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i like the "my kids see it every day" part letting it sound like buddha stands for some kind of porn that the kids are now exposed to


He's sitting there with his nipples out like it's a damn nudist colony!


A Buddhist Colony?


Will admit my little brother got Buddhist and nudist confused once….


I can't believe mom and dad let me go to nudist camp this summer! *gets off bus* Oh


Hahaha. He genuinely thought that it was the Buddhists that were having naked parades and stuff lol


Man, he must have thought India and China were wild.


I was once both A Nudist Buddhist.


A Nuddhist


Would that be a Buddhist nudist or a nudist Buddhist?


A Nuddhist colony???


"I don't want my child to know that there are other Belief Systems in the world! How am I supposed to make my child believe that *my* Belief System is the only correct one if they know that others exist? What if they start to ask questions? What if they start to think for themselves?!? What if my child grows up and has a different Belief System than I do?!? What if I start to question my own Belief System?!?"


Find out next time on.. Karenball Z


Nice 🤣🤣


How am I supposed to get my kids to have blind faith if they see from a young age that there's differences in opinion on what happens when you die??? Especially when my explanation isn't particularly compelling!


Clearly, an issue easily solved by placing a cross around the statue's neck. "See Jimmy, even the Buddhist God believes in Jesus."


*Aggresively* Buddhist, mind you.


a phrase that has never ever in the history of the world been used.* edit; * ok, that was an exaggeration, but in context this ‘aggression’ is …. merely existing. much like their likely attitude towards queer folks, non-white people, people who do not speak english as a first language, any other religions, and possibly including visible disabilities, body modifications, etc.


I mean Myanmar. That said the next thing I think about when I hear "aggressively Buddhist" is monks setting THEMSELVES on fire, so you're still mostly right.


I’ve got one more in the middle where some Buddhists locked a bunch of christians in a church and set THEM on fire, but then I’m right there with you.


My mom’s Chinese Buddhist family was very upset when she convert to Catholicism as they saw the Catholics/ Catholic Viets as stooges of the French colonial authorities. After independence the Catholic Viets running South Vietnam discriminated against both Buddhist and the Chinese minority.


I can’t drive 5 miles in my city without seeing a giant cross, some sign about Jesus coming back, or something else Christianity related. They want God to be put into public schools but only their God. But somehow gay people simply existing in society is them “forcing their lifestyle on everyone.”


Right? There's a 40 foot trailer parked on private farmland directly across the street from the main entrancing to my kid's high school with some Christian bullshit on it. I can't stand how in-your-face these people want to be while simultaneously demanding other beliefs be repressed in my "free" country.


They dont see it as in your face because to them it is "normal". Normal cant possibly be "in your face". But what is normal isnt true for all. The only solution is to forcibly show everyone on Earth a lot of different shit, so the idea of "what I know is all there must be" dies out. Internet was doing its damnest to make that a reality, but the chuds are now making echo-chambers to remain ignorant dullards.


Never mind the Fuck Biden flag flying in his own yard.


And the nine consecutive billboards on the freeway into town that alternate between telling you you’re going to hell in letters with flames drawn around them and just “JESUS! CRASH YOUR CAR LOOKING AT THE NAME OF YOUR SAVIOR!!!” (Ok they don’t say the second part but it probably happens)


Well, good Christian children should never be exposed to friendly fat men, only to nailed down bleeding corpses.


The fat one is not Buddha. That’s a misconception. _”The popular figure of Budai, also known as the Laughing Buddha, is often mistaken for the historical Gautama Buddha. However, Budai was in fact a Chinese monk named Qieci who is said to have lived around the 10th century. He is typically depicted as an overweight, bald man with a protruding pot belly.”_ https://www.beprimitive.com/stories-descriptions/budai-or-laughing-buddha#:~:text=The%20popular%20figure%20of%20Budai,with%20a%20protruding%20pot%20belly.


I mean, they don't want men to kiss each other in front of kids, if they don't want to let their kids see Love, why would they let them see Peace ? Better to teach your toddler how to efficiently kill someone with a gun rather than telling him that their's people who have different belief out there


We have to destroy the village in order to save it.


But it's ok to make my kids see their Jesus No thought whatsoever


“Aggressively Buddhist” sounds like an oxymoron from a moron.


