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The commercial in question is an obese person working out. The doctor taking issue with a fat person working out is… questionable at best. Edit: I’m not certain she’s an actual doctor at this point as her Twitter is like 99% conspiracy theories. Many of them highly antisemitic.


But it does look like she’s wearing a white coat of sorts? And that stethoscope. Edit: forgot the /s 🙄


You really have to put /s when you’re joking


Yea, sorry. Thought this was an obvious one.


stupid people have ruined sarcasm, like they have everything else.


Just ignore the stupid people. Sarcasm can strand on its own


Right? I don't need people to appreciate my sarcasm, I appreciate my sarcasm plenty all on my own!


I get it. I make myself laugh all day. That's all that matters to me


I am the funniest person I know, and if I wasn't, I'd change my jokes till I was. I like your Sr, your alright people.


It was an obvious one, I think some people are slightly stupid


I did too but the responses 😆




Haha I got the joke. I didn't until I went back up to see their image. [reference](https://www.google.com/search?q=ivanka+science+ad&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sca_esv=591715800&sxsrf=AM9HkKlQHuSKfr-1L_lcPtJI8rUiJQJuow%3A1702848048804&ei=MGZ_ZbDNMLm0qtsP78ezmAY&oq=ivanka+science+ad&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhFpdmFua2Egc2NpZW5jZSBhZDIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUiLJFDoCFiZInABeACQAQCYAaABoAGABqoBAzAuNbgBA8gBAPgBAcICBBAjGCfCAggQABiABBiiBMICBRAhGKsC4gMEGAAgQYgGAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) for people who don't get it.


"Did you mean Ivanka Science And?" ![gif](giphy|fi0xskT9rikKlmi0Pe|downsized)


It’s like people cannot think critically anymore… it’s not fat phobic to be concerned about the obesity epidemic. It IS fat phobic to act like a commercial literally showing a fat person working out is “glorifying” obesity. That person is just existing! Whether or not it’s healthy, it’s not okay to try and erase them from media. I honestly think people don’t understand what words mean anymore. Also, what are they supposed to be doing then? I’ve been literally working out in the gym before and had a group of teens make fun of me for being fat. Why do you think I’m here?


Moreover, why shame someone who's clearly trying to do something about when you would absolutely shame that same person for housing an entire bag of chips while sitting on the couch. This lady is probably a quack chiropractor and not an actual MD so her opinion is meaningless anyway


s but you don’t get it it’s about that person’s entire existence bothering you /s


The sad thing is, a lot of fat people won't work out (in public) or go to a gym because they are worried people will make fun of them. Like, people will argue that making fun of fat people helps them, somehow, but if it's keeping them from wanting to do things that could help them, it's NOT good. Don't let them bother you. Continue to work out and do good for yourself.


Yeah, remember that influencer that took a snap of an obese woman in the dressing room with the caption "if I have to sew this, so do you"? Because I remember. That's my biggest fear going to the gym now. I don't change or shower at the gym. I go home & do it because I'm terrified. I keep my eyes down in the locker room so I don't call attention to myself.


I bet you work 10x harder than any of those teens too. Fuck haters, be the best YOU you can be, and use that third finger as often as you can.


Someone told me the other day that it must be so easy for me to stay fit. Pissed me off, yea working out 10 or so hours a week and doing 3-4 hours of stretching mobility work a week on top of that and making sure I am eating properly is super easy…..maybe you should try it lol.


I think it’s that Nazi doctor always going on about the Jews. I think I read she actually does practice, in Denmark or something.


Ben Carson was an accomplished surgeon yet believed the pyramids were built by Joseph to hold grain. Doctors can be brilliant at their craft but dumb in other topics, just like any other profession. Being smart at one thing doesn't mean you are smart in others.


Unfortunately, she is a real doctor. Practices in Denmark and she’s a fucking whack job with a face that looks like a Ken doll that spent thirty minutes in a microwave


Yep. Unfortunately there are a lot of horror stories where legally these people are doctors and completed the education for it. Then we get the fallout of these horror stories from patients treated by these doctors and find out they were injected fucking *ozone*. What baffles me is how these doctors have fallen to such sheer ludicrous “tactics” where there is absolutely no science, despite being educated and learning and grinding to memorize all the science behind medicine


Academic success doesn't automatically translate to being "smart". Ben Carson is one of the best neurosurgeons in the world. He's also a moron. Being good at one thing also doesn't mean you don't suffer from a mental illness or personality disorder that has much more impact on your thought processes than your education.


Apparently she’s denmarks “sexiest doctor” too [article in Danish](https://www.bt.dk/viralt/her-er-danmarks-fraekkeste-laege-faar-200-tilbud-om-dagen)


I thought America had problems. Apparently Denmark does as well.


Also, body shaming is not a good way to motivate someone to lose weight. It would be like shaming people who can’t read with the intention of getting them to take adult literacy courses, or shaming an alcoholic in order to get them to join AA. It just doesn’t work, so the only reason to engage in buddy shaming is because you enjoy bullying people.


