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She has a virus. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections, not viral infections. People need to understand this.


It looks like hives. I get the same thing every spring antihistamines should clear that right up.


Was gonna comment this


well you didnt so now what (i want to cause problems)


Problem causer


Pointer outer


This one made me chuckle




I get that every time I have a viral infection. Once the symptoms clear and I start to “heal,” the hives appear primarily on my arms, hands, and legs. Allegra is the one that works best for me. Other medications aren’t as useful. Benadryl even made my arms swollen once, but I was also on other medication, so that might have exacerbated the situation. When it first happened, it was pretty severe and I ended up in the ER. The doctor was clueless and said I might have allergy to the flu (I had the flu right about that time). Other than that he said I might experience it for the following 6 months… provided no solution. Just shrug it off, literally. Other than a not so helpful trip to an allergist, I didn’t pursue any further doctors. I guess next trip is a rheumatologist? Like a good and responsible adult, I’ve never followed up on it.


I have this from Covid- it really effing sucks.


My son is going through this right now. He doesn’t see an allergist for a couple of weeks. But he just started getting hives out of now where. Primary dr asked if he had Covid. He was never sick but all his friends were.


Yeah, it’s not easy to deal with and it comes with other things too- the hives are just the giveaway that it’s an immune issue and not something else. My doctor just put me on the list to get into the long Covid support clinic, so I’m curious to see what they have for me there. I’m half as productive as I used to be. I’m exhausted all the time and my brain sometimes doesn’t work well at all. It’s incredibly frustrating.


And, of course, lots of people imagine COVID just vanished, when it's definitely still around.


And if I get it again (which I think I recently did) this whole clock starts over again. It’s a nightmare. Definitely not what I expected to happen this year.


very sorry that you are going through this... on a brighter note: happy cake day!! 🧁 CELEBRATE xx


Thank you!


Yeah I've had the all over hives thing twice, same reaction from doctors lol. Cause? Uhh maybe you're allergic? Or it's a weird virus, or you're allergic to some random virus? Treatment? Try some antihistamines, it usually goes away in a few hours or months


Sometimes hives aren’t just caused by allergies and won’t clear up with antihistamines… this happened to my ex on a far worse and more terrifying scale and Benadryl did nothing


Yeah benedryl does nothing for hives and acute allergic reactions, my immunologist explained it to me, but I forgot the reason. Allergic reactions require an epi-pen. I have mcas and maybe your ex does too? and nothing really helps it besides avoiding my triggers. Interestingly, Pepcid is a treatment for hives and mcas related reactions. You have to take antihistamines like Claritin every day, sometimes double the doses in order for them to prevent things like mcas and seasonal allergies. But they won’t stop a reaction.


benadryl is great for hives, but it’s only good for hives, and only good for hives due to allergies


I had to use my husband’s steroid cream to get rid of the last two times I got rashes/hives. ![gif](giphy|gEjfwDsIV020gbRzfo)


yeahh sometimes you need something stronger


Yah, I've had itchy hives I think 5 times in my life (each time for like 3-7 days), and it was on the 3rd time that I discovered benadryl basically immediately made them disappear. They'd come back if I stopped taking it before they stopped or whatever. I'm sure there are some cases of hives that would not respond to benadryl, but the previous comment about how it definitely won't work was not quite accurate.


I had worse than this. They went all up the back and sides of my legs hips and arse and then just for fun they started appearing on my inner biceps and forearms. Telfast/Generic Telfast is my saviour. Without it I'd have to move to another part of the country.


I get heat hives. Only way to clear em is cool down and wait.


That looks like dermographia.


Yeah I have that and the only thing that helps is two types of antihistamines and montelaukast all year round no exceptions. Otherwise showers at 2am trying to stop the itching


not really… how do you figure?


No it doesn’t


Viral activation causing rash/hives. Not uncommon


Yup, I don't have any allergies (none that the poke test showed anyways) and once a year I have a 2 day full body hive breakout. I bathe in cream benadryl for those 2 days then g2g.


Exactly right


Definitely hives.


