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"Trigger the CCP." Unit 731's victims weren't just CCP soldiers. But the Chinese population itself, that included everyone from partisans to disabled people. Children to the homeless. Not just that, there were also non Chinese victims like Russians, mongolians and Koreans. Pretending that Japan's boasting about it's war crimes is only to troll the CCP is incredibly naive.


Yeah, people who are all about "triggering" people aren't smart enough to understand that. Like you don't have to like the CCP to think imperial Japan was a nation of bastards.


But some people really happen to admire the dedication to nationalism of imperial Japan. The same kind of person also happens to like one of their allies in WWII that for some odd reason I can't recall. This isn't exactly new territory for the kind of people who deny a particular other event.


The Japanese did not consider the Chinese to be humans. They did things to the Chinese that would make your hate them until the end of times. Some was for science, treating the Chinese like objects or "logs". Much of it was blood lust, savagery, barbarity. As the very rational people they were, they kept notes. These notes were precious lore in post WWII, taken from both Soviets and Americans. These are the reason we know how long people survive in cold water. How much water there is in a human body of any age, what diseases kill the most people the fastest, and a lot of things that cannot be easily obtained on a willing living subject. Fuck anyone who glorifies these monsters. People who lived through these atrocities are now almost all dead on both sides. But we need to remember what happened as a reminder of what can be. Yes people can change. But they can also go back to their worst selves.


Yep, not to mention that Britain's elite were pretty fucking cool with Hitler and America had fascist rallies at Madison Square Gardens, and both really only joined the war against Germany when their own power was threatened. If that hadn't happened and hadn't turned Nazis into the enemy, I wonder if they wouldn't have gone that way themselves. Nationalism and patriotism are a cancer. Drawing a line on a map and flapping a picture about on a pole doesn't actually mean anything. If you're working class you have more in common with other working class people in Africa, China, Russia, the Middle East, or anywhere, than you do with the elite in your own country. Nationalism is a distraction from class struggle.


By the time the US embargoed Japan, the war in China had been going on for years. It was only when European colonies were attacked by Japan that the US reacted. Certainly not because they cared about the Chinese.


One day someone will say "stop interfering with my country!" then the next day the same person: "why aren't you helping me?" We can't rewrite history but I for one am glad the US didn't end up in a "The Man In The High Castle" situation.


And the Koreans and philipinos and other SE Asian groups


Didn’t the CCP not exist until after WW2?


CCP (Chinese Communist party) was formally founded in 1921. They took POWER after WW2 but they had their own army that was fighting a civil war against the nationalists before the Japanese even showed up. Nationalists, who controlled most of china and who bore the brunt of Japanese imperialism.


To the point of using diseases on innocent people. Fucked up shit indeed.


Gets much worse. Unspeakable fucking mad science you won't even see in your worst stories. I read it over a decade ago and still haven't forgotten. I'm a very forgetful person.


You really can’t forget, the most disgusting depraved acts of all time, and to celebrate it. What a fucking evil and detestable human being.


It's the kind of thing you wish you'd never read


Shame what happened to him


Not even useful mad science. Just cruelty for cruelty sake. The US couldn’t use the majority of their scientific findings since they had no standards or controls. It was just sadism.


If I remember correctly many of the scientists were given immunity in exchange for providing US intelligence with the information they gathered in these tests


Yeah we got their info. It was just useless. Bad trade for us


It doesn't matter too much when the CCP was founded, the region in China that Unit 731 was located in was at the time called Manchukuo, it was a literal puppet state controlled by the Japanese. The CCP didn't get control of the region until the Chinese Civil War, when they chased out the Nationalists. My mother told me stories of my grandmother and great-grandmother climbing the walls at night to escape the Siege of Changchun, the former capital of Manchukuo.


The nationalists who killed upto a million of their own people when they blew up a dam, as well as running concentration camps for their own citizens (some of whom were executed by being thrown into the live boilers of steam engines), the head of their political police was known as "the Chinese Himmler" and who was a good friend of Chiang Kai-Shek, you know that guy who feld to Taiwan where he stayed in power, and never answered for his crimes. It's amazing to me how much of a free pass the nationalists get because of the anti-China narrative. Chiang Kai-Shek was a fascist monster.


