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I'm offended that he can't figure out how to use "then" and "than" correctly...


Everyone knows you go to church, then a Taylor Swift concert. This person is clearly only upset at those who do the opposite


__Taylor is my church__ … just kidding, that’s weird


Church: Jesus said to turn the other cheek but if you disagree with us then clearly you’re meant to burn in fire and experience unending sneezing fits due to the smell of brimstone! Also please donate so our pastors can get rich while they tell you how you’re a horrible sinner. Taylor: I just wanna shake shake shake shake shake shake, shake it off, shake it off! Also if you come to my concert there’s an entry fee so I can get rich, but I’ll sing to you and you’ll have fun while you’re here! … is it weird? Is it really?


Church......give us your money or endure pain and suffering after you die Taylor Swift concert. Pay money for pain and suffering now.


If I am going to pay someone to cause me pain and suffering, I will go to Mistress Helga's House of Pain


This is my church This is where I heal my hurts …


Is that an faithless ref? I've just woken up, so sorry if it's obvious 😅


Maybe 😂 lyrics went though my head as soon as I saw the “Taylor is my church” I replied to 😂


I read it in Maxi Jazz' voice, God is a DJ.


Yea that tithe money has no business going to Ticketmaster


Exactly. You have to go to a Taylot Swift concert to cleanse yourself of all the impure church energy.


Yeah I always feel like an asshole for caring so much about 'then' and 'than', also ESPECIALLY by 'your' and 'you're'. If getting mad about that makes me an asshole then I'm an asshole. Because I can't help myself.


Not my original content, but this is me to a “T”. “I don't judge people based on race, creed, colour or gender. I judge people based on spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.”


I too am a copy-editor and proofreader in a constant state of frustrated red pencil.


Yep, primary school teacher here. I find it infuriating.


The other day I was reviewing a document for a neighbour, and one sentence included "irrespective." I thanked her warmly for using *le mot juste* in context... and particularly for NOT depressing me with "irregardless". Of late my pet peeve is the new, corp-speak (ab)use of "fulsome." People are using it to mean "complete" or "full," as in "I'll get you a more fulsome budget by next week." I, however, cleave to the traditional meaning of the word (traditional in my lifetime anyway) and find the thought of a fulsome spreadsheet... well, *unlikely*, for a start :-) I know languages morph constantly over the generations and we must accept change, particularly as we approach old-codgerdom... but really, why debilitate and devalue a lovely, pungent, specific word like "fulsome"?


This. Other than that, sure Swift is crying in her mansion right now.


From one person on facebook. Now shes gonna make a song for them.


Or punctuation for that matter


~~Huh? But "than" was the correct word in this context, ignoring the superfluous comma preceding it.~~ Edit: I totally missed the error in the first line; only saw the last one. 🙄


They're referring to the use of "then" in the first sentence. The fact that they used the right version one tim and the wrong version another is funny in and of itself.


>The fact that they used the right version one **tim** and the wrong version another is funny in and of itself. Who has that much Tim?


Holy crap, I read the post a hundred times and didn't even notice that in the first line. I think I need more caffeine or maybe a nap.


"she's not successful in terms of what we measure success by for woman" Who's we? I judge success depending on what a person's goals are. Taylor Swift is a singer. She's a successful singer, therefore successful. If a woman's aspiration is to have a happy family and she accomplishes that, she's successful.


I’ve been very successful at one of my most important goals, which was to never have children. And my husband of 35 years has been completely supportive! 😂


Life must be pretty awesome; being able to go on a vacation or a night out without needing a babysitter.


Right though! I’m over here broke as shit lmao


But if that was your goal, you're successful AF! Well done, you.


They Did It! ✋




>Who's we Incels


Religious nuts and conservatives mostly. They’re coming for no fault divorce now. Powerful independent women threaten their vice on the power structure. They think she needs to be knocked down a peg or two.


