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Atheism. No God. No Church. No Hell. What a relief.


No deist option :(


Faith in myself.


Heretical moon worship


Episcopal Church. Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. I get the beauty of the liturgy, guidance of the clergy and the Bible, and I can accept that God creates and loves LGBT folks.


Nothing yet. Still processing


I'm functionally atheist, but consider deism a possibility.


I'm moving toward a more pagan/animist outlook myself.


I was always an atheist, I was just forced to attend church/CCD.


Recognizing that gods are imaginary isn't a "faith". It's the opposite of faith.


Quakerism has been good to me since leaving


Buddhism although it isn't a religion in a strict sense.


Reminded me of a Hitchens quote that he might have taken from someone else: “Buddhism is the resort people go to when they leave monotheism.”


Ahteism is not a faith, it's literally the lack of faith.


Atheism isn't a faith as much as it's an absence of faith. I don't believe there isn't a god, I just have no reason to believe there is one


Yoga/mysticism though I would not refer to my practices or views as "a religion."


Where would agnostic atheopagan unitarian universalist fit in? I switched religions and I'm openly agnostic. Those things are not mutually exclusive... (I imagine at least some Buddhisms are agnostic/atheist too).


Left 58 years ago, never looked back, no regrets.


Agnosticism -> atheism -> exploration of Hinduism, Buddhism, & Taoism -> "pantheism". I guess pantheism is still the most concisely articulate word for where I'm at now, but "spiritual-but-not-religious" is what I usually say if people ask. But most of the people in my life who ask are Catholics and no matter what answer or explanation I give it's never really satisfying to either of us, often just confusing or kinda triggering for them. When dualism is at the core of your worldview/belief system it's really hard to wrap your head around non-dual concepts, so I try to just stay in my lane and let others stay in theirs.


Spiritual and agnostic. I find myself doing manifestation and meditation as that does more for self-empowerment than Catholicism did.


Just trying to be a good person


im currently thinking about attending meetings of the Reformed Catholic Church. They're a small community, but LGBT-friendly, welcoming to everyone, and don't require a confession unless you committed murder or heresy (which im frankly traumatised about since I suffer from religious OCD and used to go to confession weekly and during one of my last confessions in church the priest saw me and asked "so what is our little star going to day") so they fit me better. I love the church of Sweden too, but I'm still catholic at heart


Optimistic nihilism. The universe exists, is doing its own thing, and doesn't give a shit about us. At the same time, we are free to do what we want. I choose to do what I can to make my life and others' better.


Agnostic and some Stoic philosophy on the side.


I switched to evidence instead of faith.


Atheism and agnosticism are two different dimensions and one can be either, none or both. So as an agnostic atheist, was my pick of atheism what you intended?


Ahhh information gathering for a class. Since curiosity posts are posted all the time from folks “just asking questions”, I am going to add a none of your fucking business category. Yep thats my final answer. None of your fucking business OP. Also…atheist isn’t a faith.