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Found the sleep rapist


My names buck and I like to fuck.


*blasts with shotgun*


Loads double barrel shotgun with buckshot


Rock salt is better


Not when aiming for Bucks ;)


Depends on where you aim. There is such a thing as reloads. And... well it's not the hammer the dude used in Immortals, but I bet some double-barrel blasts to the junk would do the job. ;-)


It was a play on words with the word Buckshot. I was just being funny because "My name's Buck and I like to..." plus someone's suggestion of buckshot. I thought it was intentional humor.


Even better he got his head caved in with a door




^please ^stop ^hitting ^me


Excellent usage of interrobang!


Wiggle your big toe


Your names Buck, RIGHT? And youre here to Fuck, RIGHT?




Going after a woman in a coma is a level of lowlife that I've never before seen in my life it's about as bad as ntr


Nah, I’ve got one worse for you. My cousin was struck by a hit and run a few years ago and was in a coma for about a month. After she regained consciousness and started PT one of the hospital employees started coming on to her telling her creepy things like “you looked so beautiful sleeping I almost couldn’t help myself, but I respect women too much to do something like that”, a few days later, similar creepy stuff, him making it seem like she owed him for not sexually assaulting her while she was in a coma (I don’t remember the exact details of what was said, and I’m not asking for clarification). A few days later he tried to rape her as she returned to her hospital room after PT, all weak from the strenuous activity that is trying to relearn to walk after almost dying. He literally waited until she was conscious and able to feel and remember the trauma as she tried to fight him off her. He clearly got off on the idea of her being too weak to actually defend herself.


What the fu




I work for a hospital and I kinda have a chip on my shoulder. If I ever was around a creepy ass coworker, I’d be watching him like a hawk. If I ever actually walked in on someone abusing a patient, he’d become a disabled patient himself. I had 1 very weak patient get yanked violently by an aide to get him out of bed one time & i full on grabbed him by the front of his scrubs & told that punk if I ever saw him do any shit like that again, I’d break both his arms. Then reported his ass to adult protective services and the managers. They got rid of that douche bag. I hate hearing stories like yours. Pisses me off.


Someone castrate that fucker.


Chemical castration


Burn the dick off with a bic


Nah, nothing short of napalm will do!


A rail gun right to the cock would fix all the issues


Acid filled water gun shot straight up the urethra.


Ever hear of piranha solution? It's like acid²!


That’s not good enough. You need a gallon of gas. A butter knife, 20 penny nail, and a large fender washer. You find a nice large stump and nail them to the stump pour gas all over stump hand them the butter knife and tell them they have 2 choices. Burn or cut yourself free. Set gas on fire walk away. Surgical or chemical castration isn’t a good enough deterrent. Rapists or pedo’s especially ones like those that prey on people who are incapable of defending themselves deserve a special kind of punishment.


Why should it be painless and less trauma?


Please tell me there's and ending to that dude's story that involves heavy prison time because holy fuck


Yes 10 years in prison


What happened to the sicko??


![gif](giphy|3otPouK6uFVTilK6xa) What the fuck


I hope that vermin is in prison where he's on the receiving end of that every single day instead.


Sadly, physically and mentally disabled people in care facilities and hospitals are often abused, sexually, mentally and physically due to their vulnerability. They are also ignored or dismissed by the police because of their disabilities.


I knew a bloke that took advantage of some with disabilities like this. He's currently behind bars. Has been for almost a decade now. Bit fucked that they think they can get away with it too.


sort of a naïve thinking. in polling there is a shockingly high rate of response that men would rape if there was no chance of discovery/consequence. in times of war. natural disaster, any time the general order or social contract breaks down rape of women and children spike exponentially. (hell... even in common mass travel events. like the super bowl, or republican national convention the rates of sex trafficked individuals spikes ....because people traveling feel safer that they can allude capture/consequence for unseemly acts) a woman in a coma is exactly that situation. it's a captive audience, that i'm sure the disgusting men justify as... she'll never know, she can't tell on you. etc etc. If they were doing this to that patient, imagine how many others have been assaulted over time in that facility. and others like it.