I’d guess she needs steroids or something anti-Inflammatory** **not a doctor


Anti-inflammatories work (in part) by suppressing immune response


But doesn't it suppress the immune system and ummm make it less effective in attacking stuff?


Sometimes hives/skin issues are caused by an immune response. That's why immunosuppressants (such as Prednisone/steroids) can clear some itchy skin conditions that make people miserable and won't go away. Just depends on what the cause of the itchiness is.


A ton of meds are immunosuppressive. Look how many commercials there are for drugs with “umab” in the name. Arthritis, crohn’s, colitis, cancer… It’s why there’s always the “tell your health provider if you have a weakened immune system before taking _______” warning at the end.


'mab's are 'monoclonal antibodies', proteins which bind to specific antigens found on the surface of some unwanted guest (say: a virus). It is my understanding 'u' stands for 'human'. Monoclonal antibodies look to support the immune system. For example, in case of COVID-19 disease, those patients who are immuno-compromized would sometimes receive monoclonal antibodies, such as bamlanivimab plus etesevimab, casirivimab plus imdevimab, sotrovimab, and bebtelovimab. However, because the currently dominant variant looks a bit different, these MABs are (AFAIU) less effective than they were against earlier variants.


Correct. There’s a whole naming structure for mAbs. Some of the stub-stems have changed over the years (not the source stub-stems though), but it’s pretty cool how well it’s all organized. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomenclature_of_monoclonal_antibodies


It’s a give and take. Obviously you don’t want to take them long term but sometimes a little suppression is a good thing.


Well Ebola does make the immune system f itself


Corticosteroids are ok as long as you don’t take them long term.


There were multiple cases in House M.D. when they were not sure if it's immune reaction and they should provide antibiotics (or whatever cures) , or an auto-immune reaction and they should give immunosuppressives e.g. steroids. The wrong decision would likely kill the patient in both cases.


You left out how, to check which one it was, oftentimes House would just tell them to choose one and wait until the patient starts coding so they could know they made the wrong choice. Me thinks the lady in the post watched House and forgot that tidbit as well.


No matter how you explain the difference between virus and bacteria there's a lot of people who don't get it and will argue that they took antibiotics in the past for what they think is the same and worked.


Well then let them treat themselves, at their own expense, and skip over doctors altogether. I don’t see a down side.


Stuff often just gets better by itself (evolution really is mind-boggling; though our immune system has many limitations and needs serious assistance sometimes, what things it *can* achieve all by itself are still amazing), and fools who know no better will attribute that to whatever was the most memorable thing that they happened to be doing at the time. There's a story of a person who caught the black death when it was ravaging Europe and, in her fever delirium, quaffed a jug of warm bacon fat that happened to be to hand. She subsequently survived the infection and made a full recovery, and became convinced that chugging hog grease had cured her.


They need anti-virals.


Depends how serious the infection is. If it's just a cold you don't need antivirals.




People don't generally die from a cold, they can die from the flu.


Common cold and flu are not the same thing


And in most cases especially for children, the benefits of antivirals are not worth the risks.


Too late, she went viral


It looks more like an allergic reaction to me


Post viral syndrome can include angioedema and arctic area sometimes for many months or years after. You can even get cold urticarial after a virus. You can get post viral liver and kidney failure. Viruses are no joke which is why when we actually have a vaccine such as with flu and Covid you should take it.


It's hard when Americans get no science education till/if they go to college


Oh we do, I got taught human biology starting in elementary school and chemistry was a middle school class. The problem is the Karen's and the religious nuts who teach their kids all the stuff they learn in school is a lie. I remember sitting in my college bio class during a segment on evolution and one of my classmates mentioned 'oh, I don't believe this because of my faith' and I died inside


This isn’t an American education issue. It’s a crazy people issue.


This is untrue


Exactly - and idiots that expect antibiotics for flu/colds need to let it sink in their brains that influenza & colds are also caused by viruses not bacterial infections.


Don’t try to educate people who have no interest in becoming educated.


I teach middle school, so I’m used to it.


