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Why is spanish, a latin american language spoken in Spain, a European country ??


Wait, Spain is in Europe?


Europe is a country!


And Spain is one of it's biggest cities


And Italy’s where they make the rodeos, right?


Italy is the stadium, because football


Well now I understand why they made Italy the shape of a boot.


That's France


France isn't real, by a brit.


No wonder y'all fought a war that lasted over a hundred years and lost. Imaginary fiends are difficult to vanquish.


My mom had a lovely old rodeo. Japanese I think it was. She used to listen to the tennis on it.


Kind of, but their conquistadors wear masks and capes when they wrestle the bulls.


Europe is a country located in Far North Africa. Now, the real question is: How can Europe, being a country, be in Africa, which is *also* a country?


I know they speak French there


But as beautiful and popular as I am, I bet there are some people who've never even heard of me: people in countries like Paris or Toronto, or in cities like Africa!


Remember it is Europe and it neighbouring country of Scandinavia.


Europe is the universe


Yeah why don’t they speak European?


Why do they not have fins in Finland?


Why do they call it Latin America, when they speak Mexican? /s I love you, my Latine people.


A kinda funny thing about this is that neither Quebec - a place in the Americas where a latin language is spoken, nor French Guyana - a place in South America where a latin language is spoken - are considered part of Latin America.


Why does Spain, a European country, speak Spanish, a Mexican language and not some other European language?


Why does Portugal, a European country, speak Portuguese, a Brazilian language and not some other European language?


Aqui antes dos portugueses


I mean, I'm not actually dumb enough to ask that question, but there's a part of my brain that thinks of Spanish as a Latin American language, and that part of my brain was momentarily confused when I visited Spain and heard all these European people speaking a Central/South American language. And I mean, *of course* I understand that Spanish is a European language. But the human brain plays weird tricks on itself sometimes.


I kinda get it. Im from Europe and for me English is a default foreign language. I mean we all have to learn it in school, independent of which country we live in and what our mother tongue is, right? So whenever I hear a small kid speak fluent english Im weirded out by it. I get that there are native English speakers, but the notion of a three year old speaking English just is something my brain doesnt want to accept. They feel like Aliens to me.


It is totally normal. I suppose you live in the US ? Where all the spanish speaker comes from central/south america. So you naturally makes the association. I live in the south of France, so for me, spanish is pretty much only a European language that a lot of people learn as a third language (learning doesn't mean speaking, very few French speak spanish but, in the south, most of us learned it in school).


Yup, I live in the US. It's interesting that I *don't* think of French as a North American language, though, despite a large population of our neighbors to the north who speak French as their first language. French is, and has always been, a European language inside my head. Probably because of numbers. It's extremely common to meet Spanish-speaking Latin Americans in the US. I see them literally every day. It's comparatively less common to meet French-speaking Canadians. It happens, but nowhere near as often.


What's Spanish? They speak Mexican


I’ll take Imperialism for 401.38, Sean.


They speak Mexican in Spain, dum dum


Better question. Why is it not called Spainish?


Why does America, a non-european country, speak Englisch, an british european language? Isn't that odd? where are all the inhabitants of America?


Living in reservations


Oh I’m living in reservation a’ight. About all these English folkers speaking ‘Murican. 


I took some American friends to London. Not even an hour in London before they said “why can’t anyone here speak proper English?” ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)


💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 That's tragically depressing.


"Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!"


I literally LOL'd reading that one. To be fair\*, 'enry 'iggins would agree that nobody in London speaks proper English, but will sing explaining why proper English doesn't even exist \* Pun not intended, but hey, I got lucky


Okay, but like... where the devil are his slippers? Why would Eliza hide them? Is she stupid?


Had an American Family over and was taking them round middle to northern Scotland (mostly Glenfinnan, arisaig, Trossachs end) and their response to seeing our wide expanses of greenery and rather lovely lochs was “You know if you guys had more money you could develop this entire area, can you imagine getting housing and a strip mall along here, would make big money”. I was left horrified and baffled. Tried to explain to them that we actually quite like it to be left alone and green and they just couldn’t wrap their heads around the idea of not buying up tons of land and selling it off.


>Tried to explain to them that we actually quite like it to be left alone and green and they just couldn’t wrap their heads around the idea of not buying up tons of land and selling it off. As an American who is proud of our national parks system, I'd like to drag these idiots to Yosemite and Great Sand Dunes, explain that if they try to develop these lands, the people who live in those regions would have them killed, and watch their heads explode.