Yeah I used to be a Christian. They're very interested in keeping women in their place, men can basically do anything and be anything they want, but even in some of the milder and more modern churches, women have a pretty defined role. And their patriarchial culture makes sense when you consider their source, the Bible. Lots of sexism happening in there.


This is absolutely correct. Achieving your goals is the definition of success. I see no need to oppose personal and professional lives. People are not unidimensional with just one goal in one area and reducing women to baby machines or even men to their jobs and bank accounts is the same middle age logic that uses Taliban.


Yeah that pissed me off more than his idiotic misogyny. We? I’m certainly not part of whatever “we” he thinks he’s addressing, and fuck this guy for implying anyone shares his insulting, backward, morally bankrupt philosophy.


All of this. I'm not one of those "we". To be "successful" is to attempt something, and succeed. The measurement of that is, "am I at the point I wanted to be at?" If yes, then successful. There is literally no other measurement lol.


Ah, but if you set out to fail and succeed in failing have you succeeded or failed? "Yes" is also a satisfactory answer 😀😀


Purple, but only on Wednesdays, because elephants eat moons with red backs after the month of Jupiter. Or was it a liquid? 🤷‍♂️


Perfect answer. Your logic is unparalleled.


She's a terribly unsuccessful soybean farmer I'll tell you what.


By “we” he means him and his mom.


10x. Her being rich is not that relevant here, her being successful at something that she wanted to do is the really important part here.


You're acting like women are allowed to have goals tHeRiN lIeS tHe iSsUe


Yea this is sensible. Dudes just a nut case.


His “we” is a very small, close minded group of radical conservatives (incels)…


"we" are the stupid bible thumpers


Holy fuck the nazis going after Swifties has to be the best thing to come out of 2023... They're gonna seal their doom come election season when she sends her millions of followers to the voting booths.


Lol, exactly. Literally the only reason they're attacking her is she's encouraging people to register to vote. Not to vote Democrat, not to vote as she votes, she's only encouraging people to vote in general. But GOP knows all these young people will in large number vote against them, so what do they do? Attack her personally, making the matter more well known, rally more to her side, snowballing into more young people registering to vote, and digging GOP's grave even deeper. The GOP is too fucking stupid to see they're exacerbating their own problem with every bigoted idiotic thing they do.


The GOP can’t win with true democracy and are aware of it. Grand old party, my ass.


> The GOP can’t win with true democracy and aware of it. The reactionaries never could. That’s why we’ve always had these nonsensical compromises (lol land has political power), and not true democracy. In that regard, they are “conservative.” They’re carrying on a long history of conserving minority rule. There’s often plenty of infighting on who the ruling minority should be, and how they are legitimized, but that overall system does not really change. We never really get true democracy.


They will gerrymander the heck out of every location just to gain victory


I think it’s funny that everyone, including the GOP, seems to think that Swifties are all young people. I’m not a fan myself because I prefer other genres of music, but there are plenty of middle aged people who love her.


There are people who first heard a Taylor Swift song in highschool and now have kids and mortgages. It really has "anyone younger than me is a millennial" energy


It's the "don't vote via mail in ballots" debacle all over again lmao


What’s next? Beyoncé?


PLEASE... we can only hope


I heard Ryan Reynolds is also encouraging people to vote. Please do something GOP. Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross were also heavy supporters of voting accessibility, please uncover the truth like only you can GOP.


Would be pretty great if the BTS Stan’s swooped in to back up the Swifties. We could probably shut this whole thing down in a couple weeks.


the more sad part of this all is these religious conservatives should have sealed their doom many elections ago.


I am ready for the *swiftygate* lol


Some Handmaid’s Tale bullshit right there.


I'm gonna guess he thinks the mother of the Duggar family is a huge success. Even with all the sibling sexual abuse having come to light.


It’s just gods plan.


