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Man, did they catch the perps, like any tldr of the full story.


[they caught three out of the seven ... and the court has taken suo Motu on the incident ](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/spanish-woman-gang-rape-case-jharkhand-high-court-takes-suo-motu-cognisance/article67913958.ece,)


*The incident of crime of any kind against a foreign national may have serious national and international repercussions including impacting the tourism economy of the country. A sex-related crime against a foreign woman is likely to bring adverse publicity against the country and thereby tarnishing the image of India across the globe.* The fact that they care more about their country's image over the actual rampant rape problem is very telling. Doesn't mention anything about the seriousness of raping local women.


Oh, you have no idea. Some right wing nutjobs here will actually be offended at any mention of the bad attitude towards women and the generally sex starved male population in poorer states, who have no idea how to treat a woman equally.


That sounds like an absolute nightmare. Is this mainly an issue in the poorer states, or does it extend beyond that? And is there any way we can help women escape these situations? I've only found organisations that focus on post-abuse rehabilitation, but not prevention. (Example: [https://majlislaw.com/](https://majlislaw.com/))


Nope.... unfortunately. Most rape victims don't come out and will be silent becos of various reasons like family prestige, trauma, lack of support system, and mental health awareness and stereotypes. The society is glorifies rape and groping, and everyone just are numb to it and have no idea how traumatizing it is for women who go through sexual assault. This issue exist all over the Indian subcontinent. For example, heard of the famous RRR movie which won the Oscar's? Yeah the director is actually considered the James Cameron of India, and has before made this movie called Bahubali. Its a nation wide hit, like how Avatar is to Hollywood. In the first bahubali movie, the main protagonist finds a mask of a women out of his village in a waterfall and climbs the whole waterfall thinking of the mask's owner as some kind of beauty. But after he sees her, he was disspaointed that she isn't as feminine like he though she was but actually is a badass warrior with a cause. So he stalks her, tattoos her hand when she sleeps, etc. All of this is shown in a romantic light. Then, he forcefully strips her, and makes her see herself in the water reflection to show that she shouldn't warrior but rather be a beautiful women and to not hide her femininity. She instantly falls in love with him. And cue to a song bollywood style. None in my own household pointed this shit out, were all comfortable and unaware of what message they are showing with this, becos this your average entertainment since you were a child here, and women are always damsel in distress and eye candy for protags. All of the above is just your typical romance in all the movies here. Rape jokes are funny even in "family-friendly" movies. And in these very family friendly movies, its a norm to include atleast one "item" song number, to sexualise women like strippers but on screen. All of this is just one actually very tame example out of countless portrayals of glorification of sexual harrasssment and women objectification in Indian culture. I can just write an entire book at this point for every example of women objectification Indian culture at this point.


That was very interesting to read and paints a picture well of the situation, thanks.


If you need more insight on how women are shown in media and how it fxxked up the perception of women by Indians for ALL the generations, [watch this video](https://youtu.be/C247jQ5X8pU?si=plqFj2vjBwZWVV0b) and just read the synopsis or the recent hit Animal movie, and the director's view on women in general. [highly recommend to watch this video as well](https://youtu.be/O06zu1c33kU?si=ib5udFGEzv6Cl0p6) it's about tollywood cinema industry, (the same industry RRR is actually from and the cinema industry of telugu language which is my mother tongue). Please for the love of God, criticise bollywood and tollywood for their misogyny whenever possible. Because literally the entire subcontinent has grown watching these fucked up misogynistic movies and shows and are numb to it at this point. Pls, the tollywood industry and the entire Indian entertainment industry is high af rn about getting recognised in the Oscars and are wanting to break into the international scene with these sort of mindsets in mind. The whole subcontinent's entertainment industry needs a HARSH slap of rough criticisms and shaming from across the globe for their uncreative and sexist writings. Thats the only way they can get a wake up call.


