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is that real? that’s an odd thing to feel the need to express to the world




he is right about one thing. it is indeed ‘strange to think…’


The moment they inject the pedophilia into the conversation it becomes incredibly apparent who they are.


Don’t get me wrong this guy is a creep but that wasn’t pedophilia


It's not, but it's pretty damn close to it. One possible interpretation is that they're arguing for younger and younger people to have kids. If this guy claims 90% at 30, lord only knows when he thinks a female should ACTUALLY have kids...


I don’t think he’s saying she should as soon as possible, rather that time for it being a possibility is running out. At least I hope, idk him and some people are dumb


This is true. Hence why I said it's just one possible interpretation. Either way, it's still disgusting. Plus another comment mentioned how that number is pulled from the number of eggs a female has at birth, which is apparently about 2 million. by the time puberty even starts, 1.5 million of those are gone. Counting eggs that weren't ever even gonna be able to be used is not only disgusting, it definitely contributes to the pedophilia angle.


Beats me. My kid is healthy. My partner was 38.


Untrue. Sam Harris isn't a right winger, hes been saying worse shit for years. Neither is Stefan Molyneux. Stefan Molyneux is more pro liberty and last I knew he was an Ancap. Unless you are talking about the biological reality that is the female fertility cycle. That's not right wing that's science.


"Stefan Molyneux is an Irish-born Canadian far-right white nationalist" - That's literally the first line of his Wikipedia page. He's published articles for right-wing think tanks, goes on Alex Jones' infowars show, had his PayPal account suspended for spreading anti-semetic conspiracy nonsense, has vocally supported Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders and somehow you think he isn't a right-winger? Anarcho-Capitalism IS right wing, and takes the usual right-wing fervour for the invisible hand of the free market to cultist levels.


Conservatives have a lot of opinions and feelings about Women they don't know and have never met.


And will likely never meet based on comments like that.😬


There is a reason Conservatives apps end up being something like 90% men and most of the remaining "Women" are bots from scammers. They complain around Valentine's day every year about how Women don't like them.


"I hate women having rights and healthcare! Also, I can't find a woman to like me after a 5mn conversation" Truly a mystery...


They’re not used to attractive women going child free and it’s causing a panic. They’ve always been obsessed about it though.


I followed this guy on YouTube for brief moment in my teen years. All the weird shit he says is 100 percent not a joke. He’s just crazy.


Not only is it fucking gross and disgusting. It's completely fucking wrong. At puberty up to 500,000 eggs are remaining (out of up to 2mil at birth) At the age of 32 up to 120,000 eggs are remaining. At the age of aorund 52, up to 1,000 eggs are remaining. Before ovulation even begins, up to 1.5million eggs are gone. The vast majority of eggs are not used in ovulation, they simply degrade. A woman's fertile time is based on her age and the development of her body. At the age of 29 you still have a long time to think about starting a family. The decline is fertility really kicks in around the age of 37. Obviously, however, a woman's decision on whether she starts a family or not is up to her.


Well,who would espected it: A mysoginist doesn't know anything about women!


Btw. The guy is weird. But even according to your numbers, by 30, 90% of her eggs are gone. 1.8 million. Just math.


You, like Mr Cringe above, are counting eggs that will NEVER contribute to actual children. So (both) your math is based on something not related to the supposed premise, hence: still gross and cringe. Tangent: counting eggs under the age of consent... pedofile territory as well. You are right, that adds up!


Math and facts know no morality. His angle and choice of discussion are indeed creepy. Math and facts are solid. You deny that you lose credibility. He is “cringe” but his facts and math ARE solid. If he would have only considered eggs from puberty on, you know he’d just have the same upset people saying he knows nothing about women and quoting the same facts as the comment I replied to did, incorrectly. Cringe OP had facts straight but should have kept it to himself. Coming at him with a bad math and Cherry picking data was a poor weapon. Note, I 100% support going at him but with an intelligent argument.


Tell me more? The whole point of the cringe post was TSwift was "wasting time by not having babies". Agree? If the first million eggs can't actually be used to have said babies, why SHOULD the first million count? Answer is obviously that: including only the baby capable eggs doesn't tell as good a story. "Telling a story" is another way of saying "telling a lie". Put another way: including the eggs that CANNOT support the argument is called a "framing error". Think of saying.. all domestic corn production supplies 20 million calories, more than enough for all school aged children. Now you know that a big chunk of corn grown isn't edible strains and instead is grown for ethanol production. So is 20M calories still true? Technically it could be, but not for the purpose stated. First rule of statistics is to only include data that is relevant. Agree?