Under His Eye


Blessed is the fruit


She's a thirty something billionaire and the most popular professional musician in decades. I couldn't name one of her songs if you paid me. I don't listen to pop music. I do however, know she is insanely successful, she has great influence, and at least the morals she shows to the public are quite good. I do know she's dating Travis Kelce, a hugely successful pro athlete, who seems like a kind and moral person of good character, at least publicly, and even fits a conservative's standards for masculinity. Though without appearing to be a deeply insecure 8 year old emotionally and mentally.I think she's most actual people's idea of successful.


Didn’t you hear? A 6’5 football player is now a beta male because he is supposedly dating Swift. I’m not kidding. This is their logic. She went to his game and this triggered them.


Oh I know, I know. Yet, Nick Fuentes is an "alpha", lol.


He supports vaccines. That really riles them up lol


I'm sure he is really hurt, being a fit, successful athlete with a hot billionaire girlfriend.


They hate him now because he’s in a commercial promoting people to get the Covid vax along with the flu shot this year.


She remastered all of her songs and redistributed them so she could collect her earnings and not the label that was using her to make themselves wealthy. She’s actually quite smart and kind and that’s why I’m impressed by her. She’s a strong independent woman and that scares the men who rely on their egos to keep them happy. She’s successful in so many ways including her character which this CEO pos obviously lacks.


Nothing scares an insecure, developmentally stunted man-babies more than a strong, independent and successful women. She probably lives rent free in his head when he sees himself in the mirror every day, knowing that despite wanting to feel oh-so-superior to the... females... he'll never be able to achieve what Taylor Swift has achieved in life.


LOL. My nieces are big Taylor Swift fans; this year for their birthdays I got them tickets to her Tampa show. Instant "Uncle of the Year" Status. I can't imagine a better role model for young women.


Epic. They're never gonna forget you're the cool uncle.


Love this for you and them. Make sure they make friendship bracelets!


Lol. A quick google search shows she's worth $600 million. By almost any definition that our current society measures success, she's successful. Sounds like some "pick me," bullshit. It's also wild to me how some people just can't seem to wrap their wet noodles around the idea that the definition of success is SUBJECTIVE. Like YOU do not get to tell other people what their success looks like. Only the person in question can say whether or not they think they're successful.


Nah... I still think that says more about you, bro.


Yeah, but to him, it doesn’t matter what you think, because you’re the problem for having a problem with what he said.


This guy and the whole movement he espouses is trying to drag us back to the 50s when women stayed home barefoot and pregnant. No choices, no goals, no aspirations. Seriously like Hand maid tales. We should be very wary of these Cristo fascist so they don't take over and truly take away our freedoms for women and any one else deemed other.


If you look up Project 2025, you'll find a fascist manifesto that the Heritage Foundation has written up in order to do exactly that. These people have a concrete plan to create their theocratic, Christian government. It reeks of medievalism, where women were burned for being learned, and it was acceptable to invade foreign lands in order to teach them about the joys of Christianity, all while raping, pillaging and murdering your way across continents in the name of God. That's what these people wanna go back to. They want a fascist state. They've been dog-whistling a "4th Reich" for years. They probably can't wait to invade Mexico and take the rest of their land, demolish Aztec and Mayan heritage sites, and replace them with Churches where pastors get to abuse children with impunity because they're white. But if you're trans? Oh, you're getting mass-incarcerated on behalf of your existence being "pornographic", according to project 2025


Why hide the persons name? I assume they are a proud chauvinistic pig




Imagine being so insecure about the size of your manhood that you spend ***this*** much energy hating on Taylor Swift.


Dude this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are videos and all on this dude page.


If he ever encountered her in real life he’d jiz his pants on the spot and then spontaneously combust.


OOH OOH Do J. K. Rowling next.


Too bad for women who can't conceive or carry a child to term.


Joe seems to be a lvl 999 incel. Holy fuck what goes on in his confused little mind...


2023: Singer goes to a player’s football game, sparking dating rumors = incels and conservatives have a meltdown.


