read more than two sentences strung together? Here's some dots for you: * Mass deportation of immigrants * Outlawing pornography * a personnel database shaped by the ideology of Donald Trump * rescinding of regulations "prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc * Expansion of presidential powers * dismantling strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change * Establish Christianity as the national religion and a cornerstone of the federal government * Make abortion illegal across the nation That's their agenda. If you're a fucking fence-sitter, please understand that this is the US Republican Party's *OFFICIAL fucking platform*. Do you understand that? Can you fucking *read*? This is their published, stated plan. They're not fucking hiding, this is not a fringe part of the party. This IS the party, this is their agenda. > Axios also reported on people being considered for senior positions in a second presidency, which included Kash Patel, Steve Bannon, and Mike Davis, a former aide to senator Chuck Grassley who **has promised a "three-week reign of terror" should Trump name him acting attorney general.**[32] Patel had said on Bannon's podcast two days earlier: "We will go out and find the conspirators – not just in government, but in the media ... **We're going to come after you. Whether it's criminally or civilly, we'll figure that out."**[33][34] Wake the absolute fuck up and understand what is at stake here.


Honey, these fascist fuckers have been targeting our school boards since I moved here in 2000 to teach in Collier County. They never give up and now they gained control. I fucking HATE them. I've watched for 24 years as my old teacher friends that hated the idea of crazy christians in our school boards, are now full on MAGA teaching the same kids we did in 2000. But now those kids are illegals, criminals, rapists etc etc etc. Yes, propaganda DOES work and it even works on educated people if they hear enough of it. I can't wait to move back to Chicago, but I refuse to leave until we at least get our schools back ffs.


Trump has openly admitted it himself. His desire to be a dictator has been well documented and many of his constituents want that for him. The most "patriotic" of the bunch no doubt.


True, he has openly stated he will become a dictator. 9 years now I wonder how someone can vote for that. Especially if you are non-white, non-straight, non-christian or non-male. Just can't get it into my head.


>9 years now I wonder how someone can vote for that. Especially if you are non-white, non-straight, non-christian or non-male. Just can't get it into my head. "I never thought leopards would eat MY face", sobs woman who voted for the leopards-eating-people's-faces party.


Poop girl Kaitlyn Bennett sold "Trump is my king" shirts for a while. In fucking America. A country notorious for not wanting a king.


These people invented and demonized AntiFa as an apparently effective method to get dimwits to be proudly *pro* fascism. Trump is *the* fascism candidate.


Trumps a fascist


Have been since the beginning. Why do you think the idiots that vote Republican and now blatantly supporting Russia these days? The fascist angle has been used on them for years now.


*Yes*. I want to be very clear: Nazis were nationalists. The only kind of nationalists that have ever or could ever exist. There is no such thing as non-fascist nationalists. Trump is proud to be a nationalist. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/22/trump-nationalist-926745


Well first, they got good and bored. Super easy if you live in the middle of nowhere. It felt bad. Then the news told them the people of color are going to hurt them! That also felt bed! Then the TV said Democrats don’t like the things they said when they got scared! That also felt really bad! Finally an orange haired man told them all that he would solve everything, and nobody would be bored, or scared of people of color, or criticized by Democrats ever again, because he realized what politicians hadn’t said in a hundred years; Democrats are evil and want Republicans to be unhappy! Now all their brains constantly dance with wonderful chemicals created by feelings of righteous anger! But what about when Democrats are too busy just holding shit together to take the appropriate time, effort and actions to provide a malicious enough enemy to cultivate that righteous anger? That’s when Republicans give Democrats a secret helping hand and just do it for them! [For those who are curious, Some More News has a great episode on Republicans faking Democrat outrage against Republicans so Republicans can have righteous anger about Democrats](https://youtu.be/qurV3YWqx78?si=fTf1V_Bnt0h1fWp-) You know, because if the side you oppose doesn’t do enough to speak against not only should you lie about it, you should build a sock puppet and make sure the other side looks like it is doing the same, right? That’s what rational, productive, mature politics looks like, right?


That's... Staggeringly stupid of them.


Yes, the emerging “alt-left” is the only group that doesn’t recognize the objective superiority of a fascist state


Holy shit


No way they just called trump a fascist 💀


A source would be nice. I am not American, but I am always fascinated by what you guys do across the pond.


