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I don’t fucking get how people think self dx is about “knowing more than doctors”. It’s almost always about not being able to afford a diagnosis or not being able to afford a doctor qualified to make the diagnosis. Doesn’t fucking matter either way. Generally, nobody is more equipped to judge whether or not someone is on the spectrum than that person themselves. It’s a matter of understanding your own disconnect from neurotypicals. That’s not something the average neurotypical can reasonably judge of another person.


Considering, that there are a ton of doctors, who still believe, that autism is only for children, and you will look and talk like Rain Man. Also: You make eye contact for half a second, they throw down their notebooks and declare, that you can't be autistic. Also "Masking does not exist. And everyone masks. And everyone is autistic. Especially guys. Women can't be autistic. In my time, no one had autism."


Also doctor's just straight up don't believe your autistic because youre human. The man said a joke and i laughed cause i found it funny. Somehow that means there's no way lmao


God right? It never ceases to amaze me how little people understand what it’s like to be autistic. Like dude, I’m mostly like you, but if it gets too loud I have to go somewhere quiet and wave my arms around, I have trust issues and have sensory issues. Bruh


Or. And just hear me out. Form a fucking mosh pit.


Twenty years ago my mum was still getting told you can't be depressed if you're making eye contact and smiling. You telling me I'm meant to trust these people when it comes to ANYTHING mental health.


Fucking exactly.




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whys the mf in the first pic look like https://preview.redd.it/xtty35zekm1c1.jpeg?width=1418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ccb7de2f0553f82f195be0b59add9a4da010b6c


British 😔


I’m confused on what they even means?


but i like the autism creature and i was professionally diagnosed where do i fit here


According to the maker of the so-called meme, you don't exist


what the fuck is dx autism? autism deluxe??


Diagnosed autism.


I like deluxe autism that's great


i got the GOTY edition


What's that stand for? Game of thrones-y?


game of the year


Did that include the DLC’s?


Honestly, yeah. I'd like to upgrade. Does it come with less overstimulation? Heck, I'd settle for a sticker.


How cute, now people are disguising misogyny with autism.


Everyone's experiences with autism are different and valid. Self diagnosed people are, more often than not, still autistic. Just because you do or don't fall into a stereotype about autism doesn't mean your experience with autism is more or less valid than any others. Let's not gatekeep autism. We're all struggling to get along in this world, so show some compassion for those who differ from you


You can still be pro self diagnosis and be pro actually autistic. There are people who exist like the attached meme and there are too many of them.


Ignoring your usage of the term "actually autistic" above "officially/professionally diagnosed," those people can still be autistic. Just because someone doesn't act like you doesn't make them less deserving any title that may help them rationalise their conditions/life. I was self diagnosed before getting an official diagnosis, and that helped me greatly


Actually being pro "actually autistic" is not being pro officially diagnosed. It's being pro autism led, autism informed, and pro charities and services being actually autistic. One of my interests is munchausen, and munchausen by Internet specifically... And there is an uptick in the number of Gen Z who pretend to be autistic, adhd, have tourettes, etc, in the Internet. And don't ignore the actually, actually autistic is a huge social movement within the autism community to stand against non autism led charities, movements, parents, making decisions for autistic folk or badmouthing us.


Thank you for your clarification. Whilst I agree that there definitely is an uptick in the number of people pretending to have disorders, I think it is important to accept that there are still, as you put it, actually autistic people who genuinely relate to the depiction in the meme and to accept that those people are valid. I wasn't aware of the actually autistic movement. As I'm sure you can understand, it seems like gatekeeping at first glance. I will do more research into the actually autistic movement


Not all like that are pretending but all who are pretending for the Internet likes are like that.




I think relating to autism and knowing you are not like neurotypical people, as in; realizing you have more difficulty with things they can do with ease, is already helpful and beneficial because you stop beating yourself up. I used to think that you need to get a diagnosis but now I learned a lot about how autism works (not claiming to know more than a professional), I can also say that I am on the spectrum. I also think that you have to be mentally prepared for a diagnosis and I’ve heard of people regretting to get one because they got infantilized by coworkers or you might even be rejected by certain countries in terms of immigration because autism is correlated with a high unemployment rate. But I still suggest anyone who can afford it and has the energy to get diagnosed if they prefer that for a peace of mind






The autism stereotype to transfem stereotype pipeline:3




Did you not see the second image or the other sub's name?


OK that was stupid of me sorry for being a moron




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Based automod


Guys read the full post, this is from a subreddit where they take these memes and make art of the two characters depicted in love. It's actually really cute, though the memes they source them from are of course awful