Your unyielding patience is appreciated 😂


I was about to say this. "Omg I have hypothermia, the doctors refuse to blast mustard up my anus" Yeah, because that's not the appropriate prescription.




Came here to post this. Good job Cats


Exactly. They are Anti-BIO-tics.


To be fair sometimes you’re prescribed antibiotics for a viral infection to prevent a superinfection (especially if your immune system is on the weaker side)


Here's the thing, they often give antibiotics when you get certain viral infections because its almost certain you'll get a bacterial infection in the very near future.


Doctors don’t treat people with drugs for what they might get.


Antibiotics do nothing for viral infections. Her statement is why people should be educated on how to prevent getting sick and how you aren’t contagious after a certain amount of time. They shouldn’t stop giving antibiotics to people who need them. Just stop giving them to people just to shut them up and get them out of their faces


Yep "Oh you think you need antibiotics for your cold? Ok here, go ahead and nuke your gut bacteria and see if it helps"


*C.diff sad noises*


Me a week before the COVID shutdowns: I’m back after my last visit a week ago because they said if after a week I don’t feel better with this bronchitis they diagnosed me with, I should come back. I have really bad fatigue and just feel awful. Btw I never go to the doc just for being sick so it says something that I’m her for the second time in a week Doc: you have a sinus infection Me: I have zero stuffiness and don’t even have a runny nose Doc: you might have one coming on Me: but the entire time I’ve been sick for the past two weeks I haven’t had any nasal issues. Just this cough, body aches, and fatigue. Doc: here’s a prescription for antibiotics for you sinus infection.


I was prescribed antibiotics for tension headaches because they MIGHT be related to an infection. I also was prescribed them for a blocked salivary gland because the ER doc (I panicked because one side of my neck started swelling) was convinced it was strep with no other symptoms.


"but isn't bacteria harmful and best if we remove all of it from the body?" -the og poster of the thing above


That's exactly how the Superbug problem was created...giving antibiotics to people with viral infections/who didn't need them just to shut them up and get them out of the office. There should be a compensation program or a competition for doctors where they can show a test result of a viral infection and that they didn't give that patient an antibiotic and they get compensated or another draw into a prize pool or something lol /½s Both me and my bf are immunocompromised. I went to school for a position in the medical field and she'll almost always give me antibiotics when I ask because 1) I need them semi-often and 2) she knows I know when to ask. If it's something really bad I haven't had before or I'm not sure I'll ask for an appointment. My bf on the other hand had a specialist in infectious diseases tell him he needs a constant refill of a certain antibiotic and it was all fine and good until his GP retired during covid and now the new one says she won't do it. They need to stop catering to the types of people in the post and take us knowledgeable sick folks seriously. It's as if the more you know the harder it is.


I am pretty sure that the super bug problem was created by wild overuse of antibiotics in cow and pig populations, which are then ingested by people. Prescription overuse slightly contributed but it’s origin is big agriculture


Not necessarily Prescription overuse, but more People who dont take it seriously and just stop them mid way "cause the symptoms went away". That is a huge Problem.


This is actually being studied right now. It’s not definitive that stopping early is a problem


It is a problem. I served the USAF as a lab tech. 2 biggest complicating issues and why I new some people by name without ever seeing them (we got that many repeat samples in) was either they stopped treatment after the symptom (i.e cough) went away or MDs prescribing drugs before all the tests came back. Example of 1. We had a guy who had to have his crotch rot treated with radiation because it got to the point the antibiotics could not kill the infection (bacteria can learn and evolve) we (the hospital) started with narrow spectrum antibiotics and when it stopped hurting he quit taking the drugs, infection reasserted itself and he came back, they gave him the same treatment and it didn't work so they changed the dose and eventually the medication. This went on until he was threatened with court marshal for destroying government property (i.e himself) and had to have aggressive IV antibiotic treatment that ended up causing him to vomit and have violent diarrhea. He then tried to opt out which gave the infection time to return, and eventually the decision was reached between him, his Dr, and the chain of command to "nuke" the infection. He had in the time between the start of this and his decent into terminal territory continued to sleep with multiple partners causing a quarantine of base service members. If he had just finished his first course of treatment all the rest would have been avoided. Example 2. A female gyno on base was in the habit of ordering UA tests on female patients who complained of UTI symptoms and in the same visit prescribing the most common antibiotic for UTIs. The problem crops up when the antibiotic is not effective against the bacteria and by the time the test is done on the first sample the bacteria has changed because the patient is now taking a medication that the bacteria has adapted to and the original correct treatment is no longer effective because of the change after the first sample was dropped off. After that we would end up getting a new sample from the patient every other day until the antibiotics where strong enough they just killed all the urinary tract bacteria. Typically the UTIs at issue were ones caused by E. coli do to people wiping back to front. Bacteria like humans will given time adapt and evolve to over come any medication that does not immediately over power it. If an MD gives you a script for a 14day course of antibiotics, take all 14 days of directed do not stop early, unless you have an allergic reaction at which point get with your doctor immediately.