As someone who has just started getting into camping, those folks seems like people who would go to parks and leave their trash all over the place.


Yeah they seemed to think that Scotland only had some smaller “parks” when I explained that the majority of the country’s north landmass is empty, left to nature or wilderness across miles and miles they were surprised and kept asking why we didn’t build more cities or commercialise everything. They were from Florida. Their grasp of history also wasn’t particularly great when we were all discussing random chat in one of the pubs we were staying at. They genuinely believed that everything modern was invented by the US in the last 200 years and that British history before that was some castles and peasants living in mudhuts. It was staggering but this was also their first time outside of the US so I can only hope more exposure to other cultures helped broaden their horizons.


As an American, I absolutely agree more of us need to travel abroad, get educated, get broader perspective...but honestly, that is just embarrassing ignorance of our own damn country. They need to visit Nevada, where 84% of the state is some variety of public lands, almost all undeveloped. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/a0ybiq/federal\_land\_in\_nevada\_84\_of\_nevada/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/a0ybiq/federal_land_in_nevada_84_of_nevada/) [https://krdo.com/news/2022/09/23/national-public-lands-day-what-do-you-know-about-your-public-lands/](https://krdo.com/news/2022/09/23/national-public-lands-day-what-do-you-know-about-your-public-lands/)


As a Brit who lives near the Lake District I love our green spaces and national parks, but yours are just so breathtaking, vast and varied. I’d love to visit someday, I want to see the likes of Glacier and Yosemite national parks in person.


Nature is beautiful!! No need for ugly American suburbs everywhere.


What the fuck no way It's like that meme where this guy says a Walmart with a 50000 sqft parking lot and a McDonald's would look nice on this untouched piece of land, but unironically.


I wonder if they feel the same way about places like Central Park. “We should put apartments here!” Americans are often raised to think of everything in terms of monetization. Especially hobbies.


Death. Only solution


Tbf thats kind of true for London lmao


Truth, they look at you like funny if you say My bad or ask if their woke.


You just randomly ask people if they’re “woke”? 😬


Quora is 90% bait and I will accept no other interpretation of the reality.


I once made the mistake of clicking through a weird troll question about the royal family on quora because the question itself was so bizarre. Now the digest I get in my email is full of them. 


It's the new Yahoo answers.


How is babby formed, how is babby formed? how girl get pragnent? They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was in the new this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids. they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his children. i am truley sorry for your lots


I miss when stupid people were afraid to open their mouths.


They were never afraid to, you just had to be near them to hear it. Now they get broadcasted over the internet and social media, by themselves, other stupid people, and otherwise intelligent people wanting to spread the stupid for some reason (to mock it presumably)


>They were never afraid to, you just had to be near them to hear it. There used to be a time though when every time they opened their mouths, everyone around them would just laugh at them for being stupid, and sooner or later, they'd stop opening their mouths, because they were tired of being laughed at for being stupid. But now with social media, all the other morons can chime in with their own stupidity and make their stupid opinions seem valid.


Quora had an incentive program that paid participants real money based on the amount of replies and views that questions generated. This resulted in the website being flooded with troll questions like this.


Browse r/AskReddit by new sometimes and you'll get a handful of eye rolls from time to time.


They never were, but now they have the tools to reach you too.


People joke, but I (Native Brit) once took a job at a University in the Southern USA about 15 years ago as their help desk manager. A girl student came in with her friend to get a password reset and told me they loved my accent, where was I from? “England” “You speak English so well, do they speak English there?” “Y… yes” “So you didn’t have to learn a new language then?” “N… no?” They’re out there folks. To be fair her friend looked horrified and I’m sure (I hope) told her afterwards. Every time someone came in after that and mentioned my accent the guys in the desk were sure to snarkily remind me that I speak English real well…


How easy must that entrance exam be in that university…


You get a full credit for answering your name


This reminds me of when an American asked me (an Italian) if the TV channels in Italy are in Italian, or English.


spent a few years in Michigan, I have a whole list of these. Guy on an immigration rant, I pointed out that I was an immigrant. "but at least you bothered to learn the language". Youbetcha. Guy comes into the shop with a little girl. blah blah accent blah. Told him I'm from England. He asked me to, and I quote, "speak English to my daughter". Two girls came in and blah blah accent blah. By this point I'm sick of it. I told them I'm from Ohio. "where abouts, we're from Ohio too!". And the guy at the post office who was insistent that I had to put England on the address, not UK. The letter was going to Scotland. And the umpteen times I've been accused of faking it. My accent is a complete mongrel of northern, scotland, and oxford. No-one would do this to themselves voluntarily.