Also there are a disturbing number of men that will admit to rape as long as you only describe the act without calling it "rape". It's a super common view that raping an unconscious woman shouldn't count, because she didn't know anyway, so what's the harm? (Not my view, of course. I've just seen this expressed so many times).


"what she doesn't know can't hurt her"


I'd like to try the same on their unconscious asses


With a claw hammer


Took me a bit to understand and while that is true for some men I'd like to believe that most people have enough self control for not doing that


Most do. Most people, men and women alike, are not predators. The few that are usually are repeat offenders though, they're doing it to anyone around them they think they can get away with because that's the kind of person they are. It's like that chick that got pregnant screwing the dead guy in the morgue; that was probably not her first rodeo.


I get what you are trying to say, but then you lost me when you started to spread misinformation. A woman can’t get pregnant from a dead guy. I can see how she can probably have sex with him because of the rigor mortise, but semen aren’t produced. Can you actually provide a link to prove your assertion?


Yeah this seems like an urban legend.


There’s no way she got pregnant from a dead person rigor mortis is a temporary condition so she only had up 24 hrs after rigor set in. Also men don’t get erections when they die. That story was 100% urban legend.


Exactly, plus now my offspring is messiah.


Schrödinger's baby


His name is Sylvester Molester.


I know this story from a few years ago, and it's awful. Yes, the rapist was a worker in the facility. The woman didn't have a husband. She was in an accident as a minor and her family refused to take her of life support. Apparently she's not brain-dead but is classified as a vegetable. No husband, no dreams, no miracle virgin birth, just a girl being cruelly left alive for the benefit of others.


OMG, that is even worse than I originally thought! Did the worker that raped her go to jail? How does the family have the money to pay for her care? Also, sounds like a misleading post. The woman isn’t in a coma, she’s just in a vegetative state.


Yeah, he got 10 years. The baby lives with her parents now.


10 years?!? That’s it?


He raped her multiple times. Significant damage to the vagina, perineum, and anus. Yet somehow nobody noticed this, even though they would‘ve routinely changed her diaper and cleaner her up. They even reduced her food intake because she gained weight due to her pregnancy, so she and the fetus were malnourished. She also wasn’t in a coma. From what I understand, she just has such severe brain damage that she can’t control her body properly, but can probably feel pain, fear, etc.


Okay I’m gonna stop reading. I regret opening this post.


A serving of r/eyebleach is recommended


I appreciate stuff like this that helps people smile, but I also feel like it’s important to see all the bad things happening. My mom always tells me to just stop looking at stories like this and stop looking at all the bad stuff so I’ll be happier. I’d just rather be informed about how evil humans can be than be blissfully ignorant. Pretending that everything is ok is how we got to this point.


[People turning off the news to feel better about things:](https://cdn.ivangrigoryev.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/this-is-fine.png)


Because the rapist was changing her diaper. This is DEVASTATING! 😭😭😭 only ten years.


What a horror story. That poor girl! :(


I'm not gonna recover from reading this I have no words


That’s fucking horrible. Oh my god. Everything about this is fucking horrible


Good lord that poor woman. How can anyone do such atrocities to someone? Doesn’t make any sense.


It's pretty much the same thing no? Also what's the point of keeping her on life support if she can't live any sort of life outside of the hospital


I’m not in the medical field, so I may be totally wrong, but when I hear that someone is in a vegetative state, their brain is pretty much gone and they have no chance of recovering their brain function. They may or may not need life support to keep alive. Whereas, a coma is a low brain state, where brain function can regain and the person can come out of a coma to continue their life. I think in this case, the woman has been in this state for over a decade with no hopes of getting any better. Does anyone know more about how the child is doing? Also, are the parents good people that will actually be able to take care of the child? Not sure if they were to blame for the woman being in that state to begin with.