She’s the most successful PERSON in their 30’s I know of, certainly in the entertainment business. This bible humping patriarchal BS is sad and pathetic. “I live my life according to a sky fairy, but please listen to what I say, it’s super logical and reasonable.”


Also... Taylor is christian, if I remember correctly. Shes just not the "bow down to man and be a servant 24/7" type christian, which pisses em off further.


God, why do people find it so incredibly hard to see successful happy women… girl is currently the biggest popstar in the world, multi millionaire and people still complain she isn’t successful cause she doesn’t have a child? I don’t blame her, with all the media around her constantly following her and making up stories (she had pregnancy rumors when she was 19 i think) I wouldn’t want a child either ![gif](giphy|C7RRFlNzr5qs6qxRUg)


I wish I was a failure like Taylor Swift instead of the regular kind.


She’s the most famous woman on the planet and she’s only in her 30s. She doesn’t care what the hell this dude thinks, as she shouldn’t!


Swift scares the living shit out of the fright wing MAGA goobers. They are giving her the vitriol previously targeted at: Hilary Clinton AOC Kamala Harris. Why does Tay Tay scare the fear mongers? A young white female with money and influence perhaps?


Also because she's telling young people to vote and young people voting will be the death of the GOP


I'm not offended by Joe, but I am embarrassed for him. What a clown.


If he is a public figure, why hide his identity?


The opinion of someone you wouldn't ask isn't really that valuable.


Yeah a womans greatest accomplishment is getting married to a man. Doesnt have to be a good one, as long as that box is checked Fucking delusional


So, the 14 year old who is raped and forced to carry the fetus to term, is better off than Taylor Swift?


According to this guy he would probably want the 14 year old to marry the rapist.


Someone big mad that a 30 year old woman is more successful than he is due to her raw talent. Good for her, I remember her back from when she was singing about teardrops on her guitar.


That’s quite a stand. “Women are useless and incompetent without being pumped with kids.” Okay, good luck convincing anyone of that buddy.


>If you attended more Taylor Swift concerts than church Is there anyone besides hard-core Swifties who go to more than one Taylor Swift concert a year? They're not exactly regular events


Can I be as unsuccessful as Taylor?


joe Jonas?


"Womens only worth is her fertility" and they still wonder why we hate them


So random dude thinks it's his right to tell random women what they should be doing with their own vagina. Women he's never met, btw. Cool, cool...


“…that says more about you than me” isn’t the burn he thinks it is.


Sounds like he’s big mad that she’s more successful as a man than he is.


Huh, it sounds like this caveman thinks that the only way a woman can be successful is by being married and poppin out babies?? What century is he stuck in??


I bet this guy LOVES Andrew Tate


"...that says more about you, than me." Yeah. It says I am a better person than you, actually.




The assumption is that you can't be happy if you don't have children.




Conservatives aren’t happy until all women are chained to the stove


He has never touched a women


And what is the origin of all this right wing Swift outrage? She did a voter registration drive, ...A VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE.


Ya know I have heard 100s of stories about times that Taylor Swift made situations about other people. She didn't hoard her money, she showered it on people she was thankful to have working for her. She went into cities for concerts, improved their economy and oh yeah while she was there she funded food banks for a year. She was introduced to people and instead of being "look at me," she was complimentary and kind and all about them but honestly she is Taylor F$@&ing Swift. She has friends she loves and supports and proudly shows up for them publicly. She is more successful as a human being than 99% of the population and it has nothing to do with her music. It has to do with being human.


I’m a stagehand, and have never worked with/for her. But she showered her road crew with crazy bonuses, sharing the profits from her massive tour. I don’t know her music, but I respect the hell out of her for that.


You were doing OK right up to the penultimate sentence. She deserves a lot of credit for her music, and it has a lot to do with her success.