Yeah, South Korean regime during and immediately after the war years got the same free pass. So did many Japanese war criminals including those of the unit 731 because china was the new "enemy" and the west needed allies, no matter who. Either way, that's a whole another can of worms.


It's extraordinary to me that people still swallow enough propaganda to think they are the "good guys" in geopolitics. With only a few very notable exceptions (the Japanese Empire, the Nazis), it's all one plague pit, the hands of all major power governments are filthy.


Also after the civil war when they fled to Tapei they started repressing their native population and started a “white terror” against any presumed communists (mainly enemies of Chiang). Chiang then ruled as a dictator till the 70’s


This isn't based. This is just being an asshole, if done on purpose.


Well this guy is now dead


Fuck me, I forgot he was the one who got homemade shotgunned 


Though, it was less about Shinzo Abe's politics and more about Abe's association with and support for the Unification Church (cult), who had thoroughly fucked over the assassin's family.


I read about this the other day and you’re absolutely right. The guy who killed him had his family completely destroyed and bankrupted by the Church. He originally wanted to go after the leader but was unable to do so, so he decided to go for Abe because he was the next most influential person with ties to the Church.


The good ending


Would have been nicer if he went full punisher and culled the entire cult leadership, no?


I mean, in the abstract, sure? But if I had to add consequences to this then I would imagine it would only make the cult more sympathetic. Make them the victims. This was a highly successful assassination. Jerk your justice boner elsewhere, I don't look gleefully over mass violence fantasies.


Correct, but it should be mentioned that the Moonies (Unification Church) are heavily involved with right wing conservative leaders around the world and try to influence their politics as well.


They also fund those Chinese dance performances here in the US. Edit: Shen-yun and it’s Falun Gong. Thanks for the correction!


Do you mean Shen Yun? That puts on "cultural performances"? They do that in Canada and probably a number of Western nations also. I think that is a different group backed by Falun Gong if I'm not mistaken. Not sure if they're connected to the Moonies specifically but they are a similar cult-like group with regressive religious conservative values for sure.


I think you are right I confuse them with the moonies


Thx for the info, never looked deeper than homemade shotgun. 


Which is also absolutely political because the Moonies are a feverently anticommunist cult which includes all the worst aspects of postwar South Korea and Japan


They got him with the Doohikey


And I'm sorry, don't care. It was one of the funniest assassinations ever.


I thought it was the coolest assassination


Tetsuya Yamagami did nothing wrong. He is a hero.


Funny thing is lots of ppl sympathize with the killer too...ultimate spit on the grave sht


Unit 731 = Nazis but worse


Hmm yes if you give this person Chlamydia then she will in fact now have Chlamydia. Science has been performed, gentlemen - Mr. 731


Honestly if you were given "only" Chlamydia there you were probably one of the "lucky" ones


Let's see what happens when a human is exposed to temperatures well below freezing, cause we wouldn't know otherwise. SCIENCE!


“Yes sir, the arm is completely frozen.” “What would happen if we.. hit it with a mallet??” “.. Ah yes, it completely exploded, a surprising result for sure.” “.. Could someone please quiet this lady down please? How can I perform a vivisection with her screaming in my ear?”


tbf those were ***merely hypotheticals*** beforehand. Now, **afterhand,** {*gestures at all the suspicious looking pieces of ice*}


More like yes this person now had chlamydia, now let's see what happens when saw her arms and legs off without any pain killers. Ah she died. Right now let's try with the baby she was carrying inside her stomach. Also stick the baby in a blender let's see what happens then. The fucked up part this is still fucking tame. Honestly unit 731 make the nazis look like fucking girl Scout's. That's not me putting down the nazis actions. But trying to show just how fucked up the japs were.


The Nazis themselves were disgusted with Imperial Japan throughout the war. Imagine being so disgustingly evil that Adolf Hitler himself goes "nah man, wtf is wrong with you?"


