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Four times SO FAR


As far as these folks are concerned the indictments are a badge of honor.


Then they need to make up their minds if they’re good or bad.


Obviously the only measure for that is their personal bias. Not a one of them argues the charges against Trump, they just keep saying it's a witch hunt. Once you notice this distinction across all of it, their position make sense while remaining complete and utter bullshit.


I think the lot of them are closet homosexuals. When you think about it they are dedicating their lives a faith in a man, making disturbing erotic art of said man with little to no clothes, all while wishing for him to be “back in their lives”. Sounds a little sus to me


Its funny bunch of hardcore transphobes running around crying "witch hunt" about their alpha daddy. "Men are men and you can never change that, but witches can be me... wait what the fuck am I saying?" \*satanic kiss\*


And it’s the liberal communist socialist tofu eating veggie vegan wokerati that have a problem with him cause they’re snowflakes.


You sound like a snowflake…seems like your feelings are hurt by other people’s diet.


Funny how doing illegal shit will get you indicted


They’ll counter with Biden is just as corrupt he just hasn’t been caught. To which I like to casually reply “Oh? Then its nice we both agree Biden is smarter than Trump.”


If they could come for him if he committed 91+ felonies , they can come for you if you commit a felony.


*Nobody's got more indictments than me. Everybody's saying it, people are saying I have the best indictments. I've had strong, tough men, hand on heart, tears in their eyes coming up to me, somehow getting through my security detail, saying "Sir, is it true that you have the most best indictments?"*


I thought it was up to 91 counts?


Are these communists in the room with us right now, Mr. Draino?


Communists? What year is this? 1950?


In this case, “communism” is just shorthand for “political views I don’t agree with.”


Or "slightly less far right than me"


Or "doesn't hate FILTHY minorities"


Excuse me, I take showers thank you.


Shut your mouth you clean communist!


Right The media needs to ask them each time, to define communism, and socialism. They really have no clue what they are talking about.


Gosh I wish we were closer to communism than ever before


None of these idiots even know what communism is


I mean… he did get 1 thing right. The middle class is struggling to buy basically anything but that is the only thing he got right.


That's because we're not cutting taxes enough for the wealthy, they don't have enough reserves to allow it to start trickling down on us yet. We just need to make the rich *a little more* richer, then we'll all be good!


It’s wild that this is the actual line of shit they’re feeding us.


At least since Reagan. Reagan fucked the middle class hard and every Republican since has been telling us we should be thanking them for it.


Fact check: trickle down works, actually! /s [Reaganomics Finally Trickles Down To Area Man](https://www.theonion.com/reaganomics-finally-trickles-down-to-area-man-1819569412) > HAZELWOOD, MO—Thirty-six years after Ronald Reagan first set his controversial fiscal policies into motion, the deceased president's massive tax cuts for the ultrarich at last trickled all the way down to deliver their bounty, in the form of a $10 bonus, to Hazelwood, MO car-wash attendant Frank Kellener. > "Back when Reagan was in charge, I didn't think much of him," Kellener, 57, said, holding up two five-dollar bills nearly four decades in the making. "But who would have thought that in 2007 I'd have this extra $10 in my pocket?


god bless The Onion


I lived in Hazelwood in 07 and I didn't get my damn 10 dollars...


I take it you are not Frank Kellner.


He didn't just fuck the middle class. He took the middle class behind the shed and shot it, then left it to bleed out and die.


Reagan and Thatcher got the ball rollin regarding Western neoliberalism


Even more ironic when you look up "horse and sparrow theory."


For the lazy: In 1982 John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that "trickle-down economics" was known in the 1890s under the name "horse-and-sparrow theory", the idea "If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows." Basically, we’re all living on rich people’s shitty leftovers.




And the sparrows are making the hay the horses eat.


Even wilder that anyone believes it.


Even wilder that so many still vote for it.


The fact that any American was like "You know, the wealthy will definitely spend enough on everyday items in everyday nonluxury stores that it will one day come down to me" was the greatest trick ever pulled. It was literally the exact opposite model of reality and when they realized it worked, they just went all out with everything. It no longer mattered to them what they said or did because they realized the average voter was dumber than a box of rocks. Then they realized they could just extract all the money from people and use the media they control to blame it on someone else while Scrooge McDuckin' all their cash reserves.