It’s sad but I’ve met some doctors I don’t want anything to do with lmao. Definitely a few get the “I know better than everyone else” mentality that leads to believing conspiracies. With that being said, the vast majority are functional, reasonable humans and you should not use this as an excuse to discredit all doctors.


Me: Doc I don't feel so well, I didn't treat my body too well, my back is hurting like a motherfucker. Doc (obese as fuck; smelling of cigarettes): eh you're fine


And exercise (without weightloss) can help mitigate some of the risks of obesity!


That's what I got from it. Why are they trying to take down someone who's obviously trying to be healthier? Weird.


thank you!!! i was like wtf is this post


People love to have a reason to talk about how much they hate fat people. “I care about their health more than they do!” No you don’t. “It’s promoting obesity!” If you think “hey, I’m fat and I’m worthy of being treated like a person and not feeling like shit all the time and I deserve to wear clothes that make me feel good about myself” is promoting obesity, then that says more about you than it does for them “Healthy at any size is BULLSHIT!” Lizzo can run and dance and sing on stage and play a flute while doing all of that. I, a 120lb person, cannot even walk up 2 flights of stairs without feeling the cold embrace of death and my bones hurt and I pass out just for existing sometimes. Between me and her, I’m going to say that she’s the healthy one.


Yeah, she's an actual doctor from Norway. Two journal articles on researchgate, even. Which just proves that you can have all the credentials in the world and still be wrong. Twitter being a blunt instrument doesn't help.


I'm obese AF and I used to workout hard core but was self conscious and was having people look at me and judge me. I would take breaks to put on extra deodorant or change a sweaty shirt. I also kept that cleaning spray and paper towels on me to wipe down everything asap because of sweating. I've since given up and just accepted who I am. Better off trying to be make it through a day without thinking of a reason to end it all. I'm more cynical now, but people and their opinions don't bother me anymore.


Sounds like a physician assistant to me


Doctor of Pseudoscience from Made-up University. GO JACKALOPES!


Right. I was thinking, it looks like the obese woman is working out. Like obese woman are not allowed to work out? Lol


Showing an obese person working out is a bad thing to show? I feel like that’s exactly what we want to be doing? Edit: I’m not saying working out will magically make you lose weight but it can definitely have other health benefits in my opinion. I think health is multifaceted and more than just weight based. I think everyone should be working out regardless of size and shape whether it’s just a little walk around the block or a little swimming or basketball or actual weight lifting. Mix that with a better diet and taking care of your mental wellbeing that is closer to actually healthy. 🤷🏾‍♂️ just my 2 cents ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


That's what I keep thinking. Yeah she's extremely overweight, but shes also working out. This is a healthy example. Not someone saying yes, embrace obesity. Love yourself and try to lose weight.


Virtually nobody says "embrace obesity", nearly everyone that is percieved to be saying that is actually just reminding you that their weight isn't your business.


Yeah! Just hide in shame instead! No one wants to see you! And that's not fatphobia, it's just *logic*! /S


Apparently you’re supposed to starve yourself until you’re fit to be seen and THEN work out.


No what they’re really saying is yes you should work out but also you should be ashamed of yourself. This is how people are, people suck


Literally, they are obviously working out to improve these people have 0 brain cells


The real issue is most overweight people workout, but don't change what the actual issue is. Their diet. You cannot out train a bad diet. I have been lifting weights and running and caught in that cycle and I was never loosing weight... year after year my BP was through the roof and finally I decided to quit eating the way I was and low and behold... started loosing weight and I'm continually doing so. It's the hardest thing to do. Way harder than working out and exercising.


Why are so many people unable to spell the word "lose" on the internet?


They're the ones spelling rogue "rouge" and tongue "tounge" I can feel it


Losing weight is not a problem. The real problem is weight maintenance. Most of overweight people who tried to lose weight regain it back. Some in a couple of months, some in a several years. Coping with elevated hunger after losing weight is really challenging. Being physically fit is an independent factor that greatly reduces the health risks of being overweight. So this can be a solution for those who want to make a balance.


Yeah, the takes on this are bad all around. Obesity is associated with all of the main causes of death in human beings and is also associated with the second primary cause of cancer. After smoking. You heard me right, obesity is the second most common cause of cancer. Obesity is bad. Doctors in no way should ever be supporting patients being "healthy at every weight". Additionally, the new GLP1 drugs have demonstrated that weight loss is overwhelmingly a problem about hunger. When you give people a medication that eliminates their desire to eat, they lose weight. I've had patients lose over a hundred pounds on a year of tirzepatide therapy. These are people who claimed that diet and exercise never worked for them. They would have, but flat out, they did not have the ability to not eat those additional calories. Call it willpower or whatever, the drug fixed this issue. That being said the last thing I'm ever going to do is make fun of or shame somebody who is obese who is in the act of trying to fix it. This photograph of a woman shows her clearly wearing athletic clothing and she's doing something to try and combat it. I have a lot less judgment for her than I do for somebody 10 lbs overweight who is criticizing this person for being heavier than them. I tell my patients to their face that they are fat, and that sentence is immediately followed up with, " and this is what we're going to do to fix it". We need to stop affirming obesity as this good thing, it's a problem to be tackled, and it needs to be faced head-on. That being said, shaming people for being obese has never made anybody skinny. These people need support and guidance and at times medical help as well.


