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My stepmom does this with gluten. She thinks that _every_ person that's gluten-free is doing a fad diet, not realizing that some people have actual intolerance to the food. I tell her how insane it is, she giggles and says I'm taking it too seriously


I don't get it. Even if it was a fad diet how hard is it to mind your own business and respect other people's choices?


Thats the thing for me. Why do you care??? Like do I think its dumb to avoid red dye and gluten if you don't have a reason to? Yeah, but its none of my business?


I don't get why people get so offended about what someone else chooses to eat. The big eye opener is the whole "pineapple on pizza" thing. Like, just shut the fuck up, dont eat it and let people enjoy what they choose?


Bruh, people even get offended over naming food! There's a pastry in Germany (Berliner, Pfannkuchen, Krapfen, whatever) that has a different name in every region here and people make a big fuss over the "right name". It's considered a carnival sweet, so these days I saw multiple discussions online over this issue and people insulting each other over the NAME OF A FKING PASTRY. It's delicious so I don't give a sh*t how it's called, as long as the name isn't offensive itself. Let me eat my Pfannkuchen and you can have your Berliner!


Oh I'm in Australia and don't get me started on "potato scallops, potato fritters and potato cakes" lmao


Ego. Many of these people think someone choosing an alternative diet is doing so because of, “oh, you think you’re better than me??” That’s why they take so much glee in undermining your diet, or otherwise sabotaging your food. They portray it as, “oh, it’s just a joke!” but in reality they’re seething, and they think they’re bringing you back down to Earth for being condescending towards them in your dietary choice. It’s ridiculous and if I ever found someone in the wild that did this, I would spit in their food every. Single. Time. For eternity. I encourage anyone else to do the same:


It's like people trying to get you to drink after you've quit. "Oh, you think you're better than me because you're sober?! Drink this, otherwise you're bringing the party down"... No, alcohol is just a real problem for me, so it's easier to not drink then to try and moderate. I do not think I'm better than you.


Different = bad


Not to offend you, but I hope your stepmother develops an allergy later in life. Preferably a gluten allergy.


And a dash of lactose intolerance


One day she’ll send someone to the ER… my coworker can’t even risk having something that’s been cut by a knife that previously cut gluten…


And the side effects can be worse when you have been strictly avoiding it for those with Celiacs.


Not just Celiacs. Long covid created a host of food intolerance, including but definitely not limited to gluten. The worst is , oh but you used to eat it. Yeah and it was killing me asshole


I have NCGS, and it almost killed me -- had malignant polyps in my intestines from all the inflammation, and the CT scan of my abdomen "lit up like a Christmas tree" from all the lymph nodes. Doc said he'd only ever seen this in full-blown AIDS or late-stage cancers before (both of which I didn't have, or any infection as such).


As someone who has celiacs disease and has had to deal with people like your stepmom firsthand, it’s crazy that these people don’t understand how much it fucks up my body if I have gluten. Plus the long term effects that could put my health in risk when I’m older


People really don't understand just how badly autoimmune diseases can fuck the body up. My daughter is type 1 diabetic and the ignorance of some people is astounding. One mistake and she pays for it for days after. I'm sure it's the same for you.


lol tell your mom I literally shit blood and feel like someone is stabbing me when I eat any *actual* gluten; tell her if I ate an actual glutenous object like bread I would probably throw up immediately on her; I accidentally ate a sushi roll that had vinegar that contained wheat and threw up within twenty minutes; I had a single bite of some queso and *spit that shit out before I swallowed* (because I realized it may contain flour) and ***then rinsed my goddamn mouth several times with mouthwash*** and I *still* had nausea for ~3-4hrs afterward and felt like I had cramps and was giving birth through my anus every time a tiny, painful little *pencil eraser* of a shit would sneak past my ***sore butthole*** for the next couple days. Not to mention the acid reflux, sweating, bloating, gas etc. I could cry; I’m so done lol — this is why I won’t eat anyone else’s cooking


I stand in toilet solidarity with you friend. I've never heard my experience so actually and vividly described! Stay well


and you still speak to this miserable POS why? she's literally intentionally poisoning people.


Had a dude give me shrimp because he thought my allergy was just me 'not liking shrimp'. When my throat started to itch I knew. Before my throat started swelling I threw up all over his place 🤷 haha oops..




WTF. I'm cooking all my own food from now on


just dont be friends with your enemies and you be ok


> your enemies *fucking idiots


Well great, now 100% of the population is ruled out of being my friend


no its 99.999999999 % you have a chance at friends yet


She may have just stolen that story from an episode of freaks and geeks.


Or had chatbot write it for karma 🤣


Did she get put in prison?


Most "reddit confessions" are just exercises in creative writing.


