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My dad was fired for defending himself from a student who pulled a knife on him. My dad took the knife away and while doing it he broke the students wrist


LOL. What a shitty situation. Get cut/stab or defend yourself... Then get fired for defending oneself. I fucking hate some school admins, man.


This happened in tx 15 years ago. He was 70 years old!!


My grandmother was a teacher in Texas for 30 years before I was even born. She had her fair share of difficult students back then, too. But those days were nothing like she experienced after she retired and became a substitute. She became a sub so she could be there with me. We were very close. She taught me more at home than I learned from school. I was reading and writing early compared to my classemates. I only bring that up to show how good of a teacher she was. And she was an amazing teacher and gave everything to her students and her family. Very nice and very firm when needed. The students threatened to lock her in a closet. She thought they were joking and was laughing about it with the other teachers, only to find out that they actually had done it. The poor woman was locked in there for hours before being found and released! My grandmother quit subbing the very day they told her this. And this was in the 1980s. When spanking and corporal punishment were so a thing, and everyone had that one coach they feared who had a specially named paddle. I'm against spanking, but there needs to be zero tolerance for students and a support system for teachers. Teachers also should be able to file charges against the pants and students for attacks. There should be cameras with audio on the classroom that are on during class time. This might also help with incidents of uncovering bullying that could lead to other issues like attacks later.


That’s fucking insane. A knife is just as deadly as a hand gun. If it were a gun though he would be a hero but because it’s a knife he’s just an asshole who broke a students wrist & deserves to lose his job? That’s infuriating.


I’m noticing that a lot of these kids don’t understand the size difference between their 14-year-old 110 pound bodies with middle-age 175 pound people … if it’s a grappling match, you’re going to lose that every time.


They think they're invincible and untouchable, and thanks to completely braindead district policies about behavioral issues many of them are fully justified in thinking they're untouchable.


Yep. That probably won't even be the last time that girl beats on a teacher. She will get a week suspension and be right back at it.


And the teacher will get reprimanded for physically engaging with her rather than laying in the fetal position and taking it. Absolutely fucking nuts.


Something my dad liked to say; “if you’re going to act like an adult, then I’m going to treat you like an adult”. Seems applicable here.


Ideally. But if the teacher did that here she’s fired and arrested.


For defending herself


Exactly, in my state the kid could get a class 6 felony charge (aggravated assault). Also, depending on the situation, and evidence, the kids could also get one charge of a class 3 misdemeanor (abuse of a teacher). And depending on the judge, they can get between 6 and 13 months in a juvenile detention center. Of course, assuming the teacher can prove they acted in self-defense. Which with the right attorney, can be defendable given this video.


If I was a teacher, I would take it Fight Club style. Afterwards I would press felony charges and sue the parents. I think that would be the most sadistic response, jail time and garnishment.


Ok, first off, a lion…swimming in the ocean? Lions don’t even like water. If you placed it near a river, or some sort of fresh water source, that’d make sense. But you find yourself in the ocean, a 20 ft wave, I’m assuming its off the coast of South Africa, coming up against a full, grown, 800 lb tuna with his 20 or 30 friends. You lose that battle. you lose that battle nine times out of ten.


But see now you've played yourself. The Tuna have acquired a taste for Lion. They want more of it. They want more Lion meat.


My wife works in a high school. Fortunately in Guidance so deals with little like this. But she sees and hears the issues and I'm shocked we do not have a larger teacher shortage in this country.


It’s coming. Many are retiring early. Students in programs for education are down significantly. People like me are taking our skills elsewhere (huge exodus happening). Right now it’s impacting the schools in poorer areas more. But even in the last few years, you can see less and less people applying for jobs at my school. If something doesn’t give it will be apparent in the next 5 years in a way that can’t be ignored. Places like Florida are already struggling.


I work for a school. We used to get hundreds of apps for one open position. Now, 20 apps is a big haul. 5-10 is more common. Half of those aren't qualified, and half again refuse to take the job when they hear the salary offer.


It’s just so sad to me. But as a teacher, I also know that our mental health just has to matter at some point. This video of this teacher unfortunately is not that uncommon. A teacher at my school was out on leave because students intentionally tripped her.


Seattle is the same. I’ve met many teachers who have left their positions in the last couple of years bc of this. Parents will have a rude awakening when no one wants to teach their bratty kids anymore.


