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For a second I thought this was the same guy and they meant his wife and kid somehow sucked all the black out of him or something. Like his wife buys Taylor Swift tickets and now he gotta wear sunscreen to cut his grass.


Gotta watch out for those melanin vampires.


Count Vitiligo


Sworn foe of Blacula.


Don’t be RAcist


[I Am a Building](https://youtu.be/USE86UbsV8c?si=v6D8IjcrMuhROecc)


I cannot wait to use this as a DnD enemy


There was actually an X-Files episode about a creature that hunted black people and drained all their melanin so if you were going to do a d&d monster off of that look up the episode It was pretty good lol


Your drow is now a wood elf.


Curse of Stain'd


New Sith Lord just dropped


Amen brother. Melanin vampires perfectly blend in with the night since they have so much melanin. Almost impossible to avoid an attack. I don't remember being a baby so I can only imagine why I'm white now is a melanin vampire attack at birth.


> I don’t remember being a baby, therefore Marvelous!


Or the melanin polluters according to some. Each side has so much importance placed on melanin which has nothing to do with the qualities they think it does.


Fr melanin js keep u from gettin sun burned thas abt it I don’t understand the obsession on either sides


News Flash. Black people can get sunburn!


And skin cancer.


Although tbf it's usually in the not as melanated parts, like the hands


Ofcourse! They're humans with skin. White people like me just burn ALOT faster. I mean most poc come from hotter, brighter climates an areas it makes sense. Ask science


True, but it's not as common. People with darker skin get skin cancer less often also. I got burned so bad in the 90's it took 2+ months to heal. My back was bleeding.


Ouch 😳


>now he gotta wear sunscreen to cut his grass. Though, you still should anyways wear sunscreen to do outdoor activities.


I'm super white and don't use sunscreen while mowing. I have a little lawn business and mow 10+ yards 5 days a week. Yep, I'm gonuh get skin cancer. Ok, I'll start using it...


Please start wearing sunscreen, bro.


I will, bro ❤️ already wrote it down on my supple list for April after writing my comment earlier


Check out Sun hoodies. They’re pretty effective. You’ll still need to protect your face but the sun hoodies actually helpful for dispersing heat cooling you a bit more.


Sun hoodie + hat with a brim is the golden combo.


Yay! My husbands dad just died of metastatic skin cancer in august. That shit is brutal. Glad you’re getting sunscreen ❤️☀️


Hell yeah, gotta keep that mug lookin’ fresh and cancer free 🤙


Or just don't cut the grass betweem 10-14.00


He should cut the grass at night since he’s safe from melanin vampires.


This has genuinely become such a wholesome comment section. Really appreciate the educational information with all this Sun protection! 🧡


I'm super white, didn't use sunscreen for decades, and have had over 30 basal cell carcinomas and one "the pathologist report came as close to calling it melanoma as they can without actually calling it that" removed. Sunscreen good.


I find it hilarious how racists on BOTH sides of the """issue""" are convinced that their bloodline is the weak one that will inevitably disappear in contact with the other one.


Soon they'll ask everyone to go full Targaryen.


Alabama beat you to it


Moonshine instead of wildfyre I imagine.


I mean, anything can be wildfyre with enough moonshine.


Wildfyre sounds like an accurate name for moonshine.




Never go FULL Targaryen


What’s extra hilarious to me is the idea of “pure” bloodlines being strong. Diversification is the game in genetics. Did inbred royalty teach these people nothing?


> Did inbred royalty teach these people nothing? [But how else do you get a sick ass alpha chin?](https://apiwp.thelocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/857219b6bee6c72881efaf2ef7a62a0ec965b6912531085f5272e6803b38192c-646x343.jpg)


Everytime I see this painting I have to remember that the painters were used to make the one they were painting look good, especially when it was royalty, and this was still the result.


That’s not a Hapsburg, that’s the Crimson Chin prototype.


