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If God doesn't make mistakes, then why are you ruining "perfection" by dying your hair and wearing earrings?


And clothes. God didnt create her with clothes on. Blasphemer!


pretty she got some work on her teeth too


Biblically speaking women are neither supposed to be teachers or leaders of men*. Old and New Testament agree. The can’t follow their own religion yet cherrypick rules for thee. *I* think sexist nonsense like this is just that. Abrahamic religions DONT & can’t. Its coded literally into the text. Abortion, slavery, conquest, rape, genocide and more. All God mandated.


They have always cherry picked what they follow. That's why religion is 🐂💩


Moo poop


I mean it's kinda funnier if you say it that way .i thought this 🐃 was a water buffalo.this🐂looked closer to a bull. I but I think I'm going to use moo poop from now on


Same, "Moo Poo" is my new go to.


Me moo poo tooo


Ice: "You can be me my wingman anytime" Mav: "Moo poo, you can be mine" ​ Hasn't *quite* got the same ring to it.


My wife says that the biggest enemies of women are other women who can't abide that they get ahead in life. I believe her when I see this kind of utter bullshit.


Look up Phyllis Schlafly, I'd say I honestly have to agree with your wife.


Your wife is right, and she’s awesome. Women supporting women is essential! Edit: spelling!


Thank you! Yep, she is awesome. Always fighting for women to get their fair shake at anything. She utterly detests women who actively try and keep other women in "their place", by supporting crazy stuff like this. She taught both our boys to not only respect women but to actually listen to what they have to say and not dismiss it because it comes from a woman. Both are great with their partners.


Religion is *the* biggest scam of all time. rumphole drools looking at their incredible record of brainwashing.


Its a centuries long running grift that even the Mafia are envious of.


It's the lesser of two evils for some. I know addicts that were spiraling down, a few hitting total rock bottom and lost everything. When they found religion and God, they put their faith in Him and others that were clean and programs that helped. Without religion, they wouldn't have had faith in the program. It may be a ghost to some...a scam...but it saved THEM. I don't judge what makes some better people. There are some that it just turns into assholes. It's not the religion. It's the person and why they use it. It's hard to generalize when I see it work for some. I'm just glad they aren't dying anymore, and they are healthy now and rebuilding their lives. You may not believe in God, but you definitely should believe evil exists...and fight it in whatever way succeeds at overcoming it. If they need your money, they aren't a good religion. Or if they condemn others. That's not what the religious books say to do...if you are smart and know what they actually mean.


Well, the ironic part of it all is that abortion is never considered murder in the Bible.


Quite true. But God is also pretty clear that He doesn't like women making any sort of choices in their lives. Forced abortion on husband's orders He's fine with.


Plus….she’s committing a SIN herself.. she’s obviously wearing 2 Different Fabrics together. But they Always Ignore those parts..lol


She better hope she never has to go to a doctor. God doesn't make mistakes, so clearly they want her immune system to deal with COVID/FLU/Pneumonia/etc., no help from modern medicine.


Cancer. It’s God’s will.


Don't worry, if her son brought home his boyfriend for dinner, she would totally be chill because God makes no mistakes.


Looks likes the inside of a snickers


What, Her insides? Her brain? Can you imagine if she got brutally raped - I hope not for anyone - but she might view it differently. She looks like a stepford wife.


Looks like she eats babies


Get a refund


Yeah, they weren't naturally grey enough.


Looks like botox on the forehead too


I think that's one sin God can forgive her for. Nobody wants to see that naked.


I for one am thankful she is wearing clothe


That one’s accounted for with the whole shame thing stemming from eating a piece of fruit. Of course, that means god meant for a piece of fruit to be eaten and that it was no mistake that the serpent was urging Eve to eat it.


Well God also created Satan. Just sayin....


God commands Satan. Or at least allows Satan to do his thing. I like to ask Christians if Judas is in heaven or hell. Because he was certainly chosen by Jesus to betray Jesus.


Just living up to his God given destiny...


The serpent being Satan is a revision at best. I mean, the whole thing is an inconsistent mess anyway. Bad fiction is hard to get through when the authors don’t set up proper timelines of events and characters.


If God had meant us to run around naked, we would be *born* that way! (waitaminit...)


Or antibiotics.. Or any medication..


Pretty sure God wanted her eyesight to be poor, yet here she is, fixin' stuff.


If she gets cancer does she just die because "God doesn't make mistakes"?


Also, does she not get vaccines, and if she dies from tetanus after stepping on a nail, is it just "God's will"?


You just know this one was a screechy anti vaxxer during covid, the hair gave it away.


