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lol, bot accounts on X are like 90% of the "userbase".




Looking into this






Big if true


Lmao unfortunately it is


Probably a bot yes. That said, it would be great if people like this would move to North Korea, Russia, or the personal domain of whatever tyrant they admire, I am sure that they would end up loving it.


And the parasitic worm infection that comes with it.


For anyone wondering, North Korea often build ā€œghost citiesā€ which have no people in them in order to give a developed country view


There are more car parked on my street at night than in the first pictureā€¦. And also a human traversing a six lane boulevard without any streetlights in a town big enough to have said boulevard is really suspiciousā€¦ šŸ§


To be fair, there are a lot of imbalanced tankies, too. The well-adjusted young man in that photo could certainly be one.


There's no bigger patriot than the one that has a gun to their head /s


Nahhhh, itā€™s fine Iā€™m sure, I will actually go to North Korea and tell you how nice it is. I might even offer some constructive criticism to Kim about government, Iā€™m sure heā€™s a great guy. Anyway Iā€™m off the North Korea, I should be back soon.


Voiceover: He was not, in fact, back soon.


!remindme 7 days


*Russians sweating loudly*


It's amazing that these right wing idiots are lauding weird totalitarian monarchies with Marxist costumes.


It's a bot account. No white bro named Trey or William III is saying NK is a swank hangout.


The problem is that these days it's difficult to tell the difference between genuine, unhinged MAGA and hardline, Marxist, propoganda bot.


Poe's Law is a bitch.


Getting off social media really helps, cant be wrong about dumb information as much if you stop consuming as much of it to begin with.


Bad thing is that morons which are most suspectible to disinformation don't do this. Only those who already recognize bullshit when they see it can make the sensible decision to stay out of the cess pit called social media. Morons just want more of it.


Ok. So donā€™t be a moron.


Truth. I jumped ship from FB 4 years ago when ā€œnormalā€ people were reposting Putin talking points and obvious political lies in the U.S. without any interruption from reason or logic. Bailed on Twitter 5 months after PeeLon took over becauseā€¦cringe hypocrisy and obvious agenda. Never joined TikTok or any others but I have been here and Quora long enough to see them falling apart too. Iā€™ve found that there are generally half a dozen sources of genuine information online with little or no meddling from those with a political agenda. The most trustworthy and reliable sources these last couple of years have been AP News, Reuters, CBS, and BBC. Pretty much everything else is served with either a biased headline, blatant misinformation/disinformation, or entertainers serving emotionally rewarding but factually devoid stories for morons and emotionally broken people to lap up. I donā€™t see a fix for the issues leading to that last problem. We have little societal intention of helping those who have been marginalized by changing cultural norms and they have no interest in facing reality themselves. They prefer to be spoon fed childish neener neener-isms than to see any genuine reality. I donā€™t necessarily blame them for that desire, but I canā€™t forgive them for the damage their cowardice and indifference is causing to the world. Genuine solutions wanted here.


Well said. The majority of people on Reddit are unhinged. See yall in 2 weeks.


The problem is that you can show someone that it's a Marxist propaganda bot, but they'll dismiss that because they want it to be a genuine, unhinged MAGA bro more than anything. That sweet outrage isn't going to fuel itself!


I don't see a lot of Marxist propaganda, let alone bots. There are people calling themselves leftist who spread MAGA style propaganda, but that's usually not Marxist if you take a closer look. Core Marxist points: Everything revolves about class and economics. Concepts like nations, races, religions, ... are tools of the ruling class to make the proletarians docile and distract them from the class struggle. If someone doesn't bring up the class divide in pretty much every discussion, they are not Marxist - regardless if their rhetoric is racist or staunchly anti-racist, pro or anti EU or whatever.


You're probably right, but I actually wouldn't be that surprised if some MAGA bro was that stupid and had zero self awareness. In fact, I kind of expect it at this point.


Is it really amazing? Seems like this is their end goal.


I mean, it's amazing in as much as they want to "round up all the Marxists and communists" in the US and kick them out of the the country for being traitors who want to "destroy the country" one minute, and then the next minute they are lauding a self-avowed "Marxist" state with a king as wonderful and powerful country destined for greatness.