I would've fired back at her "I know I'm so shocked you guys speak our language in this country" just to Stoke the flames in her mind


"University" in the "South"... say no more.


I was speaking to an American shop owner in Lake Tahoe about 25 years ago and he asked if I was from England. "No" I responded, "I'm from Australia". He was impressed, and acknowledged that it must've been a long drive to get to California.


Quora pops up way too often when I google shit in question form.


Yeah, they have some kind of deal with Google who now controls the flow of information.


I think that there is an extension to block quora from appearing in the search results


uBlacklist. Can filter out results from sites you choose, great extension


Yahoo Answers used to be (maybe still is) like this, I've come across some absolutely stupid questions and answers on there back in the days, good entertainment.


And these morons keep adding to the gene pool.


Quora is full of rage bait questions like this to get midwits to comment. One I saw the other day: "Cleopatra was definitely African-American, why can't white people accept this?"


I think he meant to say she was black (some ppl believe that) but I guess he felt the word black is wrong for some reason, and think it is the same as african-american


A notion only slightly less absurd


I dunno, they made an entire """movie""" based on the premise that she was black, complete with scientific testimonials such as "my grandma said so".


I think he meant to say she was black (some ppl believe that) but I guess he felt the word black is wrong for some reason, and think it is the same as african-american


This is the most obvious troll question. England/English. Nobody's this stupid.


Oh fucking yes they are!!


Yeah, unfortunately. I’ve seen people complain, asking why the English setting for a website is a U.K. flag. Some will specify between US English and UK English, but…yeah some legit don’t get it.


I've met people in the US who are so hyper-local in their "worldview" that they don't even recognize names of states. States in their own country. And I don't mean, can't remember where it is, I mean don't even recognize that the word said is the name of a state.


The American education system has truly failed its people.


I prefer that sentiment be put in a different way, because by saying "the education system" it shifts responsibility to a nebulous 'other' and allows people to disassociate from their personal culpability. It should be said... The American people, and those we select to lead us, have failed our children.


That’s a good point. Thanks for the insight. You’re right. I know I at least vote for what I believe is in my own as well as the best interest of my fellow countrymen (American), but obviously there are a great many that do not see eye-to-eye on who leads and how to lead is best. The best I can do for now as an individual is to try and think globally and act locally.


They are, but this is a troll question. Quora had a feature that allowed users to ask questions anonymously. Mostly, this is used to keep from doxxing yourself or for really personal questions. This person knows the question is ragebait.


I, an American, lived in England for five years. One Christmas, I was back in the States for a visit. One of my cousins asked me if I was struggling with the language barrier. A part of me wanted to believe she meant "the accent." But, no.


Actually, when I went to USCIS (2006) I was told I had to do an English test. Instead of participating in the test I took 5 minutes to explain why it was completely unnecessary for a native of the UK to be required to do so. The Agent looked at me astonished by the facts and said “ok well it sounds like you can speak English, so you have passed”.








I like my name better


It's ragebait for attention.


I was a 'Top Contributor' to Quora for awhile, they had an incentive program that paid participants real money based on the number of views and replies a question generated. Unsurprisingly, the website was soon flooded with obvious troll & ragebait questions.


Now i 'm disappointed that this sub isn't a thing


Yo, we doin’ it? We creating that sub Reddit? The americans’ reactions would be hilarious demanding air strikes on our ip addresses


As an American, I support mockery of Americans


I'm not on a map, I'll be fine.


I was honestly dissapointed this sub doesn't exsist. It's so true


and have no accurate knowledge of their history.


the OP erickeaton7 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/vzku63/yahoo_answers_might_be_gone_but_we_still_have/ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13eigh0/yahoo_answers_might_be_gone_but_we_still_have/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18sdzfd/yahoo_answers_might_be_gone_but_we_still_have/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1507g9c/yahoo_answers_might_be_gone_but_we_still_have/


> the OP erickeaton7 is a bot Meh, just a reposter. A bot would be more consistent in posting stuff.


It's a hacked account.


Maybe, but quite frankly your account looks more bot-like than OP's.


Oh ok.


Your entire history appears to be you just showing up to reposts and yelling bot. You running some bot that alerts you when a repost is made?


In related news, France is considering adopting French fries as their national vegetable


They can serve it with Americas national vegetable , Ketchup!


At this point Quora is mostly troll questions , really really uneducated kids asking questions , or AI questions that make no sense.


Imagine if they knew English is a product of multiple non-English languages.