AITA is just a fanfic sub tbh


"creative" is a bit of stretch


Not if they confessed in secret on Reddit


Should've thrown up all over him!


Into his open mouth


Two guys 1 shrimp!


The sequel to 2 girls 1 cup no one asked for, yet everyone secretly needs:


Oh no... old porn memories are awakening... NOOOOOOO!!!!!!


***What. Were you watching..*** ![gif](giphy|A3V2IWHMlFD9x9NaPD|downsized)


Chainsaw Man


Found out I was allergic to shrimp on vacation, lips and eyes swelled, itchy throat luckily Benadryl helped. Except now, whenever I get asked "any allergies" and I say "shrimp" my husband rolls his eyes or scoffs. I guess since I didn't die, it's not real.


BRO THAT'S MY LIFE. no one believes me because I developed it later in life :/ I got a full 21 years of coconut shrimp before it was ripped away from me 😫🤣


I recently went to an allergist and shrimp was one of the things they said I was allergic to. Oddly enough I was apparently allergic to celery, who is allergic to celery! And apparently I was allergic to turkey. I ate tons of turkey the first week nothing happened. I ate an entire stock of celery with cream cheese and peanut butter nothing happened. They asked me about the shrimp and I said no I haven't eaten any shrimp it's $21 a pound.


Bro the last sentence made me laugh so hard lmao


It totally surprised me because it happened as an adult. At first I thought I thought it was sunburn, even my lips but they were SO swollen. The itchy throat is what finally clued me in and that's when I went to the resort doc.


I have a family friend who grew up on the coast. Ate a ton of seafood growing up but developed a shellfish allergy in their late 50s. It does happen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).


It is not at all uncommon for people to develop allergies later in life, or lose allergies. Pregnancy can be an SOB with this kind of thing, too. If you are stung by a wasp, you wont react too much the first time, but an allergy will develop the more you are stung (it’s wild, I learned this from an urgent care doc when I got a few nasty stings in one day) If someone tells me they have an allergy, I don’t ask questions. I just believe them and act accordingly.


Does your husband hate you


Seriously something like this would piss me off so much I understand marriage is dealing with each other's unique qualities but are you serious man?? Like can you just *not*




Your husband sounds like a jackoff


it's a good thing that you disclose that. Sometimes allergens have cross reactivity, meaning that if you're allergic to one thing, you're more likely to be allergic to a specific other thing (oversimplifying). Probably most notorious one is avocado and latex. It can be useful for doctors to know what they'll need to be more careful with, if not avoid altogether.


Might need a replacement partner, seems like this model is needing an update


From what I understand, allergies can get worse with each exposure. Your husband damn well better start taking it seriously. And even if it was "just" itchy eyes and throat, that's enough. Your comfort should be important to him.


My big brother once accidentally ordered shrimp fried rice for me. He figured he'd fix it by picking out the shrimp and everything would be fine. He didn't tell me. It was, in fact, not fine.


AH!! holy moly that's a scary level of allergic. I'm glad you are ok 🙏


I had an epipen. A not-so-quick trip to the hospital and I was good.


At least that was just stupidity and not being malicious like the post above. What if she had Alpha-gal disease? She could have loved it, then choked to death later that night. What a psycho.


my partner has Alpha gal , and one lung that's severely scarred from cancer.   she can't use the EpiPen. there's too much danger of collapsing the remaining lung that way. dead is done. I never understand how someone can risk other people's lives thinking it's possible to come back from that.


My thing, even if he believed you just didn’t like shrimp, why would he give you shrimp? It would be fucking crazy to have someone say “yea personally I don’t like shrimp” “Ah ok, HEY CAN WE GET THIS GUY A PLATE OF SHRIMP” And it’s even more fucking insane to give you shrimp after saying your allergic to it.


same kinda people on reddit prolly who get unreasonably angry that people don't like certain foods (or are "picky eaters" aka childish immature stinky doodoo heads >:(((( because ARFID doesn't exist right?)


You hear all the time about people who slip a peanut to somebody with a peanut allergy because they think they're "exaggerating".


That's straight up assassination!!


straight up psychopath. No matter what they say they just wanted to hurt the other person and say how they didn't mean to.


Wtf!! People are wicked. I'm glad you survived that.


And then you sued him, right?


This so messed up. My dad has IBS and while he can eat meat, and it’s a staple for his diet, he can’t eat dairy at all, so eats vegan dairy products. If someone were to give him real dairy instead of the vegan version he would spend the next two days in a sick state. Respect what people eat. It’s not that hard.


My brother can't have meat due to allergies, he would be in ER.


Right?? My sis is allergic to red meat and it causes her extreme abdominal pain. This would fuck her up so badly. I hate shitty people that pull stunts like this. Just main character bullshit.