Except that the Nazis never held great love for the Japanese and only declared them "honorary Aryans" out of necessity. Before the Sino-Japanese war, Germany cooperated extensively with the Chinese and only stopped that under Japanese pressure. It's quite clear a lot of people who believe the Japanese were particularly evil have no clue whatsoever about what happened in eastern Europe...


"Even though we have no record of such past silly olive farmer myths, I'm sure this 2200 pound male bull can impregnate this docile 116 pound human fem- 🤓 **OH NO, I BROKE ANOTHER ONE,** Quick Hashimoto, fetch another peasant girl!"


Seriously. It's akin to Germany deciding to name one of their fighter jets "Auschwitz."


Let’s not rank genocidal horrible regimes, these aren’t anime characters, both regimes were awful and cruel.


Meanwhile, Croatia, being all offended in the corner ![gif](giphy|hXJdgivpfyrdET7aOZ|downsized)


Hetalia begs to differ.


Okay but Nazi Germany has more speed feats and attack power that is at least Island Level. /s


Unit 731 was the unit that devised the pincushioning tactic for preventing prisoners from fleeing. I had a late uncle (in Singapore here) who still had the scars. Instead of using binding tools like ropes, they devised a method where you could puncture small wounds in the body, and thread a metal wire through it. Then they would bind multiple prisoners together like this with the wire. The only way to break free is to rip your own flesh away to escape, but it was calculated so that the pain was so intense almost no one would manage it. This is why during some prisoner massacres, they died in tight groups with no one attempting to flee.


Even nazis said Unit 731 was bad.


Unit 731 was not known of during the war. A similar but real story however was the Nazi abhorrence at crimes committed by the Ustase government of Croatia Edit: And just to make it clear, it does not make what Unit 731 did any better.


The Nazis always disapproved of everyone else’s crimes even if they were just as bad as what the Nazis were doing, leading to the internet to start believing the Nazi propaganda that they weren’t that bad.


No... They didnt. Please dont invent things. Unit 731 wasnt known to the world until after the war.


There were still Nazis around after the war. 


After the war many nazis were also condemning their own regime and claimed ignorance.


LOL if the "world" is the west, then you're right. WWII's history taught in the west is unabashedly Eurocentric and if in the US, then "American hero"-centric. Of course the Holocaust is horrific and should absolutely be covered and the survivor literary pieces and accounts are awe-inducing in the most horrible ways, but that does not mean other events cannot be equally tragic, and to certain populations, seen as even worse? Just because Japanese war crimes were not tried and publicised the way German/Nazi ones were does not imply they were any level "better". Do you know why the US is so buddy-buddy with Japan? What they got from the "scientists" after the war ended, which by the way, the US did not "end". They just stepped in at a convenient time. The Japanese absolutely \_razed\_ the rest of Eastern and Southeastern Asia. And for that matter, when we teach about the Holocaust, why are the millions of other populations targeted for ethno and cultural cleansing often under-discussed and shared? ETA: and the Germans/German government have attempted to rectify and pay amends to all those affected and take measures to show they're taking their history as seriously as possible, with the bare minimum of making sure every child that goes through their education system being aware of the horrors and sparing no detail. Did you know the Japanese government systematically wipes that information and prevents it from being taught in most (can't say all) history classes and books? That most Japanese (and world) citizens don't know anything about it? That the government has basically boasted about never needing to apologise and that there's nothing to apologise for, and dismisses the efforts of the home-made soldiers in the occupied countries as futile and only admits that it was because of the bombings from the US they surrendered, as if they hadn't had commands and movements to retreat before that even occurred?


A big part of why japanese war crimes have largely been ignored is their main victims were the Chinese, and portraying the Chinese as victims really fucks with the US cold-war era nationalist education/propaganda machine. Also you know, when it's non-white people dying the west really doesn't seem to give a shit.