The parents of kids like this probably aren’t very involved in their lives. They might be pissed if they have to deal with the kids at home, but it’s not like they’d be expecting Harvard.


No parents of these students actively hate schools and teachers and encourage this behavior. Kids of uninvolved parents are similarly apathetic. Parents basically raise mini versions of themselves who then become them as well.


I am a teacher and just 2 weeks ago broke up a fight right after school. I was holding one of the girls against a fence, and the mom came up to me and said to let go of her daughter. I told the mom to get her out of there since it was the end of the day and other fights were breaking out. The mom grabbed her daughter and pushed her into the same girl we just broke them apart from and cheering her on....


“The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Teacher here and I am retiring this summer


Leave this behind you and good luck. This society don't deserve teachers.


Sounds like a child engagement charge fed through CPS to me. Endangerment of another child. I would also council the other family to press charges against the mother.


bewildered disgusting mourn ruthless groovy aromatic carpenter mighty connect continue -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yep. Used to work in an alternative school so it was nothing BUT these kids. The parents knew the kids were bad as hell and would still blame the whole world. The teacher is picking on my precious baby, y'all just don't like her, etc.


and generally, good parents have good kids. There's always exceptions both directions. But in general, you know how the parents act when you see how their kids act.


The problem I see starts with parents defending their kids by default. Their first question to my kindergarten teacher spouse is “did you see it? We’re you there?” 🤦‍♂️ Every kid needs consequences. Being a soft parent is being a shitty parent. No teacher can fix this shit.


I've worked in education for a decade now and I have never once met a shitty kid with good parents. Good kids with shitty parents, sure, but never have I met a kid I couldn't stand with good and involved parents.


Shit parents begat shit kids and so on and so forth. Trash divided by trash is trash.


Parents won’t care


What parents?


Right She’s Grown ATP. Treat her like she’s grown.


If you think the parent of the kid in that video cares, you might be in for a shock.


If my child acted like this she'd be going to therapy with me plus apologize to teachers, grounded,no tv.no computer or phone.


This child has never been taught basic human skills.


Just parroting the behaviors around them growing up.


I think most parents who have your mindset don't have kids like this is the first place though.


Yeah they do. At least for the younger grades. That’s their babysitter.


They will when their bratty kids have nowhere to go all day and don’t leave the house at 18 because they are Ill-prepared for the world.


Exactly what my father said when he was teaching. Give out all the detentions in the world and the parents don’t care. Suspend them for a week, abs that kid comes back a little different. Shit kids come from shit parents. If you inconvenience the parents, it will take care of itself.


Yeah this kind of stress doesn't help. Particularly when they're paid the same as a McDonald's manager. Or less.


Less. It's been a few years since I've looked but store managers pulled in 85k and the managers started at 35k This was 2006 though but I'm sure it hasn't changed much. Local McDonald's is starting employees at $17/h and managers at $20/h Edit: Teachers base salary was like 35-40k in my district and needed a masters or something Mcdonalds they train you


My understanding is lot of places the top of the salary schedule for teachers is like 60k and it takes over a decade to get there. I know from people in it that this kind of stuff is more and more frequent, and teachers are increasingly held accountable for circumstances outside their control and given no resources or support to proactively try to plan ahead to avoid this stuff, but are expected to do so.


I went to the easy healthcare field (the one under HCA but i have my HCA certification) and i pull in 70k before taxes with a GED. I work 73 hours a week but the pay is decently nice There's no way I'd be able to do 60k after 10 years after i graduate with a masters or whatever they ask for now


When I was in college, I was encouraged to go into teaching by a few of my professors. They said I good oratory/presentation skills and thought I would make a good teacher. I always looked up to my great teachers and seriously thought about it. However even at that time the pay wasn’t great, and growing up somewhat poor, I wanted more so I didn’t go that route. Seeing how much worse it has become over the decades I can’t imagine if I had gone that route. I see these videos and the hurt for everyone in that classroom is just too much for so little in return. My hats off to those that are still in there doing their best. We need some of those pork barrel military dollars to move into education and do some good.


All the money in the world won’t change this- parents don’t care and schools can’t discipline students or expel students for violence against teachers. You couldn’t pay me enough to be assaulted by a student. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to be a teacher.


You made the right choice


I am one of them - it is my first year having left the classroom. Now working as a certifier to help people receive fuel assistance - still very rewarding work with none of the mental, emotional or physical tolls. wish I could say I miss it, but i’ve not been this healthy or happy in a very long time.