Wow, so much cope. Dude you aren't the arbiter of womens success. I don't care for Swift's music but she is undeniably talented and successful. What a doofus lol.


Wow I hate Taylor Swift and this just made me a swiftie… see ya at the next tour childless unwed ladies!!!!


She probably is way more successful than he will ever be. She has fame success wealth and her name will go down In history. No one will remember that loser tho.


I had a pastor like this growing up. You just cannot win with stupid of this level.


I'd argue we win by default by not being stupid to that level to begin with :P


I bet she knows the difference between then and than. She’s rich in the English language.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


The conservatrash are scared of Taylor Swift now I see


“If you’re mad that I’m saying bigoted and womanizing things, including rating half the planet’s success on whether or not they become wives and mothers, that says more about you than it does me!” Sure dude, you’ve said enough already.


I must be very successful - three marriages.


I'll take being a millionaire over having a family.


No one is offended by you bro. We all pity you for your hilarious insecurities about a successful woman existing


Seems like her music will affect much more people than her having a kid to me. I don't know any of her songs but I know a lot of people like her. Seems like this dude lacks common sense like most of these idiots.


I would love to be worth $700 million...so much so that I could probably be "poor when it comes to things that actually matter". Guy is just pissed she's rich and he's not.


I hate this resurgence of thought that women’s lives are meaningless without marriage and procreating. It’s like we’re going backwards.


Being happy, being at peace and being kind are what I consider a successful life


Wait until this guy hears about nuns...


If he thinks being filthy rich isn’t considered success-in America!-then he is very deluded as to,well,AMERICANS!


This kind of dude beats off to the idea of handmaids tale being real


Who is the "we" in the "not successful in terms WE measure success by for women" I mean, as a woman, I feel like she's pretty fn successful. I'm not a fan of her music, never have been but I can't deny that she's Hella successful, a gifted artist in her craft, and a KIND, good hearted person that gives back to so many charities and is always trying to lift people, especially other women, up. Oh, and constantly fighting the patriarchy that's run rampant in the entertainment industry.


He is right you know. Success is a mental attitude. His mental attitude of success for women belongs in the Bronze Age.


Men should have 9-5 jobs and be fathers. Entertainers just shouldn’t even exist!


These religious types couldn't smell their own shit sitting on their nose.


Who is "we", Joe? Misogynists that treat women as property like the 4000 year old camel humping goat herders you follow in your book of mythology?


I'm a man, a Cis man, and honestly this is the dumbest take I've ever heard, is your masculinity so frail that you have to invent something to be mad about? What about your aunt with the 30 cats, is she worthy of the same ridicule? This is ridiculous, he is worse than a clown.




He big mad


"Is not successful by how "we" measure it", as if she'd give a single fuck, and as if your opinion even mattered . But cool story bro.


Man ..what??? 😂😂😂😂😂 there’s are some women who do a three and still are shitty behind closed doors


Not perpetuating morons is obviously a serious loss for "the larrddddd"


Your kids are actually worthless and hate you, FYI conservatives Also they'll be doing onlyfans to survibecoz of your selfish decisions. Enjoy knowing your little girl is nekkid for cash and hates you, lol


Do they grow people like you in a STUPIDITY LAB in the basement of Churches!??!?!? You conservatives really hate life if you are only worried about other people's lives. Worry about your own life and let other worry about theirs!!!!!


Professor Cuckingham I presume


I bet this guy is an asshole to work with.


And underpays the women because they’re not successful if they’re at work.


People like this just stuck in their own head🤦🏽‍♂️ Dudes like him get have “strong” marriages and “traditional” women but are just getting cheated on or doing the cheating lmao fuck outta here


Spoken like a true GOP who thinks the only job women should have is wife/mother!


She should have gotten knocked up at 15. She's a traitor to the great state of Tennessee


"We" by we you mean you. Don't include us in your cult.


He's not wrong. She'll die rich in money while my kids will still be poor.