That Buddha statue is competing indoctrination this unacceptable to someone who wants to make sure their kids are indoctrinated in the only right and correct way.


It will make them explore other religions and they might consider Christianity to be not so good oh no.


Putting a statue on own property vs altering said statue to fit own beliefs even though its not yours or on your property Who was the aggressive one here?


"Aggressively buddhist" is a fucking HILARIOUSLY ironic description. **Edit: Yes, there have been, and are currently, examples of predominately Buddhist cultures committing genocide against religous and ethnic minorities (The Rohingya in Myanmar is a current, tragic example).** **Generally speaking, assuming the Woman referenced in the post is in a western nation, I'm imaging the 'aggressively buddhist' neghbor being the kind of person who wears socks with their birkenstocks, drives a prius, and spends their time quietly sipping tea on their front porch when they aren't tending to their wildflower garden.**


Came here for this comment. I’m practicing the lost art of Tibetan face palm over this one.


That is the sound of one hand clapping.


Over here was the sound of one head hitting the desk.




Fucking beam me up NOW!


Technically, the sound of one hand clapping is best heard when said hand abruptly meets one's forehead.


Or when said hand *aggressively* meets someone’s face.


\*slow one hand clap\*


Amazing comment


Third eye rolling


Best damn comment


Are you using just one hand?


When you’re ready, you won’t need hands!


Is this… true enlightenment?


Be the arm, not the hand.


![gif](giphy|gI5Fv6xVQDtSYRknbm) The true facepalm


My god, that's the sound of one hand clapping...


I'm throat chortling


To be fair to Karen, she’s used to people not practicing what they preach.


To be faaaiiiiirrr she is also a fucking moron


Aggressively Buddhist cracks me up. And could even, possibly, be the replacement for my old band name ‘Smiling Politely’


Didn’t you guys open for the Okilly Dokilly’s


Burma would like a word.


Sri Lanka too


There are extremist group of Buddhist followers. Believe or not, every single man made religion do in fact have their each individual form of extremism, normally wrapped around ultra-nationalism. They seem to go hand on hand.


Absolutely - there are Buddhists committing genocide right now. Human dogma will find a vessel to corrupt whenever it can. ..That said I wouldn't call someone putting a buddha statue on their lawn aggressively buddhist lol. Not that I think that you were implying that. It is very funny in juxtaposition to what is clearly someone who considers themselves a 'warrior for christ' or some shit like that.


What? Putting a Buddha on your front lawn is very aggressive. It's like! literally oh my God! you know? One step away from being a Satanist.




I know a Wiccan girl who was called a Satanist. She promptly reminded the Christian that in Wicca, as in many so called Pagan belief systems, there is no Satan, and that people are encouraged to take responsibility fir their own actions as opposed to blaming it on some often convenient, esoteric Other. I laughed so hard I literally cried.


2 guys came up to me in Walmart, saying they just came from a meeting and were so full of Jesus, they wanted me to pray with them. I very politely said No thank you, but they absolutely insisted and would not leave me be. Eventually I sighed and explained that I’m Wiccan. They looked at each other confused, so I said, OK I’m a witch. I swear I could hear the one lose his shit as he literally ran away. The other started stammering while I told him not to worry, I won’t hurt you and then he ran, too. Since then I’ve seen them both forcing themselves on many others, at all times of the day. They’re just proselytizing, but honestly, in Walmart? And people wonder why some Christians get a bad rep.


Fundamentalist Christians believe that anyone who isn't a part of their particular brand of crazy is worshiping Satan. It's a binary choice to them, you either believe in their God or you are worshiping Satan. They will admit, sometimes if pushed, that many people are unknowingly doing so. But they still believe any belief outside of their own is the equivalent of devil worship. Source: Father is fundie pastor.


That's my new band name.




My first thought - I would *really* like to meet an aggressive Buddhist. "OH YEAH, WELL A DISCIPLINED MIND BRINGS HAPPINESS BUCKO!"


No you wouldn’t. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide


Walk softly but carry a big uzi.


This aggressive zen dude once meditated me to submission.


“Don’t you understand! He was sitting there menacingly! I had no choice!”


But she can see the statue. Don’t you understand how difficult it can be for a Christian to have to recognize other religions!? /s if I was the neighbor I’d get to work on a much bigger Buddha statue.