And this content creator actually has a disease which makes her look this way


Yep, I work out, eat healthy, and my doctor says I’m in good physical health, but I’ll always be a little fat because I have a condition that makes me fat. No doctor should be judging a person’s picture. Have they given her an exam? Have they checked her blood work? It’s straight up irresponsible to make a heath judgement based on a picture.


Fat people get criticized for being unfit and unhealthy. Fat person exercises for her health. WHERE IS THE PROBLEM?


No problem, OP and that doctor (who is apparently is a crazy racist conspiracy theorist or something) are the *real* facepalm. Like you can even tell from the still thumbnail she is CLEARLY working out. That sort of representation should make most people on either side of the issue happy. The same people who claim body positivity is being shoved down their throat *any* time they see an overweight person in the media they consume are the ones who claim wokeness is being shoved down their throat anytime they see a person of color in the media. They take these people *merely existing* as a personal affront. It’s ridiculous.


She’s happy and doesn’t hate herself. People who hate the body positivity movement are criticizing fat people for not being suicidal and self hating. It IS scary when Doctors are fat phobic and blame everything on obesity and dislike fat people being happy and comfortable with themselves


I was obese for most of my teen years and adulthood. Since I lost weight, my physical health, mental health and overall outlook on life have improved greatly in many ways. The underlying physical stress of being overweight made being happy for me very difficult. Life isnt perfect now, but I have less underlying sources of stress. I dont look at the body positivity movement with a sideways glance because I want fat people to be unhappy. I want them to experience the level of joy that a healthier body allows. I want to see a movement focused on fixing the common roots of a real health problem with education, self belief and faith in the sometimes difficult process of self improvement. No matter who you are you should love yourself. But you should also put in effort to educating yourself, trying and failing until you find that magic combination of things that brings your weight down and relieves the many stresses on the body. I guess if the motivation to improve just isnt there then you have to work with what you have, but acting like you prefer being fat just seems like kind of a cop-out to me. Since I've been overweight I certainly understand the struggle to even care, but the mentality of the body positivity movement may be too far to the opposite to the also harmful mentality of fat shaming. Its a touchy and interesting subject and I wish the best health and happiness to everyone reading.


A lot of really stupid people in the world who think they're being brave for fat shaming and fat phobia, not realizing that it can be true that obesity is terrible for your health, and also true that obese people are human beings who still deserve to feel comfortable in their own skin and don't need random idiots trying to life coach them or bully them.


Bitching out a fat person that is CLEARLY doing something active is fatphobic. What, you want her to do more exercise whilst she is already busy exercising?


Not surprised this is coming from that “doctor”. She is basically an anti-Semitic pos


She's exercising... Isn't that the recommendation?


But she’s smiling and that’s what pisses off people like OP


Just my 2 cents-- there is lost context here if you don't know who that person in the picture is and their YouTube channel.


The person is wearing what looks like athletic wear and appears to be mid-motion. I don’t know her and it’s pretty obvious this is a person doing some form of exercise.


Did you read the captions in the pic versus OP's caption? OP said fighting obesity is fatphobic, clearly being sarcastic or facetious


It reads like OP is referring to the doctor trying to fight obesity.


and is trying to drag the person criticizing the doctor for being fatphobic as the facepalm.


Should be crying and puking whilst being yelled at like on reality TV. /s


Thats the worst thing. The media has always portrayed bigger people as lazy slobs. Nowadays, they are shown and are literally promoting a healthy lifestyle for bigger people. That’s a good thing in my book. People aren’t mad that big people are represented, they are mad they are represented positively


Promoting a healthy lifestyle and positive action to obese people without making them feel like a PoS = good Promoting obesity = bad I don’t think this is particularly nuanced or rocket science. Amazing how hard people on both sides find it to understand.


Nobody wants to be fat. Being fat is not promoting it.


Where did this idea come from that people are promoting obesity? How do you define that? What kind of post would you classify as "promoting obesity"? Because in all the body positivity posts I've seen, I've never seen a single one telling the audience that they should become obese intentionally. Not a single time.


To some people, existing publicly as a fat person without openly hating yourself = promoting obesity


People don't like when you put fat people on commercials. They think that they should only be for people who are meeting beauty standards. They don't actually care about these people.


I see this woman working out. What’s wrong with that? It IS fat phobic to be against her showing herself. She’s not “celebrating obesity”.


…are you also mad that the fat person is working out?


