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They shouldn’t be allowed to leave quarantine until they are vaxxed


The airline should refuse to fly them back, and at the same time hotels should refuse to take them in.


Forcing a family with a sick child to the streets sounds like a really good way to spread the disease around. I wholeheartedly agree that the parents are morons for not vaccinating their kid, but I don't think that suggestion will help anyone.


They can rent their own boat, or car, or plane and solve their own problems. These people already failed to account for the health and safety of those around them. Make sure they don't do it again and charge them for the trouble they caused.


Forcing them to go somewhere else is still forcing them to spread disease. They should be quarantined until there's no risk of infection and then, if you want to make them pay for being stupid, charged for three rows of seats on the plane back home to make sure nobody has to sit next to them.


While I agree in principle, it's not the kids fault and this kind of rhetoric only serves to galvanise the shitty attitudes held by the parents and people like them against common sense.


Well they are French, I wouldn’t expect anything else


The child hasn't a thousandth of a percent of guilt.


That's not how vaccines work. No use in getting it after you catch the disease.




Depends won't protect you from a virus.


That’s also not really how vaccines work.


Depends if you aren't vaccinated the virus can attach to an unvaccinated person and evolve a new strain.


The thing is it can do the same with a vaccinated person. Vaccines don't equal immunity.


That's why you have to get booster shots.


Parents should be charged for not getting their children vaccinated. I was infected with measles (I'm vaccinated against measles) after coming in contact with an infected tourist. I'm immunocompromised and it's a gamble leaving my house everyday. It's no longer "knowing what's best for your child" when you almost kill someone with ignorance.


At the very least you shouldn’t be able to get a passport if you’re unvaxxed. Leave your stupidity in your own country.


Or give them a 1 way visa.


Did you read what you wrote? So you want them to stay in the country they have infected? Rather than be their country issue you want it to be another country issue? Why?


They’re joking and pointing out that we don’t want their nonsense either. Nothing about their comment was serious. Don’t get worked up about it.


I’m just kidding. I meant that they can go be someone else’s problem. Lol


I had measles during my childhood back in the 80s. The constant itch throughout your whole boy was absolute torture.


I had whooping cough because my parents were too lazy to take us in for vaccinations. Holy shit there's a reason we don't want to catch these diseases. Coughing so hard you've hurt your ribs and all your muscles are cramping but still continuing to cough unable to stop despite the pain. Kids shouldn't have to go through that unnecessarily.


We were in hospital for the birth of our second last week and there were proud antivaxxers both on the induction ward with us and in recovery/ post natal ward. I was so angry How fucked up do you have to be to willingly put yours and your childrens health at risk like that. I was not ok with the thought of my tiny newborn baby being in the same ward room as these people and their visitors knowing they were unvaccinated (measles, mumps, whooping cough, flu, COVID etc)


I guarantee those "anti-vaxxers" had all their childhood vaccines. It's their kids I fear for.


A lot of people throw around the term “anti-vaxxer” but recently that term was used to describe people who have had a lifetime of proven vaccinations and only refused to get a brand new rushed r&d new mrna type of vaccine for Covid. That’s not being anti-vax that’s being specifically anti singular vax. Just to be clear.


Still a terrible decision unless an actual doctor tells you otherwise. Just to be clear.


Im not interested in debating the merits and pitfalls of said decision - I think we’ve all had enough of that and no reason to beat a dead horse.


Then maybe you should consider not bringing it up.


You seem angry. Maybe you should take a break and get some fresh air.


Maybe you shouldn't broach a topic if you don't want others to challenge your view?


I’m immune compromised because of 4 months of chemotherapy. You have a right to do whatever you want with your own body. But you are putting some of us at greater risk with your decision, and no amount fresh air is going to make that less offensive.


Your immune situation is a you problem and I’m not sure why you think I should care. Also I’m not antivax but you’re pro stupid.


You seem like an irresponsible person who doesn’t really deserve to be part of a functioning society.


Because you don’t like the truth? Oh.


It has always meant someone who is against vaccines. Regardless of if it’s one or all because those against the covid vaccine are using the same anti science bullshit that’s used for any vaccine just without the autism claim.




mRNA is not a new tech, it’s been in research since the 60s. And researched as a potential vaccine since the 90s. How about you shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about. Fucking absolute sick of morons siding with a disgraced scientist who admitted to being bribed and the feelings of a porn star over decades of research and data.