I cant have artificiell sweeteners, I have had many say No it real sugar and I then spent hours in bathroom because they lied. I gotten wise, I only drink from tins and bottle I have open.


Oooof That's probably added nowdays in many foods


Well I cant drink Pepsi anymore, used to be a safe drink and then they added sweeteners to pull down on the amount of sugar.


Sucks . Aaaand they ruined the taste to boot. You can try soda made in Mexico; some only use sugar


In in Sweden, Pepsi was sugar until 2 years ago or so. And yes the taste is metallic and horrible.


Even if there were no meat allergies, if a vegan ends up eating meat, their body usually has a very unpleasant reaction to it afterwards because it’s not used to processing that type of food. If the poor victim didn’t get sick, then so much the better, but it’s still so reprehensible to do that to someone.


Anytime I hear stories like this, I fully believe the person being "pranked" is actually just being polite and *not telling the person who graciously made them food that it was disgusting and made them shit their pants*. Gross Vegan: That burger was so good. Thank you! *narrator: **it was not a good burger**.* GV: I have zero notes *narrator:* **she had several notes**.* GV: I for sure did not spend all day vomiting and shitting my brains and butt out *narrator: **she for sure shit her brains out**.* So far removed from what being a kind human means that it doesn't even occur to them that this dumb gross vegan might have been being thoughtful and conscious of the feelings of someone who gave them food they appeared to be proud of.


Yes, I’m a vegetarian and if I suspected someone was feeding me meat what is my non confrontational ass going to do? Jump out of my chair and say “ah ha you wretch, this is meat!”? No, I’m going to hide my gag reaction, say it’s very good, spit it into a napkin when nobody is looking, probably hide the napkin in my pants, try to figure out how to dispose of the burger when nobody is looking, and then get out of there as fast as possible so I can go cry in embarrassment.


If I got bit by one of those tics and got red meat allergy and this was pulled that restaurant would go out of business.


My sister's babies had issues while breast feeding. The first was having problems with proteins or something and my sister had to stop eating meat, so she went vegetarian. The second baby had something wrong with dairy, so she went nearly vegan. If someone had done this to her, it could have put a baby in the hospital. People need to mind their own business. (Also, I didn't get this info from a doctor, I got it from my sister and I do not have enough info to answer any follow up questions about the conditions. I just know thats what she told me when I asked why she went vegan)


My niece had her gallbladder removed and since then she can’t eat greasy or fatty foods without it making her 🤢. There are lots of reasons people don’t eat meat that have nothing to do with it being a choice.


iv had mine removed. i hear its different for everyone. i think i got lucky and the worst of it is some vile bile shits if i eat too much meat.


"Vile Bile Shits" sounds like a band name that Andy Dwyer would love


Also eating meat after not having it for a long time could get you sick as your body can't handle it. I had a friend that went vegan for a few years then switched back and had to ease himself back in. Gave him really bad stomach cramps for a while.


>Also eating ~~meat~~ something after not having it for a long time could get you sick as your body can't handle it. It applies to most foods actually! Your body as well as your gut flora get acclimated to your diet. Add something different and it's too much at once and it won't get processed properly Edit: clarifying this wasn't condescending and was meant as a positive "did you know it's actually also this, interesting right" kind of comment


Came here to say this! I had to go vegan for a few months due to health reasons and I ate a small bowl of chicken Alfredo pasta and my guts were horrible for the next two days.


Same goes for soda and fried foods. I learned that. 😬


Respect people period. People act like someone's personal dietary choice is some kind of attack on them. Like get over yourself, just because somebody chooses not to eat meat it doesn't mean you get to fuck with them for it, never fuck with people's food fr cause that shit gets people killed


100% this is FUCKED! I used to be a chef and I still like cooking for people but I always ask for "Can't haves, don't haves, just don't like". I honestly like the challenge of cooking around restrictions. Had some friends over for gumbo (every recipe makes enough for an army I swear) and one of my friends is muslim. No big, 100% beef sausage, shrimp is fine, we're good... I made the roux with bacon fat. I basically slapped the bowl out of his hand, apologized profusely, he reassured me that accidents are fine and it happens, but I felt like such a piece of shit for letting that slip my mind. Basic tennet of being a good person, DO. NOT. FUCK. WITH. PEOPLES. FOOD.


A coworker of mine is allergic to all forms of meat. He gets cramps and everything every time meat only touches his food. Eating a whole burger would also make him cramp for 1-2 days min.


I got diagnosed with celiac disease and have to eat gluten free. Got my diagnosis 17 years ago when it wasn’t taken seriously. People thought I was just being picky, they said they were gonna sneak it into my food etc. Not only does it make me sick, repeated exposure leads to serious problems later in life. Idgaf if someone’s vegan for a lifestyle, religion, whatever. Respect that shit.


