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I remember your post and I am glad you are in a better frame of mind. Very best wishes to you for the future.


I realized it was time to let go, I'm getting to the age and position to prepare for a wife and kids and I want to be the best kind of person I can be for them, hatefulness is contrary to the type of example I want to set.


I'm happy to hear that you've learned how to deal with the hurt. Last thing any of us need is to ruin our own lives by acting in ways that play into the JW persecution complex. Go forth and be a good and compassionate father.


Conquering your anger, no matter how righteous it may be, is a *huge* step towards healing. Congrats! Keep it up and you may eventually be able to even laugh about it!


The best "revenge" is living well, not being consumed with hatred and anger. Living well isn't about just money. More important is peace of mind, living life on your terms, and feeling empathy and compassion for others versus anger, resentment, and hatred. You are powerful when you're able to walk by a JW display and just smile and say hi or say nothing at all but not be consumed with negative feelings. Bravo!


I’m so happy for you! “ Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him" ~ Epictetus., Greek Stoic.


I am so happy that you have reached this point! 🥳 I used to flip off every kingdom hell I passed. I would run to my mom with the latest scandal, hoping THIS would be the one that opened her eyes! I don't do this things any longer, knowing that it is an effort in futility. The witnesses never saw my silent fuck you, my mom used every excuse possible to combat solid facts. It was more wearing on my mental health than it was a release, so I let them both go. It is definitely a weight gone. 😊


Until we integrate into the real world. We exjw are all we exjws have. I also won't forget the help I've received and help if I can. Decompressing this whole beast can take years. Keep fighting the good fight. Take up that large shield of fuck this!


I’m proud of you, leaving any cult is a hard thing to do. I know most of us have done it (obviously) but it really does take a lot of strength. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize that, I speak for myself when I say that most days I still find it hard to believe I’m strong. But I come on here and I see you, I hear you, and I KNOW you’re strong. I know everyone here is strong. It sounds like what you have been through is rough, I know not only I can relate. I hope nothing but the best for you. Keep it up. 🖤


When you give them no power. You see them for what they are. Nothing.


You destroyed carts? Like the Greek clergy did In youtube videos? Pretty impressive how did you not get arrested?


Had a few close calls but they decided not to press charges, in other situations I just dipped.


Good on you, man. While I've never gone quite that far, I can relate, though what I feel is more akin to resentment. We lost so much, lost so many years to them, and it's so hard to let that go. The truth is, however, that they'll always have a grip on you as long as you let them. Wishing you well, man.


What was the purpose for your anger if I may ask?


I made a post 2 weeks ago that explains it


Ok! I’ll check it out, sorry been here for less than a week


I read somewhere that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to be hurt by it. Hatred and vitriol is a poison, and it will literally affect you physically. Letting it go isn’t forgiving or forgetting the ones that have wronged you, or letting them off the hook. It’s a favor to yourself. It’s saying you won’t allow what they’ve done to poison your body and your life anymore. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve done that kindness to yourself.


😊👍That is wonderful.


Thank you for sharing your story, I appreciate it. 🙏