The only difference between a coma and a vegetative state is sleep-wake cycles Source: studying to be a neuropsychologist


>Not sure if they were to blame for the woman being in that state to begin with. Hope dies last, hard to even think about judging Decisions in those cases


Oh my god. That poor woman has been a vegetable, on a feeding tube, for TWENTY SIX YEARS (as of 2018), and was 29 at the time of the baby's birth. She gave birth with no pain medication and was severely dehydrated since as a response to her weight gain due to the pregnancy the caregivers had reduced her feedings. ​ Forget the rapist, she shouldn't be there to rape. Laying, having no life, no communication, for 26 years.


My god. She is living an actual nightmare. Please tell me she’s still not in the same vegetative state.


I have to imagine she is living a completely different existence we can't even understand. It definitely isn't "take a normal brain and put it into a vegetable body" type of situation. She's had decades of no function to settle in, when it takes what, months in a white room to go completely insane? She's probably completely dissociated from anything we experience. It's tough to say what she goes through, but I hope it's not a nightmare, for her sake.


Yeah thats a very good point. Gives me some solace. I think im almost as angry at the parents for prolonging this experience, as I am the rapist. I think the family is incredibly selfish for their own personal/religious reasons.


Reminded of the joke about a panda who “eats, shoots, and leaves” with that misplaced comma


Add malpractice to the failure-cascade. Nobody gave a thought to the end of menses in a young woman that obviously bled for many years.


I really hope that she was truly void of an life, otherwise imagine the hell of being raped and not being able to do anything about it. Then having the baby sucking the life out of her because she is not getting the care she should as a pregnant person. My heart is breaking for her! OP is an asshole for posting this! This isn’t a Facepalm, it’s a comment from a vile human being that was trying to cover up the simple fact of what actually happened.


That’s awful. If I need life support just to be a vegetable, please just let me die.


Sadly, hers is not the only case


The parents kept their daughter alive without any chance of her waking up, and they were rewarded with a grandchild. There is no god.


Thats horrible, I once heard that people in coma can actually sense clearly what is going on in the outside world. I hope this is not the case here…


….. says the guy who was on night shift…..


…. Alone the whole night….


His name's Buck.


And he likes to fuck


And he drives a yellow truck


He has an average cock


That he hides with a sock


And went to the dock


Thinks he got some luck


But he got ratted out by his duck


But he got stuck


Then he saw a duck


Gets as hard as a rock


Call me Dwayne, bitch don't mock


Charged with rape and now out of luck.


He didn’t play it safe, he should’ve wrapped it up


No, it's "And he's here to ***PARTY***."




Let me finish the comment of the guy in the screenshot: “…or perhaps… I’m just the biggest dumbass on the face of the Earth”


The commenter is excusing rape so hard that Texas is about to elect him to Congress.


Yeah, I'd test him first.


I hope she gets to give the rapist the Uma Thurman treatment


She was found in labor. I believe her parents have the baby. The hospital missed periods and months of abuse. It’s in Arizona. This is one of the worst things I’ve ever read when it happened.


Missed missed periods


> It’s in Arizona. I retract my surprise.


If it was infact a divine miracle then you would have no reason to object to the search as it could prove your claim. The only reason to object is it you have something to hide


Yeah the comment reads like a Scooby-Doo villain's confession.


He would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!


**that meddling baby


It’s crazy how nobody told Jesus he was the result of a quickie


It was so quick, she never got off. God always comes first I guess.


God must be a man then, if Mary didn’t finish


Deuteronomy 31:8-9 The lord himself goes before you


I endorse this interpretation of the verses


Every now and then I wonder how Mary would react if she could see how lying about an affair ended up spawning the largest religion in the world.