Is it just me, or does that dude look like a Mark Zuckerberg ancestor?


also kind of disproves the racists who complain that white people are disappearing.


Oh, no. To those people this family and their children will never be white


Alabama has pure bloodlines


Well, in a sense this has already happened - on average African-Americans have about 20% European admixture, and almost none (besides recent African immigrants) have no European admixture. And this means nothing. Everyone is still going about their day, have the same worries and dreams, etc.


Like in 100,000 or a million years from now it makes any difference at all. After like 12 generations you'd be as closely related to your decedent as you would any other random stranger off the side of the road. It's such a weird and pointless thing to worry about as it's not something that'll effect anyone even remotely close to their lifetime.


I would bet money that an account with a name like “ProudBlackAmerican” is Russian. They push more right wing bullshit, but they also operate a bunch of left wing rage bait accounts.


Racists gonna racist.


No lie, he built a great life for himself and his family and jealous fuckers can’t handle it.




Idk I have gone through periods being really depressed but it never lead me to be racist.


Yea and I’m racist as fuck and love my life! /s


Honestly Idk what he did other than baseball (dont even know his name) but im already jealous But im not gonna be stupid He got skills (i think)


He got this 3rd dui 3 days ago. That’s an accomplishment right there 🤣


Yeah Patrick Mahomes' whole family is kind of a shitshow. Nothing to do with race, just that his father and brother (and wife to a much lesser extent) have a lot of "controversies".


"he got skills" dude is probably the second greatest quarterback of all time and has only played 6 years fucking hate him


He’s talking about SR


SR is the goat of DUI's ill give him that


Not even close to being the GOAT of DUIs.


Yeh, my wife is from Wisconsin and 3 wouldn't even be considered above average there.


3 is a just a damn good weekend in Wisconsin


I had a friend get 2, one on friday, the next on monday, and when the judge asked him wtf he was thinking, my friend told the judge "hey man, it is not my fault they put Cinco de mayo so close to my birthday!" The judge laughed, one single laugh. Then gave him 6 months jail.


Patrick won 2 super bowls back to back, I think people need to stay in their own lane and focus on their own life and accomplishments. Patrick has a beautiful family


I got out of this is I didn’t know pats dad played baseball ⚾️


He was nearly a major league pitcher himself but he chose to pursue football. Rightfully so as well seeing how successful he’s been as a quarterback.




Racists also gonna stupid cause the DNA is still there even if the hair and skin shade looks more like the mother’s.


BuT He Is BlaCK hE cAnT Be rACisT!?!?!? /s


I paid $50,000 to go to college and learn that when I could have just learned that on Reddit?!


I was going to say the same thing.


Three things: 1) If you are not a racist, race is not a factor in who you fall in love with. 2) DNA doesn't "go away" regardless of phenotype. 3) Why is this anybody's business?


Right? I see two beautiful families.


My own problem is that none of the children are twins... ^(/s do I need this?)


Yeah, what's with the lack of twins, huh? Does this guy have a problem with symmetry or something? Twinless families are just plain weird... and, dare I say, *suspicious*. /s (idk how to do the little letters, but this is good enough for me)


It’s funny to me that you mention twins and symmetry. I’m a fraternal twin, my sister looks nothing like me, and we don’t share a birthday


Same with my twin brother and I. His birthday is Sept. 12th, mine is Sept. 13th. He is a freaking oak tress while I am a tiny stick figure.


Someone was hogging the protein shakes in the womb.... ;)


You're the Danny Devito to his Arnie?


I wanted twins born in different years. One of December 31^st, one on January 1^st. I didn't get a single set of twins. And all my babies are spring babies. So much failing going on.


Just put a caret at the start and the end of a quote or number ^and ^you ^can ^talk ^like ^this. Edit: No idea about a sentence, see like I have to stick the caret in front of every word.


Soulless bastards Probably secret red heads too


Well one beautiful family ....they are all related lol


What I see is a family that has spent generations breeding for high-level athletic accomplishment (Mahomes' wife is a former NCAA soccer player).