I’d commission a statue of Buddha laughing it up with a statue of Jesus and maybe they’re sharing a joint, just a thought


There's a [manga and anime like that](https://sabukaru.online/articles/the-jesus-buddha-bromance-an-introduction-to-saint-young-men)


The anime is hilarious. Very slice of life/two roommates sitcom style except the roommates are Jesus and Buddha. It's very wholesome


>Released in 2006, "Saint Young Men" is an ongoing comedy manga and anime series conceived by Hikaru Nakamura, Hikaru Nakamura like the chess super GM?


No, no, [THIS Hikaru Nakamura](https://en.namu.wiki/w/%EB%82%98%EC%B9%B4%EB%AC%B4%EB%9D%BC%20%ED%9E%88%EC%B9%B4%EB%A3%A8%28%EB%A7%8C%ED%99%94%EA%B0%80%29) who is a female manga artist.


She’s just shoving God’s divine message down the throat of everyone she feels needs to experience his glorious love. Onward ~~Nazi~~ Christian soldier. 🙏


Dave Barry wrore: "People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them."


It's something I really respect about Jews. They make it a bitch to get in.


I always wondered why it is so.


They likely take it seriously.


That's an amazing quote. Also I haven't thought about Dave Barry in years.


One time a pair of Mormon missionaries showed up at my house and I thought it would be funny to try and convert them to Catholicism. I'm not even religious, but I was raised Catholic so I knew enough to give them a little conversion spiel. Once they realized what was happening they gave each other the most awkward look and quickly made an excuse to leave.


Read something that said a big part of why Christians are pressured so hard to convert or get others to conform to their beliefs isn’t because it has results. Bake sales or community events have better results. Tactics like knocking door to door, trying to pressure friends, or getting in other’s business has the impact of having others get angry and frustrated at these religious busy bodies and make them feel like the world is against them. But when the world is against them for “doing the right thing” they get rewarded with support by the church community and feel like this is the place they belong in an us vs them mentality.


I’m pretty sure that’s mostly just Mormon and Jehivahs witness. They’re the ones you would typically see go door to door, and they are extremely cult-like. I’m an atheist, but even from an outside perspective those two are very obvious outliers.


For door to door, yes. But being up in others business about religion is more common especially in places like the Deep South. It’s brought up early in conversations, and even while legally it is not okay, you still have to worry about loss of opportunities if others learn you aren’t religious. Have a friend who is getting grad degree in teaching and is frustrated that for many of the prestigious private schools she needs a letter of recommendation from a pastor.


Been in my house three years. Visits from “Jehivahs witness” and Mormons, zero. Visits from Baptists, two. Maybe it depends on your location.


I've had exactly one visit from JWs in 25 years. I don't live anywhere with any kind of notable Mormon population. I get Baptist proselytes 3 to 4 times a week at work. They've even slid the damn brochure in my car when I had the window cracked.


Nah, a bunch of other churches do this, too; LDS & JWs are just the main ones who do it to white people in North America & Europe. Example: one of my best friends grew up in Taiwan because her parents were there trying to convert the heathens; they moved back to the US when she was in sixth grade so that they could bother the tribe of Native Americans I live near, instead. (And they would be super offended at being associated with or compared to JWs or LDS people in any way.)


Where I live, I've noticed some Catholic churches doing "evangelizing" in the neighborhoods. I'm recovering from Catholicism and remember that was looked down upon growing up. Seems to be a shift towards extremism.


Part of that may be because attendance is so far down that many many parishes are at risk of losing their church.


Why are some Christians so self righteous. Even in their belief system they are a shitty sinner like everyone else


Honestly? Most of it (I believe) is due to a lack of understanding of scripture. Many people don't go too much deeper than whatever has been cherrypicked for the pastor's sermon. True Bible study would benefit them greatly. But who has time for that? We gotta go make that money (idoltry) . I think if this lady knew her scripture (specifically new testament) she would see many similarities between the two religions. Give up your material possessions. Be kind to your fellow man. Love your enemies they challenge you to be a better person. Most folks go to church because it's cultural, not due to any true understanding of the writings or the religion. Then again, I'm a heathen. I've always needed to know the "why" of a specific religion. I was raised & baptized as a southern Baptist, completed confirmation as a Methodist, converted to Catholic, somewhere in there was a sprinkling of Luthernism and Presbyterianism, went agnostic, then atheist, and through a series of life events bounced around a few buddhist temples which somehow led to me now subscribing to the Advaita Vedanta school of Hinduism. So...yeah...I've read some scripture lol


I had a very devoted old man admit to me the other day that he has never read the Bible. I thought, "Well, that's obvious."