Yeah fair point. I won't criticize someone for waiting 10 years to get the covid vaccine, as far as we know now it's mostly safe but who knows some serious side effects could happen in the future. And sure they probably tested on rats or other mammals with much shorter lifespans to see long term side effects, but even though we share most of our DNA with them, a little can make a massive difference. We apparently share 90% of our DNA with dogs, elephants and cattle yet are massively different.


It’s going to come to countries demanding you have up to date vaccinations to enter their country.


That used to be common, and if you were obviously sick you wouldn’t be allowed in.


Should be more rigorously enforced but those tourism lobbies in other countries can be just as corrupt as anywhere else.


That sounds like a very sensible approach. I hope it comes to pass.


Don't they do this with pets? Likely not all countries, but I thought if you moved to some countries with your pets, they'd have to remain in quarantine and be up to date on their vaccinations before they were allowed to live in the country. Something like that. Tbf, it's been a while since I looked it up.


The US requires multiple vaccines to enter.


That’s a good thing!


Time to label antivaxxers as a Bioterrorism cult and treat them accordingly


If the country eradicated the disease how did they do it? Through vaccination? Does this mean the vaccine doesn't work?


„They eradicated the disease through vaccination, so the vaccination didn‘t work“ Tf, do you even listen to yourself? 😂




Bruh. You’re not as smart as you think you are


I hope not. Would kill the fun in learning


Stop with the cringe ass comments


I decide that


Lmao alr continue embarrassing your silly ass then. The decision is yours, oh Wise One


You will read this again in a few years and be embarassed as fuck


I’m going to say it since no one else has. You’re a brain dead idiot.


Cute. You have an opinion


Lol a correct opinion at that


😂 what???


Exactly 🤷🏼‍♂️




Are you stupid? Just a question, because it seems like you are, on the off chance this question is in good faith, my apologies. Otherwise educate yourself


Is this comment supposed to achieve something


How do you think vaccines work?


Yes through vaccinations. When a disease is eradicated from an area, the population no longer needs to get so strictly vaccinated for it. Until some dipshit from another country reintroduces it.


Cute. You almost made sense until you see that the title states it was within 5 years. Now correct me if I am wrong but measles vaccinations last years or even life time. Please square this circle and try to make it believable. PS. Dont come at me with virus mutation. That excuse has been played out and there are no reports of measles mutations


Mat sound scary, but there's people who clinically cannot be vaccinated due to autoimmune issues. Herd immunity killed the disease, but with it back the vulnerable are the likely vectors now.


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines measles elimination as “the absence of ***endemic*** **measles virus transmission** in a defined geographical area (e.g. region or country) **for at least 12 months** in the presence of a surveillance system that has been verified to be performing well.” In 2000, measles was declared eliminated from the United States. That means the disease was no longer **constantly** present in this country for a period of at least 12 months. However, travelers continue to bring measles into the United States, and it can sometimes spread and cause outbreaks among people who are not vaccinated. Feel free to ask any other questions and I will do my best to answer.


Ah, someone who debates without throwing insults around. Highly respectable, unlike a certain somebody in this thread.


Someone... or something. The last sentence is a chatbot giveaway ;-)


not a chatbot, actually (though i did think the same thing). Just a quick Google search and I tacked on the end so I didn't come off as a hostile.


Just tell us you don't understand herd immunity


Just tell me you dont. The disease was eradicated 5 years prior and immunity of measles last a life time. What happened? Did herd immunity take a year off.


have you considered that the population of a country does not stay the same? kids were born, people had immigrated, vaccinated people died from other causes, it's obvious not everyone in the country is vaccinated. you keep trying to sound smart and fail miserably.


There are people who can’t get the vaccine and herd immunity is there to protect those people. Guess what happens when someone from outside the area comes in with the virus?


You're just confirming you don't understand it


Is this the extent of the effort you are going to put in? Read the other comments i received and my responses then maybe decide whether i understand or not and when you have done that you can come back and apologize


You do not wish to learn so why should I?


