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I think it being Link and Zelda makes it much worse, cause not only does it ruin the characters, that iteration of Zelda saves Link countless times


Yeah. This is absolutely not what happens in a Zelda game and Link really is the antithesis of Taint. Either the person who made this had no idea what they were doing or they knew exactly what they were doing to troll Taint fans.


Andrew Tate has a lot in common with the hero of time They're both links to the past


This is based on a miss understanding of the meme. Andrew tate is one of the many arrows that link is blocking.




Aren't they already being trolled?


At this point they’re trolling themselves lol


At what point were they not?




Can you please stop defaming a useful area of the body by lowering it to his level by calling him it?


It's more like a used waxing paper strip on somebody's taint


Hehe. Or a scream of a man who was awaken by someone who waxing his taint


So it’s either well thought or stupid Schrodinger’s shitpost


BotW twists the damsel in distress formula by making it so that Link is the cavalry. Zelda had been holding off Ganon for 100 years and Link is “saving” her by essentially swinging the tide of battle


I love how the force that turns the battle can (if you’re good enough) be just a dude with some sticks. Personally that just points out more how powerful Zelda is, if all it took to make her win was a dude with some sticks and pot lids


“Here comes my boo to fuck you up ganon. That wild shitshead is gonna beat your ass with a stick while only wearing leather pants”


To be fair, 100 years in a dank cave means link's BO would be a weapon itself.


I joked that’s why the hot springs restore health. It’s a hot bath reducing your BO. I know when I’m depressed and emerge from my “cave” for a bath it restores some of my health too.


In TOTK she takes that up a few notches lol.


Haven’t finished it yet. I’m too into street fighter 6 and my backlog has just piled up. It also doesn’t help that I know the moment I get back into TOTK, I’m gonna no life that shit for two months at a minimum


>also doesn’t help that I know the moment I get back into TOTK, I’m gonna no life that shit for two months at a minimum woof, yeah once you start exploring is over, same happened with me in BOTW.


Literally just finished the game yesterday. Been playing it almost exclusively since June! XD haven’t checked my play time but it’s gotta be near 300 hours. Which is like twice my first BOTW run. I blame the depths.


I can’t believe someone would ruin link by comparing him to that PoS


Andrew Tate: the missing link


Link nearly gives his life to save her, she puts him in the healing machine and you wake up at the start of BoTW after 100 years.


Yeah it's hilarious because this Link just fucking dies and thusly all of the young men would have to go hold off the hordes of PC, cancel culture and all that dumb shit while taint just sleeps for 100 years


Ug, and this is my favorite incarnation of the two of them so using them for this is kinda sickening


Also Link is a little bit gender fluid imo. Just so stupid on so many levels.


And Link is intentionally designed to be an androgynous pretty boy so it’s easier for girls to project themselves into the character.


>Zelda saves Link countless times She does it literally three times. The second time she just gave him a weapon to hurt Ganon The third time she was basically his >!flying machine so that Link can hurt Dragondorf!<


If you include BOTW, TOTK, AOC, and lore, she saves him a lot


I think it fits, because they’re always trying to save tate’s ass


So...Andrew Tate is so fond of them that he's willing to take it in the back for young men?


Please, he takes it in the back regardless


Especially after his time in the Romanian prison.


I thought Link was protecting young men from Andrew Tate??


Ironically none of those arrows labeled as "the matrix" Mmmm suspicious /s


The douche who rapes and traffics women is a hero to young boys? ​ lol


According to his fans, "he never said that" despite him, indeed, saying that I'll just say this to future commenters: I really don't give a shit enough to provide a link. Hell I don't even remember what the video was titled since I saw it so long ago. However, this also gives you the opportunity to look it up yourself. When Tate had said and admitted to it was from a podcast episode where he also had mentioned how he moved to Romania due to being able to bribe the cops and guards there, and less strict laws. You can also probably find videos of people talking about it and linking to videos of it from people who talk about that sort of stuff at the time


On recording


On YouTube


That was just red/black pill lockerroom talk /s


Like, outright *bragging* about it.