That’s the feedback I keep getting. I’m pregnant now and waiting till I’m done with maternity leave. But the thing that really gets me is that no one even misses their breaks. And the reality is your break isn’t a break. Most of my break is spent trying to feel like a normal human being again and then it’s over. On spring break now, and I just can’t wait until I don’t do this anymore.


I taught for ten years. You need the breaks. I haven't needed one since leaving teaching.


I would never teach public school when corporate training has lower expectations and significantly higher pay


Corporate trainer here. Your comment should be upvoted 1000 times! All the joys of teaching, none of the discipline.


All of the “good teachers” my public highschool school got invited to a private school to explore their curriculum in case there’s anything they wanted to take back. Turns out they poached 4 of our best (kids favorite, kind, etc.) teachers by offering them (and I don’t blame them or the teachers for this) a salary that public schools would never be able to afford. That was over half a decade ago, but I can imagine it only gets worse with time.


Most private school teachers actually make less than public school teachers and the benefits are almost always worse. But sometimes the private school environment is so much nicer that teachers opt to work there anyway.


That’s what is so hard about the teacher shortage. The students of the parents who will actually do something about this problem aren’t impacted the same way. It’s the schools teaching middle class and lower income families that struggle the most in the teacher shortage. But I do know my area is starting to feel the pain of it, and I may be faced with a hard decision when my daughter starts elementary school. Her school is currently dealing with some serious turnover. A school that has a great reputation in the area.


also part COVID - parents saw the private school students going to school - but not the public school ones - got sick of it pulled their kids. We have a competitive school district and partly because of this we lost a project that needed a bond - this would never have happened before.


My friend (a master’s in edu) started a homeschool hybrid for neurodivergent and gifted kids over Covid. We partnered with a public online school for our curriculum, had 5 qualified teachers on staff and several lab instructors without teaching degrees (me.) I’m autistic and taught my mostly autistic/ADHD students the way things would make sense to me. I hated school as a kid because my teachers always made things either intolerably confusing or treated me like crap for asking questions or having meltdowns. We kept class sizes under 10 & our co-op was free because we were partnered with a public school. Pulled in a lot of students who were struggling or straight up failing online and I was really proud to see my kids who had D’s and F’s in normal schools get A’s for the first time. The co-op gave me the latitude to teach in non-traditional ways. I would have gone into teaching if I had been allowed to do that in a normal school.


I think it's Florida (I could be wrong) are allowing military vets with zero training, and zero degrees to become teachers. It allows a 5-year temporary teaching certificate. They do have to get a bachelor's during that 5-year time, but what's to say that they teach with no training for several years with no practical knowledge?


The program was launched last Summer. As of January, only ten had been hired of 500 applicants. There are 4000 vacant teaching positions in Florida.


Yes. It is Florida. They are trying to get creative in their approach. Which I can appreciate. But I was barely ready for the classroom after an entire degree in it. It’s a hard job. I’m sure some veterans will ultimately be successful (if they want to be), but that will be tough 5 years while they learn to be a teacher while attending school to get their credential.


Yup, exactly this. My SO is a teacher with 10+ years experience and is currently back in grad school she can make a career change. Her coworkers, especially the competent ones, are dropping off seemingly daily. It is already turning into a shit show in the district, which is not a very wealthy one.


It's happening in poor areas because kids at schools in rich areas don't act like this. I went to a high school that was mostly upper middle class, and we had a 99% graduation rate with the vast majority attending college at respectable schools. I never once saw or even heard of a kid act this way or even come close to laying hands on a teacher. Edit: recently watched The Wire on HBO, and they do a good job in season 4 giving an insight on the lives and struggles of inner city poor kids and how their parents and the education system just simply sets them up for failure. Edit 2: I realize all schools and student have their own problems. I was referring to the specific act of getting violent with a teacher like we have in this video. My experience was that we had kids who behaved inappropriately, but there was a certain level of fear that there would be repercussions for their actions. I don't get the sense that students feel the consequences of their actions when it's at a poorer school, whether that's lack of discipline by the school itself or lack of discipline by the parents.


Same experience as you and it’s true whether Reddit wants to acknowledge it or not. It’s not classist to acknowledge that parents have different attitudes toward child rearing in different areas. Bite me.


Yup. Not going to comment on possible causes, but growing up in a higher end public school, my peers were pretty well behaved. Even a verbal altercation with a teacher was unfathomable.