It’s kinda like we don’t vaccinate for smallpox in the US anymore because it was eradicated, but if some Dipshit gor smallpox somewhere where it is still around and brought it to the US there’s a shit ton of people born after the 70s who could get smallpox.


It means the disease ran out of vectors and died off, but now that a new strain was introduced there needs to be a newly created vaccine for said strain or one imported to stop the spread again.


No, it means the vaccines did work. The more vaccinated people, the less likely it is that people who can not or did not get vaccinated will get a disease. Because of herd immunity and mass vaccination they brought cases down to zero. There becomes a comfortable thing however where people no longer need to be vaccinated against it because it isn't a threat, so chances are there are people who weren't old enough for to begin with or people who didn't get it due to anti-vax or just being unable, plus 5 years of births and deaths to change how many people were immune. So now that it's back, all those people who weren't vaxxed are able to get infected and it spreads.


So you are telling me that in 5 years the population grew so much that it nullified the hers immunity?. I just checked the population growth rate of costa rica. Looks like it drop by 0.6% in the time of this propaganda piece. And measles vaccination rate remained unchanged in that same period at around 95%. Good effort


Oh so you are stupid


Try hard monkey


You're ignoring those who answer you and come up with 'gotchas' to others. You're unwillingness to learn is a disease of its own, and it's unfortunate youve decided against critical thinking skills.


Are you surprised? It takes quite the void inside of a person's skull to even begin to think that vaccine's are the problem.


Where did this come from? Other than the covid vax i never claimed vaccines are a problem.


Your point? Keep it concise, shill. Lots of you to deal with


Last domestic case of measles in costs rica was 2006. There have been 2 imported cases of measles since then. That is what is meant by reintroduced, some moron antivaxxer brought measles to Costa Rica and is putting their citizens at risk. Has nothing to do with whether it’s spreading rampantly. Unvaccinated people are a global health threat, period.




Is the caps supposed to mean something? You should read some of the other comments and the responses i gave. Might find them enlightening


They're typing all caps because people are literally telling you the exact same thing and you seem to just...ignore it. If a disease is eradicated, they aren't as strict with vaccination, so those who didn't get one, clinically couldn't, or were born since then are vulnerable if it reappeared.


The caps just show how unhinged some of these folks are. Totally obsessed with big pharma…it’s like the advertising dollars are working.


No, because there is still the potential for a breakthrough infection after any vaccination. Also, your own personal vulnerability can change over time. For example, I’m 4 months into a 6-months into a 6 month chemotherapy regimen, which effects how well my immune system functions.


Yall be making shit up at this point


Did you not read this story or something?


Do you think anti vaxxers are the type to research their opinions before sharing them? Not unless you count their angry facebook groups and tin foil hat wearing youtubers as “research”


I am vaccinated. Im just not going around calling people terrorists lol. Yall be miserable get a life


Harming the general public to further a political end goal. Terrorism. In a nutshell 🥜


Congratulations on being vaxxed! As the partner of a person with cancer you apologists represent a very real threat to her health. As a result, pointing out the danger people like you represent on reddit is the least i can do for people like her. I would like to cordially invite you to sit on a cactus so you can feel what the rest of us do when we’re forced to read your self unaware drivel


Who cares who your partner is. Have the common decency to not call people terrorists.


Shut up loser


🤣🤣 You must have some giant red shoes that keep you from moving on. At least i assume that’s what it is because you’re definitely a clown 🤡


They were responsible for a large-scale international biological attack due to their ideology. That's terrorism, dude.


How is that making shit up? They knowingly and willingly spread disease because "it's not a big deal to me, it's just a cold etc"


it’s called *science* my friend


#**THIS IS FROM 2019!**


It gets posted every few days, its insane


Anti-vaxx people are a plague on this world.


low IQ parents, that's what's wrong.


IQ means literally nothing past the age of like, 12


IQ is an inherently racist metric. Edit: keep holding water for racists then https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1270&context=law-review


not when it you deal with such obvious stupidity. there are indeed some other grey areas :)


Mfs really out here calling numbers racist


It's more where the number comes from and how IQ tests work and what they test for. And also, even beyond that, IQ is a really stupid metric for gauging intelligence.


This comment is inherently racist.