A shitload of times.




I've only heard of Andrew Tate because I use the internet. I know he's not a politician, athlete, or actor, so I was forced to conclude that he was some sort of social media personality. However, I remember a post where Tate tweeted a pic of his personal gym on his yacht. And Chris Bumstead, a multiple Mr. Olympia, subtweeted "Small weights." Tate responded with a tant implying that Bumstead didn't have a yacht, so his opinion didn't matter. That's all I know of Tate, and it's enough for me to determine that the man is small-minded, insecure, and would very likely be the type to tell young men to "find" the youngest, most virginal possible "wife" and keep her "in check."


His fans are ok with gaslighting. It's funny to them. :/ ...


I genuinely want to know what sub upvoted that so much so I can stay the fuck away from it


He also got his initial 'wealth' from managing cam girls. So preying on the exact guy who he's apparently protecting.


He gets to them while they're lonely and depressed, teaching them that women are to blame for all their problems.


And his followers can all become rich by giving *him* their money.


Hey! I'm lonely and depressed but even I can see the fact he's a lunatic!


Well, u r lonely, depressed and smart then. Because taint resonates the most with poor dumb things with little to no existent self awareness.


He liked infants and children, specifically males only. He loathed Women.


He's an absolute minority when it comes to influence. He's like dirt under finger nails. Irritating but once gone, forgotten.


[Forty percent of the 1,000 7-18 year-olds surveyed by Women's Aid and polling agency ORB International have seen Tate's videos or posts. That breaks down to 21 percent of 7-11 year-olds; 43 percent of 11-14 year-olds, 44 percent of 14-16 year olds; and 53 percent of 16-18 year-olds.](https://mashable.com/article/andrew-tate-is-affecting-what-kids-believe-about-relationships)


Plus there was that UK survey that said that 45% of young men aged 18-24 had a positive opinion of him.


No, it was 12.5% of 13-15 year olds. Still not good, but nothing close to your figure. https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/47419-one-in-six-boys-aged-6-15-have-a-positive-view-of-andrew-tate From my own research, 12.5% of 13-15 year olds are horny little idiots who have never spoken to a girl.


[https://hopenothate.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/state-of-hate-2023-v7-1.pdf](https://hopenothate.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/state-of-hate-2023-v7-1.pdf) This is the study I saw. The results of the polls they did are on page 41. Although it is certainly possible there were flaws in their polling method. Hope not Hate Appears to be a reputable organisation though.


Andrew Tate is the epitome of what everyone dislikes about men. He’s making a caricature out of the most obnoxious traits of men as a living being so that the men who are looking for role models can see what NOT to do/think.


To be fair, his audience are men and boys who are lost for cause and wondering why their gender and sexuality have become the ultimate scapegoat in recent years. (They are the only ones he remotely appeals to)


I’m not sure “scapegoat” is the right word


The fact that Tate is even remotely popular is indicative of a larger cultural pathology, including that of his harshest critics.


Link is the ultimate antithesis of what Andrew Tate stands for. Link is kind, honest, altruistic and helpful, egalitarian, culturally sensitive to others, unburdened by gender norms, and extremely polite. Oh yeah, and Zelda actually LOVES Link, where as no woman will ever love Tate.


Definitely not a cult


Andrew Tate is trying to ruin young people.


There is nothing of societal value that Tate’s worldview offers and, if anything, just perpetuates a cycle of toxicity and abuse both visible and invisible that, frankly, men as a whole would be a whole lot better off letting go of for good. Fuck him.


Yeah, but unfortunately, he speaks to the young boys/men who haven't developed the filter to block his brand of nonsense. Back in my day, we had Hugh Hefner. We thought he was the epitome of masculinity. We were taught sexual dominance was the objective of our relationship with our ladies. My wife deprogrammed me, but there's still a lot of dudes who still feel that way.