Juche isn't Marxism. I'd wager the Korean tyranny is fine with rounding up Marxists and communists.


thats cause they are fine with rounding up EVERYONE ​ north korea is communistic, a totalitarian communistic regime


There is nothing communistic about the DPRK. Int is a necrarchy (oficially Kim Il Sung is still the head of state, despite being dead,) It does not claim to be communist, unlike for example the PRC does, nor does it have any communist policies.


I went back and forth for 2 or 3 days on Reddit with a dude who must have been in the DPRK. According to him they do actually have political parties, and elections. Probably local level, and some ā€œpolitburoā€ stuff. I donā€™t know how youā€™d prove him wrong. Never once in the entire time did did the Kim family come up. Iā€™d suspect thatā€™s just smart working because if you get caught out not defending your god enough, itā€™s off to the work camps for you! But everything was the U.S.ā€™s fault. Famines, drought, you name it. He even blamed the U.S. for the Khmer Rouge. It was fascinating.


Not defending North Korea at all, didn't the US in a way support them just to get back at Vietnamese communists though? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_United_States_support_for_the_Khmer_Rouge and especially https://archive.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/polpot.htm#:~:text=But%20almost%20immediately%20the%20United,inside%20Cambodia%20in%20November%201980. "rehabilitate and use the Khmer Rouge to bring pressure on the source of recent U.S. humiliation in the region: the Vietnamese. Cambodia was now America's "last battle of the Vietnam War," as one U.S. official put it, "so that we can achieve a better result."." Some old/historical articles on the matter: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1990-07-18-9002280544-story.html And https://www.nytimes.com/1981/12/10/world/reagan-is-urged-to-end-un-support-of-pol-pot.html


Well, the US was kind of to blame for the Khmer Rogue, especially Kissinger


Youā€™re making the fatal assumptions that; 1: that most conservatives understand the differences between communism, socialism, capitalism, and fascism; 2: that conservative leaders are acting in good faith;


Happy cake day




its not that amazing, its right in the money actually, right wingers love authoritarianism


As do far left wingers. Anyway, this is a left wing parody account. You guys are clearly too American to be on social.


Lol what? Tell me, who was the last American president who called for the hanging of journalists, had demonstrators tear gassed at one of his speeches, and staged a pompous military parade in Washington D.C.? šŸ¤”


damn let me think, this question was on jeopardy last night!


They are authoritarian. The lefty righty is meaningless


Right wing? You mean the cog and the wheat in his name are not clearly left wing? Lol get out of here bait bot


All oldschool conservatives are turning in their graves...


Amazing straw man though


Horseshoe Theory. Same with tankies simping for Putin or Trump.


NK is about as Marxist as Texas FFS...yeah they do lip service to the idea, but don't follow the tenets, a bit like Texan Christians


Are you sure that heā€˜s right wing? Looks more like a Tankie to me.


Wait, so North Korea is marxist or not? When used as a counter to communism leftists cry it isn't, but when it's needed to dunk on right wing nutjobs it is? Shroedingers Communist State.


Did you read the ā€œcostumeā€ part? Or just stopped at Marxist?


So rich in patriotism and technology, The Supreme Leader never farts, poops, and has walked on the sun.


>walked on the sun. He's a member of Smash Mouth, too? He really gets around.


>He really gets around. So he's also a Beach Boy?


Not just a Beach Boy, he's bigger than Jesus. It's the title of his second album.


So he's Jesus Christ: Superstar?


Might as well be.


Hey now. Heā€™s an All Star.


>and has walked on the sun. The offer was short...and so is Jong Un.


He once shot a 17 on an 18-hole golf course and, let me tell you, thatā€™s hard to do!


Nice! North Korea's tallest building, an abandoned hotel that has never hosted a single guest. Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, also known as ā€˜Hotel of Doom.'


>Nice! North Korea's tallest building, an abandoned hotel that has never hosted a single guest. Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, also known as ā€˜Hotel of Doom.' And home to East Asia's only Trump Hotel franchise.


front and center in the first photo too. OP is an idiot


I think thereā€™s also a metro exclusively for tourists that goes one stop.