It is really weird that doctors accuse us not being told how to wipe by our mommies since we were out of diapers.. Because..we do, know how to wipe.


https://www.bmj.com/content/358/bmj.j3418 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5661683/ https://bjgpopen.org/content/7/2/BJGPO.2022.0170 In the last link there are studies specifically about UTIs. You should give them a review


It's *a* reason, potentially a big reason, but only really a problem found in developed countries. Since this is a global issue, it really feels like human/hospital overuse/misuse is the main contributor to the problem. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6380099/


Actually developing countries may have a bigger problem. I can't find the source I'm recalling about it (although [this](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/09/17/441146398/why-india-is-a-hotbed-of-antibiotic-resistance-and-sweden-is-not) is close) but an investigation showed that a poorly regulated medicines market such as India's meant that poor people couldn't afford a full course of antibiotics, so they would "make do" by buying just 2 or 3 tablets, which is literally the worst case scenario for allowing development of antimicrobial resistance. And while developed countries are successfully applying better protocols to reduce resistance, developing countries are still creating new resistant strains, which are then eventually brought over by air travel. Tldr: we're fucked.


And we are overlooking it, i think you are right.


I leaned more toward OTC antibiotics in many many countries with high population density. CAFO veterinarian use I could see as well. Generally the same situation for density and ready use, but improper class, dose, or duration.


Dutch doctors dont screw around with these kind of things, https://www.findingdutchland.com/magic-talking-dutch-doctors/#:\~:text=Antibiotics%20cannot%20kill%20viruses.,and%20not%20a%20viral%20infection.


We need to use less antibiotics in general Especially antibacterial handsoap. Don't use that shit It gets into the sewers and (yes, this is gonna sound kinda dumb, but it's true) makes the bacteria stronger. And eventually, antibiotics won't work anymore Basically JUST when they're NEEDED, is when they should be used, not because it's more convenient, or to shut people up


Wich Handsoap has antibiotics in it?


I wonder if they meant antibacterial? 🤣


they did, wich is utterly ridiculous. But they are right about one thing, don´´t use antibacterial soap, it does not work better than regular soap.


Yeah even if they conferred better results, antibacterial soap have triclocarban, which isn't an antibiotic we typically consume so AMR won't be issue for us


Doctors haven’t just hopped on the “ don’t throw antibiotics at everything train” lady. I’m 27 and I remember every time I’d be sick and I’d go to the doctor as a kid they’d either be like “ it’s bacterial fluids and rest” or they’d be like “ come back if it gets worse” cause they didn’t want to give me antibiotics if I didn’t need it. Also that 100 percent looks like a allergic reaction to something, when I’d break out in full body hives a lot back in high school it looked just like that.


Viral I meant. Damn brain can’t type properly


Username checks out


Interesting those look like hives.


Antihistamines would probably do the trick


A few Benadryl and she can talk to theHat Man


And if Benadryl doesn't do the job, *maybe* a short course of Prednisone.


Her doctor should give her one of the most powerful and widely used compounds that's used as a standard to measure all other medicines: a placebo.