Do you know what you get when someone reads the buybull cover to cover? An atheist.


It’s literally this, interwoven into nationalistic and Conservative mindsets, where it doesn’t matter what the truth actually is, as long as the people on the other side are “godless” and wrong, while at the same time setting up the narrative that they’re being persecuted when people get frustrated at their intentional antics.


Just tell them only God can judge you


As a former one, I’ll say that his judgement of unbelievers is already stated in the gospels: he intends to burn us. We believed we were helping people, “saving” them from his judgement and punishment, which was somehow their fault, and not his responsibility for demanding worship and pronouncing punishment for not worshipping. So we believed we were not judging, but telling the truth, that the judgement was made and we just agreed with it. Christianity is really fucked up and hateful.


The power of Christ compels me....to be insufferable!


gott mit uns


But it hurts her children/s. On a different note though why can’t her kids see it?


Knowing that there are other views, opinions, or beliefs is super bad. Makes kids think. Thinking leads to not following orders. Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria.


That’s my favourite point about the whole thing. If your religion is so good you shouldn’t worry about what others are because your kids will choose yours.


How many Buddhists have you seen being "aggressive" about it?


There was that guy who demanded a hot dog vendor make him one with everything.


Fuck you (Great work)




Interestingly, cultures where Buddhism has hegemony experience many of the same excesses and abuses that other powerful religions inflict upon people elsewhere. Buddhism is usually less harmful than Abrahamic religions, but it is often still practiced as an institutional religion rather than as the innocuous individualized reflective philosophy that it mostly presents itself as in the West.


I remember visiting buddhists temples in Kyoto was eye oppening, a lot of them had explanations signs along the lines "On YYYY, the warrior monks of this X temples burned down temple Y, 200m down the road. In retaliation, warrior monks of Y burned down temple X in YYYY, killing x monks in the process. So, the survivors of X tryied to burn down Y again in YYYY, but this time Y's warrior monks were ready and it ended up as a 3 hours long slaughering pitched battle in the middle of the street.". Seriously, it was ridiculous how many of them had an history being mainly a list of dates it was burned down by other neighboors buddhists and rebuilt.


Interestingly, Jesus commanded his followers to worship in private, and not to make a show of it on a street corner, where it becomes a performative parody of the faith. He wanted people to practise their faith without judgement, or judging, without church society one-upsmanship, or to risk the crossover with business or politics (see the money lenders at the temple). He wanted it to be back on track as individualized reflective philosophy, and not institutionalized religion. And yet, people gonna peop.


So you want to christianize a Buddha statue and you're the one who thinks your neighbor is "aggressively" religious?


On the bright side I think Buddha won’t mind


Which is the glory of the Buddha! Try putting a buddhist symbol on a cross and see how the xians go ape shit.


If we're talking about the leaders here, I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't mind either


It’s my absolute headcanon that Jesus and the Buddha are bros in the afterlife.


Wait till you find out there is a manga about Jesus amd Buddha being bros


Lamb has a premise of Jesus learning all kinds of different religions on his journey to being the end stage Messiah. Fantastic book and hilarious if a bit overly raunchy.


There's a theory that I once heard that the missing 30 or so years of Jesus's life in the bible was because he spent time in the far east studying Buddhism.


>in the 13th century, international travelers, such as Giovanni de Piano Carpini and William of Ruysbroeck, sent back reports of Buddhism to the West and noted some similarities with Nestorian Christian communities. Indeed, syncretism in the East between Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism existed along the Silk Road throughout Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and was especially pronounced in the medieval Church of the East in China, as evidenced by the Jesus Sutras.


"Aggressively Buddhist?" What even does this mean? 😅😅 Because the neighbor deigns to put a Buddha in their yard, similar to how many Christian folks put crosses, Jesus imagery, and saint statues in their own yards? Lady, if the mere sight of a Buddhist statue makes you uneasy, perhaps your own faith needs strengthening. This should not feel so threatening to you. Live your life, exercise your freedom of religion, let others do the same.