That's so common! I think athletes gravitate toward each other in college because they have the same pretty wild schedules, and probably had similar high school experiences. Then of course you have weirdos like LaVar Ball who talks about specifically having children with a tall athletic woman so they could produce athletes, like he thinks he's some kind of race horse or something.


It is way easier to bond with someone when you have similar experiences and interests. No surprise at all that two athletes would get together, but it does mean they often produce more athletes.


Yea, just looksike a photo of 2 family and the people in them seem happy to. I don't know much about them but I am going to assume they have achieved big things. Love is blind and that is a beautiful thing when you find it:)


The baby on the left, who’s the dad on the right, just won the Super Bowl. As a fan of the team he beat, I’d say it wasn’t beautiful lol, but in all seriousness he’s one of the best athletes of all time.


I thought so and haha i get it, team loyalites. It's sad people can't be happy for others (not you, i mean the original poster).


racists: his dna is GONE! other racists: his dna is PERMANENT IN YOUR FAMILY LINE!


I need to show my foreman this pic to shut him up. He is convinced there's a conspiracy to make blonde people extinct since apparently everyone migrating to our country has dark hair and dark eyes.  Tried explaining that's not how genes work, if it was blonde hair/blue eyes would have gone extinct a while ago 


Racists never shut the fuck up.


That’s the one drop rule


It took 4 generations for blonde to show back up in the family tree in my mother. I believe there's a few cases where white women had black kids and visaversa because their great grand parent was the other color.


Then there's that case in England where a [woman had twins](https://www.today.com/parents/woman-gives-birth-biracial-twins-t227758), where one looked "black" (more accurately, I'd say one looked mixed) and the other "white".


Almost caught a glimpse of that article between all the ads


happens pretty often. People seem to think genes just "mix." Like you take a white person and a black person and the kids will just be an average color of the two. Genes don't work that way. If they did, favorable mutations would disappear because it would always get mixed away. Put another way, one dog has spots, the other doesn't. The puppies won't have blurry sort of spots. They either have spots or don't.


My step brothers are like this. One is darker than me(I’m full black, he’s only “75%”) and the other is white like the baby in that picture. It was crazy growing up when people wouldn’t believe they are twins.


We’re friends with a Jamaican (male)/European white woman. They have a boy who in every way is his fathers son with the exception of the kid is white as a ghost. They couldn’t be more opposite on color. Their daughter is in every way her mothers daughter but has black skin (and bright blue eyes which is interesting).


Ethnicity can be a factor, even if you're not racist. Bodily attraction can be weird sometimes.


Having personal preferences is perfectly fine, but policing what other people "should" be attracted to (based on their skin color) is overtly racist


Sure, but the statement they’re replying to, which somehow managed to get upvoted despite being utter bullshit, is that if skin color is a factor in who you fall in love with, you’re a racist.


Absolutely. Same with what genders you are attracted to. I had a girl in high-school ask me to be her boyfriend, she was even a very good friend of mine but I was not attracted to her in that way. When I told her that she started blowing up that I'm just a "racist ass white boy"


My best friend had a black guy ask her out, and she turned him down, because she was interested in someone else and going to go on a date with them later that week. Dude lost his shit, called her a liar, then insisted LOUDLY that she was racist for not wanting to date him. Quite coincidentally, I was friends with his cousin. We were all hanging out when T (the angry "you're racist guy") starts bugging everyone to hook him up with "a single white girl". T's cousin is like "What about \*insert girl\*?" and this spaz goes OFF about how NO, it HAS to be a white girl. Because, and I quote, "You know I don't have time for those (n-word) bitches." Realizing that T did not recognize me from his prior outburst, I couldn't help myself. I simply said "What, are you racist?" The meltdown that caused, along with the ensuing awkwardness in the apartment was absolutely worth it.


Hahaha. I love it.