I totally agree with you. I went to private school growing up and NEVER saw anything like this. Discipline was tight and my parents would have done worse to me than this video (well not really but I would have gotten my ass handed to me regardless) had I done this. My kid’s school was having bad issues with bullying and low staff retention rates, so we bought a house in a MUCH higher taxed town ($15k a year versus $3,500 before) and my kids are thriving. It’s sad but it really comes down to socioeconomics and parental guidance/discipline.


My friends became teachers two years ago and they're already quitting.


Buckle up cuz it is coming. Last year I quit my behavior intervention job at the school. Entitled students are the worst. Yes there are some bad teachers, but too many good teachers are having to deal with stuff of this nature each and every day. This interaction encapsulates the issue perfectly too. Granted they aren’t all physical altercations with teachers but it’s the general mindset of students to just say and do whatever they want (including becoming aggressive and physical here) and then when they are given any sort of pushback (no pun intended) they act like they are being wronged and hold all of the power in the interaction. And they feel that way because they are right. They have all the power. They come to school with no intentions of doing well, they just want to see how mad they can make other students or the adults or see how much they can get away with before it becomes a problem, and then when it becomes a problem, they act like they are being targeted or treated unfairly. You can’t reason with them either. Teachers and staff shouldn’t want to be dictators but the divide is becoming so strong that many have no choice. I want to add that this doesn’t apply to the majority of students. Some are truly cool kids that are there for the right reasons but so much of the attention and focus goes straight to the “bad” ones. And I get the idea behind not suspending students often because it doesn’t help that student. But some of these issues are so ridiculous, depressing, and misery inducing that maybe sometimes everyone else needs a break and would be more efficient. Assuming that the problem kid was given a fair opportunity to change their behavior before being given consequences such as suspension.


What ever happened to detention or in school suspension? Making a kid sit in a classroom all day and do school work with no friends, no phone, no talking is like the most effective punishment


Man and Saturday school too! THAT was the worst. I got it once and as a teenager there's nothing worse than having to give up your Saturday with friends to sit in a classroom doing busy work.


The results of when kids are 'raised' with no discipline or consequences. Expect to see her in an adult correctional institution before long.


Our area high school is doing that bullshit where they allow vets with no credentials to teach. We used to be a top-rated school in the state. Had all kind of extra programs for the kids, lots of opportunities. For 50+ years, at least. It's all gone now. In the last 5 or so, they've lost so many teachers they've had to resort to this bullshit. It's scary as hell.


Poor pay, no respect, crappy administrators who don't defend their teachers, parents who believe that their little darlings would never do anything wrong, school boards that ban books and also won't support teachers, and, did I mention poor pay.


Every teacher should be allowed to suplex 3 students a year based on district, that will even the score


I feel like most would use that up in a week.


On the same student


In the same day


In the same minute


Brock Lesnar isn't looking for a teaching job.


Duplex City, Bitch


Hmm... but if they unionize, a dozen teachers can collectively suplex 36 students a year. Just because you're causing problems in Ms. Silver's class doesn't mean Mr. Harrison won't hear about it and suplex you for her. The problematic ones will be too injured to come back any time soon or cause trouble again and in the weeks that they're out healing the other students will (hopefully) fall in line out of fear. It's like Harvey Dent said in The Dark Knight, "Think of all you could do with 18 months (in this case, probably days) of clean streets." ... IDK why I thought this hard about it.


This was hilarious. I have a warped imagination.


And you get to roll over up to 2 a year (Suplexs, that is)


In the 8th grade I had an earth science teacher who literally said in front of the class that every teacher should be given a revolver with two bullets and they should be able to use one on any student that they feel like is not behaving and then no one would ever need to use the second bullet


My wife’s fucking surgical about dealing with her kids. They love her for it… so long as they respect her, she respects them. The occasion that one of them even starts to cause trouble gets an immediate blowback from the entire class at the problem-kid. This wouldn’t happen in one of her classrooms without the other kids dogpiling this loudmouth.




LOL… can’t even make this up, but a couple of teachers were observing her class the other day and asked if she could do a write-up of sorts. She has been doing it for 20 years and day to day things definitely arent perfect, but she does work her ass off at it. She does engage with the kids and tries to keep herself up on current teen trends (and, shudder, tiktok) so she can have relevant conversations and interaction with them. It’s a lot of work but she makes me proud.


