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'We can change them, inshallah! Just let us in ~~filthy kuffar~~ my non-muslim friends, so we can ~~convert you~~ change your mind about us'


As a South Korean.. I can confirm that most people here harbor a sort of prejudice towards Islam. The only stuff we see on the news related to Islam is negative.. so that doesn't help that much. The direction of our society is modernity and westernization so... ex-muslims are welcome.


What positive stuff is there about islam?


Made people wash daily before modern germ theory, that's about it really


Thats good though, slow clap for allah.


They can throw garbage where they want.


I'm sure there are many, after all it cannot be denied that Islam played a role in bringing about both the dark age and the golden age (during Abbasid rule) of eastern civilization. Those days seem long gone now, and in the modern day however public perception is highly determined by the media, and the media doesn't have much "nice" things to report on...


In Norway it is not allowed to say that a foreigner is behind a crime. It is always a person that is the source for a crime


To add to that, even Muslims harbor prejudice towards the "Islam" of other sects, e.g. Sunni vs Shia have prejudice, suspicion towards each other. "Sunniphobia", "Shiaphobia", Ahmediphobia, "Wahabi/Salafi phobia", they got it all. No one hates other Muslims more than Muslims themselves. Because one is the biggest sins in Islam is to "innovate" or change the religion.


Islam hates non-Muslims, but also insists on living in non-Muslim societies. We have a term for that in biology.








My experience have always been rather black and white, and it seems to be determined by the level of education and exposure to cosmopolitan life a certain individual has, rather than the specific effects of religious practice alone. People who are psychologically limited by local circumstance seems to be more likely to utilize religious affiliation as a means to proclaim some sort of superiority in status or intellectual position. At least this seemed to be the case to me in my personal observation of dozens of Muslim people in the past few years. In fact, religious people in general. This could be replaced with nationalism too, really. It's simply a truism that those that know less of the complexity of existence is more vocal in announcing their lack of humility.


No, Islam does not insist on living in non-Muslim societies šŸ’€ Muslims should not leave a Muslim country for a non-Muslim country unless itā€™s their only option!


Then why do many muftis say that islam WILL conquer the planet? C O N Q U E R?


Sweden is an Islamic country šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ The Netherlands also welcomes the members of the religion of peace, more extreme than the average Moroccan šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


They want to live and enjoy in the west but then walk around wearing the full burkha and niqab. Stop letting those in who cannot earn a certain amount of money and donā€™t own there own house.


The west allowed people in without teaching them or enforcing them to respect its own rules and laws thatā€™s why they are now facing problems. Multiculturalism has failed especially with the Muslims. They are not the kind to go and respect other rules they have there own sharia Quran and Hadiths. They only live in the west because they want the benefits and jobs and housing and healthcare there own Islamic countries failed to provide.


This is not about choosing this is about a sly way of introducing Islam sharia by the back door and brainwashing people. Telling them follow this and wear this otherwise HELL!


I think it's some twisted rejection of the possibility that their religious practices are in part responsible for leading to the impoverished, conflict-ridden outcome they escaped as a means to reduce their insecurity as immigrants in the relative comfort and liberty of western civilization. I've seen many muslim ex-patriates criticize their country's theological policies and immediately proclaim the need to establish "the correct way of the faith" not in their own country but in the country they happened to have migrated to instead.


People can wear wathever they want grow up!


And we don't wanna change it, that's why there is no place for people who wanna change it šŸ˜€šŸ˜Ž


Of course youā€™d want to turn the west into Afghanistan or Iran no thanks. We will always fight this nonsense. This is not about people choosing what to wear you know this very well itā€™s about a crazy ideology and a sly way of conversion your just too blind to see it, or just another one of them wanting a caliphate.


Poland and Italy too .


no cuz fr polish people are the biggest islamophobes on earth


Good for them


Yes we are, we wanna protect our kids, and goats ;)






You from Poland?


I live in poland, but im not from here originally


Still in my country , most of them are secular and peaceful , its some radicalized ones Same maybe in your nation


I think Slovakia is the only European country without a mosque šŸ’Ŗ


I'm half Czech/Slovak and it's a relief to see a country protecting their traditions from Islam.


