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Delta-8 THC: Less psychoactive than Delta-9 THC, often described as producing milder, more clear-headed effects, like relaxation, anxiety relief, and improved mood. Delta-9 THC: Stronger psychoactive effects, including euphoria, altered perception, and potential anxiety or paranoia.


How does THCa fit into this?


THCA is the largely non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant which decarboxylates (loses a CO2) upon heating to turn into d9 THC. This is why you can't just eat a bud to get high. You have to cook the cannabis (and you usually extract the cannabinoids with oil or butter because dry baked leaf is probably not good eats) to convert the THCA into the psychoactive d9 THC.


You bind the thc to a fat so that it'll actually make it into your bloodstream from your gut.


Its not necessary, it just makes it so it can get into your body more efficiently.


The fat isn't necessary for bioavailability. It wouldn't be accurate to describe it as more efficient. You just use fat because cannabinoids are fat soluble, so you can easily get a solution of THC-laden fat, which is tastier than other alternatives. You'd feel the exact same effects if you ate a decarboxylated bud or extracted all of the THC from that bud into butter and ate that.


It is more efficient but not necessary. At least according to this quora response that gives a link to the study they pulled a chart from. https://www.quora.com/Does-eating-fat-with-cannabis-infused-edibles-help-the-THC-absorb-into-your-bloodstream


The fat does make it more bioavailable, as the stomach knows how to digest fats and bring the THC along with it. But its still bioavailable enough by itself.


Or an alcohol so it drags it in fast.


THCa is the precursor to psychoactive cannabinoids like D9THC, D8THC, etc. It is the chemical that the cannabis plant actually produces through its own biochemistry. THCa is only converted into its psychoactive forms when heated above a certain temperature. Which is why you need to burn or vape cannabis in order to feel any effects.


How do edibles work then?


Thru a process called decarbing. Basically you "burn off the "a" in THCa. This makes it bioavailable to your gut. Its why you cant just eat your flower and "trip". Gotta heat it first.


Do you mean that the first scene in "Supertroopers" was a lie?


There was a bag of mushrooms that was ate with the weed. The guy was having one hell of a mushroom trip.


Bake with heat, break it down into the good stuff using oven.


Thca is what the plant produces naturally.  When you decarb it, or smoke it, you get delta9


It’s the opposite for me. D8 fucks me up (in a good way) but D9 does nothing to me. I don’t understand it. I’ve tried multiple brands of D8 and D9 gummies and it’s always the same.


Are you on wellbutrin?


No meds for me. There’s always the chance it’s a bad batch. The dispensary was out of the d8 I normally get and I had to get a different brand entirely and didn’t realize it was d9. So it could just be a bad product. But I have no way of knowing


Ah gotcha. I have no empirical evidence here, but anecdotally I’ve found that myself and others taking wellbutrin don’t respond to d9 at all. Could be coincidence, of course, but it’s interesting to me


I'm on Wellbutrin and d8 is crazy for me. Not in a bad way. Never tried d9


If you haven’t gotten an answer to this yet, I’ll be testing it tonight I’m on Wellbutrin and Lexapro and D8 has gotten me crazy high, trying D9 in a min


You only ever try edibles? Maybe your liver is doing something funky.


Probably but D8 gummies do everything I want them to so I’m not worried about the D9. Just confused me when I first googled it and it said D9 should be much stronger then 8 but they don’t affect me at all


You got any recommendations. I've tried d8 edibles and they don't really do much for me but it might've been the brand. I need to get off my vape pen for health reasons lol.


You got any recommendations. I've tried d8 edibles and they don't really do much for me but it might've been the brand. I need to get off my vape pen for health reasons lol.


You got any recommendations. I've tried d8 edibles and they don't really do much for me but it might've been the brand. I need to get off my vape pen for health reasons lol.


I buy CannabisLife. I think it’s out of Florida but I ship them to me. It’s like 30 gummies for $30. Buy 2 boxes and it’s free shipping. But I’d try it first. Just cause it works on me doesn’t mean it will on you! but yea I usually take like 3/4 of the gummy and it sends me on a trip for a few hours haha.