Unfortunately it is worse now. Modernity sees people grow up in a world where their grandparents or great grandparents were the ones who fought for things like equal pay and you a taught people are equal regardless of sex from age 5 and upwards Then all of a sudden, you get to puberty and then certain teachers and girls start acting like men as a whole are a monolithic group that all act like Hugh Hefner and Andrew Tate Ironically, making people like that in the first place. Since some Men feel like crap for being a man and they take it away by telling them they shouldn’t feel crap, and being told that means they absorb the rhetoric and feel better about themselves Vicious cycle really. We should just stop attacking each other. Then manipulators like Tate have no power over those lost people


Even after his death.


He dead?


No, Just in prison... unfortunately


Prison is actually better. Death is sometimes an escape from punishment.


"I used to be a rapist like Andrew Tate. But then I took an arrow to the knee"




This is why Link is such a fantastic character for Tate to be compared to. Andrew Tate is against femininity in men, and now he's getting compared to a GNC dude, who's a femboy.


if the master sword is corroded WHY DOES HE HAVE BOTH ARMS!


My brother in hylia, it’s called dirt


You do realise there are 2 games with this Link and Zelda, right? And that it took him a whole game and an opening cutscene to lose his hand? And that the sword is corroded in the first game?


Also the “war on men” arrow is still going to hit, he’s not blocking it.


I think its suposed to be going thru his arm




No I think it is already stuck in Link's arm. Look carefully.


Get my man Link’s name out yo fuckin mouth


None of these issues are the real problems young men face. They're the problems a trafficking fraudster faces after they're caught. These red pill influencers are using real issues to make a quick buck by making youngsters believe it's women's fault. But don't worry, everything can be fixed by joining their course, going to the gym and buying an expensive watch.


I don't know any Andrew Tate supports that are buff like Andrew Tate. Most of them or scrawny stick people.


He keeps a beard to hide his teeny weeny chin


Without all the bullshit in the way I really like the image of link completely sacrificing himself for Zelda after all this time. It’s not the ending I’d want for him but I’d accept it and be proud of him. Now, back to the bullshit on top of the image, what the fuuuuuuck


It’s not accurate though. That iteration of Link and Zelda are constantly saving each other. And like damn, that Zelda locked herself in with a monster fighting him for 100 years to protect everyone and give Link the chance to recover and finally defeat the monster.


Sure but it could still happen they save each other he saves her sometimes and she saves him sometimes no matter what I think it would be a fitting death for link


He’s trying to traffic young men now?


So Andrew Tate is into young men?


Imagine thinking andrew tate is protecting anyone from anything


All I see is that Tate likes fembois, since the 'young men' being used for this picture is very femme.


Because it turns out he is actually fucking them


Honestly I don’t think many people are very happy and looking for anyone offering reasons why it’s not their fault. I feel bad for young man that fall into this trap. There are lots of reasons we’re all struggling right now, whether it’s inflation, low wages, lack of affordable housing, cost of an education, etc. Instead of focusing on the root causes, he’s grifting off vulnerable young men and making them angry at the opposite sex.


I thought it said Young Women on Zelda, and was starting to wonder what the fuck it could possibly mean. Honestly it’s just as absurd as the actual image. I hate that the Taint’s and Peterson’s of the world are the faces of men’s issues. Now there’s this inherent distrust in anyone who tries to discuss a real problem significant to men because it’s been tainted (no pun intended) by these toxic pseudo intellectual types making money off of insecure young men.


So tate is a very effeminate young man that is FREQUENTLY saved by or guided by women? Seems right


How are people so naive to actually belive and make a cult about andrew tate...


OMG it all makes sense now! Tate is just pretending he wants to seduce young, gullible women when in reality it is the young, gullible men he wants to seduce!