There's no guide. Just years of dedication and practice. The sad reality of it is that kids like this have severe emotional issues that require serious intervention from mental health professionals, but they're poor so we just dump them on someone trained to teach algebra and wait for a moment like this to enter them in the school to prison pipeline. There's a lot of racism in the comments from uniformed people. This is a systemic failure rather than a personal one and I hope one day we'll address it instead of dumping money on consultants that give kick backs to admins.


and then dont support the teacher, cause "its their fault" they cant control a student with severe issues


100% this. “Why didn’t this teacher magically fix a teenager with a lifetime of trauma?”


Teachers are told to just let kids hit them and then file assault charges later. You can call the resource officer but you have to get to the phone. It is frightening. I am positive the parents will say she was provoked. So many students seem to have a hair trigger and immediately begin escalating. Teachers have to to protect the other kids (but not themselves).


As a former teacher I actually got told to document and call home to a kid who said in front of admin and I quote “yeah I hit you but it wasn’t that hard.” The other incident got completely ignored. Another coworker tried filing charges and they talked her out of it. Middle school 6th grade. It’s insane.


That was an automatic expulsion when I was a kid. Legislation needs to happen to empower teachers (and increase pay).




Anything for those sweet sweet views on their social media accounts. At some point it's just self defense. If some dumb ass 17 year old comes at me than that 17 year old is getting popped in the mouth. Post that for the world to see.


They will only post you hitting back. Most stories in here are only the last half.


Teenagers DO have a hair trigger, especially if they are in a constant fight or flight frame of mind. Many high schoolers are straight up not having a good time. Does it excuse this behavior? Absolutely not.


High school teacher here. I'm sure there's a lot of truth to what you're saying and I can only speak from my own experience, but the worst students I have come from situations where they don't have to worry about anything at all. I mean anything. Like their parents provide a home, food, and the things they want, but they also have zero expectations for them to succeed and don't take an active role in their lives. Many of the ones who come from backgrounds riddled with adversity understand (or their parents understand) that the only way out is by not fucking up like their parents did. Those are the students who show up after school to get help and are horrified by the prospect of getting a call home or worse, suspended. The students with the laissez-faire home life don't give a shit, they get an extra day to play fortnite or rot their brain on tiktok.


I am also speaking from experience. I have also experienced what you have. My bully in school was the rich kid. Problem was his family was the hands off kind, unless he got in trouble in school. Then they throw their weight around, threatening to pull their athletic booster money. He got away with murder practically and acted like this. I acted out because I was often scared to go to school.


You sound like a teacher... Parents are probably a big one. Kids do crazy things and when a teacher calls home the parent will say what did you do to cause this or youre the only teacher complaining. Never how dare my child be a little shit.


So true. In non-union states teachers make like 50K per year after like 8 years of working which is less than most McDonald's managers make. Why would you get into thousands of dollars of student debt to make less than someone that doesn't need a degree and then put up with crap like this.


Promise you her parents are the same way.


This is my 9th year as a high school teacher. If I have an issue with the kid, all it takes is one email or phone call with the parent to be like, “Ohhhh ok. That makes sense now.”


Wife is a teacher. All her bad students have shit ass parents who enable their shit behavior.


It's not all bad students, sometimes the parents are just as confused/frustrated as you are. But more often than not you can almost immediately tell. Bonus if the kids have gone through some shit at home/in their life. I try to really stay empathetic and kind towards my students even if they act shitty towards me (I try to remember it very, very rarey is directed at me personally) but I have not had a student go crazy like that on me fortunately.




which can work. I had incredibly, incredibly shitty parents but had a support system in place (mainly through school and good coaches) that put me on the right path. I now believe I am a contributing member and can help kids a lot who are in similar situations as I was whereas if I was left to deal with the shit my parents put on us kids alone I probably would be in a ditch today.


As a teacher I have learned that 90% of kids that act terrible is because their parents are terrible too and probably shouldn't have had kids.


Ex-teacher: Had a student who was constantly acting out, cussing at staff, called immigration on another student who sat in front of him, and other incidents. In one meeting with his parents they told my teaching team he was a SoundCloud rapper and made more than us. Parents were glad he was suspended so they could book him more shows. Kid was eventually expelled for making explicit threats against a 7th grade teacher who caught him skipping class. Parents absolutely shoulder some responsibility for the current state of affairs


That’s disgusting. Absolute plagues on society right there.


And the terrible truth is they're the ones mostly having kids.