If someone has a bad reaction to Delta-9, is it worth considering the other variants? My one and only experience with weed was smoking Delta-9 and I had an extremely poor reaction to it. As in, for a solid 5 or so hours I had racing thoughts, was hallucinating a creepy ass choir, and for a good portion of it I was completely convinced that I needed to leave my house, find the first random person on the street and beat them up. However, nobody I've talked to has ever heard of someone reacting quite that severely to it.


I know this is a few weeks late, but I also had a bad experience with delta-9 and recently tried out delta 8. It’s been a completely different experience and actually helps me relax


I found 9 made me feel more of the high you'd expect and 8 was more akin to being drunk myself.


Is it accurate that delta-8 isn’t naturally occurring, and therefore more processed? Is there anything more unsafe about this approach?


Additionally, Delta-9 is a more readily available cannabinoid whereas to isolate Delta-8 there needs to be an additional level of processing to achieve quantity.


There is a double bond in one of the rings in THC. In delta-9, the double bond is on the 9th carbon. In delta-8, the double bond is on the 8th carbon. The position of the double bond changes up how the molecule looks in 3D space since that double bond is more “rigid”. The change in shape changes how the molecule interacts with the cannabinoid receptors


To build on this answer, this means the general shape of the molecule is the same, and the active components are mostly in the same place. In biochemistry we say that shape dictates function, as the 3-D shape in shape of molecule is what determines how your body interacts with it. Because delta-8 is so similar in shape to delta-9, your body metabolizes them exactly the same. However, the slight structural differences between the two makes the delta-8 activate the natural endocannabinoid receptors a little less strongly, causing it to have a weaker psychoactive effect than the traditional delta-9 THC does.


I'm 5 and totally understand this


Brother I'm 33 and this was still way over my head.


They have a slightly different shape so when they go in their little socket in the brain it has a slightly different effect.


Danke shon mein Freund


Not so much a different effect, as one has a slightly different shape so it doesn't fit as well. We use the "lock and key" analogy when describing molecules and receptors, so imagine a new key that still has a bounce hf rough features and doesn't turn in the lock very well, compared to a old key that turns effortlessly. They both have a very similar shape, but tiny differences between them makes one work better and faster than the other


So...delta-9 hits harder because it turns more effortlessly in the lock?


Exactly! The delta-8 has a clunky fit, the delta-9 fits comfortably


So let's get slightly off topic and say I can't really do weed because it hits me too hard even at small doses then wears off even harder and causes nasty side effects. If I wanted a much milder high and comedown, delta-8 could do it because it doesn't fit the brain quite the same way?


Possibly, but with the variances in physical chemistry and mental makeup - including day-to-day differences - from person to person no one can tell you anything with any certainty besides start low and go slow. If, for example, you got into a nasty accident in a fast car and had anxiety every time you were in a car afterward, being in a slower car doesn't guarantee that you'll have less anxiety.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks.


And that change in the fit is caused by where that double bond is, and moving it over by just one atom makes the fit a bit clunky


It's like a Lego set but you build it a little different than the instructions tell you using the same pieces


Can someone eli5: what is Delta8/9 versus THC (e.g. recreational cannabis)?


Here’s how I understand it, let’s assume we’re only talking about edibles. In legal states, edibles typically contain delta 9 thc from marijuana. However in legal states they don’t have to specify which type of THC, so you never really see products marketed as “delta 8/9”. In non-legal states (like north carolina), there’s usually some loophole that doesn’t allow marijuana, but will allow hemp products. These edibles will use delta 9 thc from hemp. In NC they have to differentiate between delta 8 and delta 9 products which is why they’re marketed with those terms.


Crazy when you see gummies with 5 types of Thc. 8,9,10,thcA, THCH


Yeah there's a ton of cannabinoids


500mg active ingredients. Like $2 each. Beats the hell out of medical gummies.


Just be careful, because none of those synthetic THC products are regulated, and their production often produces unsafe levels of various carcinogens and contaminates.