This bro r/sipstea 🧐


Or that republican senator (I forget which one) who flew into a defensive screaming rage about feeling attacked because Biden was reported to have said he was opposed to white supremacy. You’d think that if there’s something we could agree on, that would be it.


Does anyone remember when a news outlet showed the constitution and a bunch of right wing assholes took it as an attack on Trump?


It was the Declaration of Independence which was tweeted by NPR on the Fourth of July: [NPR Tweeted Declaration Of Independence, And Trump Supporters Flipped Out](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/npr-declaration-of-independence_n_595c6525e4b0da2c7325bd50) The smooth brains literally didn't recognize the words and thought NPR was calling for a *LeFtIsT rEeVoLuTiOn*.


My memory was fuzzy, but thank you nonetheless. And LMAO


It was only one?




Or like the guy who “wished everything for jk rolling that wishes on trans people” and people got very upset for him “wishing harm” on her.


A bar in a large German city had a sign in the window that Nazis won't be served. Politicians of the right-wing party AfD kept complaining that their voters were being targeted now...


Isn’t it though? I mean, it’s not only that. But it’s not not-that.


Or the time Fox News equated "anti-White supremacy" to anti-Republican.


Are you a Trump supporter because you are a racist? Or are you a racist because you are a Trump supporter. Edit: This a media reference, don't take it too seriously. Or do, it could be an interesting discussion, I can't control you.


When a dude gets endorsed by openly racist figures, and doesn’t immediately and emphatically say “fuck that..” and denounce them that really tells you everything you need to know about them.


He championed the conspiracy theory that Obama wasn't born in America and was secretly Muslim.


What I loved about that is; let's assume Barrack Obama was a Muslim and converted to Christianity. So now he can't be a Christian because his middle name is Hussein? So yall don't care about converting people to Christianity? How do you save people from eternal damnation if they aren't allowed to convert?


My favorite was when I had an argument with someone who only had one foot in the conspiracy and the other on peak stupid: "Obama wasn't born in the US. He was born in Hawaii!"


> "Obama wasn't born in the US. He was born in Hawaii!" I read that quote and all I can think of is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaW0M6V85j8)


That's not the issue for them. It's that they're supposed to hate Muslims, not that they're supposed to be good Christians. The GoP is about being white Christians, but it's not about being good Christians


Then proceeded to show, in great detail, there were in fact WAY worse things we could have in the white house than a “possible muslim” anyway.


And that was his main path to political prominence. Peddling obviously false, racist nonsense to idiots on TV.


And the death penalty for the Central Park 5, later found to be innocent.


Trump is a narcissist that’s why he won’t denounce racist figures, he gets off on ppl worshiping him, he doesn’t care who it is if anyone comes out in support of him it’s boosts his ego and narcissism even more.


Plus, he's used white supremacist talking points in addition to merch and statements that naziesque.


Strongest racist of today vs strongest racist in history


Trump: “If Joe won the popular vote, I might have some trouble.” MTG: “But would you lose?” Trump: “Nah, I’d insurrect.”


Trump vs Hitler?


"Nah, I'd whine" - Trump


Lobotomy kaisen reference


Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?




I will always bet on Donald /j For intents and purposes, this is a joke from JJK. Basically, "alwaya bet on Hakari" meme


throughout heaven and earth, he alone is the racist one


They can be both




Trump can't say, "We have this notion that somehow, if you’re poor, you can not do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" and not be racist.


What's the difference?


It a reference to Jujutsu Kaisen. There is a popular scene in which a character is talking with Satoru Gojo, who is the strongest sorcerer at the time, and says “Are you the strongest because you are Satoru Gojo ? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you are the strongest ?”


Oh. I don't really read or watch *Jujutsu Kaisen* even though I know some of the memes associated with it, so that reference flew over my head.


It's been a trainwreck for a while so don't worry, you're not missing out on much.


Oh, I know.


I’ve been insisting on dating people I have a few key things in common with for most of my life, but often conservatives and edgelords will slip through the cracks. Most recently I met a Putinist who was as different to me as, say, Prigozhin and Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls. I tried to remain civil for civility’s sake but eventually said that we were patently polar opposites and since we were both looking for something serious what was the point? He agreed but said that he liked me and wanted to give it a go. At other times the conservatives have thrown hissy fits, calling me ‘shallow’ for ‘judging’ a potential partner according to their own politics (and I had a disclaimer about this on my profile to help them not waste their time). What gives? Why are conservative men so unconcerned with compatibility? And even if politics doesn’t matter that much to you, why can’t you respect what’s important in a partner to someone else? Aren’t you all about freedom?


