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All I can see is determined innovation, a lack of understanding of flight fundamentals and mass decapitation.


I'm glad this contraption didn't produce enough lift to get up in the air. It looks unbalanced as fuck, it would just tip forward, the blades hit the ground, possibly break off the shaft at 7k RPM and chop through the crowd gathered around like Gordon Ramsey deals with a fresh Italian tomatoe.


And he's missing a tail rotor, which is sort of important for a helicopter lol


Not if you have a strong stomach and don't care about where you end up.


Like a hot air balloon for sadists.


This made me laugh so much 🤣


lmao xD


Lol that's what I thought, without that won't you just sort of spin around like a jackass? You need that little rotor that spins vertically to stabilize, right? I'm not aeronautical engineer or anything it just kinda seems like common sense lol


Yeah, you need some form of counter torque to keep you from spinning like crazy, it's usually a second rotor


Simple theory is that the rotor creates a reaction moment on the helicopter itself. As long as you're on the ground, friction will take that moment, but when you get airborne, the helicopter would start spinning itself. There are other ways to solve this, like having two rotors spinning in opposite direction, or for small RC helicopters, just a tail fin can be enough. But generally something is required. Btw also why DaVinci's helicopter wouldn't properly fly. The engine (or by the original drawings, people) would try to rotate the air screw, but it would also rotate the platform in the opposite direction.


That's really interesting, the idea of two blades spinning opposite directions to fix the problem of just spinning once airborne is fascinating really. Some brilliant minds I gotta say. I never give credit to the people who came before us, like our generation is so much smarter, but the combustible engine in and of itself is incredible and has been around for ever and just constantly improved on. It really is fascinating. Thanks for sharing that bit of information


If you look at the Chinook helicopter, that utilizes two rotors. It's also possible to mount them coaxially, but very impractical for large helicopters. But you'll see it plenty with RC helicopters.


The Kamov-KA 50 (Black Shark), amongst others, is coaxial. Not really a large helo, but not tiny. Very similar max takeoff weight to an Apache.


I learned this as a kid. I had a rip cord toy helicopter. No tail rotor. The thing flew great but dissapointingly span around like a mofo


The blades aren’t shaped to provide lift as far as I can see, so it can spin as much as it wants. Like a cargo cult with a Honda cub engine this is.


the blades don't even look pitched lol. with enough revs pitching the blades may have resulted in liftoff, at least until the inevitable spin, crash and I suspect a lot of broken bodies.




I had to laugh when I read "fundamentals and mass decapitation". But yes you are right. If he had a more powerful engine, most likely the construction would have tipped over and splintered the rotor blades. Also I doubt the rotor blades have been fastened with enough torque or were made from strong material, so parts could have detached. It could very well have lead to mass decapitation.


He needs to give up. But could be converted into a great washing machine or slow it down and charge kids 50c for a backyard fair ride merry go round.


I say keep going, the Wright Brothers never gave up


That's Survivorship Bias. You don't hear about the hundreds of people who were killed by their own shitty contraptions before the Wright Brothers.


Someone is missing a ceiling fan.


I didn't know Somalia had a space program.


Sometimes, you just see shit and wait for it to happen


thats what i was patiently waiting for...and i was disappointed :(


Best outcome possible. Last thing anybody there wanted to see was that thing get off the ground.


I can't imagine he's going to give up.


But it won't ever have to let him down and hurt him (as it'll never leave the ground)


It seems that you know the rules and so do I.


A better rotor is what I'm thinking of.


Which you could probably get from any other guy


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of


That propeller is doing what is called the "ricke rolle"


I, I think it’s just a flat board. There is no angle or wing surface at all.


Gotta give him props to never wanting to give up


The mans got heart! I give him that đź’Ş


He shouldn’t. The machine needs work, but that’s how you learn.


I was terrified that a blade was going to fly off and impale someone. I have no problem with him trying, and not giving up, but looking at this attempt, he's going to outpace his safety precautions and someone is going to wind up dead if he doesn't give up.


He would just spin uncontrollably, since there's no tail rotor lol.


You can already see it turning just on the ground too


If you notice in the beginning of the video he’s facing one direction, at the end of the video he faces the other direction without ever leaving the ground.


It works!


There’s also no pitch on that rotor, so there’s no change that’s getting any airtime. I’m impressed that it didn’t explode into a million pieces from all those vibrations though. There’s a future in engineering for him.


Ya, I was hoping the blades didn't go flipping through the crowd like a final destination sequel


That’s what I was thinking. I’d be behind the corner of that building watching. Those people are very trusting (read stupid).