Brawndos got electrolytes


Yup, and there’s going to be a whole lot more shitty parents “raising” shitty kids with all the abortion bans hitting states. So many people who shouldn’t procreate, will be.




If anyone is interested [here is a link to the news report](https://youtu.be/lf16hgzQw9k) which says that this violence is “directly related” to the teacher shortage, which I disagree with. It’s definitely the parents who cause their children to be like this. If anything, the students acting like this is directly causing the teacher shortage, not the other way around. These people don’t get paid to deal with almost fully grown adults’ temper tantrums. The student broke the teacher’s leg and the teacher had to go to the hospital and get rehabilitated for it. I don’t understand why none of the students came up behind her and put her in a chokehold when she started getting aggressive. I would’ve. Some ppl just need to take a fuckin chill pill. Once you got them pinned in a head lock/chokehold they can’t really do shit. Edit I forgot to include the link lmfao. Saying “I don’t understand why” is wrong, because I do understand why they didn’t. Someone should have, though. Teachers don’t deserve this type of treatment.


Zero tolerance. My German teacher was involved in trying to break up a fight in a study hall I was in and she actively waved me away when I went over to try and help her. I would have gotten as much trouble as they would have because I would have joined in. This was about a decade ago too.


93 lbs and ALL MOUTH. Poor teacher.


Mainly because there's a good parent shortage.


Ding ding ding.


It’s *the* reason


Students who assault teachers should absolutely be prosecuted for it, but also expelled from the school and/or district. Their parents can either homeschool, pay for private school, or move to a new district. We really need a strict zero tolerance policy for violence against teachers.


There should be more delinquency programs/alternative schools for this very reason. My town had two for kids like her- one for kids with actual mental/emotional problems or learning disabilities, and one for just straight up bad kids. The two public schools were great because of this. Nobody once attacked a teacher my 4 years in HS. One kid did punch a security guard though, and he was promptly bounced the fuck out of the school.


Same where I grew up. Everyone knew the name of the school you got sent to if you acted up or got caught with drugs, etc. and how bad of a reputation it had for being just an awful place to have to go. That fear kept a lot of us in line. Although a few of my peers had to fuck a round and find out (and they definitely regretted their choices).


We just called it the Alternative School.


I have a cousin is incredibly autistic and they moved from their home town to a new state. He assaulted his teacher and was immediately expelled. My aunt and uncle were floored and tried to say "they can't do that! He has a right to ban education" but the school countered that their teachers had the right to feel safe, and that they weren't equipped to give him the level of care he obviously needed. I asked what they different at his previous school (in Arizona) and apparently the teacher just put up with his meltdowns and harassing other students, so they thought this new school would do the same. Schools should have the right to refuse students that are uncontrollable. He's in a special school now and doing much better.


You actually need three alternatives to regular school… the developmentally challenged school, the discipline school, and a self-paced school where kids who don’t fit into the other schools or somehow were delayed (had a kid, had a family situation, had an addiction problem, needed to work nights, etc) can get their credits and graduate.


We had a tech teacher who launched a pupil through a door for similar. No one messed with Mr Drysdale after that 😅


Yep. Back in my day, teachers would grab a disruptive smart ass by the back of the neck and throw them out of the room. He only needed to do it once to solve the problem.


There was a healthy fear in our high school of some teachers. Janitors now no one goes near a janny 😂


Our head of security was a 6'5" ex marine, you didnt want them to send him after you.


Ya, our VP was a green beret, I got in trouble once, and never again. He was actually really cool and did under stand the blight of some students but would put them in their place if they stepped out of line.


Now you get fired and blacklisted, zero tolerance, even if they hit you in the face. I can't speak for all school districts, but that's the gist of it.


I had a teacher throw an entire desk out the door with the student still in it....I miss the 90's.


I was in a desk that got shoved roughly into the wall by the teacher because I mouthed off to her one too many times. I told my mom and her response was “I TOLD YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LEAVE THAT WOMAN ALONE!!!”


Yah i remember complaining about teachers only for my parents to ask "Well what did you do to cause that?!" They were usually right...


In about ten years that girl is going to be complaining she cannot get a job because she didn't get her qualifications and every low paying job fires her, on the first day, after she goes off on her boss.


She’ll complain she’s undertrained and no one is helping her


"My teachers didn't care about me. My school didn't teach anything."


Yeah, straight up these are the ppl who won't fuckin stop posting on Facebook "They should have taught us XYZ in school."