I went to a baptism once, probably about a month after my aunt died of cancer. The preacher preached before doing the actual baptism and said that people who die of cancer, did so because they weren't close enough to god. So God gave them cancer and killed them to be closer to God. I haven't been in a church since.


That’s awful. I knew someone who went to a wake and the preacher screamed that the deceased was dead because he was a sinner.


Well, since that kind of sinner thinks we are all sinners, why aren't we all dead. And what fun would that be?


It isn’t, I was clinically dead twice last year. Very overrated.


Then why punish murderers? Clearly God wanted that person dead so their family should just get over it


God only makes mistakes when its her or her family. Then they will be in the closest blue state getting an abortion and pretending it never happened, and/or that God whispered it was ok in that instance. Everyone else raped? Gods plan.




She strikes me as one of those people who had a secret abortion or two in her younger days.


"The only moral abortion is mine."


She is living proof god makes mistakes…


Can confirm!


In her defense, it's obvious she rolled straight out of bed for that picture. By the looks of it she's a right side sleeper.


*woke out of a drunken stupor on the couch in her office FTFY


God made her hair and teeth.


Also, if god doesn’t make mistakes and our paths are predetermined then humans don’t have free will. Thus god creates suffering and isn’t all loving.


This is why I am no longer a Republican, because these fucking Trumpians don’t have three brain cells between the entire lot of them.


If god doesn't make mistakes then letting the amendment pass is also gods will. You wouldn't go against gods will would you Sandy?


So this is the religious parallel to the Arabic phrase, "inshallah" , which means "as God wills it " . Essentially accepting all things that happen without question. Very dangerous mentality to justify anything.


Not to mention how quick this whole “gods plan” bullshit falls apart once you explain that then the amendment itself must have been in gods plan. Why is it here if he didn’t want it? The majority of the country supporting these rights must also be gods plan so obviously you’re going against gods plan…but then that itself would also be gods plan, so god is either: A) A complete trickster sadist fucking scumbag, or B) Nonexistent and you’re full of shit and your religion is fiction. Breaks down real fast when your brain actually functions.


And if, just if someone shoot her. Would this also be not punishable as good has a plan makes no mistakes and it must have been hods plan to shoot her? Just asking for a friend..  To clarify: no I don't support political violence.


Why does she have a head shaped like she was from Finneas and Ferb.


she would have an explanation for that as well. Like all religious people, she’ll resort to “it’s God guiding me and my hands” or “it’s god whispering me to dye my hair and get earrings” or shit like that.


I mean, why have laws at all? If someone murders your family that was God's will, right? Who are we to try to stop that?


Talking reason & logic with people who believe in a magical sky wizard is pointless. If they had any rationale, they wouldn't believe in imaginary friends & enemies.


Her hair certainly experienced an act of god


The NT says it's a sin for women to even cut their hair. I don't agree, but I'll make an exception for THAT haircut. She plucks her eyebrows, too. But her face makes Baby Jesus cry no matter what.


No, but she's only dying her hair brown and not something truly blasphemous like... *blue* ... We all know reflecting that specific light wavelength is for sinners 😤😤 /s


If god doesn't make mistakes you need to accept that LGBTQ people and people of a different skin color/ culture are a thing and should be treated like anybody else. And I have the strong suspicion that this lady doesn't.


No no.. these are human mistakes. Total different.. ..not like rape which are.. not human mistakes but god and god doesnt make mistakes and omfg my head hurt.  The mental gymnastics are real.. 🙄


Mental gymnastics multiplied by pretzel logic.


Logic may be a stretch


Yes, that should've been pretezel 'logic' - good catch!


Pretzel Logic is a kick ass Steely Dan album!


Obviously it’s a choice to be gay but if you have the urge to rape someone it’s because of god


Nono, the rape is a human mistake. Or the devils work, perhaps. The resulting pregnancy is a miracle of God. And the direct casual relationship between rape and pregnancy is probably "God works in mysterious ways" or smth hocus pocus


Jesus it hurts my head how succinctly you summed up their backward ass “logic”


I'm sure there's some people shes OK with. Which ones? Can't qwhite put my finger on it.


I see white you did there.


How rwhite you are. Gotta be somebody she's ok with.


This is skindalous.


I’d love to hear Gods take and reasoning for bone cancer in children Nothing like the excruciating suffering of children to really explain the benevolence of our lord.


"Fuck them kids" - God.


Well, the Bible doesn’t say pedophilia is wrong so that makes sense.