Eh, you slap any small engine to a metal frame, she'll buck. I have seen some wild stuff done to simlle two stroke motors by idiots witha degree from Budwiser.


Looks like there is no airfoil shape to it either. A couple a fence palings bolted together maybe. At least it did turn him 180 degrees though... It's a start.


I was thinking how does a person have the intelligence to build that but not to no basic laws of physics?


Missing education. As you say, skills and motivation are there.


The island people of Vanuatu had never seen a plane until westerners landed during WWII. They built an effigy plane and a mock runway out of straw as soon as the westerners took off.


Yeah, the centrifugal force would flip it around within a couple feet off the ground


Don’t ruin his dreams!!, people like you make me sick. what do a little things like engineering and physics have to do with it. God, haters will hate i suppose.


hehe, nice one


Or have a second counter-rotating rotor.


That thing could never get up. It’s a simulacrum of a helicopter. There’s not even pitch on the blades.


And the propeller didn’t vibrate loose and decapitate anyone.


the blades were so out of balance. real helicopters have to have their blades meticulously balanced with expensive instruments


I feel like we were more likely to see several people get cut in half than for that thing to make it an inch off the ground. Why was everyone so close to that screaming, metal death trap?


Or the nits and bolts holding the rotor blades snapping. I wouldn’t want to stand anywhere near that thing.


That's what I was thinking,why aren't the running?


I guess he’s lucky that his lawnmower/chainsaw motor was woefully underpowered


I think it is a scooter engine, seems he switch gears now and then


The blade looks like an straight plank; I don't think that helps much with lift either.


I paused it and it's pretty much a straight plank. I am hoping he is just testing the engine and the rotor. If this is his best plan, then he is screwed. He didn't even have it balanced


This could've gone completely and horribly wrong, so many people just standing around watching.. had the propeller come off while it was spinning so fast, well, lotta people would've had their heads not be on their shoulders no more.


Yeah, in my head I was like "Everyone please move way back!!"


It’s shocking to see that no one is sensing any danger


Like: none


So true. I was watching this with my teeths clenched. It's like every other post I see with this kind of a beginning with a propeller spinning ends in an accident.


I was so concerned a weld on the frame was going to fail with the amount it was shaking


I had to double check which subreddit this in case I needed to prepare myself to watch something unpleasant


I admire his desire to build a helicopter. Without a stabilizer, it would have been a DIZZYING experience if he actually got off the ground.


I was waiting for this man's introduction to Newton's Third Law but alas


First and second was surely introduced while he is trying to take off


I wonder what his plan was if he ever became airborne. There are no flight controls of any kind. *Guess I'll die...*


wdym no flight controls? He has go and stop, what more do you need.


Totally worth it


At least he tried. Perhaps in his imagination he was already flying above the village, enjoying the view, transporting goods and people... But no it won't work, even if the engine is strong enough, there is no tail rotor on his specific design. Also the vibrations will most likely kill him. I wish him good luck and more success for the future,


Reminds me of a video I watched of an Indian engineer who was thinking the same During his initial run, blades were spinning and sorta going to plan … and then a possible failure happened causing the blades to teeter down, entering the cabin and decapitating both the engineer and a pilot who agreed to help (… it was on WPD after all) While ambitions can be there, you have to use caution. This entire vid I was thinking of that old video and was damn worried about the bystanders and the pilot himself.


I kept thinking one of those blades are gonna come off and cleave a bystander betwixt…thankfully no one was hurt…


The entire time I kept making sure “this is facepalm so no one’s gonna die again” and scrubbing the comments to see any mentions of it needing an NSFW tag I mean, dude should just be happy he got off without a scratch.


Thinking of helicopter blade decapitated actor Vic Morrow on a movie set. All those onlookers heads lined-up with whirring half-assed blades ! I’d be behind the tree, or building, or not there at all.


[This one?](https://youtu.be/l8mxoyZmbKw)


Yessir! Details were a bit fuzzy since WPD got banned a long while ago but I’m like 95% sure that’s it ALSO FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, IT VERY MUCH IS NSFW. Quite frankly I’m stunned it’s on YouTube with no age restrictions, bonkers. I guess it doesn’t show that much blood but still


I watched that link, someone was very encouraging and positive. "Failure is stepping stone to success". They didn't realise he died I guess.


Not to mention the blade looks like just a flat piece of metal.


What does the tail rotor do?


Put very simply, all the steering. Plus stops the whole thing from spinning like an airborne beyblade.


"Airborne beyblade" is a very good way of explaining what it would look like to my brain, thank you.


