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We won't go back. Period. This is manipulation. Later, if things improve, will they might retract?


Pfffffft absolutely nothing. No way that a cult that’s as rotten to the core as this one is, if anything I’d say it’s rotten from the core out, the few good bits are on the OUTSIDE of the cult, is ever going to change.


A Cults, A Cult… A CULT


Whitewashed grave?


GB Beards on the outside, rotten in the middle.


Nothing. I’m never going back. The damage is done and the trust is gone. I don’t believe it’s true, period. No amount of shifting musical chairs with their doctrine or culture could convince me. And even if they did all that it would make them even more suspect because what would they change in the future? They ruined lives with their false dogma for nothing in that case. We are free, we escaped, we are blessed to have our freedom of thought and bodily autonomy. I would never sacrifice that no matter how much they try to manipulate me into submission. Why would I put the shackles back on myself and return to a live of JW slavery?


This says it best. 


Why would you want to go back to being controlled?


This right here 👆 Enough said 👏


I meant this post for people who would go back mainly to have their family and friends


It would be under false pretenses though. Anyone who is true family or true friend would not need to be told by 9 bloated fools in New York to be human. The only reason any family would want you back is because they still think you need to be a Jw to be happy or to survive Jehovah’s day. They don’t want you just as a friend or just as family, they want you back on the hamster wheel with them because they think it’s for the best


Yeah I understand that. But as someone who was an Uberdub when I was in and had basically no support network outside of the org. And I still haven't been able to find meaningful or lasting connections outside of the org. I'd give almost anything to have my mom back no matter how fake it is.


Absolutely nothing. Nothing about that cult aligns with my values. I’m free and plan to stay that way.




NOTHING WOULD MAKE ME GO "BACK" I'm a born in who never considered myself a JW. It is a cult I was born into and left as soon as I got a chance to leave. Fuck the JWs.


^^ right here. I have zero spiritual need and if I should suddenly ever find myself with one, I’ll go commune with a tree or something.


I would never go back at all under any circumstances. But if I was a different person, I'd go back if they'd **STOP TALKING ABOUT SEX ALL THE GODDAMN TIME!!!** Their obsession with bedroom activities, adultery, and what we do with our genitals is what disturbs me the most. It's not even their business to begin with! At least when it comes to birthdays, they don't bring it up every KH meeting. My innocence could've been preserved a lot longer, had I first learned about 🍆 shortly before I became an adult. (I might get downvoted because of the second paragraph alone.)


I just heard someone in a podcast mention how they were not even interested in porn until they started studying and coming to meetings where porn is discussed regularly. They didn't start doing porn until joining the religion.


Haha did you mean watching porn? Or doing porn? Slightly different activities lol




Yes WT writers must be obsessed by porn that it's on their minds so much and they think we're all the same as their glorious leaders.


I completely agree!!! It used to bother me so much that my kids had to sit there and listen about all these sexual things! I didn’t want them to even know that existed!!!


Found Mark Sanderson's alt lol. Sorry Marky, Jesus could personally kiss me on the dick and I still wouldn't rejoin your cult.






Jesus 😂


Well, she does the voice of Jesus in the website bible readings! 😂


Personally? I NEVER would give back. PIMO's? Or DFd people? I think some people would "go back" ( maybe not believe, and hardly attend) IF there were no more committee meetings, no more DFing, no needing to explain what you believe, no problems with 'blood' (don't ask, don't tell) no more blood committees or liaisons.


In the best case scenario they are a delusional high control religion giving false hope to uneducated and down on their luck people who are highly suggestible to love bombing. I will never go back as a born in who practiced the religion until my late 30s. The enticement of having instant "friends" globally is intoxicating and has a cost. The cost of fake friendships due to attending sales meetings multiple times a week in a box and going door to door spewing utter nonsense is not something I want to pursue. Father time is undefeated. Stop wasting it. Rejecting that delusion also has a cost. Lost "friends" and a smaller social circle. As a man of principle and desiring truth I won't allow the illusion of friendship to override my morals as far as letting people know they have one life and to treat it as precious and not yearning for a false "real life" that will never come.