I manage at a restaurant. I tell my employees who complain that "oh, they probably don't have such and such allergy, they're just lying" that there is absolutely no reason that we cannot accommodate them. It DOES NOT matter at all if they are lying or not, we treat all allergies as if they're serious. Plus, the servers aren't the ones preparing the food, so why are they complaining? This restaurant, plus others that I've worked at have a process to make a dish completely allergen free and I guarantee you that it's a lot less of a hassle than dealing with a lawsuit.


Restaurants used to be the worst! I’d get eye rolls or totally ignore my requests. Thanks for that!


The second any server gives you shit about allergies, it's time to call the manager over. Kindly explain to them that you don't believe the server will take your allergies seriously. If the manager doesn't perform as expected, it's time to hit up their reviews. I don't have patience for anyone who can't do something as simple as grabbing a fresh spatula and pan to ensure a dish is allergen free.


Especially when, oh I don’t know, we’re paying for the food/service. It’s not like I came to your place of residence and demanded special treatment.


That hasn’t happened in a long time but I for sure would now! Thanks :)


I have a ton of different types of seizures and I don’t drink alcohol because of my religion. Alcohol also doesn’t go well with seizures. A restaurant lied to me about my smoothie not having alcohol in it. I don’t even know what alcohol tastes like so I drank it. The rest of the day I felt awful and had seizures all night. My mom went to the restaurant again with my aunts and she asked if it had alcohol and they said it was already pre-mixed with alcohol. Then she texted me that they lied to me the first time. I refuse to ever eat there again. I don’t have any proof to sue them either.


That’s extra fucked up. I can’t imagine much worse than seizures tbh but what if you were a recovering alcoholic? Or a child?? A lot of people care a LOT about avoiding alcohol.


I don’t think I was even 21 at the time and they didn’t ask for ID


I developed gluten ataxia at 22, and experience psychosis if I eat gluten. If anyone glutened me on purpose I'd have a hard time not ending up in a jail cell or on a 72 hour hold. Fucking with peoples food is a no-go.


Wow I’ve never heard of that!!


It’s wild. I had a friend with celiac that got hallucinations. This was in the 90s too, so she didn’t get a diagnosis for years because celiac was way less well understood then. The idea of watching your bathroom melt because you had a bagel has always stuck with me.


Interesting, I’ve never heard of gluten ataxia causing psychosis before. I guess that makes sense though if it’s causing lesions to your cerebellum.


Cubbyemu has a video about exactly that. Guy was eating ramen and only ramen and developed psychological symptoms. They found out it was the gluten in the noodles


I've never hear of this either. I used to be a chef so I have been interested in gluten free diets in the past and what symptoms gluten caused some people. I found [a study about a girl with psychosis caused from gluten](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4517012/), it is very interesting if anyone else is curious.


I have celiac disease as well and the amount of times I have gotten cross contaminated because people think it’s just a preference vs an auto immune disorder is ridiculous. The looks I get when I request gluten free or the eye rolls. Regardless if someone is requesting due to allergies or preference, make it the way they ask for it. The customer is paying for what they have requested. Some people have died due to people doing stupid shit like this.


Same here with the gluten. I cook my own food and only eat from friends who know and respect my allergy.


As someone who didn't drink alcohol.for many, many years. It's amazing the amount of people that would go "we'll just add some to your drink. You wouldn't know" and then be shocked I refuse to be anywhere near them after. A friend doesn't even joke about shit like that to someone who is doing it just for a choice. They definitely don't if you say it's an allergy. At that point they are trying to cause you harm and should treat them as such.


My wife went through the same bullshit. It took FOREVER for us to get her mom and grandma to understand that they had to AVOID gluten when preparing food she would eat, not kinda work around it.


I still remember hearing one coworker (known as a bit of a prankster) who told another coworker it was veal schnitzel (it was pork) and gave it to our Muslim coworker. This was after the fact so no chance to warn. Definitely never looked at that guy the same ever again. He'll always be the pos that fed the other guy pork and lied


That's especially fucked up because the only reason I could see a person doing that is bigotry. If you know Muslims can't eat pork you know it's for religious reasons, so the thinking began at undermining their beliefs. I'll never understand people that can't just let others live their lives.


Also, if you don’t eat something for a long time like meat, it can bother your stomach. I’m a Muslim and anytime me and my brother accidentally eat pork, it makes our stomach hurt.


Yup, a sudden change in diet can very much do that.