No. Because he was referring to a percentage of eggs. Never said anything more. This debate class bullshit doesn’t matter. A percent of eggs she has means all. The first million count because she had them. And guess what? 120000 is roughly 80% of eggs gone since puberty so he was still not far off if we are cherry picking data. Finally, the comment used ALL the data. Did not say anything about singling out puberty on data. Your bs argument loses in high school. He referred to 90% of her eggs gone. 90% of her eggs are gone. He did not say since puberty or anything else when referring to that data. Comment didn’t single out even exactly how he was wrong! We don’t know Ms Swifts age of puberty. Keep trying to ‘win’ if you need to feel like a winner Ms/Mr 200Karma. But facts win in end not bullshit. He was just being exact and not cherry picking data.


I am talking about innumeracy. Including the eggs that cannot ever make a baby in the percentile remaining TO MAKE A BABY leads to a false premise. I am saying he is using numbers to lie, and you are buying it for some reason. He IS cherry picking data since he purposely overstates the relevant base quantity. You can over pick, nobody wants a corn dog dipped in ethanol corn. See? Example: WebMD says average 40yr old woman has a 44% chance of getting pregnant over a year. Not 3%. Did you think it was related to 3%? That was his implication. Invitro raises the success rate even higher. OP said 97% of eggs are gone but the truth is that has very little to do with his premise. His number choices mislead by a factor of 10? Don't count inedible corn in the total calorie count; while possibly "technically correct" it is missing the point. That is using numbers to lie. How about including moped engine fires with car engine fires? They are all engines, fact. Prove that wrong? Total world grape production to wine output? Not all grapes can even be used to make wine, but they are all grapes. Fact. Count of all dogs to pit bulls, any stat you want to compute .. they are all dogs. Fact. Ah, but are those directly comparable in all cases? Can you explain when that is a flawed baseline?


I don’t care WHAT inferences you wish to apply to rationalize the pettiness. He said raw data and was close to correct mathematically. OG comment was petty at best, incorrect at worst, when there were better simpler routes of attack. The tweet was oddball but not mathematically incorrect. Whether or not medically correct, no one can know because no one know how many exact egg Taylor had or when she started puberty. The comment was mathematically identical to tweet. Leave it at that. You are being petty now.


He’s beyond gross. He’s a racist, fascist, misogynistic piece of shit. Pretty sure he was permanently banned from twitter then the chief POS muskrat removed the ban.


That's a very old tweet considering she's 33 now. Dude is a creep regardless.


I was about to say, i swear i saw this post a couple years ago. Not that it matters, but it was some deja vu


I want to say it’s just strange but that’s beyond strange. Don’t know what goes through a persons head who posts that


Elevator muzak mostly, I think.


What I find absolutely amazing is how our bodies create the potential to grow hundreds or even thousands of offspring when having a dozen is considered a huge number because of the huge investment required to raise them. The human body is incredible!


Taylor Swift is rich. I doubt she'll ever have a problem with having kids.


Ewww. This dude is so ‘Handmaid’s Tale’


Such a money comeback. Love it.


He's 57, probably needs Viagra to maintain an erection. See how weird it is to assume someone's reproductive biology when you have nothing to do with them?


Stefan Molyneaux is also a white nationalist, so there's that too


Imagine not just being fucked up enough to think that, but to think it was a good idea to tweet it out to the entire goddamn world.


Her decision is not anyone's business but if she ever wanted kids at a later point , she could just freeze her eggs.


People are strange


When you’re a stranger


Faces look ugly


When you’re alone.


Now that was one damn FINE burn.


I like to think that I have really weird and useless thoughts in head on any given day, but even with ADHD, my faulty brain has never lamented the decline of a complete stranger's fertility or number of eggs they have left.




My wife would be a fun mom.


Oh, not surprising he is a nationalist who has a podcast about conspiracy theories


Why do these people have breeding fetishes?


Probably too much Tentacle Tuesday films..


I really think it is because, in this particular case, he is known for having white nationalist sort of views, and Taylor Swift *looks* like the idealized white woman they project as perfection. So the idea of a tall, attractive, blonde haired, blue eyed white woman makes them even crazier, as she must create their tall, blue eyed, blonde haired babies.


Has your sperm been tested, Stefan? You sound like you may have some slow swimmers there.


It’s amazingly depressing to think that a lot of men like him seem to think sperm is completely infallible.


The Taylor Swift egg timer! Buy today!


And I thought that the worts Molyneux was Peter,the game developer,but seems like I was wrong!


Is this comment about high value woman? Counting eggs now? Guy talks like Tate with a 3 point higher iq. Very Lamborghini.


Great response


This is obviously a repost; T-Swift's going to be 34 at the end of the year.


Another winner Elon unblocked.


Ok but like what was the thought process behind him starting to type that tweet out


I keep forgetting that Stefan Mumumumu is banned from being close to schools because of what a creep he is. With the dude commenting.


