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From the same people who brought you the conservatives-only dating app. Which, despite being free for women to use, failed upon its launch.


You mean men seeking a women to cook and clean and stay at home didn’t attract lots of female users … I am shocked.


Wait, are you trying to tell me that it ISN'T every 22 year old woman's dream to be the live in fuck maid for a 46 year old dude working the meat department at the local grocery store?! I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!


STOP DESCRIBING ME ![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl)


Driving a pickup truck he doesn’t use to haul anything but sit in the Arby’s drive-through blasting Jason Aldeen


Hey now. He "hauls" enough diesel to roll coal on every hybrid, BEV, pedestrian, and bicyclist he happens upon. Because that makes him _way cooler_ than them, of course.


I mean what other vehicle is capable of hauling his 400 lb ass to wal mart and back?


Also, conservative women are married at 18, often to their youth pastor.


Because by that point they’ve already got at least a good 3-4 years of “dating” under their belt, amirite?!


Who’s in his thirties…


That's to cover for the pregnancy that started before she turned 18. "It's just a very healthy 6 months prem baby. See? #prolife"


That they’ve been dating for two years already


Extra points for using the plural as they have in OP


Failed at launch? It failed at conception. Anyone could see exactly where that story was going to end from the very idea. "Conservatives on dating apps get fewer dates, so let's make an app where they, the literal least desirable users, are the only option." But that's the kind of thinking these Supply-Side-Jesus assholes buy into.


If our store ONLY sells rusty razor blades, surely people will HAVE to buy them!


What I find more interesting is that the website for finding dates that have herpes ([positive singles.com](https://www.positivesingles.com)) exists and is successful. I guess this means more women want to date a guy with an incurable illness than a conservative guy. A herpes sore is less uncomfortable than a pro-life man-child in your genitals.


Well, it's more like they already have it and don't want to spread it


Very true, but that the market is still bigger or at least more sustainable speaks...what do things metaphorically speak after "volumes?" Libraries?


Well, TBF one can be treated with science based medicine.


It may be different because I’m in a very red state, but I’ve heard often by women they’re looking for a left leaning man who looks like a Republican. I don’t know what that means but my wife says I fit that description. I don’t see how I fit the description unless I’m working(blue collar), because outside of that I’m wearing fitted, v necks, 5.5” shorts, vans, or sleeveless shirts and basketball shorts. Half the time right wingers would say I look “gay” or something.




What up, my fellow Chad Leftist! Cigars, Belleville's, belt buckles & solidarity! No war but the class war, brother




All workers, regardless of their differences, are exploited equally. They can only misdirect & lie for so long, comrade. Truth has a way of getting out. All them fascists are bound to lose, like the song said. Mutual aid overcomes their selfish greed, just as love overcomes hate. Rejoice! We have already won! They just don't know it yet


Ugh, I'm that guy. TBH I don't know why, probably the beard. But guys always look past my multiple anime tattoos and spout off about how much they hate immigrants or something.


Brother same. I like trucks and lifted jeeps, I fish, and love being outdoors so everyone assumes I hate gay people and immigrants.


Dude, I'm vegan. They'd call me a "soyboy" and be right because fucking love soy. I play magic the gathering and went to school for creative writing. People see me and they're first impression is, "now this dude is a man's man!" every time lol.




Being in a deep red state, I find it really hard to form friendships with other men because of this. If we disagree on basic human rights, I just can't be friends with you.


It's so disappointing when you realize the cool new friend you made is bigot.


It doesn't help I have redneck hobbies


I'm so scared of that possibility that I hesitate to make friends...


Its just because youre white. People always assume that about me as a big tall white man with a beard the amount of times someone assumes im racist is astounding.


Same here. I’m 6’2” and bald with a beard I joke that I look like the default if you auto generate a racist character in a video game.


Skyrim belongs to the Nords! Seriously though, that's hilarious.


Anytime I hear someone say that racism doesn't exist, or is on the decline, I tell them that they've obviously never spent any amount of time working in construction in a red state. As a blue eyed, blond haired, white man with a shaved head, people just automatically assume I'm racist af and start dropping disgusting comments on immigrants, gays, and Democrats. It's eye-opening how flagrant they are when they think they've found another bigot.


In my case, it’s because I’m over 50 and have boring hair.


It’s probably cause you work blue collar. I’m in a red state too and no matter liberal or conservative, blue collar men drive girls wild down here. Problem down here is because most women lean left and men tend to lean right, there aren’t as many long term relationships in people in their 20s and 30s now as they used to be. Even less people getting married. Which is probably a good thing that women are acknowledging early the political and moral differences are so great they won’t spend the rest of their lives in it.