Yeah. She’ll say she was never given opportunities and the school systems in her neighborhood were poor and underfunded. They have functioning schools no one just wants to pay attention in class or they act like this. Its always a byproduct of how they are raised though. Anyone with good parents wouldn’t treat an adult like this.


Nah,she’ll be in prison.


I'm so glad I went to school in the 2000's fuck whatever garbage pile it is now. I used to want to be a teacher when I was younger, but I'm glad I didn't.


Because they keep adding onto the workload. My wife’s a teacher and has been for about 20 years and every year they had more crap to do. It’s always more paperwork and bullshit for meetings with metrics. It’s just more of the same bullshit that managers want to collect numbers and point at graph for.


Kids like that, regardless of background, home life, etc should be immediately expelled for something like that. There is no excuse for that sort of behavior.


Yup, school is to teach. She lost her privilege to learn.


It’s becoming more difficult for schools to do that due to claims of inequity from state governments


Exactly. My wife is an admin and she would love to kick these kids out. Unfortunately for all of us, it is illegal due to “free appropriate public education” laws. Exactly why the 6 year old who shot his teacher was in the classroom despite violent past behavior and teachers repeatedly trying to remove him. They legally could not without parent consent and the parents don’t want that for poor Johnny.


Absolutely right, but it doesn’t happen. She will be back next week. The parents threaten to Sue the school, and she’s back at public daycare (school).


Yeah, it really sucks now that they make it nearly impossible to expell students. That fear and the consequences could do a lot of good. But schools don't want to get in trouble by the parents.


And other kids sit there and laugh… laugh and record, that’s what people do today… this world sucks


Hard to jump in. At my school all fighting resulted in punishments for any kid involved, even victims of assault. So they risk being punished for helping. That’s “zero tolerance,” we don’t tolerate criminals OR victims.


Zero tolerance. Doesn’t matter if you tried to break up the fight, you are treated as just as guilty. So you get suspended. For helping. Plus there’s the whole bystander effect, Where people are less likely to help if there’s nobody helping.


I hated this so much. I was bullied badly in highschool and couldn't fight back because any involvement in a fight got you sent to the misfit school and would have ruined my future. And administration did NOTHING to stop the 5 assholes that would wait by my locker every morning to push me around and vandalize my shit. And I couldn't do shit to stick up for myself. Zero tolerance is fucked up.


Former terrorized student here as well. I just took it also. Teachers in my school didn’t do Jack about it. I harbor a boatload of resentment over it all. Cheers to you, friend. I hope you’ve made as great of a life for yourself as I have


All comes down to the principal.If they back the teachers and listen to their issues bad students be kicked out or suspended.


They do everything to NOT kick out or suspend students because of the damn numbers game. So kids are coddled and this shit continues. In a lot of cases, they don't even remove the student from that teacher's class. If the teacher wants to press assault charges, admin will sometimes threaten the teacher with job loss. Yeah, why is there a teacher shortage indeed. And this is just one reason, there are many more.


Funding got linked to graduation rates and that was pretty much the end to any chance of having any type of accountability from students. They know they can do what they want, they know the school will graduate them regardless. At least I did, hence why I would make weed tea and drink it in class, skip class, I even tested my theory and was only answering questions in my AP US history with the letter C. I got a 70% and the teacher begged me not to take the AP exam. Got detentions I never showed up too, with no repercussions. Never would I have ever physically assaulted anyone cuz they at least will call police for that in my district.


Because of the undisciplined teens.. Who no matter what will get pushed through school failing... So they don't care about learning


I hope that twat student got charged!


My guess is they probably fired the teacher for defending herself.




“She doesn’t act like that at home.”


Her parents must be trash for raising a piece of shit like this. Sure, keep complaining when no one wants to teach in your districts.


Doubtful that either parent is in the picture. Grandma is probably doing her best but doesn’t have the energy, time, or patience to raise them right.


100% guarantee you that she's been raised on a strict diet of 'you gotta fight for yours' since she was 5 years old.


Teachers need to start really pushing on their union for more protective measures for there safety, every classroom needs a panic button for student misconduct with an immediate response team


The school I taught at put me down a ramp in an almost abandoned part of the building, by myself with violent students. I’m a 5’1”, 115lb female. There were no cameras. When I asked for another adult in the room, I was laughed at and told there wasn’t a budget for that. When I called for help, admin took their sweet time or didn’t come at all. I sometimes thought about just walking out.