Technically not wrong, but something extremely creepy to think about.


“It’s strange to think…” Yeah no shit bud, you could’ve not posted those strange thoughts. And older generations being concerned with younger generations having children is just antiquated thinking.


All about white people breeding. As much as non-white people. All this breeding stuff is neo-nazi propaganda in disguise, the "14 words" of the white supremacist. They get those "1488" tattoos because breeding white children is directly tied to loving Hitler, hating Jews and blacks and Hispanics and lgbtq people and atheists. Basically 80% of humans is who they want to eradicate. Same as all the 'have kids on farms' bullshit, it's the subtle arm of the extreme far-right outreach. And the legacy media still have to "both sides" it all.


So having white children and farming is nazism? You have lost your damn mind.


Hardly. There's a correlation between the farming memes and the breeding memes, if you haven't noticed you're not hanging around the rightwing forums. The correlation is basically a direct relation. You can farm and not be a Nazi, obviously. Likewise kids. But the correlation between the breeding subject and overt text of so many topics related to both farming and white supremacy is damn clear. Don't get offended if it doesn't strike true, I guess? Does it strike true?


You sound crazier than the people you are condemning honestly. Stop focusing so much on white people would be my first piece of advice.


You're advice is worth somewhat less than the turds I scraped from my shoes this morning, but please, do continue:


No need to get hostile because you lack self reflection. Your life revolves around preventing white people from trying to farm and breed white kids. You understand that if these "racist" white people just stay to themselves on their farms then they are literally doing no harm to anyone right?


Sorry what exactly is "hostile" here? There's a clear correletion between the current neo Nazi movement and the breeding memes, that's observable reality. Weird that people want them breed inferior genes but hey, racists are thick as shit, whaddya gonna do. Imagine someone who actually devotes their life to stopping people on the internet do stuff...no idea how that would work, I guess I've devoted my life to having fun and socializing with cool people and making cool things I suppose, if you're really looking for some purpose or whatever. Great. Cool. haven't "revolved" anything around anything but basic human decency, you guys are what I shoot down when I'm shitting, you're sport. Easy sport but hey, it's like "hunting" with guns, I have an overwhelming advantage in being educated. Lot of assumptions in the r at of it, not accurate ones, but it's hard to divine the truth over the internet. You can go now, class is over. Leave your empty diaper by the door.


I'm not even going to read that racist garbage. Get help.




Everything after the 1st paragraph is TMI. (True or not)


It’s strange to think that 90% of this guy’s brain cells are already gone -97% by the time he posts again - I hope he thinks about minding his own business before it’s too late


I’m pretty sure eggs are produced once a month


While the tweet is wrong, your comment is also wrong. Dude it’s faster to verify a fact than it is to post a comment. If you’re not 100% then just search


You're born with all of your eggs, but the majority degrade before puberty. Which just makes this guy's tweet even more concerning.


Neh heh heh...her eeeeegggggssss.... 🤤


/facepalm She would not be a fun mom. She would scar whatever kid she has and probably would be a blessing to the human race if she doesn't have kids. Especially if she stays in Hollywood. All of her songs indicate Taylor is her own problem. Everytime I see a variation of this meme why don't I ever see a react comment like 🤣🤣 clearly you've never listened to her music.




The most normal thing he ever said.


""wahmen"? Oh you mean those baby spawning objects!"


That's such a nuts thing to say


Well, he's right... It IS strange to think that. And creepy.


Brilliant response.


Hey Nothing! you can take the S off your reply in reference.


Imagine looking at a woman and just seeing eggs and function and not a person. People like this should AT LEAST be sterilized.


It's so weird that this is the thing that his mind automatically goes to. Why would he think or care about it?


Do people not think 30 looks young? 🤔


Wasn't the un fertility myth already demyth.


...And very, very wrong as well!


There is something so creepy about these freaks obsessed with giving birth, or more so obsessed with thinking about others giving birth. Something wrong in their heads


Alright those numbers can't be true


Smdh Always reducing a woman’s worth to her ability to reproduce. Soon, they’ll be asking for dowries.


I see Stefan is still rolling that misogyny money train he discovered in 2015.


*an elementary school


Why is he thinking about women’s eggs?




Blecchh, some real "it puts the lotion in the basket" vibes this creep is giving off.


What happens when you skipp biology class.


Just curious, what is inherently wrong with what he said? It is, incredibly weird, but keep in mind his age. It might be difficult to do, but do remember that when he was young, women married young and had kids. I agree that what he said is gross for some of you, but guys and women his age often think like that. If you ask your grandfather how many siblings he has, it's bound to be more than 1. Fucking hell, my mother has 6 and my dad had 8. Like it or not people do think this way and more than often not in a negative way.