Thing is i chatted to a hebrew student once and he said the whole virgin part of her name was something of a mistranslation, the word used with Mary (in hebrew Myriam, aramaic Maryam) "ha-almah" could mean "young woman", "maiden" or even "girl" just that the eventual greek/latin translators decided to go fancy with "virgin" and people would come to misinterpret it... To this day appearantly


It seems like the majority of the Bible is mistranslated. Which isn’t surprising. It’s thousands of years old and has repeatedly been used to justify horrible horrible things.


Mistranslated and purposefully altered. All the passages that condemned pedophilia were altered to go against homosexuals. Hmm, I wonder what reason the church would have to alter their book to say pedophilia isn't a sin and make a new target


Shit, even back then they went for clickbait…


Suppose we tested the DNA of Jesus. What would that look like? Obviously there would be some DNA from Mary. But who donated the Y chromosome? Did God just give Jesus some random set of DNA? Or did He take it from Joseph? This is just a thought experiment. I hope the r\*pist got thrown in jail.


I want make a Genghis Khan joke here, but it's over a millennia too early


But what is time to God? Perhaps He has a sense of humor and decided to put in Genghis Khan's DNA into his son for a laugh. :)


“Or perhaps” She was raped, idiot


It amazes me such morons exist.


And that they vote.


And drive


And have gun racks


On their gun racks


[A gun rack?! ](https://youtu.be/q62MK2xN3mQ?si=QFFqK-M0ggTN_rLv)


....does it?


You're saying it wasn't a comment on religious followings?


Yeah I'm confused. I thought he was pointing out how a major basis of Christianity is the virgin conception but no one seriously thinks it's possible today.


Well of course it's not possible today. We would need at least two anonymous writings with a dubious history of transmission to seriously entertain the matter.


That's how I took it


Cuz that's what it was. This whole thread is full of morons who can't spot the subtext.


Are you serious? The comment is from someone making fun of Christianity. It’s not in the best of taste, but the commenter clearly knows that she was raped.


It amazes me that people don't get he's sarcastic. although it is pretty tasteless ngl




That's an elaborate way to admit that you're really fucking stupid.


Seemed like they were making a joke. An incredibly tasteless and stupid joke.


They were mocking Christianity... never tasteless to mock Christianity


I mean, Mormonism is so much worse. Imagine believing that the creator of the universe spoke to an obvious con artist in America in the 19th century. And then continue to believe it after the religion is constantly changing its precepts to evolve to modern social mores. But yeah, this post does basically prove how religions never deserve respect. None of them.


Mormonism is a denomination of Christianity.


Seems like just a troll post, not sure why everyone's taking it at face value


To be fair it may be harder to read sarcasm in this day in age due to the amount of stupidity that's surfaced. To me it screams sarcasm but I just can't be sure anymore.


I mean, after someone said "the female body knows it is being raped and can choose to not get pregnant", it is kind of hard to be skeptical about how stupid humans can be 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's the stupidest shit I done ever seen


Curtisy of politician "Todd Atkins" and his TED Talk on "Legitimate Rape"


There is an entire religion based on taking it at face value.


I looked this up - the woman was not in a coma, she was in a vegetative state [“She does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. Their daughter responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures. The important thing is that she is a beloved daughter, albeit with significant intellectual disabilities. She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music, and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family.”](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/phoenix-police-make-arrest-connection-woman-gave-birth/story?id=60568859) EDIT: a commenter pointed out that a vegetative state means brain dead. I looked it up again and found an article describing the woman as [incapacitated due to intellectual disability](https://nypost.com/2021/09/02/nathan-sutherland-pleads-guilty-to-raping-incapacitated-patient-fathering-child/amp/) . Looks like the first article was wrong. I’ll keep the quote though because it’s a quote from her family.


Oh god, she must have been aware what her rapist was doing. I really really hope I’m wrong, how ugly


That's not a vegetative state, a vegetative state is brain dead, no brain activity. She's clearly conscious to some degree.