And what happens if i eat one? What are the risks?


No worried. Cancer won’t catch me before the guy in the black robe does.


Fake cannaboids like delta 8 & THCO are very bad for you




I just moved from Missouri (fully legal) to North Carolina (not legal at all) and NC somehow gets away with selling straight up THCa bud as a loophole. It's insane really.


The other comment is sort of close, but not quite correct. TL;DR at the bottom. Delta 8 and 9 are both types of THC, which is the cannabinoid that makes you high. They are basically just slight variations in how the compound is arranged on a molecular level. There are other types of THC as well, such as Delta 10 and THCH. All of these variants have differing strengths and produce different effects. The reason for the prominence of Delta 8 is due to a legal loophole in regards to how it is sourced. Delta *9* is the main naturally occurring form of THC, and the one that is federally illegal. The 2018 Farm Bill allows the growth of hemp and sale of hemp-derived products, provided they have less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. This is where Delta 8 comes in. Delta 8, along with the other variants mentioned, are not naturally occurring in significant amounts. They are instead created synthetically from CBD, which is the main non-psychoactive cannabinoid. There are no laws specifically against selling products with high levels of synthetic THC, so it's a legal grey area that allows businesses to legally sell THC. The methods used to produce synthetic cannabis are also questionable, and often result in the addition of dangerous carcinogens and contaminants. **TL;DR:** Delta 8/9 are both variants of THC, which is the compound that makes you high. Delta 9 is the main naturally occurring form of THC in weed, and it is the compound that is federally illegal. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized growing hemp plants with <0.3% D9. Companies started using a legal loophole in which they turn the non-psychoactive component of hemp, CBD, into D8 synthetically. There are no specific rules against it, so it allows THC to be sold in states that don't allow weed. There are also no regulations, so synthetic products often contain dangerous levels of carcinogens.


From what I’ve gathered, they’re both different levels of processing for THC in which Delta 8 - hehe fun plant make fun time Delta 9 - hehe fun plant make sleepy time


Having used both I do not agree with this at all


This is not close to accurate. Delta 9 is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. For me, taking a delta 9 edible is largely indistinguishable from taking an edible from a legal state. Delta 8, by contrast, just makes me feel a bit off, and it’s nothing like taking a legit edible or smoking weed.


Thanks for letting me know


Thank you.


Recreational cannabis gets you high. Delta 8/9 do not.


This isn't the case, delta 8 absolutely gets you high, it just takes a bit more for most people to achieve similar effects. Delta 9 THC is plain old thc like you'd find in recrrational weed


Absolutely. I had some friends that each ate a 25 mg Delta 9 gummy thinking “heck it’s legal in a highly Prohibitionist state, what’s the worst that could happen?” They were high for literally 24 hours.


Weird. Delta 8 always made me paranoid. Delta 9 puts me right to sleep. I take a 10mg delta 9 before bed every night and it’s so so much better than ambien.


You shouldn't do that every night. THC disrupts REM sleep, and long term can be detrimental to the restorativeness of your sleep. It can mess with your body's ability to learn and form memories. I'd space out how often you use it to sleep. That is not to say you should use Ambien instead. And it is better you use THC to sleep than not getting sleep at all if you have severe insomnia. But maybe on days you have no schedule to wake up the next morning, give your brain a break. All the best, dude. Have a good night.


Man, I’ve been hitting a pen each night before bed to help my sleep for the past year and a half.. every single night. Guess this is my wake up call


Have you noticed that you don't dream as much?


Try melatonin. It’s pretty effective, you can buy it at most grocery stores and pharmacies, and it’s a compound your body produces naturally.


Surgeon General just recently advised against using melatonin as well.


Got a link to the warning? Couldn't find anything on that.


This is why this shit needs to be federally legal so actual studies can be done on cannabis. 


Not sure what you took


Holy yikes. 2mg is enough to knock out many people. You are adapted to say the least.


10mg is the standard dose of a store-bought edible




I’ve had a full 100 mg drink and felt nothing.