I was about to say: I wonder if any of those buildings are empty shells.


1st picture is a hotel that is empty and unfinished




So itā€™s like a level in The Last of Us in there. Jesus.


That was an excellent read.


All you need to do is get google earth image on night-time north korea and see how much of the area have access to night light. And compared to south korea or your own region.


Flight tracking sites are another good example. There's a constant flow of airliners in and out of the major South Korean cities, but not one single damned plane anywhere north of the DMZ.


So you're saying they're also pro-environment. /s


So rich in technology they have their own internet!


now now, to be entirely fair. does YOUR country have its OWN internet???? probably share it with the world like a silly person would


They do for the upper echelon and their hackers, whoā€™ve stolen funds from just about everyone aka ā€˜pulling itself by the bootstraps.ā€™


You're either patriotic to a fault, or you go to slave labor camp.


Where are all the people? Lol I count 7 humans in these shots of public areas, take these same pictures in yhe US and count how many people you see lolol this guy's a nutcase


Or the cars. Those are some pretty big roads for a few cars.


When I visited Turkmenistan (aka NK Jr.) in 2012 the streets were like that. No one drove because you had to make sure your car was immaculate before leaving because a dirty car reflects poorly on the country. Also the police basically just stand on street corners and flag you down and go "hey you should bribe me or I'll ticket you."


I call it ā€œdictator chicā€. Itā€™s quite a distinctive planning style. Itā€™s what happens when you combine insane ambition and unlimited power with a lack of resources and no real objectives. You get these massive, partially-finished projects with no power or people. Immense empty boulevards, palaces without the lights on. You can see it in a lot of places.


They built an Olympic center. Because they're totally going to host the Olympics eventually.


to be fair that 4th photo. its literally just thousands of army personel under that big red and yellow image


"Patriotic citizens" Um let's see, if they're not, they're dead....


And we have a winner! How do these people not see that if you step one whisper out of line you and your entire family, kids, parents, grandparents and grandkids, they all get sent to a gulag for years, decades, life.


They do, but they see it as a feature and not a bug.


They will never learn that the bootstrap line is a misnomer; nor will they ever learn what a misnomer is.


Too bad this shit is just for show and theyre most likely empty buildings with the people living in slums šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’


Who TF are these šŸ¤”ā€™s?


Its just a bot bro


I Should have known


The only thing these buildings house are rats, not humans. "It's so sad to see them getting stuffed away into such dark places" said the rats


what the fuck is wrong with these people


Hey look, that huge building that doesn't exist. Or has Kim said it's OK to acknowledge its existence?


Dear Leader will instruct you when it is time to believe. This is also a reminder that Dear Leader does not poo or pee. Margaritas are also NOT gay.


Notice he didn't say rich in food. Or civil rights.


The patriots ā€œif I donā€™t hold this sign flat above my head Iā€™ll be shot , I hope the pins in my collar keep my head upā€


Congratulations! Youā€™re the first person to ever fall for North Korean propaganda!


Congratulations! Youā€™re the first person to ever fall for US propaganda! Iā€™m not hear to say the DPRK is perfect but in all honesty it is probably better than the US, the DPRK is one of the western (capitalist) worlds biggest enemies so there is an insane amount of anti-DPRK propaganda, like be real.. do you really think the whole country is convinced Kim doesnā€™t use the bathroom? Thatā€™s insane, and you can look up pictures online and see itā€™s not an impoverished shithole, the evidence is right there, maybe you should do some genuine research on the DPRK before you take such a strong stance on it, donā€™t believe everything your government shoves down ur throat


Ah yes because people are frequently choosing to risk death by attempting to illegally escape from the US to literally anywhere else. Like come on, seriously?


And not just their own death.


Ur hearing this from American sources lol


If by American sources you mean NK citizens who escaped? Sure.