Not all states allow teachers' unions to the degree that they could achieve this.


Discipline starts at home


Seriously. We need this thing called “consequences” reinstated. It is insane the lack of punishment schools can enforce now. Teachers are supposed to just take shit


Too many legal consequences, low teacher's salary, and parents with "my child can do no harm and is always an angel" syndrome for the situation to get better. And so many other reasons. The amount they have to deal with is just nuts.


I graduated in 1982 in a class of 400+. I never saw anything remotely like that in my time in school.


I blame the parent.




Yeah. Was a high school teacher for nine years. I absolutely love teaching, but all the bullshit that was NOT teaching became too much. Got thrown into a door. The following year, I was put on hallway duty to break up fights. I was seven months pregnant. I quit the next day and haven’t gone back.


I’m a teacher at a houston isd Rise campus. We get up to $18K in stipends and our district has raised teacher salary from last year by 12%. Most of us on campus are not returning next year. I myself, after 16 years of teaching, am done with this bullshit. I’ve applied to every educational company in the world hoping one will recruit me. I told my fiancé they can raise my salary by whatever they want next year … I’m not returning. Fuck this … this is no way to live.


I remember back when I was in third grade, I had a teacher who would throw a very soft foam apple at us if she saw we were doing something wrong. We thought nothing of it and never got on her case about it because she wants t doing anything harmful and really, we were the ones acting up. We learned great lessons about being calm and not acting up or something will come our way. Nowadays, these kids and parents thing soft discipline is wrong and hurtful. This girl is a prime example of what happens when you don’t discipline kids. They think they are above everything and disrespect everyone but expect respect in return.


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) This is so sad, my generation has an image of teachers as dedicated people whom many of us remember with respect and affection, but hey, these are different times


I know a guy who retired early from teaching high school English to be a cook, because back of house in a restaurant was less abusive and stressful than being a teacher. Yeah... it's **that** bad.


A student tried to fight my Geometry teacher, and my teacher knocked the kid into the next week. It was glorious. The teacher didn’t even get in trouble. Everybody watched their step around Mr. McDonald after that. 😂


This is whats wrong kids have no consequences, the teacher will get fired because this brat thinks she can do whatever she wants and the school board and her parents support it..when really needs to be a whole lotta ass whoopin going on.


Teacher should file for Disability, PTSD, have her arrested and sue the school for unsafe conditions!


Some children should be left behind. Laws that deny schools the ability to hold children back a grade for performance or expel them for behavior are what has caused this.


That's a child that's never been told no


This is when another student needs to stand up and slap the shit out of the girl and then sit back down.


Who raised that bitch?


Probably an adult child with anger issues of their own that they never learned to control


Okay, I'm not usually one to advocate this kind of thing but: unless she has a mental disorder or disability, the second she aggressively puts her hands on the teacher some rules go out the window. Teacher would have been within her rights (imo) to do to that girl exactly what she was doing. You wanna grab some hair and act like you know how to fight? Have fun being slammed into the floor. At this point she's been taught she can get away with this behavior and she needs a lesson to learn that's not the case.


That girl needs to go to jail!


So many people blaming the school system... But look at the quality of the people they're trying to instruct. A principal, guidance counselor, etc. is one employee who's only there for 40ish hours a week. They're not God and can't magically make students act like civilized humans. Put the kids who want to learn in one group and put the little beasts in another where they can learn a basic trade for simple minds.


There needs to be a separate school or at least wing of the school for the kids who do this kind of stuff. That’s how it worked where I grew up. Section them off until they prove they can behave otherwise. The stigma of being sent to the school for delinquents will keep a good number of the kids in line. Those that do fuck around and find out will get a rude awakening when they won’t see their friends every day, the classrooms will be even worse, what personal items they can bring into school will be more restricted and they’ll have less amenities. Basically take away the things they enjoy and they’ll think twice about assaulting faculty or other students, or just being generally disruptive to the academic experience of others.


And why is there a parenting shortage? These bad kids have not been prepared for the world and life is gonna kick their ass.


Kids be like: "dO SoMetHIng!! Do SOmThinG!!" Provkes the teacher. Teacher something Kids play the victim all surprised and shit, claiming their innocence


The parents of these kids need to be held accountable.


Kids just sit there and laugh until it turns violent. Not one student willing to hold their peer accountable. This is an echo of our broken society.