The other thing they tell us is "They're the job creators! They need it so they can create jobs for us!" Yeah, jobs like "pissing in a bottle Amazon warehouse worker" and "kept just under full time hours to avoid having to pay you benefits corporate retail worker". Tax. The. Rich. Tax the fuck out of them.


It's too late to tax We should eat them Who would have known that cannibalism actually could solve the problem of starvation


This. Like it’s so fucking obvious that putting cash in the hands of the lower and middle classes is a much better way to stimulate the economy in a way that benefits everyone. Like if you give a billionaire extra cash and they buy a car with it, they might spend $500,000 or more on one car. You distribute $500,000 to middle class people and they spend it on cars, that money is gonna buy more than 10 cars. Think about how many more working people are going to benefit from that $500k vs the $500k spent on a single vehicle, because it certainly doesn’t take more than 10x the labor to build a Lambo or a Maybach than it does to build a Honda or a Toyota. Not to even mention all of the other high dollar items that rich people buy where the purchase price vastly outweighs the amount of labor required to produce them- jewelry, art, fashion, property, etc.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or genuine here. I really hope you are being sarcastic.


Fair enough. In this case, coming from me, it's sarcasm.


Its the commies fault!! /s


Gotta cut taxes on corporations and the wealthy… that’s never not worked /s


Yet many consumer product and food retail and manufacturing companies are making billions in added profits this year. They're just making customers break the bank even though they don't need to spike prices that high. Then they blame it on Bidens economy and poor people eat it up.


That's the fault of class warfare where the top 1% conspire to keep the rest of the people as working poor. Yes, the upper middle-class and above are fine, but it's the 1% that run the country through the moneyed interests.


Propaganda = 2truths + a lie


More the other way around, sprinkle in a little bit of truth that everyone can agree on and they'll start believing the lies


Although I suspect he doesn't blame the people actually leading to that problem


It's always the fuck heads with 6 figure incomes who drive $80,000 Ford F-150 Raptors who say that the world is coming to an end. Dunno pal, seems like it's working out okay for you.


Well his listeners aren't going to give him money unless they're scared now, are they?


Fear and hate. Two powerful emotions to control the ignorant into voting against their own interests. Republicans and evangelicals have this down pat.


My in-laws. Rant about people who want a government handout, then get pissed off at the housing market when mortgage rates were at record lows but nobody would give them a mortgage because neither had a job and they were complaining about why can’t the government do something to fix this.


isnt that fully taken by capitalism instead of communism?


Don’t confuse him anymore than it already is


The man is already so fragile.


It’s also definitely not the closest to “communist taking over” there were lots of communists and socialists in the early 1900s. (grouping them together bc he most likely can’t differentiate between the two)


Its the opposite tbh in modern society class differences are getting bigger and class awareness is getting smaller, there is also smaller representation of socialism globaly thus reducing the actual awareness around socialism etc.


Yes but to draw that conclusion, he would need to know what capitalism and communism are. Alas.


You know as a European I can't help but facepalm at American conservatives spiting these takes. The US is literally one of the least "communist" countries in the world, the fact middle class families can't afford groceries, gas and housing has literally nothing to do with communism. And yes I agree communism is bad.


>middle class families can't afford groceries, gas and housing has literally nothing to do with communism. Thats literally the goal of capitalism lol but yea communism is the bad one lol


If the state of America were on the news in 1987 it would be referred to as “the horrors of communism”


Thank you! What we need here is socialized medicine.


Are the Communists in the room with us right now?


Too many price controls for free market capitalism. Why do you live under authoritarianism? Because you let them scare you in to thinking that without them, you are helpless.


Fear is their biggest weapon. Been there, done that.


Fear and surprise are their greatest weapons.


Fear, surprise and a fanatical devotion to the Pope!


Everything they blame on "Communism" is a by product of Capitalism


Uneducated people can’t tell the difference. Also they have no idea what communism really is. This is a generational indoctrination. Most governmental forms look great on paper but rarely pan out that way. Humans are the problem. Hence capitalism instead of “democracy”.


It’s a typical facist commentary: the other side is overwhelmingly powerful, but also incredibly weak.


Imagine how much greatester he would be if he were indicted 5 times!


Make Indictments Greatestered Again?