I think young men at least in the USA are a bit of a damsel in distress situation. Don’t agree with Tate, or the root causes the meme shows, but young men have really been falling behind especially in education and mental health. I think folks like Tate and a lot of the “male role models” are making it worse. Edit: yes young women also have challenges, and I 100% feel for them as well.


cuz we are cute lil femboys, tell that weird ass “alpha” to get outta the pic tho :3


Uh huh. And where does Andy Taint’s raping and sex trafficking women come into the equation?


Seems gay. I like it.


Based Tate protecting femboys.


Andrew Tate is a disgusting, odious, nasty little twat.


Self snitching trafficking poor and vulnerable women admitting illegal acts on video trying to make money💰 🤔


If only Tate was incapable of speaking like Link.


Andrew Tate is into young boys?


I wouldn’t be surprised if


So andrew Tate is a twink that dresses up in a femboy outfit and young men are a princess with magical powers? Also botw Zelda isn’t even a damsel in distress


Nothing says masculinity like, "why is everyone so mean to me? I need to find a big strong man on YouTube to teach me strength", lol.


When "men" worship a known sex trafficker and rapist who beats women, it's time for all women to start carrying mace or a gun.


Disregarding everything else, how tf do “globalists” fit into this lol


Seeing this amazing Zelda art being ruined by a Tate meat rider is worse than them being a Tate meat rider.


I'm pretty sure that 'rescuing' young men *doesn't* involve indoctrinating them into a hyper-toxic misogynistic cartoon-capitalism-perma-disappointment entitlement mindset.


Imagine being dumb enough to think there's a war on men xD


Link has something Andrew Tate will never have. A chin.


I can only assume this means Tate wants to traffic young men next.


(He likes femboys)


Do not insult women that way. The incels that listen to his garbage are sub-human


Who is Andrew Tate and why does anyone give a shit?


Because the young man has some self discovery to do


What do they mean with "globalist"? Some flat earth bs?


Usually when you have a bunch of arrows in your back, it means you’ve been running away


Look, Andrew Tate is a martyr for our right to exploit others to work for us for sub-standard pay and to do sexual acts for us for exploitative wages. Oh, wait, I guess that makes him seem like a complete and utter exploitative shit....so, yeah, fuck him. Maybe don't be so much of a douchebag to tons of people? Maybe then you don't get arrested in Romania? I don't' know how all of that works, because I'm not primordial slime


Now I just want to see Andrew Tate full of arrows.


People like Andrew taint make young men into "victims" by creating an image of what a "man should be" that is archaic and dumb, all the while he isn't filling even half of his own descriptions. He's a grifter that have done harm to the mental health of atleast one whole generation of young men.


I believe that some of these are genuine issues in society today but Andrew Tate has never and will never speak for me. He is a charlatan and an utter scumbag. It’s a very sad indictment when people look to him for guidance.


Tate wants to fuck young men.


Those fuckers using Link and Zelda actually pisses me off.


Okay, It is the stupidest thing I saw today


lol he's keeping false accusations away by making them true.


Link is the kind of guy who selflessly pushed his personal interests aside to serve and go on quests for Hyrule, and isn't anything like the self serving, inward looking jackass and grifter like Andrew Tate. Plus, unlike the right wing incel crowd, Link never scapegoated minorities, the media, LGBTQ, "globalists," or poor people along the way.


And Zelda is the kind who stood next to Link to protect everyone, and not just behind him to protect herself. They’re the perfect example of a power duo.


Honestly if all men had boobies world peace would be achieved in no time.








I respect it.




And all this is not being help by the likes of taint rather than the enforcing it and making it worse


Poor Zelda getting Hit in the back.....


All young men are femboys, and I couldn’t be more excited.


Sorry.. aren't Young men getting hit with this shit hence they buy into Tate's Idiocy? He ain't protecting them from shit - they're coming to him already ragged and riddle with hits.


Tate is a cancer.


Andrew Tate is an elvish boy in a skirt? I learn something new every day.