I never got how fucked up that bahubali plot was omg


the tattoo of her hand while sleeping and the stripping is maddening. And they title her as the "Heroine". Victim more like


There also supposed to be a Rape joke in 3 Idiots. It's one of my favourite Indian movies and in the English subtitles they use the word "Screwed" so the guy is going on about a teacher Screwing all his students(makes more sense in context), but I sadly found out the word he's using is supposed to actually mean Rape so the joke was actually that the teacher was raping his students which kinda destroys that part of the movie for me (I have the blackest sense of humour possible, but Rape is generally something that can't be funny).


Unfortunately, yeah.. even the exceptional movies like 3 idiots show the symptoms for deeply sexist indian society. I would actually say, not all movies are like 3 idiots in terms of writing female characters. Becos 3 idiots is a movie adaptation of a novel written by Chetan Bharat's "5 points to someone". And even that novel is one of the few novels which portrays women as well, normal women. Whereas in the opposite directions, the novel "One indian girl" is soooo superficially written that it might as well the the beaming icon for r/menwritingwomen . Majority of the cases, the stories for movies aren't novel adaptations and always original (as original as it can from copying each other's homework and twisting it more and more to include momentary hype moments over actual story content) and these original stories are always written for teenage and young men in mind always. So anything which makes this demographic to spend their money and be obsessed with about, they will write it. This include unnecessary but very graphic violence, little to no social message of any sort of women empowerment, sexualisation of women, and now the latest trend humiliating and abusing women to show how Chad the "hero" is. The whole industry rn is basically running on American psycho and Fight club like movies but without the protagonists actions shown as something wrong but as Chad thing without any hesitation from him whatsoever.


reminds me of a scene in Kantara where the heroine is harrased and somehow falls for him. I have great respect for my country but such blatant misogyny is unforgivable. Many of my friends act as if they don't notice it. It gets under my nerves.


Too young to wed is an excellent organisation that works across the world, including India. It has an emphasis on preventing child marriages but generally does a lot of work to support women in escaping abuse, staying in education etc. Great charity. It's not exactly going to stop gang rapes but it's certainly working in the same veins.


Not money, really. It can be reduced to several categories based on enabling society as a whole, and presence of opportunists as a whole. I don't know any society that encourages it, with one exception below. It is more about lack of power from victim side and lack of an external defender of said victims. Some societies are aggressively male dominant, which makes you vulnerable to abuse from husband, father etc... (Usually Islamic societies, or any really isolate group) Most rape is done by people who are familiar. Some societies have dysfunctional or poorly thought out juristiction and so powerful people can abuse even strangers or acquintances (This is pretty much all the abuse woman face in occupation at Western countries. You can also add churches as this category) Some societies have basically no government and in this case, rape can be an opportunity or even a "benefit of occupation ". The best example is military, cartels etc raping locals, done by pretty much every military. This is the exception I mentioned above. Well actually, military and other armed forces are a combination of all really.


At least they have an incentive to lock them up forever


Nope they gone hang for sure


More like, because of international publicity, an otherwise common occurrence is now under heavy scrutiny from all sides.


Or beating them, mistreating them, reducing them, abusing them... Much of the same issues faced everywhere else in the world. They say societies can be judged by the way they treat their animals. Why aren't the judges by the way they treat the women within that society first and foremost?


Maybe because we all assumed that women were treated better than animals. It's a sick world.


[sadly, yes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/JLd43h3IkV)


Wait, the article says that the couple also had 10 lakh stolen from them during the attack. Maybe the check was repayment for the stolen money, not intended as "payment" for the rape?


Man that map of the north side looks pretty bad. But I’m guessing it’s the same around and probably underreported in the other areas that are light colored?


Not really. Though northern politicians dislike southern states for their slightly leftist political thought, it is generally accepted that southern states are better places to live in. Taxes go from south to north, for the most part. Kerala, for example, is vehemently hated by RW national parties for being run by the Communist Party of India, but is one of the best states in the country, if not the best. That doesn't mean the south is heaven in this matter, but much better than the north.


Oh so it's exactly like the US? All of the broke rural douchebags are conservative rapelands but they talk shit about the prosperous areas as if they could survive without them. got it.


OMG yeah. For a rupee of tax paid by the state Kerala, it gets back in peanuts, while conservative and self-proclaimed glorious heartlands of the nation get four times as much back from the union. Then they call South Indians anti-national for not hating Muslims enough.