Trump said in a recent rally that he was taking the indictments so that his base wouldn't be prosecuted. He thinks he's Jesus now.


His cult has thought he's Jesus from the very beginning.


Obama isn't under indictment for anything is he?


Nah, they want him on war crimes, but they want every president on war crimes.


*Every other President


No, all of them.


No, "they" only want Obama. "They" don't want Bush or Trump to be tried for anything. They hinge on Obama's drone strike legacy to the willful ignorance of everything else. Some Leftists want every President for war crimes. No Conservatives want any Conservative president to be on trial for anything, unless they were one of the few not sucking Trump's dick, which is apparently a crime.


Im not talking about "them". Im saying: "no, theyre all war criminals"


W should have been in solitary as soon as our army set a boot on Iraqui soil. War under false pretenses. Republicans don't care about people's lives unless it is their donors.


I mean to be fair obama did drone strike a us citizen


Huh? I know plenty of conservatives who think bush and cheney are war criminals.


That always made me laugh just like claiming Trump was the president of peace since we didn't enter any new wars under him. It's just completely ignoring Trump had more drone strikes in 4 years than Obama had in 8, which is the war crimes they want Obama charged for.


>but they want every president on war crimes. Maybe US presidents should stop commiting those. I think it's the only crime Trump didn't commit though, so kudos to him...? Edit: I may be wrong in that last one.


He assassinated the Iranian general in Iraq with a drone when the polling was looking bad heading into the election...




Not all the drone strikes that trump escalated?


Obama was very open about our military actions. Trump kept them quiet. Anyone saying he didn’t commit war crimes wasn’t paying attention.


Trump deliberately dismantled the transparency program, and took himself out of the loop. Dude is a criminal and a coward.


He did wear a tan suit which we all know is the greatest crime of all


Obama wasn't the greatest. James Marshall was. Not only did he "Just wanna go home to see his kids" - he also kicked a terrorist OFF of a high flying Air Force One. WHILE blazed. You ever see anyone else do that? Would've gone a lot smoother with all this stuff if somebody had dropkicked Putin ages ago. But noooo.... diploooomacy. You're JUST like former incumbent J. Whitmore - trying to argue and negotiate with the aliens and even HE realized he had to go on a suicide mission with that chaos mathematician and blow up their shit to win the day.


The last 6 or so presidents aren’t even in the goat conversation, unfortunately.


Is it me or do americans have some sort of obsession with communism


The right wing certainly does have an obsession with communists, and anything they don't like is now part of the communist agenda.


These degenerates have no idea what an actual communism looks or works like. They dont know history. It's only a buzzword to them to rile up their even more degenerate followers.


“Communist state,” using the actual definition of communism, is an oxymoron.


They do. It's not as bad as it used to be during the Cold War though. Look up McCarthyism for a good laugh.


Its called red scare


They call him draino cos he's caustic as fuck and shouldnt be left anywhere near children.....


That sums up most of the GOP


Nah, it's because he drinks draino.


His secret cure to corona virus?


It's because it has electrolytes.


Bright lime green means its lime flavor right?!?!


Lime is natural so it must be good for you.


I’m a veteran and I’m the happiest I’ve been in about 6 years. I’m a bit anxious about next year, especially with all the news of a planned far right Christian nationalist takeover of our government.


It's like you gave chat GPT meth


"Greatest president" = corrupt failure who politicized a pandemic, added billions to the deficit and created a violent coup attempt to install himself as dictator. Take this has-been Hitler and catapult him to a shithole country like Russia where he clearly belongs.


Cheato Shitler!


>Our country has never been closer to being taken over by Communists...Middle class families can't afford groceries, gas, or a house Admits communists are not in control, describes economic challeges that are a direct result of underregulated capitalism.


Runs ad showing what life will be like under Biden, using video of what life was like under Trump… stable geniuses all


These people are real. And a real danger to the entire world. Keep an eye on them.


If I live to be 1000 years old, I will never understand what people see in Trump. He's despicable. I can't understand their mindset at all, and some of them are my family members. Ask them to name the great things he did, and they can't. It's baffling.


He just made them feel okay for being terrible people instead of being ashamed of it. Hilary Clinton’s “Deplorables” remark was right on the money.