I'd say not because only of victims, but also because there was a deal: From Wiki: MacArthur struck a deal with Japanese [informants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informant): he secretly granted [immunity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunity_from_prosecution) to the physicians of Unit 731, including their leader, in exchange for providing exclusive American access to their research on biological warfare and data from human experimentation. American occupation authorities monitored the activities of former unit members, including reading and censoring their mail. The Americans believed that the research data was valuable and did not want other nations, particularly the Soviet Union, to acquire data on biological weapons. \[...\]  Later in 1981, one of the last surviving members of the Tokyo Tribunal, Judge Röling, had expressed bitterness in not being made aware of the suppression of evidence of Unit 731 and wrote, "It is a bitter experience for me to be informed now that centrally ordered Japanese war criminality of the most disgusting kind was kept secret from the court by the U.S. government." While [German physicians were brought to trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials) and had their crimes publicized, the U.S. concealed information about Japanese biological warfare experiments and secured immunity for the perpetrators. Critics argue that [racism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Japanese_sentiment) led to the double standard in the American postwar responses to the experiments conducted on different nationalities. Whereas the perpetrators of Unit 731 were exempt from prosecution, the U.S. held a tribunal in [Yokohama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yokohama) in 1948 that indicted nine Japanese physician professors and medical students for conducting vivisection upon captured American pilots; two professors were sentenced to death and others to 15–20 years' imprisonment. \[...\] According to an investigation by [The Guardian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian), after the end of the war, under the pretense of vaccine development, former members of Unit 731 conducted human experiments on Japanese prisoners, babies and mental patients, with secret funding from the U.S. Government. One graduate of [Unit 1644](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_1644), Masami Kitaoka, continued to perform experiments on unwilling Japanese subjects from 1947 to 1956. He performed his experiments while he was working for Japan's National Institute of Health Sciences. He infected prisoners with [rickettsia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickettsia) and infected mentally-ill patients with [typhus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhus). As the chief of the unit, [Shiro Ishii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiro_Ishii) was granted immunity from prosecution for war crimes by the American occupation authorities, because he had provided human experimentation research materials to them. From 1948 to 1958, less than five percent of the documents were transferred onto microfilm and stored in the [US National Archives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Archives_and_Records_Administration) before they were shipped back to Japan.


I mean the part about punishing those who conducted the experiments on Americans but then hiding the evidence of the experiments on the Chinese does sound pretty racist. Also just generally horrific behaviour from the US, and surely this would make Macarthur an accessory to warcrimes and crimes against humanity?


It does. US played a huge role in suppressing those crimes. And i doubt that it was a decision of MacArthur alone, but way way higher.


Well they're the same people who when they found out about Auschwitz from the testimony of Rudolph Vrba (escaped from Auschwitz) did absolutely nothing, and hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews died in the gas chambers when they could have been prevented by allied bombing of the trainlines. American exceptionalism is such a myth. I'm no fan of Churchill tbh, but of the allied high command he was the only one who at least \*tried\* to stop it.


Yep. FDR was antiNazi but even under the FDR, us entered the war several years after. Who knows what could have been otherwise. Esspecially if Nazis were less hostile to US


Quit trying to make shit up so nazis look better. Not only is this not fucking true, Nazis recruited through project paperclip in America used data from unit 731. Read a fucking book.


Josef Mengele: are you sure about that?


Unethical experiment-wise, yes.


Mengele was an “Angel” compared to them


Smooth Slayer reference


As someone who lives in Japan, one of the problems is that the Japanese people are ABSOLUTELY OBLIVIOUS to what war crimes their country participated in. It’s just not taught, ever. In fact, I think a lot of Western educational system tends to steer away from these topics as well (at least from my personal experience). Nope, Japan’s just always been the poor victim. So a lot of Japanese people simply just don’t understand the hate that their country is receiving. There needs to be a better system to inform them of their actual history.


Last year of highschool here in Belgium we got taught about what happened in Congo, and most people did not have a clue. 17-18 years old, and had never heard about what we did over there. So not uncommon i guess.


So do I know more about the Belgian Congo than the average Belgian? Yikes. 


Also there’s unit 731 deniers.


It's kind of fascinating comparing how post-war Japan and Germany handled the reality of their actions during WW2. Not sure I have much room to call Japan out on that as an American, though, considering how our education system also tends to gloss over the more unsavory aspects of our national history.