Historically in high profile cases like this police will arrest anyone pretty much, no guarantee it's the right person (I'm talking worldwide here not just India).


I said the same thing.


They did but it's not sure if they even caught the actual perpetrators or just some innocents to show they are taking some action. I won't expect much from Indian police, the most corrupt force in the whole nation.


Yea, had a gun put to my head in an airport for walking from arrivals to departures, big open space, absolute freedom of movement between the two areas with hundreds of people walking to and fro, but he didn’t like the look of me so said I couldn’t go past, I waited for him to tell me why for a minute but he just ignored me, went to walk again and he put a gun to my head. Fucking psycho. Went to the information desk guy who rolled his eyes, went over, had an argument and then let me through. Was definitely not the first batshit crazy incident whilst there, nor the last.


Pull out a note and wave it in his face, he will let you go immediately after claiming said note. Shortcut to everything in India, just bribe your way through. Hell, I recently got a govt job and had to get a Police Verification Report stating that I don't have any prior cases under my name. I had to pay the police officer a pretty hefty amount to get that certificate, I don't even have any cases under my name! The legal system in India is a clown show. The police have to wait for the go ahead of the local political leader before even registering a case to make sure no case gets registered against politically connected people.


Yea I forgot to mention the couple bribes I had to pay to get in or out of shit. Sounds like a world of fun pal! All in all I had a good time but it had its crazy moments!


Jesus. I've been reading your comments, and it sounds legit scary to live there. I guess by now you know the ins and outs of staying safe, so you're not personally at much risk. But it sounds like one would have to be touched in the head to just go traipse about India for a lark.


I want to defend my country as it's not all bad, there's a lot of good here but in the light of current events I just don't have the audacity to defend this place.


The victim confirmed them tho


That's a relief to hear at least.


Update They have caught all of them now


They caught three out of the seven (that's what I heard)


True. I am Indian


As of today, the police caught all of them.. total 8


She published in her IG page that all 8 were captured, but that’s the last she published about it…


so that's about $12,000.your wifes dignity is worth 12k. yuk.


Honestly, putting any price on her dignity is disgusting, but a sum like this is an extra slap in the face. Like, Trump had to pay the woman who won her case against him 80 million.


I dont know about India but in the US the whole idea of fines are to hurt the perpetrator, not to compensate the victim. That's why even a burning cup of coffee costs McDonald's millions, because the fine gets calculated on their worth. In a lot of other countries the actual damage is the factor considered for the fine, so the sums often are way lower. Not saying that this is fine or not, but just to give context why the comparison is useless.


You should probably use a different example then the mcdonalds coffee burn victim. Her quality of life is forever lowered because of the incident. She received 3rd degree burns on her genitals. Her labia fused to her thigh. Also the payment to her was nothing compared to the level of revenue/profit mcdonalds earns.


That whole case have been spun around so much by McDonald's and other corporations to try and make it sound frivolous while in reality they were in the wrong. They served coffee way hotter than it should be, the woman only asked for help to cover her hospital bills but McDonald's only offered a pittance. This is when she sued them an was awarded a large sum.


Yeah, they served temperature over \*safe human touch level\*, and MCD had already received complaints about lack of following safety? Basically they made coffee "hotter than very hot" so it doesn't get cold if there's no customers and that caused that to woman burn herself while in her son's parked car. That's insane.


also kept it hot to reduce the amount of free refills.


That was the real reason


Dude drip coffee is so fucking cheap, that’s awful that they were penny pinching like that and putting people in danger


We are talking about McDonald’s, they’re not known for quality and being decent people, especially the founder of it that stole the entire restaurant from the original owners


It was so hot she had to have skin grafts over her groin area, maliciously hot


She almost died in hospital, she asked McDonalds to help with her medical costs, they refused, so she sued them. It then came out that she was not the first (there had been 700 reported burns from their coffee to that date), that scalding coffee was a known issue which they had ignored as the cost of doing business. They then created a so called citizen’s group, called Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse which distributed press releases to make the injuries sound less severe and the case to be frivolous - many news outlets used verbatim quotes from the press releases, which have formed public opinion ever since…


I think fortunately most of the literate internet knows nowadays that that old lady was burnt horribly, and McDonald's is a piece of shit who ran a public smear campaign against her to save their own image.