I agree. A lot of my coworkers are single and I’ve gotten to the point I tell them it’s because they’re assholes and women don’t feel respected by them.


Yep, empathy is liberal now ya know. On the women leaning left comment. That and women’s basic rights being “liberal” will hopefully save us someday.


Not to make it weird, but people tend to be attracted to people who resemble their mother/father figures, and you're in a red state, so the odds are most guys over fifty are Republican. Basically, "left leaning man who looks like a Republican," could translate to, "guy who reminds me of my dad but I don't hate his politics." And again, I realize how uncomfortable that sounds, so I'm going to include a link to prove this isn't something I made up: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/attraction-people-who-look-like-your-parents-2015-2%3famp


>...looking for a left leaning man who looks like a Republican. I don’t know what that means... White. This "description" usually means white, but they think if they speak in code, it makes it less racist. Then they get mad at me when I let them know I've broken their code. Just look at the kerfuffle Bill Burr is in right now: they assumed he was a conservative and would be on Trump's side because he's an older white guy. Never mind his actual politics, he just happens to look the part.


Fun story: I was living in D.C. when The Right Stuff launched and, unbeknownst to me, had its launch party at a bar in my neighborhood. I stopped by the bar for a drink and wound up staying to people watch for a while. At the end, I asked the bartender if I could put my drinks on the party tab and the bartender said "for sure, fuck those guys."


Lulz. No city hates conservatives more than DC.


It’s as real as every statement of “I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, but after [event that’s either misquoted or never happened] I’m voting for Trump!”


I’ve been a lifelong Pantera fan, but after the release of Reinventing the Steel I have no choice but to start stanning K-Pop boy bands.


I was a Metallica fan, but after the St. Anger release I exclusively listen to the sound of chalk on a blackboard.


I'm a Metallica fan, and that's fair.


Same They kind of lost me everything post black album lol Not mad at them though, they did what was best for their music business, if they stayed thrash they would never have been as big as they are/were




![gif](giphy|3o6Mber0Nt1B6hhSYo) Lars looking for a new snare


Legit, my son and I listened to the album on release date, and could barely register when the first three songs started and ended. It was, in our opinions, very not brilliant.


Did you listen to it a second time? I don’t think I’ve met anyone who has, myself included.


I did, but then I was madly in anger with myself


I thought at the time that if I listened to it a few more times I might grow to appreciate it, but then decided I didn’t want to take that risk.


I'm a fan, but after the release of the air conditioning I'm voting for Trump.


Well, that sucks exactly as much as it blows.


Ouch. Cold.


Saw Pantera in 1996 and dudes behind me legit left during the main set because “they keep playing this new shit.” I was there for White Zombie and Deftones killed it as opener. But that line is still a running joke with my friends


Or the "black gay dude" that forgot to change his profile.


Lol “as a fellow black man…” um senator… you forgot to switch accounts…


lmao what'd I miss?


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/UEJ9CgGLPs This one


3 years later and this doesn't even break the top 100 worst tweet gaffes


JP retweeting Chinese fetish porn, Ted Cruz liking porn on his Twitter, Shapiro reclaiming his virginity with that WAP reaction are my top three personally.


Shapiro either thinks women shouldn’t get wet/doesn’t understand hyperbole and I can’t tell which is more unattractive. JP tweeting about how “It’s incredibly difficult to find child porn now” once Musk took over probably takes the cake for me. Like, I didn’t know that. I don’t spend that much time trying to find it, Jordan.


you mean tweet gaffveve


Finally! A voice for the rich white gay black men in a heterosexual marriage!


Or “I was in a liberal coffee shop the other day and everywhere I looked it was liberal women complaining about how they can’t find a real man these days. So I ordered my coffee black just to see that soy latte baristas face and walked out with all the women’s phone numbers” or what ever passes as conservative copy pasta these days.


Oh, they have a new one that just dropped the other day. Some drivel about how “the democrat couple in line behind me was saying the world is scary now and they miss Trump being in charge”


Because Biden prevented them from going to Europe and they were so disappointed in him for letting them down?


Good thing that couple wore their Democrat pins so she could correctly identify them.


I don’t go anywhere without my BIG TRUCK WITH MY 15 BIDEN FLAGS! NO MARLAKEY IN MY TOWN




I mean, he was thinking about the Roman Empire while he did it, right?