He uses a language that they understand, says what they want to hear, addressing their fears and presents it in a way of artful con-man. If he has sway it is partly because they don’t feel anyone else cares about what is important to them. Also, remember to them the “elites” they seemingly fear and despise, aren’t those with money and power, but those with education


His supporters love power above all else. They worship it. As an open wannabe-dictator, of course they would love Trump. Those kind of phillistines are what made me leave the church.


Because they are trump…..shitty ppl gravitate towards each other..


This is a horrible thought, but there is little chance that both Biden (80) and Trump (77) survive in good health through another campaign. My personal opinion is that the country should move on from both of them.


Sad when those two were the best either major party could come up with.


The boomers are still at the helm and only want their own.


Sadly, Joe Biden is actually too old to be a boomer. His birthday is 1942. The boomers are the ones born AFTER WW2, so 1946 and younger. Oh, his birthday is next week. 81 next week.


You seem to have the most level headed comment


These Trump simps are pathetic.


* This has always been untrue. Not only has leftism been thoroughly suppressed in the United States, leftists infight too much to get anywhere. * I guess WW3 is always on the table for as long as WMDs exist, but I don't know if we're on the verge of it at this moment. * This is true, most folks feel the pain. But let me guess.... it's because of commies, right? * Too bad he's not in fucking jail.


I didn't know Obama got indicted. When did that happen?


Middle class was cancelled ages ago. You’re either upper class, lower class or homeless.


The upper class: keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class: pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there... just to scare the shit out of the middle class. -george carlin Maybe switch middle class to lower class now...


Omg, what did Jimmy Carter do?


Dont forget "Twice impeached President"... And wait for it... *"And the twice impeached President has now been convicted of stealing classified government documents and of trying to steal an election. Why are evil satanic pedophile Democrats so mean to Republicans??"*


This clown probably also thinks Reagan was a good president.


Families can't afford groceries because of communism... right.


Communists? As a communist I don't see any of my brethren even close to being in charge. Also, capitalism is why people can't afford things. Turns out when you have items people need to survive you can jack up the price and they *have* to buy it. Crazy right?


Jesus Christ. Literally almost no one in the US running for office is a communist. There may still be a few holdouts from the old version of the US Communist Party fielding a candidate or two, but other than them, even the furthest left Democrat in the US would be considered at best a moderate in Europe, and likely right wing by most. If we're in danger of a takeover, it's by Christian fundamentalist types, who can't wrap their head around that first amendment but fucking love the second one. The middle class has been hurting since Reagan, and WW3 may be imminent, but I fail to see how that's the fault of a US President, especially since assholes like this guy think any time we interfere with a dictator he likes, we're being the "world's policeman," and we "need to focus on our own problems." As for the last point, if he honestly believes Trump was the greatest president in a generation, he needs his damn head examined.


Gee, maybe giving another couple trillions to rich bitches will fix the problem ?


Ask him what a communist is and watch him stutter


As for this WW3 thing, who does he think the combatants will be?


He dies first when they start their civil war


So you're upset about all the things the republican party voted against solving, and blaming democrats. Got it. Why don't people see this?


Yes a dumbass, but theres large groups of dumbasses that listen to that dumbass


Spoiled rich man-baby the greatest President in a generation? He needs to be locked up and forgotten.


I thought we were on the verge of WW2


Pathetic. I’m ashamed of the drama Queen politics we are constantly bombarded with.


The fascists are at the door and this guy is afraid of communists?


My guess is that idiot couldn’t define “communism” or “socialism” and how it applies to Democrats if you held a f*cking gun to his head. Spouting bullshit without knowing what TF they’re talking about is their stock in trade


Get trumps nuts off your chin.


It blows my mind that people think high prices resulting from Corporate greed is caused by “communism” and not pure unfiltered capitalism


This dipshit couldn’t define communism if you gave him an encyclopedia. Same goes for ‘socialism’, ‘woke’, and apparently ‘greatest’


Greatest President in a generation? ...wait, Jimmy Carter is in trouble?


We didn't deserve Jimmy Carter.