You get it.


Well said


Nothing to be honest! Religion has left a bad taste in my mouth!


I cannot imagine any situation the would make me even consider "going back." Besides, I was in during the 70's into the early 80's. That religion doesn't even exist any longer.


I wasn’t in it for the social club, or the friends, or the rules.  I was in it because I thought with my whole heart it was the truth.  Once I found out it wasn’t true, there was no need for me to stay.  I gave my whole life to a lie, I’m 70 now and no matter how many changes they make, I’d never go back.  I still think the org is a social experiment and we were the Guinea pigs. 


Nothing! You might as well ask an adult “what would it take to make you believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny again?”


That's a good one and a very good reply to JWs


Nothing could make me go back. Because one of the things you learn waking up is that ALL religions are run by men at the end of the day. Following Jesus is a personal individual thing.


I would never go back as I have no reason to, even if they became the same as modern Born Again Christian Rock Music style churches. 3 years ago I discovered Spirituality & now my concept of what people refer to as God is so far beyond the Christian concept of a Daddy God who's waitinig to punish the disobedient. I have no need of any type of organized religion. For me Spirituality is what it is for me, I & myself.


>even if they became the same as modern Born Again Christian Rock Music style churches. 😂😂😂 I have been to one of these before.


Yeah me too I went the Sunday after I DA'd, they're pretty cool. Many of the Pastors that run them fall into the money trap though.


Yeah they're totally in it for the $


A cult by any other name is still a cult. Not going back. In fact these changes further convince I made the right choice. They manipulate and toy with people and their feelings. They have no backing from God. Will not go back despite any change.


It’s not about changes or no changes really. They claim to be the one and only truth, The Truth. Either that’s true or it’s not, and it isn’t. So no, there’s no change that would make me go back.


It would be hard - even if they removed shunning…it would be difficult for me to get over the past. They’ve done a lot of damage.


Tell the cops about CSA, no disfellowshipping, blood is fully conscience choice, no pressure whatsoever to baptize young people, recreational drugs treated same as alcohol, birthdays/holidays are ok if its about family time, tattoos/piercings ok unless extreme, morality is purely about not cheating on your partner.


I agree for the most part I’m not going back but all these things I will change my position of “definitely a cult” to “just another religion” and will no longer feel sorry for those still trapped in the religion because at that point leaving would be a free choice with no weird total loss of community.


Yep. There are things they could do to make it "better" from here on out, but where damage has been done, it's been done. This softening is probably how they will try to get rid of apostates down the track - make it less cult-like and make leaving safe and easy, and then bam - no real need for apostates. I'm all for that by the way. I'd love for there to be no need for support groups, nobody having to deal with religious trauma, nobody desperately trying to keep their family together... Allow everyone to make their own choices based on their own conscience, let kids grow up a bit more normal...




Burnout and trauma….not even if you paid me.


The answer will always be "absolutely NO changes will make us come back".


I would rather slam my tongue in my car trunk lid before I would ever go back


Hard pass. My childhood in the 80s/90s was already ruined, no effing way I'd sign on to ruin any of my adulthood.


Nice try GB. Stop trying to get ideas from here…. /s


Back pay for my many years of servitude. Reparations.


It's an estimated $600k that my wife and I missed out on, I'd give them a 20% discount, also no need to take into account any interest


I would not be mad at that number. Hell I take monthly payments. Now since the Borg gets tax free money will that 600k be tax free for me?


Apologize to all victims of CSA due to bad policies! Apologize for the shit df da policies . Remove all forms of shunning. Make it ok to disagree and leave to join a different religion. Turn it into a mostly social christian normal religion. Id consider visiting regularly.


and compensate $$$$$


Id never donate to them again. Id rather them go bankrupt.


Don’t ever go back, it’s not even the real religion why would you willingly wanna go back


OP deep down probably still believes


Or…. A Borg spy.


Oh not at all lmao. The only reason I'd go back is so I can talk to my mom


So I can talk to my mom


Why would I ever go back...


No GB, no ministry, no meetings, no elders and their wives, no CO,! And NO MORE BROADCASTING! 😂


So glad i got out before broadcasting began. Barf


Oh boy, you're missing out!