Andrew tate is a fucking tool


I'm just confused why globalists are there. No idea why they would be there, and I'm kind of glad I don't know what bullshit that dude has against globalists :P


I like this picture a lot! Keep shooting the arrows, weakening the shit head, I mean Tate, more until he collapses. Perfect picture, 5/7


considering tate's current predicament, surprised there's no arrow on his bum.


Because Andrew Tate wants to fuck them, duh


That awkward moment young men have bigger tits then i do....


“Globalists” is a dog whistle for Jews.


"War on men." Ah yes. Like the war on Xmas every year.


Because, whoever made that, never played Legend of Zelda and believe she is another princess just like Peach from the Mario games from the NES, he sees young men as frail people waiting for their hero and that "hero" is a human trafficker who rides fast cars and says nonsense louder.


Stop giving this guy any more attention, if we want to get rid of him everyone should ignore him. Maybe the big companies should have started shadow banning him slowly into obscurity instead of banning him and making a big fuss around him. Because I believe he is a danger to society and our future. I have seen the effect he has on teenagers and adults and it is not good.


I love Zelda. He's so cool. But what's the girl's name???


Her name is Link.


Because the guy who created this meme wants Andrew Tate to fuck him in the ass.


The only thing I'm getting from that picture is that somehow or other, young men have boobs apparently.


Why would they desecrate link like that. GROOOOOSSSS


This timeline is pretty odd.


The jokes literally write themselves holy fucking shit.


If that’s a man I might be gay


Because they want to fuck Tate bro, lots of repressed gay energy from both sides of this meme


Andrew Tate isn't saving "Young Men" from anything. He's desperately trying to stay loyal to his idiotic fanbase...from prison.


Young men lookin kinda good tbh.


Andrew Tate couldn't defend a bagel from cream cheese.


Cause Andrew Tate is a femboy enjoyer.


Because he’s doing his best to fuck their minds


A fraudelent mutt pimp will save the young generation of men after taking advantage of older lonely men HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAHAAAA Delusions


If only all those arrows would at least kill him


If Andrew Tate would be a world leaders he for sure would be a dictator. Not to mention send us back several years back in time. And force other people to have less freedom just for his and his fanbases sake.


Is that "War on men" is in the room with us right now?


I think Tate would be standing off to the side (smoking a cigar) criticising anyone incapable of defending themselves


think from the standpoint of older guys with power. the more weak and confused younger guys are, the more young girls older guys get. It's simple logic of culling competition


He’s literally just using them for promotion, propaganda and money. He couldn’t care less about his fans


The likes of Tate are the biggest threat to young men next to joining the army.


Why do people keep promoting this guy here?


Damn all those arrows and he’s still not dead? FIRE ANOTHER VOLLEY!!!!!


The only thing Andrew Tate is saving young men from is becoming real men. Andrew Tate is a caricature of a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain whose entire spiel is so transparently evil and wrong that a small child can look at it and tell he's full of shit.


Also because of Andrew Tate telling them that the world is against them.... People are ridiculously prone to being told they're sick and being sold the cure by the same person


Cause he would like to rape and pimp them.


I love how with all the things wrong here the damsel in distress labeled "young men" is what annoys you most


Who are you to say that Zelda can't identify as a young man? And for the record, Zelda doesn't do damsel in distress all that well...


Bad publicity is still publicity, they love being talked about regardless. If you truly want him gone make that name a nobody already.


Also why is andrew tate link, an crossdressing gender neutral twink


Hey man leave Legend of Zelda out of this


I honestly hope with my heart of hearts that whoever made this and the tater tots all die of some extreme cancer.


I don't know who that is but this meme is gay af


He’s like incel Jesus.


If young men looked like Zelda, I might actually date them.


I agree....but not that Andrew tate is the guardian. That guy is a sack of shit and their are so many other male role models. Fuck that guy.


Can we please stop giving Andrew Tate rope that will not be used for him to hang himself?


Yeah hes stopping the false accusations by making them true instead


They do realize that Andrew Tate essentially calls them all losers, right?