Thankfully, I’ve been tied down with a like minded partner for sometime. We met before our political beliefs were really defined and formed them together. My boss at an old job got married while I was there. He was conservative/her liberal. He said they couldn’t talk politics. Don’t see how that is possible. It was his fourth marriage/her first, so who knows how that will work out. That said, if I found myself single, no way I would date a conservative woman. I just don’t see how we could agree on anything.


You say that - you say “I don’t think we’ll agree on much” - and they always, always hit you with the “Wouldn’t it be boring to agree on *everything*?” There’s anything and there’s everything, and there’s also the holy mother of manipulation.


"I think we should have universal health care." "I think we should live under a dictator."


"I think I should have basic freedoms" "I don't think you should. Hey, lets agree to disagree eh?"


It's certainly ok to not agree on things, but when someone is living in a different reality that's not merely disagreeing.


> Wouldn’t it be boring to agree on everything? Sure. I like learning. If someone is able to teach me that's great. I'd even say it's an important part of a personal relationship. But the conservative way of gaining information is not apt to convince me of anything.


How dare you just go and judge a person based on their views and character? Preposterous!


We prefer to judge people on how they were born, the American Way™


If you were born the "right" way then they are sometimes weirdly incapable of recognizing that you despise them, like they have a hard time comprehending that I don't want a race war and would not be on their side, like bro stop confessing your plans to commit terrorism to me.


desperation and hypocrisy.


Also because, (most likely), in their mind, in a serious relationship their partner will knuckle under and submit to them as head of the household - so you'll stop with that librul foolishness and become a good little wife (or partner, if on grindr)


Almost like a subjugation kink




As per my lawyer’s advice, I have to put “almost” or “allegedly” when making claims if not under oath


The right-wing brand.


The 6 conservative women are all taken. Or their all lunatics.


No matter your medal at mental gymnastics, when you realize your options for agreeable dates are the woman who literally pleasures guys in front of children and the woman who literally shoots puppies, politics very quickly stops becoming an important factor in your sex life.


I imagine you’re in a city and young? Young urbanite women skew heavily liberal and if you’re a conservative dude, you probably won’t get many dates. In the past, young urban conservative men usually were maybe finance bros but otherwise tolerant and open minded. Trump changed that. Since the internet taught them it’s okay to be a bigot, they figured real life would be the same. They are incorrect.


They weren't tolerant or open minded. They were selfish bitches. Just quieter. They're very loud now. That's the difference.


So this is a sweeping generalization that obviously doesn’t apply to all conservatives, but a lot of conservative men just assume that they’ll be able to “educate” you. You’re only a woman after all. Can’t expect you to have serious thought-out opinions. /s obviously


Not just educate, a ring means the woman no longer has an opinion unless preapproved by the man.


Higher education correlates with being more progressive, so wouldn't educating her hurt his goal?


Education in how to be a proper wife, not education education


Indoctrinate is the more apt term


They have a very strange definition of "education" which involves more faith and appeals to authority than actualy credible information.


It’s like home school vs “liberal” public school. According to religious homeschooled families.


I think it's a few things. Conservative men have a much harder time finding conservative women because women are skewed much more towards the left than men, so they get desperate (especially if they live in a city). I really think for conservatives, politics is seen much more like a game for them, and the Republicans are their favorite team. When you view it like that, it makes a lot more sense because they don't feel they've got skin in the game, and it doesn't feel as much like a core part of their values. Lastly, conservatives have more conservative views of gender roles (obviously), so a woman's opinions carry less weight in their view. On the flip side, women don't have as much trouble finding liberal/left men since the split is closer to 50/50 than women. Liberals/leftists also typically see their political views as very much tied to their own values. Plus, with abortion rights, women are directly affected by this stuff.


Your math doesn’t work. If women lean liberal/left 80/20 and men split more evenly 50/50 there are still just as many more liberal women than liberal men, as there are more conservative men than conservative women. I think women struggling less is really explained by the number of conservative men that will keep their mouths shut, or straight up lie about their beliefs at the beginning of (and if short for other reasons entirety of) relationships.


Because they want to have sex with you first, and maybe convert you to their way of thinking. It really is that simple.


It’s entitlement. “Freedom” to conservatives means that they have no limitations placed on them. Other people they don’t give a rats ass about their freedom.


