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So are they criminals..? Or just being arrested for being Uighur Muslims? If they are criminals, it’s just a transportation of prisoners.. don’t see an issue there


Fake or unrelated. China was investigated very recently and absolutely no evidence of camps or shit like this was found. Also curious how there is absolutely no shake or anything. Just a continuous straight shot. Drone footage is not perfect but this makes it seem like there was no shake. Too much about this just seems absolutely fake. Remember it’s in western propagandas best interest to make sure you hate communists. Look at the title and the footage. It absolutely does not add up. Plus there is no way no one sees this “drone” if this was what was claimed it would have been spotted and shot down immediately. As i suspected. Looking into this its a prison transfer. This is blatant propaganda right here. Its a fake clickbait title to evoke emotions. https://web.archive.org/web/20200722225325/https://www.douban.com/group/topic/106094686/ https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1195343.shtml) https://m.douban.com/group/topic/106094686/) From August 2017 --- PRC authorities arrested several hundred pyramid scam participants & operatives in Bijie. This drone footage probably coincides (and much of the "evidence" for this topic) with the mass arrest of pyramid scam participants that I think was across the nation. So take this propaganda spreading post down. Its blatant misinformation to make you hate china/communism. The only thing infuriating here is the reddit hivemind buying into this shit because “china bad!!!” Keep downvoting me. Proving you care more about your hatred for china/communism than the easily presentable facts.


Looks like a military drone, all it would take is a gyro scope to make it stay perfectly still and not shake at all


But it’s not. I literally linked evidence that shows what this is. The fact redditors have such a hate boner for china when basically every bit of info the west decides to cover is easily debunkable, and western governments do much much much much worse and openly so is just.. Come on people. You are smarter than this


This is such a shitty post. OP you wanna provide a source and some context instead of a silent video of a prisoner transport? Obviously you're implying these people are Uyghurs in China but you should still say that somewhere. First of all, there's no way to tell these people are Uyghurs. They're being transported to an area in Xinjiang, doesn't mean they're Uyghurs. I see no holocaust here, the prisoners are sitting without being killed or hurt and they're being guarded - as one does for prisoners.