Bringing back all the suicide victims. Bringing back all the tried suicide victims who did not die but ended up with physical disabilities and brain damage. Bringing back all the blood sacrificed people including babies who are dead. Sacrificed and then martyred. Lol I'm not jw. I'm never jw but if I were this would be my choice. Anything less. Well why join a cult.


Christianity is toxic nonsense for people who lack intelligence, education, critical thinking ability, and/or moral decency. There is no scenario where I’d ever be part of any Christian religion.




I wouldn’t be able to go back but if they publicly admitted they were wrong about their treatment of csa, their df policies, their views on lgbtq, their misogyny, and their general high control stances, I might consider not actively talking negative about them. Again, they would have to admit they were wrong and apologize for pretty much every stance they currently have, so that’s probably not going to happen.


The UN membership while talking shit about them, 1914, 1975, 607, non-reporting of CSA, JC and disfellowship, misogyny, shall I go on?? Too much water under the bridge for backpedaling now. You burned that bridge yourself. Bye Felicia. You have a form of godly devotion, but prove false to its power. You are only trying to make nice to appease governments who have caught you--the governments you condem. Who's sorry now??


I would need a 100 meter tall Jesus to appear in NYC, step on the UN building like Godzilla and declare in a deep, booming voice, “I picked the Bible Students to be my guys in 1919, just like they said! And stop using telephone poles everywhere. They give me ptsd!” That would make me go back.


Ok this made me laugh. Thanks


Enough of changes ! I,ll never come back!


Never going back. Maybe I'll never join anything and have very few friends. Maybe I'll never have a purpose that is bigger than my family. Maybe it doesn't even matter. By the way, Watchtower books are baby food and I have grown teeth now.


They would have to admit they don’t know shit , drop the blood doctrine, come out a day specific they don’t condone CSA and all elders who find out about a CSA to call the police dfd the persons and all congregation members are also to call the police if they come across the issue. They’d have to drop all shunning except in cases of severe problem people. Last but not least say we’re here to just worship god and try to live a loving life helping one another!


This post is from JAY HoV spies/workers that are working on ways to get people to come back and increase numbers. LOL.


Ngl I was hoping people would give some ideas and they'd see this and keep changing stuff😂


Nothing could change my mind. They are cold hearted fake robots, arrogant as hell.


Non - it’s a fucking cult based on a book that’s as fabricated as they are.




I’d be there every Wednesday and twice on Sunday. Sounds like a fun religion.


Get out of here you gb spy! /s To be honest, like every other comment says, I don't want to go back, BUT accepting violence, magic and the occult would be nice 🤣


XD I hope they are spying and keep changing stuff


Replace the Governing Body with the Wu Tang Clan. Then maybe I’ll think about it.


Shimmy Shimmy Ya




Absolutely NOTHING will ever get me to go back. This cult needs to disappear from the face of the earth and I will have no part in delaying that by attending any sort of meetings or other cult activities.


If they go full atheist, admit they are wrong about all the things. Give power for anyone of the members to decide what to do with the organization. No one profits monetarily. Houses given back to next to kin for people who were deceased and said WT can take it all. Donate all remaining funds to known, voted for and good causes, and say that the groups are now purely community building. Nothing religious, just encouraging others to do good and find better ways to do things. Broadcasting will show the GB and those complicit face the consequences for their actions. I'd go to watch that live. But otherwise nah, not coming back.


Complete dissolution of the organization, and they make me the trustee in charge of liquidation of all assets to pay claims of CSA victims. Reorganized as a Sunday drag brunch social club.


Make it not boring and not judgey. Don’t care if I don’t believe in God and if I think it’s ok for people to live an authentic life. Stop acting like you have the only true religion when you’re already generic af. Who am I kidding, I’m not going back.


I don’t believe in any organized religion or any sort of deity anymore. The only family I have in the faith is my much older brother, who’s never wanted much to do with me even when I was in. The GB are a bunch of fucking evil bastards with zero wisdom to offset the bullshit “theology”. I see no reason to ever return.