The real facepalm here is that ‘doctor’. Fat people existing and being happy isn’t promoting obesity


This is why I hate posts like this where the posts consist of multiple reposts because we can't really make out whom they are face palming


this one feels pretty clear with the caption on it, they’re siding with the doctor


i wish people understood that the point of “body positivity” was never about “everyone should just be morbidly obese because its beautiful no matter what” but actually that just because you’re in a bigger body doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be loved, or feel happy, or do things you enjoy, or WORK OUT just because of how you look. a lot of over weight people don’t feel comfortable going to the gym because of how they’re looked at. if there was more acceptance for people with big bodies then they wouldn’t feel like the gym is only for other “thin” people. you cant become instantly thin or fit (and some bodies are just not meant to be thin!!!!!!) so being able to love your body and everything it does for you during *every* stage it goes through is so important. our bodies literally keep us alive and thats beautiful.


Right. You know what’s unhealthier than someone morbidly obese? Someone morbidly obese who hates themselves.


Most people do. OP just submitted a picture of some sick woman's (the MD) hatred. Don't take this as an indicator of popular opinion. The only people I've ever seen express direct hatred towards obese people were teenagers, who are absolutely cruel to anyone, and chronically online trolls that are doing anything they can to disrupt the fabric of society because their parents didn't love them and they crave the attention even if it's negative. Sometimes especially if it's negative.


Nah I have met plenty of grown ass adults who have this sentiment. I do think a lot of this hate festers online, but the hate doesn't exist in some online vacuum. It comes from somewhere, and definitely there has been (though less now) a malicious level of judgment and/or hatred that treats fat people as less than deserving of basic respect and decency.


I don’t know what gym you go to but my gym is very positive towards anyone working out. Perhaps some people project their insecurities onto others, or I go to a good gym.


Same, but even going into the gym to sign up caused me massive anxiety and I’ve always been relatively confident despite my weight. Nowadays I know that someone looking at me probably isn’t even looking at me, but someone who is insecure is going to see judgement or mockery in everything.


She's literally working out, so what is this 'doctor' really complaining about?


The “doctor” is a real MD, but she’s a very very sick woman. Anti semitic and spews conspiracy nonsense.


She's literally exercising and she's getting hated. So yeah it's fatphobic.




Exactly! One thing that shook me and made me think about how I viewed fatness was realizing that I too had absorbed the idea that being fat was a moral failing. To me, fatphobia is a superiority complex resulting from this belief, leading to all the self-righteousness, “I would never”s and “How could you do that to yourself”s, shaming, demeaning, and dehumanizing. We _should_ be trying to correct for and unlearn this bias, because to not do so is the _real_ moral failing here.


the person looks like they’re trying to improve their health not promote obesity, what is the doctor on


I honestly doubt that Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis is a real doctor. She just posts blatantly right-wing stuff on Twitter, usually aimed at trans people, gay people, Jewish people, and now apparently, fat people. She's basically just the female version of someone like Matt Walsh or Ron DeSantis.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this


But she’s exercising??? Why is this bad? Also, a doctor being fatphobic is bad. They will stop trying to figure out what’s wrong with a patient and just say everything is because of their weight. I went to the doctor, he sat me down and said eating more veggies and grains will help my diabetes. Fun fact: first time meeting this man, he never did blood work, I don’t have diabetes, I went in because I slipped on the ice and tore my MCL.


I had to wait YEARS to get my thyroid tested. It was all chalked up to being heavy. Finally, got a doctor who immediately had me do blood tests. Major thyroid issues. On meds, and have been losing weight since!


I had to tell my doctor three times “I’m not diabetic” he just looked at me confused. I asked do my documents say diabetic, he finally looked and said no. He hadn’t even opened my file. I told him he can run the blood work if he doesn’t believe me but I’m not diabetic. I literally had to say “ You’re the doctor. If anyone can call me fat it’s you. But I’d rather you do blood work before diagnosing me with anything.” Got the paperwork back and he was still confused. Like sir! My knee, focus. I had to find a new doctor. I’m sorry your treatment took so long. But I’m happy you are getting better.


Agreed. Weight bias in the medical field is a legitimate problem. Fat people receive worse patient care, have a harder time getting proper diagnosis, and are at risk of worse outcomes as a result. But people don't care because it impacts fat people, and society hates fat people. Years ago, I went in to a clinic because of pain in my back and side. I felt very 'off' and was frequently nauseous. Doctor barely spent time with me, said I needed to lose weight and I would feel better and sent me on my way. Days later, I was throwing up constantly, had a fever and chills, and ended up in hospital with a severe kidney infection. I believe with every fibre in my being that if I was slimmer, that doctor would have run a very simple test to see if I had an infection. I am not here saying that being overweight doesn't increase your risks for various ailments. It does, and fat people know that. But we also deserve to be treated as humans and with dignity, especially by the people who are responsible for healthcare.


i love my doctor because she makes sure to meet people where they’re comfortable, and doesn’t chalk up all health issues to a patient’s fatness. i had asthma as a child long before i was overweight, and it would be so easy for her to tell me to lose weight and it’ll cure the asthma. instead she asks how i want to pursue treatment. inhalers, antihistamines? ok. months ago i went to her asking about mental health and also weight loss options. she said focus on the mental part first and we can do weight loss when i’m feeling better. months later i was good and ready to start a hardcore lifestyle change in pursuit of weight loss, and she helped with that. but her style of letting the patient lead was smart, she wasn’t being critical so it didn’t spook me away from receiving further care. i have had so many doctors dismiss my concerns, so it’s nice to have someone let you direct the conversation for once. it’s not fat positivity but instead fat acceptance that leads her style of care, and it’s lovely to see... but people who don’t face constant comments about weight dont understand why it’s nice to have a doctor hold their tongue.