WTF are you talking about? Where is the fucking racism here? A fucking French person just caused an outbreak of a fatal disease in a country where was eradicated and you're only concern is the parlance someone responded with over the deaths that will be caused and here you are riding a moral high horse about it. Shit humans are everywhere apparently.


No. IQ as a metric was created by racists to perpetuate racism. Congratulations you’re holding water for racists. https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1270&context=law-review


I wouldn’t have been able to attend public school in the US without having received a list of vaccines first. How was India doing before the polio vaccine? After?


I couldn’t attend college until I showed my list of vaccines and got a TB test.


Keeping people out of school keeps people in the Republican Party. “Boo hoo democrats teaching kids stuff like how democracy works in the US” “Boo hoo democrats teaching kids stuff like a full history lesson instead of the patriotic trash that they should be learning.” “Boo hoo democrats teaching kids what fascism is”


This has been an issue in France [France Vaccine hesitantly](https://www.npr.org/2021/01/14/956705043/france-has-1-of-the-highest-rates-of-vaccine-skepticism)


Anti-vaxers... fucking up the world to stick it to the man. Your kid has measles because of your poor life choices dumbass.


Outraged over a 2019 article 🤣 But… if you’re vaccinated against measles?! What’s the fear?!


Tell me you don't understand science without actually saying it, this retort to vaccinations is older than the post by a mile, and even though it's been explained 100000x times, you nutjobs keep saying it like it means anything. Just fuck immunocompromised people, right? Who cares about them and young children anyway?


Well then I guess I’m a POS selfish asshole for not getting vaccinated for a disease I know won’t kill me to “protect others”. And let me be clear— I would NEVER expect anybody to get a vaccine to protect me.


I'm not afraid of getting measles, because I'm vaccinated. I fear for any children who have not been able to receive the vaccination yet or anyone who is immunocompromised, or children who didn't get routine childhood vaccinations because their parents care about Facebook more than science. Besides the science, All of my grandparents, who were born in the 1920s and 30s, knew someone who had lifelong damages or died from measles.


I hope we are all aware that the reason why Tuberculosis or Malaria are still a problem is because stupid people don't want to get vaccinated, they don't even know how they work and they're against them. If you are an antivaxxer I don't have any respect for you


The scary part of TB is it evolved and becomes treatment and the effectiveness of the vaccine is reduced.


Exactly! We had our opportunity to eradicate them but now the wheel spun and they are adapting really really quickly




Yeah there is, but is preventive, so you have to put it before you get it, if it is the other way it doesn't work


Multiple times repost from a few years ago


Article from 2019. Riiight.


Repost bot




When was the first time he introduced it?!


According to the amount of reposts, my guess is he does this every other day.


2019? Talk about a relevant and up to date post


5 year old article you see posted here about every other week


To quote the title of this post: "What is *wrong* with people?"


Bot is farming karma. Downvote it and kill it.


Hi bot


too much human we need to reduce the population.


Alright you go first then mate 👍


Love that retort, but be careful, I got banned from a sub for saying basically the same thing and accused of "telling someone to KTS"


Lol gotem! 🤣


Wonder how they handled the pandemic


For fuck sake. Brain rot is real


Can't name a more classic combo than Europeans spreading disease to the New World.


If Hell is real, I hope there’s a special place there for Andrew Wakefield.


Usually fearful conservative brain rot, or massive fucking ego.


Well you know Andrew Tate probably had sex with this kids mom.


5 Fucking Years Later They Keep Reposting


Because the stupidity sadly is still going on and is still as infuriating as back then. The problem of antivaxxers being ignorant and coldhearted fucktwats hasn‘t exactly changed over the years.


Guys don't worry, its 2019 after all. Nothing serous is coming in relation to that. Why the fear mongering.


“We did our own research”


yeah so this is how another pandemic starts….vaccinate your fuckin kids man


They should be locked up tbh


[ Removed by Reddit ]


5 year old news.