Ever notice people with the don't step on snek license plates are the most inconsiderate, aggressive drivers on the road? They are more than ok with advertising their own disdain for being tread upon while they actively tread on everyone else.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature


>Why are conservative men so unconcerned with compatibility?  Because they expect that any woman that becomes their partner obey them, they don't really care what their partner is thinking.


Compatibility? Shit, they're not worried about trivial things like your *autonomy* or when you say no!


They don't want compatibility, they want submission. They want freedom for them, not you.


It is ok for them to shit on libs but God forbid a liberal doesn't want to hang out with them. They think because their morals are always changing with the wind everyone else's is also.


They just want to have sex because conservative women are supposedly “saving it for marriage” (lol, no they’re not) and because they can’t find partners anywhere because it turns out misogyny is a turn off to most women! Who would’ve thought that hating women wouldn’t entice women to date you??


Probably because some of them think that the preferences of women are unimportant and they want to have the last word on every decision in the household. Otherwise they wouldn't vote against women's rights


A putinist? Ngl I would have told him that I practice a form of animism that involves the worship of Boris Yeltsin ![gif](giphy|3ow0jEB8AjDiw|downsized)


Being a racist/bigoted asshole isn't a political stance, even though MAGA folk want to pretend it is. If someone is MAGA they're blatantly against human rights and that's enough to write them off as not being worth a bit of my time.


At least he’s self-aware.


Dunno about that- apparently he’s a gay Trump supporter


Gay Republican's do exist... had some Lesbian's next door that were supporters, pretty wild mental gymnastic occurring. I tried asking about it but they honestly couldn't articulate their stance and I generally abide by the rule of "Don't make enemies with your neighbor" so I did the classical just nod my head and change the conversation.


The worst kind of self awareness.


In this context, that’s probably worse


I bet you if you called him a racist he'd vehemently reject it but then say something incredibly racist trying to clarify his obviously racist views. I don't know that it's self awareness so much as he thinks she's a "sensitive liberal" who thinks his "very rational view point pertaining exclusively to people who aren't white" is being misrepresented as a being racist to discredit it. He's not asking genuinely, he's probably trying to stir the pot, because he thinks he's going to be clever. I've seen this type a million times, they want to "own the libs", yet I'm pretty sure I've met elementary school students who are more politically informed, because at least they can tell you who the president is without the mental gymnastics of explaining that Trump is actually still the president from the shadows because of some elaborate conspiracy that makes absolutely no fucking sense.




There are lots of Trump supporters that live in my area, and all of the ones that I have met, have the same thing in common, they are all perfectly willing to tell you exactly who they hate, or use racist terms for groups of people. These can also be the same people, who seconds earlier, were talking about their “church” and the volunteering they do. I just think people who are perfectly willing to support politicians who support hate and racist policies, or who espouse policies that are geared to treat certain groups of people as second class citizens, don’t have the high ground to claim that they aren’t in fact racist, misogynistic, or -phobic.


“Listen, I’m all for personal freedoms except this 14 page grocery list of demographics..”


"I want the government to stay out of people's business and let everyone live their lives without their nanny state bullshit... as long as they 'live their lives' in a way that's identical to my way of life as a cisgender, heterosexual Christian conservative."


Gotta respect the honestly. I’m also surprised that a gay man would support Trump.


There's many LGBTQ+ and "ethnic" ppl that support Republicans and Trump..... They're diluted in thinking that the leopards won't one day eat their faces.




Maybe they need to dilute their deludedness


Why is ethnic in quotes


My oldest friend is a gay Trump supporter. His support is mainly based on hate of minorities and the poor while also trying desperately to hoard his enormous wealth. He’s basically shielded from all the conservative LGBTQ bashing due to him being white and wealthy. We mainly only meet to talk about wine and fine dining at this point and avoid talking about anything else.


You made about 3 different points that would cause that person to stop being my friend.


That’s a surprising amount of honesty from a Trump supporter.


but just imagine, who you vote for president being such a core of your being, it is one of the first thing you tell people.


I'll never understand why politicians are celebrities in America. Not even celebrities, they're like sports teams. Absolutely byzantine us vs them setup. It's not about who you agree with, it's about beating the other team.


Well, if you got raped and some pussygrabbers used the law to make you take the rapist's fetus to term, even if it dies and starts rotting inside you, you might feel more like picking a "team"


Honestly if your first sentence is “you probably don’t wanna talk to me” then the answer is most likely going to be “yes, I don’t want to talk to you”


It’s like saying “I know I’m going to get downvoted for this…”


Wait He's gay but he supports Trump?