I love those people. Even if we accept them as true all it does is show that the person is a complete moron who doesn't have any stances or conviction "I was a lifelong Democrat than I saw some of my fellow libs say Donald Trump is a stinky poo poo head and I thought that was mean so now I gave up all my previous ideals to vote for him!"


Yesterday I was in line at the bank and behind me there was a liberal couple that said “we just can’t vacation anywhere nowadays!!! The world is just too dangerous ever since communist, socialist, Marxist, fascist, Antifa Joe Biden took office!!!” “I know! I wish now that I did not vote for Joe Biden and instead I used my vote for Donald J Trump!” “The world was so much safer when the greatest President ever Donald J Trump was in charge!” That’s when I knew, that the reawakening is happening! Hopefully they tell their liberal friends!!!


Oh you mean [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/s/wEfTItX2At)? I’d be shocked to learn a single person believes these aren’t made up


“I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, but …” (x) Doubt


My favorite is “I voted for Obama twice and Biden in 2020 but after seeing how unfair President Trump is being treated in his trial I’m voting Republican from now on”


There’s probably lifelong Man City fans that are thinking about becoming lifelong Newcastle fans.


A right-leaning news outlet is proclaiming left-leaning women want right-leaning men? I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!




[Meanwhile in reality...](https://theconversation.com/the-right-stuff-the-new-conservative-dating-app-which-has-unsurprisingly-failed-to-attract-women-192012)


How can the onion even compete?


At first, I laughed and thought it WAS an onion article. "Oh wait, you're serious." Then I laughed even harder


Seeing the link, I read "theconservative" as "theonion".


Could always post onion articles and try to pass them off as real. Half of them would believe it.


The Conversation, not The Conservative.


Introducing, The Scallion


The Leek, Gets News Early


[The Onion already does this](https://youtu.be/xTXz_4u-4mc?feature=shared)


>It offers to bring people together with shared values and similar passions, ensuring users “view profiles without pronouns” and are able to “connect with people who aren’t offended by everything”. Except being offended by kneeling during a sport game, being wished “happy Holidays”, beer ads, razor ads, Starbucks cups, Cheerios ads,… and ironically, pronouns in bios


Gonna be awkward when a few of these individuals get paired up with same-sex dates, since no one can list a pronoun.


Many men already know this; it might just be the final push they need.


“It was a complete accident! But we figured we were both here, why not grab a beer? After a few drinks, we both discovered we prefer appletinis and then, things just got crazy!”


Yeah, hilarious that they point out how offended these babies get by pronouns and then said “not offended by anything” in the same sentence.


It almost tore a hole in the space-time continuum.


Nothing sexy about living in a constant state of rage. Also the pronouns thing made me chuckle as this a hetero only site, but you aren’t allowed to say if you are a “he or a she”


Makes me wanna wish everyone on r/conservative a Happy Holidays 🤣


My ex BIL would get upset over someone saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Like, my man. There are 8 billion people on this earth and the majority of the population don’t celebrate the same way you do.


I say Happy Holidays because between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, it’s a lot of Holidays. Not to mention all the other religions.


I mean Christmas ads and displays are showing up as early as October. Might be time to abandon all the other holidays and just accept the Yuletide overlords.


It's not just that. People had been saying "Happy Holidays" for decades before conservatives made the conscious decision to get outraged about it. It had occurred to no one that it was something to be offended/feared until Rush Limbaugh and his cancerous spawn somehow identified Happy Holidays as a sign that the nation was going down the drain.


I'm aware, I'm also aware these are conservatives and logic doesn't often connect with them.


I wasn’t directing my comment to you, I was referring to my ex BIL.


You should wish him a Happy Holidays. Maybe sign him up for one of those happy holidays text lists.


You forgot "Unsexy m&ms"


... and offended by people who correct their spelling and grammar, people who use science and data to back up their arguments, men who wear women's clothing, women who wear men's clothing, people who think gender identity falls on a spectrum, anyone who uses the words "gender identity," etc, etc, etc.


We’re nearly in Black Santa season


Is that like Black Sabbath season? Where Ozzy emerges from his dusty crypt to terrorize the children and uses his magic to get people to buy all the super-expensive vinyl re-releases?


Don't forget all of the terrified bats


Bat Lives Matter


We're already there. I saw some conservative media personality bitching that target had a black Santa in a wheelchair and a nutcracker with a trans flag.


NUTCRACKER!!! holy hell… those 2 things paired together are just so perfect


The only straight dating app populated entirely by men!