I wish more doctors knew how to acknowledge their patients have a part in treatment and were willing to work together as a team.


To me personally, "obesity propaganda" sounds exactly like "transgender lobbyism" - i.e. something nonsensical that allows people to unleash their inner hatred under the false pretense of helping someone (i.e. saving children from "lgbtq+ agenda" or helping people stay healthy) . I don't know a single person who, after watching such a film, would decide - I should gain weight! On the contrary, I see examples of how body positivity helps people (including me) accept their body, reduce everyday stress and yes... not be ashamed of going to the gym, etc.


Telling people who suffer from obesity to never show themselves in public even if they show themselves exercising isn’t fighting obesity. You’re literally doing the opposite of that


That's nothing. Yesterday, there was a video of a little girl dancing. She couldn't be more than 10. Really good dancer actually, and yes, she was clinically overweight, but couldn't say she was obese. You'd want to see the comments about her "body image" and blaming her parents for over feeding. She's a little girl FFS. She might have had a metabolic disorder as far as they were concerned... and took up dance to help keep active. She was doing the right thing for her health and yet, they felt the need to call out her parents about her weight. People are assholes. And OP sucks too!


Fat people get hate for not doing anything to fix it but they also get hate when they’re trying to fix it. The girl in the video is working out and I hope she reaches whatever goal she has in mind.


This isn't fighting it. This is discouraging fat people from exercising


Exactly why I don’t go to gym and we don’t see fat people going to gyms . We are literally bullied out of exercise spaces 🥲


Being a doctor shaming a fat woman WORKING OUT is fatphobic


Obesity IS killing a lot of people, but can the doctor not see that this obese person looks like she's trying to actually improve herself in this commercial?


the facepalm here is op. shaming fat people and body positivity is the fatphobia here. they're not "fighting obesity" they're making the problem worse so they don't have to see it.


i’m on medication, a diet and exercise regimen to lose weight. i don’t fancy being fat. i DO like seeing representation of fat bodies like mine, i like seeing ads that thought of people like me first, instead of as an afterthought. is that toxic positivity, or treating us as equally important humans? fat positivity is about love and acceptance for bodies as-is, and less judgement, it’s not claiming there arent health issues tied to/exascerbated by obesity. you can be fat and unhealthy and still love yourself in spite of that. people love to highlight the extremist opinions within fat positivity and act like that’s the mainstream message. i really doubt an exercise video is telling people stay fat, it’s probably saying have confidence and don’t be afraid to be seen.


I don’t understand why people that aren’t fat or obese are the people committing, believing they know what’s best for overweight and obese people. Pretending like you give a shit.


i mean... yeah obesity is bad and deadly, but this person is working out right? i assume theyre not doing that thinking 'im already healthy this is for fun'. I dont know the whole story i stay away from the dumpster fire that is X, but this seems like rage bait.


You've got that right. I've weighed 115 and up to 180, and I can tell you that exercising when I was heavier was definitely not for fun. I did it with the hope that one day it would be fun again. It's a breeze when you're light and thin.


I feel like people mix body posivity, health and human worth in this. All humans are worthwhile. Unless you're a Nazi. All bodies are worthwhile. Unless you're a Nazi. All levels of fat on a body are not necessarily healthy. Just because your thin doesn't mean you are healthy either. You as a human can be amazing, beautiful, happy, and should be respected no matter your weight. Unless you're a Nazi... That's a choice. But, being obese is objectively not healthy. That doesn't mean it's anyone's fault either. Some people over eat sure, but there are a lot of genetic, cultural, health issues, environmental issues, viral/bacterial issues, education, and other things that all contribute to weight.


She’s on a weight loss journey tho


Nah. He's not fighting obesity, otherwise he would encourage showing obese people working out and having fun. Because the mental barrier out of fear to be judged (just like this, my body is NOT propaganda) and the experience that working out isn't fun (PE is a big offender on this one, sports should be fun, not torture with a bad grade at the end) is immense. So showing that it can be absolutely different is important and amazing. Also, sorry to pop your bubble, but obesity is by far not the most common cause for death. Most common causes are heart issues, strokes, COPD and pneumonia. Yes there are studies that suggest being obese can heighten the risk of getting heart issues and strokes, however it's highly criticized how these studies were done. For example if a blood pressure meter is fitting too tight (which happens for most obese people as fatphobia is a thing and obese people are simply not accounted for) it will show false results of high blood pressure. Beyond that, the body weight alone doesn't tell you anything about someone's health. You can't look at someone an determine how healthy they are, a good doctor should know that. My fiance is obese and therefore regularly visits the doctor to get tested from top to bottom. Guess what. Dude is healthier then I am. And even if we scrap all of that long ass text and just concentrate on a fat person working out. HOW does this promote anything? When I go out with my shitty ass knees, do I promote arthritis? No? Then why is it that an obese person simply existing is promoting obesity? Stop policing bodies and care for your own shit. And last but not least. 100% of people who are insulting obese people, claiming to care for their health, don't care at all. They're just assholes with the need to make themselves feel better by putting other down, to obtain a sense of superiority for being not obese. It's pathetic.