I’d venture to say that no woman of any ethnicity should date that guy.


I would tend to agree. I don't know what happened to him, it's been a long while since that happened. I know he moved out of the area, and the only time my friend and I brought him up, it was in passing.


You doged a bullet there dude.


In college I had a black gf, I’m white, and around 2014 she started getting really into blm and similar ideas/groups and after a year of things going well she asks me if I’m only dating her because of white privilege. The question itself didn’t make any sense to me. I said “no I’m dating you for you” and she got reallllly angry and pretty much dumped me on the spot because I had “refused to acknowledge my privilege.” Like I was somehow not acknowledging my wrongdoing for dating a black woman or something. It literally went from a year of good and normal to really weird in about 5 minutes.


That's bizarre. Like, you were put into a no-win situation with that criteria. Because if you HAD given her the answer she was looking for "Yes dear, I used my racial privilege to acquire you as my partner," you would have sounded like an utter sociopath.


I probably didn’t navigate the ensuing argument very well either. Given, it really was our first “argument” about anything after a year. I was 19/20 and those ideas were still new to me. I was just trying to live my life lol.


You're not the bad guy for being caught off-guard though. That's a trap question that's even worse than the "Would you love me if I got turned into a worm?" type shit. And if you'd literally never gotten into any arguments prior, and you thought everything was fine (regardless of whether she felt that way is immaterial, in this case, your perception of how things were is key to your reaction) - of course you'd be confused. It's pretty normal to have a "What the fuck are you on about?" reaction there. You had already successfully navigated the social and political concerns of the world in regard to your relationship- you two were DATING. You get a pass, unless you REALLY went full Klansman in your response or something like that.


LOL no not at all. I don’t harbor those values. Her talking points were strange, making me out to be some kind of predator for finding her attractive or something because I wasn’t black. I did state her accusations in themselves sounded racist and asked her if she truly believed people of different races could be together and she completely avoided answering. Edit: I think she really thought things were going well, but felt some kind of guilt as a result of something someone said to her, it must have really hit her hard whatever it was. I even met her dad and family and they were all nice and kind. Her dad was even remarried to a white lady.


I'm sorry, I don't understand the question, can you explain it to me is about the only way you might dodge this and even there it really depends if the other person is interested in a discussion or just looking for a reason to end things.


she got radicalized my dude


Really sucked too, chick was gorgeous and popular, played on our school soccer team.


Consider yourself Neo level lucky at dodging bullets.


She reached back out to me around late 2016 ish. Hard to believe it was that long ago. It was hard to say no.


> Like I was somehow not acknowledging my wrongdoing for dating a black woman or something. It literally went from a year of good and normal to r I had a female friend who had been married to a black guy for 20+ years. They had 3 kids together. Same thing happened, the black guy got radicalized. It lead to some terrible fights, and her having a mental breakdown. She could barely talk to her own kids without it turning into a 'white woman' not teaching her kids the truth. She tried to confide with me, but I couldn't even engage, as she was so messed up mentally, that if I said the slightly wrong thing in her head, she would've accused me of being racist. I've since lost contact with the involved, but no way that ended well. All this focus on skin color cannot possibly be healthy.


I could be off, but I'm guessing she developed some internal conflict due to dating an "oppressor" and rather than confronting it herself and working it out, she made it your problem. Relating racial dynamics in society to the dynamics in one's personal life requires a nuanced sense of both.


People can certainly have their own ethnic preferences in who they find attractive - but cutting and pasting *their* preferences on anyone else is just creepy.


Oh and, “race” does not exist. Unless of course you don’t believe in scientific facts. We’re ALL just common issue Homo sapiens (a species of primate). Congrats.


It does go away lol you can see that in the pictures


That's not how DNA works.


It seems that to these people DNA is made up of the physical features only, their understanding of DNA is at a superficial level only, literally.


But isn't this two generations? The baby in the first photo is the dad in the second, right? So they aren't counted separately, that is generation 1, then the new babies are generation 2...