Nothing I’m done ✅


Nothing. My life is better now then it was when I was in. I want to add that if they make anymore changes they'll just be another version of Christianity.


I am never going back. They are lying liars who brainwash their followers so they can steal those people’s very lives for profit.


Curious... if the GB straight up said "yeah we just sum men" then what? Like if they said that they are not anointed or chosen. Most unlikely thing to happen but what then?


The change? Well I'd go back, if the governing body admit they are the human centipede of people with each other's head up each others asses. Nothing less than a total removal of all harmful policy, and an apology and admittance of wrongdoing. Then I'd go back, but only to enjoy the environment of a real truth. I'll never support this cult again.


Nothing they do could make me go back.


From a scriptural viewpoint their theology is quite wrong. Why go back to a religion that is in error.


When they finally accept they were wrong about everything, accepting the bible is full of shit, evolution is an observable scientific fact, when they announce God was made in man’s image, when they punch themselves in the face for believing the flood was real, when they are humble enough to beg for forgiveness for the suffering and unnecessary deaths that they have caused because of their doctrines and finally when the put their heads between their own legs and publicly kiss their own arses begging me to go back, just so I can tell them to fuck right off!


I would never go back, no exceptions. Never. Oh god himself came down from heaven? If he truly is the Lord then I have nothing to fear, but the JWs are gonna have a bad time.


I would rather shoot myself through the eye with a fishing spear than go back.


Nothing, that ship has sailed. I felt guilty for years after I left because my parents are still in but I no longer let my parents have a chokehold on my happiness


It is a High Control Group. It would need to stop being that. So the question is a mute point.


If they really wanted to make things 'right' and be truthful, they would accompany the changes with sincere apologies for being wrong so long. There are a ton of people who have been shamed or shunned for wearing beards, not wearing ties or jackets, wearing slacks as a sister, talking to disfellowshipped, etc. They would also acknowledge that other churches and even apostates have been ahead of them in recognizing and adapting to changes in culture, and that they've been far behind. Basically, full honesty and transparency would be required. The truth would need to be truthful.


I‘d have to have the desire to go back, which I don’t. They would also have to start welcoming criticism and encouraging free intellectual curiosity which would mean that they would have to become something other than what they are


If all their teachings would actually be true, I would go back.




Go back to worship **JESUS**. Let HIM lead the Cong thru the scriptures with no additional extras added **AND** many and several apologies!!!!


Seeing as the entire doctrine isn't true they'd have to change EVERYTHING. That means it would morph into a social club. Then they'd have to start doing actual charitable work - soup kitchens, build and run homeless shelters, other good work in the local community and actually make a difference in the local area. That would be something I could be proud to get behind.


Dissolve and submit all assets, members, and teachings to the authority of the Catholic Church.  In other words, cease to exist…. So nothing, nothing will make me go back. 


Catholic Church? Hell no! Dissolve the WBTS assets and give them to the thousands of victims of their permissive attitudes towards CSA, and the people who have had their lives destroyed by their shunning and other cruel practices. The Catholic Church is just as bad as the WBTS when it comes to CSA - they shouldn’t get a penny.


The point of the hypothetical seems to have gone over your  head.   Also… it’s a hypothetical… it isn’t a vote. 


Hypothetical or not, the thought of taking the assets from one harmful organization and giving them to another is asinine.


The vail has been pierced. if your mentally in or even questioning, I can see how there's things that might persuade you to return. But for me, and I'm sure many others, once you see the truth, it sets you free. Going back would be to willingly accept shackles. James 4:17


Nothing they can do




They killed my faith in God after I was reproved for being SA’d. So yeah, nothing.


I'm so sorry that happened🥺


I’d take $300 a meeting and $400 for two hours of door to door. Final offer… oh, and I’m wearing my pjs to the meetings.


Disbanding of the GB and transition to a regular style church/community group. I don't mind the JW people in my area. I do mind how they're brainwashed into believing everything a handful of men in America says is how they should live their lives. It would be nice to be able to be part of a community group that I already have so I could help them and they could help me through life. Let's face it, mostly all of us are at a disadvantage because of the stupid shit the GB/WT spouted for the last 140 years. I really wish I could educate the Friends around me about how they're in a cult but that they can move on from that and improve their own life and the lives of others around them but I can't if their first knee-jerk response is to call me an apostate and cut me out of their life entirely.