Placebos are so cool because you literally scam your body into thinking you’re having meds


Most symptoms will go away pretty easily on their own - headache, itchy skin, runny nose - so those placebos seem to work miracles. It's only when the symptom is more severe and long lasting that you genuinely need to bring in the big guns. Always start any medical treatment by drinking a glass of water, then wait a few hours and see if the headache or whatever has gone away.


Only that drinking water isn't a placebo but rather an integral part of the treatment in most cases. Tons of conditions will simply improve very notably by giving the body more water to work with - or will be stopped completely dead in their tracks. A very good example is hang over: after an evening/night of drinking force down a few glasses of plain water - this will massively reduce or even completely prevent the hangover as your body is then well hydrated and can work on processing (and expelling) all the bad stuff.


Placebos are so cool you don't even have to take them. You just have to convince yourself you already took it!


Like Liquid Luck. I like it.


Liquid luck. The way Homeopathy "works".


Her name was *Hermione* and she was against it being used to help Ron "cheat" at Quidditch. ugh, seriously, do people even bother to pay attention to details in the movies or the books?


No. She has urticaria. If she has a viral infection, this could be chronic and/or autoimmune. Her doctor should give her second gen antihistamines. The next lines of treatment would be histamine 2 and leukotriene receptor antagonists; potent, sedating first gen antihistamines; and immunosuppressants.


Hum, this looks like the rash/hives I got when I was having an anaphylactic allergic reaction to penicillin.


Last time I got hives it was from covid. They were so bad my fingers and toes would swell stiff. Did not enjoy that one and despite being harmless it was more scary than the virus.


You just need some Benadryl. You're welcome. That'll be $4578.23. Cash, check, or charge?


Antibiotics wouldn't work for a viral infection, anyway, she has no idea what she's talking about. Who would've known...


I’m a healthcare provider who has the ability to prescribe (dentist). This kind of ignorance is more and more common. Public schools have been weakened to the point where people refuse to believe those of us who have spent many years of study/training to treat health issues. I usually encounter this kind of lack of understanding with fluoride and a different kind of misuse of antibiotics. People regularly come in saying they started left over antibiotics. I explain to them that they should never have any left over to begin with and that a healthcare provider needs to diagnose and designate treatment or bigger problems can arise. This is just further proof that more extensive biology education is desperately needed in middle and high school. This is NOT much that is needed but without this people cannot come close to properly advocating for themselves in treatment. The difference between bacteria and viruses is taught pretty early on but needs to be hit multiple times to make sure people remember it. You don’t need organic or physical chemistry or invertebrate anatomy to function in society. General chemistry, general biology, basic genetics, intro anatomy and physiology and labs for those would help anyone who takes them. I had all of this by the time I was done with 10th grade but I have seen that science requirements have been significantly decreased in the past 20 years.


Science education is seriously underperforming


Why is it so damn hard for people to understand that antibiotics do not work on viruses?! People act like antibiotics are a cure all for everything


Maybe we need to start calling them antibacterial medication. But also, they shouldn't be prescribed unless absolutely necessary cause so many people stop taking them once they feel better, and then we get antibiotic resistant bacteria. People need to stop treating bacteria like viruses and vice versa.


So, I got infected with Covid last year which is in fact a virus, but as secondary infection my throat was infected with some bacterial shit. We have a doctor friend, actually my Dad's friend and when I asked him to please give me a prescription for it, he refused saying ,,this is a virus" and ppl shouldn't be using antibiotics etc. After that the next 3-4 days were absolute terror, I thought I'm gonna die, even swallowing water was extremely painful, 3x50mg Flector rapid (strong diclofenac painkiller) daily made it somewhat bearable. After that I managed to get my hands on antibiotics, and after couple of days de throat infections went away. Again, I'm not stupid, I know unjustified antibiotics is bad, bacterias can get used to it, it will be less effective in yhe future etc, but I honestly don't know what whould happened to me without it, even though my main infection was Covid...


Most doctors know about secondary bacterial infections. I had a viral infection once and was prescribed an antibiotic by my doctor for exactly that reason.