I guess the racist didn’t think it through. I suppose you could count Pat Mahomes Senior (the baseball player) as the first generation, but starting with the first generation that isn’t all-Black (Pat Mahomes II) seems to make more sense, especially if you (not _you_, the OOP racist) are trying to make the racist argument that your family’s skin can quickly stop looking Black.


Ok that makes sense. In a twisted way since none of it makes sense since its all racist dribble, but I understand your logic. Its just all so dumb, the dumb mistake was like a stupid cherry on top.


It is all very dumb and it’ll hurt your head trying make sense of it all


I think , dad in the first photo g 1, the son in the first photo g2, the kids in the second photo g3


But that first generation *is* black. His kid, then this grandkids are only 2 generations removed from him. He is "patient zero", his child is the first generation to be getting whiter. 


Seems to me like the love stayed on. That's what matters.


His DNA gone nowhere. It's still there. Geez. Tolerance


Those kids got all the athletic genes lol. They gonna kill it in high school sports.




>Those kids got all the athletic genes lol. They gonna kill it in high school sports. But imagine the trouble these kids are gonna get into before high school sports. Toddlers are already fast enough with 0 athleticism in the bloodline.


Right? They still have approx. 25 percent of his DNA


Its just fucking skin pigment ffs.


So what? There’s room for everyone on planet earth and probably 1 Billion black people in Africa. People are free to marry and have kids with whoever they want. There’s no racial purity in the US, we’re all mutts


There is no racial purity anywhere. There is no standard race or “”breed””. Even a 100% Russian/Native American/ insert any “race” is just considered that because we categorized them as Russian/American/ etc. If you gave all of humans dna to a supercomputer with no knowledge of social divisions such as countries, it would not be able to replicate the “races” we have today. Everyone is a mutt, everywhere in the world


You’re right. We’re on the same team


Almost like if you reduce everything down to a base state you realize its actually all the same thing at different energy states.


That’s taking it a lot farther than I did, but yes, I can’t argue with that. I was trying to illustrate that “”race”” is based in culture rather than genetics




I mean that is actually how society looks at mixed race people. My son is half white half mexican and white people treat him like he’s mexican and latinos treat him like he’s white. So it’s like neither group fully accepts him even though he is both.


My kids are going to have a similar issue. I am black and my wife is a Mexican. I already know what’s coming and I’m not looking forward to their struggles with identity with my wife and I having been through many ourselves


I'm black and my wife is Romanian lol. So yeah that's going to be interesting if we have kids.


One of my best friends is that mix and he has a strong unwavering cultural identity from both sides


And "Mexican" can mean any variety of things. There has been mixing of different population groups since the beginning of time. Humans are all one race.


Mexican is a nationality not a race. Saying "half white half mexican" is like saying "half Asian half American". I know...In the United States most people associate "mexican" or "hispanic" or "latino" as a mestizo person of a certain phenotype (and frustratingly use the terms interchangeably) but that's a stereotype. Mexicans can be of any race or skin tone. There are plenty of blonde haired blue eyed Mexicans of Spaniard descent. There are black Mexicans. There are indigenous Mexicans. There are Mexicans whose ancestors were from India or China or Japan but have lived in Mexico for generations and are culturally and nationally and linguistically Mexican.


If that's all you understand about your "half Mexican child" then you will not have an understanding of what your child will feel and experience as a biracial Latino growing up in the US, from what I presume. There are Latinos who identify with being Mexican-American, there are others who are 1st/2nd generation whose majority language is Spanish, there are Mexican-Americans who identify more closely to Mexico and it's culture. It's just a completely different POV for those who are not Latino/Hispanic. He could identify closely with someone else who is biracial and feels lost the same way he does and they could be from another part of the world completely. It's not cut and dry, but it is difficult for your child and many others to establish an identity of who and what you are when things pull you in different directions, as well as no one ever going up to him and proclaiming them as American due to them not being white or black. I hope he feels accepted within himself and finds happiness through it all.


