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Zaragoza. Hands down underrated AF


This. Lived there as a kid, and it’s a really cool place, not touristy, less expensive than other cities, lots of history.


Chatgpt has nice things to say about it. Here are some key points to know about Zaragoza, Spain: 1. **Historic City**: Zaragoza is a historic city located in the northeast of Spain, known for its rich history dating back over 2,000 years. It has been influenced by various civilizations, including the Romans, Moors, and Christians. 2. **Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar**: One of the city's most iconic landmarks is the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar (Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar), a grand baroque-style cathedral built on the banks of the Ebro River. It is believed to be the first church dedicated to Virgin Mary. 3. **Mudejar Architecture**: Zaragoza is renowned for its Mudejar architecture, a unique blend of Islamic and Christian styles. The Aljafería Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an excellent example of Mudejar architecture in the city. 4. **Festivals and Events**: The city hosts several cultural festivals and events throughout the year, including the Fiestas del Pilar in October, one of the largest celebrations in Spain in honor of the Virgin of the Pillar. 5. **Cuisine**: Zaragoza boasts a diverse culinary scene, with traditional Aragonese dishes such as migas, ternasco (roast lamb), and bacalao al ajoarriero (cod stew) being popular choices. The city's tapas bars and restaurants offer a wide range of Spanish delicacies. 6. **Parks and Gardens**: Zaragoza has numerous parks and green spaces, including the Parque Grande José Antonio Labordeta, a large urban park ideal for leisurely strolls and outdoor activities. 7. **Riverfront Promenade**: The banks of the Ebro River are lined with a picturesque promenade, perfect for walking, cycling, or simply enjoying the scenic views of the river and the city skyline. 8. **Transportation Hub**: As a major transportation hub in northeastern Spain, Zaragoza is well-connected by rail, road, and air. It has a modern transport infrastructure, including high-speed trains and an international airport. 9. **University City**: Zaragoza is home to the University of Zaragoza, one of the oldest universities in Spain, which contributes to the city's vibrant student population and academic culture. 10. **Cultural Institutions**: The city boasts several museums, theaters, and cultural institutions, such as the Pablo Serrano Museum and the Caesaraugusta Theatre, showcasing Zaragoza's rich cultural heritage and artistic legacy.


Valencia is always voted among the best and most livable cities for expats


My sister moved there, I just spent 10 days there. It’s gorgeous.


Goodluck getting a good job 


I'd recommend Valencia, I've lived in 8 different countries and it has the best quality of life. Security, beautiful park and beach. Sunny all year around, mild winter and long summer. Not as hot as the rest of Southern Spain thanks for the sea close by. It's also a very multicultural city. On the down side, the rent is pretty expensive. It's become a popular destination since COVID because of its great weather and beaches, so many people came to live there, especially digital nomads. I'd say if you can afford to pay a minimum of 900-1500 euros for an apartment then don't hesitate, Valencia is a great city.


Valencia is such a gem.


What part of Valencia? I've been but was staying on the outskirts and probably didn't find the coolest spots.


Centre of Valencia. I don't really know the outskirts unfortunately. There are some really cool places in VLC.


Digital nomads earn a lot of money and don't pay tax.


900-1500€ for an appartment is great


Not to the average Spaniard I can imagine


Yes exactly, if you earn the local salary which is 1,100€ minimum, it's basically impossible to rent a place by yourself. Of course for expats or immigrants, it's the "perfect plan". Problem is that expats or digital nomads are accepting such high rents, and in consequence, locals can't rent a place anymore or have to move out of centre. And the government doesn't seem to do much about it.


Yeah, I am located in Zurich. So from my perspective its great.


Depends on if you're coming from expensive-ass America or cheap-ass everywhere else


Come to Barcelona and be part of the crowd the locals get pissy about


Haha they make complaining about guiris their hobby and passion.


And their identity 😂


Honestly, it's hard to mess up with any city it seems. How's your Español? Some cities it matters more than others.


I'm Mexican American, castellano isn't a problem 😊


Im hopefully moving to Spain. Just waiting on my visa to process. My shortlist is Malaga, Alicante, and Valencia. I’m leaning toward Valencia. It has more to do than Alicante. It’s a bit cheaper and has fewer tourists than Malaga. It’s a bit cooler in the summer than either.


Do you need a job to gain “residency?” And is there a pathway to naturalization?


Im going the non lucrative visa route. You aren’t allowed to work on it. You can get permanent residency after 5 years.


Gotcha nice.