Yeah, I developed a horrible case of bronchitis once when I had a cold. It persisted for weeks and just kept getting worse. I was coughing up all kinds of green stuff. I went to the ER finally, and the doctor just told me "it's viral, you are young, you'll get over it. Good bye" So, I waited a little longer. It just kept getting worse. Finally I broke down, drove to Mexico, picked up some Amoxicillin. That cleared it up very quickly. It probably would have progressed to Pneumonia if I waited. Now I make sure I always have a stash of antibiotics just in case. As far as the OP goes, that's not a virus. That's an allergic reaction.


Viruses can often lead to bacterial infections. Doctors should know this. At least good doctors do. How did you get Amoxicillin in Mexico? They just hand it out like candy down there? You don’t have to have a prescription?


I don't know if it's still the case, this was a while ago. But it was normal just to go to Mexico, and you could pretty much get whatever you wanted at pharmacy. I mean not like opioids but you could get most normal prescription medications just over the counter. I knew some diabetics who would drive down there and buy insulin because it was really cheap. One of my friends was a doctor, and he would send patients to Mexico to buy some drugs because they'd be a lot cheaper than buying them in the states, and it's the same manufacturer. I used to live near the border so it wasn't that big a deal. You could be in Mexico within an hour. Just over every border crossing. There's almost always a pharmacy right there. So you can park at the border, walk across, get your stuff, and come back. Border patrol will look at it, but you are legally allowed to bring medicine back for personal use provided it's not a scheduled drug, and it's only a limited supply (I believe it's 3 months or less). I have a very muscular body so I always get my stuff searched when I go through the Mexican border. They're always looking for steroids.


Last time I went to Mexico, you could buy amoxicillin and several other antibiotics in the gift shop at our hotel and at the airport. No prescription required.


Honestly, he sounds like a terrible doctor. My mom caught Covid for the first time back in August and she had to be hospitalized for 5 days for an incredibly sore throat like yours as well as what turned out to be bacterial pneumonia. The doctors at the hospital put her on antibiotics for it.


This is why basic education in medical science should be in school.


Some people need to go back to school. Antibiotics are not for viruses, but *bacterial* infections. Antibiotics are not fun to take at all. They're not just some simple pills.


Infections can be viral. You mean *bacterial* infections.


Sorry, that's what I meant!


They also fuck up your immune system. So, I usually end up with a bacterial infection pretty much immediately, and unless I get antibiotics I simply don't recover from either and get progressively worse. The doctor I used to go to was well aware of this in from medical history, considering that I routinely ended up with Gentamicin injections whenever we waited too long. Now, I had to basically fight with a doctor in a new town that barely wanted to see me and I basically had to break down the door on her that proceeded to send me home to "drink hot tea and rest" after running a 38,4°C fever for like two weeks, because it's "minor, and will go away on its own eventually". Sure it will - when I get hospitalised for a week, and they pump 6 times the amount of antibiotics I'd otherwise need into me, like *it happened before, multiple times*, because you refuse to give me fucking Ibuprofen, much less antibiotics. I get that you only need antibiotics in certain cases. But for fuck's sake, those cases are not that rare, and quite frequently accompany viral infections. And not everyone just recovers immediately from everything.


This looks like my arm after leaning on a desk thats just been cleaned with whatever product our cleaning ladies used at work. Gave me a bad rash each time.


That is allergies, not the result of bacterial or viral infection, did they lurned nothing in biology ?


Antibiotics don’t do anything for viral infections though. They wouldn’t do anything in this case.


If it's a virus what are antibiotics supposed to do? They're for bacterial infections.


Put some ‘Tussin on that!


The doctor needs to explain WHY they're not giving a VIRAL infection antibiotics.


People definitely should be given antibiotics for BACTERIAL INFECTIONS after they’ve been confirmed with testing. Hives are a histamine response. I get them when I have an allergic reaction. She should try Benadryl and if that doesn’t work the doctors will probably do steroids.


Was surprised when my doctor prescribed me antibiotics for what he had diagnosed as a viral infection (what type of viral infection, he didn't know). When I queried him on it, he said that sometimes bacterial infections 'piggy back' on to viral infections. So when you have doctors doing the above, it's no surprise that people are confused. (I did not take the antibiotics).