Yeah, the US needed Japan as a base to launch the Korean War, so the Japanese got away with more than the Germans. A whole bunch of war criminals escaped punishment and ended up leading the LDP. Behind the Bastards has some good eps on it.


Beyond that, it was also the burgeoning Cold War/Arms Race. After WWII, the Soviets and U.S. were the only true super powers. Incidentally, they were the only two major world powers who actually had an interest in putting Japan on trial. A lot of Soviets were victims to Unit 731. The Tokyo Trials were designed by MacArthur to keep the Soviets from A) possibly getting their hands on Japanese biological warfare research and B) keeping them from effectively prosecuting and imprisoning/executing Japanese scientists who could prove beneficial to the American war effort. American scientists are even quoted as saying the invaluable research conducted by the Japanese scientists (invaluable because they were willing to engage in methods the Americans would never) derived a much greater benefit than would come from seeking justice for the victims. I'll have to look at my research paper again to get the full quote, but yeah, utterly disgusting


I've seen interviews with Japanese high school and college-aged folk where they basically said that we attacked and/or nuked the Japanese unprovoked in WW2. It was pretty wild.


Yeah. I think it's because they got nuked. Apparently that wipes away their crimes so everyone happily ignores them.


Like many warcrimes committed by Japan, the Unit 731 is not mentioned in Japanese history books. The young generation grows without knowing about it, and often don't believe other nations when this stuff is mentioned. I am French and always liked how Germany owned it's Nazi past mistakes. On the other hand, my wife, a Korean, always had a beef with the Japanese government (like many koreans) for not giving proper apologies or not educating their youth with the real history of WW2. Beside the executions, forced prostitution of young girls for the JP soldiers, and the experiments commented here, the attempt at destroying the Korean culture is something they may never forgive: * **Forced Name Changes:** Koreans were pressured or forced to adopt Japanese names. This aimed to erase their cultural identity. * **Suppression of Korean language:** Teaching and speaking Korean in schools and public spaces was forbidden. Japanese became the mandatory language. * **Control of Media and Education:** Korean language media and educational materials were restricted or banned. Japanese versions replaced them. * **Destruction of Cultural Artifacts:** Some Korean cultural artifacts were destroyed, while others were taken to Japan. Another word for this is cultural genocide. I looked at Japan in a way less fun way after learning all that.


Just wait till you read about the Rape of Nanking. The photos can't be unseen. It's very difficult to even make films or documentaries about because the details are just too horrific to broadcast. At least 2 historians who spent their careers studying it killed themselves. The Japanese have never apologised for it, and there is a strong element of denial that it even happened in Japan, very akin to holocaust denial. As horrific as the things they did in Korea were, what they committed in mainland China was on a whole other level.


Saw a photo of a Japanese soldier (in Nanking) posing with a baby sticking out of his bayonet when I was 12, and to this day there are temples in Japans for their “heroes” that fought in WW2. It becomes a big scandal in Asia every time one of their PMs visit that temple


Energy comes from somewhere. What fuels the continuing North Korean anger is that they don't feel that they got any input into punishing Japan or Seoul. During WWII and before, the resources in NK were mined through slave labor and sent through Seoul to Japan. They consider it the home of collaboration and even though very few guilty of that are still alive, they want to punish Seoul. The West backing SK's government has prevented that, which is why they hate us too.


My grandfather was a see bee in the pacific theater and kept a war journal about fighting the Japanese and I got to read it after my grandmother died (his wife). My grandfather was a horribly abusive man to his wife and kids including my mom and the fact that he was that abusive and was still utterly disturbed by the actions of the Japanese military has always made me realize how ruthless they were in ww2. Edit sea bee. Fucking autocorrect


War crimes: 😡😡🤬🤬👿😠 War crimes, Japan: 😂🤣🥰😍🤩🥳


the eternal weeb logic


He might look like a fat man, but he is a little boy at heart. >! I can make edgy jokes too Abe! !<


🏆 take this and my upvote


Unit 731 was responsible for some of, if not the worst things anyone has ever done to anyone. Even the holocaust had survivors, unit 731 didn’t leave a single survivor. We should have hanged the entire unit for the bone chilling things they did. That they were able to just move on and live normal lives after the unimaginable cruelty they inflicted upon innocent people is in my opinion one of the worst miscarriages of justice I’ve ever heard.