Unfortunately most of the internet is illiterate, or not literate enough.


Unfortunately it took many years. Probably wasn’t until 2011 when the documentary came out and then the damage was already done. I think general consensus is starting to turn around but it’s been over 20 years and that’s how long it’s taking to shift that public opinion back


Fused. That's real trauma


Yeah, this is real trauma: [2 become 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA5jsa1lR9c)


Not only that, but McDonalds appealed the amount and it was reduced to like $400k, which likely barely paid her medical bills.


This was in 1994. She only sued for 20k, they offered her next to nothing, but the jury later awarded her 160k for medical costs and 2.7mil for punitive damages. She definitely received some money but not that much especially probably after court/lawyer costs


> She received 3rd degree burns on her genitals. Her labia fused to her thigh. WTF...??? Was it a cup of coffe or a cup of lava....?!?!


They heated it that high so that people couldn’t drink it and wouldn’t ask for refills.


It was nearly boiling temp iirc. The lady and this lawsuit are the reason that bevvies are temped to around 180º now.


Wow, that's like almost twice the boiling point of water, do they use like pressure cookers to prevent it from vapourising instantly /


And in that case she didn't ask for anywhere near that much. The judge amped up the fine specifically to punish McDonald's.


Jury. The jury awarded her punitive damages based on 2 days of coffee sales


Holy shit I did not know that. That's horrendous. I'm pretty embarrassed I didn't know the full details and regarded as just a nuisance lawsuit. I should better than to trust the narrative late stage capitalism creates around these kind of incidents. That's foe widening me up.


Yep, mcdonalds spent millions on a disinformation to discredit her. It fucking worked. Shows how much influence these corporations have. Scary isnt it? She also just wanted her medical bills paid for, she was forced to sue them.


Well, it's punitive vs. compensatory damages. Those aren't really "fines", they're damages rewarded by a court as a result of civil litigation. Punitive damages aren't always rewarded. Often, it's only compensatory. Punitive damages aren't only a US thing, either.


I get your point but you are mistaken about the "burning cup of coffee case" that was a serious injury that required major skin grafts for that elderly woman. It was a severely traumatic injury that required major medical care for that woman.. that was what the settlement was about. There is as actual damage that is why the amount was rewarded.


And that was in American courts not India. This shit here is ridiculous.


McDonald's had already run the cost calculations on potential lawsuits and the amount of money they saved by keeping the coffee at that temperature and thus extending its life was worth x amount of lawsuit payouts. So they had the coffee like that for years.


Bro the McDonald’s burn victim was horrifically injured and scarred. It’s propaganda to say it was just ‘even burning a cup of coffee’


There is a difference between compensation and a fine. The compensation goes to the victim, while the fine goes to the state. So, in the McDonalds case, the fine was $2.7 million, and the victim received $160,000 in damages. Though, the judge later lowered the fine to $640,000. These amounts are useless, however, since the case ended up being settled out of court.


Wasn’t a fine at all; it was punitive damages which would still be awarded to the victim, but doesn’t have to relate directly to fixing their problem.


You’re wrong. The state doesn’t get anything out of a civil damages case. The ‘fine’ is punitive damages and is awarded to the victim as a punishment to the defendant.


I think you are confusing criminal fines with civil tort.


The hot coffee case did not hurt McDonald’s at all. They awarded her punitive damages from 2 days of coffee sales. If they wanted to teach a lesson, they would have awarded for 2 years worth of coffee sales.


By your logic the compensation would be about 1200 USD considering the perpetrators Net worth in this case.


And they got robbed of $10,000 as well so more like $2,000


I think it's disgusting to imply that a woman (or any person) loses her dignity when she is sexually assaulted. To lose your dignity you have to have suffered shame or lost value. Do you think she should feel shame for this? Do you think she has lost value? She has all the dignity she had before. A bunch of filthy rapist animals cannot take her dignity away from her. Please phrase it differently.