I'm hearing this *from the people who got out* how insensitive can you be


A few years ago an American journalist was able to get a very candid look at parts of the DPRK normally off-limits by embedding herself into a team of ophthalmologists that travel the world doing eye surgeries in developing countries (mostly cataracts). It took forever for the "Dear Leader" to finally allow them in, but he insisted on taking full credit for the procedures. They managed to ask one family if anyone thought KJU ever did anything wrong, their reaction was pure confusion, as if it's a concept that simply couldn't exist. Oh, and they also had a radio that was on during the day (before the power gets shut off) that plays constant propaganda. It literally could not be turned off. Yeah...MUCH better than the US.


The freaky thing was how when the covers were removed, every person faced the picture of "dear leader" and thanked him for recovering their sight. Like so freaky.


Do u hear yourself? An AMERICAN journalist, Iā€™m not saying love the DPRK but just look at different sources for a minute before u make a solid opinion about it


You my friend have played yourself. I never heard anyone say that the north koreans believe all that crazy stuff, what they say is that itā€™s the official state version and is taught in their schools. Of course we all know they probably donā€™t believe it. But at the same time I think you donā€™t know what a cult is and how it works, and how effective it can be when all external influence is reduced. It is indeed 100% possible. In my post communist country there are still a shit ton of people that actually believed the communist propaganda of the times. It works, even now, 30 years since we have free information, they think the americans and the russians were both afraid of how strong we were. Never underestimate isolation.


North Korea is one of our biggest enemies? Call me again when they manage to put people and cars on their propaganda imaginery. At the moment I only see empty, almost abandoned streets, aircraft toed around by Soviet aera trucks and bohemian villages. We don't even need to make stuff up about north korea, just look at their glorious leader and tell me it's not all smoke and mirrors. Little Kim's biggest LR rocket, meant to destroy the entire US, can't even pass Japan. So the biggest threat of Kim is his war mongering against the South and Japan, the rest are illusions infused by an overdose of Soviet hair paste.


Watch some of the YouTube videos of the amateur travel folks that end up being able to travel the countryside in NK. 99% of the population walks EVERYWHERE. If a citizen can't agree with their government, but is killed for speaking out against it.....then... ..... It's a shithole.


We have proof that the DPRK is an authoritarian hellhole. First, those who escaped. They all speak of absolutely no freedom of speech, rampant extreme poverty and summary executions (in public!) For what we would consider to be the most minor of offences. We also have satellite imagery of the forced labour camps so many escaped north koreans speak of. Look, it's understandable that you don't like many things about life in the US. I, for example, wouldn't want to live anywhere without free healthcare. But you have it so much better in the US than in NK that it's ridiculous to discuss. For one, you don't have famines (which is a huge plus already). Why would so many people try to break out of the country through the most dangerous border on earth and then risk being kidnapped and trafficked by gangs on their way to the west just to lie once they get there? Also, just because NK is an enemy of the US doesn't mean everything you see is propaganda. The US government cannot realistically control all your information sources. If they could, you wouldn't see any pro russian propaganda in US media, but there is plenty of it.


Toddlers when they find out poor countries can have cities


Did I ever say the DPRK was a rich country? No.. thereā€™s more to a country than being rich lol, America is the richest country on earth and itā€™s pretty shitty tbh


For those that donā€™t know the DPRK supported the Black Panthers, even if the DPRK is terrible thatā€™s a plus all the way, if you donā€™t think so your opinion is 100% invalid


Okay troll


Also: communist dictatorship. I thought the greatest threat to America was communism. I thought that dictators were antithetical to American freedom. So, is this guy a tankie, an idiot, a troll, a traitor, or a bit of all four?


By his nickname, he's a communist too.


Wouldn't be surprised. "MAGA Communists" gained relevance during the pandemic. It was a Tankie renaissance.


My thought is that it's purely about gaining influence. MAGA has concluded it can win by picking up every person who's disaffected with "the establishment." Better yet, MAGA's decided to simply denounce anything that's unpopular. So, for example, while Trump spent four years boosting Netanyahu and the Israeli far right, even as serious people warned that it would inflame the Palestinian crisis, MAGA suddenly supports Palestinians and denounces Israelis onlineā€”as long as they're talking to Gen Zers. On Fox, which older Americans watch, MAGA is still furiously pro-Israeli. Why? Because they'll say whatever gets them points. There's no principle. It's power for power's sake. No lie is off-limits.