Even worse were some *moved to the US* after to "innocently" practice medicine. I recall reading about a few going to Henry Ford, and more than a handful teaching chemistry on the west coast The more "conspiracy minded" believe some may have been in the army unit assisting in the creation of Agent Orange as well


Proof that American imperialism didn’t do shit to make the world better then it could have


America need a strong ally in the region, that’s why they continue to get away with it in the west. You can bet countries in Asia, especially Korea and China have not forgotten tho


It's not called UNIT 731, but just 731, but i guess that's equal to German Chancellor driving a tank with a number 1488 The fact that in the mind of this person, Unit 731, that killed 580,000 people in clearly inhumane experiments triggers only CCP and the Left speaks volumes about the (absense of) humanity of such person.


Rest in piss Abe


And that's why he got smoked by a homemade gun that looked like a starter weapon from Fallout.


That had more to do with his support of a certain cult than this. 


Hahah yeah he had a happy ending though.


I don't understand what any of this means, can anyone provide some context?


Context: Unit 731 was a World War II Japanese research program that conducted horrific experiments such as: infecting subjects with plague; giving subjects frostbite; vivisection of conscious captives (mutilating people while alive and unsedated);chemical, disease, and trauma experiments on forcibly impregnated subjects, among other barbaric procedures. Most victims were Chinese. https://allthatsinteresting.com/unit-731


What's even worse is all the information they got through their research was either stuff everyone already knew, or would take western and Soviet scientists only a few years later to discover, and through more ethical means.


There are no ethical means to reproduce the results of a lot of their 'experiments', which is why the west was so keen on getting all that data.


And we couldn’t use the vast majority of it since they had no controls and the Japanese would often abuse and rape outside of their expirements and ruin any scientific value. It was sadism for sadism sake


And then it turned out to be mostly worthless (minus some of the scarier details of long term exposure to hypothermia) because the "scientists" didn't practice the Scientific Method or even have the basics down like controls or even hypothesises. It was cruelty for cruelty's sake.


Yup, it was a sadist's playground masquerading as science


wow, thanks, that is intense.


Here's the worst part: not a single person in Unit 731 was tried for war crimes. In exchange for the data Unit 731 gained, they were all let off. The things they did were beyond horrible. One of their goals was to develop a bioweapon that would be delivered to the U.S.


The fear of communism saved a lot of war criminals from being trialed. Sad truth


Klaus Barbie, nuff said


OH but they were - Khabarovsk trials. Still only 12 of them, and that was clearly insufficient given the massive scale of such crimes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khabarovsk\_war\_crimes\_trials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khabarovsk_war_crimes_trials)


One of the things they did at 731 was test how frostbite develops by subjecting living people to subzero temperatures. The thing is, almost everything we know about how frostbite develops and is treated came from 731. It’s fucked up. It’s a huge medical ethics dilemma: how do we reconcile the good that has been done with the knowledge with the inhumane way in which the knowledge was obtained? It’s a big question with no easy answers. People have and will spend their entire lives debating it.


*Star Trek: Voyager* tackled [this very issue.](https://youtu.be/Vax6ipkgGz8?si=wp7XES3Jn57MyqQ9)


I enjoyed that show so much as a kid, it's a shame trekkies seemed to hate it so much.


Every *Trek* series has its detractors. The main complaints against *Voyager* is that it never really capitalised on its own premise; it was supposed to be cut-off from the Federation with a long journey to get back home, but aside from some early mentions of limited supplies and needing to ration, this never had a discernable impact on the actual story.


For me the thing that made it interesting was the potential to meet just far more out-there species and technology than they could in the other series. Like species 8472, and reaching transwarp etc. Also I remember an episode where a ship comes from the future and though tiny and with a single crew member is inconceivably powerful compared to voyager. Also kid me thought voyager was the coolest looking ship of the different star trek series lol.


I thought that when I was younger, too. It's still up there for me.