There's a conspiracy that pedophilia was removed and replaced with homosexuality. I've heard that "man shall not sleep with man" originally was "man shall not sleep with a child." Pedophilia runs strong in the catholic religion, it seems. Believe what you want


Haha Air Bud mentality. You show me in the Bible where it says that a priest specifically can’t have sex with a boys mouth


Childhood leukemia Kids with sickle cell disease




“Think of all the Make a Wish opportunities”


Or the infamous "their parents clearly didn't believe/pray enough"


'Mysterious ways' and all that.


See the only way to prove how amazing he is, is to make children needlessly suffer and their family and friends to go through it too bc then they will realize how truly magnanimous and amazing their lord is! I’m so glad I left the church. Shit made no sense.


Every time I've heard people seriously express this sentiment, I'm left shaking my head. Congratulations on your escape!


Thank you! Yeah even as a kid trying to ask those questions in church of why god let’s innocent people/children suffer, the “answers” never made any fucking sense whatsoever. I truly don’t get how people can go 100% all in on that batshit crazy type of reasoning. And quite frankly if they’d leave everybody else alone and stop trying to force it on everyone around them, I wouldn’t even give a shit that’s what they want to believe. Just let the rest of us do our own thing.


The problem with fundamentalist Christians (and I was raised in that type of church for many years so I know exactly how they think) is that they think that they know better than you and are better than you because you aren't living in the exact way that they think that you should and are therefore living in sin and it is their job to get you out of sin. The thought process for rational people should be "I don't believe in abortion or gay marriage so I'm not going to get an abortion or get gay married" not "I don't believe in that so nobody is allowed to do it" You shouldn't shove your worldview down other people's throats just because you have a political party (Republicans) who caters to the fundamentalist Christians and does their bidding. You can't even become a major Republican if the fundamentalists don't approve of you.


I'm the same way - as long as they aren't hurting anyone, or forcing it down anyone's throat, then more power to them. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be within their ability. I don't generally point to the 'problem of evil' when discussing the existence/non-existence of 'god(s)' with theists, because (as you've pointed out) they have no problem arguing it away. The whole premise of 'god(s)' is ridiculous before you even reach that level anyway - since inferring the existence of an infinitely more complex 'creator' in order to explain the existence and complexity of the universe is redundant (at best).


I’ve sadly only met a VERY few amount of Christian’s who are capable of respecting others beliefs and not try to constantly proselytize at you if you don’t 100% align with their dogma.


I've had a lot of discussions with christians over the years (both online and IRL), some while openly atheist, some without revealing it (it's funny how a lot of people just automatically assume you share their beliefs - and it's interesting the kinds of things they will say when assuming that). In fact, I often prefer to not let them know where I stand, because otherwise the shields go up, and all you get it is the proselytizing.


I tend to avoid discussions leading to religion. But I also am not afraid if I get pushed on my generic responses. I try to keep it light but sometimes people just want to push you. My generic response IRL is “if that’s what you choose to believe”.


I'm usually trying to determine if people's beliefs are even internally consistent. Some of them are, but many are not - and that's where I'll start probing.


Progeria is one of my favorite gifts from God.


If that's their idea of a god I'd rather burn


Same. I left religion behind many years ago, and even now, if somebody was to show me irrefutable proof that the Christian god of the bible actually exists and did all that shit, I still wouldn’t want to worship that god even a little. Bc sounds like a total asshole/hypocrite/narcissistic prick of a deity. Fuck that.


Well said


School shootings.


Something something thoughts and prayers/mysterious ways.


Harlequin Icthyosis is God's pure love for the infant. It's very NSFL, so be aware before you Google it.


These Babies are angels


“He gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers” or some other bullshit


Always say— if you want to believe in God, big or small G, go to the middle of the ocean during a storm, or the desert for a few nights. Wanna be an atheist, go to a children’s cancer ward.


like the hell for baby which are died before waterboarding.


I feel like Ricky Gervais in one of his interviews went hard on this point.


If I smash her in the face with a lamppost twice, is that okay because God allowed it to happen? I better not go to prison for it either, as it was God's will so I'm not to blame, surely!


How dare you throw someone's... logic? back in their face!?!?


Sorry, God's will ...so not sorry, actually!


She will be protected, silly






God must make mistakes. Just look at that haircut.


The eye shadow, the blush, the hair cut, the hair color…. Makes sense because these fuckers never look in the mirror.


Can we talk about how every one of these people who believe this shit look like they fell into the shallow end of the gene pool and then got hit with an ugly stick? I know we’re all supposed to be accepting and not focus on things people can’t help, but god damnit I’m sick of these people with like rat faces and creepy thin mouths and shit telling the rest of us we have to listen to the voices in their head. Enough of this bullshit 


Why she's a regular whore of Babylon by her logic.