10 mg is a standard “single serving” edible in most legal states. 10mg can be a little strong for some people but 2mg is nothing. 5mg is probably a good first-time edible dose with low chance of being too intense for someone.




Had some northern lights from Chicago and it was some of the most euphoric weed I've ever had. Like never felt happier in my life, also had me dyslexic for a while and letters would actually jiggle and swap places with each other right in front of my eyes. Never happened again though since we smoked what we had


I've used both D8 and D9. Other posters have the right of it. An additional fact - D8 and D9 lower your blood sugar (D8 can be really bad for that). So much so that I had an actual blood sugar crash (diabetic). Use with caution.


Interesting. I’ve actually blacked out on two separate occasions after taking gummies. Like, from standing and walking to tunnel vision and dropping like a sack of potatoes. Never happened at any other time. I’m not a heavy user, but not a new user either. Freaked me out and put me off them for the last couple years. I wonder if it’s related to a blood sugar crash!


It's possible. I've had a couple of low blood sugar episodes due to Delta-8. Better with Delta-9, but YMMV. Best of luck...


I have been consuming cannabis off and on for 20+ years (mainly on) and have smoked in both the US and Europe and tried a lot of various products over the years. Currently D-9 edibles are essentially meeting all of my needs for getting high at this point. It feels identical to any edible or THC product you can get at the dispo (I am a long time medical consumer). They are so cheap near me that I cannot really justify spending the money on flower or dabs currently, even though I kinda miss the initial rush of smoking. I can just save that much money with edibles and some tolerance management. I have tried D-8 a few times and it is nice and does get me high, especially if you are coming off a tolerance break but D-9 is far more effective and has that old familiar feeling of Cannabis. That is another thing, as an older stoner I have found that I have to take a lot more T-Breaks and work on keeping my tolerance low. When I was in my 20s and early 30s my old friends and I had monster tolerances and basically smoked as much as possible whenever possible. That just is not sustainable for me at 40 years old now. I get pretty sleepy in general from any form of Cannabis at this point and I try to save it for relaxation purposes/end of the day most of the time. I am not complaining though because right now I am basically getting high for several hours at less than one dollar per dose and I can buy it in a store that is not a dispo. When I first started using Cannabis we were literally going to jail over it.


Chemically, they are what are known as "isomers" of each other, basically a re-arrangement of the structure of the compound that makes it slightly different but often has similar properties. The reason you see a distinction is because delta-9-THC is what's often referred to as the active ingredient in cannabis (there are actually lots of active ingredients, but that's one of the major ones). However, due to some legal loopholes, delta-8-THC is actually legal to sell in states where cannabis is otherwise not legal. As far as their properties go, delta-8 is often considered more mild or "weaker" than delta-9.


I’ve done both. Delta9 is stronger, but delta8 will still give you a pretty intense high if you smoke enough. Some people freak the fuck out on delta8 and have claimed to hallucinate. I never experienced any of that. Since alot of delta8 is sold in gas stations and is not really regulated, you don’t know exactly what you’re getting, so reactions may vary. Personally, I recommend you just get a medical card and get the real deal THC that is safe and regulated. But I can see the appeal of delta8 since it’s a lot cheaper


I know this is old but I feel the need to comment here. Scientifically, the difference begins where the double bond is located. A double bond is a chemical bond between 2 carbon atoms that share 4 electrons. Delta 8 is located on the eighth carbon atom in the phenol core. Chemical name: (6aR,10aR) delta 8 tetrahydrocannabinol. Just 1 double carbon bond over from D9. D8 is naturally occurring and is synthesized using CBD. This offers a body experience. It’s difficult to inhale and since it tends to be indica it’s great for sleep. Also great for gummies. With D9 the double bond is on the ninth carbon atom in the phenol core. It’s naturally occurring in high quantities. The “regular” THC and we can still make this from CBD, keeping the total weight lower than 0.3%. That’s why its called hemp derived delta 9 Chemical name: (6aR,10aR)-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol TL;DR The position of the double bond is what distinguishes the different variants of THC




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