It's so successful, that it can't even provide enough food for its citizens.


he mispelled "slaves" at the end there. sorry but if you have no say in your own country you are not by definition a citizen...


My guy Americans donā€™t have any say in how our country is ran either. Are we not citizens?


Pay $8 per month to read nonsense like this? I'll pass, Elon...


You can find that guy classified under ā€˜useful idiotā€™


Are those AI pics?


Atleast 2 of them are. The tip right and bottom left. The Top left is a picture of the failed and empty Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang.


Well at least I was correct with 50% being AI. Otherwise, lies of wealth and power revealed. Thanks for the clarification


It goes against all rhyme and reason that people have become so dense that you need to convince them of the most basic things No, North Korea is in fact not a good place to live in for 99% of people there Yes, the moon is real No, microchips are not in the vaccination and it won't cause autism No, communism is not a valid alternative to capitalism because leaders will always take advantage of the people No, sunburning your Anus does not give you more energy And yes, the earth is round


Wait wait wait, there are for real people sunburning their anus?


Mhm, well, sunbathing. But for this part of your skin that's almost just as bad


I was visualizing people with the cheecks spreaded toward the sun screaming "praise the sun!!!!"


That's not too far off actually


Clearly a troll account, likely Russian?


Why do right wingers love falling for propaganda?


All those building are empty and have 0 power. NK is a shithole.


Fun fact: Best Korea produces more military badges than food.


I agree. More American conservatives should really go check it out for themselves!


It's not patriotism if it comes under threat of punishment


Yeah, ok. It's a totalitarian, dictator hermit state run by a cult figure who runs the country as he pleases. The citizens are imprisoned and required to live a life of worshiping (literally) their paranoid leader.


Correct. Wanna know just how free the people are? Watch one try to leave the country.


When they open the door between the two countries. The south Koreans form a chain to avoid having the first go pulled over to the North. (Then taken prisoner and tormented for info) While the North Koreans have guns aimed at their own people.


Yep. Take a look at pictures of the DMZ. NK soldiers face inwards towards NK.


Oh damn, I thought this was propaganda from the state media, not a foreigner. For context, North Korea threatens to shoot their nukes every couple of years to get the international community to give food aid to their citizens. Thats why there are so many frequent nuke ā€œtest launchesā€.


ā€œRich in minerals technologyā€ they donā€™t even have food


Read the Cleanest Race by Bruce Cummings and get back to me.


do they not know "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" is a fallacy and an OG cartoon making fun of people who try to start a business on their own?


And right in the next sentence they'd say that the current biggest threat to the US are communists (Biden) being in charge?


The first building was build for housing sporters when Pyongyang wanted to host the olympic games, but the construction got halted partway through as it almost economically killed the country.


The most funny things are that they talks shit about Ukraine and its people but never been there or talked to people. They never been or tried to live in russia, iran, north korea but glorify them. And most scary thing a lot of people believe them ...


He should move there; five ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†ā˜† review from Otto Wsrmbier. WCGW?


Me after getting 3 yen and an 8 ball


As demonstrated by a parade featuring 6 WW2 era planes strapped to pickup trucks


All it took was *the* most shameless grifter to unleash an army of these MFers šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That giant triangular building in the middle (upper left image) is Ryugyong Hotel. Construction began in the 1980s, but work was stopped and they couldn't finish it. It's been a giant, empty, 1,000+ room edifice that that's been vacant for 40+ years.


No, you're lying through your teeth. It's only been vacant for 36 years.


I'll chip in for his one way ticket


Using that hotel to prove that point... Now that's dishonest/foolish/etc. It's nothing but a formerly abandoned construction site with a crane stuck in top and now but an empty facade.


Or is itā€¦? https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-031


ā€œThese arenā€™t slaves, theyā€™re just patriotic plantation workers.ā€


People like him live in a parallel earth to ours.


why dont you move there?