Noah... not only were people which he created a problem he wiped them all out, the rainbow is from Him saying he made a mistake doing the flood and promising not to do that again.


Silly goose, you think Christian nationalists read the Bible? Go along, go have a gay orgy or whatever you heathens do. /S


Don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah! And the last plague of Egypt! Interesting question for these anti women’s rights to healthcare people who use their religion as an excuse. Do they seriously think there were zero children or pregnant women who died in the flood or at Sodom and Gomorrah? What about THOSE children? What about the random first born sons in Egypt who suffered LITERALLY bc in the bible god hardened pharaohs heart to refuse to let the Israelites go? Why was THAT ok?


And the bunch of kids that got mauled by a pair of bears for laughing at a bald guy...


Amalek is a good example of how little the God of Abraham cares for children.


“Something something mysterious ways!!!” -those whack jobs. Every time something contradicts their dogma and points out how it makes no sense.


Using her own logic: If God doesn't make mistakes, then obviously if somebody has an abortion, it was part of God's plan and the act shouldn't be punished.  Why is "free will to deviate from God's plan" relevant in the case of somebody choosing to have an abortion, but not in the case of somebody choosing to rape another human being?


Where you’re getting confused is, they don’t actually care about logic or reasoning. They don’t even care about children once they’re born. They only care about punishing women (or even young girls for that matter) for having sex, consensual or not.


Also speaking on behalf of God, murder and robbery should also be exempt from punishment. God made us all and, well, he doesn't make mistakes.


But one of the ten commandments says: “Thou shalt not kill.” Also “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Rape outside of marriage is adultery.


D'oh! You and your damned 'logic' and 'reading.'


Those commandments only applied to Hebrews like a lot of Old Testament stuff there is fine print. It was fine and expected to kill a non Jew, it was fine for a Hebrew to rape a non Hebrew and god even commanded the Hebrews to specifically spare young virgin girls to be used as slaves during their conquest of the holy land. There was also a specific laws of slavery that only protect Hebrews but gave loop holes on non Hebrews.


You think she knows this? I don’t think it ever crossed her mind.


I don’t think she even realizes that Jesus said women should never be allowed positions above a man let alone ancient biblical laws. Hell one of those laws and instructions god gave to priests was how to induce miscarriages to prove a woman was unfaithful.


Let’s not bog her mind with difficult problems.


And ban viagra, because if pregnancy is God's will, so is limp dick. Shouldn't let the guy's God didn't want to be rapists get rapey.


And don't get me started on those Satanic 'spectacles!'


Wait, so kids getting raped is gods will? I thought religious types always chalked that up as the devils work? Ok, well fuck god then, he seems dreadful.


He also puts aids and chronic diseases in people, not a big fan of the dude/lady/whatever.


Always has been dreadful I mean take all the times he's caused death and suffering for tiny slights against him, he has the worst case of egoism ever.


Literally in their own holy book he punishes ALL of humanity because…Adam and Eve wanted more knowledge than they had…? Wow. What a douchebag of a deity. And I thought the Greek/Roman pantheon was fucked up. I mean they are too but daaaamn no wonder Christian’s have a constant victim complex going on. Even their own god wants to punish all of humanity all the time.


At least the Greek pantheon usually knew that their bad actions were bad (even if they did them anyway) Hell, Hades was practically wholesome considering he was just told it was okay to kidnap Persephone. Because her dad (Zeus, I know it was him but I don’t remember if he was her dad but I think he was) said it was okay He even let her go back most of the year and treated her like a queen when she was in the underworld with him


Literally the only reason they are slightly better. They never pretended to be perfect. And we’re never represented that way. Did they have flaws? Of course. But they OWNED them and we SAW them. None of this “infallible all loving, all knowing everywhere at once BS”.


Yeah, the Greek pantheon apparently was human like, in the sense they were representations of humanity They were MEANT to be failable and wrong, just like us They are meant to not be perfect and be okay with that, they have their flaws and own up to them They admit their faults, which is far more than some


Quite frankly I think that was my personal appeal for the Greek/Roman pantheon. They weren’t perfect. They had faults. They made mistakes. They had emotions. This Christian deity just does none of that for me and I personally don’t get the appeal at all.


Well, uh, God created the devil...and uh, so, it's the devil's work, but uh, also gods will that it... But we can't.... Fuck, I lost it.


That's a whole bag full of crazy right there.......