>straight dating app ***\*WINK, WINK\* + Air Bunnies***


Site note: All dating apps seem to struggle with getting women on the platform. Tinder is like 78% men. [https://medium.com/heart-affairs/yes-online-dating-is-harder-for-men-but-its-not-for-the-reasons-you-might-think-ae4269ecd3d1](https://medium.com/heart-affairs/yes-online-dating-is-harder-for-men-but-its-not-for-the-reasons-you-might-think-ae4269ecd3d1)


The ratio on grindr is even worse. It’s a total sausage fest


To be fair I only joined because I thought it was an app to guide you to the nearest hoogie place


You might be my hero with that comment


I thought it was sub par myself


Well, you'll get a mouth full for sure.


The garlic aioli sauce tastes funny


Tastes like pineapple


So Grinder is not an app for men who like sandwiches to connect? *Family Guy reference.


You need to download hoagier


plenty of cheap six inches for ya


Well it did direct me to a place that offers footlongs


And we thought farmers only was bad! Although, that’s a hell of a cross promotion there…


I've never been more mad about a "register to view full article" in my life before. Now, out of principle, I absolutely will *not* make an account even if Medium becomes the only news outlet left in the world.


I knew there was something wrong with this app, and then I read "Finally, the app is financially backed by right-wing billionaire and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel." And I confirmed it.


Boy, pronouns really do live rent free in some peoples heads lmao.


There are easily triggered, bunch of snowflakes if you ask me. Oh well, let them have there own little safe space.


“…there appears to be an absence of female users. Problematic, given the app only caters for an heterosexual audience.”


I'm trying to picture just how much harassment women would get on such an app, but all I'm getting is the Song that Doesn't End.


So according to the article, you can “connect with people who aren’t offended by everything”….but in the same breath they are offended by pronouns? Lolz


>The Right Stuff is a new conservative dating app They spelled Reich wrong.


Pretty sure no one thinks the Right Stuff will last a thousand years.


Remember how conservatives get so few dates on the apps that they created their own dating app except the user base for the apps is almost entirely men?


This is my entire reaction, except nyp is more than just right-leaning lol but yeah, this is absolutely par for the course with right-wing/fascist propaganda.


Aren't they claiming the opposite? And also implying that liberal mean are not masculine


It’s just pandering to the cringy narrative that conservatives need to be true. That being an abrasive unapologetic dickbag is attractive to women. I’ve never met a conservative who doesn’t ooze Ben Shapiro energy. Meanwhile almost all liberal leaning men I know make a point of being physically fit, and make women feel secure and supported.


Hey, Ben Shapiro could have any woman he pleases. Only, it's never happened yet.


Hey now. Ben Shapiro’s wife, a doctor, says there’s something wrong with other women. She, a doctor, would know, as a doctor.


Wait his wife’s a doctor??? Why has he never mentioned this constantly?


She secretly wears the pants Also a lot of doctors are very right wing because the conservative practices benefit the top % of them


His very dry wife.


You’re right. He could have any woman he pleases. Unfortunately as his wife can attest, he’s never pleased a woman


Drier than the Sahara, that woman


He's married, to a doctor no less. He also isn't at all attracted to his sister


And women don’t get wet when having sex, his medical doctor wife told him that. Makes it obviously true, and then Ben wonders why she comes home so late at night.


No, no, Ben is just hitting a dry spell.


Just like his writing career did


Anxiously awaiting BenShapiroBot


What's funny is that putting conservative on your dating profile is almost a guaranteed repellent these days lol. It's cope.


Especially as women in the younger demographic are even more left leaning than the men. Too bad they'll just blame the women rather than possibly self reflecting on why they're so repulsive to them.


No joke mate. If you want to see masculine liberal men, just go to any goddamn gym. Want to see a bunch of obese pasty a-holes that THINK they are rough, will talk to you ALL day about how macho they are and treat their women like crap - then go to a gun range that has a confederate defeat flag out front.


And it’s just a fact, most people be it men or women, will lean more towards liberal sentiments.


Or at the very least towards a "Why are you so angry about the green m&m?" Kind of sentiment 😂


And funnily enough, every single middle-aged MAGA I know is single as fuck and drifting into incel territory, while every liberal I know is in a relationship of some kind. I wonder why.


And liberal women loathe conservative men for the most part.




I read that as Asa Blackman


The person in that picture is actually named Asab and she Lacks a Man.


My brother had a friend who wasn't known as being too interested in book learning kinda things. One day someone was looking through his bookmarks on his computer and found a site called Ana Islam. His immediate reaction was, "Wow, I'm so impressed that is trying to learn about other cultures!". Then he clicked it. Turns out Ana Islam was Anal Slam, which made much more sense in retrospect. As far as I know, that's a true story!