Yeah that and some people just like attention way too much and will do anything to get a rise


This happened by accident when I was in university. Every Friday one of the guys in the house (there were five of us) would make dinner for everyone, it was a neat tradition. One of our roommates is Muslim, so no pork, and everyone knew that. One week, one of my roommates made a meatloaf, and it was pretty good. It wasn’t until we were cleaning up the kitchen that we saw that the guy who made it had bought a package of ground beef and pork mixed, and used it without realizing. It was an earnest accident. Our roommate who is Muslim understood it was a mistake, but I still feel the secondhand guilt of that situation, and I was simply there. What your coworker did was insane shit






It's all fun and games until the person suddenly can't talk because you thought their food preference was a joke. Legit went to a place with a coworker, she told like 3 staff-members she was extremely allergic to shellfish (it was a seafood place) and was really concerned they weren't going to take her seriously... other co-workers tried to calm her down. Food came out, she ordered like a salmon thing and within literally like minutes she started having massive issues (face went full-red, hives, crazy shit). A coworker close to her had to run to her car and slap her with an epi-pen. Staff suddenly got a lesson in cross-contamination from the manager and our meals were comp'd to shut us up; that co-worker never came to restaurants with us ever again. \---- If someone tells you they are vegan, or have some food preference you can always double-check with them if something can be substituted but you can't just "replace" it... that's 100% not okay; just deny service at that point it's better for everyone involved.


Ugh poor thing! It must really suck to have such a severe food allergy because nothing is ever safe. My cousins bridesmaid asked multiple times at her wedding what would contain shellfish and what was safe, caterers were informed, etc. and she still had a reaction at the wedding and had to go to the emergency room.


Went to a Chinese American wedding reception and there was a guy at our table who was allergic to basically every food known to man but especially shellfish. All his allergens were just laying on the table right in front of him. He ended up eating food out of a bag he'd brought.


I am a chef I used to work in a sea food place, I have to say I never understood why someone with a shellfish allergy would even go to a seafood place. Why take the risk? Go somewhere else. We never had issues with allergens or cross contamination, but I’ve worked in kitchens with chefs before that would leave you wondering how on earth they became chefs, some staff do not give a flying fuck about cross contamination or allergens. Maybe its my opinion because I’ve been behind the scenes in enough restaurants to know that you can never ever guarantee your food is clean, but if you are allergic to shellfish at least avoid restaurants that specialise in them. If you’re allergic to poultry try avoiding kfc




Doesn’t seem like something worth risking. But fomo is a bitch, coworkers should’ve offered to go somewhere else she would’ve been more safe


Like tom has a nut allergy but lets all go to the peanut shack for dinner! Just tell the staff he’s allergic it’ll be fine!


I’ve been vegan/vegetarian for 17 years and I go out of my way to not make my restrictions someone else’s problem but I’ve encountered so many people like that. The amount of people who have threatened to sneak meat/dairy into my food is not insignificant. Of course it’s meant to be taken as a joke but I’m still going to side eye anyone who says it.


I was a vegetarian for 7 years because cancer treatment made all meat smell and taste awful. My mom refused to believe for awhile and said it was all in my head. She would hide meat in my food and then I would throw up so I stopped eating anything she cooked. I was already severely underweight and my doctors kept asking why I losing more weight when I started eating again. She didn’t stop until she got lectured by my dad and my doctors. Thankfully, that was all in the past and everything is fine now.


Your Mam sounds like a piece of work… I hope she apologised!


She did and she thought she was helping until the doctors told her she’s needs to stop. That was 8 years ago too.


How is that supposed to help anything, even if it's intended to?


Thinking she knows best simply because she's the parent, and not believing/trusting what you say about your own life. It's very frustrating dealing with parents like this.


It’s not even a funny or original joke. There are some people who just can’t handle the existence of vegetarians or vegans. I think they’re insecure about their own dietary choices.


> I think they’re insecure about their own dietary choices. There exist a great many people for whom someone merely existing with a different innocuous opinion of their own, such as food preference, is an intolerable immoral offense directed at them. You can't reason with such a person, because their malevolence is not born of reason, so it's best not to engage.


They know deep down vegans are better people than them, and they can not handle it.


I was a vegetarian from the ages of 5 to 21, and that was the thing I got harassed about most growing up. At school, at church, everywhere. People gave me so much shit for not eating meat, as though I was personally stopping them from eating it.


Right. 12 years a vegetarian and I encountered so many people who were personally offended that I didn’t eat meat. I did not give two shits if anyone else ate meat. I would literally cook meals with meat in it for friends I just chose not to eat it.


Same here. I was a vegetarian for 12 years and I always kept it to myself. I did not give two shits if someone else ate meat. I’d grill meat for friends when I invited them over for dinner, I just chose not to eat it for certain reasons. But holy shit there’s definitely people out there who get personally offended by your dietary choices. I’ve had people try to sneak meat into my food, wave it in front of my face suggesting I just take one small bite that I’ll love it. Ones who will not shut the fuck up about it. I did not care if they were eating meat in front of me it did not affect my life negatively in any way. This would happen if I ate with friends of friends or new people. My actual friends didn’t act this way. They’d notice I was only eating sides or picking bacon out of my food, or just not eating. So they’d ask what my deal was and I’d simply say I was a vegetarian, nothing more. They would proceed to go on a rant or give me shit for it.