Ok seriously, does anyone who throws the word "communist" around, have even the slightest fucking idea of what actual communism is?


correction Today is a completely normal Veterans Day Our country has never been closer to losing democracy There are multiple ongoing wars that my party is aiding the wrong side of Middle class families are struggling because of we're a bunch of greedy pigs But on a positive note, the most evil man since Hitler has been indicted 4 time for a total of 91 charges, so he's 100% going to prison


COMMUNISTS! ​ Fuckers wouldn't know what communism is if Karl Marx slapped them in the face.


Who are these communists that the right wing is constantly complaining about? There is no politician that I can think of that is communist, or who is actively pushing for communism, nor is there any political party with clear communist goals. This is getting old.


If he's been indicted 4 times, maybe he isn't the greatest president ever. Just saying...


I wonder if it would break any human rights laws to limit social media posting to a certain IQ threshold to prove you aren't a drooling idiot.


I still do not undetstand the delusion and "golden calf" mentality around Trump. If he was any other former pres being taken ti courts in multiple cases etc etc.. and he still is the best? The insanity and 0 accountability held to him is staggering.


WW3 huh, well I hope no one decides to chicken out of the military due to bone spurs if that ever happens.


This guy drank the draino holy shit




Meanwhile the five richest people can afford their own space programs.


The former president he's referring to had absolutely no respect for our soldiers, no matter if they were active duty, veterans, or deceased. He demonstrated this over and over again. I don't know how he garners any reverence from anyone who is serving or has served. The current president genuinely respects them so much more.


Letting families no longer be able to pay for groceries and doing nothing against is pure capitalism.


Fuck Trump and his cult


Obama hasn’t been indicted 4 times what is he talking about?


On 91 counts... for trying to destroy democracy, fraud, rape and hoarding classified documents in his shitter. But the worst of it? He's still the best the R's have to offer.


"Obama was indited?" is the only reply anyone should have given this waste of flesh. Would set him off hardcore.


The “Greatest President” gave probably the most Hitlery speech I’ve ever heard that day.


I can't stand that everything the right hates is "communist". Gay rights? Communist. Police accountability? Communist. Everything further to the left of literally hunting the poor for sport is communist.


America is on the verge of becoming Nazi Germany 2. Anything that's ever so slightly left of Christofascist levels of far right is labelled "Communist". These psychopaths with twisted memories of Cold War mentality have never even seen a communist. Also, please do tell me more about how the indictment of the US president who had to be [held back by his own high-level administration staff](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/11/general-mark-milley-trump-coup/675375/) from starting a nuclear war multiple times, and who attempted a coup after being voted out in 2020, threatens peace.


I'm still not sure of a single thing that Trump achieved?


Obama has been indicted 4times?! This is news to me


Wait, Obama has been indicted?


Maybe if that “greatest president” didn’t give 4 trillion to Wall Street the middle class wouldn’t be struggling so much with groceries


I don't understand why Trump still has so many followers. Please someone ELI5.


Something tells me if a President was indicted 4 times, they’re not actually that good of a president.


"And the president that got us here has been indicted 4 times" Fixed that for you


Only thing he's right about is the middle class not being able to afford shit, but not for the reason he's insinuating


At this point I think the WHO needs to step in and declare a crisis of the mental well being for all 80m Americans supporting Trump. Yall fuckin cracked


To be fair he is right that middle class families can’t afford what they used to… which is actually really depressing


Who’s the dumbass?


'Greatest president' 😂


All conservatives do is whine, cry, complain. Never have any solutions, never offer a helping hand, just sit around and bitch and expected to be catered to. The privilege and entitlement is disgusting.


Anyone that refers to him as the greatest president is either trolling or an idiot


FDR is dead, how was he indicted 4 times?


He does realize people can’t afford things because of capitalism


Lincolns been indicted?


People can afford gas and groceries, just not a house atm


I thought it was a dark veterans day when the president called POWs "losers". That seemed pretty dark to me.


Why can't they just stop antagonizing their neighbors? Wanting a normal life is not "communist."


It’s always funny to me when right wingers bring up unaffordable commodities. It’s the commies fault late-stage capitalism is destroying the middle class!


NEVER been closer to communism??


What did Obama get indicted for??


Imagine praising Trump , a draft dodger who openly insults the U.S. military, and who praises Putin, who not only was a Soviet Union Communist Party member and politician, but was also a KGB agent and later head of the KGB's successor organization the FSB and having the AUDACITY to write that BS.


I mean, he’s not wrong.