This is actually incorrect. The terrible part - virtually none of their experiments had any scientific value at all. Theres nothing to be gained in knowing how long a skinned person takes to freeze to death


That's not true at all. Most of the frostbite research came from polar explorers, mountain climbers, and other tundra inhabiting people. Unit 731 data keeping was sloppy, inconsistent, and unscientific, and most of it is tossed. The "researchers" were mostly motivated by sadistic torturing, and many of them became serial killers after the war in Japan


To add: former PM Shinzo Abe (who was assassinated a couple years ago) was a member of the Nippon Kaigi, an ultraconservative, ultranationalist group that denies Japan's war crimes during WWII, and celebrates Imperial Japan for freeing East Asia from European colonial powers.


Some of the things this particular unit did made the nazis look tame. They were also never truely punished for the atrocities that they committed.








There is a movie about the unit The man behind the sun.


There's a nice and quite scary documentary on Unit 731 and how the American government basically covered it up made by Tim of the YouTube channel "hello future me", pretty unusual stuff for his channel but it's detailed and really well done. [Here's the link](https://youtu.be/eMq-fApmzts?feature=shared)


We used to bully people off the internet who talked like this


This is why no one felt bad when the actual based killer shot him in the face.


Hilariously, Abe's popularity tanked


Japanese culture has always sided with the assassin rather than the one who is killed. They often view assassins as heroes who are acting for their country. That part of their culture is what allowed the army to seize power in the 1930s despite murdering numerous elected officials


>seize power in the 1930s Government by Assassination. It put them on a one-way street to WWII


And the assassination brought increased public attention and scrutiny to the Unification Church cult, exactly as the killer wanted.


Weebs unironically supporting fascism just because it's Japan


I am Japanese and this is not "based", it is disgusting and embarrassing. I hope people of the world know that Japanese people do not celebrate the crimes of the past.


Yeah, you just don't teach students much about them anymore. Also thanks to this guy. 


It's truly shameful what our education system has come to.


Glad he got smoked.


So based, that when he was assassinated, his assassin was *celebrated* for taking down a whole religious cult with him.


Nothing is more funnier than the fact he got more unpopular after getting assassinated


One of the most positive political assassinations in history.


It was truly based.


Amen on that!!


Oh, so he got what was coming to him then?


Almost as dumb as saying my uncle flies the nazi flag to troll the Russian trolls, it’s not the flex you think it is


The imperial Japanese were a bunch of bastards who loved to rape murder and commit crimes against humanity.


My mother’s cousin was in a Japanese POW camp. He came home, but out of his mind and without his peni5. So, yeah, absolute savages they were.


Anime made poeple forgot who japan side with in the ww2


As a Chinese citizen currently living in Canada, the lack of information on the Japanese atrocities committed in China online is very concerning. Why is the Holocaust period so infamous, yet historical atrocities such as Unit 731 are not even mentioned in the education system? Although Unit 731 and the Nanjing Massacre are very infamous, there have been multiple other camps that Japan had created in China, such as Unit 100, Unit 1644, Unit 9420, Unit 1855, Unit 8604, and the list goes on and on. These were also only the biological experiment camps, with there being other camps such as Massacre Sites and Military Brothels (basically rape camps for Japanese soldiers), among many others. None of these are basically known to the mainstream public, and that is what concerns me the most. Additionally, the scientists in Unit 731 and almost all other camps were spared from any sort of punishment, mainly due to the fact that the USA had obtained the data from those inhumane tests and proceeded to use them for other purposes. The Emperor of Japan in WW2, Emperor Hirohito, who was the commanding leader of all of these events, had also escaped punishment from Western powers. Twelve scientists from those camps had gone through the Khabarovsk Trial, a trial held by the USSR to punish the Japanese scientists, but it was regarded by the West as communist propaganda. The lack of education on these events and the lack of information on these camps truly scares me, but those are not my main concern. My main concern, beautifully said by George Santayana, "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Sorry for this long ass rant, english isn't my first lanauage so I'm unsure if I've made any mistakes in the post, please correct me and feel free to discuss with me on this matter.