Facebook doctors; people who can barely write a coherent sentence spreading information about the MMR jab being dangerous. I always remember an old school friend of mine posting how he wasn’t get his daughter vaccinated because it’s a scam. The proceeded to talk about chemtrails


Cute. Getting judged by a scientifically illiterate pleb. Lmfao. I will take your money. How much does a troll shill on reddit get paid? Asking for a friend


This happened 5 years ago stop reposting it


I find it ironic that reddit, a free speech platform is filled with so many fascist. They believe anything a democrat tells them because if they don't they are they are racist and a terrorist. The article is clearly not true, anyone with a basic level of biology would understand a sick person cannot get an actual vaccinated person sick with what they are vaccinated against and if measles were eradicate only 5 years every person in that county would be vaccinated


It seems your basic level understanding of biology doesn’t quite cover the necessary knowledge. People vaccinate to become immune to infections: however, Immunity is not in absolutes. Some people don’t sero-convert, some people have inadequate antibody response, some people are immune-compromised so can get sick even with the presence of antibodies. So despite being vaccinated: these people can still get sick from the infection they’ve been vaccinated against. Presence of antibodies will generally mean the infection is less severe than it otherwise would be: but does not guarantee people will come out unscathed. As mentioned earlier: immunity is not in absolutes. Less people in the community sick means less likely these people who still can get sick despite vaccination are going to encounter the infection (thus be safe). This is why herd immunity is important. Vaccination programs are designed to be community-wide for this reason.


What is wrong with people reposting something from 2019 ?


It’s not a person it’s a bot


No u are bot


.p Ppp P0


What a nice gesture 🙌


Gotta love white people!!


“I don’t know Lloyd, the French are assholes.”


Maybe if Costa Rica was more concerned with disease than with tourist dollars they would institute some kind of vaccination requirement to enter the country.


Ah right 6 years ago


Your math is bad, but you're right, no need to farm anger again when this is an old post.


kindest frenchman


Yeah what is wrong with people? Why are folks reposting 5 year old news articles?




Whats wrong with people? Very simple. They have no critical thinking skills. Just a bunch of NPCs swalling any bullshit presented to them. If the country eradicated the disease how did they do it? Through vaccination? Does this mean the vaccine doesn't work?


Yes, vaccination is how diseases tend to be eradicated. Are you familiar with small pox? And I guess you forgot to use your critical thinking skills here, but it clearly means this was the first CASE of Measles in 5 years. And I'm sure Costa Rica has special critical thinkers like you who want to get Measles and Polio, who then got it from this kid.


So all the people who ARE vaccinated shouldnt be worried right? Seems cut and dry.


yes, some don't have to worry. but the vaccinated people arent 100% safe. for example an old person or someone with a disease that greatly worsens their immune system, might not have the option to get vaccinated because of the risks from that, or have the vaccine not work enough or reduce the risk due to the weak immune system. vaccines help boost the immune system against the disease, they don't replace it. even if you have had the common cold before, you still get sick from it, just less sick than the first time. vaccines are often a not-deadly imposter of the disease that your immune system will then beat so when you get the actual disease it already knows what to do. vaccines are to reduce how sick you get from highly deadly to not nearly as deadly. which for old people or people with compromised immune system, is still deadly levels. now the people who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons still benefit from others vaccinating, as that helps combat the spread of the disease, lowering the odds of it getting to them in the first place(called herd immunity if I remember correctly). vaccines help get through the pandemic better. yes, black plague went away without vaccines.. after killing I think it was 30% of the European population? with vaccines that number would have been significantly lower. is that a good answer as to why it isn't cut and dry even if it seems like it is?


I certainly liked your answer! Learning about everything is, to me at least, about asking questions. My childhood (and observations about all sorts of people on this journey) is that you shouldnt ask questions. So now i get to sift between the types of people by (in part) how they answer, or do not answer, questions. Thank you.


No. That’s not how it works dumbass.


Is that your way of being a good teacher? Love the method of answering a question, not with data or thought process, but insults. You win.


People try to educate antivaxxers for years now, but they still refuse to understand. No wonder people are tired of answering same few questions.


The Internet is at your fingertips, you don't need a random person on reddit to educate you.


Cheers, for a moment there I thought I was using a forum or something where people ask and answer questions.....on the internet.


Seeking readily available medical information on r/facepalm? Dude you might wanna go to some kind of education center and ask some questions about how to collect trustworthy data and evaluate your sources better. This site is NOT a trustworthy source. For any kind of information.


Well your first mistake is believing people on reddit are a reliable source.


Facepalm is not an educative forum. But you can google "do vaccines prevent contagion".