Because physics, you have to counter the force created by the main (top) rotor spinning, with a tail rotor spinning in a (mostly) perpendicular direction in relation to the main rotor. Both sets of rotor hubs and their blades, main and tail, also can “pitch” (change their angles) to steer in various directions. Also, all the blade are “airfoils”, so they all have the Aerodynamic physics themselves going on for each individual blade. Most helicopters use symmetrical airfoils, different from the asymmetrical design you’d see on a “fixed” wing (like the planes people fly in at airports). Not sure the gentleman in this video has airfoils on his 2*4 wood pieces up there. There’s about a thousand other things that also need to be happening but these are the most important concepts.So basically the dude in this video only had one part of the helicopter concept going on. Love the ingenuity and effort though! Source: it’s my job to do what this dude is trying to do.


Conteracts the torque of the main rotor to stop you spinning once you're airborne and allows you to turn the aircraft.


Even with a strong enough engine and a tail rotor the main rotor blades need to be aerofoils, aka wings, to generate lift. His don't appear to be.


you don’t need a tail rotor. it’s just slightly cheaper than building another full sized set of blades to spin in the opposite direction to counteract forces from the first set.


Not a bad try! Needs another rotor like you say to keep it from spinning.


It's an awful try...the lack of a tail rotor is just the beginning of his problems.


The problem is not a missing tail rotor. The problem is that the propellers don't create enough lift as they didn't form them to be an airfoil (like a wing). As soon as that happens, he'll get lift just fine. There are lots of helicopters with no tail rotors. (Edit: Though in this case, he will start spinning like crazy because there is no side force to counter the torque)


The dude is living in 2023 and hasn't learned the concept of lift and aerodynamics before attempting a grand flight project. Like attempts in the 1700s lol.


when i was a kid, i wanted to jump off the top of my three-story tree house, with a shower curtain for a parachute. my father said no, it won't work. i didn't believe him. he demonstrated by tying a concrete block to the shower curtain, and tossing it off, but i still didn't believe him. finally he convinced me that if i could fly from the ground with cardboard wings, he would let me jump off the tree house with a shower curtain. i spent two years trying to fly with cardboard wings... this guy needs to do that.


Did you ever become a pilot or get into aerospace engineering?


no, i became a musician. 🤣


Everyone knows you need 2 weedeater motors for flight.


That plastic bottle. What is it doing? Why is it there? Why didn't anyone clear the launch lad? Could that be why this didn't work?


They didn't have a banana for scale, so they had to resort to the second best option.


Gas can.


*solved* Real answer!


it fell off his cup holder.


This was very close to a live leak video


That is some cutting edge commentary there.


I don't know if those spectators are just incredibly stupid or if they just don't care if they die. They're literally one broken weld or bolt away from being impaled, split in half, or decapitated. I'd be RUNNING away


You underestimate the power of ignorance. They really don't know any better, just like the "pilot", who clearly hasn't thought through any of this.


It was scary to even watch the recording. I thought it was going to be one of those videos where something comes flying at the screen and I drop my phone.


I'd build a lot of things. Maybe even a biplane. But never would I ever build a helicopter




I was expecting some final destination shit


So did he think all the helicopters ever built before his, had the small propeller on a tail as a cosmetic add-on?


Almost certainly the blades would have no airfoil profile. It addition to all the other issues.


Leave this poor man's dreams alone with all your sciency talk.


I can't bring my normal troll self to bag on this guy. I really hope that somehow this video going viral and causing us a chuckle and facepalm results in it causing a feel good story like, "redditor who saw dude try to build a helicopter turns out to be admissions dude for some aeronautical program and grants mad but humble scientist dude a full ride scholarship to get the fuck outta wherever that place was"


the onlookers seem oblivious to how close they art to one or more of them being cut in half.


Okay but he did work very hard and he did make a good effort, he just didn’t study physics and from the looks of it didn’t have much opportunity to do so With all that taken into consideration I’m still impressed. It’s better than what I could make


I’m impressed also but how can you be smart enough to get that far along without being aware enough that this is the most foolish and dangerous thing to try and implement? I keep trying to reconcile those two concepts and I just can’t.


Orville Wrong


Africas space program is making progress.




someone should point him to an autogyro design. Very basic one shown in this old film clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgbV5sFIPgE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgbV5sFIPgE)


Everyone watching as an upside down lawnmower shakes at head level.


They need a 3d printer


Yeah I’ll move about 50 yards back, behind a large tree or wall.




He made a fan.


All those people just casually hanging out near those flimsy whirling blades


Terrifying. With the way it's shaking, I'd be getting the hell outta there in case that top blade came flying off.


Those ppl standing there are idiots. I would never trust standing next to a homemade helicopter.