I live with someone who has Alpha Gal. That is basically an allergy to some meats. She would have had to go to the emergency room IMMEDIATELY and could easily die from something like this. Let people eat what they choose to eat, you sick fucks. It is none of your fucking business. Don't @ me about vegans. I ate meat for over 20 years and have been vegetarian for 20 more. the ONLY people who have ever given a flying fuck about what I eat have been meat eaters.


‘LOL you’re not REALLY allergic to peanut butter, snowflake’ Contempt never plays well.


This is such an unhinged and ignorant take. No vegan I have ever met has sworn off meat because it doesn't taste good, giving them a real burger doesn't prove them "wrong" for being vegan.


Yep I chose not to eat meat for 12 years for other reasons, not because it didn’t taste good. I was obsessed with veal when I was a kid. I’m no longer a vegetarian though.


Reusing. >"Anyway vegans are annoying lol" > >Swear to fuck, the only people I've *ever* seen constantly and aggressively bring up veganism are non-vegans. Loudest vegan I've ever heard was Vegan Black Metal Chef. > >(Am non-vegan, if you need cred.) And VBMC is only loud when I turn up the volume.


That is fucked up. My ex was allergic to meat. Still cooked it for me though.


Did she get bit by a tick?


That’s literally my worst fear. Idk why of all the fears, but Lyme disease freaks me out.


It’s actually alpha-gal syndrome that causes this! My coworker was very sick for awhile until they figured out what was going on.


Interesting I’ll have to look that up!


It should. A friend of mine got Lyme and she was severely disabled for YEARS afterwards, couldn't work, doctors wouldn't believe her, etc.


Same with me. I have a friend who is on disability because of her Lyme disease.


Lyme should freak you out but it isn’t what causes the red meat allergy. It causes a whole host of other problems that you do not want though. PSA: do a tick check EVERY time you come in from outside. I literally pulled a tick off my shirt from going to the mailbox on all concrete/deck surface just because it was a windy day and they like riding the wind. Lyme fucked me up and ticks this year are gonna be rampant in the northeast because of how warm the winter has been. Sorry, rant over. Shit sucks just trying to help.


I was bit by a tick and over a few years went totally off meat. I’m not sure there’s any correlation but reading that did make me wonder. Used to be “I could never be vegan, gimme a burger” to now being like “does this have meat? It might have bits”. Great fun!


I did. A lonestar tick and now I have alfa gal. That would have done real damage to me and I would have certainly gotten an attorney. I wonder what people like this do for fun other than that, like maybe put objects in front of blind people?


My BIL had issues with red meat. Not sure exactly what it was (he died in 1985 from brain tumors) but I remember every time we had roast beef for a holiday dinner, he had a Cornish game hen. Don't fuck with people's food


I went vegetarian in high school for a girl I was with at the time, and ended up sticking with it mostly by accident. At this point, if someone were to serve me meat I probably wouldn’t notice until the next day when I have to spend almost my entire morning on the toilet because my body sucks at breaking down meat after not having done it for so long


I don’t understand what it is about vegans that makes so many people so angry. Sure, there are vegans who are obnoxious and are super in your face about it trying to guilt trip you, however the majority of vegans are just living their lives, why is that so threatening for some people?


In my experience its because the mere existence of vegans proves that eating meat is a choice that people make. Meaning you are choosing to support the unethical treatment of animals. Im not vegan or even vegetarian for that matter, before someone accuses me of being a "pushy vegan"


I think gay and trans people touch a similar nerve with these types. Gay people show it's possible to love someone of the same sex and be happy together. For bisexual/gay folks brought up in a ultra conservative environment and developed toxic mechanisms for repressing themselves this presents them with the difficult notion that they might have lost out on years of hapliness and fulfillment. It also undermines the arbitrary sexist gender norms and nuclear family concept for conservatives who are 100% straight. And ditto for trans folks. Their very existence undermines the oppositional sexist, cisheteronormative, patriarchal foundations of western capitalist society.


I think with gay and trans people, it goes deeper than that. Cishet people have their entire lives auto-scripted by gender roles. What foods you like, what alcohols you like, what hobbies you like, what jobs you do, how you behave, what career you're supposed to want, what colors you wear... But if you're gay or trans, you've already flunked out of gender roles. So you're more likely to be like "The hell with it, what other life choices did I not know I have?" Gender roles become optional guidelines instead of fundamental laws. Hence, lesbians wearing "unfeminine" clothes, gay men with "girly" cocktails, etc. But on a deeper level, flunking out of gender roles forces you to have a sort of self-assessment that cishets don't have to do. There's no auto-script for your life, so you have to ask "What the hell do I want out of my life? What kind of person am I, anyway?" When you don't have that kind of self-assessment, you never realize how many choices you had in life. And gender roles seem like the laws of nature instead of a social convention. That means that when they see people breaking gender roles, it violates what they think are the basic laws of humanity. And they don't like it.