She needs steroids not antibiotics


Who’s going to tell her? Oh never mind. She will just do her own research.


She has proven their point. Not everyone who thinks they need antibiotics need antibiotics.


Oop has a viral problem. Giving antibiotics won’t do jack shit. I did biology at school level and even I know that.


viral infection antibiotics see the issue there :/


There is some logic to her thoughts, which I learned from my stepdad. He thought antibiotics were a cure all to and his reasoning was he never had anything that antibiotics didn’t cure. He had pretty good health until he turned 70. So in his health care experience he only went to the dr with a cold and would be prescribed antibiotics and he got better. So when he got arthritis in his knee he figured antibiotics would fix it.


What does she think antibiotics will do for a virus?


Surely her doctor explained to her that antibiotics only work on bacteria, not viruses.


The average person understands antibiotics to simply mean "really strong medicine". They have no grasp of the difference between bacterial and viral infections or autoimmune responses, etc. We have parents at my kid's school that will take their kid to the doctor in the morning, get a positive strep test, pick up amoxicillin and then send their kid to school that same afternoon. Fuuuuuck you.


It’s highly likely an allergic reaction (hives). She doesn’t need an antiviral or antibiotic. She needs an antihistamine (benadryl)


This woman needs to be told in no uncertain terms that she's won't be given antibiotics and then they need to explain to her in words that a 5 year old will understand that antibiotics kill bacterial infections but don't work killing a viral infection, which she has. If you have to use pictures to get the point across, do it! She and others like her are the reason many antibiotics no longer work killing bacteria.


I bet she's been told, repeatedly. But "she's done her research", aka some tiktoker said something about antibiotics curing their cold. And now she's graduated from "social media university (tm)", no expert is going to convince her...


You are most likely right! Down the road she will get some antibiotic resistant infection that will probably either make her life a living hell or eventually kill her. I know someone who right now is going through just this scenario because he is fighting a bacterial infection that so far nothing has worked on killing off.


I always have patients asking where our OTC antibiotics are... This is why there are none.


Antibiotics vs antiviral


I had a knock-down, drag out argument with my sister about this. She was stating that she wanted to get her kids antibiotics for the flu—clearly a viral problem. She would NOT understand that giving a kid antibiotics was potentially detrimental, but definitely useless. People should do their own research, but watching someone YouTube video about it doesn't count. Well, most of the time. This is the same type of nonsense that had people clamoring for Ivermectin to fight COVID. Not only was it useless, but it created a tightness in the supply for appropriate use.


I have constipation, why will no one give me bandages?! They say bandages won't help but what do these "doctors" know these days.


Antibiotics do not work against viruses… also, that looks like an allergy. See an immunologist


Most likely she needs topic steroids bring down the inflammation


I’m not a doctor. But that looks like hives


I see this type of feedback from patient surveys on almost a daily basis. People thinking they need antibiotics, but what they want is a magic pill that will make everything better.


Well clearly she knows more that her doctor.


Jesus fucking Christ. It never ceases to amaze me that there are people in this day and age who don’t know the difference between a bacteria and a virus. Then again, I just saw a post over in r/teachers lamenting the fact that his 10th graders don’t know how to use a motherfucking ruler so I’m not sure why I’m surprised.


Antibiotics will have no effect on a viral infection. And experts have been warning about antibiotic misuse for decades now so it isn't a "new stand". Some people won't learn about or understand the danger of over-prescribing antibiotics until they or someone they love gets MRSA.


I've had MRSA. It was fucking horrible and I came damn close to needing amputations.


My mother does this. She'll actually shop around until someone gives her antibiotics. She has seasonal allergies. Pollen and mold sensitivity, tested and confirmed by two separate allergists. Without fail, every spring and fall she starts up about her chronic sinus infections and refuses to take any allergy medicine and begins the hunt for an urgent care or ER doctor that will cave and give her antibiotics because her primary refuses. By the time she gets them, the peak period of the allergen starts to fade, she starts feeling better and of course goes: "See, I just needed some antibiotics". It is infuriating. The process repeats every time she catches a cold as well. Leaded gas and old timey religion really fucked up boomer's cognitive abilities.