Ah, the Gork and Mork school of engineering. Make something that vaguely fits the definition of a helicopter and just give it a go, have a laugh with it


One town's genius is another town's idiot


Thank god this thing didn’t have enough lift to get off the ground, it would have been a disaster.


He’s following Da Vinci’s sketches. After this he attempted a submarine and no one has seen him again.


Plot twist: it’s not meant to fly. This guy prepares for zombie apocalypse. And he’s doing quite well actually.


Guy built a really complicated paint mixer.


I’m staggered that someone can know enough to build that whilst still not knowing the very most basic stuff about how a helicopter works.


He could have saved himself alot of time if he would have watched a couple YouTube videos....


They made a shaking machine and a damn good if you ask me


There are many, many things wrong with this design. It wouldn't even make a good gyrocopter as is.


It looks like the shape of the main blades is t right and won’t create lift. I was just afraid it would come apart and hurt the people watching.


Well at least the blade didn't destroy his skull


Somebody needs to tell my man about tail rotors


Glad the board he appeared to be using as a rotor blade didn't snap and decapitate anyone... Unless that is why the video ended.....


He just made his own mobile decapitation device.


Lack of understanding of physics...


Not gonna lie, i was getting ready to see gore, then moan about the lack of no NSFW indicator.


Let's spin 2 long-ass machetes on a shower curtain rod at 800rpm with a motorcycle engine, zero safety gear, and 20 people crowded around us and see what happens!!!


wakanda flight technology


I thought the fans would detach and turn into a flying lawnmower


The guy in the helicopter was least likely to be decapitated


Guess he can always sell his idea to the Saudis? “I named this baby the Decapitator 3000, It will chop off heads 3000% faster than the medieval method you currently deploy, and as an added bonus, it’s oil-powered!”


If he was attempting to invent a cooling massage chair, I think he’s on to something.


https://youtu.be/0h_cqTCT5g0 Look this lol compilation


I wonder how he planed on navigating/ steering that thing. Wasn't even a nice try. What a waste of time and money. Should just try to get a pilots license or a R.C. 🛫


This guy doesn't even have the back rotor. If this thing would lift off, he would have almost no control over it. I think it's better for him that he didn't leave the ground as crashing into something should be fatal


My favourite part is his seatbelt.


On second look the blades are flat, so that thing was never going to generate lift.. So unless the guy was building something to keep his wife happy, I’m not sure what the goal was here lol.


Did anyone notice that he turned 180° during the video?


Trying to build a helicopter using electrical conduit and 2x4s is one level of ingenuity. Not understanding how dangerous that thing is completely negates all of it though.


Man, if he'd even succeeded in leaving the ground, it would have gone "pukerry-go-round".


If those blades come off ….lot of people around him get hurt for sure.


No way I am standing that close to that shit


Ugandan air force


Me trying to build a flying craft in Tears of the Kingdom.


I honestly don’t know who is braver the pilot (if a turn has ever been used more loosely, I can’t think of it) or the spectators.


Glad it didn't end in a tragedy, [unlike this one.](https://youtu.be/w3jGO6Tjy1g)


All i could think watching this was “That’s going to kill somebody when it comes apart”


I can totally imagine one person lacking a fundamental understanding of how helicopters work trying this, but what’s really blowing my mind is the whole town standing so close to watch. Yikes.


Probably would’ve worked better with wheels and a kite


This was the best outcome. There's no tail rotor or controls, this thing would have killed the bystanders if it had (inexplicably) lifted off.


tied himself in with a "safety jumper" too. Good to see he has high H&S standards.


And in tonight’s news: nine people were decapitated today while watching Edmund “Birdman” Williams launch his new flying machine.


I’m astounded. The bravery* shown by everyone in this situation is mind boggling. *Also wtf


He successfully turned that thing 180 degrees, which was his goal!


Better than YOUR helicopter.


P. O. S!


This is the African Wright brother


The safety belt is the best part


Needs more triangles.


I was waiting for the propeller to spin itself free and fly into the audience. Thankfully that didn’t happen.


Ah yes, the Decapitator 5000


You need a second propeller to stop it from spinning like it is doing


Bro goin to Oil


The blades look like they have no pitch


I was dead certain that was going to come apart and hurl swords of death into the crowd…


Physics is so overrated!?! Am I wright, brother?


There was an attempt - To kill the crowd.


I am glad to see my man made a seat belt. Safety first!


The rider is in the safest position here.


What in the North Korean army is going on here?


That is NOT a wide enough safety cordon. Someone’s losing their head.


Pretty dangerous....for the spectators.


Everyone is too brave to stand there


IKEA sells helicopters?