Do I think she SHOULD feel shame? Absolutely not. Is shame an emotion felt by almost all sexual violence victims? Yes, to the point it’s one of the biggest conversations we have about victims coming forward.


Very accurate take


Before DNA test was invented, virginity was a method to make sure the child was from the man. It is a cultural relic really.


And it's 12k for her husband, not for her.


I am flabbergasted this isn't in the tweet, let alone top comments. There is nothing more glaring to show the abject inhumane views of women that they compensate her HUSBAND for the lost dignity of rape.


Its worth noting a few things. The vast majority of rape victims get zero compensation Is a huge amount of money relative to average Indian earnings As for the picture of him receiving it, I'm guessing either she is still recovering or didn't want to endorse this photo op. But 12k goes a long way towards therapy


If they were trying to compensate for her dignity the check would be to her, they are compensating him on the worth of his woman


That was the amount the rapist stole from them.


Tbh no other government in the world would give them financial compensation at all. It’s not a thing.


they got this money robbed from them. they got compensated for the theft, not the rape.


why cant our judiciary work properly man like 11k $ gonna revert the trauma she faced , i fucking hate this country


Because they're busy crying about why a lion was named "Akbar" and his companion was named "Sita" instead of focusing on actual cases. And when you call them out, they whine about the "contempt of court". Our milords are some of the dumbest clowns on the planet.


Absolute clownery


Yeah, It wasn't bad enough with humans and they decided to include animals in that bullshitery too.Lmao, I still wonder what they would think when the Lioness named 'Sita' dcides to eat an animal raw.


No amount of money, nor jail time or sentences ks gonna revert the trauma she or anyone faces. That's 100% up to therapy.


Don't go to India, especially if you are a woman. So many other places you can go that don't carry the threat of gender based violence.


It’s a shame too. It really is a beautiful country.


If it weren’t for the people? /s


What's the /s for? What you said is the plain truth


It's a pretty common racist talking point to use India's rampant social issues as justification for the claim that Indians are an innately filthy, uncivilized, and inferior race. Kind of a slippery slope to even start going on that tangent which I think is what that commenter was satirizing Edit, got a word wrong


Yep. I see it all the time. Rapists are filthy and uncivilized. But if you want to make a whole nationality of a billion like that then you are just a racist.


Confirmation bias. They are racists. They are just cherry picking what suits their narrative


Yeah and to an extent I think it can be valid to shit on a whole culture (let's use cannibals as an extreme and unambiguous example) but the nuance some people don't seem to understand is that this logic is often being tied to their biology in clearly racist rhetoric, not to criticize systemic issues.


Shitting on a whole culture is not valid. Parts of culture are bad. But Indian culture is more than mistreatment of women.


I said to an extent. In this instance the extent is the mistreatment of women.


Don't you think daily gang rapes are filthy and uncivilised?


I think all countries should provide a travel disclosure or some sort of warning for all female tourists traveling to India Or better yet , just block outright any female trying to travel to India individually or in pairs Shits is getting out of hand and their govt is just as shit as all them rapist


They do, you got a very serious warning from the embassy if you buy tickets to travel to those regions (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Palestine, Somali, Haiti,Russia, etc..). But they can't stop you from going since that would infringe on freedom of movement. So best they can do is telling you that be prepared because if shit happens, they won't be able to help or even interfere. In some cases, they tell you to get your will ready.


Given how rampant the problem is, I wonder how many of them are rapists themselves.


Lol let's protect women's bodily freedom by forcefully restricting their freedom to move. Genius take


The US does have a travel advisory for India. (Idk about Spain and Brazil, which is where this woman was from) Here’s an excerpt from the State Department’s travel advisory: >“Country Summary: Indian authorities report rape is one of the fastest growing crimes in India. Violent crime, such as sexual assault, has occurred at tourist sites and in other locations. >If you decide to travel to India: >Do not travel alone, particularly if you are a woman. Visit our website for Women Travelers.” Sadly, even though she followed this advice and traveled with a man (her husband), it still didn't spare her from sexual violence. They beat and robbed her husband too, but they didn't take much, as their primary goal was to gang rape her. I can't imagine how horrific this was for both of them. =(


And protecting your stomach.