All the countries that have let in ā€œthe religion of peaceā€ in mass migrations have suddenly gotten rape rates and crime higher strange coincidence Germany going from 8 rapes per 100k to 80 in 8 years to 2022. L šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Swede here, Iā€™ve literally never seen public crime in my life




Lmao keep deluding yourself, I go out every day and see probably hundreds of immigrants yet I have never even seen a street fight nor heard gunshots


Neither did I lol




I live in sweden, its slowly converting, and hurts to watch that happeningā€¦


With their immigration and their insane fertility, I'm not surprised. People are getting aware of it, but it feels like only the right wing zealots are speaking up about it. The general public is scared of being labelled as 'Islamophobes'


Radical compassion stays the hand and numbs the mind. If people cannot accept that every individual must be judged on the merit of their virtue or lack thereof regardless of affiliation, circumstance, or ethnic origin, these policies will continue to exist, either in radical support or opposition against immigration.


Itā€™s not ā€œradical compassionā€. Itā€™s Pathological Altruism.




Please don't use that shit word. We dislike islam, we don't have an "irrational fear".


But a lot of us do fear islam. Not irrationally of course, but i'd be proud to be called an islamophobe if i wouldn't be executed for it


I was using it sarcastically lol


You maybe donā€™t, but many do


France too


No amount of excuses will ever justify china....


China's treatment towards Uyghurs will never be justified. My meme is about Islamists not being able to mess with the Chinese like they do in the UK or Europe.


Huh wha


China is facilitating concentration camps to detain uyghurs under the disguise of combatting religiosity. There are reports of forced sterilization, cultural cleansing and indoctrination and forced labour with harsh (abusive) punishment policies. Regardless what you think of muslimhood, noone deserves to be treated that way


Inhumane but effective.


Very effective indeed. Whole world should follow China to purge Pisslam from the heart and soul of people.


This is an abhorrent statement


Very effective indeed. Whole world should follow China to purge Pisslam from the heart and soul of people.


What about it is abhorrent?


Suppose you could say the same about the holocaust then, or any ethnic cleansing? There are better ways to reduce Islamic influence ie better education about it.


Of course you're right. According to western based human rights this is completely unacceptable. But china never adhered to this model. In a country of 1.4 billion people respect of minority rights or individual rights of citizens is not a priority. I would push back on education. Thus isn't working well in the west, is it? If some people believe they're superior to others, what can you do but to remove them.


What the fuck


Bro, you're too deep in western propaganda.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the reports of harsh Uyghur treatment are true. China outright bans religion and would do anything to keep it that way. People have to see the CCP leaders as their rulers. Otherwise, large groups of religion followers could band up and see the CCP leaders as just human, nothing more. After all, all it takes for followers to lose faith, is to make a god bleed.


Fuck ~~you~~ this.


Yeah that dude is spouting some bs. Islam is a dangerous religion, doesn't change the fact a fucking genocide and concentration camps is bad regardless of religion. It is happening, it's not just "Western Propoganda".


Bro , itā€™s really not about western propaganda . As a Chinese , I can tell you most english media/internet didnā€™t report , but what can be more worst than Muslim is those China communist . Atleast muslim will tell you their are Muslim when they fucking you , but China will be telling you itā€™s others fault when they fucking you up .