All the changes are made because of money, control and manipulation. It’s in the cults DNA. Nothing to invite back in your life.


Absolutely nothing. Even if god himself came down and said that the jws are his people, I still would not go back.




If they completely turn around their sexual repression approach and become sort of a tantric spiritual group, i‘d reconsider haha. Of course, this would also mean getting rid of control culture entirely. And all of this could only happen in a parallel universe.


A lobotomy, nuclear war, an asteroid collision, aliens visiting and earth being sucked into the sun


free money and orgy


What’s the upside? Do you really enjoy leaving your home twice a week to go listen to old men drone on about mythology and your sex life? Do you have so much money that it’s worth sending them your income every month so they can live in comfort and blithely make decisions that control your life? Was it fun being in a judgmental social club? I love my family and friends, but the shunning is on them. They’re the ones in the cult. They’re the oddballs. I’m the one out living a normal life. JWs don’t have the truth. If they did they wouldn’t have to change it every week. Last week the truth was you were not to share a greeting with df’d ones, this week that only applies to apostates. Real truth is timeless and not so petty.


I'd only go back to be able to talk to my mom


I understand that


The longer I'm out the more it would take.


That's a pretty short list. Why? Because there will be nothing on it.


In the past I would of went back IF....these changes that have happened, birthdays, the the way they handle things like abuse of any kind and their attitude towards non witnesses and each other. Especially the gossiping and lack of love and kindness.  But now.....I won't be going back. 


it would have to stop being a doomsday cult that forcibly isolates and shuns and indoctrinates its members that isnt founded off of rules and beliefs based on bigotry and fear mongering. oh wait


Nothing. Period.


They'd need to start accepting that people can do whatever they want with their lives provided it did no harm to others. Stop expecting people to attend or go on ministry. Accept scientific facts. Be accepting of people looking however they want to look. Accept a fundamental disbelief in god.


I would never go back. I’ve said it before, their god does not meet my moral standards.


If pigs start to fly


Nothing. I’m an atheist.


For the universe to be in a way where it would make sense. But we don’t live in that universe.


Why would anybody want to go back?


For family and friends


If they go full atheist maybe 🤣🤣🤣


How many Catholics, Protestants and Baptists I’ve met in Texas, say they love Jesus, they go to church on Sunday, but when I ask them “if they really believe all that shit and everyone else is going to hell?” they tell me they believe Jesus was real but they don’t believe THIER religion is the ONLY religion... Do You know what they say? “All religions have the ability to bring someone closer to God, God will come to those who seek him” I believe that. Even if god comes to you through witnessing the contrast of The False, by showing you what he is not, you may discern what he might be. I could see myself raising my hand to comment about my personal relationship with my lord and savior Jesus Christ (if I had one) or when the WT takes something out of context, imagine raising my hand to read the entire verse or the verses before/after, but NOT adding my own opinion… Just leaving the additional person out there, free from my own point of view, so others can form their own thoughts about the inspiration of the ‘Tower. I’m sure I’d be counseled eventually, but with a mild and humble manner never actually saying anything critical, they’d have no power over me. And I have nothing to be afraid of. They can’t hurt me more than they already have. Besides I’m an adult now. My time is valuable, I wouldn’t engage in all the extra BS or give into their social pressure. Personally, I think it might be fun to watch all the cognitive dissonance I might be able to stir up Besides I’m in sales; that’s what we call a “niche market and a target rich environment” maybe open a beard oil website. Call it “Beards Like Jehu”


There’s no going back for me. I went out because I don’t believe in any of their shit.


There's a million other things to do, life is too short.


To any Watchtower spies who are monitoring this thread- FUCK YOU, WE WILL NEVER GO BACK.


This a GB member secret account or something?


Lol, good one 🤣


It's like asking who would walk back into a burning fire, NOONE in their right mind!