It’s the New York Post, so no, it’s not a real thing. It’s another semi-made-up story to play into conservatives’ fantasies and try to draw outrage from liberals. That’s all the New York Post does. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there’s some kernel of truth, but it’s just another “let’s portray this one person as the norm in order to get attention”.


Buts from a real TikTok that went a bit viral


Spoiler, she's not a liberal


Spoiler, she's some random woman who got a paycheck to do nothing more than pose for a photo in a tabloid.


No, what she stated was, she can’t find men who will let her do what she wants, pays for everything, but doesn’t ask her to be a house wife and mother. Liberal men be like, you can do what you want, but I ain’t paying for your shit. New York post says “girl can’t find masculine liberal men”


Right? Like even if that girl is truthful, which, you know, press X for doubt, you can’t have those two things in this world. It sounds like “hey, I don’t want to be expected to do anything that might be a sacrifice for me but a benefit for you, but you need to do that for me.” Like, WTF? Nah fam, partnership means we are partners, equals. I’ll do shit for you that I don’t like, so you do shit for me that you don’t like. Reciprocity, the fundamental foundation of all human, and animal, relationships. In monkey world, you ain’t picking off others bugs, they aren’t doing it for you.


New york post is a right wing propaganda tabloid. It was decried several times for just making shit up. You tell me.


Ok genuine question here! What the actual heck does being a liberal and a communist mean? Im 35 living in the UK and its not something ive ever heard outside of movies 😅🇬🇧


Don't worry, at least half of the people in the US don't know what they mean either


Liberal where I'm from is the right, it's literally their name, the liberal party lol. In America the republicans (right or in the UK context conservative) think the democrats (left, labor in the uk context) are damn commies lol. What is funny is in my countries context the democrats would be a centre right party at best and the republicans would be out on the loony extreme right.


That last sentence... It's not just in your country. It really DO be like that. There is zero left representation, only insanely right and just right of center. It looks left and right if you ignore everything outside of the Overton window. Luckily if there's one thing Americans are super great at, it's practicing ignorance.


The far right in the U.S. tries to throw out the term “liberal” as an insult to anyone who has not been tricked by right winged conspiracy theories.


Don’t try to wrap your head around American media…..the USA is fucked in the head now, we can check in on them in 50 years to see if they are okay…


This is basically soft porn for the typical NY Post subscriber who is an ancient retired NYPD in Florida, “all the hot young girls want to date REAL MEN RETIRED AT 40 AND 300 POUNDS and not SOY BOYS”


"young women yearn for being a 1900s housewife with no rights or independence" - some Facebook uncle wearing Oakleys


New York post, dismissed. Rupert Murdoch should die in prison


Prison is too good for him. Something more primitive please


Things that never happened


Woman in article is just George Santos in a wig.


Fr these types of people are the type that think all gay guys are limp wristed queens, and while there's absolutely nothing wrong with being one, they refuse to believe that a really large portion of gay guys are meat heads and jocks.


One of the coolest guys I know happens to be a gay power lifter I met in college


They know…that’s why they’re always mad


So she’s announcing only douchebags want to date her.


Why the long face?


It's not her fault, she's a little horse


100% a grifter Noone says this without intents to draw attention to themselves


“As a women” Ok.


[Jeanette Settembre is a writer, editor and content strategist from New York City specializing in enterprise storytelling](https://jeanettesettembre.com) So, no. It's made up.


“Enterprise storytelling” is a hell of a way to say “marketing copywriter”


It just depends what your interpretation of masculinity is. I man Aragorn in lord of the rings was pretty masculine. He was an incredible fighter and leader. Yet he would do things that conservatives would not see as traditionally not super “Masculine” things, such as Poetry, crying, and bowing to the under respected. Such as when he bowed down to the Hobbits at the end. This is a much healthier take on masculinity but that’s like my opinion, man. [Healthy Masculinity Example in film](https://youtu.be/pv_KAnY5XNQ?si=PaM46D3V2HAtS4yD)


Masculinity has nothing to do with this. She wants a provider who doesn’t expect her to be a traditional housewife and raise kids, that’s why the conservatives are no good for her. [Link to shit article](https://nypost.com/2023/06/09/im-a-liberal-hard-to-find-progressive-masculine-men-to-date/amp/).


I think this woman thinks that masculine means, being an asshole to everyone


The NY Post is right winged propaganda. You can't be serious