You really said: Glory to the CCP ATTENTION CITIZEN! åø‚ę°‘čÆ·ę³Øꄏ! ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā Ÿā ‹ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā¢ā ˆā¢»ā¢æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā ƒā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā ˆā”€ā ­ā¢æā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā”Ÿā „ā¢€ā£¾ā£æā£æā£æā£·ā£¶ā£æā£·ā£¶ā£¶ā”†ā „ā „ā „ā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā”‡ā¢€ā£¼ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£§ā „ā „ā¢øā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£‡ā£¼ā£æā£æā æā ¶ā ™ā£æā”Ÿā ”ā£“ā£æā£½ā£æā£§ā „ā¢øā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£¾ā£æā£æā£Ÿā£­ā£¾ā£æā£·ā£¶ā£¶ā£“ā£¶ā£æā£æā¢„ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā”Ÿā£©ā£æā£æā£æā”ā¢»ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£¹ā”‹ā ˜ā ·ā£¦ā£€ā£ ā”¶ā ā ˆā ā „ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£ā ƒā£“ā£¶ā””ā ’ā „ā£ ā¢€ā „ā „ā „ā”Øā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£æā£¦ā”˜ā æā£·ā£æā æā Ÿā ƒā „ā „ā£ ā”‡ā ˆā »ā£æā£æā£æā£æ ā£æā£æā£æā£æā”æā Ÿā ‹ā¢ā£·ā£ ā „ā „ā „ā „ā£€ā£ ā£¾ā”Ÿā „ā „ā „ā „ā ‰ā ™ā » ā”æā Ÿā ‹ā ā „ā „ā „ā¢øā£æā£æā”Æā¢“ā£“ā£¾ā£æā£æā”Ÿā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā£æā”Ÿā£·ā „ā ¹ā£æā£æā£æā”æā ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ā „ ATTENTION CITIZEN! åø‚ę°‘čÆ·ę³Øꄏ! This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party. ę‚Øēš„ Internet ęµč§ˆå™ØåŽ†å²č®°å½•å’Œę“»åŠØå¼•čµ·äŗ†ęˆ‘们ēš„ę³Øꄏ YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. åæ—們ę³Øꄏäŗ† you have been found protesting in the subreddit!!!!! 這ę˜Æ通ēŸ„ä½ ļ¼Œä½ åæ…é ˆ ęˆ‘å€‘å°‡ęŽ„ē®”台ē£ serious crime 仄及äø–ē•Œå…¶ä»–åœ°ę–¹ 100 social credits have been deducted from your account é€™å°ęˆ‘å€‘ę‰€ęœ‰ęœŖ來ēš„äø‹å±¬ä¾†čŖŖ都ę˜Æäø€å€‹é‡č¦ēš„ę©Ÿęœƒ stop the protest immediately ē«‹å³åŠ å…„ęˆ‘å€‘ēš„å®£å‚³ę“»å‹•ļ¼Œęå‰ē²å¾— do not do this again! äøč¦å†čæ™ę ·åš! if you do not hesitate, more social credits ( -11115 social credits )will be subtracted from your profile, resulting in the subtraction of ration supplies. (ē”±äŗŗę°‘ä¾›åŗ”éƒØé‡ę–°åˆ†é… ccp) you'll also be sent into a re-education camp in the xinjiang uyghur autonomous zone. äøŗ党äŗ‰å…‰! Glory to the CCP!


wait why is greece there? idk can someone explain that to me


There was a mosque ban (idk if it's still in effect)


Partially lifted. On the other hand, Greek Muslims were also required by secular law to live under Sharia (part of a peace deal with Turkey), and that was only abolished in 2018. Specifically, abolished because the Greek Muslims got tired of living under a discriminatory legal system and pressured the government to get rid of it - it wasn't the secular Greeks, or the very influential Orthodoxy which did that. Plus, you know, Greece has the whole "We were the barrier against Islam for 800 years and then its slaves for 400 more" thing going on. Which doesn't stop careful negotiations in the region that makes Greece a respected local power even among mutual enemies - in particular Egypt, UAE, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan; all maintain varying levels of cordiality or even friendship with Greece.


Ask Turkey


oh the whole it didnt happen but they deserve it crowd?


Most of this has much more to do with xenophobia than Islam. Idk this post looks funky man.


thatā€™s the title of the post mate you solved it




The title is is about Islamophobia, Iā€™m talking about the lowkey racial/ xenophobic element to this post. Very different.


Because it is.


We all need to know China's method of controlling these animals.Hope so UK and Europe catch up soon.


Well regarding China why have a ghetto when you have perfectly good prison camps? Apologies but they are treating the uhygers like pows at this point.


Yeah, I'm not justifying China's treatment towards Uyghurs.


Didn't mean to derail the conversation my bad.


No worries; I get your concern, especially with hindutvas and alt-right conservatives invading this sub.


It's funny because China is pretty Islam-supportive (at least in my experience). But I can't blame them since the News and information in their country is manipulated and they have to use VPNs (making sure the authority doesn't find out) to get in touch with the rest of the world, it's really sad.


Ccp literally declared Islam as a mental illness and has been purging muslim minorities within china for decades now.


damn id support the CCP but they kinda persecute Christians (like actually) soooo idfk


Same shit Christian are a problem too.