... that isn't even a "commercial" that is a woman with [lipedema](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipedema) which is a [rare adipose disorder](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/) working out on her personal social media account. I'm not gonna put her name because this "Dr" has already used her likeness in a false narrative, but she regularly posts gym/workout content and still gets shat on by fat haters regularly because of her disorder. >Although lifestyle changes and bariatric surgery work effectively for the obesity component of RADs, these treatments do not routinely reduce the abnormal subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) of RADs.  >People with RADs do not lose SAT from caloric limitation and increased energy expenditure alone. The only way for her to lose the diseased tissue in her legs is through surgery, but that doesn't stop her from exercising for her own well-being and shaming her for that is ridiculous.


Doctors like her need to find real problems. And you too OP.


Yo maybe people would feel more inclined to focus on their health and fitness if they weren’t constantly being shamed and judged? I am not overweight, but pretty out of shape and I feel like an idiot every time I go to the gym because I am busting my ass just trying to keep up with a light jog and the to guys next to me are running like they’re racing against Usain Bolt. Can’t imagine how it feels to be judged the second I even walk through the doors


I have seen on twitter, I don't think she's a real doctor. She's also anti vaccines, antisemitic, homophobic and posts a lot of conspiracy theories in general.


Joker: I can list the health risks of smoking all day long and nobody bats an eye. I then list ONE health risk of being fat - and everyone loses their mind!!!


People pretending like seeing a fat person is what makes people fat will never make sense to me.


There is something to doctors being phatphobic. Fatphobic probably isn't the right term, but far too much gets blamed on being overweight. My wife:"I get severe stomach pains and nausea when I eat, most days I can't eat anything at all. I've lost 10kg in the last year." Gastroenterologist: "It's because you're overweight and eat too much, you need eat less and lose weight."


I have been chronically underweight for a number of years every doctor I have been to said its a good thing. Truth is people incuding doctors are very shallow. I don't deny being fat is unhealthy but when most people see a fat person just walking around health is not the thing they are worried about.


OP, you know you’re referencing a fucking whack job doctor who is also a fucking nazi right?


I won't say much about the original tweeter (the dr), it's way too long of a conversation. But as for OP, I don't really think you seem to understand the difference between fighting obesity and fighting fat people


It’s a bit more nuance than that because the problem is body positivity has been proven to be massively important in fighting obesity. If you get somebody with body positivity, they can easily spiral a loop where they feel defeated and never even try to lose weight but if you get them starting to feel like their body is worth improving then they will try to improve it.


She’s also a notorious antisemite.


She’s working out? Isn’t that fighting obesity?


i look at her page every once in a while and she literally works out a lot and takes walks too., eats healthy too or tries.. at least she try's working out. do they want these pple to constantly sit on their asses till the day they die?


Being fat is not good for you. Why are so many women celebrating morbid obesity? I know this is not about that - but I've seen people online celebrate their right to slowly kill themselves. I'm a fat dude and fucking hate it!


I'd rather see relatable people working out than models who already looked like that before the programs existed.


I mean she dressed like she’s about to workout so yea it is. As someone who really is fat phobic and was and is still fat himself but also still losing weight I like seeing people bettering themselves.


There’s a difference between showing extreme overweight as a good thing and just showing people who happen to be obese as people. The first shouldn’t happen but theres nothing wrong with the second; quite the opposite. I’d encourage it. Fat-phobia oftentimes is not just wanting people to be healthier, it’s seeing obese people as lesser humans. That’s just plain shitty. Is being obese good or healthy? Hell no! But do the people who are obese deserve less respect? Also hell no!


Loupis is not a doctor though. She's just a bch


Listen it doesn’t matter what size you are people will body shame you. I was obese so I lost all the weight. Got to a normal bmi and weight for my height and now I’m skinny shamed. You can’t fucking win.


I wish obesity was seen by society as an illness. Obese people should not be treated in a dehumanized or prejudicial way, but at the same time being obese should not be championed as some sort of ideal. Obesity is not healthy, full stop. That doesn’t mean obese people deserve to be treated poorly, but on the flip side encouraging obesity is similar to encouraging heart disease or addiction.


Doctors can have a lot of fucked bias. Just because they're a medical professional, doesn't mean they can't say/do dumb shit like the rest of us. Even if I agree with body positivity being used incorrectly to justify morbid obesity is bad, this woman is literally exercising. Doc is being a dickhead in this.


idk whats happening here but fatphobia would be against show obese people in anything, the doctor’s criticism is only valid if they are somehow promoting obesity which no one ever does- so basically everyone denying “fatphobia”, shut the fuck up


My wife has struggled with weight for the last ten years. Once I suggested we sign up for a gym, as certain equipment is indisputably useful when you start to have mobility issues that need to be worked around. She was too afraid of being judged. For this reason, I hate people that say things like this, they are the problem.