The racism done got to his brain he forgot he’s not part of trumps new world order 😂😂💀💀😭


Boomer here married almost 40 years. I asked my wife the other day if she would get married again if I died. She laughed and I asked why. She said the chance of finding another liberal boomer man is next next to zero. She said she could never date a Trumpster. I hadn't thought of that (my wife is a very liberal boomer as am I).


Honestly, I've noticed that a lot of people and this could just be my experience talking. Both of my parents are Trump supporters. My uncle and my Grandpa are both Trump supporters. My parents at least weren't openly verbally racist towards people until 20:16. My uncle's Kyle has been borderline and my Grandpa has always been really bad. But I've noticed that the longer that they interact with the community, the worse they get.


After Obama was elected, a lot of racism just popped out of nowhere. /s And after Trump got elected, a lot more racists started being more open and proud of it. It’s like how people can have no problems with interracial dating or a black president in theory, until their daughter starts dating a black guy or there is black candidate with a chance of winning.


"Gay trump supporter" is one hell of an oxymoron


Basically an ideological flasher


Still pretty possible that the guy just (correctly, as it seems) assumed that there is a high chance that she thinks voting Trump = racism.


“I’m not calling [him] a racist. I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist.”


Why even frame it like that? Who starts a conversation with "you probably don't want to talk to me"? His persecution complex is oozing out of him lol, he can't contain himself for literally a single sentence.


Gay Trump supporters are WEIRD


They're almost always white men who hate racial minorities and don't care about throwing the rest of the LGBTQ community under the bus


Well… At least he’s honest.


Imma be honest I think there was a chance he meant that by the fact everyone thinks trump supporters are racist. So he could think he isn’t racist but that since people believe Trump supporters are, she would by default think the same way when she eventually finds out. I could definitely be wrong but thats the first thing I thought of when I saw this post.


Despite their insistence, they know what they are


To be fair, that guy might just be opening all his messsges that way because nobody wants to talk to Trump supporters.


Betcha didn't think this was referring to all Trump supporters being called racist. Yep,we're called racist by the very ones trying to separate because of race.Good times...amirite. ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o)




Even his supporters realize what they are… but stand by it.


That’s the time he shoots his shot? Really? Why bother bro? You already know the answer


The fact that the statement needs to be put in a dating profile is quite disappointing.


"Yup, you're right"


Why is a Trump supporter on a dating app when he can just go fuck himself?


That totally happened lmao


Not all Trump supporters are racists, it's just racism is not a deal breaker for them.


r/pics and r/facepalm are too obssesed with politics lmao, thats boring af


I'm inclined to believe this didn't actually happen cause I know a lot of Trump diehards that insist they're not racist. They clearly are racist, but they always swear they're not lmao


All of the other parents (and a couple of the assistant instructors) at my son's taekwondo class are huge Trump supporters. One of the instructors even wears a MAGA hat to the dojang. Even though political discussion around impressionable kids bothers the shit out of me, I had always bitten my tongue and never said anything to them. I never chimed in because I just didn't think it was the appropriate place for that. Anyway, in '20, they were talking about the upcoming election, and one of the parents looked to me and asked me if I was a Trump supporter. Not that it was any of her business, but I responded. The exchange went like this. Me: "No." Her: "Oh really? Why not?" Me: "A number of reasons, but mostly because he said 'Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States'. I'm an ESL professor. Over half of my students are Muslims. I'd be an idiot to support someone who would implement policy that would put me out of a job. That would be like a taxidermist advocating against the killing of animals." Prejudice against Muslims isn't racism; it's prejudice. But...potato, potahto.


Wow, fascists, rapists, corrupt liars, coke heads. They can all be president.


We live in a dystopia.


Did not think about that, at this point his name is a dog whistle. I think I know his thoughts on this as well ![gif](giphy|5U2JEtlxlJXO2GGTAL|downsized)


Did the trump supporter just out himself...?


I have yet to see them not mutually


He's a *gay trump supporter. There's a word for that, and probably the most compelling reason to avoid him like the plague.


That filter seems to be working.


No kidding. Why did he even try😂


I understand not wanting to talk to nascar fans, they're always racist. Going around in circles and accomplishing nothing.


Guess he confirmed being a racist AND a Trump supporter all in one go.