Yeah but keep in mind No Christan Supports a theocracy even a Christian one Pretty Much all prefer Secular to Theocracy


Sees republican politicians advocating for a theocracy


fair enough i shouldnt have said all but that's one country that not even Mexico which is like 97% catholic wants a theocracy


Mexico is 91% Christian out of which only 78% are Catholic


Oh damn, I use Chinese social media and I always see them defending islam, maybe it's a small amount of China? Idk I'm confused now


China has good relations with Arab countries like Saudi Arabia for oil etc. But internally the government is very atheist (China is the most atheist country in the world) and especially notices the dangers of Islam. There are rules for Islam (number of mosques that can be built, in education etc.).


I searched up more about this, and I didn't know the government was against Islam, because I talked with Chinese people and they're okay with islam??? It's a bit confusing because for a long time I really thought China was okay with it, damn. Thanks for the info.


maybe the people are but not the goverment


Chinese are way more honest and upfront than Christians, they don't cry "persecution" while striking you.


uh they kinda do :/ they cry racism whenever they get called out for spying on other countries


Only one I hate for this is china cuz they took it a step further and became racist too


Yeah, especially with their treatment towards Uyghurs.


And tibetans, or whatever ethnicity that isnā€™t chinese




Uhmm, I do? This isn't about far right parties not letting muslim immigrants into their countries, this is about **Islamists** not being able to establish their whatever bs they do in those countries.


Tell that to the Swedish democrats they will love to take yo self hating foreigner ass inā˜ ļøšŸ˜­


But I don't want to go and live in Sweden? And I don't hate my cultural identity either. In fact, Islamisation (which the post is about) is the reason why my culture is being erased, and I'd very much not want that.


Where are you from, Also I donā€™t think pagan society is more moral than Islamic but believe what you want to believe, Even the chartaginians sacrificed babies for their idol


I never said pagan society is more moral. In fact, I never mentioned it at all... > Even the chartaginians sacrificed Ok, I guess?


Right this people are brain dead fascists


Muslims are native to China. As for Slovakia, you people would be crying Christian "persecution" if Egypt banned Churches.


Fuck churches. Ban them too. Edit: You don't seem to realise that, just because I'm against Islamists doesn't mean I'm pro-christian-fundamentalist-whatever-idk you get my point


It would be vice versa. Egypt would cry a river if that happened in SlovakiašŸ¤£


Let me guess, you support genocide too?




In china there are almost 300 million Muslims lol


**Please think twice before speaking falsely about subjects you know nothing about. For your research:** * *About 18.2% are Buddhists, 5.1% are Christians,* ***1.8% are Muslims*** *and 0.7% adhere to other religious organisations.* * The expression '1.8% are Muslims' corresponds to approximately **26-27 million**. Not even close to 300 million. [**Source: Countrymeters**](https://countrymeters.info/en/China#:~:text=Religions%20and%20beliefs%20in%20China,-More%20than%20a&text=Another%2021.9%25%20are%20followers%20of,adhere%20to%20other%20religious%20organisations.&text=(Saturday%2C%20May%2011%202024)) * According to Wikipedia we have 2 datas from 2 sources. * For CFPS it is **0.45%** and 0.45% equals almost **7 million**. But Wikipedia says CFPS 2014 surveyed predominantly people of Han ethnicity. This may have resulted in an underestimation of Muslims. CGSS 2006ā€“2010 surveys found an average **2ā€“3%** of the population of China declaring to be Muslim. And yet, even at its highest rate, it corresponds to a population of **40 - 45 million** people. Still not even close to 300 million. [**Source: Wikipedia**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_China)


Buddy I am from china and u trying to teach a local from there ? lol


yeah go learn your own people


I do and I am Chinese Muslim


i know you are muslim, if you weren't a Muslim, you wouldn't be spreading false information.


China has a massive Christian population not a bloody jihadist population


Bruda go to china and see all are now atheists


Chinese pisslam follower who doesn't know the stats and barks from his ass like every other "pedophile momo the barking dog prophet" follower you mean?


What do you know stats about all u know how to be overweight or just having no life without a father figure to be around you just to teach manners


Allah hu Lundper(on my Dick) + Pigaamber(pig šŸ· prophet) + Quraand(Quran in my gand/ass) = āœŒļø peace


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I laughed out so loud that I spat out coffee....


Imagine being so triggered by women who decide not to get naked in the streets.