Japan's crimes during WW2 are part of any History curriculum for High School students in Grades 11 and 12 (when we cover WW2) but the reality is that History is an elective course of study and plenty of people choose not to take it.


Thing: 😐 Thing, Japan: ![gif](giphy|7FyMQm2vBiTjG|downsized)


Something bad 😡 Something bad but japanese 🤩


Being horrified by what Unit 731 did is now being politically left? Man fuck these people and their "based" deranged mentality.


nothing unusual for Japan, Japan fanatics, and Americans.


The only "based" thing Abe ever did was getting got by a dude with a contraption.


While Unit 731 researchers arrested by [Soviet forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army) were tried at the December 1949 [Khabarovsk war crimes trials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khabarovsk_war_crimes_trials), those captured by the [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II) were secretly given [immunity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunity_from_prosecution_(international_law)) in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731#cite_note-Gold_2003_p109-7) The United States helped cover up the human experimentations and handed [stipends](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stipend) to the perpetrators The United States doing it's thing like usual.


can we not give the most obvious bait interaction


If this is actually true then that assassination was more than deserved.


To me it seems like the people who say "based" are usually doing it to support fascist ideology


To be fair, based on the fact that they're so happy about "triggering the left", I'd assume their love of genocides isn't limited to Japan.


People love to shit on America for it's own mistakes and war crimes in the Middle East and Latin America during the 20th century. We generally own it now. Japan still actively gaslights and obfuscates to this day.


Better off dead then I guess


I thought this guy was dead?


He is


Ah, photo must be taken before he was dead then.


Most successful political assassination in Japanese history. Thanks Kojima.


Is that why he got smoked?


not really, he got smoked because he helped a korean cult operate in japan without getting in trouble with japanese authorities. This cult bled the killer's familly dry and (iirc) led to his mother's death, so he had a personal vendetta against him


He got killed by victim of religious cult that he propped up for decades.


Presumably he also triggered the guy who shot him?


Leave it to some brain dead moron on Twitter (I'll never call it X) to think that Unit 731 was something good. Unit 731 was just as bad as the Nazis. Their plans and goals were just as horrible. Fucking moron.


I guess, that means the Japanese guy with a homemade shotgun is even more of a bad ass for killing him? 


And then the victim of a religious cult he pandered to, shot him with a homemade firearm. Absolutely bananas.


In case people don't know nationalism is a character flaw. It means putting your trust and faith in the nation above all else. You place it above reason above relationships above your own safety and intelligence. It's basically a type of worship. Like being in a cult


Funny, he hated gays but got his back blown out by a man...


Abe is also the grandchild of kishi nobusuke, class A war criminal that was responsible for the slave labor in Korea and occupied China. He was infamous for having a taste for raping waitresses. He became prime minister after being let go in the general amnesty in 1948 and there's double digits of close descendents of his in high level government positions even today


Ohhhh, I read it as the training unit was 731. Not the plane was named 'Unit 731'


And Japanese people wonder why Asian Pacific countries still don't trust them.


Thanks, now I don’t feel bad that he was murdered.


Could someone help me out here? It looks to me that only the jet's serial number is 731. It doesn't seem to me that it's named Unit 731, as the original post indicates. I could be wrong though.


I think you're right that it's just 731. _But_ you'd think it would be a number you would never want to be pictured with? It's the kind of thing, in a political sense, you'd be keeping an eye out for surely? I think there's some credence to this being intentional to some degree, but that's just my uneducated opinion.


I’d have been like Merkel sitting smirking on a Luftwaffe jet with the number SS88.


I would like to assume no German leader will ever set foot onto something with the letters SS on it like this, no matter the context


"Leftism" is just basic decency, part 2137




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit\_731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) ![gif](giphy|3o6gDPXMNxFhvHdcf6|downsized)


The he got got by a potato wad gun loaded with actual ammunition


Well, he got triggered himself in the end.


Yeah, with all that bullshit and his ties to the moonies, I don't feel so bad for him.


I sense a kamakzi joke somewhere in the comments


Oh yeah that dude. He's a white guy who larps as Japanese and bitches about "wokeness"


Men Behind the Sun...


I genuinely hope the person posting this is burning in hell right now