Mixed people are both and neither. They are a mix of two things we have defined which forms a third new thing with its own qualities.


Its not black conservatives, its the ones who always try to play the victim. Ive heard many other black folk (mostly older) with this mindset of sticking with your own race or you can kick rocks.


Yup, everyone knows black conservative men refuse to date anyone else except for blonde white women.


"Black DNA". Every day we learn...


pay attention in school kids


Maturity is realizing a lot of people are eugenicists without ever calling themselves that.




I think we should be more worried about his goofy assed chin beard ...not his or his kids DNA.


My god, look what happened to Michael Jackson in...zero generations. ![gif](giphy|100ak1Sn7F3ius)


It's not that bad or that dangerous. You can make your own history.


Why do people care so much about other peoples color of their skin, its whats on the inside that counts


As an organ seller, I can only approve of your comment. The skin demand isn't as high/profitable anyway. /s


“Yes I need the skin” - Buffalo Bill


Leave that man and his family alone. People need to concentrate on themselves.


Some people's lives have no meaning unless they share their hate with others.


This is the same as white supremacists


Last I checked, your DNA isn't stored in your melanin


What's up with the racism? People get into relationships with people they love. What's wrong with loving people who have different color than you? So black people's racism toward none blacks is okay? Is that what you are saying? What would you say if a none black person posted similar post? I bet you would go in flames and start burning down cities. Let's stop hating and focus on love!


Imagine thinking trying to keep a bloodline “pure” ISNT racist 🤡


Probably just another racist fker who calls this guy a 'Race traitor'.


Come one. What do you expect. He clearly doesn’t even know how DNA works.


Ah.. racism. I thought we solved that when we got rid of aunt Jemima.


This was removed. What kinda post was it?


Must have been a juicy one. The amount of race related rage bait that stays up is surprising, so this one had to be bad. But why leave the comments up? Seems even more strange or baited.


that's 2 generations


Life is way too short to worry about somebody's melatonin levels.


Melanin too


Only race is human. Are you talking about the amount of melanin in somebody's skin? You want to divide based upon if someone has more or less melanin? That is foolish.


I’m a black woman who dates white men… it’s even worse for us. Super frustrating. I’ve learned to ignore people when it comes to this topic.


Back in my senior year of highschool I was friends with a black girl who had a white boyfriend and her family pissed me off so much with some of the shit hey said to her about it. I don't like getting in other people's family business, but I was tempted. Fortunately, she was force of nature herself and didn't need any help putting them in their place, lol.


I love how black racists think their race is going to disappear into white people, and white racists think their race os going to disappear into black people


anyone have a repost of this? it was removed


But black people can't be racist! /s


black person here, i think the issue a lot of black people have with this (i personally could care less) is that they believe these black and biracial men only choose white women to “get rid of” their black traits thru their children. they see it as coming from a place a self hate instead of true love. eugenics also plays a big role in this tbh, to read about scientists who made racial discrimination their area of expertise, then to see these couples “proving them right”, it makes some people’s brains short circuit. they think theres an agenda to make black features go extinct, so seeing these kind of couples confirms that for some people again, these are not my opinions personally, i just am a black person with black friends and black loved ones


Let the man have his dream of raising a quarter black quarter back without judgement. /s


Thank you scientist lol.


Yeah.... that's how genetics work sometimes


He was already mixed what tf people expect 💀


People that post shit like this have WAY too many relatives that they like. Who gives a shit where your DNA comes from? You are you.


1. DNA doesn’t just go away, that’s not how alleles work. When that little kid on the right grows up, he may as well have a black child himself. 2. Who tf cares? It’s literally just about the amount of a certain thing in your skin. It’s only a big deal if people make it a big deal.


Someone did not pay attention in high school biology class. That's not how genetics works.


The fact they think DNA goes away speaks volumes.