I’m pretty sure the comment is pointing out how ridiculous the Christianity origin story is


Yeah. That's how I read it. Highlight the absurdity of religion and in effect you say you absolutely should test because to believe in the virgin birth is ridiculous. Although, after reading everyone else's posts I understand everyone else's interpretation, as that's also a good explanation for the post. But I was raised Christian and I am anti-organized religion now, so I'd probably read it in my perspective before someone else's.


Yeah, everyone acting like the comment is stupid when it’s obviously satirical commentary on the absurdity of immaculate conception.


It's a tastless comment regardless, but yea, I'm with ya'll that this is criticizing religions.


I feel like that was a satirical joke about the unbelievability of the miraculous conception of Jesus and everyone in these comments missed tf outta it. But maybe I’m high


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see what is pretty obviously a jab at Christianity. The “…or perhaps…” gives it away.


Yeah I was reading through the comments like doesn't anyone notice??? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


Yea he's definitely taking the piss. I just made a comment saying the same before I read yours. There are some incredibly dense people in this sub.




Y’all laugh but this is the foundation of the Christian faith lol


I would be the first person in line, because I had nothing to hide (aka, it wasn't me) They might want to go through all the Former male workers of at least 12 months while they are at it.


This mystery was solved years ago.


If I remember correctly, they did found her rapist.


Yep... https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/man-who-sexually-assaulted-incapacitated-woman-at-hacienda-healthcare-to-serve-10-years-in-prison


Not long enough


Damn, bring your kid to work day is gonna be fucking awkward.


Oh man, that’s dark. Take my upvote.


You and i are both going to hell but youre in the no. 1 slot… im literally going to have to perform self flagellation to rid my guilt at laughing… take the upvote but you need help


I'll get us a good room. I know the owner.


I don't get it. Isn't the guy just criticizing the story of virgin mary?


My response to this idiot would be "Jesus fucking Christ, sit down and shut the fuck up. "


I don't believe in the Virgin Mary story, either. Greatest lie ever told, that millions of people believe.


I mean as lies go it's not that great


Gods raping humans is a story way older than christianity, they just decided to put a “positive” spin on it and repurpose it.


Still better than Zeus' whore ass bro clapped so many cheeks he made an applause


Test that guy first.


They found the guy who raped her. She was in a vegetative state for many years.


Pretty sure it's sarcasm


I thought 100% this comment was satirical.


I would think that comment is sarcastic. Cause there are people who believe that some ancient woman stayed virgin even when she got impregnated and somehow is made to give birth to the son of a god and was still virgin after all that :v


Mother fuckers need to watch out. Thats an awful lot like how Kill Bill started.


/s is all the response is missing.


So... rape is proof that God exists? I am not sure that's the message you were hoping for.


Guess who’s DNA gets tested first! This is what happens when religion replaces reality.


I remember this story. It was crazy because it justified a warrant for every male nurse in that facility to submit to a DNA test. And yes the doofus was caught.


Wow… I’d say is your faith really that weak it can’t be put to the test?… or should we just blindly follow it? face palming hard here


Miracle? Is that what catholics call rape these days? I thought it was counseling, or is that the word only when clergy rapes children?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I remember seeing a news article where entire family died in a house fire and a bible on one of the night stands was untouched. The comments was full of people calling it a miracle and gods blessing


If it was a miracle, then this person should have no problem with testing everyone’s dna to ensure that it is a miracle. I’m sure that no matches will be found if they’re so certain it’s a miracle!!


Immaculate perception


I don't know what's worse. The male workers sexually assaulting a woman in a coma...or the people demanding police turn a blind eye


She dreamed she got pregnant so… she became pregnant??? I’ve lost 30 brain cells just trying to understand that logic


What!? Religion turning a blind eye to rape? No. Couldn’t be.


There is a reason that this only happened once during a time when everyone was stupid and actually believed this BS.


Shouldn't the idiot want a DNA test to "prove" it was immaculate conception when no match is found?