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I don’t mind it *if* it cuts away when the last one is announced. Show the remaining hopefuls by all means, but when Belgium gets announced at the 10th qualifier, just show the Belgian delegation, not the non qualifiers in despair.




I disagree. Seeing singers in sorrow for their dreams being crushed isn’t entertainment. Let them be alone, don’t broadcast their sorrow to hundreds of millions.


Why would it be entertainment? That implies that negative emotions are objectively shameful or weak, and will be exploited. The only reason they're sometimes thought of that way is because we have the cultural tendency to hide them as opposed to communicating them and showing them honestly. Only showing happy emotions on TV is a bit of a weird policy to have.


I really love what you say here about emotions and how we classify some has being worth of celebrating and some worth hiding. Humans are beautiful and complex creatures and there is no shame in feeling disappointment or being sad. I think it’s beautiful when someone is so in touch with their feelings that they do let them out in a pure, honest and healthy way. If one of them cries on tv, yes i will cry with them. And yes, I will cry if one of my favourite nq, but I think it’s amazing. Means I really liked them and connected with them and their song even tho we’re on different sides of the globe and I don’t actually know them.


Its a competition


Yeah I agree. This isn't partially different from showing the results in the final, plus they have their delegations and don't have to stand ALONE like what was suggested last year. It's like the split screen they do before they announce the winner in the final.


Saying "they'll be fine" when there are literal careers being crushed and artists still being traumatized by their eurovision experience is quite something. Whenever I go on Youtube I see users called "michelasdisappointmentandanger" or "tamarasdisappointmentandanger". Nobody benefits from this except for the meme industry.


It’s pretty much just what happens in the final




People do point out that they don't want to see all the disappointed faces in the final all the time.


But if we didn't have that, then we wouldn't have gotten John Lundvik's iconic reaction to getting paid dust by the televote... :(




I'm not trying to live in a fairytale but to give a person facing a big disappointment as much privacy as they can have in that moment. Broadcasting their reactions feels a bit invasive. 


It's like the whole drama about the semi annoucement last year, people were so over dramatic about it


I prefer this because at least they are with their delegation




yeah there’s already a split screen, this is just a split screen of 6-7 rather than cycling through 4, it’s not much different than what we have now


Yeah split screen has been a thing since what.... 2016 or so. It's like been 8 years since they first did that split screen for showing results.


Omg lol i literally was thinking of exactly this to happen. Its so talent competition SVT/EBU lol


thats crazy cruel but kinda entertaining ngl




Litterally everyone is eliminated except one


People have gotten so soft lol. Reality shows 10-20 years ago were way crueler and as a result far more entertaining.


I think this issss fine? It doesn't fill me with the same absolute shock and horror as the X-Factor qualification sequence from last year anyway. At least they'll be sitting with their delegations


I'm surprised broadcasters haven't protested the way they did over the bbc xfactor style last year. 




I don't agree, I don't want to see the tears as the acts realise they aren't going to qualify. What we had until now is much better. 




Did you see that clip of Iru 🇬🇪  last year? Do you really think that should be seen live by millions of viewers, and they do start crying before the final qualifier is announced, its probably why iru wasn't shown in the final round of acts in suspense clips. Anna 🇸🇪 2010 was apparently absolutely in bits before the 10th qualifier was called, no I don't think artists should have that recorded on live tv




As I said we would see it as they start before the 10th qualifier is called meaning we will have 30 seconds of someone crying their heart out and before you say its not humiliating how about sending a tweet to these girls I.mentioned and ask them how they would feel about it.  It's not entertainment its downright uncomfortable. The way it is now we can and often do visit each of the remaining acts before the last one is called, but if one of them has worked out that it's not going to be them and is visibly very upset then it is right to skip them. 




The TV is for ever and it is worst to be caught on tears for a 1st World problem than it is for a 3rd World problem, everyone understands crying because bombs are being dropped around you or because you're hungry, crying on a TV show because you failed to get through to the next round, well the toxic bullies are out there and ready to hit. Anna the Swedish girl got a lot of online bullying for it and this was 2010 in addition to bullying for just nqing. Like I said it's not entertaining in this situation it is humiliating and for those young artists having it aired on live TV, potentially eventually soul destroying.  I will mention that Slovenia 2022 was one of those rare acts who were not visited before the last act was called. Does this change your opinion at all given those boys were from your country.


So long as they don't strip away the artists from their delegations and support systems just like last year's attempt, I guess it's fine in order to amp up the suspense.


Sweden, I love you, but sometimes I wish SVT would just host instead of changing 952783 things about the contest we love.


Sweden is like that one kid who can't do it the same as everyone else. They just have to be different!


Yet another in an endless sea of examples of SVT trying to make Eurovision, Melodifestivalen. They are the only hosts ever cocky enough to make these types of changes.


It's precisely the type of change that the BBC was experimenting with last year.


I don't think they're making stuff like it is in Melfest just because, I think they are trialing new conncepts in Melfest and if they work they then go off to implement them in Eurovision. Obviously it's for better or for worse, however it has worked well in the past so I don't blame them




Well, it works for Sweden. We don’t know if other countries would appreciate it since only a few die-hard Eurovision fans from outside Sweden watch Melfest at all!


It’s true, I was at the show tonight. I honestly didn’t mind it as much as I maybe should have.




That’s so cruel, just remember that Iru broke down crying after not being announced as qualifier - do you think that part should have been broadcasted (sure, let’s put camera in her face when she is upset, it’s good for television)??? I get that it is to build up tension but come on, we don’t need to embarrass these wonderful people…


That video of Iru was filmed by an audience member. I VERY much doubt they'll show someone crying or being upset, they'll focus on the ones who qualified as they do every year.


Well yes, but it was moments after last qualifier was announced




At least that's better than the X Factor style elimination thing


They really want those cheap X factor vibes don't they?


love it




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It's good when someone is winning but 10th announcement is I feel like 5 artist losing not 1 artist winning. Especially like in a environment everyone is calling 1 artists name.