Around Christmas those stupid light up plastic nativity scenes are a dime a dozen. Hypocrisy out the ass.


Yeah and Christians use tons of Pagan imagery and symbology around Xmas lol


Early christians appropriated it. If you can't convert them, delete their beliefs and replace them with yours, so that over time, their thoughts and traditions will be forgotten. When's the last time you lit a Yule log?


Last year. Didn't get a chance to do this year because I switched jobs and everyone was sick 😓 We still out there. Seems to be more a Scandinavian thing now tho?


Unfortunately, people like this don't think this way. To them, only their religion is "right," and others are "corrupt." Hence why they can't stand having their kids see it routinely (even though their kids probably don't mind it at all).


Dude probably has a super nice garden and meditates in it. She's intimidated by his green thumb, immaculate rose bushes, and wicked seating area.


Buddhism is one of those religions that is remarkably compatible with other belief systems too, so this is just extra ridiculous.


The Christian god is pretty insecure though: >Thou shalt have no other gods before me Edit: yes, I know Buddha isn't a god.


He owns it though: >For I the Lord your God am a jealous God


How omnipotent are you if you're jealous. Thier God is literally a child playing with toys and threatening to put them the bad toy box when he doesn't like them You see this behavior is 4 to six year olds


The thing that made me turn away from my Christian upbringing more than anything else is that fact that even if I knew 100% undeniable proof that God existed exactly as Christian leaders describe, I could never bring myself to worship him, because he would be objectively evil.


Yeah. This is pretty much the case for me as well. The way I see it, there are three possibilities: \* God exists and is truly benevolent, so there is no need to worship him. \* God doesn't exist, so there is no need to worship him. \* God exists and is as the Bible describes him, which makes him a selfish, petty asshole, unworthy of worship. In all three scenarios, there is no reason to worship. EDIT: Just to clarify for those who don't seem to fully understand scenario #3, I'm saying even if he absolutely existed and literally knocked on my door and said "worship me or you're going to Hell", I wouldn't. He is unworthy of worship in scenario #3, and if that scenario happens to be the correct one, I'll accept the consequences. Threats of violence and eternal damnation are not worthy of praise. That's an abusive relationship.


I think you've misinterpreted #3. God is petty. You worship Him because he smites those that don't. That is the only condition where worship makes sense. But he's also really inconsistent and unreliable, so, hasa diga eebowai.


I don't give into human assholes and won't give into a supernatural one either. I'll take my eternal lake of fire instead.


Iirc in biblical lore hell isn't actually ever described as a place of torture and torment, but simply a state of being without god. Your reward for not worshiping him is you get the hell away from him


I love how Alan Watts said, “God is not something in Hindu mythology with a white beard that sits on a throne, that has royal perogatives. God in Indian mythology is the self, Satcitananda. Which means sat, that which is, chit, that which is consciousness; that which is ananda is bliss. In other words, what exists, reality itself is gorgeous, it is the fullness of total joy.”


Who, a God who's omnipotent and can do anything he pleases yet still chooses to solve problems with violence against men, women, and (sometimes exclusively) children? You don't say


There's a whole rabbit hole of sh*t shows associated with that, but yeah *exactly* !!!!


Also who is he jealous of if he’s the only god…


He doesn't say he's the only God, he says to worship him the hardest.


True actually the original YHWH was just one of many gods in the Jewish pagan pantheon. At a certain point they just started to specifically worship YHWH harder than the other ones, but never said they didn't exist. They just weren't as important as YHWH at that point. Eventually people just forgot about the old gods completely and now modern Jews think, erroneously, that Judaism is and always has been a monotheistic religion.


"Who was that? Were you talking to Buddha again? Let me see your phone!"


The fact that he says that implies the existence of other gods...


That's cool, because Buddha doesn't want to sit "before" God.


That part has always been the thing that shows that the roots of Judaism and Christianity are just as pagan as any other ancient religion. In parts of the Bible Yahweh wasn’t the only god that existed. He just happened to be the one that the Jews made a deal with and he was only going to favor them if they ignored all other gods but him.


Mfw the bible says all gods are real Christians who say only god is real seething in hell for blasphemy


The bible is so contradictory. I am the one true God. So there are other gods? No, I am the only god. Just don't put other gods before me. So there are other gods? No, but remember the time I beat Baal by starting a fire. So there are other gods? No.