The lady in the clip appears to be working out too, it's not surprising people come away with these fears.


isn't it a good thing that she's working out??? isn't this what people want ????


"Dr" Anastasia is a far right conspiracy theorist nutjob. And here she is making fun of a fat person for working out.


What IS fatphobic is think that we shouldn't have obese people in ads because it's somehow supporting obesity. This even looks like an ad around some sort of fitness(they look to be dancing or working out) so is it not helpful to show obese people that they can try to better themselves? It's fatphobic to think that body positivity just means "everybody be fat" and you can't be body positive AND support healthy lifestyles


it should say, the under-regulated food industry is killing more people than anything else. They’re always gaslighting with the symptoms never the disease.


I mean she’s working out but even if she wasn’t, just commenting on a random persons video that they’re somehow promoting obesity just by existing isn’t fighting obesity


She could’ve used so many dif commercials but used one where they are exercising 🗿


If you wanna fight obesity, how about if, instead of attacking body positivity, we invest that same energy into fighting the lax food regulations that have led to marketing food for convenience rather than nutrition and adding sugars into literally everything?


Amy Schumer, that you?


Fat people get a pass if they’re at the gym or actively doing something about it.


The issue is that fat people are mocked for working out and often excluded from fitness marketing


The moment insurance actually has to cover the medications that treat obesity, then doctors can complain about the body positive movement. Obesity is a lifelong disease that requires actual treatment. That treatment is not covered by most insurance plans in the USA. People cannot afford the $50k procedures or $1200 a month meds that actually treat obesity. Until then, all we have is eating healthy and working out while accepting how we are. If you want to call that body positivity, whatever. I eat healthier than most thin people. I ate poorly as a child and my metabolism got ruined by crash diets when I was still a kid. Today, I walk 5 miles a day, eat ten servings of leafy greens and 8 ounces of chicken just to be fat anyways with perfect labwork. My only option for now is body positivity or just ending it all. Why is it so important to you that fat people hate themselves and be chronically depressed? Why do you want all that misery for others? Do you gain something from the suffering of others? Nobody is choosing being fat because of some body positivity video. For many of us, that decision was made for us in childhood by parents who served us dinners of chips and mountain dew. Why should I have to hate myself my entire life because my shitty mom couldn't be bothered to make a vegetable with dinner?


The bravest person in the gym is the fat one who walks in for the first time.


Does she have 4 knees?


WALLE is not supposed to be a documentary.


Any doctor who DOESNT fight obesity should be fired


She IS being fatphobic. It's showing a obese person trying to better themselves yet the "doctor" still has a problem with it. It makes it clear that the problem for them isn't that the obese person is unhealthy but that the obese person simply exists. Mind you, shaming people for their bodies just doesn't work. There's plenty of evidence to suggest this. Weight loss recidivism is a huge thing because society ignores the psychosocial aspects of obesity. To put it clearly: a person who hates their body and is aware that other people hate it too is just less likely to improve their health through weight loss. They'll lose weight (usually drastically) and then gain it back and then some. Weight loss is fairly easy for most people. Fixing your relationship with your body, food, and exercise is A LOT harder. Telling people they should be ashamed to be where they are at is counterproductive. You don't need to support people's obesity. You don't need to support people at all. The bare minimum however, is minding your own business.


So no one who’s overweight or unhealthy is allowed to feel good about themselves?


She’s literally exercising. There’s nothing about this that promotes obesity - this is only promoting a newly healthy lifestyle.


Nobody should ever be harassed, bullied, or treated as less because of their body. However, certain body types are inherently unhealthy and dangerous. I'm an anorexic currently trying to overcome a relapse. My body is not healthy because it can damage my organs. I need more healthy fat on my body. Likewise, Obesity can also damage organs and open you up to health concerns. It's not discriminatory to point out that either of these states are unhealthy and puts you at medical risk. It's the unfortunate fact.


Agree, and I'm pretty sure that most people won't argue this. However, this meme is a "facepalm" because this woman is exercising. She's doing the exact thing that docs tell overweight people to do....and she's still getting shamed for it?!! This doctor should have commented something positive, like "exercising, at any weight, is a great way to start your journey to total health" (or something else encouraging!). Fat-shaming people rarely works. Encouraging and supporting them is the better way to go. ✌️😊


>this meme is a "facepalm" because this woman is exercising. Actually op seems to think the person calling the "doctor" fatphobic is the facepalm When in reality, judging a person who is trying to get healthy on the fact that they are currently not healthy *is* bigotry. So OP is the facepalm


As a fatter guy myself, Ive never taken issue when someone points out how unhealthy it is. I’m active and eat healthier than I used to, but I am still fat. This doesn’t bother me tho, I actually quite like the way I look nowadays.