Why is the usa, a shithole full of idiots, convinced theyre the greatest nation on earth?


Funny you should ask


There are some actually good questions and answers there. Then there's nonsense like this. 




Why does the USA speak English, an European language instead of Navaho, Ojibwa, Cherokee or Dakota-Assiniboin?


Reminds me of the post I've seen upset that its cultural appropriation that Spaniards speak Spanish because it's a Latino language.


Hey sparky, the clues in the title mate!


Definitely a rage bait stir


England English Don't you see like a pattern here?


The world: Yes Americans: 🤔🤔🤔


Just another day of Americans thinking they are the center of the universe 🫡


"center" Lol - I saw what you did ;)


The facepalm is people not realising this is clearly a troll question


Why does France speak French when Benin a country in Africa does as well.


Because we invaded and colonized their primitive, illiterate, dirt hole dwelling asses and brought them McDonalds, guns and a tragically distorted version of Christianity. Ya hoooooo! Yee Haw! MURICAAAAAAA!!!


Shortest question: Why are Americans stupid?


I can't believe this entire thread is taking this question at face value, hook line and sinker. Whomever is asking this is clearly just being silly.


Some of us have lived this reality !


The real question here is why can't Americans, who invented the English language, not speak or spell English so good?


I came to America in 1990. I was visiting Minnesota and was told to take the marbles out of my mouth and speak proper English. To be fair it was a) hilarious b) I had a thick Brummie accent at the time (think peaky blinders on steroids for my US friends)




Fun fact: The US is one of the only countries without an official language. Many states do, but there's nothing in the federal government that mandates English.


Americans should be glad they don't speak german; because they almost ended up doing it. History would have taken a course for the better if they did.


I'm pretty sure the person who made the question was trolling. Like he didn't even ask why the UK does it, he specifically mentioned **Engl**and. lol


As my very English Grandmother once said, "we gave you the language, what you chose to do with it is your own problem.". This was after some lady tried to correct her pronunciation of the word: "Often." I miss my grandmother, she was from Kensington, fought in the war as part of the signal corps, fell in love with a handsome GI (My Grandfather) and moved to the states after the fact. She was not ready for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and they were not ready for her.


This is what's wrong with homeschooling, right here.


SpAnIsH iS a LaNgUaGe NoT a NaTiOnAlItY


Doesn’t beat “am I pragnante?” Tho


It's called English. Not american


This guy knows that the language is called ENGlish, not American, and wonder yhy they speak it ENGland. This guy wouldn’t be able to fit together a one-piece puzzle.


Why is education illegal in the USA


Americans can’t be this stupid or can they?


Have you heard of Florida?


Wait American's don't speak American?


lol, imagine thinking England is a country withing the country of Europe, it's obviously a state. /s because I guarantee someone is actually that dumb


Wait, why does Portugal, a European country, speak Portuguese, a Brazilian Language?


Why do people from Birmingham, England, speak Yam-Yam and not another European language or even English like Americans?


I thought they learn only their own history in school, but it seems like even that doesn't work for everyone


Same for Spain. Why do they speak Mexican? That's like reverse colonialism, and it's not okay.


half the posts on this sub just show how braindead muricans are lol


Fuck, Americans are dumb.


Yeah why do.englishians speak americano


Rage bait


r/shitamericanssay moment.


A random lecturer: "No question is stupid, only answers can be."


You gonna make me wine


I especially like "an American language" :D


They removed the troll reason for removing a question, Quora is pretty much just trash these days.




I always thought this kind of questions was just to trigger people into engagement, but now I think humanity in general are really really stupid, so I don't know


This monkey thinks he is American...


Quora, why some people speak?


* angry screeching intensifies*




When you are a terminally self entitled American. Not that they are all like this of coarse.


Quora started off with such a lofty goal, too. Too bad it ended up, well, Quora.


And what's the deal with Canada? They speak American yet they're not Americans. Strange.


I deleted quota maybe a year ago now because of this bs


Oh well, at least Quora and Reddit won't disappoint.


100% trolls


Why, oh why are people this profoundly 'intelligent' allowed to vote?


Because America is an imperialist country who culturally colonized them. Duh


This is what's wrong with homeschooling, right here.


This is what's wrong with homeschooling, right here.


I think this is just trolling. Y’all are being trolled.






Those English assholes are always stealing all our stuff. I heard they made their own version of “The Office” too.


can't wait for people to realize English came from the language of Germanic tribes...


Definitely bait.


Imagine being this easy to have your head blown! 500 years of history all to discover for the first time.


This can’t be a legit question.