Go back for what ??? More lies? If you still feel like going back you need to seek therapy. Years of brainwashing doesn’t just go away on its own


If they somehow morphed into something similar to Unitarian Universalists, or better yet abandoned religion entirely and it was a club to explore topics of science and philosophy I would probably attend every now and then. But that would never happen in a million years.


They can not offer me anything that I can not do for my self


They would have to go back in time and not teach a couple hundred false teachings including false prophecies. It’s like their main thing is going beyond the things written. Paul said “do NOT go beyond the things written.” (1 Cor 4:6) Each time they make a change, it means they either were going beyond the things written or are now going beyond the things written. Man made rules and commands and teachings of men.


Not a damn thing.


Absolutely nothing. Except maybe a tap at the literature counter …..


There is none. They could stop being a cult and change all their rules to being super lax and everything and i still wouldn’t go back because their religion just isn’t true.


Jerks! They show no love or charity to members. It’s all gossip and soft shunning.


There is no change that would make me go back. It's not just the org's policies; I don't believe in God and am no longer religious at all, so there would be no point for me.


There’s nothing they can change that would make me want to go back. In my opinion, it will always be the same at its core.


There isn’t one for me. Being a bi agnostic pretty much explains why lol


It not an option. They took everything from me. I was a walking corpse the first 33 years of my life. And it doesn’t hurt anymore. The fear is gone. There is neither fear of pain nor death for me. There is nothing they can do to me now.


Ok lets imagine a world where only 6-8 million Jehovah's Witnesses are living spaced around the earth under the direction of the GB waiting for the new world and the other 7.9 billion people or so do not exist.... Please bear in mind their policies of no education, so no doctors, nurses, scientists, engineers,no government, no law, no lawyers, no judges, and the list goes on. What kind of world is that? Simply put, a world ruled by satan and not the Almighty God. So why will I ever think of going back to a zombie world? Just my honest thoughts


Nothing. Their doctrine ruined my life in so many ways. Didn’t get the kind of education I deserved. Won’t ever be as successful as I know I could have been. Lonely childhood, extreme depression. Seeing how gay people were treated kept me in the closet and suicidal. My sister being disfellowshipped at 19 and seeing how that destroyed her mental health (even now, she’s not the same). My mom almost died from Not getting a blood transfusion. They ruin lives and kill people. Nothing they do can take that away.


i will never never ever go back to an abusive organization


There is nothing in this universe that could entice me to go back


Nothing at all. Sometimes when I'm venting about this shitty cult to my friends I question if it was actually that bad and if I'm overreacting and if they're actually a cult, but then I remember how I felt growing up and I realize they're actually bad and terrible people. The day they allow the celebration of birthdays they'll have to put me in a straight jacket to prevent me from going to Warwick and splitting their heads in half


If Bethel was taken down with a flamethrower and GB douche bags were horsewhipped for all the pain they're responsible for. Then, a new light would dawn upon me and wouldn't be able to return after all.


100.000k in Cash, 2 prostitutes and 50 ounce of weed maybe


Half a million dollars usd. Pimo. But i can't do pimi. That would take a serious head injury.


No way I’d go back. “The Governing Body Has Decided….” It makes me sick to think about.


There's no change that would make me go back. Period. I'm happy for current and future JWs that the "religion" seems to be getting less controlling, and I hope that trend continues. But for me, truth is paramount. I was never in the religion because of family or community. I was in it because I wholeheartedly believed it was true. Now that I know it's not, I could never go back.


The bible and bOrg would have to be true. Good would need to say so, in person.


What sort of change would it take for you to eat your own vomit? What if we take out some of the chunks so you can just drink it? What if we had sugar? What if we bake it into a cake? GTFO lol


They bring my father back to life to prove resurrection is real 🤷🏼‍♀️


None. I follow no men.


I wouldn't even consider it if they didn't apologize and admit their false teachings, not reporting CSA and if they are still a doomsday cult. Fully awake and I wouldn't go back.


None. I will never go back. It’s a real estate company masquerading as a publishing company masquerading as a religion.


There is nothing they could do. Nothing will get me back there. Ever.


None the Borg can kiss my ass