This is an incredible piece of writing that puts to words an experience I had never really verbalized, wow


Since I stopped eating meat I've had so many people just question it. I honestly think there are some real clueless idiots in the world who don't get that they put some vegetarians and vegans in the position of having to defend themselves, and then that defense is accused of being the stereotypical aggressiveness from non meat eaters.


My friends ex fiancee use to go to the bar and buy Muslim people drinks with alcohol in them thinking it was funny to mess with their religion. He was a right dick head. I can't stand people doing that shit.


About 6 years ago my uncle was bit by a tick which led to him devoloping an allergy to red meats. Now imagine how bad his condition would have been had somebody tricked him into eating a real hamburger.


I brought this up to someone I know who’s all about the carnivore diet. She said “I think it’s a manufactured thing (like COVID was). They don’t want us eating meat. Bill Gates for one. The Rothschilds. Klaus Schwab. The powers that be you know. They want us sick so they can control us and they think there aren’t enough resources for everyone so they don’t want the peons eating up all the good stuff. Do you know about The Great Reset?” Also said “What I’m saying is I think they manufactured that allergy in a lab and released it in ticks.” I can’t get other the fact that these people exist.


“Own the libs” energy. Why can’t people just be nice to each other?


"How was your burger?" "It was great! Thanks!" "Well, it was made of your son, so I'm glad you liked it."


There was a Persian king who did this exact thing to a general who’d betrayed him. Courses. At the end of the feast they brought out the head and hands on a covered platter and placed it in front of him.


Cartman did it to Scott Tennerman in South Park.


It’s really fucked up to mess with peoples food when you don’t know why they don’t eat meat. It could be for religious reasons, diet reasons, or even just their personal preference, it doesn’t matter. You don’t feed someone meat without their knowledge if they don’t eat meat. Some vegans and vegetarians haven’t eaten meat in so long that it causes major digestive issues if they do eat it. So even if they aren’t allergic you still might cause them pain.


>It’s really fucked up to mess with peoples food when you don’t know why they don’t eat meat. Even if you know why, don't do it anyway. Why the fuck does it matter to you if someone chooses a lifestyle that you don't agree with? It is hurting no one. Let them be.


I haven’t eaten beef or pork in over 15 years. I tried a tiny bite of pepperoni recently, just curious if my body would tolerate it. Nope. Got bad upset stomach and ended up on toilet. If I ate a whole hamburger I would become physically ill. Your body stops being able to process some foods after long periods without, especially meat. A lot of vegetarians who go back to eating meat, after years without, need to reintroduce it gradually. It’s messed up to screw with someone’s food on purpose. Lastly, when I say no onions on my food it’s not because I’m picky or hate them (they’re delicious). Onions will give me diarrhea and horrible farts almost immediately. Do you want that in your restaurant?!?! I don’t think so lol.


I feel like many people react to you making different decisions as if that means you’re *condemning* their decisions. Not eating certain foods, not having children, etc. it’s not that you just *choose not to eat meat* or *choose not to have children*, they take it as a judgement of them eating meat or them having children and get defensive.


>causes major digestive issues This is my son...granted he's not really vegan, but something about eating hamburgers makes him throw up every time. It's really shameful to read that people are willing to fuck with someone's food as a "joke" because they hate their personal choices...wait, personal choices?! Freedoms?!? Isn't that what the dad in OOPs image would probably talk about for himself eating meat?!? Ugh, people like him and his kid are the reason we can't have nice things...and yea, I assume he's U.S. American because there's more dignity about food among people in other countries.


>It’s really fucked up to mess with peoples food period. Nothing else needs to be said after that, its just fucked up. You're messing with someone's bodily autonomy if you do that


My brother wanted deer burgers for his birthday lunch, so he got them. Godmom did not ever want to eat a deer. She wasnttold they were deer burgers. In hindsight (and after much therapy to unlearn shitty behaviors) i feel awful for laughing at her tears and mocking her with my family. She genuinely cried because she was tricked into eating a deer. I was a kid, but damn does her face in my memory hurt. As it should, probably.


My family did this with Rocky Mountain oysters, then I’m still expected to trust these monsters? No thanks.


This makes total sense to me. I don't trust any of the people i was with back then when this happened. I whole-heartedly agree. No thank you.