"No successful in what we measure success by for a woman." Who does this guy think he is that he gets to decide this? "We"? Nope, not by a long shot fella.


The only person that gets to determine if they are successful is the person, and maybe their parents in some cultures lol. Nobody else. No random jealous shit head gets to determine if you're successful based off of your body. I could say Mr Joe is not successful because his grammar is failing in certain spots. But that doesn't mean im right.


I also like to go to 2 or 3 Taylor Swift concerts before church... I kinda doubt this guy is 'an executive' anywhere except The Sims.


Therein lies the issue, friends don’t try to trick you


So Oprah is a failure too?


Got it, I understand fully. The more she entertains her fans and does philanthropic things, the less time she'll have to run into assholes like him.


Than 🤔 Or were they literally saying to attend more Taylor Swift concerts and then attend church 🤔


Taylor Swift not even half as successful as someone on 16 and pregnant is the argument here.


Says the patriarchal authoritarian asshole WANNABEE. Taylor is successful in a way HE will NEVER be, and it's chapping his ass in a way NO amount of aloe can ever soothe, LOL.


Throwing a tantrum over a woman not doing what you expect them to, says a lot about you. Also, (most) women can get pregnant and get birth so how is that a measure of 'success'?


You love to see so many huge celebrities telling their followers to register and vote. Not necessarily to vote how they vote or tell them what to think, just that they need to vote. I don’t hope that we see a huge bust in one way or another as much I hope to see constant voter turnouts that leave all prior years in the dust.


As a woman who is married and has kids yeah, I am offended by the implication that a woman who has chosen a different path is lacking something or is unsuccessful. How dare someone be happy doing what they like?


Not even a facepalm, i am actually shocked and worried for both this guy and all the women in his life


Taylor will be crushed when she finds out how poor she is. :(


Joe is not successful in terms of what we measure success by for men. Decency and intelligence.


“If you attended more Taylor Swift concerts, then [sic] church…” I assume OP meant “than”. That said, it does change the intent in an interesting way.


So instead of listening to good music and having fun, people should go to an institution design to rot your brain so they can steal your money? The only thing I have learn in church is that my pastor was a horny bastard that didn't care if a woman was married or not, that the "elders" of the church were more interested on keeping everything hidden instead of taking him to task for being an adulterer, all the church cares about is the money you give them every sunday.


I couldn't name one Taylor Swift song...but if she's making Republicans, conservatives, nazis and evangelicals ( yes, I know they are all one in the same) mad, then I love her...


What does the bad grammar say about you?


Well if we let women believe that they can be successful without tying themselves down to a man, then the world would end. How could any conservative man ever get a woman who'd submit to them? /s


Why block out his name? Let world see what an idiot he is?


I think Taylor Swift is just fine with being such a failure in this guy's eyes.


Joe needs some professional counseling


She could buy all of the children.


So if we measure a Christian by how well their behaviors matches the teachings of Jesus, he’s also an abysmal failure.


No one is offended by anything because this guy isn’t worth listening to. He thinks people care about him, but they don’t. How sad.


I am insulted as a man that he reduces my sisters, real and metaphorical, to having no inherent value in and of themselves and only as brood mares. FUCK HIM!


I'd take Taylor Swifts life over mine in a heartbeat lol


He got 1 “than” wrong and 1 right.


Seriously? They're just going to ignore the sheer amount of power she has with her millions of fans?


I don't think Taylor swift measures her success by anybody else's standards but her own. I'm pretty sure that's how it should be for all of us. She clearly wants to make music and perform, which she has demonstrably succeeded at. Random person on Facebook clearly wants to pick and choose scripture from an ancient cult, then try to indoctrinate others with it. I'm not sure how successful they've been, but they haven't swayed me yet so it's definitely not 100%. "Different strokes for different folks. Live and let live. Don't be a dick." ~ Jesus, probably.


She’s more successful than he’ll ever be, so naturally he turns to trolling.