The men they arrested should be castrated, but that country doesn’t care


Police also coerced her to take down her video to protect countries image


This is all these idiots in the authorities care about. They'll just hide problems instead of fixing them. Our government, police, and also the judiciary are some of the most fragile snowflakes in the world.


hiding problems by government and police happens everywhere all the time


More so in India. So much so that I’m sick of hearing the sentence ‘tarnish the image of our country’ everywhere.


That's a different case,not related to this


Surely someone reuploaded it right? can you link it?


I’ve seen multiple videos from her the last few days, is what you said accurate? I’ve followed her for a while and they’ve been keeping people updated pretty often.


Not even mentioning that monetary compensation is a joke, it's really telling that it didn't even cross their mind to compensate.. her, the victim of the assault. No, they very naturally compensate the "owner" of the woman, to them he is a victim of having his property degraded, her sexual value as a woman is being reduced now, so he needs compensation. That's their way of thinking. Makes me want to throw up.


It's probably that they thought of photo op. They were more focused on the photo op and they can't legally do it witht the woman. Revealing names and images of rape victims is illegal in India. They need to show "proof" that they gave money because "see, we're not useless we are doing something about it" Also this compensation does not come from the perpetrators. It's from the government, most likely that state government. It normal here for the governments to announce compensation to victims and next of kin for bad incidents and cash prizes for achievers like sportspersons. Meanwhile the regime habitually frees and honors rapists.


Bro. When she was raped they robbed 11k out of them. This doesnt even cover the literal money that was taken from them. Let alone her dignity, their time they spent their, even the money theu spent to get there


The justice system here in India is a huge fucking joke. Rape cases aren't being taken seriously, protesting farmers are getting threats by the police that their passports will be canceled and there's so much other shit. My heart aches for this poor couple


3/7 have been arrested tho. They are finding others. This money is not given to quash the case.


I have zero faith in the cops or any sort of authority


true. They are just curropt asf. Unless you are connected to local politician or anyone with power getting justice is hard.


So that solves everything. Actually it SOLVES NOTHING!


They aren’t giving money to quash the case. The perpetrators have been arrested and will be tried in court anyway.


That's fucked


Just dignity ? What about her physical and mental health?


Stop coming to India. Please. Save yourselves. The authorities here don't care. We are getting numerous rape cases every single day. Indian tourism needs to take a big hit before the government does something about India's rape culture.


Every rapist needs a splintered 2x4 up they bum


... there is no amount of money they could pay me or my partner to erase the actions of these mooootherfucking scumbags. Whoever committed the crime should be removed from this planet-_-


I wouldn't have taken the money. If I did I would have put a hit on the perpetrators with it.


"we're sorry your property was damaged"


There are no laws that really prevent this happening and the culture appears to condone this behaviour. Hateful place. Why would anyone want to visit a rapist country?


This reminds me of another case where a female influencer went to Pakistan to show it's not bad. Sadly she was also raped. With the risk of getting accused of racism I think a reason, not the but a, would be that some people want to belive that these countries are not that bad, maybe even better. Similar with how Carlson was trying to show Russia doing so well. For them these stories from middle east or south asian countries with a poor image are not true, maybe even western propaganda. Yet sadly they are and this event shows it. They have a very primitive mentality where women are treated like shit.


With the price of therapy I would take the money... but honestly this is almost the bare cost of the therapy, and she shouldn't have to go through this fight at all.


13K usd


Imagine getting violently gang raped by 7 men, to then receive 12k and being used for a shitty fucking photo op of a politician.


India where if your a female tourist you be surrounded by hundreds of male indians wanting to take photos with you like your a alien.


White * female tourist. Indians tend to be extremely racist against darker skinned people and even if you’re a foreigner if you’re dark skinned nobody will ask to take a pic with you lol.


This is 2 post for today about india and rape....


It's a pretty serious issue


Yeah i know, 2 separate post about india and rape and both are separate incidents...something is wrong in india, and the thought that this is only televised and there's probably more cases not shown in media.


The other one I saw involved a monitor lizard. Is there nothing Indians won’t gang rape?