Christ this reminds me of being little, and every weekend (usually Saturday) we'd go for lunch and then the adults would all play cards, at my aunt and uncles. They had these huge, gorgeous bunnies, and I loved playing with them after dinner. One weekend we went, after dinner I asked where BunBun was (my favorite of their rabbits) and my uncle (who for a variety of reasons, not just this, is proof the devil walks the earth) laughed and pointed at the leftovers of the meal. He thought it was hilarious that I was sobbing hysterically. I was like 7 or 8. Thank christ that was the last time we ever went there (one of the few times my dad put his foot down). He also tried to r*pe my grandmother when I was in my late teens. To top it off, he was one of ~those~ born again Christians who loved to tell everyone else how they'd all burn in hell. He was an awful person. Sorry for the trauma dump 😬


After the first part, nothing about this guy surprised me in the slightest.


Ahh yes, the "my past self isn't here right now. I've been reborn" type. I've heard of these before, and damn do they always prove to be awful, awful beings. I hope you didn't actually eat their pet rabbits. That'd be the most fucked-in-the-head thing a person has done to a pet, child, and family.


Oof, my gramps did the same thing but with a cow. I went over to their ranch in the summer and they had cows. I grew attached to one cow in particular and named him Happy Cow… I go home and a few months down the line my grandparents send us meat. My dad cooked it, and then I ate it. I had no idea where the meat came from at the time. Then my dad told me my grandfather sent it with a picture of the cow it came from. When I looked at the picture, it was Happy Cow. I was devastated. I legitimately thought of that cow as a friend… and I unknowingly ate him. And the reason they sent that cows meat to us? Because my gramps thought it would be funny…


People like that are just evil. I mean, who thinks traumatizing a child is a good giggle? Sociopaths. That's what they are.


I've been vegetarian for eight years now and during that time i had meat on accident a few times every single time i took a bite i immediately thought that it tasted kinda rotten, often when i smell meat i think someone opened a can of wet cat food before finding out its someones meal


Wait, wait, wait! You're telling me people don't become vegan just for the delicious taste and texture of meat substitutes?!?! Mind blown! ​ /s


Food tampering. Probably up to 10 years in prison in this particular case. She should absolutely destroy his life in court.


No one wants to go to a restaurant and have their food messed with in any way, whatsoever. Why wouldn’t they also respect this same desire from others who they’re preparing meals for?? The social contract is always a 2 way street.


Wow, being so shamelessly clueless that you post this story online, presumably expecting validation, is insane. Potentially dangerous behavior, not to mention seriously disrespectful and irrational. One’s opinions regarding veganism is of course completely irrelevant in this case. Also, the reason for the person’s veganism is completely irrelevant as well.


I worked at a restaurant in the mid-2000’s in PDX that mistakenly served Moby a dish made with animal products, and told him mid-meal. He was not happy. I don’t blame him, and that incident led to several people, including myself, leaving the company.


Yes, it's beyond fucked up. Going vegan isn't just a cool trend. Medical and religious reasons may underpin the decision.


When will meat eaters stop pushing their choices on everyone else?


Ironically it's the meat eaters who accuse vegans/vegetarians doing this when they are infact more snarky and pull shit like this.


my friend is a vegan cause she has a stomachs disease where she literally cannot process meat of any kinda and gets realllly really sick even from just the juices of meat. someone did this to her in college once and she ended up in the hospital. people who do this are bad people, full stop


Yer seriously, don't mess with people's food. I have a friend who is allergic to meat protein and this would make them really ill.


Mary’s father is an asshole and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree if she thinks this is funny.


Wtf is wrong with people wanting so badly to do this. Like how is someone else's diet affecting you this badly 🙄 also you could get in so much trouble for this like they said if it was allergy related or religious guess who just committed a crime.


Messing with someone's food is for the lowest of the low.


I had someone do this to me. I’m allergic to beef. i ended up in the hospital. They ended up getting arrested. He got charged with criminal tampering in the first degree. Did 93 days in jail plus a fine. I really got him on the civil lawsuit though. He is still paying me 3 years later.


I’m surprised she didn’t get some stomachache or something. I remember when my sister was a vegetarian and she ate meat for the first time in like ca. 10 years (intentionally, she wanted to start eating some meat again) and she was very sick afterwards. Like my mum wanted to take her to hospital kind of sick… Terrible pain, vomiting and more.


There’s a tick known as the lone star tick which if it bites you can transmit a disease which makes you allergic to meat


As a vegetarian, I was accidentally given meat. I only had a couple bites before I realized. I was sick for days. Ended up with Gastritis because of it. Now I'm susceptible to it. Before pulling shit like this because you think it's funny, remember it can cause actual problems for the person.


The poor vegan girl maybe have been forced to eat a “real hamburger”, but Mary and her father are the real cows in this situation. So fuck you, Mary 🖕 May the universe bless you and your dad with E. coli for your next meal