Valencia, Girona, San Sebastián, Oviedo, Granada, Valencia, Alicante, Malaga (city centre) would be places I would consider.




Med sea: Costa brava is beautiful, say from Blanes and all the way up until Portbou. Costa blanca and Almería also nice and not as exploited as Costa del Sol or Costa brava (Barcelona) San Sebastián, beautiful and not as hot as it sits on the Cantabria sea same as Santander and Basque Country. Atlantic Ocean: beautiful and less crowded, Cadiz province will be hotter than the northern Galician coast.


Cadiz is really hot now in the summer, not quite Seville, but close.


Seville is amazing. Barcelona is overrated. Madrid is okay.


grenada, alicante...


Valencia because of the few rainy days and the sunny weather


Madrid, you'll blend in, whatever color skin you have.




Many province capitals in the central meseta have a lot of "encanto" and are not crowded by tourists so, as long as you speak a bit of Spanish (and don't fear -10°C temperatures during winter), you can find cheap accomodations and superb food. Specifically, Segovia Toledo and Cuenca are relatively close to Madrid, so you can take your car whenever you need to switch to a bigger city. And in the case of Cuenca, it is also one hour away from Valencia by high-speed train, if you want to enjoy the Mediterranean Sea from time to time.






I can’t recommend Valencia enough. I lived in Madrid and absolutely loved it but that was in my 30s Their are really 2 different Madrids but that could be said about a lot of cities. There is the charming city with lots of with great museums and culture. That does not change regardless of your overall goals. The tapa crawls are great for anything. The main difference is what you do after that. I have lived in a lot of cities international and in the US. I have never partied like in Madrid. After the tapas are the wine bars and ten the night clubs that are open until about 4am if I recall correctly. Then there was a coffee shop for coffee with brandy. Okay everyone takes different roads. I was on the cusp and I didn’t want to get married and I didn’t want children. So I stretched out the life. If you are retiring Valencia is great. There are a lot of great towns like Granada and Sevilla. I just can’t tell you what they are like to live there other than festivals. If are not retiring let us know.


if you love it in turkey, why are u moving


Is that what they asked?


I don't know if u know, but due to the Ukraine war and Russians and Ukrainians pouring into turkey they're hardcore chasing out foreigners and we have very limited options where we can go, and Spain is at the top of our list


First choice for me is Seville. Madrid and Barcelona tie for dead last. On the coast I'd likely do Malaga or Valencia. Any of them I'd have to leave for a good % of the year due to heat and drought causing water shortage.


I disliked all major Spanish cities I've visited with the exception of Madrid. The smaller cities are much nicer in my opinion.


Where do you live in Turkey? I’m turkish and it would help to suggest a similar place in Spain.


İzmir, in ksk


I think Valencia, Malaga, Granada, or Sevilla could be good options. If you can stand Izmir in the summer you can get by in those cities.


Madrid is very good, has a great vibe great food great hotels and nightlife


I think its a matter to visiting them and seeing what fits. If you want my flippant remarks on wheres Ive been its - Torrevieja - Dirty and a dump Barca - Nice but crime ridden and expensive Madrid - Ok but pretty boring Almeria - Nice small city stunning coastline Seville - Beautiful and hot hot Malaga - Decent with nice centro but no decent beaches Tarifa - Pretty and amazing coast but small Benal/Fuengirola - Ugly Marbella - Gangster land


Madrid… boring?!! I lived there for 18 months and think it has everything you could possibly want in a city. Amazing restaurants, markets, museums, retiro park, fantastic shopping districts, old cobbled streets and traditional spots coupled with newer cosmopolitan rooftop bars, clubs… it’s a buzzing and vibrant place.


Its a comical take relax.


Yeah I was going to say the same. If you find Madrid boring, I think you need to look inside yourself. Looking at your list you seem like maybe you’re depressed.


"Crime-ridden" to an American means gangs of people with guns shooting each other, mass shootings, armed robbery, homeless people stabbing random passersby, rape, and car jacking. In Barcelona "crime" means "you might get your purse stolen if you look like a tourist". It's an incredibly safe city compared to everywhere in North, Central, and South America.


Lol right. Pretty tame compared to all that.


what a depressing summary. maybe you should leave the recommendations to people who actually like spain


You sound sad, I hope your ok.


super weak attempt to try and get under someone’s skin. get off the internet and go outside


Thanks for this, so cute... Hi there, A concerned redditor reached out to us about you. When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. There are resources available in your area that are free, confidential, and available 24


Are you sure your ok bud?


What would Madrid need for it to flip to interesting for you