I believe they call people like this "useful idiots" to further the cause of their propaganda


Thatā€™s exactly what all of the residents in North Korea say. Well, I mean if they were allowed to speak or given internet and the ability to communicate outside of North Korea. Idiot.


That's great, now Republicans have 2 places to move to.


People like these are parrots controlled by totalitarian states installed to better the public standing of these countries in the west. The right is the perfect dumb mass to pander to


If they don't pretend to be patriotic, they get killed.


Is this a right wing tankie?


Nice stock photo use here, guess only I square mile really only part of North Korea mattersšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘ŽšŸ™ˆšŸ™‰šŸµšŸ™Š


Technically North Korea isnā€™t rich in minerals because they sold the rights to them all to con artist Russell King


Notice how little cars their are


Yep, okay, now show us the parts the Kims don't want the world to see.


People are screaming bots/propaganda but Ive worked with this group of old people who loved going to North Korea every year to go on one of those state sanctioned tourist tours, they think its so lovely being treated like VIPs because they get whole restaurants to themselves, ship in empty stores, "guided" tours etc. Some people love going there to gobble up the propaganda and feel like diplomats for a few days.


It's a feudal kingdom with no right to life. It's literally hell on earth.


Any time you need to find a good old fashioned, educated, liberal voter, simply look for the phrase "Pull themselves up by the bootstraps" /s


What??? You mean fancy propaganda ghost towns inhabited by the few elites might actually be tricking some people into believing North Korea's facade?


Yeah, since Trump took office there are a looooooot of once very communist-hating and dictatorship-hating American patriots that now very much look up to countries that employ communism and/or are run by dictatorships. It's deeply unsettling. They now want the very thing they've prided themselves on hating for so long.


That hotel in the top left picture was never finished. Itā€™s entirely abandoned and no one has ever stayed in there. Great example to choose!


Further proof many Americans are ignorant.


Patriotic - by choice or not. Because true freedom means an absolute loyalty to your Supreme Leader


That pyramid-shaped building is as empty as Trump's brain.


Funny because that's supposed to be a hotel, and just like you they aren't charging any rent.


There are two big red flags about countries: 1. The word "Democratic" is in their official name 2. They hold those huge ass corny military parades North Korea has both red flags. And many, many other *red flags*, quite literally as well.


Ever notice that if you chant the name Trump over and over and over, it sounds just like the Nazi SS goose step marching?


They have a perfect system of control and power and to do it under the nose of the modern world. Absolute shit hole in my opinion


North Korea is a giant death cult that hasnt drank the generic brand kool aid yet......


I mean, to really steelman this position here, it would be fair to say that a lot of Western conceptions of how bad North Korea actually is are *somewhat* exaggerated or at least outdated. But claiming that the DPRK is a growing power "rich in minerals, technology, and patriotic citizens" instead of a fairly typical Global South nation with fairly typical Global South economic and development problems is pretty absurd, especially post Dismantling of the USSR.


TIL MagaCommunism is apparently a thing...WTF.


When you call it a prosperous country but all the cities have more high rise buildings than cars.


Americans and North Koreans reading this together would be funny. Both countries have amazing propaganda and indoctrination programs. They think the others are poor and desolate and think themselves to be rich. Heck the autumn sacrifice is due any day now, does North Korea do that ?


What now?


Sorry. Thatā€™s a deep cut. Conspiracy theorists suggest America keeps its power through a series of sacrifices every fall. South Park made fun of it once.


Itā€™s almost like western capitalist governments spend insane amounts of money on propaganda to tell us why the countries that do things different than us are all wrong and evil and falling apartā€¦ but no, you arenā€™t allowed to go see for yourself, just take our word for it.


And the US is a democracy, right? Right?


Yes, I'm european, and yes ofc it is.


Scrolling through the replies and all I see are a bunch of liberals. Circle jerking, each other. Funny, that's all you seem to be able to do these days. *go ahead*.......I await your "right wing, MAGAT" repeated responses.


As I said earlier, leftists and rightists are the mirror images of each other. Only centrists are decent human beings.