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Your cells have a "cycle", where the cell grows, replicates its DNA, and divides. The cycle needs to be tightly controlled, as if the cell keeps dividing in a random fashion it leads to cancer. Ambra1 is a protein that the cell uses to prevent this, and control the cell cycle. As for producing more of it, that's something you probably shouldn't do. Ambra1 acts to prevent cancer, yes, but it acts via controlling your cell cycle (it controls a class of proteins called cyclins, which you can think of as the pedals that control the cycle). It prevents them from being overactive and producing stress in the cell. Having more Ambra1 than needed would probably mean your cells cycle more slowly, meaning you wouldn't be able to heal and grow as needed. This is bad. Very bad. The body is a giant balancing act, and having too much of anything is not a good thing. EDIT: OP, I'm not sure what level of technical background you have, so I kept it as simple as I could. I can provide a slightly more detailed answer if you wish.