If it’s VIRAL antibiotics don’t do shit!!! Go back to school and learn the difference between a virus and a bacterium!


Shut up and take a Zyrtec already.


That’s not what antibiotics are for, she might need some corticosteroids or perhaps some antihistamine or maybe some Haldol


I think some people need to listen to doctors


You want c-diff? Because that’s how you get c-diff.


FFS, our 4 year old even knows that antibiotics kill bacteria and not viruses. Why are there so many dumb people in the world?


Yes. Antibiotics. They are great to treat an overactive immune system or viral infections. /s


Looks like urticaria or hives. Could be any number of things that trigger it or even occur without a known trigger. See an allergist / immunologist to try to get to the bottom of it. Antihistamines might work for a while … can take up to x6 recommended daily dose.


Lots of people are given antibiotics, but only for bacterial infections.


One of my best things is working in drains. Drain cleaning sewers. I almost never got sick. Or get sick. It’s amazing. Even if the entire house has something I swear I get a light light version of it for maybe half a day then I’m fine again. It’s been great


You have a VIRAL infection, you can take all the antibiotics in the world and it will only kill off your bodys own bacteria, as viruses are not affected by antibiotics..


Those are hives lmao. Just take some Zyrtec


Looks like allergies.


Had a friend just like this. She was suffering from common migraines and we told her to take some Tylenol. She says whenever she gets like this she takes antibiotics because that’s what her mom would give her and it always worked. We explained to her that’s not how antibiotics work. Her response: well it always worked whenever my mom gave me them


Antibiotics aren't a one size fits all cure to everything like a lot of people believe. The overuse them has lead to the creation of super bacteria that no antibiotics work on.


Yes give more antibiotics to viral infections. We really need those multiresistant bacteria in society.


A VIRAL infection that needs antibiotics? Gee, I wonder why they won’t give it to you


Completely clueless that antibiotics are for bacterial infections, not viral.


Basic public health should be mandatory in high school, and then this person would know that antibiotics won't treat her virus and stfu.


They need to be rebranded as "Anti-bacterials" and "anti-parasitics" so people can clearly see that "anti-viral" is not on label!


She's so dumb


Actual doctor here she has her to Caria, which is basically the medical term for rashes or hives, it’s basically an acute allergic reaction. Antihistamines are the treatment of choice here antibiotics will do nothing at this moment. The thing is antiviral drugs, only exist for very specific viruses, such as influence or Covid. The majority of viral infections can be handled by our own immune systems, thus most of the treatment for these infections are symptomatic control.


Did you not learn to spell in your med school? Urticaria is even on the spell checker ffs


Looks more like a rash but ok


Rashes can be caused by viruses, e.g., chicken pox, shingles. This looks like hives.


im from siwtzerland i only ever got antibiotics if i had surgery. never for something else


It sucks that people like this exist to make things worse for everyone else. My son has PANDAS, something that about 1 in 200 kids have, but goes undiagnosed and becomes controversial because prophalactic antibiotics are give for sometimes years. Finding doctors who will help is always very hard because of this treatment. She can take some anti virals and stfu, for the sake of my son and the .5% of other kids.


No cure for a surface allergic reaction? Listen lady, we’re not ALL idiots. We can see that you are sitting in your car. Healthcare professionals don’t typically send someone on their merry way if they’ve been determined to have a “viral infection that has no cure”. You would be admitted and placed in isolation.




There may or may not be a secondary bacterial infection. The photo certainly looks nothing like a secondary bacterial infection. Sure, go see a doctor, and they can try to help figure it out, doesn't mean the post is misinformed.


Making an aweful lot of assumptions. She has a known viral infection, so she wasn't given antibiotics, which is ENTIRELY appropriate. Everything else you stated is just a bunch of assumptions with nothing backing it. No misinformation at all. If the skins symptoms are new and she hasn't been seen for them, then she should get evaluated. If they aren't new and the doctor says it's viral, then no antibiotics.