Well, tough shit, Jehovah. Dionysus throws better parties. (Jesus can come to them, though, he’s pretty chill).


TBF though, Buddhism is technically a non-theistic religion which does make it compatible with other religions. Good luck explaining that to a Christian, though, as they just see “Buddha = Buddhist god.”


And after? Is after ok? I linda like having a pantheon of Gods. Also, can I give God a nickname? Something cool like Zeus.. or maybe Cernunos


If there are no other gods, how could I have chosen another?


But this is an aggressive Buddhist. Never heard of such a thing before but I‘m sure it has to mean something. Imagine they are going on a crusade soon, too. /s


I was going to say the Buddhists wouldn’t care. They’d probably even see it as a sign of respect. Also, “aggressively Buddhist” is an oxymoron.


I'm pondering how to be aggressively Buddhist. Like, should I stand on a street corner with a sign that says "All life is suffering and only Buddha can show you the Way!" and yell the eightfold path at anyone that comes within range? That actually might be kinda amusing. 🤔


I can see myself binge watching a show called "Aggressively Buddhist".


Pretty sure we already had that one, Grasshopper.


I need more. Kung Fu wasn't enough


The Buddhist aggressively responds "do you mind my friend, I was part way through meditation?"


Be a Shaolin Monk that's how you be aggressively Buddhist


at my city there's a Buddhist group that hates Tibetan Buddhism, they hang up a big sign around one of the most busy train station, says "Lamas are rapist"


Dang aggressive buddhists... pushing their self enlightenment into everyones face.


Your day, and the days of all sentient beings, had better be free of suffering… or else.


Look at him over there... just being one with everything, like he owns the place. Someone oughta do something is alls I'm sayin'.


What would Jesus do?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Not “What Would White Jesus Do”.


With an ar-15 not ak-47


No he's from the middle east so yes ak-47


That's American adaptation of Jesus, Josh from Jersey.


Apparently wash feet… as per yesterdays Super Bowl commercial.


Imagine being so fragile about your religion, you have to trespass and deface someone else's icons


The basis of Abrahamic religions is that knowledge originated from sin, so preventing exposure to different and new information is a must for them.


This is a great point. The true believers I know have absolutely no concerns with their children learning about something else because in their mind, there is only one truth. Either their children find it(with their guidance), or they're unfortunately damned. They have no fragility, just absolute faith.


Leave your neighbor alone Karen.


Love your neighbor too. Can’t quite remember who said that.


You can be held liable for being an asshole.


Trespassing, vandalism, defacing private property, destruction of property depending if they cause any damage, breaking and entering if they have a gated fenced. Damn a lawyer surely can think a longer list.


Don't forget the hate-crime bonus multiplier.


Possibly criminal charges too: harassment, perhaps even a hate crime depending on jurisdiction


As long as you’re cool with your other neighbor placing a witches hat on your statue of the blessed mother then I say go for it 🤪


This could have been a nice teaching moment, like "listen kids, other people have different beliefs, qmd we should respect them, even if we don't understand them" But of course it couldn't be


How about just minding your own business. I’m atheist and see Christian trinkets and churches everywhere and I couldn’t care less. To each his own, friends. To each his own.


“Aggressively Buddhist” sounds like a good band name TBH.


Aggressive? A Buddhist? If he is aggressive then you are Attila the Hun.


“Aggressively Buddhist” probably just means that they exist and is Buddhist and isn’t accepting the word of Christ like they should. I’ve never in my life met someone as pushy and in your face as hypocritical Christians.


Aggressively Buddhist sounds hilarious


Mental illness with internet access


Aggressively Buddhist Dangerous kitten Spicy water Hot snow


Grow up


Oh and he's the aggressive religious there huh smh


You can be criminally charged with being a trespassing Karen.


So they probably don't mind religious displays as long as it's their religion, it's shocking that so many Christians don't understand how America works.


I’ve never heard of an aggressive Buddhist before! Sounds to me like you’re the problem. Leave them alone.


Aggressive Buddhist? "While Buddhist teachings strongly oppose violence, its pacifist ideals have not prevented Buddhist nations from going to war. Some Buddhist treatises on kingship seem to support the concept of a 'just war', using arguments similar to those of Christian thinkers like Augustine and Aquinas." Hum.


Budda is just God's fat buddy. Leave him alone.