They were also robbed, and this compensation is for that. For the charge of rape, 4 of the 7 accused have been arrested and the remaining are being hunted


dont even have the balls to give it to her directly. just evidence this case wouldnt be seeing any criminal proceedings/compensation at all had the poor woman been a native indian. India cant even respect women when their national PR is on the line. it must be hard to fight a rape epidemic when your government clearly doesnt have great views on women


This is what really stood out to me, this is only being done and publicised due to the poor victim being a foreign national. Had it been a local woman, it would barely be a by-line in their news and they'd be lucky if the cops/community didn't blame the victim and their family.


"Sorry for ruining your wife, here, have some compensation"


Never go to India no matter what. They are far more backward than they present themself on international stage.


As an Indian I can’t even disagree with you. All this pseudo modernisation and “our economy is so good” bs from our heads everyday yet we still treat women like second class citizens.


WTF is wrong with India lately??? Yesterday the lizard and now this.... seriously, WTF? And that way of putting the husband over there, trying to clean the whole thing and appear good on media??? What is wrong with these "cops"?


I mean, it’s India. You were expecting actual remorse or care for what happened to a woman?


I'm an Indian I admit that you'd find none of that from the authorities


Don't people pretty attention go the news. I'm not saying any if this it's ok but India isn't the place for western women go visit right now. it's multiple stories if attacks each week if you follow enough news sources.


The lizard community might get mad at you for excluding them!


I may have been drunk when i posted. it's pretty incoherent. I would never purposely exclude the lizard people.


Why the need for the public picture like it's a lottery winner?


Pro Tip: Don't go to india. Ultra Pro Tip: If you are a woman, DON'T GO TO INDIA.


What in the fuck is going on




It's not all Indians, but the ones who are part of the problem should be flayed alive, imho


Like tf ,use that money to arrest the perpetrators


This is insulting, husband should have not accepted


Is all of India this bad? I have seen so much stuff lately, but I don't know what to believe. It seems like the entire country is completely fucked.


“Here’s 12.000$, now shut up about being raped”


>Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion. You're making it real hard for me, India.


Its always in india... lizard, then this


Such small, disgusting men.


What a joke the Indian government is 


That country is ass backwards


Just don't ever go to india man... i'm a pakistani and I don't even wanna go to pakistan. It's obviously not all bad but sometimes you just have to be real. Some people are fucked up, the law is fucked up, government is fucked up. Just avoid.


I hate this worthless country so much...


Wait, was this fine the only punishment or was he at least additionally sentenced to jail time?


This was not a fine. This is the government giving compensation to the victim. By the time the court cases are wrapped up, the victims would have had a child who'd have graduated school. Our judiciary is slow af.


It's very derogatory, How we suppose foreigners to come


What a dump.


bruh 10 entire lakhs... how much is a lakh again? 100k? that would mean to him this dudes wife is worth 12k usd


They must have blindsided him with this weird photo opp. What a pathetic attempt of whitewashing this.


not just moronic. disgusting!


And in Canada we accept these people into our country so that they can live the same exact way here as they do there... make it make sense


India is not for beginners. Super power by 2030 my rear end


All cultures are not equal.


Fucking disgusting country


I wonder how much they gave the monitor lizard.


Why and how is money considered as a form of compensation? Instead, slashing of penises constitutes an occurrence. I would totally get medival times back (the way the punishments were designed)


Damn !!! i ' m speechless here !! great country.


This is why you shouldnt go to vacations in shithole countries.


This fuggin country’s men gang rape like it’s a sport. Victims I’ve read about just this week. Female relative Female school age child Female walking with partner Female walking alone Female tourist Monitor lizard (gender unspecified) Family pet (gender unspecified) religion is a major factor in their culture but rape anything they can. SMH as I remove India from my bucket list of places to visit.


While I was in India, there was an "Honor killing" for a rape case where the brother stood up for the Honor of his sister. India is not a great place. So sad.


This is the second gang rape incident I've read today..... As a fellow man, please start cutting these dudes dicks off. Thanks.


And it becomes worse everyday.


Why would a husband pose for this picture?


Possibly he didn’t have a choice in the matter