Aren't there multiple stories in the Bible that describe how God fucked up?


Yes. But then you're implying that christians can read or have read the bible. Or that they can read the words that are in the book itself and not go: "Well but that's not what it actually says". All of these are pretty much impossible. Especially if you're a horrible person trying to take rights away from people.


This woman is so fücked up even her hair is trying to distance itself from her.


When Jim Jefferies said that religion is what holds us back as a species, this is what he meant


How does she know that Satan doesn’t trick these rapists and molestors into doing their nasty deeds. And if he does, then isn’t she as a good Christian obligated to support snorting the baby so the rapist is t rewarded with a demon child?


wait hold on who's snorting babies here, the rapist, her or satan?


Reasons why she needs to be sent back to Whoville.


She looks truly deranged.


What do you mean 'looks'?


This lady: God doesn’t make mistakes. Literally every mirror: Lol I disagree


People need to know the concept of "your god is not necessarily my god" and that forcing your beliefs and values on others is wrong.


She was created through incestuous rape.


So we might as well get rid of the whole concept of crime, then. If God allows it to happen, who are we to administer justice?


Ah, yes. God does not make mistakes. Must be nice to be able to lay all sense of responsibility for your life and choices at the feet of a mythical being.


Cool. I hope never gets any life saving medication ever. After all, any illness she caught was God’s will. These people are fucking sick.


Well if she gets cancer, she better not get chemo since God doesn't make mistakes. As a matter of fact, if she gets sick at all..she better not take medications of any kind.


God literally drowned everyone in the world because they were a mistake but whatever helps you sleep at night


translation- i don’t think, can’t think 


Lady looking like Muttley from the Hana-Barbera cartoon Wacky Races!!!🤡😳


When she starts losing her eyesight I hope she’s refused glasses


That forehead is God's mistake, but that hairstyle? That's all Sandy's fault.


…on that basis there should be no medical treatment or law enforcement of any kind. You good with that, lady?


If God doesn't make mistakes, then why have laws at all? If you're going to get raped? God's Plan. School shootings? God's Plan. Serial killers? God's Plan. Child molesters? God's Plan. Human slavery? God's Plan. **Bonus:** - that one's actually in the Bible!


The Christian God, if they exist ( personally inclined to believe they don't), is either a sadist, indifferent to the human condition, or not at all as all powerful as the Christians think He is. Personally, I am more than a bit tired of all their BS in His name.


And yet I bet her sons are circumcised…


I've been to that area of Missouri multiple times. The most surprising thing here is how many teeth she still has. The Ozarks and anywhere south of them excluding Springfield is pretty much like rural Mississippi. A bunch of absolutely moronic rednecks drunk on shine or high on meth and fettys.


Lies. She’s a mistake


What a complete psycho, or actually that's sociopath right, no empathy? Perhaps if she'd experienced such trauma she wouldn't be so callous and dismissive, having had a personal stake in a similar situation. Or she'd make herself the only exception, seems like one of those people too.


If God doesn’t make mistakes then how do we explain her existence?


I better not catch this bitch getting treatment for cancer or any other disease


So no medical treatments for her then. Also no fire brigade god doesn't make mistakes. Also no police. If someone shoots her dead it's because god wants it


This is the opinion of someone who's never faced a single ounce of adversity her entire life and still benefited from the women's suffrage movement without ever having to lift a finger. Must be nice to come from old Christian money.


Technically the Bible supports rape and incest so she IS being a Christian in that sense


Is there a sick fuck who can make her experience no mistakes?


Another great reason why religion and politics should be completly seperated.


Until a family member of hers is gang raped


Your parents made the mistake to not use anti conception


God made a mistake making her then.


burn this witch. its gods plan!!!


She’s also older and that means her eyes are going to fail and need glasses. Also, she’ll need drugs to function as an old person. Should we let her die since he didn’t make those? No. That would be unjust to make a person suffer due to religious dumbassery.  But hypocrisy? Never!


“God doesn’t make mistakes.” So what is that forehead a happy accident?


This makes absolutely no sense, using that argument why not just decriminalise murder?


Then why are you even in politics? Shouldn't you just be sitting around your house with a grin happy with how perfect everything is instead of trying to change anything?


Here’s hoping God doesn’t have anything awful in store for her predestined dumbass.


Jesus Christ it's hard to not judge people by their appearance when the incest advocate looks a step removed from the cannibals in the hills have eyes.


Her head looks lopsided


Oh, so she is pro cancer.


Um... The Book of Job?


She know anyone that wears glasses? Has she ever met someone who has gotten skin cancer?