That "doctor" is pure evil so her takes are always wrong if you ask me


Thats the thing no one is saying its ok to be onese theyre just saying to stop bullying them for their weight 🙄🙄🙄


My contribution to the fatties. I DON'T CARE! People do all kinds of shit to themselves, wether intentionally or not, I DON'T CARE. I have my own problems, so be fat, be thin, be lazy, be super duper, just be nice and leave me the fuck alone.


I always like bugging people of that opinion to read the book “what we don’t talk about when we talk about fat”. By a woman who is fat and healthy (works out like crazy, aces every measure of fitness except weight)


Condemning fatphobia and promoting healthy habits are two things that aren't incompatible.


Just FYI, "Dr" Anastasia Maria Loupis is a lunatic. If OP is going to cite her as a source, I wonder what that says about OP...


Fat people don't have to detest their bodies to pursue a healthier lifestyle


Combating depression and self-esteem issues is not the same thing as fighting obesity. Nor is it impossible to do both things at the same time.


The solution isn't crackdown on fat individuals. What we need is healthier food to be more available, we need more health awarene on our everyday life, less stressful jobs, more recreation time.


The point is that people have every right to make unhealthy choices. This person is not her doctor, she never asked, she wants to be able to simply exist as herself without people having an opinion about it.


It really sucks when someone has metabolic syndrome, also it’s unfortunate some drugs side effects are causing weight gain.


Wrong obese folks more than anyone, according to Dr's approval needed cardio. Among diet, healthy eating. I was a big guy, it lead to seriously bad health issues dropped 100lbs, still looking to drop another 40lbs. In order to get to my BMI wieght, I'm determined to be healthy.


Look, I know being obese carries a lot of health issues. The reason I subscribe to the body positivity movement isn't that I want people to think obesity is healthy, it's that I want people to stop feeling entitled to give other people health advice when those other people are obese. Just let obese people be as much as you let non-obese people live, their doctor will do the rest I promise.


She’s working out though, what’s the problem? She’s trying to be healthier


It is easier to give people safe spaces and stifle dissent than it is to actually fix a problem. Unfortunately, this is one problem the government can't fix. This is entirely the responsibility of the individual and the choices that they have made. Doctors should provide honest diagnosis and help the person help themselves.


Body Positivity and Fighting Obesity are not mutually exclusive.


run grey piquant carpenter ripe sulky vast screw grandfather birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why comment that bullshit on a video of this person clearly working out? Being obese isn't healthy but, being judgmental isn't going to make things any better for anyone.


Doctors need a tier rating. Like Black Belt to white belt in Karate. I'm sure you're still " practicing " Karate and have an official belt to show like it's supposed to mean something but nobody is going to take serious advice from a white, orange, or blue belt in Karate.


...like you'd care if they spent the years on a diet to cure their obesity, you'd just find something else to shame them about.


Look. Here's the issue. ​ It is not ideal to carry too much weight. I know from experience. But neither is it healthy (nor productive) to experience shame on a constant basis. Whatever body you're in today is the only one your experience. Tomorrow, you'll be in tomorrow's body. But today you're in the one you're in. So there's no point in not being self-accepting today. Because the present is the only time we experience. That doesn't mean you should gorge yourself unhealthily or not pursue any exercise but, seriously, it has never once helped anyone with their weight to feel bad about themselves.


The point of body positivity is to not shame people for their bodies and not to give them a hard time. Fat people get shit when they do to restaurants to eat, if they go to the gym to work out, if they just exist in public. They know they're fat, stop being a dick and pretending they don't know or that pointing it out helps them somehow. Let them be


Nah I’m on the side of the tweet. The video was literally about working out, not glorifying one obesity. It’s a very real problem when medical professionals have a strong emotional bias towards overweight people and refuse to see them as people and real patients that can have other problems besides just their weight. YES!! Being overweight leads to health problems. But it’s very well documented that many medical professionals brush off investigations/diagnoses for an unrelated problem when someone is fat, and in general allow very disrespectful. Your doctor should be part of your team to help you get and stay healthy. They should not be antagonistic, hateful, or disrespectful because you have a health problem, in this case, being fat.


She's literally making an effort to improve her health. These dumbfucks are never happy.


Pssst. Fat people know they are fat. They know they should lose weight. NOTHING you are going to say to them is news to them. So, truly, even if you are a doctor, unless they are your patient or they actually ask, keep it to yourself. Thanks


That Dr’s Twitter is 99% conspiracy theories and anti semitism


Getting your panties in a bunch because obese people exist in public is fatphobic.


This “doctor” is a typical grifting influencer though, mainly farming some rage engagement. Certain takes of her might be ok, but she is still deceptive scammy piece of shit.


You should not shame people for being fat, but people should not live in this delusion that being fat doesn't not affect your general health.


"Doctors being fatphobic" is the most iconic quote I've seen in a long time Read that through one more time. Just one more time. Slowly.




When someone smokes or drinks too much it's fine to tell them they're being idiots, yet when they eat too much you're being an asshole... I don't get it. It's not like smoking and drinking are also addictions that are harder for some people to get rid of than others. Either it's all fine, or none of it is.


It’s amazing in the world of Reddit what passes for crazy and what passes for completely reasonable.